#otp: anchor in the storm
fishandships · 8 months
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thank you YET AGAIN @singingdeepinme for this mental image that has been living in my head rent-free for days ;w;
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shadowsong26fic · 1 year
In the Snow
Author: shadowsong26
'Verse: Feredar
Rating: G
Characters: Taz, Dallu
Warnings: Not for this, I don't think!
Notes: Written for the Year of the OTP event. January prompt: snow.
(I am also doing this for Star Wars, BSG, and two of my other original ‘verses, if you’re interested in checking those out! One ship per canon. The fanfic ones will be posted to AO3 probably a day or two after they’re on tumblr. Master list of all fills can be found here.)
For most of her life, after the first time she saw it and got past the wonder, Taz had mostly thought of snow as something of an inconvenience. It didn’t snow often at sea, and when it looked like it might, Dallu usually worked it away. Pretty it might be, but ice in the rigging was dangerous.
But one time, when she and her Glory were anchored offshore for repairs after a bit of a misunderstanding with Asendar’s navy, maybe a year after Dallu had joined her, a storm moved in and he didn’t bother moving it off.
She’d been busy, hadn’t noticed until she felt the first flakes swirling in the air around her. At first, she’d been annoyed--she’d hoped to get back on the move as quick as possible, and even if snow wasn’t really a danger at the moment, it would slow them down.
And then she found him, standing on the beach, head tilted up to feel the snow as it fell all around him, and the smile he was wearing…
It wasn’t the kind of smile that made her want to pull his shirt off and have some fun; it was softer than that. And she remembered that, unfamiliar it might be to her, but snow probably reminded him of home.
She snuck up behind him, making the snowflakes dance around him until he laughed, then caught him with a kiss and hell with the delays. He was happy. Not happier than she’d ever seen him, she knew damn well how to make her pale, pretty Dallu happy.
But after that, she didn’t resent the snow quite so much. Not if it could make him smile like that.
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taehyuniverse · 2 years
Within the Waves
“No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us.”
Bible stories may not have the sweetest lines as we have seen in those fantasy fairytales we grew reading. There is no any prince charming who will give a true love’s kiss, or any fairy godmother who will let you dance until midnight. The Bible reveals God’s promises -- unending, unwavering, forever-enduring Love. There is no guarantee that you will be problem-free. Your burdens will always be there. But one thing is for sure, God is carrying it for you. Your mind may be clouded at some time, but God’s love is there to comfort your heart.
“I have loved you with an everlasting love.” Jeremiah 31:3
Just as how Jesus parted the Red Sea for Moses, for every trials we encounter, God’s love paved a road for us to walk  with Him. As how David fought Goliath with a stone, God’s love can turn our slight sting of hope to mountains of faith. As how God closed the lion’s mouth for Daniel, God’s love is able to break any chains hindering us to obey Him.
Just how God stayed with Jonas inside the whale, God’s love is far-reaching, that often times we tend to forget Him, He is powerful to place us where He wants us to be. Just how Noah was saved from the flood, God’s love is strongly anchored in us, that despite of the overwhelming storms of life, we can surpass its waves.
My dear youth, Smell how fragrant those flowers. Taste how sweet those chocolates are. Pick the nicest gift you can. We may be swayed by all kinds of love the world can offer, but let us cling to the One who made love itself. He alone is Love. God’s love has always been carved deep in our soul before we truly felt its existence. All kinds of love in the world, but I hope and pray that Jesus will be always our OTP. (One true pair)
He is filling us every morning that we may be able to live out His love. He gives us more than enough, our cup overflows. He loves us when we don’t deserve it. That is how great His love for us. That is how great we are in God’s love.
We turned to him hopefully. We learned to seek him faithfully. We thirst to worship wholeheartedly. Faith, hope, love; but the greatest of these is Love.
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fandom-101 · 3 years
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fatefulfaerie · 2 years
Frosted Windows
December OTP prompt #20/31
White ice curdled on the ocean’s surface much like it collected on the windows of the creaking ship, fractals melding and refracting alongside the glass.
The boat rocked ever so slightly as it glid upon the icy waters, slowly nudging the ice out of the way to clear it’s path. The boat rocked as if to provide comfort, like lulling to sleep a baby in their crib. Yet the teeth of the crew on deck were chattering up on a storm on their own, and even the crew below deck were bundled up so much that they looked like heaps of blankets playing cards.
It was two weeks ago that the weather started to take a turn for the worse. Tetra gave the order to drop the anchor and wait out the cold below deck, but Link was gradually getting sicker and sicker and her crew insisted that she stop being so damn selfless. They insisted that they would be able to brave the cold in order to continue on and find a doctor somewhere on these seas. It’s why they refused to complain now. Link was a cemented part of the crew, having first stepped on the ship five years ago to find his sister. Now he was seventeen, in love with their captain, and a great friend to them all.
And, if they didn’t find land soon, he would die.
“Link?” Tetra said, approaching their bed in her cabin with a glass of fresh water. She pulled up a wooden chair and set the water down on the bedside table.
“Link?” she repeated, sweeping his overgrown blonde bangs away from his sweaty forehead. He looked more pale than ever and his blue eyes barely opened. “You need to hydrate. Do you want me to help lift your head?”
If Link meant to shake his head, it didn’t show.
“I can do it,” he said with a hoarse voice, his sore throat depleting his youthfulness. Tetra’s eyes sank in pity for perhaps the millionth time over the past two weeks, her gaze studying the blonde stubble dotted around his jawline and the dark, sunken bags of fatigue under his eyes, from many nights of sleep robbed by sickness and discomfort.
It seemed to sap all of Link’s strength to push against the bed and sit up against the headboard, his eyes shut tight and a heavy wince in his expression showed. This young man had battled hundreds of foes and yet this sickness brought him closer to demise than anything. Tetra’s heart swam, drowning in worry as she handed him the water and watched him drink it.
Link actually shook his head.
“Tetra, don’t start.”
“Just because you don’t want to, doesn’t mean you won’t. We might have to start accepting that–”
“I’m not fighting this hard to stay with you for it all to be for nothing.”
Link’s voice was stern, and Tetra’s eyes started to water. It wasn’t because of his words, but his condition, because of the horizon she watched that was empty of islands, because of her uselessness in helping him get any better. She got him water, she made him soup, she comforted him, she used up all the fairies and potions they had and it still did nothing. He only got worse.
