#oh well we ball
pasteilian · 4 months
Ah hazbin hotel has become so bitter for me lmao 💀 used to think viv was great with hearing concern from POC voices but with the way she acted around Al and how she just  threw the concerns of voices about how she was using a closed religion and depicting it poorly to the side for spooky effects and all the transphobic and antisemitic stuff she was doing just shows me she’s only an ally when it makes her look good
Hope everyone enjoys HH/HB but I don’t fuck with people like that
(Also her Poor use of Al as a POC character always rubbed me the wrong way but I threw my Uncomfortability to the side cuz I didn’t want to be a bother in the fandom but honestly I should of been meaner when I had the chance cuz a lot of HH fans default to racism when you give Viv even the slightest bit of criticism )
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kittenintheden · 3 months
Wyllstravaganza Day 1: Perception
LET'S GO THIS BOY DESERVES POETRY LET'S GIVE IT TO HIM. I'm going to be participating in Wyllstravaganza this month in whatever way my tired ass can manage, which probably means I'll be selecting specific prompts and/or doing some shorter drabbles. FEEL FREE TO LEAVE YOUR WYLL DRABBLE REQUESTS IN MY ASKS!!! Especially if there's a specific prompt from the prompt list you'd like to see!
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The blade is heavy in his hand. It has never felt so heavy.
She stands before him like ruby fire and fury and he knows what he must do. He always knows what to do.
Protect the Coast. Protect the meek. Protect the people. It is all he has ever been good for, since even before the bloody horror-strewn night when an errant claw left him with one less window to the world.
This devil is a danger. They all are.
Yet his hand will not obey.
The terms were clear, were they not? Infernal contracts are many things, but they cannot require anything unwritten. Devils only, she'd said. The cambion with the smile like knives, the one who keeps him like a dog on a leash.
One more kill and he'll be free. Free to...
Free to what? He can't go back. Even free of his pact, his tongue will remain stuck to the roof of his mouth should he ever try to explain. To tell the man who sired him and raised him at a distance that it was only for the Gate, always for the Gate. Just as he'd been raised.
He squeezes the hilt of the rapier and readies a strike.
And then a vision of pain, of grief, of fire and fighting and so much wounded rage. A hollow chest. A burning cry.
When he blinks back to himself, he's unsure if the rage came from her... or from him. No. No, it can't be his. It's a lie.
He says as much. He will end this. He is ready. He is so, so beyond ready to rest.
But there's a gentle hand on his arm. Pleading eyes, asking him to listen. Really listen. They all saw it too, his new companions.
You know, they say. You know the truth.
He looks to the devil and sees a tiefling instead. A lost soul. Someone to save.
Slowly, he lowers his blade.
The rage still burns, somehow.
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icyfox17 · 5 days
oh to be a cat sleeping in the sun...
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librasstraydog · 8 months
Omg ! It’s the monster hunting au i don’t shut up about !
Rating: M
Chapter: 1/44
Link: Ao3
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Haha i decided to post the first chapter bc why not (i have 8 done so far). Enjoy enjoy !
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media-please · 1 year
So I’m still tech illiterate but I think I’ve opened asks if anyone has any questions about my Suitehearts interpretation!
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russeliarat · 1 year
It’s sad? This is tumblr, the fact that you can even get your folder open should be celebrated like it’s a holiday, like the momentous occasion it is, and we do this for every single person who manages to open their files and get their writing/art done
I've only gotten about 250 words done at this point and counting but I'm finally getting my mojo back after about a month or so. I'm actually supposed to be revising for upcoming mock exams but I couldn't pass up writing at the moment.
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Couldn't help but give you a little sneak peak of a bit of what I've done today. It's a bit like worldbuilding-based filler so it isn't the meat and bones of the chapter but moreso a way of reflection and learning among characters trying to find where they belong.
(There's a siren going off in the background lol, it's so distracting, why must my ears be so hyper-sensitive to noise??)
