#okay hes always in my head
spacedace · 9 months
Had a thought about the Reluctant War and made myself a bit sad and I have no idea if it'll make it into the story proper so I'm going to inflict it upon all you guys:
Dick Grayson on the streets of Gotham trying to do everything he can to help as everyone join the ghosts in fighting the GIW, suddenly has a version of the GAV barreling down towards him and for some reason he can't get out of the way in time.
He thinks he's about to join the army of the dead in a whole new way, when the tank fo a vehicle is suddenly sent flying as something massive charged it from the side. He hears a familiar bellowing and then realizes that it's Zitka, a ghost after passing away peacefully a few years before.
She wasn't apart of the army of the ghosts, wasn't brought in to fight. She's just been following her tiny human child around all these years and now that there's enough ecto in the air to do so, she's going to protect him with all her might.
Dick is emotional, so thankful to have his old friend back, but the city is still in a state of chaos. He gets onto Zitka's back and they get to work, running - flying - around helping to grab the injured and whisk them away to safety or take out other GAVs and the like.
It's absurd and freeing and wonderful all at once to be literally flying through the skies of Gotham on the ghost of his elephant best friend, and if Dick wasn't already on the side of King Phantom he is *now* and -
He gets shot off Zitka's back.
A GIW agent was aiming for the Ghost elephant but somehow *missed* and hit Dick instead. Not enough to injure him too badly, but enough to send him flying off Zitka's back and plummeting to the ground. His grapple is broken, and Zitka is diving for him but she's being shot at and she's not going to make it in time and -
A hand, reaching out to him in midair, familiar with its callouses and strong grip as he reaches out and grasps it, body suddenly swinging in a different direction and muscles acting on memory as he falls into the old, achingly familiar routine of his childhood. His mother, ethereal and bright as she smiles down at him, hanging upside down from a bar suspended from nothing but open sky as they swing and he is let go, flipping on instinct and caught by the steady strong hands of his father.
The Flying Graysons reunited in the skies above Gotham, Dick's ghostly parents determined to ensure their little bird never falls the way they did.
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coddda · 3 days
Light Yagami is so insane specifically for the way that he manages to contradict himself in every way possible. Like I think about it All the time.
He doesn't make mistakes. He makes the same mistakes every single time in every single universe, just in different ways.
He sticks strongly to his own beliefs. He betrays himself and his own ideals by doing exactly what Light Yagami would do, no matter what version of Death Note it is. He betrays himself by seeking out a "better" means of justice, he betrays himself by trying to protect others, by just living and being bored and trying to avoid ever doing wrong. His very existence is a betrayal to himself.
He is proud to be his father's son, he wants to live up to his image more than anything else, he takes after him so much and people can tell. He uses his father for his own gain until the bitter end, sometimes it kills him. He loves his mother and his sister so much. He doesn't see them for the majority of the story, sometimes at a certain point it's like they're forgotten altogether. He won't think of them when he inevitably dies.
He asks himself what Light Yagami would say or do. He is Light Yagami. He asks himself what Kira would say or do. He is Kira.
He thinks everything he does through carefully and methodically, sometimes to unnecessary degrees. He is So fucking impulsive, sometimes his plans are outright clumsy.
He has a successful social life and can make just about anyone like him in just a few minutes. There is hardly a single genuine personal connection he has to another person in the series that he does not outright abandon or squander. He has everyone on his side, even if they think they're against him. In the end he realizes there is nobody left, that he is alone and all that is left is himself and his enemies.
He'll have a literal breakdown and collect himself completely within the next half a minute as if nothing happened. He compartmentalizes emotions like it's second-nature. He is losing his shit in his own head. He never stops thinking.
He acts almost disturbingly normal and polite. He acts and thinks like he does not know how to be normal, under everything he is bitter. He is the most put-together guy ever. He is an actual mess.
If you ask him if there's ever been a point where he's actually told the truth, he'll find the most roundabout way to tell you that he is "just like everyone else" in that regard. If you ask him if he has any understanding of the human heart, if he has ever experienced hunger, if he actually has interest in academics, if he knows how to love, he would tell you that he is just like anyone else. Yeah, that was all a reference, sorry. Do you think Light Yagami has ever sought friendship?
He sees himself a God. He is so, so terrified of death. He wants his life to mean something. He manages to only destroy everything and anyone his life has ever touched.
