#oops it's midnight gotta finish dailies before it's too late
danieyells · 16 days
Could I pretty please ask for any Haru stuff you found? 🥺 I've been afflicted with the Haru simp disease and only information/content of him can cure me 🛐
HARU'S CHANGED MY FEELINGS ON HIM not that i disliked him at all before but like. . .you know how he acts like the team mom? His voicelines make this worse. I thought he was more like a meddlesome but chill guy with a lot of energy. The truth is this poor man is a single mother with two unruly kids, a house full of animals, and VIRTUALLY NO HELP BESIDES YOU. No wonder he drinks nearly every fucking night. I get why Jabberwock doesn't have ordinary students but jesus christ please get some helpers in here. My man is overworked.
I ended up putting almost all of them in because. . .he is struggling poor boy.
Affinity 4:
"Towa's off to that hill again? I was gonna ask him to hold down the fort...
Guess I'll have to stay put tonight."
Affinity 5:
"Am I tired? Nah, don't worry, if there's two things I have confidence in it's my stamina and my bad luck!"
Affinity 6:
"The Sinostra folks are causing a kerfuffle again...
I don't need any of that! You should take care not to get dragged into their mess too, you hear?"
Affinity 7:
"You wanna know how to get the animals to like you? You just gotta show how much you love them, like this—
Ow! Don't bite me, Peekaboo!"
Affinity 8:
"None of our critters have warmed to Ren at all, even though he spends all day with them... Guess that handsome face only works on humans."
Affinity 11:
"I went to wake that sleepyhead Ren up this morning, but it was like he couldn't see me even though he was looking straight at me.
Reckon his eyesight's bad?"
Affinity 12:
"Course I eat, don't worry about that! Just earlier I pinched some of Peekaboo's veggies when I was making his lunch and had them with a piece of bread!"
Please eat food. . . .
Affinity 13:
"So much to do... Gotta take in the washing and get the shopping done...
Argh! There's not enough hours in the day!"
Affinity 14:
"This? It's an energy drink. Don't feel like the day's started till I have one.
(gulp) (gulp) Pwaaah!"
PLEASE EAT FOOD. . . . . . . . .
Affinity 15:
"Ah man, there's soap all over the walls again! You're so good at playing with the animals Towa, if you could just learn how to clean up after you'd get full marks..."
Towa i love you but please help your mother boyfriend captain. . . .
Affinity 16:
"Ah! I can't do dogs! How'd you get in here?! Towa!! Come here!! No!! Don't bite me!!"
He is terrified of dogs????? Towa absolutely electrocuted the shit out of that dog. Rip in pieces. That dog truly fucked around and found out. It will never go in the dorm again.
Affinity 18:
"You reckon I look like an acrobat when I'm using my stigma?
Gahaha! Maybe I'll practice balancing on a ball then!"
Baby no you are not a clown please what if you break something again--
Affinity 19:
"...(gasp) Crap, I fell asleep...
Did you put this blanket on me? Cheers... Maybe I'll grab a few more minutes..."
Affinity 20:
"I swore I'd take responsibility for protecting all the lives in this park. I can't let anyone die on my watch."
Affinity 21:
"I don't know where I'd be without all the critters in this place if I'm honest with you.
Well, gotta be my animal magnetism that's keeping them here anyway! Gahaha!"
Affinity 22:
"Hm? There's some critters whose nails were getting dangerously long so I was giving them a clip.
Come here, I'll do yours too if you want!"
Affinity 23:
"Oh, off for a cheeky night out? Gahaha!
I know a good place, want me to take you?"
Affinity 24:
"A soft bed to lie down in and someone to chat with till I drift off... I'm really living the high life here."
He's a simple man. . .it's easy to imagine him holding your hand here while he dozes off. . . .
"Bucket, check. Trowel, check.
Me and Towa are heading to the mountains to pick some veggies. You wanna come?"
"It's hot so I invited Ren to go fishing, but his face screwed up like a prune and he yelled at me.
What's he got against fish?"
Probably the same thing you have against dogs. . . .
"Lotta bugs around this time of year... But they're important for the food chain, so I've gotta take care of them...
Argh!! Give it a rest with the buzzing!"
