liver-of-prometheus · 26 days
surely another trinket will cure me
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liver-of-prometheus · 1 month
Reblog to open a rail line from your blog to the person you reblogged this from
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liver-of-prometheus · 2 months
It's gonna be such a funny mess when Donald Trump dies of a stroke on April 1st, 2024.
Naturally everybody will think it's fake because of the date only to lose their minds (both positively and negatively based on their opinion of trump) when realizing it's real
There will be massive celebrations in the streets and on social media and lots of predictable "don't speak ill of the dead" discourse about those celebrations
Weird evangelicals will pull some weird number trick talking about how Jesus was conceived on April 1st and that makes Trump a sort of messiah and people will make fun of that
The Republicans (after they're done with the faux-sadness and faux-outrage) will stomp over each other to be his successor but none of them will succeed. They'll tear each other apart and have no single nominee for the November elections.
There will be discourse about if Biden and the living former presidents should go to his funeral (they won't, he was a traitor insurrectionist)
The Ukraine-Russia War immediately goes in favor of Ukraine as morale in the Kremlin is reduced. China similarly backs off from its threats on Taiwan.
Ten thousand new memes are made, some sticking around for years to come.
Not a month later a bunch of unofficial biographies of Trump hit the bookshelves, many with new details about just how awful he was.
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liver-of-prometheus · 2 months
boss makes a dollar, i make a dime
that was a poem from an easier time
now boss makes a grand, i make a cent
i take break room snacks to eat while paying rent
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liver-of-prometheus · 3 months
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"Stop bombing Gaza"
Train graffiti in Rome
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liver-of-prometheus · 3 months
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liver-of-prometheus · 3 months
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Well, you know, some bathroom graffiti offers insight.
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liver-of-prometheus · 3 months
yeah you're "punk" but are you normal about deformed people?
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liver-of-prometheus · 3 months
i really really hate liberals who do volunteering for orgs that help the homeless and then write thinkpieces about how a lot of homeless people are very educated and hardworking and its not at all their fault that theyre unhoused like. even if ur hypothetical homeless person is addicted to every drug abused their whoever commited many crimes and their situation is every bit their fault. no one deserves to live on the street.
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liver-of-prometheus · 3 months
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283,000 likes………giant meteor strike the earth rn holy shit. oh my god.
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liver-of-prometheus · 3 months
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liver-of-prometheus · 3 months
I wish i could be normal about affection but my love language is merging souls
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liver-of-prometheus · 3 months
During the 2008 recession, my aunt lost her job. Her, her partner, and my three cousins moved across the country to stay with us while they got back on their feet. My house turned from a family of four to a family of nine overnight, complete with three dogs and five cats between us.
It took a few years for them to get a place of their own, but after a few rentals and apartments, they now own a split level ranch in a town nearby. I’ve lost track of how many coworkers and friends have stayed with them when they were in a tight spot. A mother and son getting out of an abusive relationship, a divorcee trying to stay local for his kids while they work out a custody agreement, you name it. My aunt and uncle knew first hand what that kindness meant, and always find space for someone who needed it, the way my parents had for them.
That same aunt and uncle visited me in [redacted] city last year. They are prolific drinkers, so we spent most of the day bar hopping. As we wandered the city, any time we passed a homeless person, my uncle would pull out a fresh cigarette and ask them if they had a light. Regardless of if they had a lighter on hand or not, he offered them a few bucks in exchange, which he explained to me after was because he felt it would be easier for them to accept in exchange for a service, no matter how small.
I work for a company that produces a lot of fabric waste. Every few weeks, I bring two big black trash bags full of discarded material over to a woman who works down the hall. She distributes them to local churches, quilting clubs, and teachers who can use them for crafts. She’s currently in the process of working with our building to set up a recycling program for the smaller pieces of fabric that are harder to find use for.
One of my best friends gives monthly donations to four or five local organizations. She’s fortunate enough to have a tech job that gives her a good salary, and she knows that a recurring donation is more valuable to a non-profit because they can rely on that money month after month, and can plan ways to stretch that dollar for maximum impact. One of those organizations is a native plant trust, and once she’s out of her apartment complex and in a home with a yard, she has plans to convert it into a haven of local flora.
