#oc: jessi toklar sept
voidendron · 8 months
don't forget that ice is a slipping hazard
Whumptober 2023
Day 1: “But now this room is spinning while I’m trying just to fill in all the gaps.”
Safety Net | Swooning | "How many fingers am I holding up?"
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Warnings: Minor Head Trauma
Characters: Saa'tek (Inferno Squad Weapons Engineer/Negotiator, Zygerrian/Omwati/Zabrak), Jessi Toklar-Sept (Inferno Squad Medic & XO, Human/Zabrak)
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He’d heard more than felt as his head cracked against the wall.
One moment, everything was fine. The next, His boot had slipped on the ice that so stubbornly persisted at the entrance to Inferno Squad’s temporary base.
There were hands on his shoulders before he could hit the ground, but still he groaned and let himself sink to his knees with the guidance of those hands; he couldn’t even tell whose they were. His vision was spinning and spinning and he felt like something had exploded in his skull.
His makeshift safety net (Jessi, he noted absently when his mind could just barely latch onto her voice) mentioned something about one of his horns being cracked. Saa’tek grimaced as he thought of it. Damaged horns could be painful. Zip knew, Jessi knew, and now he supposed he did, too.
“—ek? Saa’tek.”
He blinked up at Jessi when she said his name. Her brows were creased with concern. He didn’t try to pull away when her hand found his chin to gently turn his head, studying what would probably become a painful welt or maybe even need stitches.
She hummed, then held up her other hand. “How many fingers am I holding up?”
“Uh…” He squeezed his eyes shut when focusing on them made his head spin.
He flinched when she shined a penlight at his eyes, grimaced as she grumbled under her breath, “Because a concussion is exactly what we want to deal with right now…”
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thevehszlegacy · 1 year
OC: Jessi Toklar-Sept
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Full Name: Jessi Solus Toklar
Prefers: Jessi Toklar-Sept as full name
Gender: Genderqueer & intersex (she/her)
Faction: Neutral -> Eternal Alliance
Rank: Cadet -> Combat Medic, Inferno Squad XO
Call Sign: Nexu Bait
In-Game Class: Trooper - Commando/Sniper
Primary Role: Heals
Primary Spec(s): Combat Medic, Virulence
Physical + Mental
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Species: Human/Zabrak
Height: 6'3" (190cm)
Hair Color: Dark brown, near-black
Eye Color: Dark brown
Notable Features:
-Four horns; middle two significantly larger than two behind them. -Missing left eye; has eyepatch implant. -Cybernetics on right side of face. -Tall and muscular. -Sharp canines.
Scars: Claw marks across left side of face. Along bridge of nose. Right side of mouth down chin. Various across knuckles, fingers, and tops of hands. Other, minor, scars scattering body.
-Cybernetics provide her with quicker computing for statistics & ways to alter plans. Cybernetics provide higher pain tolerance than she'd naturally have. -Physically strong. -Works well with others. -Good social abilities.
-Has a blind side, so is forced to watch her surroundings more carefully on-the-job. -Uses an assault cannon, and it can slow her down when she needs to get somewhere quickly. -Lower endurance than average Zabrak/Zabrak-hybrid due to malnourishment as a kid. One of her hearts doesn't quite function at optimal capacity. -Doesn't function well without a fair bit of real meat in diet, so long stretches with dried military rations can be rough.
Fears: Small fear of large nexu.
Disabilities/Disorders: Half-blind (missing left eye).
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Heteroromantic, demisexual
Status: Single
Parents: Biological deceased. Jen Sept and K'hedif "Kitty" adoptive fathers.
Siblings: oldest-youngest - Liakige Harren (adoptive sibling), Jeva Toklar-Sept (bio sibling), Luci Sept (adoptive sister), Riza Sept (adoptive sister), Vili & Kol Sept (twins, adoptive sister & brother)
Usual Attire: Lightweight, gray and black armor with red-orange accents. Most protection at chest, shins, and forearms. Wears a mask that can be connected to oxygen or various stimpacks as needed.
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Weapon of Choice: Heavy-duty assault cannon; it's been painted in the squad's colors (gray and red-orange). Also possesses a simple sniper rifle in the same colors, and fairly proficient with it.
Home: The Star Hopper; her squad is normally on the move and doesn't stay the same place for long, but she'll always consider the Hopper her home.