"Hey, nice timing! I'm about to make a fire with the dead leaves I collected so I can bake some potatoes, take a seat!"
"I like the Jabberwock uniforms. They're made out of high-performance fabric that keeps you warm when it's cold out and safe when you're handling venomous critters!"
"The hibernation squad's gonna start eating us out of house and home this month... The food bill's gonna be rough...
"You reckon that's a rabbit on the moon? No way, it's a toad!
C'mon, look closer!"
"Rounds are quicker in winter since some of the critters hibernate. Makes things a little easie—
Why's the kitchen on fire?!"
"Nice and toasty...
Hm? I'm talking about Peekaboo! He's better than a hot water bottle in this weather!"
Haru putting Peekaboo on your tummy when you're having cramps or just in pain in general is a cute mental image, especially since Peekaboo likes you lol
"It's cold outside so some of the critters have been sneaking into our rooms at night.
You heard Ren scream just now, right?"
Haru's birthday(September 20th):
"It's my birthday?! Oops, totally slipped my mind...
Thanks for remembering!"
New Years:
"Happy New Year!
How'd I ring it in? I was milking the cow and when I looked up I'd totally missed the first sunrise! Gahaha!"
April Fool's Day:
"Can you believe this? Ren got up early, and Towa fed everyone for me!
...Tried to make a joke for April Fools but it just made me feel empty inside..."
Day or more(?) without logging in:
"Phew, that's a relief... I was worried one of ours ate you...
Glad to see you back."
Once again. . .an absolute sweetheart. And a single mother who is desperately in need of some help around the house. That April Fool's line really got me lolol poor guy. All of his have a lot of energy to them so i feel like i posted more than Haku, who's kind of a more low key guy lol. . . .
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erunapendleton · 5 years
AU of non-serial killer!Kira meeting Shinobu as college freshmen and he obsesses over how soft and lovely her hands are and just wants to... kiss them every night...
I just wanted to say i’m extremely giddy that this was sent to me i follow a lot of other fic writers that get prompts sent to them and for one to be sent to me is exciting! thank you!
“Pathetic…” the words were grounded out from his teeth. “Absolutely pathetic.”
Yoshikage Kira laid there in his singlet bed under the darkness of a Friday evening. He was thinking of her again. Shinobu Kondo, the gorgeous girl with even more gorgeous hands who lived just two doors down from his own dorm room.  
If she could just hold my face. Caress my cheek with the back of her hand, he thought as he palmed the thin layer of his pajama pants. Or if I could just hold her hand. Once… He could imagine how they would look if they were wrapped around him right now. Skin milky, fingers thin and nails manicured a deep, flirty red.
Fuck, she’s just my type.
He’s stroking himself now furiously, too. The sound of her voice whispers in his ear and she asks sweetly like a kiss, “Yoshikage, do I really make you feel this way?”
And with that he finishes into his own imperfect hand.
He sits up and slaps the on switch of his desk light. The Beach Boys’ “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” still plays softly as he looks at what he’s spilled into his palm.
“And we could be married,” the song plays on. “And we could be happy.”
Kira wipes his hand with a tissue. “It would be nice.”
“Leave it to Shinobu to be late as usual,” Ayane mumbled. She rolled her pencil under her hand as if she were thinning out pizza dough on the library table.
“She’ll be here,” Tsurugi said while making notes in her planner. “I told her 12 at the library.”
“You sure she knows you meant 12 in the afternoon? Maybe the dummy thought you meant midnight.”
“Ayane,” Tsurugi said with a fleeting laugh.
“Or maybe she’s stuck making out with her too cool for school boyfriend she’s always dangling in front of her faces.”
“You know she doesn’t do that.”
Ayane scoffed. “Whatever, sympathizer. You can say whatever you want, but we both know he’s out of her league.”
In the table adjacent to theirs, Yoshikage Kira glanced over. The girl with the loud mouth ranted on as she wagged her hand.
Broken and uneven nails. Green acrylics at that, he thought. The frailty of her nails were obvious. Ugly nails for an ugly-hearted girl.
He shut his book and left the table. This only drew more whispers from girls from the table over. As he opened the double doors, a girl slammed directly into his chest knocking the book he was carrying out of his hands as well the ones she held. Like snow fall, papers floated down to floor around them.
