#omega could be talking about any number of ghouls
thelampisaflashlight · 5 months
Omega: "Seen the new water ghoul try and deepthroat a popsicle a little while ago." -sniffs- "There was, like, no resistance, but they got an instant brain freeze and started weeping a little, and, well, I think that did something to me."
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sentientgolfball · 3 months
Giving you my Delta headcanons cause I’m really trying to not think about the storms in the area
-Delta was the first ghoul in Ministry history to transition elements. In fact, the Clergy had no idea it was even a thing until he came to them with the idea. The notion was of course just simple legend in ghoul culture, but Delta’s heart broke watching the scramble for a new quintessence ghoul. Every failed summoning left him feeling worse, so he came to them with a solution. Water is infinitely more easy to summon than quint.
At first the Clergy thought he was screwing with them and was a liiiittle pissed, but after Special appeared from the shadows and confirmed its very much real they went ahead with it.
-The transition was unfortunately botched. Firstly, it was the first time they were trying one. Things take time to learn. Second, because of how unique quintessence is as an element becoming one is exceptionally difficult. A ghoul can only transition elements if they’re brought to the brink, wholly consumed by the desired element. Delta’s heart stopped during the ritual but Omega refused to let his family die. Delta was only in this mess because of him.
-Unfortunately instead of becoming a full fledged quint he became more of a hybrid. I actually base his design off of an electric eel cause of this. He still has all of his water traits, but now he has more of a purple hue to his skin. His eyes changed the most, no longer deep blue like the oceans, but completely black and void like. Raw quint periodically ripples over his body, barely contained in the vessel made for water.
-He talks to himself a lot now. At first everyone thought his mind was gone, eaten by the void, but when Phantom came along everyone discovered those two share a unique gift. They can see spirits and commune with them. Delta can also see auras.
-If you were to ask Delta the what the worst of it all is he’d tell you it’s the fact that he essentially has no control over any element now. He lost his ability to control water and he can’t take quintessence. He hates it because he could never teach his daughters the things he knew.
-Speaking of his daughters! I have a little storyline in my head that Omega, Delta, and Alpha were all summoned together. A gift from Lucifer Himself to show his approval of the Ghost Project. Delta didn’t tour for a while though because buddy fell head over heels in love with a gorgeous quintessence ghoul. They had kits and Delta didn’t end up touring until he was certain his mate would be okay on their own for a little.
-His daughters grew up with his love of human music. They are water/quint hybrids. The older of the two is Cassiopeia (Cas for short), the younger is Marina. They end up becoming the cellist ghoulettes who performed at the LA rituals.
-Delta may not have been able to teach them what he knew about elemental magic, but he was always their number one when it came to music. He taught them everything he knew. Knowing they were able to perform for the Ghost Project just like he did makes him a little weepy.
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cardinaldante · 4 months
Greetings Siblings of the church! It is ritual night!!!! The party is already in full swing in the church, and I let Aether go off and party with the other ghouls instead of following me around all night. Don't tell ANY of the Papa's, or sister imperator, but Sodo snuck me a bottle of wine, and told me to go off and see Jacob while he distracted the other ghouls enough for me to escape. He's really starting to finally like me, which I'm happy about. I happily agreed and headed off to town. The moon is full, and finally, I feel somewhat at peace. I met Jacob by his house, and we ran off nearby to drink the wine and have a nice time.
Jacob reaaaaly knew how to drink wine- he said red was his favourite. It took me a little to like the taste- it was a little too sweet for my taste, but after a while, we were sharing the bottle and rambling about things that we cared about. It was nice. Jacob's sweet and kind- and I liked sharing the bottle with him. He asked where I got the bottle, and I told him I'd gotten it from one of the ghouls- and then had to explain what a ghoul was. He seemed not suprised. Apparently, he'd figured it out when I brought Mist along the first time. She 'didnt act like a human'. I told him that Mist was gone and about Aether being my ghoul now, and he asked if Aether was going to follow me around like the last three did.
I told him no, and that Aether would mostly do his own thing unless I needed him. He also asked if it was a struggle to get around on my crutches- what I was using to get around. I told him it was, but it was better than having my whole leg removed- which is what would have happened if Omega and the others hadn't been able to heal my leg. After we finished the bottle, we sat around talking for a long time before the moon started to lower and I knew I had to get back before someone noticed I was gone. I walked him back, and that's when we ran into a whole nother priest, and Jacobs mother. Thankfully we'd left the wine bottle at the spot, and thankfully I was just in my normal sweats, as his mother did not seem like she liked me. The priest seemed very, very nice(maybe too nice?) when we came up.
He called himself Father DeFroque, and for some reason, his name sounded familiar. Oh well, maybe I heard it somewhere, or someone in the church had the same name. He was very happy to meet me (for some reason??) and excitedly asked me multiplie questions about the church- even some that I didn't awnser because it was a little too pushy. He told me that he was here to help purge the disrespectful(whatever the fuck that meant) and that he wouldn't hurt us at the Satanic church as we were apparently just misguided sheep. It ended when Aether ran up to us, telling me that I had to go, as the ritual was over, and they were about to lock up the gates for the night. I was very, very happy to leave, told Jacob goodbye and that we'd talk later (I gave him my number, finally. I hadn't yet as my phone had broken last year, and I was posting all of these from my computer) and followed Aether. When we were far enough away, I asked if I was in trouble, and he told me I wasn't, and he was just worried about me as he hadn't been able to smell my scent in the church. He did say that I would possibly be in trouble if any of the Papa's ever found out I stole wine(Apparently he could smell it on my breath), but he wouldn't tell, as I was just a teenager, and teens did stupid shit.
I asked if he knew who DeFroque was and told him what the man sad, but he just shrugged and told me that crazies existed in all religions, even ours. He told me to not worry about DeFroque, but tommorow if I wanted, I could tell the Papa's about him. The party with the adults was still going, but the one for the kids was done, and the younger kids were already in bed. Aether told me there was a party going on with the other teenagers, and I could join, but I told him I was headed to bed, and that he could go back to the adult party. Ritual may have been 'over', but I knew that the adult parties lasted till the early morning.
He agreed, and I headed to my room. Someone had fixed it up, and everything looked much better than it had a few days ago. i changed my clothes and now I'm in bed, updating you all on everything going on. I wonder what was up with that man, though. Father DeFroque. I wonder what was wrong with him.
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no-error · 6 years
Just love klance part 2
So yeah.. part 2. Enjoy~
Remember read author tags! There are some triggers, smut etc. So read with care yes?
Heat-Companion for Hire    A/B/O
A male Omega raised in a strict, traditional family, Lance has suffered dry heats his whole life - here's to hoping things will get better with an Alpha around.
23,443 words   AO3
Green Light     A/B/O
Keith's good with trouble, he's alpha and a skilled cop in Chicago's Alpha Unit, so when shit hits south Keith can change it to north. If bad guys run Keith ropes them in. If bullets fly Keith is usually good at not being the target. Not the same for knives but- he knows how to handle trouble.
So why the fuck can't he handle one pretty omega with a chip on his shoulder and literal water for eyes?
74,790 words   AO3
Paladins are Friends, Not Food  (not really klance but it was nice read)
If Lance had known he would soon be trapped in space with Earth, and his typical main food source, millions of miles away, maybe he could have packed and maybe he wouldn’t currently be hunched over this toilet throwing up space jelly with the world’s biggest headache.
Maybe he wouldn't be eyeing his friends and maybe he wouldn't be considering eating alien cat people.
An alternate universe where Lance is a ghoul.
23,988 words   AO3
He Who Fights Monsters
In a world where monstrous dragons terrorize humanity daily, the Garrison trains valiant Knights to slay the evil beasts and defend Earth. But when Knight cadet Lance Espinosa is kidnapped by a strange red dragon who kills its own kind, certain truths are revealed...and so are the true monsters.
64,888 words Dragons!!  AO3
nobody has to know (nobody but me)     Magic
Lance has a secret, and he’s taking it to the grave –except, he didn’t think the ‘taking it to the grave’ bit would happen quite so soon.
When the team head planetside on a diplomatic mission, Lance can’t decide if he’s ecstatic about it, or about to endure an intense bout of homesickness. Sure, the planet looks cool, the aliens themselves are pretty chill considering they’ve singlehandedly fended off Galra attacks up until now. But thanks to Pidge making the team clocks that run on Earth time, Lance knows that it’s almost his nineteenth birthday.
Yeah, he’s gonna go with the homesickness.
Unfortunately for him, the aliens they visit have two distinct qualities that, in any other circumstance, Lance would find cool; the ability to sense emotions, and the complete inability to keep secrets. That extends to their allies, as well.
He probably would have continued thinking those were pretty amazing skills –until the aliens sense negative emotions between the Paladins, and demand that to secure an alliance, the team must heal the dissent brewing in the fine cracks between each other thanks to the secrets they’re keeping, no matter how trivial.