Her breaths hiccuped and she fell into Link’s arms, her shoulders shaking as she weeped. Link held her loosely, but firmly, one hand petting her unrestrained blonde hair and the other clasping her waist. He kissed the top of her head.
“I love you, Tetra,” Link said. “Nothing will ever change that. Nothing.”
“I love you too,” Tetra replied. “But I still want you alive, at least for several decades or so.”
She focused her ears on the thumping of his heart in his chest and breathed in tune with him. She almost fell asleep…
“Land Ho!” She heard loudly from above. She stood up so quickly that the wooden chair knocked over. Link was lightly smiling. It was likely the biggest smile he could manage.
“Looks like you may just get your wish,” Link said, reaching out and grabbing her hand. She blinked away tears of joy.
In a rush to get on deck, she lurched forward and kissed Link on the lips to express her relief, Link craning his neck to continue in the exchange just a few seconds longer.
“Stay right here,” Tetra said, tightening her grip so that Link would know to listen. “We’ll bring whatever healer we find to the ship. “I don’t want to see you walking around, and you know I hid your sword, so there’s no use finding it. We’ll spar when you get better.”
Link smirked.
“I like the sound of that.”
Tetra scoffed and hit him with a pillow, Link laughing until his lungs erupted into a fit of coughing, reminding Tetra to rush to find a doctor at the island they’d found. She pecked his cheek and ran out.
“Don’t move!”
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sarcasticfina · 3 years
Fic Writer Tag Game
How many works do you have on AO3? 263
What’s your total AO3 word count? 4,901,188
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they? including the fandoms on FFnet, that haven't yet been moved over to ao3, that'd be a total of 37. separating the larger fandoms (marvel, dcu) into their individual parts: Thor; Arrow; Smallville; The Vampire Diaries; Glee; Captain America; Supernatural; Teen Wolf; Iron Man; Life with Derek; Firefly; Friday Night Lights; X-Men; Fantastic Four; Harry Potter; Sons of Anarchy; Girl Meets World; Batman; Daredevil; From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series; Transformers; Lost Girl; Game of Thrones; Banshee; High School Musical; The OC; One Tree Hill; CSI: New York; Degrassi; Gossip Girl; NCIS; The Unusuals; Criminal Minds; iCarly; Secret Life of the American Teenager; Twilight; and The Listener
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. and I wonder (if everything could ever feel this real forever) - darcy/bucky - Steve tells him that Darcy's harmless. Bucky imagines, on paper, Darcy is harmless. HYDRA wouldn't give her a second glance. But he does. He can barely keep his eyes off her. He's not sure he wants to. | Kudos: 5576
2. I Climbed The Tree To See The World (When The Gusts Came Around To Blow Me Down, I Held On As Tightly As You Held On To Me) - darcy centric | darcy/steve - The path to self-discovery, including becoming Coulson's assistant-slash-liaison-slash-bff, Captain America's lady love, and rating fourth on the SHIELD BAMF scale, was like the yellow brick road; it was chaos and confusion around every bend. | Kudos: 3973
3. Take a little piece of my heart (and keep it for yourself) - oliver/felicity - A collection of Olicity prompts on Tumblr posted here for easier access/reading. | Kudos: 3498
4. You put your arms around me (and I'm home) - darcy/bucky - A collection of Darcy/Bucky oneshots, drabbles, and prompt fills. | Kudos: 3293
5. you (anchor me back down) - darcy/bucky - "I'll be right back." Famous last words. | Kudos: 2747
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? not all of them. i do try to keep up on them, especially on longer stories when there's been significant wait times in between chapters, or when a reader is asking a question or is unclear on something. and especially when someone writes a really indepth comment/review, i like to respond to those and talk about motivations and character growth.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? I've written a number of fics that either had suicide or major character death, so i'm not sure if one outranks the other in terms of most angsty... hmm... i remember "be still and know that I'm with you (be still and know that I am here)" and "light a match, burn the world to ash (I will watch it die, and hold your hand as I fly)" both got some pretty intense reactions when they were posted. And "It's Your Song That Sets Me Free (I Sing It While I Feel I Can't Go On)" was basically just angst from beginning to end. buuuuut, i think i'll say "so you think you can tell (heaven from hell" was, only because there's a build up of everything going so right, only to pivot at the end, so it feels very bittersweet.
Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written? i loooooove crossovers. i find writing in the marvel fandom makes things quite easy, but also smallville. as long as i can find a common thread, i enjoy finding a way to overlap two shows. i'll say the hardest one to write was "ruby red slippers (unavailable in her size)." I'm not sure why, but i found writing each personality together just felt strange. i liked the idea behind the story, but i definitely remember feeling like i was really forcing myself to keep going, like something just didn't fit right.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? oh, definitely. you cannot please everyone, it's impossible. for the most part, hate comes and i either argue back, take the criticism for what it's worth, or just ignore it when it's baseless. i think the hate that bothered me the most was a homophobic PM someone sent me re: "you know I will adore you ('til eternity)," on FFnet. i actually went and searched it up. they've since blocked me so i can't read our whole thread back and forth. but i did put part of it on tumblr so i could rant on it a bit, so you can see that here.
Do you write smut? If so what kind? ha. yes. depending on the story, it can be really detailed or really flowery. it depends on the ship, the plot, and how graphic i feel like being. i've definitely become more comfortable over the years with my writing. that said, i think everybody likes something different. i once had a reviewer tell me a sex scene was too much, just too intense. it was a stefan/caroline story and to be fair, that entire oneshot was just them fucking, lol, but it is what it is. to each their own.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Multiple times.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! for the record, i am always happy to have my stories translated and shared. i just like having a link sent to me and to be credited.
What’s your all time favorite ship? i have a list of OTPs, because interests change and as shows come and go, my love for a ship can be shelved for a while before it pops back up at random. currently, i can't get enough of buck/eddie from 9-1-1. and, historically, chloe/oliver (smallville) and felicity/oliver (arrow) have been two of my top OTPs. but i think i'd have to go with bonnie/damon. they had all the potential and the show dropped the ball by not exploring it. at the same time, that's kind of a blessing, because i don't trust those writers to properly explore what they had without eventually destroying it for the likes of de/ena. it means a treasure trove for writing where it could have gone and all the what if's.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will? the intention is always to finish. but given how i feel about allison mack and how that impacts my feelings re: chloe sullivan, pretty much anything with her as a main character is not something i see myself returning to.