“I’m so sorry,” she said from the floor. She appeared dazed with her hand over her forehead. “I didn’t even see you…”
“It’s fine,” he huffed. The daily irritations kept mounting. He knelt down to her with a hand extended. “Can you stand?”
She looked up at him. The fatigue covered her sallow face like makeup, but she still smiled at him. “I should help you pick up your stuff before I get up, though. Right?”
“Sure,” he said.
She shifted to her knees and the two began gathering and scooping their flittering papers together. Her hand landed on his as he reached for his textbook. The florescence of the lights above made the red of her nails dazzle him, nearly putting stars in his eyes. Plush, silk, even velour none of these words could bring any semblance of justice to describing what exactly her hands felt like.
He was struck by what he could only discern was Cupid’s proverbial arrow.
“Do you study art history?”
“Art history?” she asked again.
“Oh, no, I just admire Da Vinci’s works,” he muttered and took the book into his hands. They both stood.
“So, you study him for fun?”
“Yes, it’s a bit of a hobby of mine, I suppose.” He thought that was one way of putting it. A lot simpler than explaining his affections toward the hands of the Mona Lisa.
“That’s pretty cool,” she beamed. “Wait,” she squinted at him. “I know you! You live in my dorm, don’t you? Yoshihiro Kira?”
“Yoshikage,” he corrected her. “That’s actually my father’s name.”
“Oh, oops.” She saw around him her friends waving to her and then peered back to him. “Oh, well, my name’s Shinobu. It was nice to meet you, Yoshikage.”
“Likewise, Shinobu…”  He watched as her pastel orange hair fluttered from her ponytail like a ribbon as she left him.
“Made us wait long enough,” Ayane said as Shinobu takes her seat.
“Ah, I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s going on with my body,” Shinobu said. “My head was pounding when I got up and when I made it to the bathroom it was over. I blew chunks everywhere.”
“You’re sick?” Tsurugi asked.
“I guess? I’ve been waking up nauseous for days now,” Shinobu said.
“Maybe you gotta lay off the booze, party girl,” Ayane teased.
Shinobu rolled her eyes. “Keep calling me that and I’ll puke on you next.”
Giggles broke out among the girls only for them to be shushed by the nearby librarian.
“You Still Believe in Me” starts to play as Kira is bathed in darkness. He feels almost stupid being this consumed by the idea of a girl and even stupider at the idea of her surrounded in perfumed hearts.
“She’s normal, average and most of all human like every other girl—”
And as he utters lies about his unrequited darling, he hears the sound of muffled, but unmistakable crying beyond the door from the hallway. Possessed by a force with inhibitions abandoned, Kira opens the door and he sees her, the girl with the lovely hands.
But, she’s the source of the crying and she’s fumbling with her keys in front of her room. He shuts the door behind him as he approaches her, seemingly running on auto-pilot himself.
“Shinobu,” he says softly, but still manages to scare her as she drops her keys.
“Oh, it’s you, Yoshikage,” she sniffs and then flashes him a quick smile. “You caught me off guard there.” He ducks down to pick up her keys.
“I didn’t mean to startle you. I apologize,” he says before placing the keys in her hand and linger there for a little too long. But she doesn’t say anything and he’s thankful to God or whoever for that.
“I know you didn’t. Don’t be silly,” she says. “Did you, um, need something by the way?”
Her heart begins to settle as well as her breathing and she is just about relieved to have stopped crying. She looks up at him to see him intently watching her. A look of interest in her. A rare occurrence she didn’t care to admit. Something about those purple eyes of his are catlike and glow lightly toward her.
“I heard something. Crying, I thought,” he says. “But, it seems I imagined it. I should leave you be. It’s late—”
“No!” She lunges, grabbing his arm. “I… I really don’t want to be alone right now…”
He follows in behind her and she plugs in a lamp that only gives off a dim candescence. The room is mostly organized save for her bed that has a tangled blanket strewn across it. She joins him on the cot after she hands him a soda from the mini fridge.
“How are you feeling?” he asks after she takes a long uninterrupted chug of ginger ale.
“Fine… why wouldn’t I be?”
“Shinobu,” he said, giving her a look baked in concern.