Yeah. Homesickness probably wasn’t the right way to go.
45,199 words   AO3
Fragmented     Soulmates
In a world of soulmates, Lance drew the short straw. Forever marked inferior to his soulmate, and the people around him, made worse by the first words that pass Keith's lips...
15,658 words   AO3
                                            More modern
Dear Keith
Keith receives a mysterious note in the mail. There's nothing written on the envelope but his name. When he reads it he learns of some guy named Lance who is writing to Keith to tell him the story of how he messed everything up.
Lance is distraught after he is left all alone after his big screw up. To ease the pain, he writes a letter to a made up person...or so he thought. Keith was just a name he picked randomly but when mysterious drawings start appearing in his dorm room, depicting scenes that he's written about, he starts to think Keith might not be just a figment of his imagination.
71,992 words   AO3
Unknown Number      Series not completed
When keith receives a text from an unknown number, an annoying personality on the other end of it, he hardly thinks that it will ever lead to anything.
12,466 words   AO3
If Fireflies Cast Shadows
You'd think finding your soulmate would be difficult, since there's only one of them and over seven trillion people in the world. Thankfully, God decided to take pity on his creations, and gave each person the very first words their soulmate would say to them. It was always in their personalized handwriting and the color that best describe them, decorating the wrist of your dominant hand. And, if you touch it after you meet them, you can send them your emotions, even thoughts if your connection is strong enough.
50,200 words   AO3
hey, stranger
“Hey you called this number at like 3AM and we talked about some pretty heavy shit do you remember any of that?”
First Meeting, High School AU. Lance is up one night feeling lonely and decides to call random numbers, the one successful one happens to be Keith's number. The next day, Lance can't remember if it actually happened or if it was a dream, but he gets a message a few days later and suddenly talking to a stranger becomes a part of his everyday routine.
15,403 words   AO3
Lance spends almost every Saturday afternoon at his favorite diner, The Universal, a space-themed restaurant tucked into a historical college town. There's an old arcade game in one corner of the diner and Lance is bent on beating the high score, but the same name has graced the top of the leaderboard for weeks.
Keith has been working at the diner for months, and it's been nothing exciting, but switching shifts with the weekend busboy mixes things up more than Keith expects.
46,510 words   AO3
Loose Ends
Lance is so close to drowning, but he’s never let anyone see, not his closest friends, not even his boyfriend Keith. He just wants the pain to stop. But isn’t it easier to let go than crawl back up?
 There’s another pause. “Keith, are you okay?” Because like Lance, Hunk is caring. Hunk is kind and caring and attentive to his friends. He can hear the uncertainty and the fear that Keith is barely holding onto.
 What if Lance left? What is he just up and left because Keith said he didn’t need him anymore- No, that’s preposterous. Right?
 Something is wrong.
 “Are you sure he’s not in?”
“I’m sure-”
 Something is wrong.
 “I’ve been knocking at the door for the last ten minutes, and all the lights are off. He’s not here.”
 Something is wrong.
It doesn’t matter what the something is, but that something is wrong and Keith can’t help but feel he is responsible.
51,286 words   AO3
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No-error out
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Drops and runs scsi
Eren had had a rough night. His fiancé hadn't been able to settle, and the pain in his lower back had reduced him to sobs and screams if he so much as moved ever so slightly on the wrong angle. They'd tried a warm shower, and a warm bath. Levi had massaged Eren's tender lower back while his teen wept, but nothing had seemed to help. Even after Hanji had been summoned to their room, after someone had heard Eren's screams, she hadn't been able to provide much in the way of relief. She'd given him an injection to help with the pain, but it'd barely taken the edge off. That's when Levi had thrown her back out, and how Eren had ended up sitting up and sleeping in his arms, after using masturbation as pain relief. Eren always got sleepy after he came, and his poor omega was desperate for some kind of relief and release. It was only seconds after he'd brought Eren to orgasm that his teen finally slumped against him. His racing heart helping to spread the effects of the injection so much faster than if Eren had just been laying in bed. With Eren finally sleeping, Levi didn't dare move. He was supposed to have met with Erwin the previous day, but the filth of his room had gotten on his nerves, so he'd set about cleaning the whole place through. The only space not to cop his wrath was their bed, where he'd set Eren up with a beaten old journal he'd found in his desk the previous night. It might not be the one that Zeke stole, yet it gave Eren an outlet for his thoughts and feelings, and his omega had tearfully thanked him, before getting straight to work. When he thought about it, that was probably why Eren's back hurt, from laying on his side and writing for hours on end. Or they maybe over did it as they took pleasure in each other, both wanting to make sure the other was truly alright. But he thought his slow and gentle rhythm wouldn't have hurt his lover so much. He'd spooned up behind Eren so the teen wouldn't have to move or exert himself. Hearing the key scrape in its lock, followed by the door creaking, Levi released his hold on Eren's spent dick. Once his omega had fallen asleep, he hadn't dared move, but he wasn't about to have a conversation while touching Eren so intimately. Smelling Erwin, Levi shushed him before the man could even open his mouth. In his sleep, Eren whined softly, probably sensing the intrusion. Kissing his scent gland, he nosed at the sweet oil leaking from it. Eren smelt too sweet, almost like the sickly sweet sweat of sickness "How is he? I hear he had a rough night. We thought he might be going into labour" "He's not. He's in pain, and I've only just gotten him to sleep, so spit it out and get out" "In that case, I need you to head up the Squad heading to Trost" "You're joking, right?" "We just received word that there was an attack on Hermina's outer gate this morning. The fear is that Trost will be next" "Erwin you told us to run. Then you brought us back, and locked us up like prisoners. I'm not doing shit for you. Not with Eren like this" "Do you think I wanted you here? Or wanted him here? We don't know what's going to happen during his labour, while you came back half dead" "Because of Zeke" "Ah yes, Eren's mythical brother" "Just cut the shit. Why do you want me to go?" Erwin gave a half laugh "You have no idea what kind of situation we're all in. There was a shifter attack in the Capital. Eren is the only known shifter. Both he and you have been missing for the last 3 months, and now this has happened. The Survey Corps has been accused of conspiring to commit treason. It's all I can do to keep the Military Police from storming the castle" "So you want to make a show of strength? We both know the shitty MP's aren't going to come out here, they're all a bunch of chicken shit cowards. Why can't Hanji lead the Brat Squad. Her and Mike can handle this" "She's already left. She left at first light for Hermina, before we got news of the attack" "So this is rescue mission then?" If Hanji reached Hermina and heard the news about a possible battle in Trost, she'd do everything she could to help, before turning her attention there... "Possibly. We don't have the numbers to fight this fight on all sides" "I'm not leaving Eren like this. Any small thing may send him into labour" "His friends..." "Will scare him" "He's still recovering? He was only with them for two months" "Only. You have no idea what they did to him, do you? 3 months isn't enough to erase those wounds" "He's spend more time out of there hands than he did being held" "Do you have any idea what they did to him? They flayed him alive. Whipped him while telling him he was monster who should be dead. They cut off his toes, his fingers, his hands, his feet, his legs, his arms. They boiled him like a hunk of meat. They poured hot oil over him, before setting him on fire. They cut him open to play with his organs. They sliced his skin off like it was cheese, to watch it regrow. They put a shitty feeding tube down his throat to keep the baby alive, and promised him they'd experiment on it next. He was lucky when he first came round, his memories were hidden by a thick cloud of drugs in his mind. Over the last three months, he's been remembering it all. They broke him in every single way they could, before leaving him to fucking drown. It took weeks for him to be able to shower. The first time he tried to take a bath, he was so fucking scared he passed out. He's still fucking scared and any of this shit could mean he loses the baby. He's had enough fucking complications and I will not lose my child because you feel the need to show everyone how big your dick is" He might have over exaggerated a few things, but for the most part, it was true "We all have our jobs to do" "Fuck off" "Two days. That's all I ask. Go to Trost. Show them you're back" "And then what? Make myself a target?" "Take them out if you have to, just get the heat off of us, or find some proof that Zeke exists" "The bullet wound isn't enough?" "Not when Eren could have been the one to shoot you" "Eren didn't shoot me. We didn't even have access to ghouls blood" "You and he are the only witnesses" "Then send Mike to sniff things out" "Mike is busy as it is" "I'm fucking busy" "You and Eren are supposed to be detained in the dungeon. So don't act like I'm not on your side" "You're not. Then only side you're on, is your own" Erwin's voice dropped several degrees "Two days Levi. You can fucking leave him alone for two days. You leave tonight" Erwin left, Levi wincing as he slammed the door harder than