#or im probably just wierd lol
ambalambs · 3 months
Feeling painfully nostalgic for my baby sprout days and also just shb. Always painfully nostalgic for shb
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tardigrade-train · 10 months
coworker called the trans flag the trans girl flag and kept insisting on it and i like. Ah little buddy you are so naive.
I clarified twice that just because your friend who is a trans woman has it everywhere does not mean its only transfem and upon bringing up the many MANY labels that exist and the many different flags ( vague mention ) the duty manager brought up how she found ‘top/bottom’ confusing and how it shouldnt be a label and.
Man. The shit i know. I am cursed (neutral) with knowledge of ithrrkin and micro identities and labels and these guys are at base 1 LMAO
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christinarowie332 · 5 months
i think it’s so ridic how ppl think they’re quitting just bc they deleted their tiktoks ☠️ like u think they’re gonna give up being multimillionaires just bc of some rumors? also respectfully the only other work experience they have is a fucking star market employee. if they really did quit, what do yall think they’re gonna do to make money??? LOL like it’s so funny how sensitive ppl think the triplets r, i promise u they’re not going to stop being celebs just bc of some rumors
thank god u said it bro . in the nicest way possible….. the triplets only have youtube . they got mid grades ….. have had one job and are extremely sheltered……
i’ve been working since i was 14 and i still don’t think i have enough experience. they ain’t quitting , theyre famous and leng , they also keep allmost everything personal from their fans (rightfully so, y’all are wierd) , so of course there’s gonna be dating rumors , even seeing matt smile at a woman would be enough to make dating rumors , BECAUSE of the fact their lives are very private. if matt and chris were the type to be open abt talking stages there would be much less hype about matt and an interaction with a woman .
people just want something to talk about , me included , im currently talking about it now . the difference is i’m not the one spreading false shit over the internet.
the triplets are grown , and very aware of the fact that social media = money . hense the two tours in a year , merch drops every month , nicks snapchat spams (he probably gets paid for that aswell why u think he’s spamming it every week) , three videos a week and minimal posting everywhere else. they know they’re getting paid so ofc they’re not gonna quit , they’re also not gonna go on a break guys ….. nick is constantly talking about consistency, going on a month long break with fuck everything up and they would loose followers and viewers .
relax . this is their job . they’re good at it aswell .
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fairuzfan · 4 months
hey, this is probably wierd to ask but is wikipedia even reliable when it comes to learning how harmful and racist zionism is? because on their wikipedia page about antizionism it has some wired stuff in it like how antizionism is rooted in far right poltics or just wierd shit like that. I think a zionist editer must have put that stuff in there idk. I dont condone nor support zionism since its rooted in racism and ethnic cleansing which is horrible. decolonizepalestine has better information on important stuff like this and i feel like wikipedia is leaning in on a netural/pro zionist stance which is concerning.
again im sorry that this is a wierd long ask and you can delete this ask if you dont want to answer it
Oh yeah actually there's an article about this, naftali bennet headed a whole wikipedia zionist editathon lol in 2010. With my limited wikipedia editing experience, yeah the editors have a pretty zionist leaning at the very least. There's like one guy who religiously edits palestinian articles with like actual facts about palestine but I always forget his name, he's been there for years. You'll see him around the wikipedia palestine village articles though, if you look through them, and they're pretty extensive imo.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 10 months
Which HC boy would be most suspicious of any wierd freckles or moles on themselves?
I just discovered this little painful scabby freckle and now im pondering my mortality lol.
Probably Time lol 😂 he’s the eldest so he thinks about the age factor, and as a doctor he’s probably likely to overthink absolutely everything.
However, there is one particularly dramatic boy in the group… but that emergency medicine edge might make him less insane about it lol…
(idk people’s tolerance for dark humor so this is under the cut lol)
Legend: *sees a weird looking mole* I have skin cancer.
Wars: What??
Legend: Look.