“I thought I’d be able to escape my problems talking to you, Yoshi,” she says after blowing a raspberry. She sets her drink down on her desk and then lays her head in his lap. This action nearly sets him on fire, but he tries to extinguish himself with the idea of dying children. It’s not working.
He places his free hand on her cheek. “What would you like to talk about then?”
“Um… what do you want out of life?” she asks and then places her hands over her stomach.
Kira rests his head onto the wall. He can see their shadows blurred together and inseparable. “I’ve only ever dreamed to live a life of quiet. Nothing too grand, but just quiet and peaceful until I die.”
Shinobu lips slip open. “Nothing too grand?”
“I have no desire of being rich or famous… it seems that’s important to a lot of people our age. Life can be so simple.”
“Where would you live? The countryside?”
“A beachside town more like,” he says as he curls his fingers in her hair. “Somewhere I can have a picnic during the days and evenings.”
“That sounds lovely…” she closes her eyes and suddenly she can see the waves crashing near a lighthouse’s cliff and a yellow sky.
“Yes, it would be,” he says and drifts his hand down to over hers on her stomach.
“What would our house look like?”
“Our?” he asks.
Shinobu flushes. “I meant your house.”
Kira frowns. “Shinobu, don’t you… have a boyfriend?”
“No, not anymore,” she practically mouths and instead of vocalizing as her eyes become flooded by tears again. She shrivels like a flower in winter and he holds her when she sits up in his lap.
“What happened tonight?” he asks after a long while of just holding her.
“I figured out what’s been making me sick.” Her voice wobbled, but she spoke anyway. “I’m pregnant.”
His heart rockets down into his feet, but he holds her closely. “And?”
“And… Kosaku told me to handle it. I’m nearly a month along and he wants me to handle it,” she says with a voice laced in horror. “I went in there and I couldn’t take it. H-he broke up with me on the spot because I couldn’t do it.”
“I-I never thought I’d have a baby this way, but I’ve accepted it… and I’m,” she smiles bittersweetly. “Excited.”
“You are?”
“In another life, I might have been angry at my circumstances… forced to put my life on hold or never achieve any of my dreams of grandeur, but,” she pauses to cup his face in her hands nearly making him burst. “You opened my eyes. I’m going to have a baby that I can love unconditionally. I don’t need anything more than that. Just a quiet little life.”
She kisses his cheek and it almost feels like a goodbye.
“Shinobu,” he says. The twin jars of honey in her eyes can be seen again glittering like stardust. “Would there be any space for me in your little life?”
“I think there is,” she murmurs against his lips.
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Masterlist (March 11th 2019)
Request me all the scenarios you want! :) ♥
Fireworks - Rap Monster fluff.
I will color your sky - J-hope angst.
Let me love you - J-hope angst-fluffy-philosophical
Lose control - Jimin smut.
Love you to death - Jungkook fluff
Rewind - SUGA angst and philosophical.
Speak it up - Rap Monster angst and fluff
Stuck in his hurricane - Jimin hot and fluff.
This is what I wanted to tell you - V fluff.
You’re a work of art - Rap Monster angst and fluff.
You only love once - Jungkook fluff
Sequel scenarios:
Jin fluffy one: Follow me.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Jin historical-cultural-angst-fluff: Only one - Only one (sequel)
J-Hope and Jimin angst and fluff: Foolish Feelings. Part 1 - Part 2 coming soon
Requested scenarios:
A smile like his father’s - J-Hope angst- fluff
Braid your hair - V fluff
Can you smile - V angst and philosophical with Jimin as a second character.
Can you smile (alternative version) - V angst-philosophical-fluff (still with Jimin.)
Childish fights - Jungkook fluff
Did you know I meant it? - J-hope angt-fluff
Don’t change - Jimin angst-fluff-philosophical
Fake lies - Jin angst-super fluff-a bit philosophical
First - V fluffy smut
How much did you miss me? - SUGA fluff
I’ll be standing by your side - SUGA angst
I’ll protect you - Jimin angst
Imperfect life - Jin angst- super fluff
Insane driver - Jimin fluffi
Insecurities - SUGA angst- fluff
Jealousy consumes you - Jungkook angst-philosophical-fluff
Just once - SUGA fluff
Kid’s like love - V fluff
Light; take me away - V fluff- angst- philosophical
Morning kiss - V fluff
Mute - V smut
Not that lovable - SUGA angst - fluff - philosophical
Our passionate weakness - V fluff - angt -philosophical
Photographs - V angst-fluff
Rainy day - V fluff
Recall - Jin angst and fluffy in the end
Rude - Jimin angst- smut
Someday seems impossible - Jungkook fluff
Warm hugs - Jimin angst-fluff
Warm whispers - SUGA fluff-angst-philosophical-smut
You’re beautiful - V philosophical-angst-fluff
Song Requested scenarios:
How you got the girl - V angst (based on How you get the girl by Taylor Swift).