necessary. What the fuck was he supposed to tell Eren? Hanji could possibly be in trouble... and because it was for medical reasons, she would have taken Moblit along with her. Mike was off doing shit, and Eren's friends would only stress him further. * Levi let Eren rouse naturally. His fiancé whimpering as he stretched, before climbing from Levi's hold with a long whine "Eren?" "Need to use the bathroom" "Do you need help?" "Please... fuck... it hurts" He was hoping Eren would feel better, especially given how long he'd let him sleep. Wincing at the pins and needles down his own legs, be moved to wrap an arm around Eren's waist "Is there anything I can do to help?" "Don't let go. My legs feel like jelly" "Probably because you fell asleep sitting up" "No... I don't know. I don't feel good" "Do you want to take a bath? Or have a shower?" "I think I want to sleep... just the thought of hot water is making me sick" Eren's body did feel clammy. Which wasn't great, especially with Hanji being gone "Why don't I help you wipe down at least? You'll feel better being clean" Eren hissed, his body growing tenser and tenser as Levi helped him into the bathroom "I'll grab the bucket from the bedroom, and give you a little privacy" "Thanks... I feel so fucking gross" This wasn't making telling Eren he had to leave any easier. Letting Eren take care of his business, Levi grabbed the bucket from beside the bed. As much as Eren hated it, it saved the trips to the bathroom when his fiancé was in too much pain to move. Carrying it over to the bathroom, he knocked lightly on the door "Brat, you still shitting?!" "Yeah. Come back later" Snorting, Levi left Eren to it. He didn't want to leave him. He really didn't. But if he could find proof of Zeke, he could clear Eren's name... hopefully before the baby was born, and Eren could give birth in peace like he deserved. Grabbing his bag from their wardrobe, he threw a few things in it "Levi" "Eren?!" "I want to be clean!" Levi snorted, abandoning his bag on the bed and heading for the bathroom. His fiancé had shuffled into the shower "I thought I left you on the toilet?" "That's a whole five minutes ago. Can you help me have a cold shower? Or just a wash down with cold water? It feels too hot" "You want a cold shower?" "I don't want a shower at all, but you're right. I'll feel better when I'm clean" "Of course you will. Do you want me to do your hair too?" "Mmm. Please... then can we cuddle?" "We can talk while we cuddle" "I don't know if I have much to say" Eren was going to have plenty to say once Levi dropped the bomb that he was leaving on him "It's alright. Let's get you clean" Eren hummed in appreciation, his teen leaning in to kiss him as Levi moved to help him strip off his shirt. The shower was brief, Eren barely able to remain standing as he started to cry from pain again, so Levi rushed to clean up him as gently and as thoroughly as he could. He'd have to tell Erwin where to stick it. He couldn't leave Eren like this. Leading his omega from the bathroom, Eren let out a gasp "Eren?!" "What... what's that?" Looking at the bag, Levi sighed. Eren wriggled from his hold. Putting his hands on his hips as he glared "That's what we need to talk about" "You're... you're leaving?! Is that why I can smell Erwin?! Is he making you leave?!" "Sit down, and we can talk" "I don't want to sit down. I want answers!" Levi rubbed at his face. Honesty. They'd just had huge argument over hiding things to protect each other "There was an attack on Hermina. The gate was destroyed and there were sightings of a shifter" "Zeke?!" "Possibly. Hanji has gone to check it out. They're worried Trost will be next" "I'm coming with you" "What?" "Zeke is my problem!" "You're in no condition to go" "Im fucking fine! I'm not letting you go anywhere without me" "It's only two days" "Two days! Two Days! Oh, that just makes everything ok then!" "You'll be..." "Coming with you! I'm not letting you face him alone! Not when I owe him for fucking shooting you!" "Eren..." "No! You're not leaving me here!" Glaring at him, Eren didn't seem to notice the small puddle on the floor between his legs "Eren, you need to calm down. Here, let's get you back into the bathroom" "What? Why?" "You've had an accident" "Don't try and change the topic. I think I'd know if I pissed myself" "You've literally got your feet either side of the puddle" "I... what?" Taking Eren's hand, he guided him to sit on their bed. His fiancé frowning severely "What's wrong?" "My arse is wet..." "Is it slick?" "I don't know. I mean, there was a little bit of pressure and then relief, but I thought it was slick" "Let me have a look" "I... Levi... what?" Eren's eyes went wide "You don't think... am I in labour?" Levi's own eyes widened, panic rushing up his throat "Let's just take a look" "Levi... I can't be in labour. It's too soon! You're leaving! What will I do? What do I do?" "Calm down. We don't know. How does your stomach feel? Is it sore? Are you having contractions?" "I don't know! Everything hurts!" Shit. Shit. Fuck. Where the fuck was Hanji!? What... what the fuck was he supposed to do?! "Levi... Levi, what do we do?!" "How the fuck should I know?! I've never done this!" "I..." Eren's lip quivered, making Levi feel like a shitty dick "Shit. That came out wrong. We need to see if it's slick" "What if it's not?" "Just calm down. Can you lay back for me?" "It hurts" "I need to examine you" Eren sniffled, Levi guiding him down because Eren tried to shoot back up as he laid back. "Levi?" Levi was verging on panic. The fluid coming from his omega was definitely not slick. Nor was it semen, or water or oil or anything like that. It... Levi blinked at it "I..." "Levi... what's happening? Is there blood?" "I think you're in labour" "No" "Yeah" "No" "Eren" "I can't be in labour! It's too soon" "Tell your body that" "I'm telling both of you!" "We need to prepare" "Prepare?" "You're in labour" Eren's opening was slightly open, more than it should be. Holy Rose. This... this was happening "I..." "Levi... I can't... I can't have the baby. Hanji isn't here! No ones here! What if something goes wrong?! What do I do?" "You've read the books. I don't know how give birth! I have a penis!" "I can't remember! You should have read them too!" "You're the doctor's kid! I never had to give birth! I wasn't expecting you to go into labour!" Levi took a breath, taking his fingers through his hair before remembering he glad fluid on his fingers. His heart was racing. How would Eren even give birth? Did he push it out his arse like a giant shit? Fuck. It was going to tear Eren in two. Would his brat shit himself? He didn't want to see that. What if the baby came out wrong?! What if it looked like a wolf? What if this miniature Lycan came out? What was he supposed to do? What did human babies even need when they were born? Or wolf babies?! Did wolves have belly buttons? There was an umbilical cord or something? How did you cut the thing? How much blood was there going to be? What if something went wrong? What if cut the cord, but hit the baby! Was his kid even going to like him? What if it didn't look like him? What if started screaming?! His voice trembled. His chest felt too tight "Look, for now, we should get you settled" How did he sound calm? He wanted to throw up. He was fucking shitting himself, almost literally "Settled?!" "You're not going to be pushing any time soon" Eren whimpered, drawing his legs up as much as he could "Eren?" "I think it's starting... the pain's spreading" "We should get you to the infirmary" "No! Please! No one can see" "Eren" "No! No..." Eren broke down, sobbing into his pillow "You need help. I don't know what to do! I've never delivered a baby before!" "Hanji's not here! No ones here! I can't do this!" "Well I can't push it out for you!" "You put it in there!" "It's a little late for returns!" "Take your wonder dick and fuck off!" "Don't blame me. You wanted me as much as I wanted you" "This is all fucking Hanji's fault. She said I couldn't get pregnant!" "You've had weeks to get used to this" "Really?! Weeks?! Well that just makes the idea of pushing a huge thing out of my arse all that much better" "That thing, is our baby" "It fucking hurts" "Then move. Try and get comfortable" "How the fuck am I supposed to get comfortable?" "I don't know" "Then fix it" "It doesn't work like that" "Then do something... I can't do this" "You can do this... you've read the books" "The books were fucking scary" "You're barely dilated, it's going to be a while" "You said that" "I... we should get a towel for this fluid" "Whatever... I'm not in labour" Stubborn brat. The contractions seemed to take forever to come and pass. Eren was laying on his side, whimpering every time would hit. His brat had finally found a position that worked for him. With his internal panic still spiralling, and no idea what he was supposed to actually do, Levi was stroking Eren's hair. His omega had wanted all their blankets, their bed now more blanket than anything else. The teen's face was hidden in one of his dirty shirts, because of something to do with the smell. Given he was panicking over Eren, every other single thought in his mind had disappeared, including the fact he was supposed to be leaving. When the door opened, even Levi was surprised by the snarl that came from his lips. He didn't want anyone in the room. He didn't want anyone touching Eren. He didn't want Eren paying attention to anyone "Levi, it's time to leave" Fucking Shitty Eyebrows "I'm not leaving" "I thought we were past this" "I'm not leaving" "We don't have time for this" "I'm not leaving Eren! He's in labour!" "He looks fine" "His water broke!" "That's convenient" Jumping off the bed, Levi stormed over to Erwin "Get the fuck out of here" "You're going on this mission!" "No I'm not!" "Yes you are!" "Eren is in labour!" "That's a low move, even for you" "Eren is in labour! Are your eyebrows so fucking thick that you don't see reality!" "Stop lying!" "I'm not lying! His fucking water broke while we were arguing over my leaving!" "I don't believe you!" Sidestepping him, Erwin stepped towards the bed. Grabbing the man's arm, he snarled "Don't you dare go near him!" "Someone needs to confirm this" "Are you fucking serious?! You're not touching him!" "Either you