#oc: nite
nitetrait · 12 days
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all the time; continually
(night and day)
w/o reshade
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w/ reshade
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
Nite & Daye Lore
Established Relationships
(sorry this took so incredibly long)
I struggled immensely with how I wanted to make this post so I want to first and foremost thank @marinesocks for listening to me ramble about it haha. I appreciate it <3
Basically, I'll be listing out some of the fairly important relationships of the main cast in Nite & Daye (non-spoiler ones anyways) that occur before the story starts.
Anyone is welcome to ask questions about ANY of these relationships (considering there are plenty of characters here who yet to be mentioned).
Anyways, info under the cut (:
Daye Nouvel
Aleah Nouvel (parent)
Eero Black (half-sibling)
Vasin Wood (half-sibling)
Amoris "Nite" Rien (sibling?)
Lenora "Nora" LeBlanc (acquaintance)
Amoris "Nite" Rien
Aleah Nouvel (parent?)
Daye Nouvel (sibling?)
Silver Light (friend?)
Aleah Nouvel
Maverick Blake (ex-partner)
Mattias "Matty" Cross (ex-partner)
Mordecai "Mort" Wood (late partner)
Silver Light (ex-partner)
Micrathena (business partner)
Vell (ex-business partner)
Aglamir "Agla" Illiad (late business partner)
Ventian Illiad (mutual dislike)
Salomé LeBlanc (mutual dislike)
Imani Emem (mutual dislike)
Akane Sato (mutual dislike)
Eero Black (child)
Vasin Wood (child)
Daye Nouvel (child)
Silver Light
Aleah Nouvel (ex-partner)
Amie Coeur (ex-partner?)
Rachel Young (platonic partner)
Colm Enda (adoptive child)
Merel Ingram (adoptive child)
Amoris "Nite" Rien (friend?)
Eero Black
Aleah Nouvel (parent)
Vasin Wood (half-sibling)
Daye Nouvel (half-sibling)
Vell (business partner)
Evelyn Fare (acquaintance)
Aurora Solin (acquaintance)
Carmine Solin (acquaintance)
Vasin Wood
Aleah Nouvel (parent)
Mordecai Wood (late parent)
Eero Black (half-sibling)
Daye Nouvel (half-sibling)
Sozminir "Soz" Illiad
Ventian Illiad (parent)
Aglamir "Agla" Illiad (sibling)
Aleah Nouvel (former business partner)
Eero Black (business partner)
Evelyn Fare (friend)
Aurora Solin (friend)
Carmine Solin (friend)
Aleah Nouvel (business partner)
Riziren "Ren" Illiad (enemies)
Caecis Hemera
Erebros (sibling)
taglist - @midnight-and-his-melodiverse, @isherwoodj, @cedar-west, @bardic-tales, @cactusmotif, @fearofahumanplanet, @marinesocks (if you’d like to be added or removed, don’t hesitate to let me know!)
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lyss-butterscotch · 9 months
hi can i just say that i absolutely love all of the designs you gave allnthe iterators and their slugcats !! i especially love UI's scugs they r so pretty,,, may i ask for a few doodles of them. perhaps
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Thanks alot!! Im glad you like my lil headcanons!!! *hands you doodles of the cats and their evil cat mom*
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cassetteboobs · 1 year
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a nasty necromancer
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jazaesis · 5 months
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That’s what her buir called her. Blue sky, reminiscent of her splotchy white and blue markings.
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gusherbug · 5 months
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new ocs: NITE and DAY
a teenage psychic who accidentally made a sleep paralysis demon into a real entity, but the entity was pretty chill so they formed a vigilante duo
superheroes rarely stop everyday crime anymore, due to being busy with supervillain's "greater" threats. police aren't exactly a great replacement. when things require a hero, but nobody from Suporg around, VIGILANTES will use their superpowers to help stop crime on a day to day basis.
by daylight hours, nite does not exist and day is a 16 yr old schoolgirl at a private school not sponsored by suporg. she is one of many teenagers with undetected superpowers that hides them from suporg representatives on purpose.
once night falls, nite crawls out of the shadows to accompany his human friend as they resolve conflicts that sponsored superheroes and suporg don't bother looking in the direction of
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snacobie · 9 months
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Date night 🍷
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mgrace-art · 2 months
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"We're always here for sailors' delight!"