Wars: Ledge, you don’t know that for sure—
Legend: Don’t take away my hope okay, I could die and then never have to work in this ED again.
Wars, snorting: You can’t die, we’re short staffed.
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bthump · 9 months
second, do you think Miura fully ommiting Griffith getting tortured visually was intentional? I mean, Berserk never shys away from grotesque subjects (SA, explicit murder and much much more).
We did get Griffith's mindset, and how Guts was the one who was keeping his sanity through all this.
But we never got like,, Griffith crying, screaming, or anything really while he was getting tortured. It's like, they ommited the torture Griff went through, and I wonder why?
Because I mean, it's not that im a wierd sadist who wants to see that, it's more like, a lot of the berserk fandom ignores and neglects the pain Griff went through when he was tortured for over a year if i am correct?
And I wonder if it's because we didn't get a chance to see his pain through it and more of the aftermath.
I don't fully know where i'm going with this, but i wonder why explicit facial and physical reactions while Griff was tortured was kept away.
Could it be to shook us when we see his current state? or was it for another reason? I'm curious!
Thank you very much!
Honestly lol I think the Griffith-hating fandom would downplay it no matter what, there's no salvaging that side of fandom.
My instinctive answer for why Miura only really showed the aftermath of the torture is for the torture chamber reveal that it was worse than Guts ever anticipated. He, and a lot of the other Hawks, have this attitude that he expects to rescue Griffith and then everything will go back to normal for everyone, and they can all just pick up where they left off. I think there's a certain effective atmosphere created by showing Guts' optimistic denial while the reader is left to stew in ominous awareness that it's probably worse than Guts thinks (since we know about Femto already) without fully knowing how much worse.
And then yeah when they do see him and we can see that Griffith is beyond recovery, it is an effective, disturbing reveal imo that wouldn't have had the same impact if we'd already seen the state Griffith was in.
There's also the fact that in theory your imagination is worse than anything that can be shown to you - something a lot of horror relies on. Actually seeing Griffith screaming while being tortured eg would be a release of tension, like oh okay it's bad, but at least we know how bad now. Without seeing it we can imagine a lot worse than Miura would have narrative space to show, both in terms of torture and Griffith's emotional reaction. For those of us who care about Griffith at least, which is the intended audience of the story lol.
Thanks for the ask!
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greaterbalrogcat · 7 months
Can you talk wbout the lugas missed in the tales of nekoluga post? Im talking about Bikiniluga and Betrothed Balaluga, of course. One is a wierd surge unit. and the other is a slightly more offense driven CC Unit. If you can, the PC exclusive would be interesting to discuss too, although I'ven't a clue if a stat block exists about it. I think its mimiluga? Dont quote me on that.
didn't talk about em cuz they aren't in the normal banner lol, i'll probably talk about PC exclusives at a later date (it is called mimiluga you are correct) but summerluga and betrothed balaluga (henceforth referred to as weddingluga)? absolutely
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unit stats shown at level 30 because you aren't gonna boost them lmao
summerluga's true form requires three aku seeds, three epic fruits, and three red stones. weddingluga currently lacks a true form.
summerluga is a nekoluga variant that trades the KB + freeze of nekoluga for a level eight surge (level five in second form). while this seems decent in concept, its surge spawns from 150 to 1050 range. for reference, asukasli's surge is considered inconsistent, and its spawn range is one of her major flaws. her surge spawns from 400 to 800 range.
