#optimus doesn't immediately say they can keep their alt modes
Time to ramble about robots again!
So a little while back, I briefly talked about two crossovers between Transformers Earthspark and Transformers Prime: One where the Terrans end up in Nevada and another where Team Prime (Or at least a couple of them) end up in Witwicky. I want to go more in depth on the former, just to get some of it out of my system.
Our story starts the way many crossover AUs do: with a malfunctioning spacebridge.
I initially thought of Nightshade building it as a way for the Maltos to escape any close encounters with G.H.O.S.T. but then I remembered that Earthspark uses the G1 spacebridge design. i.e. a massive ring laying flat on the ground. So instead, the gang stumbles upon some rogue Decepticons building a spacebridge in the woods so they can finally get off Earth. But since whatever scientist (Simacore maybe? It doesn't matter) they have probably isn't as good as Shockwave and they're rushing to build this before G.H.O.S.T. catches on, things go to shit pretty quickly.
Don't ask how the cons are able to build a spacebridge capable of tearing a hole through reality when they can barely feed themselves
The cons manage to escape the out of control spacebridge, but the Maltos aren't as lucky. I'm not completely sure who all gets sucked into the bridge since I don't want the entire family going through, so for now I'm gonna say Dottie, Robbie, Twitch, Hashtag, and Nightshade get pulled through. This lineup could be subject to change.
From there, things become a little vague for me. I was gonna have them to end up in Prime at some point after Shadowzone, sine Team Prime would be more open to the idea of alternate dimensions after that episode. But I also want Hashtag to be there for Out of His Head (And maybe Nightshade for Predatory? Just to give them a spider who isn't chill). Hell, I'm half tempted to have them land in the pilot and be split up so that ES!Bumblebee can save Cliffjumper.
In any case, Team Prime picks up on a massive energy surge and investigates. They meet with the Maltos and despite varying levels of skepticism, they bring them back to base. I like to think there's a bit of early tension because Fowler and/or some of the bots give the the whole "robots in disguise" spiel and try to get Twitch and Nightshade (Or Jawbreaker. Again, haven't decided yet) to take on more covert alt modes, only for Optimus to step in and say they have a right to keep their forms though it means they can't go out as much as Hashtag
Robbie and the Terrans aren't super active in the war - cos y'know, they're kids - so they're usually either getting into shenanigans or helping around the base. Hashtag is scrubbing evidence of the Transformers off the internet, Twitch is sparring with Wheeljack or Arcee, and Nightshade is trying to help Ratchet perfect the synth en formula, find the Maltos a way home, and rebuild the holoform projector so they and their siblings can leave the base.
Meanwhile, Optimus is quietly having a crisis in the corner. There's a world where Megatron ended the war? Cybertron's core wasn't poisoned (Yeah, it might still be dead, but the key word is might)? He now has kids to look after. Not 'kid' like Smokescreen, but actual children who should not be here. Yeah, the Decepticons getting their hands on the human kids would be bad, but Optimus doesn't even want to think about what they'll do if they find out about the Terrans.
Uh, I'm running out of steam so I'm gonna try and speed through some more notes.
Wheeljack becomes Dad 2.5
The Terrans meet the Rescue Bots at some point due to Hashtag unintentionally looking through government files
I'm tempted to have Jawbreaker scan his canon alt mode since I know what it is, but I think I'll wait until I see how he actually gets it in season 1C before I decide for sure.
I want one of the Terrans to connect with either Dreadwing or Breakdown, though I'm not sure who does it or how.
Maybe the aligned!Emberstone is on Earth? They had a billion other relics stashed here so it wouldn't be too surprising.
If Cliffjumper lives, the Terrans are the ones who reveal themselves to Jack and Raf. Miko's intro to the bots stays the same.
Actually, if Cliffjumper lives, Bumblebee gets captured by the cons. He'll live but it won't be fun.
The Terrans get two drug PSAs! One from Megatron and the other from Ratchet.
Miko isn't allowed to be alone with Hashtag or the twins. That is an accident waiting to happen.
I feel like Dottie and June would be a fun dynamic? Lemme get back to you on that.
Nightshade sneaks out at night and becomes a local cryptid before Hashtag can scrub the images.
The displaced Maltos aren't showing it, but they are freaking out. They have no way of knowing if the rest of the family got away from the spacebridge, got sent to some other universe, or just flat out died when the spacebridge went critical.
