#on the run from Vader
musewrangler · 7 months
“I knew he liked you right away,” declared Kalkidan, munching happily on jubal fruit.
“Oh please,” Amal snorted, rolling his eyes. “We all did. Wasn’t hard.”
Sola smiled. Once a week she had taken to bringing a large and simple picnic lunch to one of the few parks found in the city. It was the leftover of a by gone era when there had been a government that cared to do things for the people, and now private entities had the running of it. She loved the huge old trees whose roots went ridiculously deep for water. They were a very slow growing variety and very sturdy. Half of them were over five hundred years old.
The children had a favorite spot under one of these and so she brought simple and nutritious things to share.
Both she and Firmus would happily have allowed the children to eat with them every day, but Amal was insistent that he was the ‘provider’ for his little misfit family. This once a week picnic was their compromise.
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theotherrichardpapen · 9 months
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thisisthegay · 5 days
I finally updated my Jedi: Survivor game and started a Grand Master run
just reached Nova Garon
it's going as well as it can
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also, this scene makes me feral every single time
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marvelstars · 1 year
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I love this moment because this Han already has seen Vader doing this, survive the experience and make the rebels retreat on his own:
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So he goes nope, I am not doing this, I already have two Skywalkers to worry about and I am not touching that mess :)
The fun thing is that Vader is mostly interested to learn more about his Son and his friends, because he honestly doesn´t know anything about them and it intrigues him how Han was able to take him by surprise and stop him from firing at Luke in the first Death Star, he is alive thanks to Han so Vader is grateful and annoyed on equal measure.
The Conflict is real:
Anakin: Wow, Luke´s friends are very cute and clever. I really want to see how´s his ship, did you know he won the kessel run?
Vader: hmm, this is a waste of time, we must get him to get at the boy before my master finds him. His friends are making him weak, he isn´t doing anything on his own.
Anakin: Nah, think about this, this guy was able to take you out of the Death Star, he´s the reason my Son is alive, if we learn how´s his ship we may be able to capture it at some point and have a family meeting and remember, Luke doesn´t like his friends getting hurt, we didn´t like that back in the day either.
Vader: Sigh, I will consider it.
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buckypascal · 2 years
Imma just say it. Cal Kestis knows what the inside of that base looked like. Security might've changed after he broke in but it's still the same.
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manmadedonut · 2 years
Stop running away whore, why do you keep running? thats gay, you're gay for vader and you dont even know it
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ahalliance · 2 years
also like I genuinely don’t understand the hate for the kenobi show (mostly nonexistent on here bc it’s tumblr)? like it def has a few weak moments or things i’d have done differently but the story has been really compelling so far imo, nothing has put me off. obi’s whole characterisation has been done extremely well; i love, love seeing broken characters slowly start to heal/learn that not all is lost yet. leia is absolutely mature for a ten year old but not impossibly so; she’s the daughter of upper class politicians, of course she’s smart and incredibly aware of certain things. she knows a lot about how people work from her parents and the world bubble she inhabits. im a big fan of reva too because she is trying so hard to gain any sort of power or control she can; she’ll hurt people to make them listen to her, she’ll disobey orders if she thinks it’ll get her closer to goal, she acts first without any thought to the consequences she might bring down upon herself. she’ll forfeit anything, no matter how important, in order to try and complete her mission. i love seeing a character so determined and passionate but reckless and impatient as all hell, makes for a very fun watch; because in her drive to do things her way, she will fuck up, and that makes for a good plot lmao
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ofthestcrs · 2 years
@altrxisme​ liked this for lyric starter
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“I'm already dead.”
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neversith · 2 years
he means everything to me.
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navree · 2 years
this episode hasn’t even had vader in it yet but it’s mostly showing how powerful he is because while obi wan was so outclassed and on the defensive last episode, he’s so quick and accurate and legitimately looks like he knows what he’s doing with the stormtroopers here
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musewrangler · 4 months
Leia was still curled beside him, reading one of her favorite stories from a data pad. Firmus was awake, but still flushed and far too bright eyed. Sola didn’t like how pale the rest of his skin was, and he seemed as though he was part of the mattress, his body limp and drained.
“Mom,” Leia said, and even at seven, she knew how to share a silent, concerned look.
