red-flight · 2 days
He frowned, then shrugged again with a smile. "I believe the term that high command prefers is 'unorthodox', and I've been accused of my methods having evolved a bit as late."
Wedge sat on the edge of the desk, "Ah but how seriously could you take yourself if you were trying to hand in your datawork perhaps with your coat inside out and back to front?"
"I have to admit that by now I've just accepted that you're all weird." Thera reclined back in her chair, tempted to prop her boots up on the desk.
"Wouldn't work on me, though. I can take Wes seriously, so don't underestimate me."
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red-flight · 2 days
"Well, that is a deeply odd thing to say!" [Wedge]
Wedge shrugged, "It worked though. It's hard to turn in a resignation or take yourself too seriously when you're standing with one boot on and the other sitting up on my desk."
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red-flight · 3 days
When Regulus, stood, Kilzan stood as well. It remained immersed in the identity of its host, and its host had a strongly developed sense of 'protection' toward those its perceived as civilians, present example being a young injured cervid. It had to back up to make room as the young human sprouted golden fur, then suddenly increased in mass and began to change shape. It couldn't look away, the whole process was fascinating.
Kilzan felt his host's stomach churn to watch the process, but the parasite wanted that technology more than ever. It imagined what it could do should it possess the ability to morph, or more accurately if its host possessed such an ability. The cervid prince would never offer the cube and its power to a gaspoda... but would it offer it to an ally? Its host, Lieutenant Klivian was friends with Darius the Mandalorian, he had arrived on the planet because it was Darius that summoned the four pilots to assist.
Well, it would continue in its role as 'Hobbie Klivian' and hope that the young prince was naive enough to make the offer.
"The 'morphing' heals your injuries?" Kilzan asked through its host. "Too bad I couldn't do that." It held up both hands and wiggled its fingers, "I lost an arm and two legs in the war against the Empire. Prosthetics work nice, synthflesh is so close to the real thing it's hard to tell the difference, but having to take your arm and legs in for upgrades every few months gets tedious." It folded the pilot's arms and looked at the golden-furred alien.
"General Cracken would love you." He shook his head, "Okay, well, I guess I'll take my bacta wrap back since you don't need it."
🪐 ━━
Regulus stood up and he looked around and he demorphs. His golden fur once again sprouts from his body. He was once again in his golden centaur like body. He had fur all over himself and he had no mouth. His hooves were loud and he has to step back as his regular form is a bit taller.
Regulus soon was done with his demorphing. He took a step back and his hooves clopped as he did. Then his tail! It had a blade at the end.
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His stalk eyes look here and there then back at his new friend. That’s when carried his bag and puts it around his shoulder. < My leg? It’s fine. I had to morph human to heal it, then just like that I am alright. I learnt that morphing can heal injuries and act like to never happened. This is just DNA after all.> He says.
Regulus sits back down but he just shrugged. He crossed his arms and he looked at the other. He remembered he acquired a bird and lizard with Darius. Maybe he can show the bird? He hasn’t morphed it yet too
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red-flight · 3 days
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Friendship Starters, Vol. 3
(Sentences for friends, with an assortment of feelings. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"I can handle my own problems! I've done it for a long time before you came along!"
"Wow! Is this yours?"
"I wonder what your mum would say if she could see us now?"
"Have you ever told your father what you just told me?"
"Don't worry, I can take care of myself!"
"I wish that it could always be like this."
"Is he really your father? He's scary."
"Maybe you should tell me what's bothering you?"
"One day, you'll decide to live a little!"
"My dad doesn't even like me."
"What? Is there some rule against having fun?"
"I will always be there for you when you need me."
"That's the last time we do that!"
"We've been through a lot together. Maybe too much."
"You're not getting rid of me, so get used to it."
"Do you need a hug?"
"Can you at least pretend to enjoy yourself?"
"Don't be so grumpy!"
"So, this is what you do with your retirement?"
"I know you better than you know yourself."
"Well, that is a deeply odd thing to say!"