Dottie and Robbie (Or Alex and Mo, or Dottie and Mo, or-) get set up with false records so that they aren't stuck in the silo for weeks on end.
Hashtag tries to hack the warship at least once. How it goes remains to be seen.
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cutekittenlady · 13 days
Trains, Planes, and Autobots
Summary Fic Part 8
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Opening on a flashback to back during the war.
Breakdown is waiting somewhere on the Nemesis alongside Wildrider and Deadend. Breakdown is trying to avoid the two ganging up on him by letting Deadend spiral into another bout of existentialism and keeping Wildrider boasting about a pileup he caused on the freeway.
The three are waiting for Dragstrip and Motormaster to return from a meeting amongst the higher ranks of the Decepticons. Wildrider notices Breakdown not paying full attention to him. Breakdown tries to play him off, but Wildrider is still growing aggressive. Breakdown tries to appeal to DeadEnd who shrugs him off.
Just then Motormaster and Dragstrip return with Motormaster in a bad mood. Breakdowns relieved when Wildrider's attentions shifts to the two and asks Motormaster how the meeting went.
This turns out to be a mistake as Motormaster angrily shoved Breakdown aside. Dragstrip leans over Breakdown and yells at him to "read the room".
Motormaster rages in frustration and throws a fist at the wall leaving a dent.
Breakdown mentally hopes that they're out of the room before anyone can report the damage.
Motormaster goes on a minor rant about his authority being undermined and his efforts unappreciated.
Dragstrip suggests they "wreck that little red corvette"* but Motormaster immediately shuts her down. Saying that if they did that Megatron would have all their heads as string lights because "the little bastards 'irreplacable' at this stage in the war".
Breakdown asks "more than Menasor?" only for Motormaster to bark at him to shut up and order the group to move on out so he could blow off some steam. Breakdown considers asking if they've been given approval to leave the Nemesis, but not wanting to get shoved or shouted down again he holds his tongue.
Back in the modern day, its the break of dawn and Breakdown comes out of his reflections on the past by Swindle asking him which way they need to go next. Breakdown pauses and transforms back into his robot form and looks at, of all things, a paper highway map.
Hardtop and Swindle give him "a look" and Breakdown asks what they think they're looking at.
Swindle asks Breakdown if his alt mode seriously doesnt have GPS to which Breakdown responds that hes never needed it because "some of us learned to read a map!" besides GPS is human tech that they could use to track them.
Hardtop asks why Breakdown is so on edge about them being traced. After all the autobots have plenty more to worry about than them. Breakdown doesn't answer and instead tells them the way they're going before immediately turning into his alt mode and driving off. The Con Bros look at each other before begrudingly driving after him.
Back at the Maltos house Dorothy, Megatron, Optimus, and Twitch are up and ready to start their own mission.
Robbie and Mo are also up to see their mother and sibling off, though Robbie is obviously still tired. Not having been able to sleep from the worry. He feels theres more he should be able to do to help his family, and by extension the autobots and Megatron.
Dorothy reassures him and tells him, Mo, and the Terrans to look after one another and listen to Ratchet.
Schloder pipes in that Dorothy has nothing to worry about as he'll make sure to look after the kids.
Dorothy acknowledge that before leaning in close and whispering to the kids to take care of Schloder too and make sure he doesn't get in over his head.
Ratchet hears this and gives a small laugh.
Schloder doesn't notice and asks if they have all the information they need to track down the Stunticons. Megatron confirms they do, but asks to be given any updates he may be able to receive from any of GHOSTs remaining connections.
The three finally take off. Twitch bidding goodbye to her siblings and racing to stay caught up with Megatron and Optimus. Twitch asks who they're looking for first.
Optimus tells them that the nearest and most recent information they could find was on Deadend. So that's who they're gunning for first. GHOST had discoverd his location but never got a chance to follow up on the lead.
They were going to New Jersey.
Hashtag brings the database up back at the dugout as the group looks at the lists of thousands of transformers.
Robbie takes charge and asks Hashtag if she and Nightshade were able to implement any kind of filters on the database. She responds negatively. They have the search engine, and can manually flip through the files, but thats about as far as they got programming wise.
Schloder points out that they DO have something. Him and Ratchet!
