liver-of-prometheus · 4 years
a conversation I had tonight: a thread
me: thor didn't evolve character-wise, he pulled a 180. that's not how you write good characters
Jay: Fair
I'm still kinda pissed about the fact that Val chained him up tho
me: yup
it was dumb
Jay: He took on like 6 dudes alone last movie
me: fat thor was bad
Jay: Yeah I didn't personally like fat thor
me: credit where credit's due, the russo's did the best they could with the shitty set-up taika gave them
but Loki
the literal magic man
Jay: Yep
Me: who has the tesseract
and can fucking teleport and shit
attacks thanos with a butter knife?
you had one job
just the one
Jay: I actually laughed at that scene when I saw it in theaters
I thought it was a fakeout
Me: i cried, then realized that realistically there was no way he's dead
Jay: And thanos was boutta get whooped
Me: feige said he wasn't
i thought so too
Jay: But then I realized
Me:but man, i thought loki just ran
i thought loki handed over the stone and straight up dipped back to sakaar or smth
Jay: Yeah
Sounds like a loki thing to do
Loki knows what's too much
He isn't stupid
Me: and thanos' whole balance thing, leave a dead clone, dip to space
never see earth again
live life chaotically
technically though, he aint dead
Jay: Yeah
That was the only redeeming thing
Me: the Loki series starts after his little "bye" moment in eg
therefore loki created a whole new time stream
he's still out there
and doing norns know what
Jay: So I loved the concept of Infinity war
The villain wins and all that
Me: yup
Jay: But I was so pissed
Me: i still cried at the deaths tho
loki's death made me actually angry
Jay: I couldn't proper enjoy the movie
Me: i was sad, and angry the whole time
i thought for sure loki'd be back in endgame
he was there
Jay: Yep
Me: for 30 seconds
fuck that
Jay: But not how I hoped
Me: i wanted loki to be one of the stones and snap thanos' neck or freeze him to death
like the little snake story
but nope!
Jay: I was hoping
That if he did die
Me: "loki's dead, he ain't comin back"
russos did you even WATCH thor 1
Jay: He would make some deals with his sister the goddess of death
Me: if he died he'd have turned jotun blue
Jay: And pop out of a portal with an undead army
Me: also, I have a personal idea that he's not allowed to die
bc if he dies, he ends up in an afterlife
and he's already died twice then came back
first time: hel
second: valhalla
he annoyed both
to the point he's not allowed back
Me: so he is NOT ALLOWED to die
Jay: Sounds fair to me
Me: i want a character like that
it sounds like a very loki or deadpool thing to me
Jay: Accidental lich
Me: yeah
Jay: That would be great
And honestly though if he had a better and more meaningful true to his personality death
I would've still been sad
Me: yup
Jay: But it would be better than snapped like a fucking flimsy twig
Like even if the snap at the end got him That's better than what happened
Me: he's survived the literal void of space, torture, mind fuckery, being thrown around like a wet fish by the hulk, FUCKING IMPALED, tazed for fucking hours, was a frost jotun in the middle of an inferno, and got pulled out of a plane, and had his own knife thrown at him by his sister he didn't know he had
a snapped neck would've been nothing
he had so many tools at his disposal as well
Jay: I refuse to believe
Me: so many illusions or deceptive techniques
anything but goddamn butter knives
as much as I like them
were not
and he knew it
Jay: It'd be great if the loki series ended with old him meeting new him
And everyone is like Oh shit ur alive
Me: and series Loki going "you tried to kill the titan" "yes.." "with a dagger" "yes" "i thought I was smarter"
"apparently not though because you got your neck snapped as the ship burned around you, you imbecile"
Jay: And another thing
About tdw
Me: ?
the only miss, was jane, and malekith
nearly everything else was perfect
Jay: I was pissed that loki wasn't allowed to go to friggas funeral
Jay: Ugh just chain him up while he's there but she's the only one Who loved him
He got fucked over
Me: put him on a balcony, with two gaurds, chained up, hell use the muzzle
he should've gotten to grieve
Me: and frigga, is actually manipulative
she fucking gaslighted him
odin would rant and shout, she'd calm him down and convince him things were fine
they weren't fine
Jay: fair fair
Me: "i tried to make him tell you"
fuck off lady
you didn't try hard enough
"you're our son" "make him proud"
she should've been saying she'd give him advice on ruling, and help him to be a good king while odin slept
everything she did made it worse
Jay: Everyone sucked in his family
And I gotta wonder if hela was really power hungry and shit or if Odin just had enough and did the same shit to both of them
Me: Honestly, he should've run away
the only person that cared for him in any meaningful way was Hogun
Even indifference is better than faked love or scorn
Hogun was the only person who didn't a: brush off Loki's abuse, b: convince him it was fine, c: mock or hate him, d: deny Loki's abuse existed bc "they're our friends, how could they hate you?" "your friends Thor, your friends."
Jay: Also
I may be wrong but is there evidence that baby loki was abandoned for dead
Me: he was left in a temple you say?
ritual perhaps?
Jay: Odin just said M I N E
Me: or is it simply the fact that Ymir was the only jotun who was great in strength, size, and power
every other jotun gets two
Loki got strength and power
that is the mythology
and maybe loki was crying bc he knew his mom died, and was crying for her
he could've just been hungry
but no one would ever know
Jay: E x a c t l y
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findmykin · 6 years
I’m Thor Odinson from mcu & 616 i have multiple canons. I’m looking for anyone who wants to talk :) I’m an adult also no lokis please thanks oh also doubles of me are okay ✌️ like, reblog, or send me a message and I’ll get in touch ✌️
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