"I am cool, aren't I?"
"You know me; I'm always careful!"
"Why are you smiling at me like that? It's creeping me out!"
"You're the first person that I've talked to about any of this."
"Don't you ever listen to me?"
"You can't hide out here forever, you know. You have to go home sometime."
"Promise you'll take me with you?"
"You're in a very strange mood today!"
"I came as soon as I saw the morning paper. I thought you might need a friend."
"Remember how much fun we used to have? Why can’t we just have fun like that again? "
"Don't you dare!"
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red-flight · 3 days
their team is their family.
(these could be said to a muse outside of the family, or to a muse inside the family! there are no rules. currently amused by the thought of 'muses overhearing other people say 'let me finish winning' abt their game' though)
the family.
"Stop i- sto- get OFF! It's mine!"
"Give us a sec, he's/she's/they're not finished losing."
"Wait, let me finish losing to (name)."
"You know I can hear you, right?"
"Absolutely not."
"No way we're leaving you behind."
"There's no way (name) would do that."
"Yes, (name), you're very handsome/pretty and everyone should be in love with you."
"My mistake. You're handsome and pretty and everyone is in love with you."
"I'm pretty cute, though."
"Don't listen to them. These guys love me."
"We tolerate you."
"Oh, we're not friends."
"Nice of you to show up."
"Glad to see you're making yourself at home."
"Make yourself maybe a little bit less at home, huh?"
"(Name) really likes you, you know."
"I care about them. You hurt them, you answer to me."
"They're a pain in the ass. Not 'my' pain in the ass. Just a pain."
"(Name) is a good kid. Be nice to them."
"No, if (name) says we jump, we jump."
"Do you trust them?" / "You have no idea."
"Don't listen to 'em. They're just jealous."
"You wanna talk about it?"
"You like him/her/them?"
"I'll take a look."
"Sit down."
"You need someone to check you out, you're not gonna do better than (name)."
"Are you guys always like this?"
"These are the people you hang out with... on purpose?"
"So are you the 'annoying little sibling' or the 'drowned kitten' in this dynamic?"
"Seem like good people."
"These are your guys?"
"So (name)'s good for it?"
"You vouching for them?"
"I can see what you mean about them."
"If (name) told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?"
"You guys love each other."
"Oh, so you won't mind if I ask (name) their opinion, then?"
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red-flight · 3 days
bullying the traumatized
we don't wear kiddy gloves here.
"Who told you it wasn't that bad?"
"Who told you that?"
"I'll fight anyone who says otherwise."
"Yeah, well, news flash: it fucked you up. I can tell."
"It's okay to have shit that fucks you up, you know."
"Ohhhh noooo, you're feeling an emotion."
"God forbid something hurts and you do something about it."
"That's trauma for you."
"Get angry about it."
"I don't know. I expected you to feel something."
"In case it escaped your notice, I care about you!"
"Do you have a death wish?"
"And you decided you were going to stoically suffer in silence and not tell anyone?"
"Got some 'main character syndrome' in you, huh?"
"We're meant to be a team!"
"Then they can go to hell! They don't tell us what we're capable of."
"I'm going to try. I don't care whether you're gonna try with me but I hope you do."
"We've seen worse odds."
"What did you expect? Me to stand there and do nothing?"
"Oh, you have trauma? I didn't notice."
"Oh, grow! Up!"
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red-flight · 4 days
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❝ It’s hard to trust people these days. ❞
# HOOVEDRCYAL : an indie , selective alien oc set in the star wars universe multiple verses are available. written by clare / her & she . minors & personals dni .
