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teafiend · 8 months
A few of the most satisfying moments in “The Guest” and “WWW: Search” were when their fabulous FCs expressed their rage onscreen. It was super fun to watch them beat up the people deserving of that treatment 👏🏽🫡
Can’t love these two stunning beauties who kicked a** whenever they appeared on screen enough 🤩😍❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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ggjiertjd · 1 year
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대한민국 현대사 속 ‘메시아’들과 이들 뒤에 숨은 사건과 사람을 추적하는 넷플릭스 다큐멘터리 시리즈
사이비 종교의 실태를 고발한 넷플릭스 다큐멘터리 ‘나는 신이다’의 조성현 PD가 기독교복음선교회(JMS) 교주 정명석의 생일에 “작년에는 상상도 못했던 일이 벌어지고 있다”며 소회를 밝혔다.
조씨는 지난 16일 JMS 탈퇴자들이 모인 온라인 카페에 ‘316을 축하합니다’라는 제목의 글을 올렸다. 이날은 정명석의 생일로 JMS에서는 ‘316 휴거기념일’로 부르며 매년 성대하게 행사를 치러왔다.
조씨는 “작년 3월 16일 정명석 생일날 메이플과 함께 기자회견장으로 가던 순간이 여전히 눈앞에 선하다”고 했다. 그는 “스트레스 때문인지 아침부터 극심한 복통을 호소하던 메이플에게 기자회견을 취소하자고 했다”며 “메이플은 ‘하나님도 저를 막을 수 없어요’라고 대답했다. 큰 충격이었고 존경의 마음이 들 정도였다”고 회상했다.
조씨는 “그리고 1년이 지난 오늘, 작년에는 상상도 못했던 일이 벌어지고 있다”며 “사탄의 몸통이라 불리던 김도형 교수는 갑자기 의인으로 둔갑했고, 2인자 정조은씨는 정명석의 범죄사실을 인정해버리는 일까지 벌어졌다”고 했다. 이를 두고 “저는 상상도 못했던 결말”이라고 했다. 13일 JMS 유튜브 채널에 올라온 영상에서 JMS 2인자로 알려진 정조은(본명 김지선)씨는 “3년 6개월을 선생님께 눈물로 호소했다”며 성폭행을 막기 위해 노력해왔다고 주장했다.
조씨는 “제가 사이비 종교를 취재하며 절실히 느낀 게 있다”며 “법은 절대 피해자들의 편이 아니라는 것”이라고 했다. 그는 “미국이었으면 종신형을 선고받았을 정명석에게 징역 10년형을 선고한 것도, 아가동산 사망 사건에 대해 무죄를 선고한 것도 다름 아닌 대한민국 법원”이라고 했다. 이어 “모든 사람은 변호인의 법적 조력을 받을 권리가 존재한다”면서도 “법무법인 광장이 정명석을 꼭 변호해야만 했을지, 민변(민주사회를 위한 변호사모임) 출신의 변호사들이 과거부터 이번 상영금지가처분 건까지 아가동산 김기순을 변호해야만 했을지 저는 잘 모르겠다”고 했다.
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Ondal was originally born into a poor family, and it is said that his appearance was ridiculously ugly.나는 신이다 다시보기 누누 넷플릭스 무료보기
Ondal lived with his single mother since he was young, but his mother was blind and could not work. Because of him, he lived by walking around people's homes and begging for food. He was so poor that when he first met Princess Pyeonggang, he was in the mountains to eat the bark of a tree.
However, people in Pyongyang called Ondal as 'idiot Ondal', probably because Ondal looked ridiculous as he walked around in a ragged and tattered fashion every day.나는 신이다 다시보기 누누 넷플릭스 무료보기
There are other interpretations of being called an idiot. As it is written in the main text, 'He was pure in heart,' 'Ondal was poor and lived by searching the mountains, but even if he found precious medicines, if there was someone in need, he gave them or received only a small price in consideration of his circumstances. People who did not know the circumstances called it an idiot, but Ondal laughed it off without saying anything and was treated as an idiot.' In short, it is said that he was a person who lived at a loss because he liked people too much.
