#og rivusa
partiallypearl · 2 years
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stellasolaris · 2 years
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Do me a favor. I just wanna hear you say that you'll come back. You'll come back. To me.
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sunrisenovaa · 2 years
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I love how you walk with your hands in your pockets How you'd kiss me when I was in the middle of saying something There's not a day I don't miss those rude interruptions
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redsmemories · 2 years
Y’all we need to ALL contact Netflix and ask wtf is wrong with them. How could they give us all these things and then just take it away. Idc and I’ll do it. Hell I’ll contact them so much they’ll have to block me.
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rainofzuh · 2 years
Initial thoughts on Fate: the winx saga [SPOILERS]
Things I liked:
- felt more like OG Winx club, can’t explain
- more friendship scenes
- more magic and lore
- sky and bloom were cute too (wildest dreams ah ah ah)
- terra gay
- Stella and Beatrix friendship (and possible romance??)
- Aisha getting an actual storyline, even if it was mostly romance based
- Sebastian VALTOR?
- possible Marion and oretel?
Things I didn’t like:
- Beatrix dying, wasted potential
- Musa rejecting her fairy magic. Don’t get me wrong, I love that she’s doing specialist training, but I hoped her storyline would be more about learning to embrace both roles
- that weird thing with riven and flora, glad it didn’t last long
- Andreas/Saul/sky storyline felt a little lazy
- edit: WHAT THE HELL WAS UP WITH TERRAS CLOTHES IN THE BANQUET EPISODE. Literally why do they always put her in the most drab lifeless clothes let our girl be sexy (Eliot salt looks amazing in all her press outfits)
And that’s all I can remember rn
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
So I’m about to scream because for some reason something possesed me to go check out the skloom (sky x bloom) tag and…
Like, I don’t mind them in Fate I’m honestly kinda indifferent but… I DON’T WANT THAT I WANNA SEE MY CARTOON SWEETHEARTS FUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK
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thesouppond · 5 months
Tag game: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
Tagged by: @sir2dtrash
Last Song: Cinnamon - JOME (Imagining happy warm lives for my OTPs lol)
Currently Watching: Uhhhh I should be watching more stuff but atm its mostly just doing binge of Therm's youtube videos.
Three Ships: Kazu/Val/entina (Shogun Sniper) - Gen:Lock, uhhh for the sake of not throwing 3 GL ships in here lol, we'll go Gale/Astarion (Bloodweave) - BG3, and token straight ship Gajeel/Levy (Gajevy) - Fairy Tail.
Favourite Colour: Green. Particularly fond of soft sage greens and deep misty forest emeralds and mosses.
Currently Consuming: Literally? A strawberry and some Yakult. Figuratively? Reading The Neon Genesis Evangelion Manga.
First Ship: Uhhh either Robin/Starfire (RobStar) - the OG animated Teen titans, Musa/Riven (Rivusa) - the original Winx run, or Jasmine/Lief (Jaslief) - Deltora Quest. All of these obsessions happened when I was around 9-12 and I cannot for the life of me recall which came first akdsjfhl
Relationship Status: 2 years into a relationship idk how I got here man, it just happened.
Last Movie: Escaflowne (2000). Not really my thing tho I think. Someone needs to sit me down for another movie I procrastinate watching them otherwise.
Currently Working On: GEN:LOCK RELOADED BABEYYYY. Slowly inching my way through the last prologue of my fancomic before the main story kicks in and kicks everyone's asses. I apologise in advance. Also working on a Lux (LOL) cosplay for a group I got roped into to make cosplay friends in my area whoops, and like at least 2 other art things. We love starting multiple projects at once and being stressed out by it. Wew.
Tagging: @modkatisbacc, @uptosometrixx, @autisticblueteam, @gen-incorrect, @nitw (Hi I know we're not technically moots but you seem cool hope this isn't imposing) I don't know enough people on here to tag more but feel free to say I tagged you if you wanna become moots too! Always happy for new friends, especially if you're down to listen to me ramble about my ideas :P
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charmixpower · 1 year
The og. The one we both die for. Rivusa
Also soundwave and Bloom/Musa! (Idk their ship name jamsnakja. And yes these are all musa. I am unabashed about my love for Musa!)
Also i know you did not ask for this but,,,, Helia/Musa platonic soulmates??? Pls they are both my babies and Helia is her no. 1 bestie after Aisha
I like to call them "dragonsong"!!!!