What are your writing strengths? What are your writing weaknesses? i'm putting these together because my strength is my weakness. i love to write. when i get an idea, i go all in and i will skip eating and sleeping to just write write write. but i also eventually hit a wall and i get so many ideas that i hyperfocus on one until the steam is gone and then i hyperfocus on the next one to maintain that need to keep writing, accidentally leaving the last story in the dust for entirely too long. i also have clinical depression that comes and goes, which hasn't been super great mixed with covid and isolation, so more often recently, i find myself overly exhausted and despite wanting to write, can rarely get motivated to do so. so, pre-covid, wrote so much i left entirely too many stories dangling. during covid, i've just been reading and struggling to get myself focused enough to do what i love.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? i appreciate the authenticity when possible, but i've recently been reading more about how native speakers of other languages feel when a) their language is butchered by google translate, or b) it's just not genuine in terms of how bilingual speakers act or speak.
What was the first fandom you’ve written for? it was smallville, but i remember adopting it out to someone else because i wasn't going to finish it. so if you look at my ffnet, the first fandom i wrote for appears to be x-men: the movie, but i remember writing a chloe/oliver story prior to that.
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written? i have a lot. i mean, on ffnet, i have 576 stories, many of which were transferred over to ao3, with a lot of oneshots and drabbles getting joined together into collections. so there's a ton to pick from that span a 14-ish year timeline.
"you know I will adore you ('til eternity)" and "let me break (the walls that surround me)" hold a special place in my heart.
honestly, each story is important in its own way. there are bits and pieces of each that i love. every time i write something new it feels like my favorite. my best. and then a new idea comes along. there are scenes i've written that i loved more than the whole of what they became. lines that stand out that are almost too good to be a part of the larger picture.
one of my all time favorite passages i've written was bonnie's thoughts on damon and herself in 'if you love me (let me go)":
He is far from perfect. He is a novel of red, corrective ink. He is frayed pages and torn binding. His life, his choices, his mistakes leave lasting effects on everyone he meets.
She is a lifeboat with a hole in it. An anchor that drowns in the sea while everyone else remains steady above. She is both the calm and the storm, and while she screams that she will not be tamed, she cries. Bittersweet tears that go unnoticed and uncared about.
there are other stories, other pieces of dialogue, that i've been proud of. that make me laugh when i re-read them. that make me cry. and i love them. there are others that make me wilt and cringe and regret. it's a process. love and pride and growth, all bound together.
Tagging: @absentlyabbie, @anonymous033, and anyone else who'd like to fill this all out, haha
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vanishcd · 7 years
@bansheeintuition @hastodosomething @frenchones @valeureux
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thosefookinavacados · 3 years
Thanks for the tag @avocadolouis28 @farawaytatmybeloved and @tanktop-lou !! This took a while haha
Fav genre? Indie-Pop, Indie-Folk, Indie-alternative, Alternative-rock, Pop-Rock and Filmi (That is, 60s', 70s', 80s' bollywood)
Fav artist? Taylor Swift & One Direction (most of their solo stuff too)
Most listened song recently? The 1, Taylor Swift
Song currently stuck in your head? Always, Ashe
5 fav lyrics? Okay this is so hard I've got pages of my fav lyrics but here goes nothing: "Take the words for what they are, a dwindling mercurial high, a drug that only worked the first few hundred times." - illicit affairs, Taylor Swift "क्यों मैं तूफाँ से डरूँ मेरा साहिल आप हैं // कोई तूफानों से कह दे मिल गया साहिल मुझे" - आपकी नज़रों ने समझा, Lata Mangeshkar (Lyrics by Raja Mehdi Ali Khan) (Translation: Why should I fear the storms when you are my shore? Someone tell the storms that I've found my anchor.) "All the lonely shadow dances from the cradle to the grave, it's a solo song, and it's only for the brave." - Only The Brave, Louis Tomlinson "We can't control all the outcomes, let go of the reins, ride the rhythm." - River Road, ZAYN "Do you miss the rogue who coaxed you into paradise and left you there?" - Coney Island, Taylor Swift ft. The National
Radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
Fav book genre? Romance/Mythology/Mystery
Fav writer? Agatha Christie, Jane Austen, Sudha Murthy and Oscar Wilde
Fav book? Murder on the Orient Express
Fav book series? The Shiva Triology by Amish
Comfort book? The mother I never had by Sudha Murthy (And Escapade, if fanfiction counts)
Perfect book to read on a rainy day? I like reading plays on rainy days. A Midsummer Night's Dream or Romeo and Juliet!
Fav characters? I dunno
5 quotes from your fav book that you know by heart? I know a dialogue from Romeo and Juliet which I absolutely ADORE: "My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; The more I give thee, the more I have, for both are infinite." It basically means her for him is as deep as the sea and the more love she gives him the more she gets backs because their love is limitless. I cri.
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator  | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
fav tv/movie genre? I'm not picky when it comes to movies but Rom-coms/Action/Coming of age/Anything gay
fav movie? The half of it
comfort movie? PRIDE AND PREJUDICE, Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani and Love Simon
movie you watch every year? Tangled and Love Simon
fav tv show? Ooh Nver Have I Ever and Young Royals
comfort tv show? Love, Victor
most rewatched tv show? Don't have one
ultimate otp? Simon and Wilhelm
5 fav characters? Fabiola (Never Have I Ever) Sara (Young Royals) Felice (Young Royals) Felix (Love Victor) Mobius (Loki)
Tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons(22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging |one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on (I'm not neurotypical your honour) or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online|
This was fun!! Tagging @herefortommo @saintqueer @dyingstars-x @starburns @stylinsuns & @louisnewera !!
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oyeedraw · 4 years
Lorath for the character ask! :3
How I feel about this character- He is a puppy.- I really like him being an anchor of reality for both the Nephalem and Tyrael. It was super nice to see someone ingame, who was properly written to care about the gang.- I don’t quite remember what he did in Storm of Light beside being a history nerd, but I liked his dad.- I need to think a little more about this guy. He hangs out with Tyrael a lot in the askblog too, but he is more a cushioning character there? Someone who helps with Horadrim things?
All the people I ship romantically with this character- Lorath/Tyrael because they get on well and it would be kind of funny/heart warming?- Personally I’m not super invested in the Kadala/Lorath thing being hinted at, but I don’t mind it either. I’m just meh about it.