His name is spelled "moon". It's pronounced "Light". He's everything because he's at the top of the country, he's nothing because he's satisfied by none of it. He's everything because he now has everything he's ever wanted (he came across it by mistake), he's nothing because no matter what he fails and life goes on, every single time. He wants the world to know of his existence. By the time he dies most people won't even know who Light Yagami or Kira really was, what the full picture really looked like.
Every single time Light Yagami, without exception, will eventually betray himself and make the same mistake and faces the consequences and eventually die, then cease to exist. He makes mistakes, he does things that are wrong. He will almost never realize that he was wrong. He will lie to his enemies, allies, friend, family, accomplice. Does that mean he only tells the truth to himself? Well. That would have to come with the assumption that he's ever told the truth even once, from the moment he was born.
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th3e-m4ng0 · 4 months
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bruhstation · 2 months
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you never change, do you
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
you know how basketball players do those little conferences where they sit in front of a mic and let reporters/journalists ask them questions???? that but with pro hero Bakugou and his barely one year old baby. he walked in with his full hero gear, save for his gauntlets bc it’s hard to hold baby with them on, and he doesn’t want her to mess with it!!
and when he sits, he holds her up against his chest, her little chubby arms grabbing at the hair on his nape and tugging on his bottom lip bc she finds it so funny. he just lets her, answers the questions like there isn’t a baby trying to dig up his nose and gnaw on his cheek, leaving a trail of spittle in its wake.
she babbles on and on, her eyes lighting up in surprise when she turns to the mic and hears herself. Bakugou can’t help but laugh though, leans down to nibble on her fat little cheeks, forgets to compose himself when everyone starts snapping pictures. a reporter steps up and asks her, “Baby Dynamight, who’s the best ranking hero of this year?” and she answers, babbling a little, turning and looking at Bakugou with a gummy grin and two little teeth sprouting at the bottom as she giggles a, dada daaaa dadada!
also the baby of the group that everyone passes around. Bakugou hates giving her up to anybody, but she will twist her little body around until he damn near drops her whenever she sees Uncle Kiri sitting beside them. she stands on his thighs and tugs at his hair, then goes to Uncle Denki where she slaps at his cheeks bc he makes funny noises and faces whenever she does. Uncle Sero is next, where he bounces her on his knee before Aunt Mina swoops in to give her some nice girl gossip. Uncle Deku is always last, only because everyone knows baby will be out like a light whenever she’s in his arms and cuddled up against his chest. Bakugou is furious every time, but also a little grateful that the shitnerd was able to put his little gremlin to sleep with his boring ass face.
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liauditore · 17 days
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#hermitaday#bdubs fanart#bdouble0 fanart#hermitcraft fanart#hermitblr#my art#bdubs#im so happy#a day where i get to draw bdubs is a good day#my favourite guy. lich rally.#this is one of the softer bdubs i've drawn i think..#as much as high energy matches him 99% of the time idk idk he's so sweet that 1% of the time#and this season rlly has me feeling that. secret life rlly changed alot of these mfs in my head.#secret life is such amazing pay off for the whole life series im always saying tihs#anyway yeah insanity aside his builds this season have been so incredible i know bdubs builds are bdubs builds but like. wow#i think we should all appreciate idk. the way he plays w/ scale#makes a tiny box house that's like 6 blocks tall and it somehow looks so detailed like if you squint it could be an oil painting#and those trees. idk what else to say man. those trees.#anyway (insanity goggles on again) bdubs living far off happily in his cottage a bit off the grid. makes me so happy.#idk. bdubs learning to chill. it's so awesome.#his interactions with etho joel and pearl have been so cool to see#ethubs is gonna ethubs#but him and pearl are so funny together too. i love the kinda? sheepishness he talks to her with lol#and joel. i haven't quite figured out exactly what's going on between him and joel but i like it.#i think. bdubs wants to hit joel with sticks. but in like. an oh you rascal kinda way. little troublemaker you#i don't fuck with familial headcanons and I don't like assigning people parental roles. But.#coughs. okay that's enough.#i love bdubs alot he's my favourite. good night guys.
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daffi-990 · 2 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday 🏙️
Tagged by @diazsdimples & @tizniz. Make sure to check out what they shared today! (and maybe send James a virtual hug or a stupid punny joke? He’s been sick for 3 weeks and I’m sure he could use some cheering up 😘)
I have been wanting so desperately to write the past few days but a cold has my sinuses putting so much pressure on my head I feel like it’s going to explode, plus it’s school holidays and it’s been raining so I’ve got two very energetic kids with cabin fever running around causing mayhem 😅.