while this does make summerluga's surge inconsistent as fuck, it comes with some of the same benefits as asukasli. it can, rarely, hit backliners. it can, rarely, boost dps at the same range as the base attack. it can, rarely, create a wall that will permaKB a high knockback threat such as brollows or puffington. however, it's just too unreliable. if you need backliner DPS, you can bring a better wave/surge/LD sniper. if you need frontline DPS, most units can provide some form of it. anything that summerluga, with its 20400 health and 650 range, with no immunities, no trait target, and 19 second time between attacks can do, something else can do better. one of the worst ubers in the game. decent meme tho
weddingluga is a balaluga variant that trades in the uptime for multihit and actual DPS. as you may remember from the lugas review, balaluga has 28.9 dps at level 60+70. not 28.9k. 28.9. weddingluga has 3.2k dps at level 30 if all attacks hit, giving it decent chip damage and the potential to clear peons so that your attackers are more likely to hit their intended target. its freeze uptime is actually slightly higher than piccolan's despite the lower freeze time, due to its faster attack rate. however, it's still deeply flawed.
one of its biggest issues is its omnistrike. its standing range is 640. its three hits all have different omni, with the first hitting from -310 to 540, the second from -635 to 590, and the third from -960 to 640. while the backwards omni is only relevant versus zombies (and in some really weird niche situations with base hit and an enemy like angel doge or brollow that goes fast enough to go past it), it's nice to have, and can help in stages with a zombie threat or zombie peons. the issue, however, is that the omni doesn't reach to standing range, and doesn't go past its standing range (which happens to be rather low for a variant of a superbackliner, at 300 lower than piccolan). ponos could've theoretically made up for this somewhat by giving it piercing range, so that it can CC past its initial target. this does not happen. the omni actively makes weddingluga worse. if the enemy is at its standing range, it will hit once, giving it only a third of its total damage and dps. this hurts.
its multihit honestly holds it back even more. its freeze is only on the third hit, which matches up with standing range, but if either of the first two hits damage the enemy enough for a KB, the freeze won't connect, leaving the enemy to come back and block your attackers from hitting any frozen enemies. this will also prevent the other hit(s) from connecting, decreasing damage further (all hits connect in under a third of a second). multihit on a freeze unit can work, as seen with chronos, but it just holds it back, as does its omni. not a good CC unit, but can work in a pinch.
tl;dr: summerluga is too inconsistent to be any semblance of good, weddingluga could've been decent but they fucked it over, seasonal uber + luga + variant of an already not great uber in summerluga's case hurts
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meeeeeeeep78 · 5 months
👀 heard you have a n25 au? please use this ask as an excuse to infodump im curious about it!
HI HELLO i have two actually kind of but the main one i’ve been thinking about recently is the one i actually did end up writing a little fic for,, (i guess more accurately the fic was initially a one off thing but then the au sprung from it)
essentially it’s kind of a medieval au thing,, they all live in this kingdom and mafuyu is the princess. ena lives in her fathers art studio, mizuki is a knight and has just been appointed as mafuyu’s bodyguard, and kanade is a rumoured witch of the woods!!
other honourable mentions include akito, who is another knight, and toya, who is the prince of the kingdom next door :)
since it started with a fic and i’m considering writing more this one actually has a bit of a narrative, so i’ll put that here as well if you’re interested!! it’s under the cut
mafuyu’s 18th birthday is coming up, and there’s lots of stuff being prepared for celebration. one of these things is a big old fancy royal portrait, enter ena. it was actually her father who was asked for, but he’s out of the kingdom and ena decides to do it herself. she gets the portrait done, but it feels like something’s missing. she drags mafuyu outside for a breath of fresh air and a change of scenery, and then essentially sneaks her out of the castle grounds to get away from its suffocating atmosphere. for a moment while they’re walking, the real mafuyu slips through, and ena rushes to paint it. however, the sun is setting, and it won’t be long before someone notices their absence. they both return home. ena stays up late finishing the messier portrait from memory, and that’s where the first bit ends.
everything from here hasn’t actually been written and is mostly just planning,,, it’s also very messy and if i ever do get around to writing this all stuffs probably gonna change
as mizuki (and maybe akito?) is/are packing up, they’re summoned to the front of the castle. Mafuyu is going to go pick up a special dress for her birthday, and she needs bodyguards. mizusis tailor shop!!!! flowery wedding dress design, very flowy and nice. Very obviously a wedding dress also. huh that’s wierd. somethingll probably happen either before or after this dunno what yet,, they head back, and mizuki is summoned once more to be debriefed for tomorrow’s proceedings. essentially, they have to make sure mafuyu’s in the new dress, and escort her to the grand hall. if she asks any questions, reveal nothing. it’s supposed to be a surprise, after all!