Ratchet is an experienced medic whose seen more bots in his life than anyone else, and he has extensively knowledge on various decepticons. Between them they should be able to help narrow down who the red transformers Jawbreaker saw was.
Ratchet is not as enthusiastic. He points out that a new paint job isn't exactly difficult to obtain. Besides which not all of GHOSTs information was up to date. For all they know the "red" cybertronian Jawbreaker saw could have changed colors five times by now. Or more.
Jawbreaker gives a disappointed, "Oh."
Mo suggests they try and help jog Jawbreakers memories. Maybe if they redo what they were doing when he saw the picture the first time around it might bring something back.
Ratchet tries to disregard the idea but Schloder is all in and the kids are already trying to figure out where everyone was standing at the time. It becomes increasingly clear Ratchet is going to get roped into pretending to explain Combiners again. He starts wishing he'd gone with Bumblebee or Optimus.
In an abandoned car factory we find a shadowy motormaster talking to someone about any progress they've made.
The other responds that he's managed to get the general location of all of the stunticons, but warns that although GHOST is gone the autobots are still absolutely at large and likely looking for all the escaped decepticons.
Motormaster disregards this. Telling the other that he's just making excuses, and demands to know where the others are.
The other scoffs and sarcastically asks if hes that eager to go back into stasis.
Motormaster responds by asking whose fault they think it is that he was put into stasis in the first place.
The other (its clearly knock out but i like playing up the shadowy unseen person trope so let me be coy) sarcastically asks if its really HIS fault that he went on a rampage and nearly ran him and a bunch of other cons over.
Motormaster replies in the affirmative. Tearing into the other for allowing his "family" to get torn apart. Insisting that if the stunticons had not been disbanded, they could have torn Megatron apart the moment he defected and won the war.
THe other just sighs, clearly having heard all this before, and warns that be that as it may, they can't form Menasor. Not yet. Not until they find the stunticons and convince them to rejoin the "family". After that nobody will be able to hurt them and they can do whatever they want.
Motormaster laughs and suggests that as a reward for their help, the other (knockout) could form Menasors "posh little red hat" and bursts into further laughter.
The other gives a sarcastic "ha. ha. ha." before refocusing on a map and a pile of rigged up technology.
*So after doing some research Knock Outs alt mode in Prime is maaaaybe based off an Aston Martin? But going off a wiki page I found here, the make and model wasn't available until, like, 2009. But doing some math it looks like the war must've ended around 2008 in the Earthspark universe, and since this flashback probably takes place in the early 2000's at the earliest I decided Knock Out would probably have had a different alt mode. But since I'm dumb about automobiles I more or less picking sports cars at random. So KO gets a Corvette alt mode in the early 2000s because it was the first one I thought of and also a reference to the song "Little Red Corvette" because why not? He probably changes to a different sports car every couple of years. Lets face it, Knockout probably changes alt modes like humans change clothes.
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melishade · 2 months
How's Elita-a doing in her timelines now that she's been caught? Taisho isn't a snitch, and he might be able to convince his aunt to jeep it a secret, if he even tells her, but he's still got a cybertronian pointing a gun at him for trying to put a dent on her.
Part 7: Elita in Hizuru
(Taisho is the father. Kenshin is the son.) Kenshin:...I knew it!
Elita starts charging her blaster.
Kenshin frantically: Wait, wait stop!
The guards almost come in at that moment but Kenshin keeps them outside with a lie. It also helps that Elita did transform back into her alt mode when they showed up. When Kenshin manages to get them to go away, Elita does transform back into her bipedal mode, but doesn't pull out her blaster. But she is acting quite hostile, and Kenshin doesn't know whether or not to be excited or terrified. Because "Oh my god, there's a titan in the house!" and "Oh no, there's a titan in the house!"
And Elita sees the usually rather composed and observant Prince pacing around in a panic. But Elita demands the Prince to let her go. Kenshin says that he can't do that because they had just bought her car model. The public is going to be suspicious if it's suddenly gone! Elita retorts that she needs to return to the island because her allies are there!
Elita: Listen Prince. I need to get back to the island so Optimus can stop panicking about my location.
Kenshin:…sucks in a breath
Elita: I am prone to using violence against humans.
Kenshin: I'm questioning if I fear you or my parents more.