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red-flight · 4 days
STAR WARS: EPISODE IV - A NEW HOPE (1977) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
uh... everything's under control. situation normal.
this will be a day long remembered.
in my experience, there's no such thing as luck.
i have you now!
let's blow this thing and go home!
great shot, kid, that was one in a million!
look, a few minutes ago you said you didn't want to just wait here to be captured. now all you want to do is stay?
he doesn't like you.
it's a wonder you're still alive.
no reward is worth this.
i'm surprised that you had the courage to take the responsibility yourself.
the more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.
screaming about it can't help you.
i see your point.
i wonder if he really cares about anything, or anybody.
what is it? some kind of local trouble?
i have the death sentence on twelve systems.
this little one's not worth the effort.
i sense something.
should i have your ship standing by?
you don't believe in the force, do you?
i've flown from one side of the galaxy to the other. i've seen a lot of strange stuff.
there's no mystical energy field that controls my destiny.
the force will be with you, always.
how did my father die?
if there's a bright center to the universe, you're on the planet that it's furthest from.
i don't know what all this trouble is about, but i'm sure it must be your fault.
you watch your language!
we seem to be made to suffer. it's our lot in life.
either i'm going to kill her or i'm beginning to like her.
aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?
the force is strong with this one.
i fear something terrible has happened.
we had a slight weapons malfunction, but... uh. everything's perfectly all right now.
we're fine, we're all fine here now. thank you. how are you?
we're sending a squad up.
we're doomed.
it's not over yet.
i ain't in this for your revolution, and i'm not in it for you.
i expect to be well paid. i'm in it for the money.
use the force, [name].
i find your lack of faith disturbing.
this bickering is pointless.
hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side.
look, your worshipfulness, let's get one thing straight. i take orders from just one person: me.
give us a few minutes to lock it down!
who is this? what's your operating number?
[name], we're gonna have company!
you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. we must be cautious.
let me see your identification.
you can go about your business.
move along.
my ship has fallen under attack.
this is our most desperate hour.
you're my only hope.
i've gotta get home! it's late! i'm in for it as it is!
i'm getting too old for this sort of thing.
look, i can't get involved. i've got work to do.
it's all such a long way from here.
evacuate? in our moment of triumph? i think you overestimate their chances.
we have no weapons!
you're far too trusting.
i recognized your foul stench when i was brought on board.
marching into a detention area is not what i had in mind.
that's what i'm afraid of.
this is all your fault.
i don't know who you are or where you came from, but from now on you'll do as i tell you, okay?
surely he must be dead by now.
i have something here for you.
there was nothing you could have done.
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red-flight · 6 days
It had been almost two years since she'd come from Sol to the Known Galaxy, but every now and again, the Exo just had one of those nights - ones filled with nightmares and old terrors. Hive this time, Hive pulling her down into the depths of the Prison of Elders where Cayde-6 met his death... and she wasn't keen on returning to those nightmares just yet.
With her own cot blanket folded in her arms, Echo hung her head and knocked on Wes and Hobbie's door. She didn't know if her voice would travel through the door, so she clicked on her comm link instead.
"Hey guys?" she said softly over the comms. "Can I... hunker down with you two for a while? It's turning out to be a night..."
-- Echo-17 - @mantleoflight
The knocking was faint, enough so that at first only one half of the blanket-bundled lump shifted. A year and a half on the frozen ball of Hoth and the cold never got easier. It hadn't taken long for Wes and Hobbie to disassemble their bunks and arrange the beds pushed together. They'd laid a thick comforter and an opened sleeping bag across them to make a single mattress, and the two pilots were huddled under a second sleeping bag-comforter blanket.
When the knock came again and was followed by a quick chirp of the com, Wes stumbled for the door and palmed it open. He was dressed in heavy sleep clothes and danced a bit as even thick socks didn't keep the cold from seeping up through the floor. When he saw it was Echo standing at the door he brightened and immediately wrapped her in a hug. "Warm." Wes hummed happily, "You go ahead and kick Hobbs out if you want he's all boney and elbows and hogs the blankets." The blanket huddle in question huffed with annoyance, but moved further over to make room.
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red-flight · 6 days
friendly reminder that even if i take ages to reply, i still want to roleplay with you
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red-flight · 6 days
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New hat. All set for boating tomorrow.
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red-flight · 12 days
Psst come play with Tajur.
