#operationnope gets tagged
operationnope · 2 months
Thanks for the tag @queen-of-boops 😽💗
This was so random! I don’t know if I should laugh or feel called out 😂😒
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Tagging for funsies @longbobmckenzie @libelle949 @sparxaf @tammyisobsessedwith and anyone else who wants to join 🌟🚀
Take the Cosmos Persona quiz here
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luckyqueenreign · 11 months
going to tag some ozzy girlies...sorry if I missed you:
@noahsthottie @operationnope @cycat4077 @oliverslove @queen-of-boops @mendie91 @kunepie @earlyevenings @damagedsavefile @katsie
so ive had time to breathe from yesterdays disastrous update and I also replayed it again this morning and maybe it's bc I already knew what was going to happen or maybe playing it again made me realize a few new things but I'm actually not as mad w/ Ozzy as I was yesterday...
in my playthrough, Roberto was the one that pulled MC for a chat after the casa recoupling to talk about how ozzy was feeling during casa, his massive insecurities and that he was the one that wrote the note for MC. In my opinion this conversation basically lays out the foundation and road map for this weeks update.
We know that MC and Ozzy obviously had feelings for each other pre-casa, but they were never actually official. MC had MULTIPLE guys trailing after her around the villa and even if she felt the strongest connection to Ozzy - in his defense we never really told him this. Even the kiss goodbye was just that...a kiss goodbye. When we have the first chat with him he opens up and tells MC how much he missed her and how he felt when she was gone and when she says she missed him back. he's obviously happy but its almost like he's relieved and surprised she feels the same way. Being that they've never been coupled and never had a "this is it...you're the only one I want" chat his insecurities here are completely valid.
Then we hear about Ozzy making mad moves at casa. And at first I was PISSED especially bc in my mind that kiss goodbye was me telling him I wanted him. But then I started to think about how this is so completely out of character for Ozzy. This man doesnt do one night stands, he's held out on kissing MC until he had properly sorted his feelings for her and Grace so for him to get to the point where he's in a pool skinny dipping with two strangers, he must've been feeling super low and super insecure. (call back to Roberto telling us he has way more insecurities than we know) He tells us multiple times that when he saw the postcard he thought that Grace and MC were both moving on and he had to make moves. but what got me around this second playthrough was his instant guilt in the moment after it happened. If Ozzy was really a player who went around skinny dipping and triple kissing girls, he wouldnt have been racked with guilt. He wouldve just brought back a Casa girl bc that wouldve been the easy way out. But he didnt do that. And sure do I wish he had been more upfront about it on our very first convo? Absolutely!! but then I do see his side about feeling so guilty about it, being insecure and ultimately being inexperienced in scenarios such as this...bc this is not in his character!
all in all I still do think theres a redemption arc for Ozzy somewhere here. and if you have followed me since s5 you know I wont give up that easy 💀
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rebelrayne · 22 days
tease tidbit tuesday
thank you for tagging me, @actuallyitsellie!
I don't really have a lot of teasing parts and I can't follow the rules so I put a lot 🙂 I have no idea if I'll even use this so it might be the only way it sees light of day but from Collateral:
He couldn’t take it anymore. Was Bruno really just going to stand there and listen to this? He had nothing to add or say on the matter? Did he really not trust Ari that much?! “Oh dear God, would you shut the bloody hell up already?!”  Gasps and widened eyes shot over to Tom. Youcef fumbled with his perfume bottle, knocking it over on the counter, while James’s head shook from side to side as he watched the two men–Tom to Dylan, Dylan to Tom, back and forth. “You wanna repeat that, pipsqueak? I bet you won’t.” Dylan chuckled as he rolled his eyes. “Say it again. I dare you.” Biting his tongue, Tom tried to take a few deep breaths. Just because Dylan was 6’4, didn’t make Tom short. He was five-fucking-eleven! As Dylan ran his hand through his hair, he cleared his throat once then turned from the mirror towards the door. “Yeah, called it. Fucking coward.”  He couldn’t let him get away with it—not the ‘coward’ thing, but what he’d been saying and doing to Ari. “Turn around and say that to my bloody face!” Okay, this was actually happening…. Taking large strides, Tom stopped in front of Dylan, fists clenched at his sides. “Don’t you dare talk about her like that!” Snorting, Dylan leaned down. “Or else what?” “Or else…” Tom blanked for a moment and one eye twitched. Dylan’s smug grin infuriated him. Pressing his nails deeper into the palms of his hands, Tom puffed out his chest. “Or else…or else I’ll punch you square in the throat! Right now! And I highly doubt you’ll just sit there and take it, right? So we’ll have a really, really nice ride away from the Villa when we’re kicked off the show. And I’ll happily pay whatever amount your low-grade lawyer gets you in court! So talk about Ari like that again, I dare you.”