Kenshin just asks Elita to cooperate for right now and he'll figure out a solution. She just has to trust him. Elita doesn't want to, considering the behavior that she's seen among the humans, not to mention she's heard talks late at night of Taisho returning from rather suspicious dealings.
Kenshin: Damn it, father!
But Elita, begrudgingly, complies for now. Kenshin does quietly leave the are and return to his room. But the next morning, he has to tell Kiyomi. She's the one currently dealing with the island. Kiyomi thinks about using her as a bargaining chip against Optimus to get more energon as part of the deal, but Kenshin immediately shuts that down.
Kenshin: Auntie, last night she tried to kill me and said that she would be willing to harm humans. I don't think we're going to get very far, even if we have the resources to restrain her.
Kiyomi: Oh come on, there must be something-!
Kenshin: No! She is terrifying!
Kiyomi: Huffs in disappointment.
The two do need to come up with a plan to find a replacement for Elita's model so that Elita can go back to the island. During this time, Kenshin does try his best to get to know her better. He does ask her questions, but she refuses to answers saying that she's not interested in someone keeping her prisoner here. Kenshin argues that he's trying to find a way to get her out. He wants to improve relationships with the island, so helping her would no doubt do that.
Elita: So you can get a higher cut of the energon and become richer.
Kenshin: That's what my father and my aunt want. And I do see a benefit in trading resources and bolstering our defense. I just think it's better to make allies instead of enemies. It's beneficial long term.
Elita finds the prince intriguing. Definitely different from what she expected. But Kenshin does find a way to get her to come out of her shell: knowledge. He reads knowledge of Hizuru's lands to her, which entices her more because being on an island for 20+ years gets boring.
However, that doesn't stop Elita's cover from getting blown because-! Taisho does bring Mikasa and Megatron down to the garage as part of the tour of the palace with Kiyomi, Kenshin, and Katsuko during the Hizuru OVA. And Megatron sees Elita's alt mode, and he's been tasked with looking for her, and he just stares, and the biggest shit eating grin appears on his face before he covers his mouth to stop the belt of cackles ready to spill. He ends up collapsing to the floor onto his knees stifling his laughter. Taisho is wondering why Megatron has seemingly broken his calm and cool mask, and why Mikasa is staring in surprise. But the Elita roars to life in alt mode, revving her engines and scaring everyone else, except for Megatron, who is still laughing.
Elita: You were supposed to be looking for me, you fragger!
Megatron, still stifling his laughter: I was looking for you!
Elita: You took you sweet aft time! I should kill you right now!
Kenshin: Hey, let's build peace! Let's build peace!
Taisho: What is going on?!
Katsuko realizes: Darling...I...think you bought a titan?
Dead silence before Megatron fully starts cackling.
Elita is going to kill this fragging CON! Mikasa is the one that has to calm Elita down and explain why she and Megatron are even here in the first place. (Her being royalty, trying to build allies, all that stuff). However the Hizuru plan has definitely been thrown off course. And Taisho demands a full explanation from his son this instant! Both Kiyomi and Kenshin have to explain what they found and their plan to swipe Elita with an identical model without him finding out. Taisho is understandably furious. He will speak with Elita directly.
Meanwhile Optimus is still panicking over where his conjunx is! And then Megatron comes back with a shit eating grin.
Megatron: I have some fantastic news.
Levi: That’s fucking ominous
(After Megatron explains everything)
Hanji: Why the fuck didn’t you get her out?!
Megatron still grinning: She said it was important reconnaissance.
Hanji: Oh my god, we both know that’s bullshit.
Levi: You know she’s gonna wreck your shit when she eventually gets out.
Megatron:…I’ll take my chances.
Hanji: Wow!
Taisho and Elita immediately start talking, Elita is still in alt mode, and Taisho does try to blackmail her into staying, but Elita isn't stupid. She straight up tells him that she's been gaining intel on him as well. And she knows how to leak information to the public that can smear someone's good name. But it shouldn't be too hard since she knows the royal family is hated with the exception of Katsuko. Taisho reminds her that she's a titan, and that she's already hated. Elita shoots back about the public questioning the Hizuru family harboring a titan when they were hated for aligning with the Eldian Empire in the first place.
Taisho: ...You're good.
Elita: I've had eons of experience.