prove to me he's actually in labour, or you leave" "Why do I have to prove anything to you!? He's pregnant! It had to come out eventually!" "It's pretty convenient that he goes into labour the moment I tell you that you need to leave" "I told you he was in a fragile condition! Hanji fucking told you! He shouldn't have been moved from the house in the first place!" Eren moaned, rolling onto his back "Get out" "Eren, I understand you're in labour?" "Get out! I don't want you here" "Eren, come now. You know Levi can't stay. You don't need to fake being labour. It's only two days" Starting to sob, Eren covered his face "You need to leave" "Not without you" "He's in labour and you're treating him like he's lying" "How do you know he's not?" "His water broke! He's having contractions, and he's dilating. He's having this fucking baby" "I still haven't seen any evidence" "What do you want to see?! Do you want to look between my legs?! Is that it?!" Eren sounded hysterical, and livid "Get the fuck out of here!" "Levi..." "No. You heard Eren. He wants you gone" "I'm the Commanding Officer" "Who restrained us against our will!" "For your own safety" "I'm done with your shit. Get the fuck out before you lose your other arm" "Remember your place!" Levi snapped, his fist slamming into Erwin's jaw "Get the fuck out! He doesn't need this!" "So you're willing to risk Hanji's life?" "Don't you fucking turn this back on us. He's in labour. She would understand" "If he truly is in labour, you won't mind us moving him to the infirmary" "He can't move" "I'm sure you'll find a way, or we'll find one for you" Erwin gave zero fucks as he left them, but on the opposite side of the coin, Levi wanted to commit murder. Marching over, he pulled the door closed, before marching over to his desk and grabbing his chair. Propping the chair under the door handle, he growled in disgust, while Eren continued to whimper in distress. * Eren's labour was progressing ridiculously slowly. His fiancé had worn himself out, whimpering and crying over Erwin. It'd been nearly 12 hours, since Eren's water had broken, and his teen hadn't been able to get any real rest. He spent his time getting up and walking, leaning, panting, swearing, gasping and whispering all the curses under the sun. Erwin had tried to open the door, but the chair had held. Yelling up a storm, he'd scared the fuck out of Eren. His brat begging him to go, just to calm Erwin down. Instead, he'd dragged the desk in front of the door, then the wardrobe, effectively barricading them in. The windows were shut, the blinds drawn. The light in the room provided by a the two small lanterns he'd found in the bathroom cupboard... which he definitely hadn't left there. By the 28 hour mark, Eren was finally fitfully sleeping. His contractions were still five minutes apart, while he only looked slightly dilated. He didn't know if Eren was actually going to "open wider", given he was giving birth anally, but he knew there was no way their baby could possibly be birthed through such a small opening. Eren had also come back down with a fever. His body wracked with spasms which would wake him, and ruin any chance of getting real rest. He was so exhausted, he couldn't even find the energy to talk to him when he'd ask if he needed anything. At 36 hours, Levi was panicking. He'd spent every moment since Eren had gone into labour panicking, but now Eren was bleeding on top of everything else. He'd had to open the curtains to let a little light in. The lamp had hidden how sullen and drawn the teen's face was. Deep black bags hung under his eyes. When Levi had tried to move his legs to examine him, Eren hadn't had the strength to keep them spread. The towel beneath him was soaked a peach colour, with red hues dribbling into the mess. His brat was dying. That's what the smell in the room was telling him. They needed proper help, but no one was around. He didn't even know if Erwin was still around. Outside their room was silent, like they were the last people left alive. At the 42 hour mark, Eren was finally dilated enough to push, but too weak. The blood between his legs now a thick puddle, his breathing laboured gasps, and his body like ice. Holding his limp hand, Levi was positioned between Eren's legs. He'd tried to stretch Eren to open him more, but blood had gushed from him. He didn't know what to do or say. He couldn't find the words to fix this and Eren could to was whine softly "Eren... come on. You can do this. Just follow your instincts" He didn't know what else to say. He didn't even know if Eren was really hearing him "Brat. You need to push" This wasn't working. Shit... ok... Gathering Eren up, he forced the teen into a kneeling position, Eren weakly grabbing his arm while still slumped against him "Push. Come on... please" Changing position must have worked to bring Eren back to reality, the groan Eren gave made Levi's heart shoot up in hope "That's it! Come on, baby" He'd never called Eren "baby" before, and it kind of just slipped out. Keeping one hand between Eren's legs, with his fingers against Eren's bulging opening, he nuzzled into the teen "Another big push for me" The scream Eren gave sounded completely broken "That's it. You're doing so good" Slumping again as the scream ended Eren panted for breath "That's it. Keep going. You've got this" Eren's screams slowly grew silent as he struggled to birth their child. The smell of blood overwhelming him, leaving his stomach rolling as their child was forced into the world. He had no idea it took so long to bring birth a child, or rather to get the head and shoulders free. The moment they were, Eren fell back from him, leaving Levi to pull their baby into the world. A beautiful baby girl. He couldn't describe the pride he felt as her small hand reached out. She was... she was just incredible "Eren, it's a girl. It's a girl..." Grabbing the closest towel, he laid her down so he could gently dab the mess of birth from her face "Eren?" His happiness dropped. Reaching out, he shook Eren by the stomach "Eren?!" More stuff was coming out his brat. He didn't know what to do. Their little girl was here, but Eren wasn't waking! Shaking, he grabbed the strip of rag and tried the cord like Eren had told him to, before cutting it free. Eren... his mind kept repeating his lover's name. With their baby in his arms, Levi crawled up the bed, relieved to find Eren's eyes open, and his teen breathing. Though he really didn't look good "Eren, she's perfect. Can you see her?" Tilting her down for him to see, Eren whined "Yes. She's here. You did so well baby. So well. She's perfect" Eren let out a strangled gasp of pain, which Levi didn't understand. Forcing himself to lay their daughter down, he climbed from the bed, rounding it, and leaning down to examine Eren. Fluid was still coming from Eren's horribly torn opening. After birth covered his arse and thighs... but that wasn't the issue. Grabbing Eren, he rolled him onto his back, using a pillow to prop his hips up, as he tore away the messy towels and sheets "Fuck... ok, baby. You're ok. You're ok" The moment their second child was birthed, Levi's heart dropped. The cord was wrapped tightly around his neck, and he'd never stood a chance. He'd tried everything he could to make him breathe, even cutting the cord the moment he'd seen it around their child's neck. He rubbed at the small infant's chest, not willing to believe things could go so wrong. He didn't know if he felt a pulse, or if it was just his desperation, but he... he just couldn't do this. With their twins laying together, Levi tried to clean up Eren. He wasn't healing, and the blood wasn't stopping. Their bed was ruined from the blood. He needed help. He couldn't do this alone anymore. Half crazed, he tore the furniture from the door, howling a howl Eren would have been proud of his kicked at the shitty piece of wood. He couldn't think. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't... sinking down beside the door, he sobbed. This wasn't how things were supposed to go. Hanji was supposed to be here. Eren was supposed to give birthmark begin to heal immediately. Their son wasn't supposed to have his cord around his mouth. There wasn't supposed to be so much blood. Looking down at his hands, he couldn't stop himself from vomiting. He was literally covered in Eren's blood. He didn't even know if his lover was alive. He was so fucking scared. Scared and alone. Beside him, the door slowly opened. Someone screamed, and everything seemed to happen in a blur. One moment he was on the floor, and the next he was sitting in the chair he'd kicked across the room, holding his two children while Erwin talked at him. He couldn't make the words out. It felt like his head was underwater. He just felt so cold and sick. He couldn't bring himself to look at Eren. He couldn't bring himself to look over in case Eren wasn't... in case... another broken sob came from between his lips. He couldn't lose Eren. They hadn't decided on names. They hadn't planned for twins. Someone went to touch one of the twins, Levi growling in warning. He wanted them all to leave and to never come back. If Eren had been somewhere better, somewhere he felt safer, his birth might have been easier. His bright eyed brat wouldn't be... * Levi was sure he was dreaming. His bed had been remade, and between him and Eren, their twins slept. His love was still pale, pain still causing his lips to twitch, but he was alive and breathing.
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the-last-magpie · 7 years
“Lincopia, you’ve got mail” A Ghost Fanfiction
So: this is a very light kind of fanfiction. It is based on the daily life of the members of the church (ghouls, sisters, brothers, papas, clergy), and it is set at the beginning of era III (yeah I know, sounds nostalgic but I had a lot of this stuff on my mind for months). This is meant to be humorous (with some romance in the future).
Why “You’ve got mail”? 
Because this is a fic about the members of the church talking to each other about their sheningans and daily life through messages, WhatsApp or something. There are also some pieces of actual writing here and there, but I have to add, English is not my mothertongue, so I apologize for any mistake, of any kind. I hope to entertain you.