tagging but no pressure @countessklair @operationnope @queen-of-boops @0shewrites0
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oodelally3 · 2 months
20 Questions (for fic writers)
Thanks for the tag, @operationnope! I've written even less than you have, but this'll still be fun.
How many works do you have on ao3?
A whopping four.
What's your total ao3 word count? 59,604
What fandoms do you write for?
Love Island the Game
Harry Potter
Top five fics by kudos:
What I Did for Love
Taking the Plunge
Beginning Together
Do you respond to comments?
Every one! (There's one I haven't responded to yet, but I'm going to after this. 😊)
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Epistle, definitely. It was originally a one-shot, but I'm going to continue the story. Hoping for HEA, but that all depends on what Hermione & Draco do.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Beginning Together, for sure. It's impossible to have angst when there are sheep around. #Facts
Do you get hate on fics?
No, I don't have enough readers for that. But what an awful thing to do. There's literally nothing forcing you to read it--just move on with your life.
Do you write smut?
Just wrote my very first one! I was terrified.
Craziest crossover:
Don't have one. Yet?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
All time favourite ship?
My MC & Carl; my MC & Bobby; Dramione.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I hope to finish both my WIPs, so I'm not going to jinx them. Oh! And I forgot I was also going to expand the world of Taking the Plunge because I loved Nadia & her friends so much.
What are your writing strengths?
Narration, witty asides, description & small details, world-building...? I find it difficult to answer this question.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Reading too many others fics instead of making myself sit down to write my own. 😳 I take too long between chapters. I need to write more about how my characters are feeling/sensing, etc., particularly in love scenes. Maybe showing some characters' bad traits?
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I enjoy it, even if there's not a translation. I don't mind looking it up. If it fits the character, this should be included. I think right now I only have one ESL, and I try to pepper his dialogue with Swedish words and phrases and nicknames. Sweet Henrik.
First fandom you wrote in?
LITG! First fics I ever read, too.
Favourite fic you've written?
Uhhh...I think WIDFL, my very first (and a WIP). And I'm very proud of Epistle.
I'm not sure who's already been tagged, so feel free to consider yourself tagged if you want to do this!
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mrsbsmooth · 10 months
this ask is directed towards both of your pages (though i'm putting it here bc of my opinion) and it's this; based on what you've seen in the games/shows, would you rather be on love island or too hot to handle?
Ogkmgmfmd okay okay I love love love that you asked me this because I definitely haven’t spent way too long thinking about it.
Honestly I’d rather be on Love Island.
The challenges look SO FUN and I love the whole idea of the show. It would be so bad for my anxiety but if I found someone lovely on there I wouldn’t hesitate to stick with them.
Also there is no way is be able to keep my pants on for THTH. Sorry not sorry. I’m old enough now to know that I CAN get to know someone without the physical aspect, but why in the ever living fuck would I want to do that 😂😂😂
Tagging you back @ignocubo, and also tagging @longbobmckenzie @oliverslove @caitkaminski @junebirdle @queen-of-boops @lucas-koh and @operationnope to answer as well!!!!!
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0shewrites0 · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
thank you for tagging me @rebelrayne 🫶🏼
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Love Island the Game, Romance Club fandom, The Originals (and I guess you could say LoveLink because I had characters appear in a LITG fic?)