BUT! I did manage to write a little something for LA Lonely so yay (even though it may not be great, at least it’s words)
Pre snippet here
Buck is woken up by the shrill sound of a phone ringing. The bed jostles, Buck letting out an annoyed grumble as the warm body that is wrapped around him disappears. There is a kiss pressed to his naked shoulder, a whispered apology and then the rustling of the blankets as the person leaves the bed, answering the phone with a quiet hello.
Rolling over to check the time, Buck’s surprised to see that it’s almost 9. Usually his body clock wakes him up at 7am everyday, whether he stayed up late or not, so sleep-ins are a rare thing. He rolls onto his back, groaning as he stretches his arms up above his head. There’s a slight ache in his ass but it’s a reminder of the fantastic sex he had last night and honestly, Buck doesn’t mind the discomfort.
He hears footsteps on the stairs, the wood creaking slightly and then the most attractive man Buck has ever laid eyes on is standing at the foot of his bed wearing nothing but underwear and a soft apologetic smile that has Buck’s tummy swooping.
The man’s name is Eddie, Buck remembers. And remember he should because he was moaning it loud enough last night.
Eddie has a phone pressed between his ear and shoulder as he picks up his jeans and begins to awkwardly shimmy them up his legs. “I told you, I overslept. But I’m getting ready now and can be there in —” he looks down at his wrist and frowns, his eyes sweeping over the discarded clothes on the floor before zeroing in on Buck’s second nightstand where a clunky watch sits. Eddie grabs the watch, quickly checking the time before he begins strapping it on. “I can be there in 20 minutes, 15 if the traffic is good.”
Buck feels a pang in his chest and then instantly chastises himself. This was just another hookup, a one night stand —nothing more than that. He was foolish to think that what he felt last night with Eddie was anything real. It was just the hormones.
Eddie may have stayed, but that was probably because he was hoping to get lucky again this morning. Or like Buck, he slept in and didn’t get a chance to sneak out before Buck woke up.
No pressure tagging: @hippolotamus @puppyboybuckley @spotsandsocks @lover-of-mine @loserdiaz @wikiangela @athenagranted @thewolvesof1998 @exhuastedpigeon @monsterrae1 @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @evanbegins @goforkinard @rainbow-nerdss @theotherbuckley @try-set-me-on-fire @dangerpronebuddie @disasterbuckdiaz @devirnis @donationwayne @shitouttabuck @sunshinediaz @princessfbi @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @fortheloveofbuddie @giddyupbuck @homerforsure @hoodie-buck @honestlydarkprincess @jesuisici33 @king-buckley @captain-hen @bekkachaos @bigfootsmom @ladydorian05 @nmcggg @mellaithwen @missmagooglie and as always, anyone else who wants to share something -> consider this your official tag
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razmerry · 4 months
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we are reaching levels of yearning ex-boyfriends that shouldn't even be possible. my geiger counter is crackling and smoking
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w0rmeater-tbr · 6 months
Unrealistic but I'm thinking about Pepito going to Etoiles because Roier keeps pushing Pepito away and treating Pepito badly. I mean, Etoiles and Pierre are the only people who showed Pepito real kindness and seemed actually excited that Pepito was there. I could so see Etoiles adopting the kid while Roier figures out his shit, I mean Etoiles already loves Pepito and sees the kid as a mini version of himself (don't get me started on what that means about Etoiles and Roier, Roier saying Pepito reminds him of himself plays in my head CONSTANTLY). I think I just miss Etoiles with an egg and I'm Pepito's #1 fan ever...
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samarecharm · 1 month
Love being able to write. I can do whatever i want. I can make Ryuji interact w Lala-chan and u literally cant stop me.