First Chapter.
-          11.02 am
It wasn't his fault, and that was a concept well punctuated by the calmness of his stride, even if a little stompier than the usual, because, well, being in his actual position made him nervous after all. He already knew it: there was no one left in the chapel. He was late for sure, and the ceremony had gone without him, he, practically an ambassador for their image, and the new pope was around, and Sister Imperator too, probably left scolding at the air since, again, he had not been there.
Special sighed. There he was, hand on the big handle, heavy door ajar.
Just silence and emptiness.
"Uhh... This sucks".
  -          1.17 pm
Message from Mist:
Special. Ceremony was great. You'd have loved that. The guy talks more than you do. You'll get along well. He won't skin you alive, don't worry. Probably just make you feel like he could though.
Message from Cat boy:
Very funny. I wasn't fooling around, I had stuff to do, a flight to take. The new Papa was informed. I'll go knock on his door later. But anyways, what did you mean by that? The skinned alive bit?
Message from Mist:
It's okay. He is ok. Well, I mean. He's not his brother.
Message from Cat boy:
Enlightening. Look, can we talk on WhatsApp? Who uses messages nowadays? Just install it. It's useful.
Message from Mist:
We have very different jobs kitty. I don't need WhatsApp. Also weren't you going to knock on a door? What, you need a push?
Message from Cat boy
Thank you very much Mist. On my way.
Message from Mist:
Love you. ♥
PS: bring the lube.
Message from Cat boy:
  -          5.38 pm
When Special walked out the office, he stood still two steps away from the closed door, very quiet, very collected. Looking into space. He looked down at his hands, now full. There were his new robes. Very much practical indeed, and he had already seen them some weeks ago when he himself helped the sewing department, launching some ideas. The mask, that was Omega’s idea.
He looked away, sensing the calmness of the twilight, when people retired from the greenhouses and the fields, the various offices, the library, and showering or maybe simply taking a rest before dinner. He listened to that, the silence, recalling the previous minutes. The man was… he had no idea. Mist had been right. He was not his brother. He seemed cheerful, not so talkative as stated, very stern sometimes, but always with a light, imperceptible smirk at the corner of his lips. He had tried to make him uncomfortable, Special was sure of that. Didn’t even mentioned the fact that he had missed the ceremony for his election. The pope had stared at him, looking him in the eye, with that mix of unknown intentions behind his mismatched ones, and then went straight to business.
So he sighed. Alpha would keep doing interviews, of course. Maybe one, or two every century, by the sound of it. Omega was in charge of a lot of things, and always moving around departments because he was that charismatic. So sure, he would help Special.
But Special was now officially in charge of everything connected to the public. He would be the first in line at concerts, at promotional events, radio interviews, normal interviews, every interview. He would talk to companies, bands touring with them, some lesser members of the clergy (because the big pieces were for Papa, of course) and simply do everything that connected with the core of their engine. He started counting the number of plane he’d have to meet closely from that moment on.
He started walking towards the dormitory, very determined to just fall face deep in the mattress and woke up the next century.
  -          7.22 pm
WhatsApp Chat Group: Feel Ya Sista
Lumia: Guuuuurls
Maery: what?
Lumia: Are you done with the dinner? WE HUNGRY HERE, you know.
Ambrosia: oi, let us work. you’re not the only ones that do things in here, YOU KNOW.
Lumia: I plow the soil from which your damn food comes from. Chop chop.
Lumia: ??
Ambrosia: do you grow cheese from that soil? ham? entire cows? last time I checked, those grew from the truck of the dairy we actually buy from.
Valeriana: Also, let us work. Cirice told us Papa himself is going to dine with us in the hall tonight. We are pretty under the gun rn.
Lumia: NO WAY.
Maery: eh
Lumia: Wtf is the world going to end, this is a first
Era: my life is going to end.
Lumia: You alright?
Era: No. This morning I noticed a mistake I made on Papa’s alb. Every time he flapped that sleeve a year of life left me. The moment he’s gonna notice he gonna suck my very soul out of me.
Mitra: overreacting
Lumia: What mistake? I saw none
Era: I sewed too tight in a place.
Maery: c’mon
Era: AND THE MITRE TOO. The patch is too much on the right. HE GONNA KILL ME.
Ambrosia: he’s nice, stop worrying
Valeriana: Girl, you talked to him for 30 seconds.
Era: Is there some wine left yes? Because I need it.
Maery: yeah
Ambrosia: i’m turning off my phone. work. see you all at 8.
Era: Don’t leave me…
Lumia: I’m still here
Lumia: Nope, nevermind, I actually have to go to the toilette
Era: Can’t you bring your phone in there?
Lumia: I use it for music
Maery: era stop, or i’ll send scary omega to your chamber
Era: …that isn’t exactly a threat. I fyou know what I mean…
Valeriana: Lmao.
Rita: uuhhhmmm
Rita: girls
Maery: yeah?
Rita: talking about subtext…
Maery: yeah?
Rita: …is it okay if I say I wanna bang him?
Valeriana: Bang WHO.
Lumia: Omega?
Rita: nope
Ambrosia: RITA NO
Lumia: Werent’ you turning off your phone?
Ambrosia: RITA NO
Ambrosia: NO
Ambrosia: wait AT LEAST a week. Ffs.
Maery: also ew
Rita: ok.
Maery: imam send you scary imperator to your chamber
Maery: yes ma’am
Lumia: Toilette
Era: dying
Rita: ok.
Rita: …
Rita: …a week is a lot
Ambrosia: RITA NO
   -          8.29 pm
Alpha: Dude, where are you?
-          8.37 pm
Alpha: Seriously.
-          8.43 pm
Alpha: OMEGA the new Papa is here with us. Where the fuck are you?
   -          0.31 am
Omega: Bro, I was busy. I am always busy. What’s the matter. Special missed his ceremony, I missed dinner, so the real loss here is that I’m hungry as fuck.
Alpha: What was so important?
Omega: Fucking haunted trees? You know, those who started slapping people with their branches last week? One of them lifted a root and was trying to actually take a step.
Alpha: Are you high?
Omega: I wish I was.
Omega: Look, this place is a mess. We are not just some campy satanists, we attract some attentions.
Alpha: So what, local flora is pissed off because we worship the big bad guy?
Omega: Most likely someone enchanted things. But it’s okay now. I had to work with that nerd of Brother Euthanasia, just because Imperator couldn’t make a bad impression on our CEO.
Alpha: That would explain why she was so edgy all dinner.
Omega: And when exactly she is not.
Alpha: Whatever.
Omega: Besides, was he pissed?
Alpha: He didn’t even notice.
Omega: So what.
Alpha: MAYBE he just looked not pissed.
Omega: Tomorrow I’m gonna buy him flowers and take a knee okay? Or maybe next time I’ll invite fucking trees at our table so we can go all Isengard with that.
Alpha: Dude, chill. Or eat. You’re not yourself when you’re hungry.
Omega: FUNNY.
Alpha: Yeah. Take a rest, you big idiot. Tomorrow we have to do things.
Omega: And don’t I know that.
Alpha: Take a rest. Love you.
Omega: …gay.
Omega: …Love you too.
(All original characters belong to the band Ghost.
OCs are mine.
Feedback and critics [corrections too if needed] are always appreciated!)