Top five fics by kudos:
1. Dead of Night
2. Seamless
3. I’m Yours
4. liquid gold
5. crossroads
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Always! Maybe not right away but I love getting comments, reading them and replying to them 🥹
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don’t know, I guess it would be the ghost of you because rainbow isn’t that angsty. It’s more hurt/(a little)comfort?
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
There are so manyyy 😂 But for the sake of it, I’ll put a thief and a liar here
Do you get hate on fics?
No and I’m glad I don’t. I only had someone ask why there was such a difference in the level of writing between I’m Yours (literally my first ever fic) and Seamless. Which, duh. And I should probably give I’m Yours a rewrite but I honestly couldn’t care less. It’s a part of my journey 🥲
Do you write smut?
Yes and I think it’s fun!
Craziest crossover:
I’ve not really done crossovers.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No but I feel like if that happened to me, I’d be heartbroken.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
All time favourite ship?
I thought I’d say Lucas/MC but now I don’t know? I’ll write anything as long as the ✨hyper fixation✨ hits, ya know? And I read everything as well. I’ve read so many great fics where I absolutely loved the pairing.
Lmao in case you couldn’t tell, I’m fucking indecisive 💀
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
A chaptered fantasy AU. I have so many chapters written (unedited) but most days I’m not really feeling it 😩 It’s been sitting in my drafts for forever.
What are your writing strengths?
I’ve had a lot of people in comments say that my character analysis is great and that way I can bring them to life in a realistic way? And that I can portray them and their thoughts and emotions really well 👉🏼👈🏼
What are your writing weaknesses?
Definitely the language. I’ve tried writing in German but it’s horrible. It’s so cringeworthy and I can’t even imagine putting that on a platform even though I’m native and obviously have alllll the vocab skills I’d need. But English is only my second language and I’m still struggling, sometimes so much that I can’t even sit down and write because I get so frustrated.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I love it!
First fandom you wrote in?
Love Island the Game
Favourite fic you've written?
I’ve loved writing It was meant to be you so so much 😮‍💨
tagging @willkimurashat @mercedesdecorazon @crimswnred @libelle949 @perfectlysunny02 @operationnope @ellegreenwxy @eskiix @ariendiel 🩷
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mp3minded · 2 months
Ozzy: My Analysis.
This was a long time coming, because from the very first time I played his route (which also happened to be the first I completed the season to the end with), I knew Ozzy was a fundamentally interesting character that I'd want to dedicate a whole essay for, because it's one way I like to show my affection for these characters 🥺
(Problem was, I felt like I wouldn't of been able to do him justice before, but after my final research run, I don't think that's a road block for me anymore.)
One thing about his route is, no matter how you approach it, there'll always be a level of pain to it. I think the only exception to this is if you tell him, in paraphrase, "I'm interested too, but I'm not ready to commit yet," when he confesses to MC after the Doghouse Challenge, because that option allows MC the best of both worlds.. those two worlds I've experienced first-hand, I'll detail below.
If you tell him "I feel the same way," that day, it'll be held in the back of his mind that, at-least some point in time, he was your #1 choice (even if you end up choosing someone else in the end)
The pain waiting for MC on this path is, of course, how directly affected she is by everything that happened after her shock fake-dumping. (I even liveblogged my reaction to a lot of it, when I consciously paid attention to everything happening outside of Ozzy and MC's bond, within my #my exp tag, early March.)
Him patching things up with Grace, which she revealed to MC during Casa Amor
What he did during Casa, in reaction to seeing MC again in the postcards, (which didn't paint her in a positive light), which was a skinny-dip threeway kiss (which he IMMEDIATELY regretted)
Not breaking things off with Grace as soon as he should've after Casa (in my opinion), which I think should've been that first morning when all the OGs woke up together in the villa again, at the latest
And, on the topic of the Casa drama.. one moment I really like is, even if MC chooses to "play dumb," when piecing together what likely happened.. Ozzy couldn't keep her in the dark for too long even when he first considered it, which to me is so cute 🥺💗
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@operationnope brought up some very good points when I asked her opinion on the situation. Being reminded of a very core part of Ozzy's character amidst the hurt was just what I needed 🥴 even if he fumbles along the way, he still wants to do right by all of the involved parties, and that includes Grace.