Slave to our hormones - V fluff (based on War Of Hormones by BTS).
So close yet so far - Jungkook angst- fluff (based on the For You mv by BTS).
Special scenarios:
I mean the opposite (Jimin’s 21st birthday)
Not ready yet (Jungkook’s 19th birthday)
New love (Rap Monster’s 22nd birthday)
Pray for humanity
Spiritualism (Halloween scenario)
Christmas Day (For Christmas)
Imatexts and quotes
Basically for the imatexts I have made, since they are pictures posts, you gotta “search on the blog”. Just search “imatexts” or “imatext” and if you scroll down, you’ll find all of them!
Their type of…
Dating a gender fluid (without gifs)
Hurt during sex (NSFW)
You don’t want to marry them
You being feminine
You being ill
You’re a drummer and can do V’s voice
You’re more attractive than before
You’re drunk and cry at a party
Someone’s flirting with you
You being scared after seeing a scary movie
You don’t want him to meet your parents
You being dominant (NSFW)
Your hair being fluffy
Starting a dance battle between the members for you to judge
You sleeping with a plushie
You being embarrassed after two members had some skinship
You sneaking into their dorm
You both being horny (NSFW)
You being insecure about your weight
You doing too much sports
You cooking with their moms
A stranger kissing you
You accidentally facing their intimate part
You trying some clothes on in the fitting rooms
You singing for the first time
BTS asking you out to prom
Staying late at school (written)
You dodging their kisses
You having an origami collection
Other requests
Rap Monster’s type of girl
Which BTS member would date a black girl
Which BTS member would date a non-asian girl
Which BTS member would date a 00 or 01 liner
Which BTS member would date a 98 liner
Which BTS member would date a 97 liner
How would Jungkook date a short and loud girl
Here, you can find every single daily preference I have made from now on. I upload a preference everyday and I also take requests for them. If you wanna request me one, please tell me the member you’d like and the plot.
Here they are, enjoy reading!~♥
#1 Falling asleep in front of a movie
#2 Napping after work
#3 Playfully making your bed
#4 Ice cream date
#5 Woke up by a kiss
#6 Jealous Jin
#7 Babysitting help
#8 Midnight snacks
#9 Hot hugs
#10 Brain Dots
#11 After school surprise
# Cheering you up
#12 Periods cramps
#13 Stare game
#14 Hot chocolate kiss
#15 Jealous of your male best friend
#16 Scared of storms
#17 Scared of spiders
#18 Kiss cam
#19 Playing video games
#20 Horror movie
#21 Unexpected kiss
#22 Ordering pizze
#23 Study support
#24 Lunch date
#25 Introducing you to his friends
#26 Nail polish kisses
#27 Cinema date
#28 Chocolate bar
#29 Studying kisses
#30 Bowling date
#31 Vacation ride
#32 Cuddling day off
#33 Push ups
#34 Forbidden diet
#35 Changed homescreen
#36 Nap on his knees
#37 Waiting room
#38 Taking the underground
#39 Home after a tiring day
#40 Accidental skype confession
#41 Bless you
#42 After-shower routine
#43 Water bottle
#44 New hair cut
#45 Waking up on a Sunday morning
#46 Just dance
#47 Surprise visit after your shower
#48 Late night Skype
#49 Receiving your scholar books
#50 Changing contact name
#51 Going back home at night
#52 Music festival date
#53 Kisses; stress reliever
#54 Spending your birthday (and Jungkook’s birthday together) (Requested)