option 1: mafuyu is woken up in the middle of the night by mizuki, who’s asking her about that prince her mother often brings up. they were sent on a date once, but it was rather awkward. basically, she’s supposed to get married to him in the afternoon. this didn’t sit well with mizuki, who came to warn the princess ahead of time. eventually, they sneak out for a breath of fresh air, and run into ena, who wanted to show mafuyu the new portrait.
option 2: mafuyu makes her way to the grand hall in her dress as instructed, but freezes halfway down the aisle. “haha wow it’s just so beautiful she must be overwhelmed with joy let’s give her a second to gather herself ohmygodmafuyuareyouokayweneedtogetyououtofhere” (mizuki gets them out of there, berates themself for not warning mafuyu)
either way, something something they end up running away to the woods and find kanades humble abode.
don’t really know what’s happens from there, i’ve also only just realized what a mess this whole thing is while writing it all out apologies lol,,, i uhhh idk man idk
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harriertail · 2 years
i read exile from shadowclan and i got so annoyed by un-suspicious and how unquestioning of brokenstar's wierd awful bullshit everyone in shadowclan was (nightpelt,my brother in starclan,he literally exiled ALL the elders,why do you think "oh it's cool,starclan shit"),so i've decided to make my oc russetfinch just. generally suspicious and untrusting of Wierd Shit bc it annoys me so bad
i know im a weirdo politics and psychology student but history and present day is full of people accepting bad and questionable things because authority says so lol. this part of YS and EfS is shockingly realistic in my humble opinion and is one of the reasons why Into the Wild is so good- because Brokenstar is realistic. Milgram's post war experiments famously involved people delivering electric shocks to a man who banged on the wall in pain and begged them not to because a 'doctor' in a white coat told them to, even at their own psychological expense. For a less PG example, Chinese students publicly shamed, tortured, and even killed their elders and teachers during the cultural revolution 1966-76 because the Mao government promoted and encouraged it to usher in a 'new age' and get rid of the old traditions and it went by unquestioned; probably because people start to develop ways to accept these behaviours in order to protect their own mental sanity, or engage in them to fit in and not be targeted and attacked themselves by their friends, family, and peers. I'll stop.
Its bullshit and we need to encourage more people to question the orders of any authority (even the authority you support). I'll stay on track for warriors tho (lol) this sounds interesting, it feels like Dangerous Path Fireheart going agaisnt Bluestars orders, could def be interesting
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saltymongoose · 2 years
Heyo! Vibrating anon here. I was working on the 6th chapter of my fic when I realized that I low-key want to beef up the previous chapters of the story. (1st chapter is mostly fine I just want to add more detail to Fellow's POV and fix a plot hole I accidentally made) but I'm worried that it'll be wierd to like, edit my chapters to suddenly have higher word counts. I know I'll be happier with the longer and more detailed chapters bc the writing on the earlier chapters is OLD (like literally half a year old) and I want to make it look better. I'm not deleting the fic or anything, but I'm going to be slightly rewriting the chapters in that I'm just going to make them more detailed and longer. It fits my writing style better to make the thin outline of the chapter and THEN beef it up but I was so caught up in the ability of actually FINISHING the chapters that I just instantly published them without rereading or editing at all. But Im not 100% satisfied with that anymore, I really want to make it better and share the kind of writing I know I can make. Is it fine if with the 6th chapter of the fic I also republish the first 5 chapters as well, just so I can have the story I actually want on the page now that I've got the skill for it? Idk. I'm probably gonna do it anyways I just want some kinda reassurance I'm not doing something stupid lol- Vibrating Anon
Yo! Yeah dude, that sounds completely fine. If you want to improve the chapters you already made, then you should definitely do it imo, if not just for peace of mind. It isn't weird to want to do that, and I know I've edited some stuff from my previous works in the past (though tumblr isn't the best for that kind of thing lmao). I'd make sure not to delete the original versions until you finish up the new chapters though, just to make sure you don't lose anything. 👍
Also, I know you've been wanting some in-depth feedback on the newest ones, so I think it's best to ask: would you still like that or would you like me to give more feedback once I read those newly revamped versions? 😄
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steel--fairy · 1 year
thinking about giving some of my main ocs siblings, as it comes off wierd to me that so many are only children lol
daphne and chryssa have siblings
lili has a sibling, but theoretically could have a second one whos also adopted.