Elita still demands to be let go and returned to the island, but Taisho reminds her that he still can't let go of this opportunity. Not to mention there will be questions about the recent car he bought disappearing. Elita...comes up with a compromise. She's certain that Taisho has enemies, and they have plans and plots to try and eliminate him or his son and wife. She's also aware that Hizuru wants a higher percentage of the energon that's found. If Taisho lets her go back to the island whenever she desires and gives her information on what governments from different countries are saying and planning for the Eldians, she will ask Optimus to increase the percentage of energon given from 35% to 40% and she will inform Taisho of any coups and protect his family. No one would suspect her after all.
Taisho is interested in the deal; however, this is unprecedented, and will have to come to the island with Kiyomi to work out the kinks of this deal. Elita is more than willing to compromise for that. After all, Mikasa is of high value now. Other than that hiccup, Mikasa and Megatron's trip to Hizuru doesn't have any other issues. Although, Elita doesn't have a holoform, so she can't join Megatron and Mikasa on their escapades. Megatron and Mikasa still have their moments in Hizuru, especially the moments under the floating lanterns.
So when they go back to Paradis, the royal family does end up going with Mikasa and Kiyomi. But when they reach the island, Elita finally transforms into her bipedal mode, and jumps into the water, startling Katsuko and Taisho. Elita ends up walking onto the shore of the island, covered in seaweed. The Restorationist see her and are understandably terrified. They didn't know about her until right now. Optimus is ecstatic to see her but keeps his professional cool. However Elita-!
Elita ripping the seaweed off of her body: Where is he?
Survey Corps immediately points to Megatron
Arcee: Is that...fragging Elita-1?!
Wheeljack: I just gotta say I’m a huge fan!
Elita sprints and tackles Megatron
Wheeljack: I’m a really huge fan.
A huge brawl. Megatron definitely puts in more effort to stay alive. He puts in too much effort he might actually injure her and he knows Optimus doesn't want that. He still respects Elita for being a capable warrior; he just wants to live. Elita does come out worse for wear but alive, while Megatron is in the Family Guy death pose. Wheeljack cheered Elita on while Arcee recorded the whole thing. Levi watched while sipping wine with a big smile.
Hanji:…was it worth it?
Megatron beaten and bloody on the ground:…yes
Hanji: You're impossible.
Arcee and Wheeljack do have to ask her questions.
Arcee: As much as it’s an honor to meet you, we need to know if who you are is who you say you are?
Elita: Makeshift?
Arcee: Among other things.
Elita: So the fact that Optimus is choosing to spare Megatron’s life and is letting him hang around humans while knowing his war crimes isn’t an indicator that it’s Optimus?
Wheeljack:…she brings up a good point
Elita: And I want him dead for stabbing me?
Also, Elita brings up the fact of just asking him about the Matrix, which makes Arcee feel super dumb. Great introduction for the royal family though!
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melishade · 1 year
In the beloved timeline, we're at the part where the warriors leave, right? So next comes finding the Neutral Ship and then the whole overthrowing the government arc. There's no way Elita-1 will sit back while her man's out doing who knows what with his sworn enemy. What would her part in this be? Also, your version of Optimus and Elita give me Millie and Moxxie vibes.
Previous Episode of the Beloved Timeline AKA Megatron getting fucking wrecked!
Say my name Grieving Soft shit
Elita?! Sitting out?! Absolutely fucking not!
Look, she had to miss out on the remainder of the war because of what happened on Cybertron, and has been stranded on the AOT world for 20+ years. She is not going to miss out on another conflict where innocent people could suffer (which is definitely not her trying to overcompensate for her absence in the war), she not going to leave her Conjux Endura behind, and she's definitely not going to let Buckethead do whatever the hell he wants!
There are...a few issues unfortunately.
See, Elita wants to see if maybe she could see something on the mainland. Marley doesn't know anything about her, maybe she could spy on Marley for Paradis. But the first part of that issue would require Megatron to take her to the mainland.
Elita pulling out her sword, causing Megatron to take a step back.
Hanji: Oh my god, Elita, keep your murder boner in your pants.
Levi: And if you are going to murder him, do it over the ocean. Less clean up and they won't find his body for a while.
Hanji: Levi!
Megatron: You'll be stuck down there with me.
Elita giving an unsettling grin: Only for a moment.