Place of Birth: Nar Shaddaa, Red Lights District
Favorite Color: Sunset Yellow
Born on Nar Shaddaa as older sister to her sibling Jeva, the two had a rough life from the start. Their parents were both spice dealers, and stiffed a Hutt one too many times. Bounty hunters were sent to retrieve the family; when their parents defended themselves and a firefight broke out, Jessi grabbed her sibling and took off into the alley. When they later went back to their home, their parents and one of the hunters were dead inside.
From that point on, Jessi scrounged for scraps for the both of them while keeping them tucked away in forgotten alleyways. A few years of that passed before they encountered a Sith Pureblood bouncer, K'hedif, who offered them some food. K'hedif would continue to bring them food and changes of clothes for the next few weeks, until finally offering to pay for a hotel room for them when they were no longer timid of him.
When K'hedif left the planet, having finally saved up enough credits for a shuttle, he again gave the siblings an offer: Join him and get off Nar Shaddaa. Jeva was still young at the time, Jessi accepted the offer and they found themselves adopted by the man. He job-hopped a lot, taking the siblings with him whenever he did, until finally settling with an old spacer.
He had that job a while, before his employer was killed by Twin Suns gangsters. Jessi tucked her sibling into a closet on the ship and grabbed a spare blaster, positioning herself at the entrance to protect Jeva until K'hedif came for the two. Another spacer named Jen had stepped in just in time to save K'hedif and the siblings, and hesitantly offered a job. Jessi would later learn that it was only so she and Jeva would have a roof over their heads, and that Jen hadn't originally wanted K'hedif on his ship because he was Sith.
While Jeva was raised by the Sept crew, Jessi was hesitant to put too much trust into them and remained pretty independent despite her young age. It would take nearly three years before she even started calling Jen and Kitty her dads. When they adopted Sith apprentice Liakige onto the crew, Jessi grew fond of them pretty quickly; they were a lot closer to Jessi's age than her sibling, so when Ki became more comfortable with the crew, the two of them developed a close bond.
She'd always wanted to be like Kitty - a healer, a medic, whatever she could do - so took an interest in the Alliance as she got old enough for military. The life of a smuggler just wasn't for her. So, though she loved her family dearly, she started getting in touch with the Alliance with various questions on their military program.
With Ki at her side, Jessi decides to eventually leave the Star Hopper and join the Alliance. Jessi became a cadet training as a combat medic, while Ki began training in the newly formed Paladin Order.
Upon graduating from her training, Jessi was recruited to Inferno Squad as its medic - a new squad tasked with protecting rebuilding efforts on various planets. It was when the squad was on Taris that Jessi was mauled by a territorial nexu; it resulted in the loss of an eye. ...As well as finally earning her a military nickname that would soon become her call sign: "Nexu Bait." She was irritable with the name at first, but grew quite fond of it and would laugh about it over the years.
Inferno Squad uncovered a plot on the Commander's life purely by accident, and when Terrin decided to look at them with a little more scrutiny than she had previously, she realized she was holding the team back with their current jobs. They were tasked to train under Alliance Intelligence for a while, and became a subterfuge squad; their job became to track down traitors and various assassination and ambush plots before they could happen. It was around this time that Jessi was made the second-in-command of the squad, after the previous was removed due to not fitting with the restructuring.
Inferno Squad ended up the sole reason that, many years later, the Alliance wasn't totally wiped out when the Empire struck in an attempt to remove a thorn from its side. Had it not been for the squad, their losses would have been far greater.
Jessi readily followed when the Alliance disappeared into unknown space to avoid being wiped out completely. Though she would eventually leave the squad, she'd remain part of Odessa's security force, accompanying teams out into the wilderness as the Alliance slowly worked on building up a city...
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voidendron · 7 months
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from not having my Terror kill after trying many times,
to my new team getting timer both nights we raided this week! (Driver also got a new pet jakldjsa;ldj maybe I'll make the little guy canon for her)
also, fun fact: Driver came along as an inside joke with Gham and some other folks on our Snorks team. Gham and I were joking one night on what titles would be fitting for her, and "from Beyond" came up, but I didn't think I'd ever be able to get it. But now she's got it! <3
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voidendron · 1 year
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voidendron · 1 year
2022 Art Summary
I haven't been drawing as much this year as I'd have liked - I'm hoping to do more drawing in the coming year, including more finished pieces with at least shading, but backgrounds would be nice, too. But! In the meantime, here's some of my best/personal favorite works of the year
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voidendron · 1 year
Ok! Hope you had fun😉 Which of your OCs are heavy drinkers and who gets drunk after one glass? Are there any that do not like alcohol at all or have never tried? (~Dina)
Thanks, Dina, haha!