“Leia…is doing a marvelous job…reading,” Firmus managed, doing his best to muster a smile for his daughter.
“Naturally,” Sola agreed, smiling at their girl. “Leia, could you give Dad and I a moment?”
Leia pouted as she slid from the mattress.
“You know I can feel when you’re scared,” she said, a frown wrinkling her pixie face.
Sola sighed internally. “Yes, honey, I am aware that I have Force sensitive children. Doesn’t mean you get to be in all the adult conversations.”
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Look, realistically speaking, I'm aware that Vader's suit is hindering... but I am stubbornly denying that fact.
He is just that stubborn and that Force-sensetive to be capable of the little more than your usual Jedi - it will hurt like a bitch but he won't complain about it.
Is that because I think Vader should be capable of running so he can terrify the shit out of people? Yes. But also - that man survived burning alive even before the theoretical sithly transfer of life energy. His joints being pulled apart and the infection that has settled in won't stop him from giving chase when the occasion calls it. He might choose not to, just to be extra - but that is a choice he can make. Not one he is acquired to do.
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aesoka · 2 years
i never really got why ppl are so obsessed with cameos,, ‘ we wanna see cal kestis in kenobi! ‘ why? he has his own game? ? i get wanting fav characters wanting to appear in places where they would contribute to a narrative, however the point of the dark times is that you’re supposed to lay low. no breaking into places, no officiating weddings, no stopping a group of bandits even though you know you could. you know you could help these people, but you can’t. you can’t because if you do? in your mind you’re killing the last remaining survivor of the jedi order. you can’t reach out to those like you because you have force bloodhounds tryna sniff u out, so i mean? that’s the point! that’s the tragedy of it! you’re cut off from everything you grew up with and believe in! you have to make your own way in the galaxy and make your own decisions! do you help and reveal yourself? do you bury your head in the sand and disconnect yourself from the web of life you grow up in? disney ,,, does a piss poor job really weaving these concepts together, moral choices, fear, death of your home, found family, haunted by the past ; all of these things.
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jewishcissiekj · 26 days
just read the FCBD Star Wars/Darth Vader issue and Darth Vader #46 and boy what the actual fuck is Greg Pak doing anymore. I'll get you out of there Sabé and Warba just hang on
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Bad Lip Reading - Seagulls! (Stop It Now) 2016
Bad Lip Reading is a YouTube channel created and run by an anonymous producer from Texas who intentionally lip-reads video clips poorly for comedic effect. Some of the channel's original songs are available on Spotify and Apple Music.
In December 2015, Bad Lip Reading simultaneously released three new videos, one for each of the three films in the original Star Wars trilogy. These videos used guest voices for the first time, featuring Jack Black as Darth Vader, Maya Rudolph as Princess Leia, and Bill Hader in multiple roles. The Empire Strikes Back BLR video featured a scene of Yoda singing to Luke Skywalker about the dangers posed by vicious seagulls if one dares to go to the beach. BLR later expanded this scene into a full-length stand-alone song called "Seagulls! (Stop It Now)", which was released in November 2016, and eventually hitting #1 on the Billboard Comedy Digital Tracks chart.
Mark Hamill, who played Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars films, publicly praised "Seagulls!" (and Bad Lip Reading in general) while speaking at Star Wars Celebration in 2017: "I love them, and I showed Carrie [Fisher] the Yoda one… we were dying. She loved it. I retweeted it… and [BLR] contacted me and said ‘Do you want to do Bad Lip Reading?’ And I said, ‘I'd love to…’”. Hamill and Bad Lip Reading collaborated on Bad Lip Reading's version of The Force Awakens, with Hamill providing the voice of Han Solo. The Star Wars Trilogy Bad Lip Reading videos led to a second musical number, "Bushes of Love", which hit #2 on the Billboard Comedy Digital Tracks chart.
May the 4th be with 71,6% of you!
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only-mildly-evil · 5 months
the fame of the new godzilla movie reminded me of when i was a small child of maybe 6 or 7 and briefly obsessed with godzilla but i'd never actually watched a godzilla movie and had only seen like 1 video clip that my parents decided was sufficiently child-friendly so i would just draw pictures of godzilla driving a car and going grocery shopping and stuff
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