And, that leads me to what my final research run was all about.. seeing what his route is like when you friendzone him instead, before Casa. And, holy hell. I thought it would've been easy enough, but that came with its own unique set of challenges.
@ariendiel I remember at one point just thinking, "this is probably the closest to the Noah route experience I'll ever feel," and I know y'all Noah stans had it even tougher because there was no way to even couple up with Noah at all, outside of the disaster recoupling 😭 y'all don't get enough credit for REAL 🥺💙
It was a very isolating path, where even Ozzy flips back and forth between acknowledging MC's interest in him after all, with her actions, to "I'm friendzoned" mode. Everyone else, including Grace, just brushes off everything MC does, with the clear exception of the final recoupling.
And that all applies even after I told Grace that it could become a thing still, him and MC together 💀
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On the one hand, yes I can sympathize with Ozzy's position in this scenario. But also it's like, Ozzy.. read the room! 😭🥺
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Or, alternatively...
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...from what I can tell from this difference of his dialog after the final recoupling.. he was reading the room, and was just trying to play it very cool with MC.
So, what is the overarching theme with Ozzy no matter how you approach his route? *checks the melted inked note on my arm* ..something about not knowing how to handle being in love for the first time, with the very real possibility of (total) rejection.
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And, this song sums up his route to a T 🥺 and y'know what, maybe I did feel myself fall for him all over again as I was listening to it, on this last run 😭
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ariendiel · 4 months
Spell your url with song titles
thank you for the tag @fox-from-fairytale! 🤍
All of the time, by Jungle
Respite encore, by Clara Luciani
If I'm lucky I might get picked up, by Betty Davis
Endling, by Kvelertak
Night drizze, by Lamp
Dance you outta my head, by Cat Janice
Inspector norse, Todd Terje
Epiphany, by BTS
Letter to my 13 year old self, by Laufey
I'll tag @mrsgaryrennell, @notasdriedapricots, @mp3minded and @operationnope
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longbobmckenzie · 7 months
15 people, 15 questions
Thanks for the tag, @beesandfigsart!
1. Are you named after anyone?
not my first name, but my middle name is my grandmother's name
2. When was the last time you cried?
lol I'm not much of a crier so I don't remember exactly, but it probably was something to do with my favourite sports team
3. Do you have kids?
nope and hopefully never do
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
if you count gym class and elementary school teams, many 😂 but otherwise not a lot. I did start playing tennis with my sister this summer but idk if you could really call it playing a sport (we're both terrible)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
it's my love language
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
honestly... idk. there's no one specific thing
7. What’s your eye color?
kinda greenish-greyish-bluish? I never really know how to answer this question
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
scary movies don't interest me, and if I'm gonna invest my time into something I prefer it to have a happy (or at least satisfactory) ending (unless I'm writing it)
9. Any talents?
I guess I've got some writing talent 😂 or so people say. other than that, nothing special
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
reading, writing, playing Romance Club, spending too much time on discord
12. Do you have any pets?
13. How tall are you?
5’5 but I look taller
14. Favorite subject in school?
didn't really have a favourite
15. Dream job?
I don't really have one, lmao. I'm not ambitious and I'm happy in my current job, which is the most important thing imo. but if I could get paid to sit on my ass and write fanfiction all day, that'd be amazing
tagging @rebelrayne, @eskiix, @queen-of-boops, @thatwheelchairchick, @lucas-koh, @operationnope, @bypine
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queen-of-boops · 9 months
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💕 My name is Trystan and I'm a speech-language pathologist from St. Ives.
My friends would probably describe me as flirty, bubbly and a little bossy. Of course, I don't think I'm bossy, but I usually get what I want.