#55 Protecting you from the rain
#56 He randomly knows your name at school
#57 Exchanging glances in class
#58 Parrot
#59 Note into your locker
#60 No longer your seatmate
#61 Taking the bus after a long day
#62 Missing him to sleep
#63 Snapbacks
#64 Struggling to stay awake
#65 Basketball game with your boyfriend
#66 Falling asleep on a rainy night with your boyfriend
#67 Feeling low because of your look
#68 Staying up late to study
#69 Being cold so he warms you up
#70 Too lazy to get up to go to work so he gently wakes you up
#71 Missed the bus
#72 Having a good time with your boyfriend while watching a basketball match
#73 Shy bathing time
#74 Playfihting because of your wet hands
#75 Learning to us chopsticks
#76 Ill
#77 Restaurant date
#78 Running motivation
#79 Carry you to bed
#80 Finishing your homework earlier
#81 Can’t find your glasses
#82 Schoolmate staring at you
#83 Attempt to make you smile
#84 Sporty date
#85 “Perfect date”
#86 Studying pause
#87 Bike riding
#88 Legs tickling
#89 Airport meeting (Requested)
#90 “I don’t need make up” (Requested)
#91 Come over on a Saturday night (Requested)
#92 Bubble gums
#93 Lazy day in bed (Requested)
#94 Dancing with Namjoon
#95 Your best friend helping you to go through your heart break
#96 Surprise picking up (Requested)
#97 Late phone call and silly conversations
#98 Cheerful text
#99 Pregnant announce (Requested)
#100 Wedding propose (Requested)
#101 Cheating rumors (Requested)
#102 Taking a pic of you but you feel insecure
#103 Tying up his ties
#104 Jealous and protective when you leave the house
#105 Cold
#106 Mental breakdown
#107 Twisted ankle
#108 Cute when…
#109 Men in the street
#110 Drunk in love
#111 Jealous crush
#112  Emperor
#113 First date
#114 Craving for kisses
#115 Cheesy halloween
#116 Comforting boyfriend
#117 Drunk with stranger
#118 Break up
#119 We could (based on Do I wanna know by Arctic Monkeys).
#120 Master (NSFW).
#121 Shattered
#122 Just a lifetime
#123 Ditch class
#124 Confidence
#125 Meet again
#126 Pretty hot though
#127 Even more tomorrow
#128 What would you do?
#129 You like me, don’t you?
#130 Possessivity
#131 Your most prescious dream
#132 Be your last
#133 Not born to fight
#134 Feel the same
#135 Close enough
#136 Unexpected kiss
#137 Stress relieving session
#138 Run
#139 “You’re the one that’s annoying!”
#140 “I will think about it.”
#141 Cheater
#142 “I am not sick!”
#143 Uninspired
#144 Bakeries
#145 Christmas ice skating
#146 Sky is the limit
#147 Protective brother
#148 Torture
#149 Psychotic boyfriend
#150 Supportive father
#151 Routine
#152 Garlands
#153 Holidays
#154 Art teacher
#155 Revelation
#156 Awkward firt kiss
#157 Shamefuly attracted
#158 Hard to concentrate
#159 Serious when it comes to you
#160 Have a nice day
#161 Still can’t get enough
#162 Steamy atmosphere
#163 Plushie gift
#164 How much do you love me?
#165 Sexy teasing
#166 You so love hate him
#167 I don’t care what you think about your beauty
#168 Not as a friend anymore
#169 seems like I forgot this one, oops! Sorry x
#170 Couple silliness
#171 Surprise meeting
#172 Art project
#173 Play fighting
#174 Scared of love
#175 The little surprise
#176 Meeting family
#177 Love is a cycle…
#178 Garden of Eden
#179 Massage session
#180 Cart race
#181 Touch our dreams
#182 What’s your wish?