Jen (probably unsurprisingly) can be a pretty heavy drinker when he does drink. He's got a pretty high tolerance - though when he does get finally get drunk, it hits him hard. Terrin can drink pretty heavily, too, though she really cuts back as Commander.
Azan doesn't drink much and is a total lightweight. She's also one to get an awful hangover the next morning and want to sleep until noon. Max has ended up her girlfriend's designated sober pilot on more than one occasion.
Synnda and Qizulth don't really care for alcohol. They might have a tiny glass for certain social events, but neither of them are particularly fond of being drunk or getting hangovers; they'd rather go read in the corner.
Alcohol never interested Jessi, so she's never tried it! Though if she's anything like Java, she'd probably have a decently high tolerance - that, or a lightweight like Azan. There'd be no in-between for her haha.
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voidendron · 2 years
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next batch: the Sept kiddos!
Jessi (she/her), Jeva (they/them), Ki (they/he/she), Luci (she/any), and Riza (she/her)
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voidendron · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 Day 10: Poor Unfortunate Souls Taser | Whipping | Waterboarding Alternate Prompt 7: Protective
Star Wars: The Old Republic Characters: Sy'hen "Hush" Rett (Human, cyborg), Saa'tek "Gunshow" (Cathar/Omwati/Zabrak, cyborg), Jessi "Nexu Bait" Toklar-Sept (Human/Zabrak, cyborg), Kaiba "Red" Felshaad (Human), "Zip" Drakou (Zabrak) Warnings: Violence, Blood
It was routine. Something they did often, by request of the Commander.
Sure, the squad had started with a focus on humanitarian aid, but it had quickly become one of Commander Terrin’s favored squads for this kind of work. They were good, and she hadn’t wanted to hold them back with rebuilding efforts. The Barsen’thor and his students were more than capable of protecting build and recovery teams, and studying as they did so.
No, Inferno Squad had slowly transformed into scouts, and from scouts into an Alliance Intelligence team. One little thing, after another, gradually adding up until they could see with the quirk of Terrin’s brow that she saw far more potential in them than what she was requesting of them.
So, here they were. Another mission, scouting out suspected spies nosing around where they didn’t belong within Alliance territory.
Zip had a data spike plugged into a seemingly abandoned computer system (they knew it wasn’t, they just weren’t sure when the camp’s occupants would be returning), her eyes scanning walls of code as the rest of the team watched her back. Kaiba and Jessi standing close behind her, Saa’tek posted up high with nose in the air, and Sy’hen stalking the outer edges of the empty camp.
The shadows closed tight and uncomfortably around the former Knight, their eyes scanning their surroundings and one hand remaining at-the-ready to reach for their deactivated saber pike.
It didn’t feel right.
Their eyes drifted up to Saa’tek, whose tail was flicking and one ear gave a twitch, as he obviously seemed to notice it, too. Then, they looked to the team’s CO; Kaiba’s own gaze had flitted up to Saa’tek, before she tightened her hands on her blaster rifle.
Sy’hen noticed the silence, then. It was unnatural. There should have been the sound of fauna nearby—chirping, or rustling, or anything—but all was still.
They removed their pike from their back, but kept it off as they pulled the shadows tighter around themself, their Force shroud leaving a chill to crawl across their skin. They’d never been particularly fond of using it, but wouldn’t deny that it was an incredibly useful ability. And, as the only Force-sensitive of the squad, they were glad to be able to give the team that advantage, however small it was.
Their head snapped up to rustling; the noise was there, then gone again just as quickly.
Their eye narrowed as they ducked low and began creeping forward. Their hands tightened on their weapon, their steps were impossibly quiet over dead leaves as they used the Force itself to muffle any sound they may have made, and their eyes—
Movement. They weren’t sure they would have caught it unaided, but their prosthetic eye picked up on it and pinned the motion to the back of their mind.