#chattin#i feel like shinjuku and crossroads doesnt get enough love#ohya and lala dont get enough love 😭#if they had an option to work there as a parttimer some how my akira wouldve absolutely taken it#u never see the place packed or w customers at all; it just feels cozy every time u go there#akira doesnt have a lot of places free from prying eyes; so id imagine he goes there often to just hang and study#catch up w ohya and get a bit of knowledge and validation from lala#like shes so sweet. i love her. she comes across as wise without being unapproachable#she makes comments she shouldnt (talking about ohyas job and history) bc she just forgot that she shouldnt lol#adamant about not letting him drink while hes there. its like. a safe space for him.#and i think hed like to invite his friends into his safe space; esp ryuji#gets to a point where even ryuji stops by on his own sometimes.#hes got questions but hes always in his head; never says it out loud#but it leads him in the right direction almost all the time#im thinkin of him having like. the most base level internalized homophobia and transphobia#like the kind of shit you just pick up as a child and teen and never question#and u kinda make fun of it bc everyone else is. but akira stumbles into his life and makes it so confusing#like. i dont think hed be trans. but akira would make him second guess alot about himself#about what he likes. what hes into. what hes okay w doing w someone like akira#and lala is like. u got that look in ur eyes kid. come sit.#doesnt entirely get it. but he feels a little lighter. not on labels but on his feelings#‘kid. u think of the ideal person and u think of him. at that point; it dont matter what bits he got.’#and its blunt and MAYBE it gets him a little flustered. but hes always responded well to blunt words. no beating around the bush#makes his brain confront shit head on without the second guessing hed suffer through when left on his own#WAA. rambling.#gonna see if i can draft this up at some point
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meownotgood · 7 months
no but aki gets so so sweet after you've had sex, he's unable to take his eyes off of you the whole time he's laying beside you and catching his breath. he's got the softest expression on his face, he's smiley and giddy, his cheeks are warm. he hugs you close and kisses your forehead, he asks you what he can do for you and you're not afraid to say it because you know aki wants nothing more than to give you everything you ask for.
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rhymaes · 6 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook, Ep. 40 // The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights, John Steinbeck
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ohitslen · 1 year
Thinking and headcannoning the shit out of angry Stampede! Vash and how Wolfwood deals with that first thing in the morning because i think him getting angry about something and letting down some of his mask in those genuine moments of anger is super awesome
Before we continue I have not read the manga yet so if you read something incredibly obvious or redundant to your experience, well, haha or something OQNENW
This is a VERY LONG Vashwood ramble I have to put SOMEWHERE or I will explode, so feel free to join if you want.
Vash is an overall very expressive person right? very emotional too generally, but the thing is I like drawing people getting angry so that’s what you are getting from me.
And I also often think about the fact that it’s Wolfwood and Knives the ones that have seen him be like that (most often than not towards them).
Wolfwood specifically, I think that he WOULD get scared because when Vash is angry angry, he just seethes and looks like he is three seconds away from being love and peace to hate and war. These are probably the moments in where he carries the most resemblance to Knives, and to anybody that has experienced the man firsthand they know how scary that is because everyone and their moms knows that he does not hesitate to resort to murder if he is upset about something or if it’s inconvenient to him, so it is rightfully terrifying to even think of him getting mad.
Now take the same idea and apply it to Vash, he is so friendly and playful all the time and he gets kicked around all the time too, that it would be almost impossible to imagine him getting angry in a genuine way. That is UNTIL his ideals and morals are being countered or challenged by someone and THAT’S when people are gently reminded that oh yeah he can get mad too, and really fucking mad at that.
The peak of his anger doesn’t last for too long because he tries to level himself quickly, he is aware of how he can look when he gets like that, and it would be showing a little too much about how he is not very human in nature for what he is comfortable with. I think that when he gets mad his expression turns into something very vulnerably honest, to the point in where he unconsciously looks imposing and demanding, paired with his uncanny vibes it really is a treat and anyone at the other end of it would be other than also upset, quite scared. Like Wolfwood.
There is something very obviously other about Vash and he has the privilege of knowing just exactly why that is, and considering that his brother has a record for being a certain way when angry, knowing what he is does not soothe him at all. Then again, Wolfwood cares for him still and he is a stubborn guy himself, so even when most likely scared shitless, he would not move his ground, and the only thing that reassures him that things will be fine, is Vash’s pacific nature and also knowing that he cares deeply for him too, but that is a thing he would not think too much about other than the flash of thought that it is in the moment.
Vash is petty as hell too, he remains silent and gives the cold shoulder to the other person that was involved in the argument, and it is usually, once again, Wolfwood at the end of that stick. Wolfwood is a “mind your business and I mind mine” kind of guy considering he never asks things, but traveling with that idiot and having to be with him 24/7 and being given the silent treatment has to be uncomfortable at best incredibly annoying at worst. So even though he won’t change his opinion most of the times, he still insists on talking to him idly sometimes after they argue, something he would usually not do.
All Vash ever responds with are the necessary answers, at first shrugs or nods, then very short and to the point sentences, he eventually warms up to him again and they talk the way they usually do; and just like that things seems to be at bay for the time being until the next unavoidable argument comes by.