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I'm trying to come up with a time that Musa and Bloom hung out together or had a real moment together and I'm coming up utterly blank, despite being in the same friend group and both of them getting a good amount of screen time, they don't talk to each other that much XD
I really never have considered this couple because they both have impossibly strong personalities and a tendency to lash out in Musa's case and get really offended in Bloom's case, not to mention they both (most Musa) refuse to communicate and have horrible insecurity issues
This ship is asking for so many misunderstandings
That isn't a real fault, I love slow burn as much as the next person but imagining the disaster that would be early season interaction is fucking sending me because you know Bloom would make a comment equally as dumb as "it looks warm" Musa would be equally as upset but Bloom would take it way more personally
They are also stupidly awkward when in love and blushy and I refuse to believe they can hold an actual coherent conversation for at least half a season when they realize they both like each other
It would be a goddamn mess is what I'm saying but it would definitely be a fun and vibrant environment for the both of them so not something I'm super into but I won't shy away from either
Hmmm I need to think more about platonic besties between the Winx and specialists bc all I know is Riven Flora besties
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Helia and Musa get along with Riven for very different reasons and I think Musa's refusal to communicate combined with her tendency to assume what people are thinking combined with the fact that Helia is usually extremely quiet would end hilariously, but that's s1 till mid s2 Musa and Helia doesn't start really hanging around till s3 so that would never be a real problem it would just be funny
I can definitely see them vibing over song lyrics and poetry together and helping each other write, not to mention I like to imagine Helia is a witch in my version and insight into how different magic works would probably be super interesting for the both of them
I feel like instead of being more bombastic friends they'd be more "casually texts every day" friends. Like that one friend you always update on your life and gives you (loving) shit for your stupid ass decisions
They probably met via Riven and immediately hit it off when the ganged up on teasing him and decided to text each other jokes and it went from there
WILL be thinking about this more in the future
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arlovegood · 1 year
Little funny confession: in my first ever fic (for the Rivusa fandom and just in general), I have Riven calling Musa Pixie and someone commented how it was cute how I referenced the original show etc.
Thing is: that was not the reason I putted it. First, because I never watched Winx Club in English so I didn’t know he called her that, Second, I genuinely didn’t remember much about OG Rivusa. That being said, I have no fucking idea where the pixie came from, because, back then I still hadn’t consumed media about them nor had I joined a discord. Guess my subconscious was already into it?
Honestly…..where the fuck did the pixie came from on that first fic???!!!!
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rist-ix · 2 years
Even having left the second season happy, you are quite right. The Valtor thing was cheap fan service. If they really wanted Valtor, they would have brought him with all the consequences. I think they feared that Valtor's presence would overshadow Bloom and Sky (who were boring and lacking chemistry in my opinion).
At least I liked the mention of Marion and that she had the Dragon Flame. They took the name, but not its legend.
We can only guess at their reasoning, but those are good points. No matter what you ship, Valtor's focus on Bloom and her obsession in return were defining character features, and an important plot point to make season 3 as captivating and intense as it is. I do think they put a lot of effort into Bloom/Sky this season (probably to try and combat the mansplain/how-fucking-broken-I-am dialogues in s1), but. Idk their horse riding date to WILDEST DREAMS of all songs, in the middle of a very pressing moment in the plot when they SHOULD work to find answers… the placement just made it feel like filler. I skipped through almost the entire thing to get to the actual plot part, and I missed out on nothing.
The mention of Marion was another one of those “is it now? Is it HAPPENING?” moments I had. They introduced her in a top secret, very important Rosalind lecture, so perhaps NOW is the time we get some info on the Dragonflame. But worldbuilding? In this show? Nah. They dropped her name and completely ignored it from then on, good job everyone, time for lunch break.
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I never really got into Rivuse myself, but everyone knows it’s one of the longest surviving parts of the fandom, and easily the most popular one. Like even if you don’t like Rivuse, you gotta admit that it’s fans are incredibly engaged and very active, not matter how long it’s been.
And all you Rivusa people deserve a written formal apology and a kiss on the mouth, because damn, you got done dirty. Not as dirty as could have been possible, but still.
Like, congratulations on Riven and all the interactions between them! You got a lot of food this season! But even with Riven being the most bearable character currently in this entire show, now their blossoming relationship ultimately has their foundation in Musa hating an intrinsic part of herself. Though I will admit, I really liked the part were Riven told her off when she decided to just become a specialist, and how he lectured her about the dangers and commitments that come with it. A genuinely a+ character moment, take the win with pride.
While it may still be the ship with the most development in it, it doesn’t live up to OG Winx club in my opinion, where Riven first had to overcome his self hatred and Musa had to overcome her erratic and unrealistic expectations of him. Here they get together somehow, but they don’t really have an arc of their own that goes anywhere. Musa has the whole magic hating bit, but it doesn’t go anywhere.
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I Hope The Fuck Not.
I am tired.