Thinking about my Mando OC Tajur. He was a trainer on Kamino, raised with the troopers by his father and eventually taking over training his father's troopers.
And just, how heartbroken Tajur was to see his troopers turn on the Republic and never knowing why.
Yup I'd love for Tajur to meet some of the troopers who've made it out of the Empire.
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red-flight · 13 days
The young man nodded. He watched as the last few crates were stacked carefully in the hold. Each one of them had been a sleight box, specialized cargo containers that had small personal repulsors built in. Not exactly incriminating, but it meant that the boxes essentially weighed nothing and so it was impossible to even guess what they might be packed with.
A fake cargo manifest and disguised crates.
Wedge walked away to double-check the netting the prevented the crates from shifting around during flight and then satisfied that they were secured returned to Hera. "Don't mention it. Really, don't." One of the sentients that had loaded the cargo passed him a datapad and he signed it, then had the forms downloaded to his own personal pad. He shoved it deep into his coat.
"It's getting pretty obvious." He told the twi'lek woman once the spaceport crew left, "That the only way to make any credits hauling cargo is get creative with the datawork." Smuggling. "Booster says you play aboveboard or I wouldn't agree to it." Wedge nodded toward the cockpit. "Where's this load going?"
@red-flight from x
Hera never liked this part of her job. Lying to Imperials was one thing; there was a certain satisfaction in knowing she had them fooled. But hiding information from her own allies was difficult, especially when she knew they could tell something was up (and they often did; being so good at deception tended to make you good at spotting it in others). She hadn't liked it back when she was leader of her cell, and she didn't like it now as leader of a squadron.
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But like it or not, she understood the use of it. Some things were better left unknown, for all parties involved. "Thank you. I wouldn't ask this of you if it wasn't important." These supplies would help build a bigger, broader network, one they'd need if they wanted any hope of defeating the Empire; and in times like these, stealth and secrecy was the name of the game. Even if he found it distasteful, like she did, she hoped he at least understood.
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red-flight · 13 days
"Not my waters." The parasite puppeteered its host to answer, "I'm New Republic Starfighter Command." Hobbie's voice was nearly always deadpan or mournful sounding and the parasite kept it that way. It tilted the pilot's head to the side to look at the awkward young man and furrowed its brows. Hobbie was blonde and had dark eyes that narrowed a touch as the parasite tried to make sense of the statements.
"I meant today, your accident today." It said, "The one your leg is all busted up from."
The parasite fumbled the first aid kid as it was digging out a large bacta-soaked wrap. "Cervid?" It asked and there was a slight hitch to the voice now, the parasite covered it up easily and immediately the host's voice was once more level, but still very interested as it looked at Regulus again. "Darius told us about a shape-shifter. That's you?" And then, right there was the cube ... was that the cube that they had long wanted to possess?
And yet, there was no crack in the parasite's disguise. The host, Hobbie had often done undercover missions himself and the parasite drew on that experience and it's own to keep itself under control. It loved it's host's wealth of knowledge and skills, it made things so much easier. The parasite deftly unrolled the bacta-soaked bandage wrap and began winding it around the injured leg. It looked at the small glowing cube and then tied off the bandage, "I don't get it. What's that have to do with shapeshifting or busting up your leg?"
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The dark haired prince blinked. He then stopped. This Lieutenant seemed so curious about him. Little did he know about the Parasite in his brain. Why can’t Regulus sense it? Maybe this man had his helmet on the whole time. Regulus cannot see into the eyes. The dark haired prince still remembered Dairus, as he sensed there was a parasite in his head. The young prince chuckled. " I landed in a lake you see, my ship crashed, and I had to swim with my four legs. Your waters were cold and it took me a while to get dry." He says. Regulus' ship was not ready for the atmosphere conditions.
As for his human morph , well he really hoped that human male was alright. He did sense nothing happened afterwards. Regulus just saw the male scream when he saw him so, he had no other choice. " Cervid ships are still not perfect, though we focused more on our.." He looked at the bag he was carrying. He opened it to reveal the blue morphing cube. " Morphing abilities than other things."