No matter how many times they argue, when things escalate and Vash begins to show his very honest anger, Wolfwood’s instincts would be screaming at him to stop it and to get away, because whatever Vash is feeling is reeking of a danger that no matter how enhanced he might be, he is NOT gonna make it through whatever will happen to him worse comes to worst. But when has he ever actually heard his instincts when it comes to dealing with Vash. So he always replies and stays.
He is somehow one of the very few (almost non existent) people who can deal with Vash when he is like that, one thing is getting mad at Vash and the other is him getting mad at you, and he has bite alright, he will say things that can come across as hurtful and very venomous when he starts to get more visceral, and yeah the whole predator kind of vibe he can give off is there too.
Maybe Wolfwood also knows how hurt Vash would feel if he retreats because of how scared he feels and that’s why he doesn’t back away. It would be reasonable if he did, hell he doesn’t owe him shit for all he knows and he would be in his whole right to run away scared if he wanted, but for one it would be too cowardly, and two Vash would be once again pushed away for being something not human, and that would be a scar he would carry for his whole life and Wolfwood does not want to be a part of that. So that’s another reason to the ever growing list of “why don’t I just let this be”.
There is an odd sense of comfort in seeing Vash get mad, knowing that the man knows his ground, that even he has lines he won’t allow anyone to cross, that he can allow himself to feel something genuine for once and not the fake little things he is always doing. It is the positive side Wolfwood tries to see in those situations and what he has to remind himself over and over again so he doesn’t flinch away. Good thing he has some practice in arguments thanks to his little siblings back at the orphanage, practice he refuses to let go and holds on to dear life because he needs any crumb of reason at those moments.
At some point when hands are involved, when a clench to the shirt and a push to the shoulder escalates to shoving the other to the ground and a punch to the gut, Wolfwood goes full survival mode because no one told him that Vash was THAT strong and THAT heavy and THAT intimidating. He could have guessed after having watched the man fight. He is capable and strong, he usually moves with a certain preciseness and care under the goofy display, he may twirl around and stumble when dodging, but he is dodging and also landing hits.
He knows that Vash is strong and that he is also incredibly careful. But that’s when he is in all his senses with a mostly cool head, so having him hovering over Wolfwood pressing him down rendering him to the ground while very obviously mad and trying to prove his point, he freezes before he can react and fight back.
Those are the times where Vash feels the most guilty after the fight from what Wolfwood can gather and wildly assume. If him not eating (again) for days or even refusing to acknowledge Wolfwood unless necessary is any sign. That behavior can last over a week which is a little too long for Wolfwood’s peace of mind. So he starts poking again because apparently arguing again is the only way to make the bastard answer more. And it usually works, some nudging here and there and putting lemon with salt to the wound seems to do the trick.
It entails more shouting and screaming at each others faces their flaws that they already know like a script, until things start to calm down when Wolfwood reassures him that he is tougher than he looks, and that no matter what he won’t just leave Vash in a ditch, and if they were going to travel together for the future to come they would have to learn how to sort things out. Something he knows neither of them will probably never learn, but it is what it is and that’s what he can resort to at the moment, and it does seem to satisfy Vash a little. So once they are done, and they go their separate ways, never too far from each other, Vash starts to nibble at his food and says or asks little things to Wolfwood, and just like that they are good to go again.
They are both aware that addressing out loud how fucking scary Vash can be at those raw moments of anger, would be like painting a line of ‘I am this and you are that so we shouldn’t be doing this’ that neither of them would actually want to have. So even when yeah it can be horribly scary and surprisingly intimidating to deal with Vash when he is angry, Wolfwood is willing to stay and fight with him if that’s what he wants, if that’s what he needs. Even if it’s starting to take a toll on him. He is getting used to it though so it will be fine.