My non-romantic OTP for this character- Lorath/Tyrael, because it would work either way.
My unpopular opinion about this character- … I don’t think I can give one? And I haven’t really ran into any debate regarding him? He is a good boi.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.- Him and Imperius (or any council member) having to talk to eachother. The mortal cast barely interacts with anyone from the Silvercity.
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fishandships · 6 months
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@singingdeepinme victimized me with an imagine that i HAD to drop everything and draw (based off a scene from Aladdin)
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galfridus1 · 5 years
Happy Birthday Maja
Hope you have a wonderful day @emo-hedgehog-zeldris! Have some of your OTP, some snow, some angst and hopefully a bit of a happy ending.
Snow, pure and sparkling in the pale winter sunlight, crunched under his boots as he paced into the forest. Apart from his footsteps there was not a sound to be heard, the white powder swallowing up all noise to leave a silence ringing on the air. There were signs of life though. The ground showed tracks of a cloven hooved animal, presumably an elk, which appeared to have meandered through the trees at random, and the odd three-toed footprint of some sort of bird that had no doubt attempted to forage for sustenance. But nothing was moving now, no matter how hard he strained his ears. It was quiet and cold and very, very still.
“Arthur,” he called loudly, his voice booming and he winced at the noise. “This is a really, really bad idea.”
A slight echo was the only response. “Come on,” he snapped impatiently, gloved hands clenching into fists at his sides. “This is utterly stupid. Can’t we just go home?”
Still no reply. Zeldris sighed and strode forward, batting stray branches out of his way. The forest was full of pine, the aroma of resin floating over the frost and the green fronds of the trees bending with little piles of snow. His eyes darted from left to right, noting trunk after trunk and nothing but snow on the ground. There were no landmarks to speak of, just an endless stretch of woodland. Narnia must be like this, he thought to himself as he went further in, watching closely for any sign of anything that might give away Arthur’s location. Perhaps if he looked hard enough he would find a wardrobe full of coats.
“This isn’t funny!” he complained. The wet was beginning to seep through the wool of his gloves to freeze his fingers and his toes were also starting to ache. “I hate the outdoors,” he muttered to himself, wrapping his arms tightly around himself. “It’s too… unpredictable.”
He should just concede, tell Arthur he was, in fact, the best of the two of them at surviving in the wild - which he was, Zeldris had to acknowledge - and then they could leave and salvage what was left of the weekend. They had not been going out long and every moment was precious. It was his own boasting that had got him into this mess. Why on earth had he said there was nothing Arthur could do that he could not do better? Zeldris opened his mouth, but no sound would come out. Clearly Arthur was better at hiding in the woods than he was and yet still he could not admit defeat. He would just have to find him so this game could end.
More stealthily now, Zeldris crept behind a tree, casting a glance back along the way he had come. There were his tracks plain to see, and a few broken branches along with a marked absence of snow on the spiky leaves. Arthur must have left some sort of trace, he just had to find it. He looked around carefully, scanning the scene for anything that looked out of place, holding his breath as he saw it: a string of red wool caught on a branch some twenty feet or so off, the vibrant crimson standing out against the snow. It had to have come from Arthur’s red scarf. Smiling to himself, Zeldris began to move, stepping on the roots of the trees near the base of the trunks in an attempt to conceal his movements.
Carefully, he drew closer to the red that dangled down, lifeless in the absence of breeze, focusing on his destination and the placement of his feet. It was slow progress but he gradually made his way close to the strand of wool, and began to look around for other signs of the man he was hunting. He had almost reached the spot when he felt it, a sudden shift in the air, a tension and a buzz of excitement. He stiffened, determining to turn to face the threat when a faint whistle called and then, not even a second later, something very wet and horribly cold smacked him hard in the neck, the crack resounding through the woods. He yelled as whatever it was started to drip down inside his shirt, crawling like ice along his spine.
The laughter that followed made his teeth ache. “That. Was. Amazing!” Arthur exclaimed as he trotted up towards him. Zeldris did not turn round as his boyfriend approached, doing his best to control his rising temper. “You are so bad at this,” Arthur added with a chuckle. “I’ve been following you for ages. I could have got you with a snowball so many times it’s not even funny, but I wanted to see what you’d do and it was hilarious.”
“And why are you so good at it exactly?” Zeldris snapped as he finally whipped round, rubbing the back of his neck and shaking to displace some of the now-liquid snow. “You’ve left no tracks at all! What are you, some sort of ghost?”
Arthur snickered. “Oh, no I just know my way around. I spent a lot of time in these woods. Once I lived out here for nearly a month, or maybe it was a bit more,” said Arthur thoughtfully, his brows furrowing together. “Something like that anyway. It was a long time ago. I was only a kid at the time.”
“Why were you living out here?” Zeldris asked, curious in spite of his irritation. “Don’t tell me, it was some sort of environmental protest or to raise money for something worthy. You’re too bloody noble for your own good sometimes.”
Arthur shrugged. “Guilty,” he said with a grin. “I do like to help out where I can and the planet is important, whatever you say. But no, I lived out here for a spell because I ran away from home and I didn’t have much choice.”
“You ran away from home?” Zeldris looked at him closely, examining Arthur carefully. “What happened?” he asked more softly.
Arthur pursed his lips, then shook his head. “Aww, it was no big deal,” he replied. “Just… you know, one of those things. My family don’t like me very much and I thought, well, I thought they’d be better off without me. They certainly said so quite a few times. I stayed out here for as long as I could, then school noticed my clothes were… pretty gross, I guess. They made me go back. Well, I say back. I went into a children’s home, which is an experience I would not recommend. But this is all gloomy,” Arthur said with another chuckle, “and all in the past. No harm done. Let’s talk about something else.”
“I ran away too,” Zeldris whispered, swallowing hard as Arthur’s eyes snapped to his. “But I didn’t live in the woods,” he added acerbically.
“What happened?” Arthur asked, mirroring his own words.
Zeldris bit his lip. “My father is… he was fine when I was young, nice even. We used to get on really well. Then… something happened. His personality changed, and I don’t really know why. He started drinking. A lot. And he started to hate me. Really, really hate me. I remember one day, I was thirteen, I was heading out of the house to see a friend and he stopped me, lent down right into my face and squeezed my shoulder hard, really hard, and said, ‘Get out of my sight you pathetic shit’. I hadn’t done anything.”