In any case, whether they were called fools because of their appearance or because of their actions, they would not have been so-called developmentally disabled or deterrents. According to common sense, if you are a real deterrent, you can't rise to a high position by learning academics and martial arts. [3] However, if not only the people of Pyongyang but also the king heard the rumors of the fool Ondal and told his daughter, the rumors of Ondal were widely spread.나는 신이다 다시보기 누누 넷플릭스 무료보기 2.2. Meeting with Princess Pyeonggang[edit] Ping-Wang Wang-少 Female Sister, Wang-Yong The young daughter of King Pyeongwon was good at crying, so the king teased and said, “汝常啼聒我耳, long必不得爲士大夫妻, 當歸之愚溫達.” Mister Wang. “Since you always cry and make my ears noisy, when I grow up, I will definitely not be able to become a nobleman’s wife and marry an idiot Ondal.” The king always said so. 《The Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms》 From the biography of Ondal King Pyeongwon, the king of Goguryeo at the time, had a daughter named Princess Pyeonggang. Princess Pyeonggang cried often since she was little, and whenever that happened, King Pyeongwon made fun of him by saying, "You cry so well that you're noisy, so I can't marry you as a wife of a noble family. I guess you should marry an idiot Ondal?" do.나는 신이다 다시보기 누누 넷플릭스 무료보기
Later, when Princess Pyeonggang reached the age of marriage, King Pyeongwon tried to marry her daughter to the Go clan of Sangbu. However, Princess Pyeonggang said, "Her father said he would marry Ondal a long time ago, so he will marry that person." King Pyeongwon was dumbfounded, but Princess Pyeonggang insisted, "The Great King always said, 'You will surely become the wife of Ondal.' In the end, King Pyeongwon was greatly disappointed and scolded him to leave the palace in anger. Of course, her father didn't really ask her to leave, but her father must have threatened her to listen to her words. But Princess Pyeonggang took her gold bracelet and jewelry to see if her poison had risen, and she really left the palace. Of course, as in most stories, this is not because Princess Pyeonggang is behind her father or because she is rebellious, but because she has the insight to recognize the innocence and potential of her Ondal. However, for the interest of the story, the reason why Princess Pyeonggang is forced is hidden. Gongju Respondent: “Old people, Ichigo 粟猶可舂, 一尺布猶可縫, 則苟爲同心, 何必福貴然後可共乎?”나는 신이다 다시보기 누누 넷플릭스 무료보기 “An old man said, ‘A word of grain can grind a mill, and a single word of linen can be sewn.’ So it’s just a matter of agreeing, how can we be together only when we are wealthy?” Princess Pyeonggang, 《The Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms》 Ondal Excerpt나는 신이다 다시보기 누누 넷플릭스 무료보기 Princess Pyeonggang went that way to Ondal's hut, bowed to Ondal's mother, and asked where Ondal was. At this time, Ondal was hungry and was going up the mountain to peel off the elm tree and eat it. Princess Pyeonggang came up the mountain and proposed to Ondal. At first, On-dal refuses, thinking that he is possessed by her ghost because he does not know her English. When Princess Pyeonggang came out of the palace, she sold the gifts she brought and bought a house, land, and slaves to live on, and she bought a horse that had been eaten and raised it diligently and raised it as a fine horse.[4] Ondal, who was able to eat and live to some extent, went to the hunting competition held every year in Goguryeo.나는 신이다 다시보기 누누 넷플릭스 무료보기 2.3. Becoming the king's son-in-law[edit] At that time, Goguryeo held a hunting competition on the hill of Nakrang every spring on March 3, and at this time, sacrifices were made to the sky and Seoncheon with the meat of wild animals. In response, King Pyeongwon, various officials, and soldiers from the 5 divisions all attended.[5]나는 신이다 다시보기 누누 넷플릭스 무료보기