Optimus has to address them both that they need to stop and to not antagonize each other.
Megatron: I'm trying to stay away from her!
Optimus deadpanning: I am saying this from experience.
Megatron:...fair point.
Optimus: Elita, put the sword away.
Elita glaring at Megatron.
Optimus: Elita.
Elita narrowing her optics as she slowly puts it back on her back.
So once that is addressed, hopefully but unlikely, Elita needs to update her alt mode. She can camouflage her colors just fine, (as proven in RID2015, don't like the show, just some aspects of it), but her vehicle mode is too futuristic. Hanji thinks that it can't be that bad, but Elita just transforms and she's a fucking hovering car. Hanji's completely distracted now, placing her hand in and out in between Elita's hovering wheel and the ground. At one point she just starts rolling under her, giggling like a little kid. So Elita needs to update her alt mode to this time period.
Three, she doesn't have a holoform, and neither Optimus nor Megatron know how to really install it themselves.
Elita: Why do you have one?!
Megatron: Soundwave! Deal with it!
So if Elita wants to help out on the mainland, she and Megatron...have to work together.
Elita:...Is killing him over the ocean still an option?
Hanji: NO!
Levi: Please do!
Hanji: Stop antagonizing!
So once Megatron scopes out the area and finds an area where Elita can find an alt mode to scan without being seen. Megatron has to take her to the warehouse, with Hanji deciding to go with them. Because both are people Optimus cares about, and she can't handle Optimus being upset! So the two of them are going to tolerate each other or else someone's losing a T-Cog!
So they end up going to the warehouse in Marley and its a pretty tense ride to there. Elita looks at the vehicles and picks one that just looks like this:
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It's one of the newer models of this time period, but still old and primitive compared to Cybertronian standards. She can still drive extremely fast, the internal components haven't changed, and the windows are tinted. It's still not a model she's entirely comfortable with but it'll do for now. Hanji says that they should head back to the island, but Elita states that she'll start her mission right now and drives off. Megatron's relieved she's gone, but Hanji immediately turns to Megatron demanding some gratitude out of him.
Hanji: I am trying everything that I can to make sure that she doesn't kill you, so I better hear a fucking 'thank you' out of you or else I'm just gonna let her do whatever the hell she wants to you! And I am very eager to see a repeat of what happened last time!
Megatron quietly grumbling:...thank you.
Hanji: What was that?!
Megatron: THANK YOU!
So now Elita's scouting out other parts of Marley in her new alt mode while Megatron is dealing with the situation in Liberio. A few thing:
-Elita does come back to the island on a monthly basis with Megatron. Hanji has to be with them at all times so they don't kill each other.
-Optimus and Elita have to start managing a long distance relationship. Optimus walks her through some of the human customs that might translate over from Earth while Elita is pretty excited to talk about the sights she's seeing since she's been on the island for so long. Although, Elita's not too happy about the discrimination the Eldians on the mainland go through. She expresses her displeasure at the situation.
-When Elita does come back to the island, she and Optimus are literally spending their time catching up and being in each other's company. The Survey Corps can't help but notice the way Optimus lights up around her.
-Zeke, Yelena, and the Restorationists have no idea that Elita exists and they intentionally keep it that way because they don't trust them yet, and this does allow Elita to spy on them and gather information. Like she did with the Quintessions.
(I probably should write Elita having interactions with the Survey Corps to see why Optimus cares about them so much. Like how Eren feels about her, but that's for another day. And yeah I guess it could be Moxxie and Millie vibes.)
Also Hanji with Megatron and Elita:
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melishade · 1 year
In the Peaceful Timeline, I can imagine Maria accidently finding Optimus or Megatron's alt mode and being excited over her discovery. So excited, in fact, that she drags her mom, Pop, and Meg to see it. Too bad it "mysteriously" vanishes, A.K.A. got tf out of there, leaving Maria very confused and frustrated.
Part 4: Arcee and Wheeljack’s lack of involvement
Oh fun. I'm gonna add a little drama to this though.