Zeldris paused, forcing himself to suck in a deep breath. “Anyway, I decided not to go back home that night. When I left my friend’s house I just walked around, just walking the streets. It wasn’t really running away as such, I just didn’t want to go home. That was when Mel found me. My eldest brother, Meliodas,” he explained as Arthur cocked his head to one side. “He drove around the city looking for me. My other brother, Estarossa, must have called him to say I hadn’t got home and he came to find me. Mel brought me up after that. Got me through college. I haven’t seen my father since.”
Arthur’s arms were around him, tight and comforting, before he had even finished his sentence. He hugged Arthur back, the two pressing their cheeks together. Zeldris closed his eyes, throat stinging hard, unable to hold back the tears that leaked under his lashes. “I’m sorry,” he murmured into Arthur’s ear. “Your family don’t know what they’re missing.”
“We’re family now,” Arthur replied, his voice muffled and choked. Zeldris felt Arthur’s heart beat against his own as they clung together, an anchor amidst a furious storm. He was right, Zeldris thought as the warmth of their embrace banished the chill. Whatever else happened, whatever life held, they had each other and that is what mattered.
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I could send you a ship - sooo many ships, for you to make a playlist for but I think this one would be more fun if I left it up to you; YOUR main ship. The one you love. Your OTP. Create a 5-song playlist for them ^_^
OOOF okay so my main ship is definitely SweetA, they’re my number one forever, but since I answered one for them here, I’ll do my second two favourites!!!
Selena x Derek
For The Keeping, Wayward Daughter (You're my anchor and my lighthouse in the storm)
Lego House, Ed Sheeran (And out of all these things I've done // I think I love you better now)
Little Red Riding Hood, Laura Gibson (I'll try and be satisfied just to walk close by your side)
Falling Slowly, Once (You have suffered enough // and warred with yourself // it's time that you've won)
New Year’s Day, Taylor Swift (But I stay when you're lost and I'm scared and you're turning away)
Nikki x Peter 
It’s Nice To Have A Friend, Taylor Swift (Call my bluff, call you "babe" // Have my back, yeah, everyday)
Lucky Ones, Lana Del Rey (Every now and then, the stars align // Boy and girl meet by the great design // Could it be that you and me are the lucky ones?)
A Million Dreams, The Greatest Showman (I think of what the world could be // A vision of the one I see // A million dreams is all it's gonna take // Oh, a million dreams for the world we're gonna make)
Young Blood, Bea Miller (We've got young blood // Can't destroy us // We make our own luck in this world // We've got young blood // No one chose us // We make our own love in this world)
Find You, Ruelle (I'll be the light that leads you home // When there's nowhere left to go // I'll be the voice you always know // When you're lost and all alone // I won't let you go)
Send me a ship (romantic or platonic) and I’ll make a five song playlist
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fandom-101 · 3 years
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n7soldiered · 5 years
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lightheaded from the thin, cold air of extraordinary heights, he anchors himself to a tremulous breath, before he scrambles forward in a rush, kaidan grabbing hold of his side just as the world drops out of focus — then narrows into sharp clarity. 
he shouts against a stab of frigid air filling his lungs,  ❝here, take my hand!❞           ❝... and then?❞  ❝and then—❞  he breaks off, stomach dropping as he stumbles backward, the normandy swerving abruptly to the left.
a raw wind picks up again, twisting into unpredictable swirls that jostle their bodies and force them to angle against another violent gust.  the commander knows it’s only a matter of time, now, as they can barely compensate against this invisible intensity.
no no no.    it whips his face, fills his mind, howls in his ears until he’s all but deaf to the thunderous roar, subduing the sounds of chaos around him.  john reaches out for the last time, an unspoken plea flickering like a bolt of lightning in storm-blue eyes.  
the sharp clap of their gauntlets colliding banishes fear at once.                                                             ❝AND THEN YOU LIVE.❞
               //  14  /   ??
for the incredible @perfectedsoldier and their muse, wolf, the adorable 3 yr old ( ? ).         much to my total bewilderment, we’ve been sharing headcanons, verse/scene + otp concepts, and losing our general shit over ME for over a month.  how has it been over a month since you and i began talking again??  wow!  and i have no idea how you overlook my constant typos and my generally awkward nature, but i’m not complaining.  in fact, i’m so very thankful.  thank you for filling my days with hilarious conversations & heart-wrenching angst, and i’m stroked that you joined the rpc!  i hope we get to write & goof off as much as possible. ♥
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(1/2) Hi! I've recently binged some of your fics on AO3 and I like how you play with different scenariios with Cullen romance... And you are open for prompts and I have one idea that I did not see in fics yet? What if Cullen met his love after Tresspaser? Everything was the same like in game, Inquisitor was his friend and told Cullen to not take lyrium and 3-4 years later he is still the Commander or have Templar recovery clinic . And he endured the worst and is far less broken
(2/2) How a romance between Evelyn and Cullen would be if they first met after Tresspaser? Maybe have templar sibling or her family allies with Inqusition? Happier Cullen who is much closer to left his past behind and all. I love Cullen romance and how Quizzie is for sure big inspiration for his to fight withdrawals and do better, but I also love that unromanced Cullen also have a happy ending and is a strong person able to endure it all by himself and find purpose in life anyway.
Hi Nonny! Sorry for the delay getting back to you, I’ve been busy with real life for once, but now that the holidays have calmed down I have more of a chance to give you an answer!
First off - thank you so much for reading, and I’m so happy that you’ve enjoyed the fics! I know my Cullen/Evelyn stuff has been put on the back burner for the moment, even though I still love them so much as a pairing. They’re my original OTP. I just haven’t been feeling the muse for them, and I don’t want to force updates just to update. So with some patience I’ll get back to them, but in the meantime I’m so thrilled people are still discovering them and reading them. Thank you thank you!
And yes, of all the AUs for them one that I haven’t really ever thought about is one where Cullen doesn’t meet his LI until post-Trespasser when he’s happy and healthy and has the clinic. I’ve seen it done (sorry I don’t have fic rec links at the moment but if anyone does, feel free to leave them on this post! All the author/fic love!) but I know it’s not a super saturated AU niche and it could use some more love.