Ondal went to the tournament riding a well-bred horse bought by Princess Pyeonggang, and he showed outstanding skills by hunting numerous animals. King Pyeongwon called Ondal, who had won the tournament, and was very surprised to hear his name, but he did not yet want to acknowledge Ondal as his son-in-law.나는 신이다 다시보기 누누 넷플릭스 무료보기
Afterwards, Emperor Wu of China's Huju [6] sent out an army to conquer Goguryeo, [7] but King Pyeongwon also led an army and fought in the field of Isan (肄山) [8]. Ondal also participated in the battle at this time, and it is said that he stood in the vanguard and knocked out dozens of enemies. As Ondal took the lead in defeating the enemy with fierce momentum, the morale of the soldiers who followed rose and attacked the Houju army, and eventually the Goguryeo army won a great victory. Time, 後周武帝出師伐遼東, Wangdungun逆於拜山之野. 溫達爲先鋒, 疾鬪斬數十餘級, 諸軍乘勝奮擊大克.나는 신이다 다시보기 누누 넷플릭스 무료보기 At this time, Emperor Wu of Later Zhou dispatched troops to attack Liaodong, and the king led his troops and fought in the fields of Baesan. At that time, Ondal became the vanguard and fought bravely, cutting dozens of people's heads, and several soldiers took advantage of this momentum to attack and win a great victory. 《History of the Three Kingdoms》 Among the existing Samguk sagi, the existing Oksanseowon or Jeongdeok version records the place where Ondal participated as Baesan (拜山), and the oldest Seongam version of the Samguk sagi records it as Isan (肄山). After that, Emperor Wu of Zhou passed[9] unified the north, ward off gastritis, and envy the strength of Goguryeo, invaded Liaodong and fought in the fields of Mt. fought bravely His skill with the sword and his skill with the archery were also exquisite, so he decapitated hundreds of enemy soldiers in an instant. I found out that he was on the moon soon. 《Chosun Sanggosa》나는 신이다 다시보기 누누 넷플릭스 무료보기
Afterwards, King Pyeongwon gathered people to evaluate his specialty, and all the people who participated in the war commented that Ondal's specialty was the best. In response, King Pyeongwon said, "This person is my son-in-law!" was delighted. King Pyeongwon greeted Ondal with courtesy, and was appointed a senior official. Since then, Ondal has been favored by King Pyeongwon and enjoyed wealth and glory, and it is said that his dignity and authority became great.나는 신이다 다시보기 누누 넷플릭스 무료보기
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myblog-posts · 2 years
押上ひろし!、ねずみ講安藤、夜に亀戸ひろし2回目!経由、錦糸町ひろし!、★甘北斗マジキチ産廃、700点タバコ3個、2022_1119金曜 https://youtu.be/odQ9EEmz9uk ♬ SADS 忘却の空 池袋ウエストゲートパーク主題歌 https://amzn.to/3UQ68uR Rock N' Roll Rumble、marchello destiny https://amzn.to/3VeTC7V 亀戸、錦糸町、亀戸と ここ2週間で3回も”-!!! いかがわしい店へ逝った ε=ε=┏(;TдT)┛ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCug5UBUuaUVcjspetykAghQ (≧д≦) そしてのめり込みそうな ダイナマイトDB2人に出会ってしまった (@_@) ギザヤバス! (´ε`;)ヾ どんどん酷く香ばしいことになってる伊藤 まさ●●に”! 破滅へのカウソトダウソ (≧д≦) https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=%E3%83%A1%E3%82%AC%E3%83%87%E3%82%B9%E3%80%80%E7%A0%B4%E6%BB%85 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSSQ9Wgk_P8&list=PLJ8e6rwhV6Hqxe4vCTYBl5qJvSxh6hDvA&index=23 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XadnzskkNRs&list=PLJ8e6rwhV6Hqxe4vCTYBl5qJvSxh6hDvA&index=2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXZosdlVBxE&list=PLJ8e6rwhV6Hqxe4vCTYBl5qJvSxh6hDvA&index=13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWw-xCS7VHo&list=PLJ8e6rwhV6Hqxe4vCTYBl5qJvSxh6hDvA&index=24 そんなことしてる伊藤場合じゃなくって、、、 1、免許更新中野の為に確実に落ちるであろう 視力検中野査のために メガネメガネの”メガネを作らないと o-o、 ('A`) メガネメガネメガネ……… ノ ノ)_ 2、もはやどうにもならなくなったfile整理のために 4T~6TのHDD買わないと https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B8%E3%83%86%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%80%804T 3、どんどん動かなくなってる伊藤ポソコシスマホ 次の候補を頭のおかしいOCNかどっかで検中野討しないと、、、 https://onlineshop.ocn.ne.jp/category/ANDROID/ バッテリがしょぼいけいど ミドル最高峰のM11がまたまたキンタマ 頭のおかしいキャンペーンで出てきてる伊藤 https://onlineshop.ocn.ne.jp/category/ANDROID/NEWZRS00000MI11LITE5G00.html つーか、速攻品切れ (´ε`;)ヾ やることたく先輩さんあって いかがわしい処とか、パチンコどころの 騒ぎじゃないし、浅草亀戸錦糸町ひろし! ε=ε=┏(;TдT)┛ つづく、、、