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red-flight · 14 days
i apologize to everyone waiting on things. new verse has been chewing on the brain all day. i haven't forgotten you guys.
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red-flight · 14 days
"Hi, guys!" Echo called, waving as she practically skipped into the hanger. It was her first day back on Coruscant since joining the Wraiths and the Exo was thrilled to see Tycho and Hobbie! Wedge and Wes had had their time with her as one of their Wraiths, and now she was eager to see the rest of her unofficially adopted brothers!
Her ghost, a small, palm-sized drone with a toothed, rhombus-shaped shell zipped along with her. Despite her prickly personality, Whisper was also pleased to see the other two Rogues in good health. "Tycho, Hobbie!" Whisper chimed, zipping over to them. "Good to see you! Let me get a good look at ya!"
As was customary after every mission she was around, Whisper gave Tycho a full body scan, bathing him in cerulean light as she orbited around him. "Huh! Y'know, I think you're doing better than the last time I saw you, Tych," the ghost said approvingly. "Rogue Lead is looking good on you!"
Giving him a brisk, approving nod, Whisper swiveled in the air and looked over at Hobbie. "You're turn Hobbs. Let's make sure those prosthetics are fitting as well as they should!" With that, the ghost began orbiting the second pilot, bathing him with the light of her scanner as well. -- Echo-17 & Whisper -- @mantleoflight
As usual, Coruscant swarmed with so many beings that moving along any of the pedestrian platforms was a feat all its own. The two pilots had made their escape as quickly as they could after having ventured away from the Palace district. Wes had returned to the planet with some of his 'baby pilots' in tow and had quickly drug Hobbie off to help with an "errand" for Wedge.
Tycho hadn't asked when Hobbie eventually reappeared some hours later, no Wes to be seen. Both looked up when their names were called, smiles quickly in place for both Echo and Whisper. The Alderannian shook his head indulgently for the ghost, "Whisper, you know that most beings consider it quite rude to greet them with invasive scans."
Next to him, Hobbie was already bristling as Whisper turned her eye his way. At least, the parasite controlling the pilot was - and it was only partially an act. It knew that Hobbie was known for desiring his personal space, disliking anything that seemed to intrude on his autonomy, anything that might make him seem like an object. That dislike was only half an act as for the parasite, a sudden real concern about detection reared its head.
Internally, the pilot himself was suddenly making quite a racket. Itself a rarity these days. As the parasite deftly moved away from the scanner with a deep scowl in place and chastising, "Take that somewhere else, Whisper! My prosthetics are fine", Hobbie himself was trying desperately to keep them in place long enough for the scans to penetrate.
[Whisper!] The pilot kept repeating the names of all three of the beings, [Echo! Tycho!] Like screeching them in the confines of his mind would make the words actually be heard, [Whisper its here, right here!] Such an outpouring of emotion, the parasite laughed - outloud even. The sound was meant for his host, enjoying as it tortured itself and the parasite didn't have to do anything to help the torment along.
"Oh sure." It complained back in Hobbie's deadpan voice, "Tycho goes and takes my job and somehow he gets better health scores for it. It don't think those grey hairs of his agree with your assessment, Whisper."
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red-flight · 14 days
for hobbie.
“ It doesn’t hurt not really..”
The parasite rolled the pilot's eyes. It had been playing the part of Lieutenant Klivian for months now and had his mannerisms and voice copied to perfection.
"Don't tell someone who's survived more crashes than you'll ever see that something doesn't hurt." The parasite said. His host, despite being one of the best pilots in the galaxy, or perhaps because he was one of the best, had survived more downed fighters than anyone had a right to.
He, unaware that the young man sitting on the hardstand was a cervid prince, held the injured man in place with one hand and dug through a small first aid kit with the other. "Pain is pain. What were you doing? Trying to fly a skimmer like a fighter or something?"
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