The main reason I’ve never really attempted it is because of Evelyn’s background and canon, and I’m not entirely sure how I would twist that with her not becoming Inquisitor. The only canon-setting AU where she doesn’t become the Inquisitor is Miss Grey, and that’s because she’s Tranquil and the focus was on their tragic romance and not really the events of DA:I. But a lot of Evelyn’s character growth is tied into her becoming the Inquisitor and their relationship developing because of how they support one another (even pre-romance like in Eye of the Storm) once she acquires the Anchor. 
Without her becoming the Inquisitor, she’d likely stay the same shy, anxiety-riddled young mage with very little family, because that’s her base canon. Her brother’s death features in every single one of her AUs, because it’s an important event in her past and something that affects her character growth. The same with her mother’s suicide (although in the modern AUs I changed this simply because I didn’t treat the Circle as the same as it is in canon). Even her appearance in the Abby/Rylen Avvar AU I’m currently writing features her brother’s death, because that’s just how it always is. Evelyn has a brother she was very close to, and he dies, and there’s always some guilt tangled up in her with his death. These events affect her father too, and so his involvement with the Inquisition is tied and limited to wanting to see Evelyn again after years of not saying a word to one another.
So when I think about how I could get Cullen and Evelyn together post-Trespasser...I don’t know. Their relationship would be more imbalanced, she really would just be some young, naive mage, instead of following the character arc I gave her with becoming Inquisitor (in Eye of the Storm and After Rain) or through her trials as she faces them pre-Inquisition in Moments Passed and What Are the Odds. It’s funny to think about how much I love Evelyn because I do seem to torture her quite a bit with her backstory - but that’s all to give her room to grow. She’s naturally shy, and introverted, and in most AUs hasn’t experienced any of the world around her, which leaves her with a certain wide-eyed naivete and hesitation. I took that as a basis and threw her into the fire by making her the Herald or putting her through other shit she had to overcome so that she could find her inner strength and really learn that she is capable of more. That coupled with her insistent willingness to see the good in people when they can’t see it themselves is why I thought she was a good fit for Cullen, not just because she was some young thing and I have an age kink (also a little true, but that’s not the point here, and never has been with their relationship).
Maybe one day I’d have an idea for how to handle that AU, but for the time being I feel guilty enough with the few that I have left unfinished for them. Hopefully the muse comes back and helps me finish them this year. That would be nice.
Again, thank you for reading Nonny and so sorry for the rambling answer xD For not having written Cullen/Evelyn fics (except as supporting characters) I still do have quite a bit of feelings for them and the canon that I’ve built around them. Feel free to drop by my inbox or messages again any time with questions about the fics or things I’m working on/that you’d like for me to work on!
Shameless self-promotion of my Lightning Struck series.
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The Worm Reads: Empire of Storms, Ch 34 - 37
Because Chapter 38 is a... doozy, today we’’ll be covering some extra chapters. My treat.
She was a liar, and a murderer, and a thief, and Aelin had a feeling she’d be called much worse by the end of this war.
Pfft, I’ve called her worse during these chapter reviews.
Securing this alliance was only part of it. The other part, the bigger part … was the message. Not to Morath. But to the world.
“I mean yeah innocent people might die but who cares I just want attention from the whole world because I’m so ~special~ lol!”
[Aelin] was not a rebel princess, shattering enemy castles and killing kings. She was a force of nature. She was a calamity and a commander of immortal warriors of legend.
No, you’re a selfish asshole who cares only about herself and throws tantrums whenever someone doesn’t immediately bow down to you. Also, love that final nail in the coffin to the original concept of t0g. May the first two books rest in peace.
Gavriel was still too busy staring after Aedion, who hadn’t so much as glanced at his father before fastening his shield and sword across his back, mounting a sorry-looking mare, and galloping for the watchtower.
I S2G SJM, leave Gav alone.
People were panicking in the streets as the dark force took shape on the horizon: massive ships with black sails, converging on the bay as if they were indeed carried on a preternatural wind.
See Alien you fuckin’ prick, innocent people live here!!! And you’re totally okay with them all dying if it means everyone knows what an uber powered snowflake you are you piece of shit!!!!!
Rowan’s hatchet gleaming while he hooked it at his side
Again, total nit pick, but.. why do both Lorcan and Rowboat use hatchets? I mean it’s totally okay, I love other kinds of weapons getting used other than swords, but they both have hatchets? Let’s get some battle axes, maces, and other cool weapons in here!
Aelin strode for them. “Anchor them to the mainmast and make sure there’s enough room for them to reach right … here.” She pointed to where she now stood in the heart of the deck. Enough space clear of everyone, enough space for her and Rowan to work.
I’d point out she doesn’t have authority here, Rolfe does because it’s on his ship, but I might as well talk to a wall. Alien is putting the iron there in order to steady herself while using her magic, FYI. She has so much snowflake power she literally needs restrains lmfao SJM you’re killing me.
[Aelin] flicked a glance toward either watchtower to see Dorian arrive—then Aedion’s golden hair racing up the outer spiral staircase to the enormous mounted harpoon at the top. Her heart strained for a moment as she flashed between now and a time when she’d seen Sam running up those same stairs— not to defend this town, but to wreck it.
I despise Alien but the callback here works pretty well. Whereas back then, Alien was wrecking this town, she is now defending it, even without Sam at her side which highlights how much has changed and how much she’s gone through since her previous visit here. I mean, she is also the reason this town is in danger, but regardless.
Lysandra jumps into the sea and transforms into a sea dragon. I’ve already complained about her OP shifting powers, but I’ll admit, this scene is pretty cool.
Lysandra dove, and she let them see the long, powerful body that broke the surface bit by bit as she plunged down, her jade scales gleaming like jewels in the blinding midday sun. See the legend straight from their prophecies: the Mycenians would only return when the sea dragons did. And so Aelin had ensured that one appeared right in their gods-damned harbor.
Like c’mon, that’s pretty bad ass. Lysandra is a cool character in spite of her shitty powers, and that’s really only the fault of SJM’s crappy magic system. We transition into Assdion’s POV.
Aedion chucked off the shield from his back and slammed into the seat before the giant iron harpoon, its length perhaps a hand taller than him, its head bigger than his own.
So like.... a harpoon cannon, essentially? Because those were invented in the late 19th century. Consistent world building who?
Well, at least [Aedion] now knew what secret form Lysandra had been working on. And why Aelin had insisted on getting inside Brannon’s temple. Not just to see the king, not just to reclaim the city for the Mycenians and Terrasen, but … for Lysandra to study the life-size, detailed carvings of those sea dragons. To become a living myth.