violet, bryony, and carmella are unlikely to have any because of their parents situation
so that leaves ivy, ieva and kiana
ivy coule have a younger sibling a la max from the anime. but i already took the rivals younger sibling that only appears in emerald and made them max so. lol. maybe younger twins? ivy just has so much big sis energy lol
ieva i think could easily have an older sibling or two. maybe 2 older brothers and shes the baby girl haha a younger sibling somewhat close in age to her is also possible
kiana is tougher. giving her a sibling would be a fun parallel to lillie and gladion but tricky to figure out. a younger sibling is possible but im not feeling it. she could also have an older half sibling which i vibe with more but idk they would probably still live in kanto
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Idk why, but at some point I made a bunch of mediocre memes about the 2006 Curious George movie, and I wanted to post them
Also Ted =The man with the yellow hat
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kii2me2ii2 · 2 years
How am I supposed to post badly photographes homestuck fanart when all that Im coming up with is bad
don't rb or probably read the tags either. ..
#after gingering dave everything made a lot more sense in my brain#sorry for the use of gingering hes jus. ginger now. i mean he always was i jus understood like 2 seconds ago tho#yk how u want some nondescript food and just have to keep eating/smelling things to figure it out#thats how im figuring out the timelines lol#i think aradia might be impossible to get#she might be hijabi im still feeling it out because it feels right in my brain but i cant depict it in my art#but thar might be bcus aradia is just impossinle for me to draw 4 some reason#ts like she keeps running away from me#its also practically impossible for me to discern what timeline theyre from when i find them whether the pure or one of the mutant offshoot#ik obviously strilondes and a couple close relarionships like sollux is frm 2nd tl i dont think vriska is frm the pure tl but i saw this#vriscos on tiktok and it was like. who are u and what have u dont with whoevers vriska that is!! i rexognize that bitch!#obviously i didnt say anythimg because i think thats wierd cus theyre like their own person and stuff and probably not any of my vriskas#but they looked like her ;'[#frankly i dont want to meet any of my '''canonmates''' it freaks me out and i dont want. to fail at being someone who they remember i was#and vice versa.... i also think itd be impossible to meet my '''canonmate''' unless they were actually them so ig thats 'good'......#but very awkward. we're nkt the ppl we were anymore! at least not the full version of them. i barely remember anything especially now...#some of them are probably out there living their lives and straight up wsnting nothing to do with me#i definitely dont want to meet my 2nd and 3rd timelines brothers ughhhggh Im enough strider by myself thanks im the whoolle package now#i also prefer to communicate my existence through comic and cartoon like drawings and meeting another in person would not feel good!!#my existence is based in the comfy cool and soft bosom of the 2020 homestuck.com webpages not in the flesh prison i currently house#i wish i could describe the feeling of never being able to feel fully yourself because your Self was already full before but now theres too#much and it cant all fit and you have to deal with who you are now whether you like it or not and who you were is gone#anyways boutta go fill that hole with [redacted] so then I can be a shell of the 'human being' i once was!