SRL Musicology Department's latest find, idol duo Red Skye at Nite! Composed of serious inkling Skye, and bubbly octoling Red the duo rose to fame for their electro-swing music and their live comedy performances.
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tiredsoundsofagnes · 8 months
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my ass is hosting an emo night in malmö this friday HAHAHAHA ITS GONNA BE SO WEIRD BUT SO FUN!!!
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madzip · 1 year
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commission done for a friend. They are male born nightsister, rised like other tribe sister so they look and behave in a feminine way. Adopted as a foundling by maldalorians, their outfit merges both cultures.
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gatioxd · 3 months
ITS 12 BUt
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i was gonna post them in the mornin but I got impatient- here's kinda wat novas design will look like!!! colors are non decided but I have a feeling... (+me struggling to make the outfit ++ character notes heklp)m good niht
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nitetrait · 11 days
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Inside Voglia
casual lore drop
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
Nite & Daye Character Introduction
Amoris "Nite" Rien
Role: Main Character
Pronouns: He/Him
Supernatural Type: White-Eyed Vampire
General Information
Physical Appearance
Face-wise, Nite is almost an exact replica of Daye's with a few exceptions. They also share the same pitch black hair and white eyes. Although the differences don't matter once when most people at first glance mistake them for identical twins. That is until they notice the height difference with Nite standing at about 5'11. He's also bulkier, slim but not nearly unhealthily skinny like his brother; a figure that is sometimes seen through the clothes Nite chooses to wear.
Nite isn't the complete opposite of his brother with a sometimes brooding attitude, but he's much more personable. He doesn't mind interacting with people, even if it does exhaust him a bit. He's very observant and knowledgeable, seeming to know more than he honestly should. He's also the type to laugh off more serious topics and has a tendency to brush things bothering him to the side. He's also not as straightforward as his brother can be at times and often prefers to hint at things than straight out say them. He's also notably kind, although it's unknown whether he does things out of the kindness of his heart or because he feels some obligation to do so.
Not much is known about his backstory and he tends not to share much of it at all. He claims to have known Aleah and spent an awful lot of time with her. It could be and is suspected that she is his mother and that is how Daye and he are related but he never eludes to the fact (although he doesn't deny it either).
taglist - @midnights-melodiverse, @isherwoodj, @cedar-west, @bardic-tales, @cactusmotif, @fearofahumanplanet, @marinesocks (if you'd like to be added or removed, don't hesitate to ask/DM!)
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viric-dreams · 3 months
Since the topic's been going around and getting me thinking:
Ockham enjoys the typical shows of romance, particularly those expressed physically. Heshethey does struggle though to be the only person in a relationship and the only means of physical/emotional intimacy or support for someone because of hishertheir transitory nature and personal priorities overriding romance. The Greater London Polycule is a good fit for himherthem. Emotional intimacy might be a bit more difficult because of the current identity crisis happening, but heshethey wouldn't turn down sex or any kind of physical intimacy. That's something that Ockham doesn't really have any hangups about, possibly related to living in close quarters with people most of hishertheir life and seeing it as something mundane and relatively normalised. Especially with hishertheir eclectic set of memories and experiences (many of them serpentine), Ockham finds the sexual mores of Victorian Londoners particularly inane at times. These elements also makes Ockham open to trying pretty much anything a partner may suggest, at least once.
On the other side of the spectrum is Roberts, who's actively irked by any overt signs of romance on Grand Geode, usually because that means said sequencers are distracted or shirking duties. Realistically, the negativity comes from it being something that he feels that he could never have as a consequence of both his sexuality and position (though it's not something he's self-aware enough to know, nor wants to think about). Anyone making romantic overtures at this point would be pushed away out of a mixture of him not believing that he deserves it, that said person is after some sort of advantage because of his position, and that it would be a distraction from The Work, with a healthy bit of fear of the unknown thrown in for good measure. He's built up a ridiculous amount of intricate rituals around physical contact with people that make sense only to him. Having any sort of a sex life is a nightmare when you're almost everyone's superior officer and instantly recognisable, and come with enough emotional baggage to hold every piece of sentient clothing in Polythreme, and thus regulated to quick and faceless encounters, often in foreign ports. Even then, the intricate rules persist: sex is sex, direct and perfunctory. Kissing is off limits, absolutely no lingering touches, nothing that feels too much like intimacy or involves giving up control or trusting someone. Get what you're here for and go.