#MY BRAIN IS ALWAYS ROTATING THEM LIKE A CHICKEN IN MY HEAD#The bickering and the fights and the conflicts they have are an important piece of them methinks#so it is impossible for me to not think of them like that all the time. I just think that their whole power dynamic is very interesting#because realistically Vash is very much capable of doing a lot of things to prove his point but he never does thanks to his philosophy#something that has saved WW from being absolutely obliterated into little pieces I believe#I bet Vash’s intrusive thoughts must be WILD because ain’t no way that man holds back from so much violence without it marinating inside#of his mind okay just saying#fellas ​is it gay to be kind of into your bro pinning you to the ground when he is in emotional distress and you are scared as fuck?#trigun#vash the stampede#nicholas d wolfwood#trigun stampede#vash#wolfwood#nicholas trigun#vashwood#lenssi rambles#lenssi writes#because that’s too fucking long.#I just thought of this but I think that Vash starts to let himself express more of his anger with each argument they have#like at first he is more wary. still upset but careful bc as I mentioned at the beginning he knows what he looks like when he is that upset#but after seeing that WW doesn’t really make a big reaction other than ofc arguing back he sort of starts to just#let himself go a little more. it’s not exactly the preferable outcome. but for once Vash is able to get mad and shout and express himself#almost fully with someone. and a part of him knows that WW can handle it. that he is capable of going through it#it’s a part of Vash that he doesn’t like when he’s in such a volatile state of being. but there is comfort in knowing that WW can take it#and that WW will answer back too. with just as much bite as he does#oooh I’m so normal about them oooh I lie a lot also
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everybodyshusband · 1 year
you slipped into my askbox yesterday with horny thoughts and now I'm here but in need of fluff. dysphoria hit hard today, what would u say about some fluffy, maybe little hurt/lots of comfort raindrop/swissraindrop with transmasc dew drabble? pretty please, husband 👉👈
i'm sorry the dysphoria has been hitting you hard, my friend. i hope you're feeling a little better today <3
under the cut: some swissraindrop hurt/comfort for you, as requested <3
Dew sniffles and hugs his pillow closer to his chest in the darkness of his room. Everything just felt so wrong. He can’t even pinpoint one singular reason as to why he feels so awful—although in all honesty, it’s probably a combination of many, many things—so he can’t brainstorm a way out of his problem; all he can do is lie in his bed feeling sorry for himself, and try his best not to cry.
Before his head can let his thoughts spiral any further, a soft knock on the door jolts him out of his misery. “‘S open!” He calls out, voice cracking as he speaks for the first time all day. He feels his body sag with relief as Swiss’ easy grin appears around the doorframe.
The grin quickly slides off of his face, however, when the multi ghoul sees Dew lying curled in on himself. “Awh, baby… What’s goin’ on, Dewy?” Swiss pads quietly over to the bed, mattress dipping as he sits down.
Dew nearly sobs openly when Swiss places a gentle hand on the fire ghoul’s cheek, swiping at the tears gathering on his lashes. The gesture is sweet and tender, and it’s exactly what Dew needs. “Just feel like… shit,” he admits. “Dunno why though.” He sniffles, lifting one of his own hands up from where he had been squeezing the pillow and covering Swiss’ hand with his own. The multi ghoul’s skin is warm. Comforting. “Probably a lotta things…”
Swiss strokes his thumb over Dew’s cheek gently. The action grounds the fire ghoul more than he’d like to admit. “That’s fine too, doll. If you’re upset, then you’re upset, yeah? You don’t always have to know why.”
Dew nods, unable to find words to reply with, but still wanting Swiss to know he appreciates his reassurance.
They stay like that for a while; Swiss’ fingers dragging softly over Dew’s cheeks as he sits up on the mattress, the fire ghoul holding onto the pillow and Swiss’ fingers as if they’re lifelines while he lies under the covers, both ghouls breathing the other in.
Swiss breaks the silence first. “D’you want me to go get Rainy? I know they’re better at the comforting you stuff than I am.” There’s no jealousy in Swiss’ tone, not bitterness. Just plain, simple honesty.
Dew considers for a moment before nodding. He wants to be able to curl up against the water ghoul and soak in their cool, comforting temperature. …But he also doesn’t want Swiss to leave, and the way the multi ghoul phrased his suggestion made it sound like he’s planning on doing just that. Then again, he’s been comforted by Rain without Swiss by their side more times than he can count, and he’s been fine, so maybe it won’t matter if the multi ghoul leaves for a while. “D’you mind?”
“No, baby, not at all. I’ll go get ‘em. They’ll be here soon, ‘kay?” The second Swiss pulls his hand away and stands up, Dew can’t help but whine involuntarily, already missing the multi ghoul’s touch.
“Wait. Please,” he mumbles quietly. “Will you… Stay? With me?”
Swiss’ face breaks into a delighted smile. “‘Course I’ll stay, Dewy. Might just take a little longer for Rain to find their way to us. That okay?”
Dew sniffles, but he feels himself smile a little at Swiss’ pleased grin. “Yeah,” he nods. “Yeah, that’s okay.” He gestures for the multi ghoul to climb into the bed with him and snuggles against his chest. He’s warm, and it’s lovely, Dew thinks. Even if he’s still not feeling great, at least he’s feeling better, and once Rain gets there, hopefully he’ll start feeling a bit more like himself again.