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housethehouseless · 2 years
History of Houselessness
Houselessness did not erupt as an issue out of the dust in Oregon. Historical moments in the United States’ history impacted the economic status of citizens all over the country. A notable moment in history was The Great Inflation, which took place in the 1970s. It was historically referred to as “the greatest failure of American macroeconomic policy in the postwar period” (Siegel, 1994). Following The Great Inflation, Reagan’s Recession in the 1980s only worsened the economic state of the United States. Pew Research center described this as “the deepest post-World War II economic downturn” (Auxier, 2020). Both of these significant events were contributions to the causes of houselessness in Oregon (MacGillivray, 2021). With the economy at an all-time low, this led to the financial instability of the Americans living during this time. These specific moments in history created economic challenges for the United States as a whole, but there are also factors that can increase the risk of houselessness that do not involve America’s economy. When interviewed, many Oregonians named mental health issues, substance abuse issues, or the lack of access to affordable housing as three major reasons for houselessness (Del Savio, 2022).
Specifically in the Roseburg area, there have been measures taken to provide housing and other assistance to those without a house. Nonprofit organizations and city commissions are usually the groups that provide the most assistance to the houseless and have notable achievements. Umpqua Heart is a nonprofit organization that has built a living facility that provides support for those seeking shelter. The community created by Umpqua Heart is known as Hastings Village and is located 15 minutes away from Roseburg. Hastings Village provides houseless individuals with access to shelter, showers, laundry, and even testing for diseases. The Sutherlin mayor, Mayor Michelle Sumner, told The New Review that the “overall goal is to kind of turn this into more of a regional, countywide program” (Bartoo-Smith, 2022). If this goal is prioritized and the effort to create opportunities like Hastings Village in other parts of Douglas County, this could mean that there is hope for the houselessness in Roseburg. The Homeless Commission met recently and further discussed the production of a place for the houseless to camp safely, similar to Hastings Village. Having a safe campground for the houseless closer to Roseburg would be more realistic for those needing shelter that are in Roseburg, as transportation is not easy to access without funds. Moving forward, the Homeless Commission will be prioritizing the search for available funding, opportunities to obtain property that would be suitable for the vision, and a nonprofit organization that could run and surveil the campground (Temple, 2022). The United Community Action Network (UCAN) also recently opened a shelter for the houseless in June of 2022. This navigation center provides ten pallet shelters and 30 shelter beds to those in need (Ursini, 2022). 