The boys all look stunning, and I've got my eye on Joyo for now. I can't wait to see how they'll react when I walk into Casa Amor! 💕
FC: Alexis Ren
I know @operationnope made a moodboard for her S7 MC and throught it might be fun to turn it into a tag game since a few others were considering it (no pressure obviously!). So I'm gonna get the ball rolling with @operationnope, @rebelrayne and @willkimurashat
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operationnope · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag @rebelrayne @mrsbsmooth @0shewrites0💗 I haven't written much, but I think I have just enough criteria to answer most of the questions 😅
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Love Island the Game
Top five fics by kudos:
it's about zeph
heart on his chest
the lies that she told
Ironically, my only other fic naughty yoga has the most hits, but the least kudos
Do you respond to comments?
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I had to really think about it, which is funny since I don't have that many fics, but I don't think my fics are particularly angsty. Probably soon, Ozzy and MC pining for each other
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
For me, the happiest ending is it's about zeph because Amelia gets slapped 😂 But it's probably actually Mistletoe
Do you get hate on fics?
No and it's upsetting that people do
Do you write smut?
I do now!
Craziest crossover:
Haven't done one
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
All time favourite ship?
Right now, my MC and Kyle🥰 Game canon couple- Nicky and Elladine
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'm weird and don't really have wips per say. I usually get a wild hair and do a oneshot until it's complete. But I did have a passing thought about doing a season one villa fic, especially since we can't play anymore 😥
What are your writing strengths?
lol, I've answered the rest of the questions first and come back to this. I think I'm good with characters. I'll make you swoon over an LI or giggle with the girls or hate an evil twin.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Impatience, commas, and not pushing myself when I don't wanna. And I could probably use more details.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
When @longbobmckenzie writes Roberto and sprinkles in Portuguese- HOT🥵
First fandom you wrote in?
LITG, first and only
Favourite fic you've written?
Recency bias, my two smutty oneshots naughty yoga and heart on his chest are my favs right now. Of all my six fics, it's about zeph is up there.
tagging @libelle949 @logan-writes @oodelally3 @ariendiel @throughthejunobush @mnlpine and anyone else who writes and wants to participate!
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sparxaf · 6 months
5, 6 and 11 for the positivity ask game 😘
5. What is a song you associate with a specific character?
Oooh, that's interesting. I listen to songs on repeat while I write, so oftentimes the song is more tied to my personal interpretation of the character than to the canon one. So I guess I'd say Maybe by Lewis Capaldi for Bobby. It's about fear and self-destruction and perfectly captures Bobby in TSIME.
A thousand times, I said too much Always second-guess before I jump I gave my all, but not enough And with the weight of expectation, I'll be sleeping rough
How come I'm the only one who ever seems to get in my way? Lately, I've been fucking up a good thing any chance I can get
6. What is your favourite part about being in this fandom?
The people. They are smart, funny, talented, quirky, fascinating and altogether lovely humans.
11. What's something that lives in your brain rent-free and you want everyone to know about the fandom/game/your fanworks?
I don't really know how to answer this one. I've pondered for far too many days. So I'm gonna say the first thing that rolls into my pea-brain.
I'm pretty much the next Shakespeare.
Sorry for posting so late to the game (literally). These answers take me forever. I put way too much thought into almost everything, and tag games are no different!
Thank you @operationnope for the ask. You light up my life in a very literal sense 😆
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elliesmith33 · 1 year
9 People You Want To Get To Know Better
Thank you to @operationnope and @fox-from-fairytale for tagging me!! 💛
Last Song: Die For You- The Weekend w/Ariana Grande
Currently Watching: honestly I don’t watch much but YouTube lol me and my husband are rewatching Fantastic Beasts and we’re on the 2nd movie.
Currently Reading: I’ve been reading Janet Evanovich- Stephanie Plum bounty hunter series. It’s hilarious. 10/10 highly recommend.
Current Obsession: besides litg? Lol. Taylor Swift (always). Watching people play video games is how I spend most my time so I’d call that an obsession.