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SCSI. Birth. Nearly full chapter draft
Eren had had a rough night. His fiancé hadn't been able to settle, and the pain in his lower back had reduced him to sobs and screams if he so much as moved ever so slightly on the wrong angle. They'd tried a warm shower, and a warm bath. Levi had massaged Eren's tender lower back while his teen wept, but nothing had seemed to help. Even after Hanji had been summoned to their room, after someone had heard Eren's screams, she hadn't been able to provide much in the way of relief. She'd given him an injection to help with the pain, but it'd barely taken the edge off. That's when Levi had thrown her back out, and how Eren had ended up sitting up and sleeping in his arms, after using masturbation as pain relief. Eren always got sleepy after he came, and his poor omega was desperate for some kind of relief and release. It was only seconds after he'd brought Eren to orgasm that his teen finally slumped against him. His racing heart helping to spread the effects of the injection so much faster than if Eren had just been laying in bed. With Eren finally sleeping, Levi didn't dare move. He was supposed to have met with Erwin the previous day, but the filth of his room had gotten on his nerves, so he'd set about cleaning the whole place through. The only space not to cop his wrath was their bed, where he'd set Eren up with a beaten old journal he'd found in his desk the previous night. It might not be the one that Zeke stole, yet it gave Eren an outlet for his thoughts and feelings, and his omega had tearfully thanked him, before getting straight to work. When he thought about it, that was probably why Eren's back hurt, from laying on his side and writing for hours on end. Or they maybe over did it as they took pleasure in each other, both wanting to make sure the other was truly alright. But he thought his slow and gentle rhythm wouldn't have hurt his lover so much. He'd spooned up behind Eren so the teen wouldn't have to move or exert himself. Hearing the key scrape in its lock, followed by the door creaking, Levi released his hold on Eren's spent dick. Once his omega had fallen asleep, he hadn't dared move, but he wasn't about to have a conversation while touching Eren so intimately. Smelling Erwin, Levi shushed him before the man could even open his mouth. In his sleep, Eren whined softly, probably sensing the intrusion. Kissing his scent gland, he nosed at the sweet oil leaking from it. Eren smelt too sweet, almost like the sickly sweet sweat of sickness "How is he? I hear he had a rough night. We thought he might be going into labour" "He's not. He's in pain, and I've only just gotten him to sleep, so spit it out and get out" "In that case, I need you to head up the Squad heading to Trost" "You're joking, right?" "We just received word that there was an attack on Hermina's outer gate this morning. The fear is that Trost will be next" "Erwin you told us to run. Then you brought us back, and locked us up like prisoners. I'm not doing shit for you. Not with Eren like this" "Do you think I wanted you here? Or wanted him here? We don't know what's going to happen during his labour, while you came back half dead" "Because of Zeke" "Ah yes, Eren's mythical brother" "Just cut the shit. Why do you want me to go?" Erwin gave a half laugh "You have no idea what kind of situation we're all in. There was a shifter attack in the Capital. Eren is the only known shifter. Both he and you have been missing for the last 3 months, and now this has happened. The Survey Corps has been accused of conspiring to commit treason. It's all I can do to keep the Military Police from storming the castle" "So you want to make a show of strength? We both know the shitty MP's aren't going to come out here, they're all a bunch of chicken shit cowards. Why can't Hanji lead the Brat Squad. Her and Mike can handle this" "She's already left. She left at first light for Hermina, before we got news of the attack" "So this is rescue mission then?" If Hanji reached Hermina and heard the news about a possible battle in Trost, she'd do everything she could to help, before turning her attention there... "Possibly. We don't have the numbers to fight this fight on all sides" "I'm not leaving Eren like this. Any small thing may send him into labour" "His friends..." "Will scare him" "He's still recovering? He was only with them for two months" "Only. You have no idea what they did to him, do you? 3 months isn't enough to erase those wounds" "He's spend more time out of there hands than he did being held" "Do you have any idea what they did to him? They flayed him alive. Whipped him while telling him he was monster who should be dead. They cut off his toes, his fingers, his hands, his feet, his legs, his arms. They boiled him like a hunk of meat. They poured hot oil over him, before setting him on fire. They cut him open to play with his organs. They sliced his skin off like it was cheese, to watch it regrow. They put a shitty feeding tube down his throat to keep the baby alive, and promised him they'd experiment on it next. He was lucky when he first came round, his memories were hidden by a thick cloud of drugs in his mind. Over the last three months, he's been remembering it all. They broke him in every single way they could, before leaving him to fucking drown. It took weeks for him to be able to shower. The first time he tried to take a bath, he was so fucking scared he passed out. He's still fucking scared and any of this shit could mean he loses the baby. He's had enough fucking complications and I will not lose my child because you feel the need to show everyone how big your dick is" He might have over exaggerated a few things, but for the most part, it was true "We all have our jobs to do" "Fuck off" "Two days. That's all I ask. Go to Trost. Show them you're back" "And then what? Make myself a target?" "Take them out if you have to, just get the heat off of us, or find some proof that Zeke exists" "The bullet wound isn't enough?" "Not when Eren could have been the one to shoot you" "Eren didn't shoot me. We didn't even have access to ghouls blood" "You and he are the only witnesses" "Then send Mike to sniff things out" "Mike is busy as it is" "I'm fucking busy" "You and Eren are supposed to be detained in the dungeon. So don't act like I'm not on your side" "You're not. Then only side you're on, is your own" Erwin's voice dropped several degrees "Two days Levi. You can fucking leave him alone for two days. You leave tonight" Erwin left, Levi wincing as he slammed the door harder than necessary. What the fuck was he supposed to tell Eren? Hanji could possibly be in trouble... and because it was for medical reasons, she would have taken Moblit along with her. Mike was off doing shit, and Eren's friends would only stress him further. * Levi let Eren rouse naturally. His fiancé whimpering as he stretched, before climbing from Levi's hold with a long whine "Eren?" "Need to use the bathroom" "Do you need help?" "Please... fuck... it hurts" He was hoping Eren would feel better, especially given how long he'd let him sleep. Wincing at the pins and needles down his own legs, be moved to wrap an arm around Eren's waist "Is there anything I can do to help?" "Don't let go. My legs feel like jelly" "Probably because you fell asleep sitting up" "No... I don't know. I don't feel good" "Do you want to take a bath? Or have a shower?" "I think I want to sleep... just the thought of hot water is making me sick" Eren's body did feel clammy. Which wasn't great, especially with Hanji being gone "Why don't I help you wipe down at least? You'll feel better being clean" Eren hissed, his body growing tenser and tenser as Levi helped him into the bathroom "I'll grab the bucket from the bedroom, and give you a little privacy" "Thanks... I feel so fucking gross" This wasn't making telling Eren he had to leave any easier. Letting Eren take care of his business, Levi grabbed the bucket from beside the bed. As much as Eren hated it, it saved the trips to the bathroom when his fiancé was in too much pain to move. Carrying it over to the bathroom, he knocked lightly on the door "Brat, you still shitting?!" "Yeah. Come back later" Snorting, Levi left Eren to it. He didn't want to leave him. He really didn't. But if he could find proof of Zeke, he could clear Eren's name... hopefully before the baby was born, and Eren could give birth in peace like he deserved. Grabbing his bag from their wardrobe, he threw a few things in it "Levi" "Eren?!" "I want to be clean!" Levi snorted, abandoning his bag on the bed and heading for the bathroom. His fiancé had shuffled into the shower "I thought I left you on the toilet?" "That's a whole five minutes ago. Can you help me have a cold shower? Or just a wash down with cold water? It feels too hot" "You want a cold shower?" "I don't want a shower at all, but you're right. I'll feel better when I'm clean" "Of course you will. Do you want me to do your hair too?" "Mmm. Please... then can we cuddle?" "We can talk while we cuddle" "I don't know if I have much to say" Eren was going to have plenty to say once Levi dropped the bomb that he was leaving on him "It's alright. Let's get you clean" Eren hummed in appreciation, his teen leaning in to kiss him as Levi moved to help him strip off his shirt. The shower was brief, Eren barely able to remain standing as he started to cry from pain again, so Levi rushed to clean up him as gently and as thoroughly as he could. He'd have to tell Erwin where to stick it. He couldn't leave Eren like this. Leading his omega from the bathroom, Eren let out a gasp "Eren?!" "What... what's that?" Looking at the bag, Levi sighed. Eren wriggled from his hold. Putting his hands on his hips as he glared "That's what we need to talk about" "You're... you're leaving?! Is that why I can smell Erwin?! Is he making you leave?!" "Sit down, and we can talk" "I don't want to sit down. I want answers!" Levi rubbed at his face. Honesty. They'd just had huge argument over hiding things to protect each other "There was an attack on Hermina. The gate was destroyed and there were sightings of a shifter" "Zeke?!" "Possibly. Hanji has gone to check it out. They're worried Trost will be next" "I'm coming with you" "What?" "Zeke is my problem!" "You're in no condition to go" "Im fucking fine! I'm not letting you go anywhere without me" "It's only two days" "Two days! Two Days! Oh, that just makes everything ok then!" "You'll be..." "Coming with you! I'm not letting you face him alone! Not when I owe him for fucking shooting you!" "Eren..." "No! You're not leaving me here!" Glaring at him, Eren didn't seem to notice the small puddle