How does this make any sense?? So Lysandra can perfectly replicate the system, the anatomy, and the size and powers of a beast by looking at a drawing of it? The fuck??? She doesn’t even need to see it in real life?
Gonna pull from Animorphs again; the kids have to see the animal in real life and actually touch it to absorb its DNA. They can’t turn into animals they haven’t touched even if they know what they look like. This makes sense in a sci-fi fantasy setting. Lysandra’s shifting powers do not.
Lysandra had studied the carvings of the sea dragons at the temple, once Aelin had burned away the dirt on them. Her magic had filled in gaps the carvings didn’t show. Like the nostrils that picked apart each scent on the current, the ears that unraveled varying layers of sound.
HOW DOES MAGIC DO THAT??? We’ve received several hints magic is its own sentient being but it’s never explained or expanded upon?? Lysandra’s magic is only as old as her, how can it know all these details about a beast she’s never seen? SJM I’m not asking for an amazing magic system, I just want things to be consistent and make sense!
Next chapter!
Perched on the rail of the Sea Dragon, gripping the rope ladder flowing from the looming mast, Aelin savored the cooling spindrift that sprayed her face as the ship plowed through the waves.
Even though the sudden pirate and adventures on the seas element is... well, sudden, I’m all for it. Gimmie some awesome pirate battles!
Tightly grasping the rope, Aelin leaned out, the vibrant blue and white below passing in a swift blur. Not too fast, she’d told Rowan. Don’t waste your strength—you barely slept last night. He’d just leaned in to nip at her ear before sliding onto Gavriel’s bench to concentrate.
You’re in a battle. You’re sailing into almost certain death. Can you not be fucking horny for five seconds please I am b egging. Why couldn’t he have done something pure and sweet like a kiss on the cheek?? Why does everything have to be ~sexual~, SJM?
Aelin again looked ahead—toward those black sails blotting the horizon. The Wyrdkey at her chest murmured in response.
You know what? I’ll take this over “The Wyrdkey between her breasts” any day.
Alien puts on the iron chain to restrain her magic. Rowboat kisses her ass for a bit, then we get this.
“I’ve recovered, I’ll have you know. So this morning’s little display…” “A way to take off the power’s full edge,” [Aelin] said wryly. “And make Rolfe piss himself.”
I hate you.
[Aelin] lifted her head to study [Rowan’s] face, the harsh planes and the curving tattoo. He leaned in to brush a kiss to her mouth.
If Ratlin starts making out during this battle I am actually going to quit. No joke. I’m warning you, SJM.
All anyone on deck saw, she knew, was two lovers embracing. But Aelin tunneled down, down, down into her power, felt him doing the same with his, felt every ounce of ice and wind and lightning go slamming from him into her. And when it reached her, the core of his power yielded to her own, melted and became embers and wildfire.
The actual reason SJM didn’t make a magic system was so she could pull this and justify her OTP making out in the middle of a battlefield. You cannot convince me otherwise.
[Aelin’s] magic whispered to start digging through that ash and silt. But Rowan’s grip tightened on her waist. “Easy,” he murmured in her ear. “Easy.”
If this was a ship I actually liked I’d be living because I love the “loved one helps protag with their uncontrollable magic” thing, but I hate Rowboat and Alien. I can’t even win when SJM uses my favorite tropes.
Alien shits out a huge column of fire out after Rowboat lends her his magic.
Aelin was ripped from his arms with the force of it, and Rowan grabbed her hand in a crushing grip, refusing to let her break that line of contact. Men around them stumbled back, falling onto their asses as they gawked upward in terror and wonder.
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Higher, that column of flame swirled, a maelstrom of death and life and rebirth.
Oh my god I get it, Alien is the most powerful snowflake ever
So apparently this fire shit isn’t even burning or attacking their enemies, it’s literally just a display to the world. So Alien is burning (no pun intended) all of her magic just for a pretty fire display for everyone to fear how ~special~ she is? Holy shit. People actually stan this shitstain.
The flames winked out at the same second [Aelin] reached into Rowan with burning hands and tore the last remnants of his power from him. Just as she ripped her hand from his. Just as her power and the Wyrdkey between her breasts merged.
So apparently Alien gets possessed because she was wearing the Wyrdkey. Idiot, why’d you go and do that, then? So who is possessing her?
“Deanna,” Rowan whispered. [Possessed Aelin] flicked her eyes to him in question and confirmation.
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So for those who didn’t know, Deanna is a goddess mentioned in some of the other books. So the gods have gone from actual gods that were briefly mentioned to spirits who can possess people.... huh.
We switch into Alien’s POV again as she is unable to do anything while Deanna struts around in her body.
And those flames—her flames and her beloved’s magic … they belonged to the Other now. To a goddess who had walked through the temporary gate hanging between her breasts and seized her body as if it were a mask to wear.
Okay, guys, can we be completely honest with each other here? Tumblr user to Tumblr user? Does this bother anyone else?
Am I over reacting? Because I find it completely undercuts the tension of the moment when I’m suddenly forced to picture a Wyrdkey jammed in between Alien’s boobies. IDK maybe I’m just going crazy after being exposed to this book.
Alien busts a nut after hearing Rowboat’s voice and it’s enough for her to gain the willpower and strength to kick Deanna out. Not enough for her to not immediately fuck everything up though.
The ship beneath her, the center and left flank of the dark fleet beyond her, and the outer edge of the island behind it blew apart in a storm of fire and ice.
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God job, Alien! If any innocent people died it’s all on you. Fuck you.
My god. We’re only on chapter 36. I... I’m going to break.....
Aelin drifted down, as she had drifted into her power, the weight of the Wyrdkey around her neck like a millstone— Deanna. She didn’t know how, didn’t know why— The Queen Who Was Promised.
Hm.. that sounds familiar.... lemmie just Google it to see if-
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Didn’t SJM once claim she hated Game of Thrones? Lmfao she’s so full of shit.
What had she done what had she done what had she done—
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Later. Later, [Aelin]’d deal with that rutting goddess who had thought to use her like some temple priestess. Later, she’d contemplate how she’d shred through every world to find Deanna and make her pay.
Okay, but.. is this just Alien fuming or can she, like, actually do that? What are the gods in this world? Are they just spirits who can teleport between worlds I’m?? so confused???