Sy’hen surged forward; they felt as if they were lunging through the shadows themselves, until they were barely a step behind the stranger.
Zakuul Knight armor made their breath hitch, just for a moment. It was long enough for the other to sense them, and Sy’hen only barely managed to ignite their weapon in time to block the Knight’s own pike from taking off their head as they were pulled from their shroud.
A thought was all it took, and the comm built into their ear implant turned on.
“Hush to squad,” they said, voice impossibly soft and level even as they shoved their opponent away with a kick to the chest. “Camp belongs to renegade Knights of Zakuul. Number unknown—have engaged with one.”
They ducked in time to dodge a stone that the Knight lobbed at their head, huffing through their nose as a snarl found their lips.
Kaiba gave a stream of commands to the rest of the squad, calling for Sy’hen to regroup with them, before the line went dead.
They reached out through the Force for one last shove at the Knight—he must have been a Captain, once upon a time if his armor was any indicator—before turning on their heel and bolting back to the main part of the camp.
The sight to greet them was the rest of the squad trying desperately not to get cut in half by half a dozen renegade Knights.
Sy’hen froze where they stood, their own pike gripped tightly between their hands and remaining eye wide even as their prosthetic began running the information straight to their head. Six of them, seven counting the one they’d left behind who would surely be showing up to help his comrades any moment.
They knew Knights. They knew the training Knights went through, rigorous and unforgiving of failure. These may have been renegades, but they were still Knights.
Just like Sy’hen.
They swallowed.
No. Sy’hen had shed their title long ago. They were an Alliance Paladin, now.
But they knew Knights. Real Knights. Zakuul was an ally to the Alliance, and Knights were loyal and trustworthy and noble—at least, now they were, with the royal family no longer on the throne.
These weren’t Knights.
And seeing them wearing that armor, wielding those weapons… It made their blood boil.
Sy’hen was pulled from their thoughts when Saa’tek bolted toward them, grabbed them by the wrist, and dragged them behind cover where Jessi was hunkered down already. They never could get over the fact that their medic carried a giant-ass assault cannon, but she seemed to be tinkering with it as she cursed under her breath.
“Protect ‘Bait—her gun’s jammed,” the engineer said. “Red’s orders. I need to set up some foot traps around the perimeter and try to lure ‘em there.”
Their gaze drifted to Kaiba for a moment, locked in combat with who appeared to be the renegade group’s leader, and nodded stiffly. “Be careful,” they murmured. Saa’tek gave a loose two-finger salute in acknowledgment before he was darting away, using his smaller size to his advantage to keep from behind seen.
So, Sy’hen waited. Their pike was gripped tightly as they kept themself between Jessi and the “Knights,” who were obviously holding their punches as they surveyed the situation. Most of them hadn’t even engaged yet, instead hanging back and raking their gazes across their camp.
Which told Sy’hen they either hadn’t expected to be discovered, or didn’t have a plan in place for when they were. They strained their ears to listen to the Knights’ voices, and noticed they were young. Maybe even younger than Jessi, though it was hard to tell behind their helmets.
When Jessi gave a nod, indicating she’d repaired whatever the issue with her cannon was, Sy’hen lunged away to grapple with a Knight who’d attempted to get Kaiba while her back was exposed.
They weren’t sure whether they, or the renegades, were more angered at seeing each other. The attempted backstabber’s eyes pinned on Sy’hen’s weapon, then their armor that was now painted in the squad’s colors, and they could practically feel the snarl that came to her lips.
Fortunately, the renegades were young. Inexperienced. That, paired with weapons and armor and training that the squad was grateful about having a Mandalorian Commander for, as Terrin accepted only the best for her people, meant that even outnumbered they were a step above the Knights. What strikes of their pikes did meet, bounced off lightsaber-resistant plating; what blaster shots were deflected, simply left burns in the paint of the squad’s armor.
That was, until the leader shoved Kaiba. Though his hand did meet her chest, it was obvious with the momentum that threw her into a tree that he’d used the Force.
Their Captain slumped where she landed and went still.
Jessi, not only their medic, but their XO, took only a moment to swing her heavy weapon against one of the renegade’s heads—Sy’hen could hear a loud crack, could imagine a spray of blood or neck twisted at an unnatural angle as the body slumped to the ground and they realized that Knight had lost their helmet at some point—before she was giving out orders in lieu of their (injured? dead?) CO.