on the floor between his legs "Eren, you need to calm down. Here, let's get you back into the bathroom" "What? Why?" "You've had an accident" "Don't try and change the topic. I think I'd know if I pissed myself" "You've literally got your feet either side of the puddle" "I... what?" Taking Eren's hand, he guided him to sit on their bed. His fiancé frowning severely "What's wrong?" "My arse is wet..." "Is it slick?" "I don't know. I mean, there was a little bit of pressure and then relief, but I thought it was slick" "Let me have a look" "I... Levi... what?" Eren's eyes went wide "You don't think... am I in labour?" Levi's own eyes widened, panic rushing up his throat "Let's just take a look" "Levi... I can't be in labour. It's too soon! You're leaving! What will I do? What do I do?" "Calm down. We don't know. How does your stomach feel? Is it sore? Are you having contractions?" "I don't know! Everything hurts!" Shit. Shit. Fuck. Where the fuck was Hanji!? What... what the fuck was he supposed to do?! "Levi... Levi, what do we do?!" "How the fuck should I know?! I've never done this!" "I..." Eren's lip quivered, making Levi feel like a shitty dick "Shit. That came out wrong. We need to see if it's slick" "What if it's not?" "Just calm down. Can you lay back for me?" "It hurts" "I need to examine you" Eren sniffled, Levi guiding him down because Eren tried to shoot back up as he laid back. "Levi?" Levi was verging on panic. The fluid coming from his omega was definitely not slick. Nor was it semen, or water or oil or anything like that. It... Levi blinked at it "I..." "Levi... what's happening? Is there blood?" "I think you're in labour" "No" "Yeah" "No" "Eren" "I can't be in labour! It's too soon" "Tell your body that" "I'm telling both of you!" "We need to prepare" "Prepare?" "You're in labour" Eren's opening was slightly open, more than it should be. Holy Rose. This... this was happening "I..." "Levi... I can't... I can't have the baby. Hanji isn't here! No ones here! What if something goes wrong?! What do I do?" "You've read the books. I don't know how give birth! I have a penis!" "I can't remember! You should have read them too!" "You're the doctor's kid! I never had to give birth! I wasn't expecting you to go into labour!" Levi took a breath, taking his fingers through his hair before remembering he glad fluid on his fingers. His heart was racing. How would Eren even give birth? Did he push it out his arse like a giant shit? Fuck. It was going to tear Eren in two. Would his brat shit himself? He didn't want to see that. What if the baby came out wrong?! What if it looked like a wolf? What if this miniature Lycan came out? What was he supposed to do? What did human babies even need when they were born? Or wolf babies?! Did wolves have belly buttons? There was an umbilical cord or something? How did you cut the thing? How much blood was there going to be? What if something went wrong? What if cut the cord, but hit the baby! Was his kid even going to like him? What if it didn't look like him? What if started screaming?! His voice trembled. His chest felt too tight "Look, for now, we should get you settled" How did he sound calm? He wanted to throw up. He was fucking shitting himself, almost literally "Settled?!" "You're not going to be pushing any time soon" Eren whimpered, drawing his legs up as much as he could "Eren?" "I think it's starting... the pain's spreading" "We should get you to the infirmary" "No! Please! No one can see" "Eren" "No! No..." Eren broke down, sobbing into his pillow "You need help. I don't know what to do! I've never delivered a baby before!" "Hanji's not here! No ones here! I can't do this!" "Well I can't push it out for you!" "You put it in there!" "It's a little late for returns!" "Take your wonder dick and fuck off!" "Don't blame me. You wanted me as much as I wanted you" "This is all fucking Hanji's fault. She said I couldn't get pregnant!" "You've had weeks to get used to this" "Really?! Weeks?! Well that just makes the idea of pushing a huge thing out of my arse all that much better" "That thing, is our baby" "It fucking hurts" "Then move. Try and get comfortable" "How the fuck am I supposed to get comfortable?" "I don't know" "Then fix it" "It doesn't work like that" "Then do something... I can't do this" "You can do this... you've read the books" "The books were fucking scary" "You're barely dilated, it's going to be a while" "You said that" "I... we should get a towel for this fluid" "Whatever... I'm not in labour" Stubborn brat. The contractions seemed to take forever to come and pass. Eren was laying on his side, whimpering every time would hit. His brat had finally found a position that worked for him. With his internal panic still spiralling, and no idea what he was supposed to actually do, Levi was stroking Eren's hair. His omega had wanted all their blankets, their bed now more blanket than anything else. The teen's face was hidden in one of his dirty shirts, because of something to do with the smell. Given he was panicking over Eren, every other single thought in his mind had disappeared, including the fact he was supposed to be leaving. When the door opened, even Levi was surprised by the snarl that came from his lips. He didn't want anyone in the room. He didn't want anyone touching Eren. He didn't want Eren paying attention to anyone "Levi, it's time to leave" Fucking Shitty Eyebrows "I'm not leaving" "I thought we were past this" "I'm not leaving" "We don't have time for this" "I'm not leaving Eren! He's in labour!" "He looks fine" "His water broke!" "That's convenient" Jumping off the bed, Levi stormed over to Erwin "Get the fuck out of here" "You're going on this mission!" "No I'm not!" "Yes you are!" "Eren is in labour!" "That's a low move, even for you" "Eren is in labour! Are your eyebrows so fucking thick that you don't see reality!" "Stop lying!" "I'm not lying! His fucking water broke while we were arguing over my leaving!" "I don't believe you!" Sidestepping him, Erwin stepped towards the bed. Grabbing the man's arm, he snarled "Don't you dare go near him!" "Someone needs to confirm this" "Are you fucking serious?! You're not touching him!" "Either you prove to me he's actually in labour, or you leave" "Why do I have to prove anything to you!? He's pregnant! It had to come out eventually!" "It's pretty convenient that he goes into labour the moment I tell you that you need to leave" "I told you he was in a fragile condition! Hanji fucking told you! He shouldn't have been moved from the house in the first place!" Eren moaned, rolling onto his back "Get out" "Eren, I understand you're in labour?" "Get out! I don't want you here" "Eren, come now. You know Levi can't stay. You don't need to fake being labour. It's only two days" Starting to sob, Eren covered his face "You need to leave" "Not without you" "He's in labour and you're treating him like he's lying" "How do you know he's not?" "His water broke! He's having contractions, and he's dilating. He's having this fucking baby" "I still haven't seen any evidence" "What do you want to see?! Do you want to look between my legs?! Is that it?!" Eren sounded hysterical, and livid "Get the fuck out of here!" "Levi..." "No. You heard Eren. He wants you gone" "I'm the Commanding Officer" "Who restrained us against our will!" "For your own safety" "I'm done with your shit. Get the fuck out before you lose your other arm" "Remember your place!" Levi snapped, his fist slamming into Erwin's jaw "Get the fuck out! He doesn't need this!" "So you're willing to risk Hanji's life?" "Don't you fucking turn this back on us. He's in labour. She would understand" "If he truly is in labour, you won't mind us moving him to the infirmary" "He can't move" "I'm sure you'll find a way, or we'll find one for you" Erwin gave zero fucks as he left them, but on the opposite side of the coin, Levi wanted to commit murder. Marching over, he pulled the door closed, before marching over to his desk and grabbing his chair. Propping the chair under the door handle, he growled in disgust, while Eren continued to whimper in distress. * Eren's labour was progressing ridiculously slowly. His fiancé had worn himself out, whimpering and crying over Erwin. It'd been nearly 12 hours, since Eren's water had broken, and his teen hadn't been able to get any real rest. He spent his time getting up and walking, leaning, panting, swearing, gasping and whispering all the curses under the sun. Erwin had tried to open the door, but the chair had held. Yelling up a storm, he'd scared the fuck out of Eren. His brat begging him to go, just to calm Erwin down. Instead, he'd dragged the desk in front of the door, then the wardrobe, effectively barricading them in. The windows were shut, the blinds drawn. The light in the room provided by a the two small lanterns he'd found in the bathroom cupboard... which he definitely hadn't left there. By the 28 hour mark, Eren was finally fitfully sleeping. His contractions were still five minutes apart, while he only looked slightly dilated. He didn't know if Eren was actually going to "open wider", given he was giving birth anally, but he knew there was no way their baby could possibly be birthed through such a small opening. Eren had also come back down with a fever. His body wracked with spasms which would wake him, and ruin any chance of getting real rest. He was so exhausted, he couldn't even find the energy to talk to him when he'd ask if he needed anything. At 36 hours, Levi was panicking. He'd spent every moment since Eren had gone into labour panicking, but now Eren was bleeding on top of everything else. He'd had to open the curtains to let a little light in. The lamp had hidden how sullen and drawn the teen's face was. Deep black bags hung under his eyes. When Levi had tried to move his legs to examine him, Eren hadn't had the strength to keep them spread. The towel beneath him was soaked a peach colour, with red hues dribbling into the mess. His brat was dying. That's what the smell in the room was telling him. They needed proper help, but no one was around. He didn't even know if Erwin was still around. Outside their room was silent, like they were the last people left alive. At the 42 hour mark, Eren was finally dilated enough to push, but too weak. The blood between his legs now a thick puddle, his breathing laboured gasps, and his body like ice. Holding his limp hand, Levi was positioned between Eren's legs. He'd tried to stretch Eren to open him more, but blood had gushed from him. He didn't know what to do or say. He couldn't find the words to fix this and Eren could to was whine softly "Eren... come on. You can do this. Just follow your instincts" He didn't know what else to