So Optimus, Megatron, and Ymir keep their powers/titan forms a secret for about six to seven years after she's born. Maria doesn't suspect anything is wrong at that age. She'll ask where Optimus and Megatron are going, and Ymir will say that they either went to help the town or went to find food and resources and all that stuff. Maria doesn't doubt it. When they do come back, they come back with food and supplies to help repair and clean the house. Additionally, they get Maria some pencils so that she can write and draw. Maria's fine with the arrangement. She still gets to be with Optimus and Megatron. She'll ask Megatron for piggy back rides and Optimus about certain items she's found. She adores her papas, and she loves her mama. However, Optimus has tried in the past to discuss with Megatron and Ymir about telling Maria the truth, only to have Megatron shut it down and Ymir acting despondent. Both of them do not want to tell her the truth, and Optimus is annoyed by that. Maria has to know eventually.
One day, Maria is out playing in the woods, finding new items to show to Optimus and ask about. However, she ventures a little too far, and spots Optimus in titan form staring out at the mountains and the skies. Maria stares in awe at the being, but she doesn't get to see his face. Instead, she runs as quickly as possible back to the cabin without alerting Optimus. When she enters, she screams at the top of her lungs as Ymir and Megatron are interrupted from a small conversation. She grabs her mom and drags her by the arm, confusing both of them. When Maria says that she saw a giant red and blue man, Ymir looks at Megatron in fear, and Megatron quickly contacts Optimus to leave without Maria noticing. Optimus quickly nopes out of there as Maria continues to guide Ymir and Megatron to the spot, but is confused when Optimus isn't there anymore. Maria is confused while Ymir is sighing with relief. Maria explains to them both that she saw something, but Megatron retorts by saying there's nothing here. He then picks up Maria and carries her on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, earning groans and complaints from Maria. But Maria notices the tracks that Optimus left behind and smiled mischievously.
Later that night, she still does try to explain what she saw again to get them to believe her, this time with Optimus in the room, but they all play dumb which all three are pretty guilty about and it frustrates Maria. She's telling the truth! Ymir tells her to go to bed and sleep this off, and Maria grumbles and relents. As she goes to her room, the three have an immediate discussion. Megatron is scolding Optimus for letting himself slip up, but Optimus demands why no one was watching her in the first place. Regardless, they need to tell her and they cannot lie about this for the rest of her life. Megatron is adamant. He is not telling Maria about who they are. He would rather die than tell her the truth.
"Megatron we cannot keep lying to her," Optimus told him.
"What about 'robots in disguise'? Didn't seem to be a problem back on Earth," Megatron proclaimed.
"We are helping raise a human child!" Optimus reminded.
The two get no where with that conversation and call it off, and both are annoyed. Optimus demands to know why this is such an issue, but Megatron refuses to answer. Ymir goes to check in on Maria, but screams in horror and realizes that Maria escaped though the window.
Meanwhile, Maria searches the woods and finds the same path that Optimus took in alt mode. She follows it in the rain and thunder and finds it ending at a rocky cliff. Maria thinks Optimus climbed that and tries to do it herself. But Maria ends up slipping and falling off the cliff, before she tumbles further down, Ymir finds her and transforms into her titan form to catch her. Maria is stunned at the sight as Ymir slowly brings her back up. Optimus and Megatron them and watch in horror as Ymir sets her daughter down. Maria can only watch in shock as Ymir pulls herself out of her titan form and climbs down. She sees her daughter staring at her and her titan marks, and immediately assumes the worst. Ymir tries so hard to explain, but she's just remembering all the trauma and looks of fear she's gotten in the past and can't think of anything.
Megatron is not happy. He's angry at the fact that Maria put herself in danger, but also afraid what this possibly means for the rest of them. Megatron grabs Maria by her shirt and yells at her for her stupidity. What was she thinking, putting herself in danger like that?! You could've been killed you stupid child! Optimus forces Megatron to let go, but the damage is done. Maria is looking at Megatron in fear and with tears in her eyes. Megatron never yelled or demeaned Maria like that. Usually if she did something wrong, Optimus and Ymir would explain why and Megatron would stay out of it. Sometimes he would entertain her queries, but that was it. Not this.
Optimus can only pick up Maria, who still pretty traumatized by the events, and he helps Ymir to her feet and brings them back to the cabin. Megatron ends up leaving for a while, Optimus doesn't know where. Maria watches Ymir go to her room, and her heart breaks when she hears her mom sobbing.
"Papa, I...I didn't mean to," Maria pleaded with Optimus, "I didn't mean to make mama upset. I-!"
"I need to console your mother," Optimus merely said as he took Maria to her room.