486 notes · View notes
sambashua · 7 years
92 questions/random questions/8 things tag~
hello friends !!! i’ve done the first two tags before but it’s been quite a while so ?? let’s see if i can come up w new responses i guess?? also these all have similar-ish questions so i thought i’d combine them so i don’t clog up everyone’s dashes~
tagged by (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚(ilya so dang much my favorite muffins)
92 questions: mariel! @jaehyunscult kelby! @yooncheoly and claudia! @s-lay-ing 
random questions: kolbo! @yooncheoly ommo! @strawberryboo​ and��cloodoo! @s-lay-ing 
eight things: em! @seoulscapes mj! @jungnoir and kat! @atshinee
i’m going to tag @everyonesabiaswrecker @hoshi-ssi @king-hao @moonhyook @taeismyking @honestlay @yoonsunha @amessence @kylamassie1 @peachesandkili and also the beans who tagged me above!! you can do one of the ones you didn’t tag me in hehe(≧◡≦)
you guys can choose whichever tags you want!! or all of them ? idk it’s basically either long, easy or creative so whatever you feel like doing… or do none of them!! that works too! if you don’t want to be tagged just let me knowwww also you rlly don’t have to read this whole thing it is so damn long… but w/o further ado…
92 questions
the last…
1. drink: water
2. phone call: my grandma !
3. text message: “THEBOP OF THE SUMMER” (sic)
4. song you listened to: ‘love paint (every afternoon)’ by NU’EST started playing before i got out of the car last night… WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED I WATCHED MX’S NEWTON THIS MORNING OH MY GOD THE BOP OF THE SUMMER THAT’S WHAT THE TEXT WAS ABT BTW
5. time you cried: hmmmm not monsta x surprisingly ? but we have some rlly spicy food in LA and @everyonesabiaswrecker @taeismyking and i had to hide our eyes from the waiter lol
have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: nooo (as i said last time i’ve never dated so these are all no’s so you can skip around a bit i suppose)
7. been cheated on: nooo
8. kissed someone and regretted it: nooo
9. lost someone special: yea
10. been depressed: nope
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: drinking makes ya do bad stuff kids
list three favorite colors (12-15)…
grey, light blue nd light green !
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: yeAH SO MANY! irl and online i’m so thankful for everyone i’ve met~~ since i started uni i was rlly nervous abt meeting people and although i have one (1) new friend irl (shoutout to my main main main kat @atshinee literally where would i be w/o you i probably woulda gotten stuck at camp bc of the hail storm) i’ve met countless lovely individuals online that i am forever grateful for;;; now i’m being all sappy someoNE STOP ME
16. fallen out of love: nooo
17. laughed until you cried: almost everyday~~
18. found out someone was talking about you: oh yea
19. met someone who changed you: YES
20. found out who your true friends are: yeah!
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: nooooooooooooooope
general stuff
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: idk like probably actually 80% but they’re not people i talk to now ? (kat still yells at me abt my answer last time)
24. do you want to change your name: i like my name a lot tbh (there’s so many endless nickname possibilities honestly)
25. what did you do for your last birthday: i got gelato w two of my closest frandssss and also listened to nct dream like the whole day it was the best
26. what time did you wake up: um m m i think 9? yesterday i went to bed at 3:30 and woke up at 7:30 so i slept in more today lol
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: trying to read a soonhoon fic from eep and messaging ivy:D
28. name something you cannot wait for: uM IDK EVERYTHING I WAS WAITING FOR ALREADY HAPPENED i guess just moving back to school and starting classes??? i’m so anxious ugh
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: 4 ? hours ago ?
30. what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: um idk i think i’m pretty blessed to be completely honest
31. what are you listening to right now: there’s construction going on in the distance idk what they’re doing but it is LOUD
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i’m so shook people haven’t talked to any toms i’ve met so many i don’t undeRSTAND
33. something that is getting on your nerves: ignorance *finger guns*
34. most visited website: tumblr (i haven’t been on youtube much lately cry)
35. elementary school: yeahhh
36. high school: yeahhh
37. college: yeahhh
38. hair color: blonde 
39. long or short hair: it’s so long rn i’m constantly choking on it
40. do you have a crush on someone: crushes are for noobs
41. what do you like about yourself: “everything, love yourself.” -kat
42. piercings: ears but i never wear them
43. blood type: idk my parents are both AB so my mom says we’re that too but mom that’s not how genetics work
44. nickname: i have so many but my most common one is mir~ i answer to anything tho
45. relationship status: engaged to jeon wonwoo
46. zodiac sign: cancer~
47. pronouns: she/her
48. favorite tv show: game of thrones or below deck (watch it it’s a reality show abt a yacht crew it’s so entertaining) 
49. tattoos: nope i’m too indecisive
50. righty or lefty: right
51. surgery: i had surgery junior year of high school
52. piercing: did they not already ask this oh jk this is first well i still only have ears
53. best friend: in the womb bitchhh (-8 months would be the official age)
54. sport: i think karate ? my dad is super sporty tho so sister and i tried every sport known to man
55. vacation: probably washington bc i have a lot of family there
56. pair of sneakers: literally who knows this tho
right now…
57. eating: nothing
58. drinking: now i’m drinking tea
59. i’m about to: eat a bagel maybe
60. listening to: good luck by aoa (yessss my girls)
61. waiting for: jordyn to get off work so i can see her new dorm:D
62. do you want kids: i always have
63. do you want to get married: i don’t really know marriage seems so outdated…
64: what career do you want: journalist (yay)
which is better…
65. hugs or kisses: hugs!