It’s not long before there’s a second knock on Dew’s door, but this time, it’s Swiss who calls for the knocker to come in. Before the door even opens, Dew knows it’s Rain; they have a specific knock pattern that Dew memorised long ago, and he’s sure Swiss has done the same. They open the door and peek their head around with a hand covering their eyes, smirking.
“Are you both decent?” They tease, probably knowing full well that their partners are doing nothing but cuddling innocently.
“Just come and cuddle us, viridis,” Dew mumbles quietly, his voice muffled in the hollow of Swiss’ chest, impatient to feel Rain’s comforting presence now that the water ghoul is almost within arm’s reach.
There must still be something in Dew’s voice that gives him away—or maybe they just simply know him too well—because Rain’s smirk falters and they drop their hand from their eyes, looking at the fire ghoul in concern. “Sundew, are you okay, my darling?”
Swiss beckons Rain over with his free hand, lifting the covers on Dew’s side of the bed. The water ghoul easily slips under the blanket and slots themselves into their mini, impromptu ghoul pile, their cool skin proving a perfect balance to Swiss and Dew’s combined warmth, just as the fire ghoul had hoped. Once Rain has settled themselves into the pile comfortably, Dew chooses to move his head out of Swiss’ chest to the pillow above so he can face Rain properly, and both other ghouls wrap their arms around him tightly. As Dew organises himself into a comfortable position, he feels Swiss shift, leaning over him to mutter something in Rain’s ear that he can’t quite make out—presumably something in answer to the question the water ghoul posed to Dew that the fire ghoul never quite got around to answering.
Once Swiss finishes speaking, Rain wraps their arms around Dew tighter and leans forward, pressing a gentle kiss to the fire ghoul’s forehead. “I’m sorry I didn’t come and find you earlier, sundew,” they whisper softly against his ear. They pull away from his ear, but not as far as Dew was expecting, only enough to pass their eyelashes softly over his cheek, making the fire ghoul huff out a laugh of surprise at the tickle of it.
“‘S okay,” Dew murmurs back. It’s louder than he means to with Rain still fluttering their eyes across his cheek. “Swiss helped.” The multi ghoul gives a squeeze around Dew’s middle at the mention of his name. The corner of Dew’s mouth twitches up, and he leans gratefully into the multi ghoul’s hold.
Rain chases Dew’s face with their own after he leans away and ghosts their eyelashes over his lips. Dew has to resist the urge to stick his tongue out and lick them. Instead, he giggles in a way that is decidedly un-Dew-like—he resents (not really, but a ghoul’s got to keep up appearances) the implication that Swiss and Rain would probably say the opposite; that he always sounds like that when he laughs—and pulls back to ask Rain what in Hell’s name they’re doing.
“Kissing you,” they reply simply, as if that explains everything.
Even Swiss chuckles at that. “Baby…” He’s clearly very amused by this whole situation. “You kiss people with your lips. You know that.”
“These, my loves,” they start, and Dew will forever staunchly admit that the affection meant for both him and Swiss at the same time does nothing to give him the warm fuzzies, despite it absolutely doing just that, “are butterfly kisses.” Rain continues ghosting their lashes all over Dew’s face as they speak, making the fire ghoul squirm and laugh under their touch. “Mountain showed me. They’re supposed to feel like butterflies flitting across your face. Close your eyes, sundew. Can you feel it?”
Dew blinks at their words, doing his best to communicate his confusion, but closes his eyes without complaint, smiling as he indulges in his partner’s wishes. He’s surprised to find that, once his eyes are closed and he relaxes himself as well as he can, it really does feel like butterfly wings brushing up against his cheeks, lips and nose. It’s strangely calming, and almost grounding, in a way, despite the softness of the barely-there touch. Slowly, as their touch continues, Dew finds the horrible uncomfortable-ness from earlier melting away under the brush of Rain’s eyelashes and Swiss’ gentle hold.
It’s not a conscious action, but after some time passes, Dew realises he’s been purring. Swiss is massaging over Dew’s front and shoulders, tracing his fingers lightly over the faded scars adorning the fire ghoul’s chest from where his arms are wrapped around the fire ghoul, and one of Rain’s hands strokes at Dew’s cheek while the other cards through his hair. His partners’ touch is so tragically comforting that he can’t help but let his eyes slowly slip closed, allowing himself to drift in and out of consciousness, tangled in the warm-cool embrace of both his partners.