The two organizations I will continue to speak about in the future are Umpqua Heart and the Homeless Commission. Next week on Monday the 24th at 11 am, the Homeless Commission of the city of Roseburg will be meeting to discuss the problems and potential solutions surrounding houselessness. I intend to be present at this meeting to take advantage of the opportunity to learn more about the city’s perspective and approach toward this issue. If granted, I will take the opportunity to ask questions before the meeting is commenced.
Auxier, Richard C. “Reagan's Recession.” Pew Research Center, Pew Research Center, 30 May 2020, https://www.pewresearch.org/2010/12/14/reagans-recession/. 
​​Del Savio, Anna. “Most Oregonians See Homelessness as Top Issue.” Https://Joomlakave.com, 7 Mar. 2022, https://pamplinmedia.com/ocn/56-news/538575-431146-most-oregonians-see-homelessness-as-top-issue. 
MacGillivray, Don. “History of Homelessness.” The Southeast Examiner of Portland Oregon, 28 Apr. 2021, https://www.southeastexaminer.com/2021/04/history-of-homelessness/. 
Nika, Bartoo-Smith. “Hastings Village: A Home for Some of Sutherlin's Houseless.” Nrtoday.com, The News Review, 23 July 2022, https://www.nrtoday.com/news/local/douglas_county/hastings-village-a-home-for-some-of-sutherlin-s-houseless/article_c1efcc2d-8a5e-5e50-821c-f1dee0ef0498.html. 
Siegel, Jeremy J. Stocks for the Long Run: A Guide to Selecting Markets for Long-Term Growth, 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994.
Temple, Sam. “New Camp Forming to Help Roseburg's Homeless Crisis.” Nrtoday.com, The News Review, 29 Sept. 2022, https://www.nrtoday.com/news/new-camp-forming-to-help-roseburgs-homeless-crisis/article_c97f0cbc-4030-53d8-9880-a7d97b0bcc76.html. 
Ursini, Nick. “Roseburg Moves Forward with Navigation Center for Homeless.” KEZI 9 News, 18 Mar. 2022, https://www.kezi.com/news/local/roseburg-moves-forward-with-navigation-center-for-homeless/article_0101cb00-a657-11ec-a907-03b46f1fee5a.html. 
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uppoompat · 4 years
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nok du and aeng du’s modern day reunion
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soobiinms · 4 years
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Same, Maek. Same.
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khaoray · 4 years
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i’m here to feed you. i can finally live again!
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neocult-icons · 4 years
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like or reblog if you save pls  ♡
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First Lieutenant Lee Joon-sung of Special Forces (ep. 4)
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teafiend · 8 months
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Screenshots and gifs credited to @Nungchae (Twitter/X)
KGY is so, so pretty 😍😍😍
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isisparker · 3 years
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[My 2020 Year End List] - Kdramas
Kingdom + Mystic Pop Up Bar Hi Bye Mama + Hospital Playlist Search + Sweet Home It's Okay to Not Be Okay + Where Your Eyes Linger Extracurricular + True Beauty Run On + 18 Again The Uncanny Counter + Tale of the Nine Tailed The King: Eternal Monarch + Crash Landing on You
I know there have been a few other dramas [Do You Like Brahms? for example] that have a lot more quality to it, but if I had to look back on this dumpster fire year 2020, these are the dramas that stood out to me and managed to worm their way into my heart. With a few being [surprisingly] very horror-ish slash gore, a few dabbling into sci-fi/fantasy, a couple that are still on-going but notable enough for me to still consider them in this list, plus a good amount managing to help define the phrase of “family is what you make,” kdramas this year have been a lovely life raft for me while I was drowning...
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rxx2319 · 4 years
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kakenaku · 4 years
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me with every irrational thought
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kdramatelier · 4 years
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uppoompat · 4 years
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Careless management of a military supply leading to loss of a major asset during an operation. If we were at war, you would have received the death penalty.
What did you just say? “Careless management of a military supply” and “major asset”? Damn it. He was a living creature.
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