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partiallypearl · 2 years
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skloomdumpster · 2 years
Hey, hope you’re feeling better, and feel absolutely free to answer this whenever or never lol. I just saw some things you posted and wanted to share my opinion.
First, you’re absolutely right. I really love Rivusa, but not everything has to be about them. I was so upset when the teaser dropped and no one could care less about Flora (and after how much we fought to have her too), because they were all like “wHeRe’s RiVuSa?”
Because the producers are gonna show their cards just like that anyways.
Also, I’m in this weird position because Rivusa and Flora’s ship were my favorites in the cartoon and, while nothing has to happen in the show, I’m hoping it will. But honestly, if I have to say what’s better in Fate, Skloom wins without question. My complex relationship with them in the og aside, I love this version of them so damn much, and it’s gonna be very difficult to top.
And okay, they’re the only ones to have had any real relationship scenes up until now, but this doesn’t change how good the scenes were.
Last but not least, Flora. I saw the ask you answered about her and Terra but I don’t think they’re that alike? Sure, Flora was also shy and loved plants, but that’s it. She was always way insecure, much more than what we saw Terra being, and she was never bubbly in my opinion. Open to people (though she had difficulties admitting when she felt romantically involved and had problems with trying to put herself out there) yeah, but not enthusiastic. Also more afraid to be the one to approach people and be rejected\hurt. I also don’t really remember Flora being confrontational in any way, except when Nature was the topic or in really serious situations. Actually, when it comes to Nature, she was more touchy than Terra, and definitely didn’t take it well when people had problems with her plants in the suite. Overall, I think Terra and Flora come from similar ideas but are very different.
That’s why I can see Flora still being the Flora from the cartoon, and have Fate show that she and Terra have traits in common that take different forms. I’d avoid the insecurity and make Flora’s other traits work on a more open, at least apparently confident, and extrovert personality though. I got those vibes from the teaser and I dig that. I don’t see Flora having a bad relationship with Terra, but I hope they’re gonna have that kind of scene where Terra talks about Flora being perfect and she’s just puzzled. I feel like it could be a good introspective moment for both of them, where Flora opens up about her own insecurities and helps Terra be kinder to herself\see how amazing she is. Terra’s journey is her own, but that doesn’t mean she can’t or shouldn’t have help.
But the thing I’d dig the most, as other people have said, is having Flora know more stuff than she lets on, be further in her studies than others, and just use her personality to “fake innocence” while she’s there to undermine Rosalind\work against her in some way. It’d be cool, and I’d love this twist on her character. Plus, what happened to Dowling at the end of s1 immediately reminded me of something that her character went through in the cartoon, and it was Flora who saved her on that occasion. Just putting this out there, then we’ll see.
Anyways, sorry for the long ass ramble, I just love Flora, and I unfortunately have very high expectations.
First off thank you so much for this ask anon, it was super sweet and it warms my heart to think people not only care about what I think, but feel comfortable enough to share their own thoughts over this silly show that we're obsessing over. The later truly makes the experience of fandom all that enjoyable.
Secondly, thank you for not taking the fithings I say to the heart, seeing as Flora is your favorite and I've voiced my displeasure/lack of care about this character many times.
I think your ask truly helped me be more accepting of the character in general. I'm still firmly of the opinion Terra was supposed to be Flora, but that said, knowing the creators of the show ended up differentiating the two even before the name change happened makes me more secure in Terra's character as a stand alone, and thus much more accepting of this new addition, as I can see she's not a threat and/or a replacement to Ter.
I was never into the OG, so it's very intriguing to learn Flora was insecure! Knowing she's shy and non-confrontational, which are all traits that Terra has, makes me much more excited about their dynamic.
I do wonder if they're going to translate all of this, in their second attempt of the character. You mentioned your favorite ship in the cartoons was with Flora, so I'm guessing Helia, and I wanna know if - from the TV show's perspective, would you want Helia in it? Or would you rather they adapted the same relationship, but with the characters we already have at hand?
And yeah, I'm fully on your side on Flora knowing more than she lets on, that would be such a smart use for the character, that extends beyond just fanservice, so fingers crossed.
Nonny, what do you think of Flora's relationship with Sam? I know people have strong opinions on the Terra/Flora regard because of the initial polemic, but I never see people remembering that Sam is also her cousin and I'm curious!
On the topic of rivusa, we'll not go there. Water under the bridge and I'm taking a break from the ship in general.
Now Skloom... I'll be real, I know Skloom is not everyone's cup of tea. it's a love triangle OG fans did not want and they end season one in "good terms", where most watchers want a dramatic messy couple. That said, I'm obsessed with the depth of this couple and soo so happy you too enjoy them, specially in the live action!!