I’m tagging @kikithegr8 @chocolatesvilla @myveryownhappyplace @luhvey-duhvey @daddytess @artmusesblog @fujihime-litg apologies if you’ve already been tagged or if you not interested in participating. ☺️
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rebelrayne · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
thank you for tagging me @actuallyitsellie 🤍
How many works do you have on ao3?
available: 16. I have more but they're hidden because I might be using bits and pieces of my AUs for my original work.
What's your total ao3 word count?
444,278 (but that's all of them, even hidden)
What fandoms do you write for?
Love Island the Game
Top five fics by kudos:
off the market | Hamish/MC
rewind | Bobby/MC
Mon Amour | Youcef/MC
We Do But Friends Don't | Bobby/MC (fuck this one fr)
jealous. | Ryan/MC
Do you respond to comments?
I try to respond to all of them, unless I got a ton at one time from the same person on multiple chapters. I don't want to be annoying and reply to all of them, so I'll reply to one.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
the checklist, I guess? I mean it's ambiguous, but I don't any end angsty.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
off the market because it has a happy ending in the last chapter, you feel me?
Do you get hate on fics?
Not as of lately.
Do you write smut?
Yes, but it's not my favorite thing to write.
Craziest crossover:
I wrote a Jurassic Park and The Office crossover as well as Once Upon A Time. Well, fuck I didn't realize I had that many.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, but idk why anyone would steal mine LMAO
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes and I had a terrible fucking time. Sup I am stupid.
All time favourite ship?
...but not Tom with anyone else. Fuck off with that.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Tom Beresford-King finally gets a Villa fic.
What are your writing strengths?
I never know how to answer this. I guess my narrator. They kind of help perceive my main character's personality and characterization.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not very good with details.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I'm fine with it as long as there's something that tells you what it meant (because I'm stupid and only know one language).
First fandom you wrote in?
Favourite fic you've written?
'and the day after that, too' which is not available because it's part of the world where my original exists so how about off the market instead?
tagging @countessklair @longbobmckenzie @mrsbsmooth @operationnope @queen-of-boops @thatwheelchairchick @willkimurashat @0shewrites0
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alsworld-litg · 1 year
9 people you want to get to know better:
Thanks @jamals-wifey and @operationnope for tagging me🥹
Last song: You & I by Leon
Currently Watching: Love Island UK (season 10)🌴☀️
Currently Reading: the LITG discord🫣
Current Obsession: LITG, the discord, and RC🤭
Tagging - @mrsbsmooth @luckyqueenreign @oliverslove @driftycities @rebelrayne @caitkaminski @queen-of-boops @lady-stirling @wardingoffevil
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mrsbsmooth · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tag @rebelrayne!!
I've been slowly plodding away at this one whenever I need something lighthearted and fun.
She’d changed. She’d tangled and messed up her hair, throwing it up into a bun. She’d taken off all her makeup and replaced it with a goopy face mask, and instead of leggings and her low-cut jumper, she had baggy joggers on, and a hoodie with– with– “Get that off,” he hissed playfully.  “No,” she smirked, doing a curtsey in the baggy hoodie with Swansea City’s logo plastered across the front.  “Look, I’ve even dripped brown sauce all over myself.” Sasha took a running leap onto the couch, sitting up at the far end. She did a little ‘ta-da’, and grinned at him. “Now I am as unsexy as possible.” She pushed her fuzzy socks into his lap.  Lewie stared at her for a moment, picked up her leg and dragged her down the couch towards him. She gasped, and he pushed her hoodie up to expose her stomach. He pressed his lips to her skin as if he'd been starving for it. “Nope,” he whispered. “Still so fucking sexy.” Sasha cracked up laughing, but he just kept swirling kisses on her skin. “Oh my god, how?” “Because now it looks like you live here.” Lewie pressed another few kisses to her taut stomach before realising what he’d said. He glanced up at her, and found her with a look on her face that he couldn’t read, especially with the bloody face mask. He froze, and she froze.  They stared at each other for what felt like an age. And Sasha’s face began curling into a grin. “Well, if that isn’t the most romantic fucking thing you’ve ever–”
Tagging @sparxaf, @ellegreenwxy @eskiix @queen-of-boops @operationnope @caitkaminski and @lucas-koh
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