Maria waits in her room under her sheets, and it's an agonizing wait. She's trying to process what she just saw, while hearing her mother sob. Maria wants to apologize, but doesn't know what she saw. She wants answers. She wants the truth. Maria hears the door open and raises her head to see Optimus sit by her bed. Maria can only ask what happened, and Optimus explains as best as he can. He tells Maria that her mother was a prisoner of an cruel king. She came across that power she just saw and was forced to use it for the cruel king. Until he found her and rescued her from the king. They had lived a quiet life and kept her powers a secret to protect her. But Maria doesn't understand. Why didn't her mom tell her the truth? Why didn't Optimus or Megatron?
"Because..." Optimus trailed off, remembering how fearful his own Autobots were when they thought he had turned against them, "we were afraid. We were afraid that your perception of us would change, and that...you would no longer look at us the same way again. We are afraid that...you would fear us instead."
Maria was confused by the phrasing, but then remembered what she witnessed earlier, and how Optimus' clothing matched the red and blue giant she saw. "You...you're the giant man."
"...I am," Optimus relented.
And suddenly, things begin to make sense for Maria. About why Optimus and Megatron don't eat at the house. Why they take long trips. It all comes into place. She then hugs Optimus, and tells him that Ymir was still her mama and he was still her papa. Nothing would change that. Optimus is touched at such a proclamation, but there's still much to be discussed and tells Maria to get some rest. Maria tells Optimus that she loves him, and Optimus kisses her forehead and tells her the same thing.
Optimus then goes to the ship that he and Megatron found, and finds Megatron sitting down, hunched over. Optimus tells Megatron that he understands why he didn't want to tell Maria the truth, and that he was sorry for not understanding before.
"...it was a human," Megatron mumbled, "A tiny, frail, little, human that looked at me with admiration instead of fear. I never realized how much I missed that...and I know that when she sees me, she will look at me in fear. Just like everyone else has. Just like you have....I don't want to lose that."
It was Megatron and Ymir's greatest fear the entire time. They had always been feared and ridiculed by others, be it choice or not. If they lose it with Maria, they don't know what else they would do. But Megatron was certain he ruined it with the way that he acted with Maria. Optimus places a servo on his shoulder and tells him that their might be some adjustment, but Maria would still love them. Megatron asks how could be be so sure, and Optimus says its because she's their own.
Optimus and Megatron come back to the cabin the next day in holoform, and find Ymir awake, drinking water with her red shot eyes. Optimus kneels down and rubs her back. They all hear footsteps, and turn to see Maria walking towards them. All of them are understandably tense, Megatron and Ymir absolutely dreading the worst. But Maria runs up to Ymir and hugs her tight. Ymir can't help but burst into tears and hug her back. She didn't expect this. She thought that Maria would hate her or be scared of her, but she still loved her, even with this monster inside of her. Megatron is stunned by the display, and Optimus turns to Megatron and nods his head. They show her tonight.
Later that night, Optimus and Megatron take both Ymir and Maria far from the cabin and away from any other prying eyes. Optimus then kneels down and tells Maria that they are going to show her their titans forms. And that...no matter what she thinks of them, they would always love her. Maria nods her head, and gasps when both deactivate their holoforms. Optimus drives up and transforms while Megatron flies in and lands on his pedes. Optimus slowly kneels down towards the two while Megatron keeps his distance. Optimus extends his servo to her, and Maria excitedly places a hand on Optimus digit. Optimus can't help but sag with relief as Maria giggles in excitement.
Megatron immediately looks away as he feels all eyes on him. He shuts his own optics and clenches his fists, anticipating the rejection and fear that was going to come with. He didn't want to lose Maria too. He-!
"You look like a porcupine!" Maria exclaims in excitement.
Megatron snaps his head back in shock while Optimus puts up his battle mask to muffle his laughter. Wh-! Is she serious?! A porcupine?! She reaches out for Megatron, and Megatron awkwardly kneels down to reach for Maria, mindful of his claws. And Maria places her hand on the side of his claws and looks up in adoration. It's something that Megatron treasures close to his spark.
There isn't much change in their routine, but Optimus and Megatron are finally able to share more things with Maria, and Maria gets the view of the mountain from their shoulders. Although Maria is grounded for going off on her own. Much to Maria's horror.
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