66. lips or eyes: eyes!
67. shorter or taller: i don’t have much preference but i’m tall and i like being tall
68. older or younger: i don’t really care bc some older people are really immature and some younger people are really mature so~
70. nice arms or nice stomach: i really really don’t care
71. sensitive or loud: these honestly aren’t even antonyms
72. hook up or relationship: relationship
73. troublemaker or hesitant: i’ve never been a troublemaker so ?
have you ever…
74. kissed a stranger: nooo
75. drank hard liquor: neh ?
76. lost glasses/lenses: i have above average vision boiiiii
77. turned someone down: i mean;;;; i think most people have at least indirectly
78. had sex on the first date: nooo
79. broken someone’s heart: i really doubt it lol
80. had your heart broken: jeon wonwoo breaks my heart daily
81. been arrested: nooo
82. cried when someone died: yeahh
83. fallen for a friend: no
do you believe in…
85. miracles: maybe ?
86. love at first sight: not even a little bit
87. santa claus:
88. kiss on the first date: i mean i don’t see why not
89. angels: maybe ?
90. current best friends name: sister n em n kat n cass n jords n val :3
91. eye color: grey ish
92. favorite movie: the proposal was my favorite movie for so long;;; i liked moonlight a lot too go see it
random questions
dude i fucking forgot abt this one i thought i was done fuck (why is this font so tiny)
relationship status: single for 19 years bishhhhhhhh favorite color: grey!! but i’ve been feelin orange lately hmmmm lipstick or chapstick: i like tinted lip balm:) but i even use vaseline sometimes try it okay it makes yo lips so soft last song you listened to: well i already said so i’ll do what’s stuck in my head rn: coffee by bts (it’s so good i get such calming vibes from it) last movie you watched: BABY DRIVER it was so ffffff good 100/10 would rec~ the car chases were so cool dude also ansel elgort is such a cutie top 3 characters: i’ll as april ludgate from parks n rec (are you happy jords), celaena from throne of glass, ndddd risa koizumi from lovcom:) top 3 ships: jejun ! soonwoo ! MARKHYUCK(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ books you are currently reading: rnnnn i’m STILL reading heir of fire (don’t worry cass i will finish it in time) top 5 musicals: mulan is endlessly iconic okay, hsm, phantom of the opera, the sound of music nd mama mia !
eight things
last movie watched: baby driver hoo hoo last song listened to: me gustas tu bitchhhhh last book read: Crown of Midnight still oops sorry cass i’m so damn slow these days  last thing eaten: fig newtons (buy newton by monsta x on itunes) if you could be anywhere right now, where would you be: wherever @atshinee​ is because i want to support her for her test but i know i would probably just distract her:(((((( a fictional character you would hang out with for the day: probably dorian from throne of glass bc he just seems like such a lovable dork i want to give him a big ole hug he needs it  what fictional world/universe would you want to spend a week in: i used to be obsessed w the series Gregor the Overlander as a kid and i’d really want to spend a day there that would be so awesome esp the one where they travel through the one rainforest jungle… but also Harry Potter bc i rlly want to go to hogwarts and just;;; look around? it’s so pretty and i want to see all the paintings and staircases and the people it’d be great last video game played: i’ve never rlly played video games… i used to play the sims does that count rip
well it’s finally frickin done i doubt anyone bared w me for this trainwreck…….. i’m so tired now will i even do more of these today jk i gotta i am so behind but no selfie tags i look trash
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