He thinks he trills out a sleepy “thank you, love you” and he thinks he hears two equally sleepy replies, but he’s so tired that he truly doesn’t know. All he knows is that, while he still doesn’t feel great, nor does he know the reason for his misery, he’s in Swiss and Rain’s arms, and for now, that means he’s safe, he’s warm, and he’s happy.
oh, and very quickly !
dew calls rain viridis which is a shortening of chromis viridis (blue-green damselfish), a species of fish that looks like this:
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
ohhh my god I’m looking at all these sex toys for this fic and saw this like pleasure tape that you can use for a lotta stuff and????? thinking about being a brat to gojo and acting like nothing he does is enough for you and he gets a little fed up about being sooo under appreciated!!!
so he lays you out on the bed and goes to work with the tape. tapes your mouth shut and your wrists together. tapes your tits so they sit up nice and perky for him to nip and lick at whenever he damn so pleases. then moves down between your legs, shushes you with condescending coos when you wiggle and plead through the tape for him to let you up, even though you’re wetter than he thinks he’s ever seen you.
and he tapes your cunt from top to bottom, despite your little hiccuping moans about how mean he is to you. at least, that’s what it sounds like, but for that, he still flips you over to tape your asshole too, biting at the flesh when you groan.
and then he leaves you there, wiggling and moaning and looking so pretty for him like this. tied up and teary eyed, and when you beg through the tape to be freed, only then does he feel a little more appreciated because you need him. that’s all he’s ever wanted from you.
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chi-ow-hua · 3 months
Medics are messy.
Or, well, the medics themselves probably shouldn't be too messy, considering they are sometimes the only thing standing between a gruesome wound and Thanatos himself. Although medics probably shouldn't perform surgery while wearing flip flops, either, so maybe that's not saying too much.
But regardless of appropriate footwear (or lack thereof), the profession itself is messy. Blood. Muscles. Organs. Bones. You name it - Will has seen and touched it all.
He can vaguely remember being a bit grossed out, in the beginning. He supposes that would be the natural human reaction when confronted with gore. Especially of the real variety. He's grown out of it, though. Plus the perks that come with his position are nothing to sneeze at.
Nico teases him for not liking horror movies, but the truth is that to Will they are just incredibly mind-numbingly boring. It doesn't matter how realistic the wounds or special effects look - hell, they could cut open a real human being and the injury still wouldn't faze him, no matter how gruesome. Because for Will, the worst part isn't the visual. That one he got used to pretty quickly, considering. It's everything else. It's the smell, putrid and overwhelming and always so horribly nauseating he swears he can taste it. It's the sound, failing organs frantically trying to fulfill their purpose in a desperate cacophany the movies can never get quite right (if they even remember to try.) It's the revolting knowledge that what you are feeling does not belong outside of a body, that it shouldn't be able to be felt like that.
They watch a bunch of horror movies anyway, because Nico knows how to press his buttons and manages to bait him into it every single fucking time.
("Please", Nico had whined in a tone he'd never dare use outside of his cabin. Maybe Will's shamelessness is contagious. Or maybe Nico knows that, without witnesses, nobody will ever believe him. "It's for the aesthetic".
Will had felt his lips contorting into a smile, even as he'd tried to keep on his mask of fake indignation. 'Aesthetic' is one of Nico's favorite words, along with 'vibe' and 'rancid'. Will kind of loves that he knows that. Nico can be as cool and badass as he wants, doesn't change the fact that he's an absolute dork as well.
"Come on, you know you're gonna give in anyways" And then, because the little shit knows what he is doing, he'd winked. And, well. Will is not too proud to admit that he is an absolute sucker for brown eyes. Especially these ones.)
He should probably be embarrassed about how easy he is, to be honest. But things like shame or propriety or even self-respect kind of go down the drain when you are perpetually exhausted and have seen basically the entirety of Camp in various states of undress. He used to think that that was the reason naked bodies didn't seem to have the same effect on him as on other people, but then the Michael-thing-that-shan't-be-mentioned happened and. Well. Let's just say Will is very aware that being a medic and having an active sex life are not mutually exclusive. Their father's slutty tendencies have been inherited by quite a lot of his half-siblings, as it turns out.
Besides, even if the movie itself is boring, Nico's reactions are hilarious. The jumpscares always get him, even if the fucker tries to deny it. And when a movie manages to really grip him, Nico will make sure to keep Will just slightly behind him. Will isn't sure whether that is a voluntary action or just instinct, but it always makes him swoon all the same. Nico is probably aware of it, freakishly observant as he is, but he never mentions it, so neither does Will. Gods forbid Nico stop doing it - that boy is jumpy even outside of shitty movies.
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