#i love filling the void with more void because that fixes everything right#damn roxy is that u 🕶👓#that was me taking of my magnet clip on shades on my glasses so i can see WHILE not being blinded by yhe lights of the world#cool right guys. u can see the magnet thru the frames too. they are also shaped like those glasses up there bht the sunglass part#has a bridge so that makes it like soooo much cooler and stuff.#i hope u can tell im being sarcastic rn cus they are. ok. i like being able to see and wear sunglasses so. and they also fit my face better#than tbe cute ones w stars on the frames that i would have gotten if i hadnt gotten those. but i also would like to own those frames
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the-ethereal-aura · 3 years
Heyy you don't have to answer this but i saw that you got tested positive for covid :(
I hope you're okay!! You probably already know all of this, but still
Take lots of rest coz your body needs rest to heal (try to sleep if you get time) and drink lots of water
And I dont know what symptoms you have but i'm just going to assume it was similar to how it was for me
You might feel wierd and your throat might hurt while swallowing but you still have to try and eat
Try drinking warm water, that helps a lot tbh
Take steam? Idk what else to call it but you probably know what i mean
And don't forget to take your medicines, you'll feel a lot better after you take them
My grandma also made us try a lot of wierd home remedies, but idk how much they worked so i'll leave that out of this lol
Take care of yourself!! And don't worry, this might feel kind of scary (or it might not, idk) but most ppl only have mild symptoms and just recover at home!!! You'll get well soon 💜
Also as you're probably self quarantining, of you don't have much to do, try reading or smth and try not to spend too much time on your phone, it could hurt your eyes
Also if you have headaches or body pains or anything, but sleep usually helps!!!
And if you ever need any help (Idk how i can help you but i'll do my best!) or if you just need to talk, you can always dm me!!!
(Your new url is really cool btw and also aura sounds so prettyy!!)
U- u took time and typed this out-
for me?? I- i love you?
and yeah ive been horizontal like most of the time and yes my throat hurts and yes i will drink warm water even tho it tastes horrible
i hate eating tho i cant taste anything and i stared at my pizza in sorrow when i couldnt even taste the sauce-
it IS scary not for me im just worried about my parents like they have to manage everything and dont want them getting infected by me-
yup im self quarantining but i actually have a lot to do im still attendning classes and have my college exams for a week and u sound like my mom "dont spend too much time on my phone"- like in a good way if that makes sense-
thank u bestie i WILL be spamming ur inbox-
(thenk youuuuuuuu)
and again a million thanks for typing all that out u have no idea how happy that made me oh and im sorry u had to go thru all this as well hopeflly it wasnt that severe
me loves u very much
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420pogpills · 3 years
Hello i hope you dont mind me rambling a bit? You can ignore this if you want to, i just wanted to give a sort of response and my opinion to all the asks about George being killed a lot in the dsmp as a bit and such (this is kind of long sorry about that);
I just wanted to say that im p sure George is the type to have a lot of patience but im also p sure hes very honest with what he feels; atleast from what weve seen recently.