Nite's lack of memory has made everything a novel option and possibility. This is not necessarily a good thing. His strong streak for showmanship and craving attention lead to some somewhat extreme behaviour. Those grand gestures that only seem to work in romance novels are exactly what appeals to his sensibilities and he's convinced that they would work in real life, and is apt to try. If boomboxes and romcoms existed in this era, he would be that guy. It clearly seems to work in the films, so absolutely worth attempting in real life. Because a lot of what he imagines romantic behaviour is comes from stories and not real life experience, he starts with the idea that this is what romance and seduction should look like. Many of these things are things he doesn't even necessarily enjoy, but he tries anyway because what does he know, maybe that's just how things are done. This does eventually modulate over time, when he gets a better sense for his own preferences, and the flair for the dramatic remains, but tempered. He is also very quick to emotionally open up and try to deepen a relationship (either romantic or otherwise), often faster than the other person is comfortable with. After a handful of negative experiences he's gotten better at this. Unlike Ockham, whose sexual tastes generally tend to be broader and has a fairly solid sense of hishertheir boundaries, Nite has the same "I'll try anything" approach, albeit it closer to an "I have to try everything to know what I like" outlook, and no moderation or sense of pacing. This has led to a handful of upsetting experiences (both for himself and any partner(s) involved) when he inevitably discovers far too late that this was not a good idea. His lack of knowledge of his own boundaries makes him dangerous to both himself and others.
Tamara's been on dates with some of her peers back in Varchas, but it was never something that intensely interested her, nor did she ever have a serious relationship. It was expected that she would eventually settle down, either with someone of her choosing from a similar class background, or through a suitable suitor introduced through her family. She did enjoy the attention that flirtation brought, but would be the first to tell you that she doesn't really know what she wants out of a partner either romantically or sexually, but of course has plenty of time to figure it out. In London, she has far more important priorities at the moment and isn't even entertaining the idea. Her initial suspicion surrounding Ockham's kindness was quickly assuaged upon realising that heshethey doesn't necessarily want anything from her at all and offering her a place to stay was simply an act of one outsider recognising another and offering a helping hand. Of course, there's plenty more regarding Ockham about which to be suspicious, but that's a different topic.
The Rubbery Barber Surgeon is in a healthy and loving butch/femme relationship with The Tentaclar Surgeoness. He enjoys filling the traditional masculine role that the Surgeoness, a huge fan of pulpy romance novels, seeks in a partner. Thus far, things have gone well for them, and they seem perfectly compatible. She might just be the one. He may have visited a particular jeweler on Flute Street a couple of times. He's slowly planning a very special date night for them in the near future.
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nitebight · 2 months
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Somthing for the last bit of winter as it leaves us for spring~!
My OC Sol!! Big gentle gient whos a big sweetheart~<3
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jazaesis · 5 months
Aro was chronically ill his whole life, but never new the root cause and true severity until adulthood. He was always the kid who’s wrists hurt from spinning his saber, or knees ache from sitting too long while meditating. He always seemed to catch something everytime he left Coruscant.
It was’t long until Aro was unable to keep up with his classes and fell behind his peers. He was unable to keep up, which resulted in Aro nearly being ejected from the initiate program and ejected from the order. It was Master Ima Gun Di who advocated for Aro to be allowed to take the padawan trials at 14, and miraculously Aro passed.
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((A little fact: Nite keeps one of Aro’s emergency inhalers in his belt pouch in case Aro needs it, can’t get to his, or if it’s damaged in a fight. (A pressurized can and flying laser beams sound like a healthy mix.) Likewise, Aro keeps his daily meds in a pouch on his own belt.))
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