onelovegreasers · 6 months
Headcanons I can fully imagine being real
Ponyboy still sleeps with Darry from time to time. He talks all this shit in his sleep about fighting socs and beating ass all while he's asleep next to his big brother like a child.
Soda has a side to him that's not all sweet and innocent and only comes out when him and Darry REALLY get into it.
Darry acts all chill and laid back at work, his coworkers fully believe he's this pure christian man who never gets mad, never fights anyone and never curses. He's a whole 'nother person at home dealing with Ponyboy.
Steve's one of those people who you talk to once and he thinks you're best friends. People at school are literally like "bro idk I picked up his pencil and he won't leave me alone".
Two-Bit's the instigator of the gang. If Darry says no to something, he'll give in behind his back.
Johnny can't believe the Curtis brothers ever fight. Everytime they all hangout he goes on and on about "I can't believe Pony would ever give attitude like that! I can't imagine Darry yelling like that!".
Dallas cheats on all his girlfriends and has never had one for longer than a few weeks, aside from Sylvia which only lasted as long as it did because he went to jail.
Ponyboy was forced to apologize 3 years ago to a soc girl he got caught bullying. He still argues with Darry about it to this day. ("I didn't say anything! Dally did and I just laughed!")
Steve's run away from home dozens of times. It never works out. It's to the point where if the gang hears Steve's "missing", they're not even worried.
The Curtis house has a thousand and one different versions of 'family rules' signs around the house.
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onelovegreasers · 5 months
Headcanons I can fully imagine being real #2
Once at Ponyboy's birthday party, he snuck out with Two-Bit to the neighbor's pool to see a girl he liked and got caught. That was when he was 11. He still brags about it being the 'toughest thing he's ever done'.
Sodapop once got brave and smacked Darry in the face after Darry dumped his clothes on the floor because he wouldn't put them away. Soda still cries to Darry apologizing about it to this day.
When the Curtis' parents first died, Darry swore up and down that there were gonna be 'no bad vibes' around Pony and Soda. Anything that was remotely negative or a bad word or anything inbetween was not allowed. That lasted about a week.
Steve's actually sensitive. Not Johnny or Pony sensitive but still sensitive, especially when it comes to his girl. It's not uncommon for Soda to be talking to him and trying to calm him down if Evie doesn't answer the phone for too long.
Two-Bit was once arrested on Halloween for being publicly drunk at like 10 AM and getting in several fights with randos on the street.
Johnny's geniunely fun to be around and is funny asf, he'll do pretty much anything with you. (Saying this because in every fanfic/headcanon I see of him he's always schizy as shit and too shy to do LITERALLY ANYTHING).
Whenever Dallas hears about Pony REALLY disrespecting Darry he takes him aside and goes off on him about how much Darry does for him and Soda, how much cool shit he has that not many kids in their town get to have, how ungrateful he is, etc. Dally might be hard but he is NOT gonna stand for Ponyboy being disrespectful to the one person who gave up his whole life for him.
Darry's tight with pretty much the whole neighborhood and has neighbors over for dinner every Sunday. It's to the point where his lil 'neighbor night' is an inside joke within the gang.
Pony goes to Catholic school, as did Soda before dropping out.
Dally had a whole mental breakdown in front of the gang once, like throwing up and smacking himself and bawling type breakdown. The only one who didn't look at him any different after was Johnny (obviously).
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onelovegreasers · 6 months
The Gang on Christmas (volume 2)
Ponyboy: JUST stopped believing in Santa, everyone's like "thank god". Thinks he's cool for not believing anymore. Darry has to remind him to say thank you when opening gifts.
Sodapop: Just as hype for Christmas as he was 14 years ago. Probably checks the Santa Trackers kicking his feet and giggling 😭.
Darry: Tries to make Christmas fun and lighthearted for everyone but ultimately fails, nitpicks at everyone for everything (eating too much, not locking in for pictures, etc.)
Steve: Eating all the "decorative" candy Darry tries to put around the house. Orders the most expensive thing on the menu at Christmas Eve dinner and can't understand why Darry says he can't have it.
Two-Bit: Drunk. Just drunk. Tells Darry to lighten up as the rest of the gang insists on holding up middle fingers for the holiday photo.
Johnny: Literally the only one being normal. Grateful for his presents, casually eating cookies. Tip-toes around Pony because he doesn't know if he still believes in Santa or not.
Dallas: Bitching all winter about how "Christmas just doesn't feel magical anymore 🤧" while everyone's like "Dude you're like 17 no shit". Thinks saying thank you might kill him or something.
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onelovegreasers · 6 months
What the gang got yelled at by Darry for at Christmas
Ponyboy: Eating too much bread, wanting to order chicken nuggets for Christmas dinner, wanting to order a 200 dollar steak to spite Darry for not letting him order chicken nuggets, not saying thank you, complaining about his gifts, not locking in for pictures, being in the bathroom when Darry wanted picutes, cursing at the table, whining about his food, arguing with Steve [insert 1000 other reasons Darry yelled at him]
Sodapop: Giving Darry an attitude, begging too much to open presents.
Steve: Eating the candy Darry put around the house as 'decor', doing flips and knocking over decorations.
Two-Bit: Being drunk off his ass and doing some offensive shit.
Johnny: Nothing, he's just chillin.
Dallas: Not being grateful, loudly complaining about his food, starting with people.
Might do one more holiday post after this one, they're just too damn funny 😂 I love imagining the gang tryna do normal family shit
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onelovegreasers · 6 months
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onelovegreasers · 3 years
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i'm with Dally bro Darry what- (repost with credit)
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