Thank you so much for the ask nonny! <3
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amchara · 1 year
The mind-to-mind thing reminded me more of Darcy and Riven.
Hi anon!
(related to this ask about the Riven x Musa fic)
I assume you're talking more about OG Winx Club and sadly, I haven't seen it so can't really comment on Darcy and Riven's relationship!
As I've only seen Fate: The Winx Saga, this Rivusa fic would be exploring the knock-on effect of the S1 interaction when Riven tells Musa to 'stay the fuck out of my mind' and calls her a red flag...
Obviously their relationship changes in S2. But I still think this could be a sore point for both of them, and well, I like the idea of mind fairies and their Specialist partners being able to communicate silently. And I want to see how that shakes out with the Fate versions of Riven and Musa.
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irandomblogfulb · 2 years
Things I expect to happen in Fate2:
No Aisha princess reveal. In fact no storyline for her at all, just the romance with Grey.
More "I hAvE a CoUSIn CaLlEd FlOra" lines Aka addressing criticisms vicariously through the characters.
Seggs scenes
Riven continues to be a homophoic incel and the show sweeps it under the rug with Rivusa,
Riven continues to be a homophobic incel but this time he actually gets called out for it but it's in a such a "see we listened to the criticisms guys!!" way or
Riven continues to be a homophobic incel and is excused with a sob backstory.
Bloom apologises for treating Aisha like her "black best friend"
Overall just being really in your face and on the nose when addressing the problems.
Death flags for Dane/Sam/Grey/Terra/Silva
Dark Bloom
Evil Flora
Flora is now the feisty latina
Outside of maybe Tecna and Sebastian (if he is indeed Avalon) no mention of any characters from the OG
No outfit change for the "transformations"
On the nose lyrics from the soundtrack
Riven doesn't apologise to Dane or Terra
Dane will be Beatrix's lapdog for the entire season then dies.
Sky whining over daddy dearest
The romances take over the friendship
More Bloom is super uber important and people making excuses for her screw ups
Bloom fully comes to the not like other girls trope and unintentionally becomes the basic bitch her mom always wanted. All of the frankly poor attempts at being uwu quirky and weird tm and not like other girls disappear leaving us nothing but a bland, angsty and more obnoxious version of Bloom
More power ups coming out of nowhere
Rivusa is "fixed" by making them healthy.
Surprise twist, Ms. Dowling ain't dead!!
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
If it was not for Rivusa, would you have considered making AishaxMusa a thing in your season 2 or did you wanted to let things platonic between the girls?
Does any of the squad members had a crush on one of the member? (Like Aisha with Brandon)
If I’m being honest…
I was very tempted
if I didn’t love the concept of Rivusa as much as I do and wasn’t pissed that they were done so dirty in the OG, I totally would’ve gone for Aisha x Musa
As for crushes… I can’t think of another one within the group other than maybe Flora having a teensy tiny crush on Bloom or Musa that only lasted like a week
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theperfectrose · 7 months
Hiii! I am your secret Santa!
While you gave me a lot of information already, I still have some question to try to give you the best present :)
I see you like both Skloom and Rivusa, but is there a pairing you want to be the main pairing?
Do you like them to already be dating or rather not?
I also want to know your likes more! Like do you have a favorite time of the year? A favorite song perhaps?
Do you like a certain setting?
Do you perhaps have a character besides the main pairing you would really like to be involved or not necessarily?
Sorry, I am really writing you a questionnaire but I am so excited!
Heeyy! First of all, no need to be sorry. I love every question here and I’m going to try and answer them as best as I can ^^
Ok, so for the first one, my main one will always be Rivusa. I do love Skloom but I think this is just me stuck in the OG (cause Bloom is my fave forever). For Fate, Rivusa most definitely! Buutt sometimes people don’t like writing about certain characters which is why I also listed Skloom 😁
Uu now this is a good question 🤔 No, I don’t want them to be dating. I always like to see that moment when Rivusa ✨ happens ✨
Omg this is just the cutest question ever 🥰 Favorite time: summer! I can dress in shorts, skirts, dresses, and don’t have to shove 300 things on me and then have to take them off whenever I enter a room 😂 About the song… I’ve never really thought about having a favorite one, but if you go with any song from Ed Sheeran, you won’t make a mistake there 😂
A setting… Nahh, no preferences here. I know it’s my gift but I also want it to have something from you 🤗
Ohh when I read this question I immediately thought of Terra and Kat 😅 I was looking forward to seeing them more in the show, alas…
Well, this was sooo much fun 🥰 If you have any other questions, about whatever, you know where to find me!
Ps. This got me sooo exciteedd 🤩 I can’t wait for December now ❤️❤️
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