My partner works for a company that is working to help regulate crypto and hold the current bad actors in the space accountable for their actions. We unfortunately live in a time where technology develops far too fast for bureaucracy to keep up with, but just because people use a technology for ill gain doesn’t mean the technology itself is bad. The blockchain is something that she finds fascinating and powerful, and she is using her degree and her expertise to turn it into a tool for good.
I knew someone who always had a bag of treats in their purse, on the odd chance they came across a stray cat or dog, they had something to offer them.
I follow artists who post about every local election they know of, because they know their platform gives them more reach than the average person, and that they can leverage that platform to encourage people to vote in elections that get less attention, but in many ways have more impact on the direction our country is going to go.
All of this to say, there’s more than one way to do good in the world. Social media leads us to believe that the loudest, the most vocal, the most prolific poster is the most virtuous, but they are only a piece of the puzzle. (And if virtue for virtues sake is your end goal, you’ve already lost, but that’s a different post). Community is built of people leveraging their privileges to help those without them. We need people doing all of those things and more, because no individual can or should do all of it. You would be stretched too thin, your efforts valiant, but less effective in your ambition.
None of this is to encourage inaction. Identify your unique strengths, skills, and privileges, and put them to use. Determine what causes are important to you, and commit to doing what you can to help them. Collective action is how change is made, but don’t forget that we need diversity in actions taken.
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liver-of-prometheus · 3 months
Do NOT. Do not. DO NOT buy fake leather
Pirate everything. Burn cds. Fight the cloud
Tip food service workers crazy style
Smile at yr bus driver
Wear more eyeliner
Read superhero comic books
Paint more blood and gore
See saw xi in theaters
Draw messy
remember that old panic at the disco is good truly
Tell people you love them
Stompy boots
My Chemical Romance
Assault a customer at your retail job
Write that weird fanfic
Watch every vampire movie ever made
Wear that crop top
Start a fire
Listen to music made by angry women
Remember that you are fucking alive and do whatever you want
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liver-of-prometheus · 3 months
nihilism is not punk. doomerism is not punk. quitting is not punk.
the stark reality is that if they announced there was 24 hours before a giant comet hit the earth, i would find reason to fight and advocate and celebrate in the ensuing chaos up to the final seconds.
punk is walking into every situation and punching it in the mouth regardless of how big it is or the dominion it holds over your existence.
punk is hope and growth and love and fury and anger and passion and spit in the face of hostile forces.
punk is community and mutual aid and soup kitchens and block parties and festivals and little libraries and clothes drop boxes.
punk is dancing on the deck of a sinking ship because hey you motherfuckers i didn’t hear the music stop.
punk is having the hope for something better on behalf of those who can’t see it right now.
punk is not dead. punk is not dead. punk is not dead. punk is not dead. punk is not dead. punk is not dead.
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liver-of-prometheus · 3 months
Hello Everyone!
Today is the first day of the weeklong strike for a ceasefire in Gaza.
I have realized that I do not think the message has spread far, at least on this website. This might be due to the lack of internet in Gaza, it has been down for days. Not much can be said by the citizens there, it's like some people forgot about them. I encourage all of you to share this post, or make your own, letting everyone know about this strike. This is something that should transcend the aesthetic of your blog. My blog was a gimmick blog, but for this week, it is a blog for spreading information and awareness.
Bisan Odwa (@wizard_bisan1 on instagram) has called for this strike. She is a journalist from Gaza, who has been experiencing this horrid violence for 15 weeks. 107 days. 2568 hours.
These were the images she posted, calling for this strike:
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Reblog this, share this. Do not stop until every supporter of Gaza knows what we must do this week.
Free Palestine, Free Gaza, Ceasefire now!
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liver-of-prometheus · 4 months
i’m currently an open/general studies student but i’m moving into a bachelor’s Archeology and Anthropology major :)
okay besties everyone put in their tags what theyre majoring or what they majored in im so curious
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