Fenrys takes Alien, since she’s such an idiot who couldn’t save herself from drowning in a puddle, and jumps from the remainders of Rolfe’s ship. Good fucking job, Alien. Can’t wait to see how the narrative justifies this.
Think of that later. Aelin shoved through and ducked under larger bits of debris, past… Past men. Rolfe’s men. Dead in the water. Was the captain among them somewhere?
She doesn’t even give a shit she killed dozens, maybe even more, of innocent people on her side! But I have no doubt she’ll angst about it later but only so Rowboat can fuck her and convince her it’s not her fault even though it fucking is.
While Alien is busy wailing for someone to comfort her poor feefees, Lysandra actually makes an effort to save Rolfe and his first mate even though the sea wyverns are an issue.
Blood laced the current. And not the puffs that had been staining the water since the ship exploded. Great, roiling clouds of blood. As if massive jaws clamped around a body and squeezed.
Ain’t that edgy. We all know SJM is gonna forget all this gore and death took place once the porn kicks in.
[Lysandra] was so tired. Shifting afterward might not even be possible for a few hours.
So amassing the power to shift into a huge ass dragon doesn’t tire you out.... but destroying a few ships with your dragon form. Okay, SJM, okay.
tl;dr Lysandra kills the two sea wyverns and the chapter ends. One more to go for this review... one more....
Assdion’s POV opens up this chapter, where it’s revealed the two sea wyverns Lysandra killed were just juveniles, and there are three adults.
Faster and faster, those three bulls closed in. Lysandra remained at the mouth of the bay. Holding the line.
Even though her magic pisses me off, I think I’m about to stan Lysandra. Here she is, weakened with no magic left, and she’s willing to make a final stand and protect her friends.
The three wyverns spread out, so huge Aedion’s throat went dry. And for the first time, he hated his cousin. He hated Aelin for asking this of Lysandra, both to defend them and to secure the Mycenians to fight for Terrasen.
WHAT THE FUCK??? ASSDION NOT PRAISING ALIEN’S EVERY ACTION???? This can’t be right. This can’t be the Assdion who is only a plot device to kiss Alien’s ass...
Lysandra destroys the last warship and traps one of the wyverns into impaling himself on the remains. Then she leads the other two near Dorian’s tower, where he freezes one of them.
Dorian loosed a battle cry. And Aedion had to admit the king wasn’t that useless after all as the catapult behind Dorian sprang free, and a rock the size of a wagon jettisoned into the bay
Lmao bitch you thought! You've literally done nothing this battle while Dorian is out here killing a sea wyvern so you can climb off your high horse, Assdion. Also, Lysandra loses sight of the final wyvern.
Aedion scanned the bay, rotating in the gunner chair as he did, searching for any hint of that colossal dark shadow— “YOUR LEFT!” Gavriel roared across the bay, magic no doubt amplifying his voice.
Hate when dialogue is typed in all caps. Also magic can now be used as a megaphone? Lmfao aiight.
“SWIM,” Aedion roared, even if she couldn’t hear. “SWIM, LYSANDRA!”
Assdion doesn’t even have Gav’s megaphone magic powers, so you have no excuse for this shit, SJM.
Lysandra swims for the beach and Assdion rushes to her while everyone celebrates. This is a good concept, so like, can anyone write this but with a good ship? Might have to make a self indulgent AU for one of my ships just to scrub away the filth of this novel.
“Open your gods-damned eyes,” Aedion snarled. [Lysandra] snarled back but cracked open an eye. “You made it this far. Don’t die on the rutting beach.” The eye narrowed—with a hint of female temper.
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Why the fuck is temper gendered now? SJM, you saying a woman’s temper is somehow different than a man’s? You implyin’ all women have bad tempers and they should be shamed for it? What the fuck is the point of this?
Aedion drawled, even as his relief began to crumble his mask of arrogant calmness, “The useless sentries in the watchtower are now all half in love with you,” he lied. “One said he wanted to marry you.”
Uh... why you lyin’ Assdion? I think he’s trying to compliment her, but this is kinda weird?
“But you know what I told them? I said that they didn’t stand a chance in hell.” Aedion lowered his voice, holding her pained, exhausted stare. “Because I am going to marry you,” he promised her. “One day. I am going to marry you. I’ll be generous and let you pick when, even if it’s ten years from now. Or twenty. But one day, you are going to be my wife.”
FUCK I would like (some of) this scene if it wasn’t for Assdion..... Someone rewrite this but with a good ship please.
Those eyes narrowed—in what he could only call female outrage and exasperation.
... I’m done. We’re packing this chapter up.
Alien and the others show up and Assdion realizes that Alien used the Wyrdkey and nearly killed all of them. He’s understandably mad but criticism against Alien? Rowboat’s Fae peen says no!
[Assdion] was shaking now, that rage indeed taking over. But Rowan snarled at him, low and vicious, “Save it for later.”
Oh fuck you, Rowboat. You know damn well you’ll never let anyone criticize Alien. This entire fucking narrative sucks up to Alien so much and I’m pissed. If your characters make stupid ass mistakes, punish them for it! Let them know! Don’t pretend they’re perfect uwuu unproblematic babies and let others criticize them without being portrayed as villains for it GOD I’M SO FUCKING DONE
As if SJM is trying to throw me a bone, there’s this.. actually decent scene afterwards. Gav watches Assdion as he watches over Lysandra until she has the energy to shift back. SJM refers to Assdion/Gav as the Wolf and the Lion though, gets kinda repetitive.
Sand crusted [Lysandra’s] naked body, and she tried and failed to rise. The Wolf moved then, slinging his cloak around her and sweeping her into his arms. The shifter didn’t object, and her eyes were again closed by the time the Wolf began striding up the beach to the trees, her head leaning against his chest.
In a better world where Assdion wasn’t an ass to Lysandra and he was a good character... I would ship this. Fuck. Just gonna go casually write this scene but with one of my OTPs  so I can get this sweet gesture without Assdion’s shitty personality.
The Lion remained out of sight and held in the offer of help. Held in the words he needed to say to the Wolf, who had downed a sea-wyvern with one arrow. Twenty-four years old and already a myth whispered over campfires.
Fuck... the way Gav describes his son as an outsider, since Assdion hasn’t accepted him yet... it’s really good. I love this. Damnit why can’t the rest of the novel be like this?
If you guys thought these chapters were bad, buckle up. Because the next chapter is the long dreaded it.
Yup, next time we’re covering the Ratlin sex scene.
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