Like Dream has said in his previous alt stream, whenever he asks George about his opinion, he doesnt sugar coat things, he even contradicts Dream's ideas if he believes its wrong. It kind of shows that George isint afraid of stating what he feels and what his opinions are if he believes it to be true; hes very stubborn, and he doesnt mind being argumentative if he wants to be (stated by Dream in Quackitys therapy session)
Another more obvious take would be that Quackity stream where they were making El Rapids, George did not hesitate to bring up being uncomfortable with Quackity making 'bad friend gnf' bits; he even got somewhat aggresive in how he stated it, saying that theres a posibility that people would believe the lies and thats why he doesnt want it to continue. And you can see that Quackity understood that and actually stopped doing that bit and respected George's boundaries
Another thing is that sometimes, George encourages the conflict that starts the whole 'kill gnf thing' i mean, not all the time of course, but there has been multiple instances where he annoys/sasses Sapnap enough to warrant his aggresion, like saying hes out the gang, or flirt-acting with Karl, etc. I know thats very light hearted banter that should not result on gnf dying but there is also multiple times where he would suddenly try to kill Sapnap whenever he was afk, heck, sometimes even Dream
You see, George is a little shit, he would and will initiate a reaction to garner attention, sometimes even be the catalyst for it
Theres moments where its not justified, killing him fr something as simple as a bit does get old, but its obviously something theyve done multiple times in the past (old dream team videos and such) you can see that killing each other is just part of their affection fr one another
Case and point that one stream where GNF killed Dream so many times that Dream actually raged enough to swear, bang his desk and leave the room; like yo, this is a regular thing fr them, George just has the unfortunate bad end of the stick in terms of fighting back, but that doesnt mean the 'killing each other fr shits n giggles' isint reciprocated in their friend group;
Sometimes he even encourages it! Not the dying of course, but he seems to like the rush of being hunted down (no manhunt pun intended lol) but theres a lot of moments where he likes to be fake-hunted, the most recent one being Quackity and him putting the manhunt music and making Q run after him, theres also rare instances where he lets Sapnap fake chase him around as he giggles in the background, a good one that i can give is an old vod where George gets chased down by Awesamdude and they were doing a wierd hide and seek with the trident, he doesnt want to die, but he does seem to have fun running away and being chased by his friends
Like all of those seem to point to George not really minding it, and if it something he doesnt like, im p sure hes old enough to decide in his life what he wants to do with it
Trust me when i say i totally understand what the anon is feeling, cz honestly, i feel the same way at times, cz i dont like gnf to keep dying too cz it does get repetitive, and i do get megative seeing it at times too; but we have to remember that these are George's friends not ours. He decides who he want to be with and he decides what he believes to be right or wrong. His boundaries are different than ours, he could be more patient on these things or he could not even care about it at all, we wouldnt know cz we arent him
And at the end of the day, these people are who George obviously cares about, he has talked with them offline and personally for hours on end, he has prolly lost a fuck ton of sleep, and has the worse sleep schedule cz of these people, if he really doesnt like them or doesnt like what theyre doing to him, i dont think he would spend all his time, day and effort just to talk to them and help them. (But ofcourse these are just my opinions and my speculations from what weve seen, i dont know ot fr sure)
So whenever things get painful to watch, or something you dont like is happening, take a breather, take a break and dont watch for a bit, cz thats what i do; your mental health is more important than forcing yourself to watch something negative you dont like. Put yourself out of that position and take a moment to relax and remember that theyre all friends in the end, and that you dont have to worry so much okay? :]
Sorry if that was too long and rambly >_<
very good points made! :) i don’t even have much to add on that haha
at the end of the day, we see the surface level of them and their friendships. they stream for a few hours a couple times a week if we’re lucky, but talk to each other every single day, for most of the day probably. so there’s a lot we don’t know and don’t see. 
george will stand up for himself when he needs to :) ❤️ we don’t need to defend him from his friends
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its-called-sarcasm · 3 years
What is the weirdest dream you remember having?
Aaah i seriously cant remember lol i forget all my wierd dreams and only remember the meaningful ones or nightmares lol.. also i RARELY even dream anymore!!! ☠️*Cries* i miss dreams lmao ..
I spent alotta time thinking this and its probably not my weirdest but its all i can think of so here i go...🙈
This one i had when i was rlyyyyy young .. so like im in an auditorium, the seats r empty but the stage is lit up and alotta ppl i know and some i dont know are there.. the stage has MOUNTAINS of ice creams lmao like seriously they were towering over till reaching the lights etc hahah
Also there was more junk food just everywhere on the stage even over the ice cream lol
And ppl were dancing around being chaotic but having fun and eating lol and some were doing trapeze on the stage and like eating ice cream from the top of the mountains while swinging around lol SO I ALSO DID THAT hahaha it was so much fun and exhilarating!🤣
Lmao this was so wierd but id give anything to have wierd dreams again hahah😂🙈
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