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babyeatsbullets · 19 hours
"im so fine and healthy!" she says (whilst throwing up into bathroom sinks after coming to school, sick as a dog, only because she wanted to see her fp)
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werewolfbillyloomis · 1 month
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Intro post:
Aye what up, this is my secret side account im probably gonna use to post shit that’s a little too insane for main yk
There might be nsfw/suggestive stuff
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captainautismo · 2 months
So apparently it's very not normal to have never looked up porn in my life. My siblings would not believe me the first few times I mentioned it off hand. I'm pretty sure this means I'm eligible to become a monk or something. Too bad about the other stuff.
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jewishjeffmoreau · 3 months
reblog if you're against antisemitism.
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sketchy-tour · 4 months
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ALRIGHTY! Time to formally reintroduce yall to my silly idiot OC Dandy!
and by that I mean, I redid their ref art, tweaked their bio, and finally made a ref for their stupid pajamas! Wanted to do other fits for them but aa another time. Brain is mashed potatoes.
Anyway, Dandy is my silly WH oc who's main theme is self care/self love messages shown through the imagery of gardening! Meant to be a sort of "garden of the self" sort of deal. They go by ANY PRONOUNS! She/her or He/Him, or They/Them are all correct and okay to use when talking about them! (I just tend to default to they/them) Putting their full bio under the break!!! So you can read it all there!
"Resident gardener of Welcome Home, Dandy Leon is a curious but careful presence among the others in the neighborhood. They enjoy the quiet and spending their time tending to their various flowers. While a little shy around their fellow neighbors, they open up quickly when asked about their garden. Despite their more introverted disposition, they're always determined to make every day just dandy!"
It’s presumed that Dandy makes appearances only in the later episodes of the show’s run. But in old scripts found with them, it's shown that they moved to Home specifically because they were interested in the local plant life there. The episode that featured their move in seemed to focus on them slowly warming up to the others in the neighborhood, as their shy nature made it difficult for them to properly meet everyone. When asked as to where they lived before moving to Home, Dandy mentions living in a farm town far away, simply deeming it "far more south from here!" A lot of their dialogue also mentions their father, though he's never named but instead mentioned passively as Dandy would often use phrases like "Well it's like my pop always said-" when speaking to the other puppets.
During their short time on the show, Dandy's segments seemed focused on care for their garden, the language hinting that the flowers were more a metaphor for taking care of oneself and well being. Other characters can be found pointing out how much better Dandy’s garden looks when they’re feeling happy, but also comment how wilted it becomes when they’re shown to be a bit more downtrodden. They feel strongly about how important it is to be kind to yourself, even if it’s a skill they’re shown to still be working on themselves. Their confidence is something they also struggle with, seemingly a character meant for shyer audience members to attach to and grow alongside with. Dandy is often depicted in illustrations with Frank, getting along quite well in the show, often joining him and Julie on small escapades. Before the show's end however, most of Dandy's screen time is with Wally as he tries to get Dandy out of their shell more to spend time around others.
Interestingly, what pronouns were used for them seemed to change between the show's episodes and illustrated materials. While neighbors would refer to them as 'he' during the show, most art pieces seemed to refer to Dandy as a 'she'. Whether this was simply a miscommunication between teams or a printing error is unknown.
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cherrytraveller · 9 months
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survival chance: 42%
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ducks-love-peas · 5 months
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meanwhile, Crowley:
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Good Omens 2 | ⭑favorite moments⭑ 2/?
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ride-a-dromedary · 17 days
You ever just think about Halsin and Thaniel meeting for the first time and get all choked up because I do.
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insomnya777 · 2 months
Two weeks. That's all it took. 
Two weeks of being in Scar's debt. Two weeks of being stuck on a desert with a madman. Two weeks of the sweltering heat and an insufferable man. 
That's how long it takes Grian to fall in love. 
read more on ao3
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biscuit-munchies · 2 months
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DB Redraw! ( with a little wolfy twist >:)c )
OG redraw is by @//StufftoCarry on twitter!!
full image down below but tumblr wants to compress the whole thing so i had to split it up >:C
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