say. He didn't even know if Eren was really hearing him "Brat. You need to push" This wasn't working. Shit... ok... Gathering Eren up, he forced the teen into a kneeling position, Eren weakly grabbing his arm while still slumped against him "Push. Come on... please" Changing position must have worked to bring Eren back to reality, the groan Eren gave made Levi's heart shoot up in hope "That's it! Come on, baby" He'd never called Eren "baby" before, and it kind of just slipped out. Keeping one hand between Eren's legs, with his fingers against Eren's bulging opening, he nuzzled into the teen "Another big push for me" The scream Eren gave sounded completely broken, he could feel Eren opening. He could feel the soft sticky of what he assumed to be birth covered hair "That's it. You're doing so good" Slumping again as the scream ended Eren panted for breath "That's it. Keep going. You've got this" Eren's screams slowly grew silent as he struggled to birth their child. The smell of blood overwhelming him, leaving his stomach rolling as their child was forced into the world. He had no idea it took so long to bring birth a child, or rather to get the head and shoulders free. The moment they were, Eren fell back from him, leaving Levi to pull their baby into the world. A beautiful baby girl. He couldn't describe the pride he felt as her small hand reached out. She was... she was just incredible "Eren, it's a girl. It's a girl..." Grabbing the closest towel, he laid her down so he could gently dab the mess of birth from her face "Eren?" His happiness dropped. Reaching out, he shook Eren by the stomach "Eren?!" More stuff was coming out his brat. He didn't know what to do. Their little girl was here, but Eren wasn't waking! Shaking, he grabbed the strip of rag and tried the cord like Eren had told him to, before cutting it free. Eren... his mind kept repeating his lover's name. With their baby in his arms, Levi crawled up the bed, relieved to find Eren's eyes open, and his teen breathing. Though he really didn't look good "Eren, she's perfect. Can you see her?" Tilting her down for him to see, Eren whined "Yes. She's here. You did so well baby. So well. She's perfect" Eren let out a strangled gasp of pain, which Levi didn't understand. Forcing himself to lay their daughter down, he climbed from the bed, rounding it, and leaning down to examine Eren. Fluid was still coming from Eren's horribly torn opening. After birth covered his arse and thighs... but that wasn't the issue. Grabbing Eren, he rolled him onto his back, using a pillow to prop his hips up, as he tore away the messy towels and sheets "Fuck... ok, baby. You're ok. You're ok" The moment their second child was birthed, Levi's heart dropped. The cord was wrapped tightly around his neck, and he'd never stood a chance. He'd tried everything he could to make him breathe, even cutting the cord the moment he'd seen it around their child's neck. He rubbed at the small infant's chest, not willing to believe things could go so wrong. He didn't know if he felt a pulse, or if it was just his desperation, but he... he just couldn't do this. With their twins laying together, Levi tried to clean up Eren. He wasn't healing, and the blood wasn't stopping. Their bed was ruined from the blood. He needed help. He couldn't do this alone anymore. Half crazed, he tore the furniture from the door, howling a howl Eren would have been proud of his kicked at the shitty piece of wood. He couldn't think. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't... sinking down beside the door, he sobbed. This wasn't how things were supposed to go. Hanji was supposed to be here. Eren was supposed to give birthmark begin to heal immediately. Their son wasn't supposed to have his cord around his mouth. There wasn't supposed to be so much blood. Looking down at his hands, he couldn't stop himself from vomiting. He was literally covered in Eren's blood. He didn't even know if his lover was alive. He was so fucking scared. Scared and alone. Beside him, the door slowly opened. Someone screamed, and everything seemed to happen in a blur. One moment he was on the floor, and the next he was sitting in the chair he'd kicked across the room, holding his two children while Erwin talked at him. He couldn't make the words out. It felt like his head was underwater. He just felt so cold and sick. He couldn't bring himself to look at Eren. He couldn't bring himself to look over in case Eren wasn't... in case... another broken sob came from between his lips. He couldn't lose Eren. They hadn't decided on names. They hadn't planned for twins. Someone went to touch one of the twins, Levi growling in warning. He wanted them all to leave and to never come back. If Eren had been somewhere better, somewhere he felt safer, his birth might have been easier. His bright eyed brat wouldn't be... * Levi was sure he was dreaming. His bed had been remade, and between him and Eren, their twins were swaddled bundles. His love was still pale, pain still causing his lips to twitch, but he was alive and breathing. Letting out a shaky breath, he pressed his hands to his face "Levi?" So now Erwin had to fuck with his dreams too? "Levi, are you awake?" "Fuck off" The bed dipped beside him "Eren's going to be relieved" "Can't you just leave us alone?" His voice sounded empty. He felt disconnected, but then again, this was a dream "You had a pretty big panic attack. Not that I blame you. I'm sorry I didn't believe Eren was in labour" "You're sorry?! That just makes it all better!" "Levi?" "Just fuck off. Let me die without your shitty input" "Why would you want to die?" "Because Eren..." "Eren is healing" "Is he?" "Armin helped stop the bleed, and stabilise him. He was awake for a few hours earlier" "I don't believe you" "Ask him yourself. You two have a lot to talk about" "Just fuck off" "I'm sorry. And congratulations" Laying there, watching Eren, it seemed to take hours before he got the courage up to move. Even if this was a dream, he wanted to talk to Eren and tell him he loved him. His knees seemed unable to support him, so Levi leaned heavily on the bed as he made his way around to Eren. Kneeling, he placed his hand on Eren's shoulder, before resting his forehead on it "I'm so fucking sorry. I'm so sorry" Beneath him came a moan, but Levi didn't look up. Slowly Eren moved, and Levi flinched in preparation to be yelled at. Only, it didn't come "L-Levi?" "I'm sorry. You... I..." "Levi..." With a tangle of limbs, Levi was pulled into a weak hug. Eren sniffling against him "Levi... I'm so sorry!" "No... I'm sorry. You... you died and it was my fault" "I didn't die" "You're dead and this is dream!" "I'm not dead... but..." Levi shook his head "I failed you again" "I failed you! I couldn't even carry our baby right!" "No! No! Don't you say that!" "Levi... Levi, look at me" Eren's arms released him, taking his face in his hands and wiping at his tears as he was forced to look "I'm not dead" He looked dead. So pale and exhausted. Lips cracked and bloody. His scent almost borderline revolting "There was so much blood" "I'm sorry" Leaning in, Eren nuzzled into his face "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry" "You didn't do anything" "I failed you. I failed our baby" Baby? As in one!? So the boy... "You didn't fail me. You did everything right" "But..." "You didn't do anything wrong" "I did!" "No, baby. No. No, you're so perfect. You've always been perfect. You've always been..." "But she's sick" She? Their girl was sick? He didn't understand. She was the easier birth of the two. She started moving the moment she was born. She reached for him before she even let out her first cry! "What?" "She's sick... Armin thinks it's her heart" "And our boy?" "He's ok... I... I haven't fed them. You... you went crazy, but we're alone now" Their son was ok? How... He felt like his whole world had been flipped upside down "I don't remember" "Can we not talk now? Please. I want you to hold her" Wriggling his body across to make space, Levi lifted their daughter over Eren. The small girl still looked just as perfect as the moment he'd first set eyes on her. Her soft pink lips and nose were definitely Eren's, while her black hair was definitely from him. He was completely lost in awe as he drank in her features "She's beautiful" "Like her mother" "I don't feel beautiful" "You are. You always have been, in your own way" Eren gave a sleepy kind of snort, before sobering "I'm sorry I let Armin touch them" "You said I went crazy?" "Erwin was talking you, while Mike was trying to stop the haemorrhaging. Apparently he came to Erwin's side to tell him I needed more help than Mike could give me and noticed how pale our daughter looked. When he reached out, you snapped" "I thought you were dead... I thought our son was dead..." "You tried to attack Armin, and Erwin. Mike forced them out. You were screaming at him, but then passed out. Armin told me when I woke up. He'd already wrapped the twins up, and placed them between us" "And you?" "Bled through most of the blankets. Started healing internally, but it's still super slow. We both owe Mike" Levi leant down and nuzzled into Eren's shoulder. Tears in his eyes yet again as he sniffled softly "I thought you were dead" "I'm sorry" "No... no. You did good, brat" "I couldn't feed them when I woke up... and I wanted you to be awake for it. I'm just so tired, Levi" "What can I do?" "Hold her... I... I don't want to lose her" Gently, Eren moved their son closer, nuzzling into he chubby face "They're so perfect. Our children, Eren" "He looks just like you" "I wouldn't go that far" "He's tiny and glaring at the world" "Shitty brat" "I... love them" "Yeah. I love them too. I'm so fucking proud of you, and of them" While Levi continued to hold their daughter, Eren fell asleep with his face next to their son's. He longed to hold his baby boy, but Eren looked so happy with his face against the boys, so he didn't dare disturb them. Fussing with their daughter's blanket, green eyes blinked at him curiously. She really was perfect "You know, you look just like your mummy. And you're just like him. You've only been here a few hours, and you're already stressing the Sina out of me" The tiny girl yawned widely, before smacking her lips together "Your mum would say the exact same thing" He honestly couldn't believe that anything could be wrong with such a perfect person. Besides, what did Armin know?! The blonde coconut wasn't a fucking doctor. He had no right coming in here and telling Eren there was something wrong with their children. He could kindly find the first werewolf in the area, and jump. In fact, he was happy to push him.
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