Sy’hen barely registered her words.
Instead, their eyes zeroed in on the renegade leader; his weapon was drawn, he was…
Eye widening, Sy’hen surged forward. The Force pulled uncomfortably at their skin, the shadows around them too close, too tight, too cold, before they were tackling the leader before he could take off Kaiba’s head.
The two rolled when they hit the ground, spitting curses and trying and failing to get enough space between their tangled limbs to get a handhold on one another. Their weapons were dropped somewhere along the way. It was the least of Sy’hen’s concerns.
The Knight was wearing a helmet—the Paladin growled and grappled to pull it off.
The moment it tumbled away, a fist was swinging. Sy’hen spit as the blow split their lip, returned the favor so their glove came back smeared with the blood running from the man’s nose.
He’d tried to kill Kaiba. Kill her. The squad’s CO, Captain Felshaad, who’d hand-picked each of them and gave them all a place where they finally belonged. Kaiba Felshaad, who’d looked to the former Knight—the former Knight, who’d once fought tooth and nail to tear down the Alliance—and stretched out her hand with a smile. Who showed honor and mercy and respect, even to her opponents.
And he’d tried to kill her while she was helpless to defend herself.
Sy’hen growled and shoved the man onto his back, straddled his chest with knees pressed harshly into the sockets of his shoulders.
They pulled a fist back; it cracked loudly against his jaw.
They didn’t realize they were panting, not until a hand grabbed their arm that was poised for another blow. They didn’t realize blood smeared their hands, or their armor, or the ground under the Knight’s head. He was wheezing; Sy’hen’s nostrils flared as their chest heaved.
Their arm twitched as if to yank away from the grasp on their elbow.
Then it dropped to their side and they swallowed. They allowed themself to be maneuvered off the Knight while Jessi knelt by his head to make sure he wouldn’t die on the way to a cell on Odessen. They…couldn’t bring themself to look him in the face as shame twisted their gut. The feeling only worsened when they noticed Kaiba staring at them where she was still propped against the tree; her brow was knit and mouth parted as if she’d tried to say something but it caught in her throat.
They’d…never lost their temper before.
Not like…that. Not to the point they’d beat a man within inches of his life with nothing but their fists.
Sy’hen swallowed again.
They couldn’t bring themself to look down at their bloody hands.
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voidendron · 1 year
Mermaid AU rambling while I take a break from coloring yeet
My Main Eight + some others are all merfolk, but some of my other OCs are actually human. A few of them are marine biologists and part of a research team studying mermaids because A Lot of humans think they're just nuisances and should be dealt with as such, but the team is pretty sure they're highly intelligent and have cultures and stuff of their own and it's just a language (and location) barrier making communicating with them difficult
Charlie (Chakem) is actually the researcher who discovered that mermaids evolved to fit certain niches in their ecosystems and ones in different areas seem to have different traditions. Some even went through convergent evolution, with sharklike merfolk often hunting with sharks and orcas like members of a pod. He thinks that the only reason they're aggressive with humans was because humans started it, and over the generations merfolk began to instinctively target them to protect themselves.
He's most closely been studying the pair sailors have named "Life" and "Death" - and has found that despite Life missing an arm to make it difficult to pry open the shells of his primary food source of mollusks, Death has learned how to do so for him despite having a vastly different diet.
Charlie's one of the only humans (along with his team) who the pair will let get anywhere close to them, and over his two years of studying them they've even begun bringing him gifts and speaking to him in their form of chirps, clicks, and chitters. Charlie's actually started being able to tell what certain sounds mean due to his time spent around them. The rest of his team consists of father-daughter pair "Kitty" and Jessi, as well as Cody (Kidak).
The type Xaerez is evolved for rough waters and was hunted to near-extinction, so they adapted a potent venom and good camouflage for staying just beneath the surface, making it much harder for humans to kill them.
The survivors tended to start tracking ships, learning that attacking them during bad storms was an easy way to get food. They have four fingers with webbing between all of them, suggesting they don't use their hands for much besides swimming and holding food still while they eat. It's likely they mostly rely on their powerful jaws for catching and tearing into things.
They have thick scales that are almost leather-like.
It's likely they originally adapted to poison their prey, then follow until it eventually died, though changed hunting methods rapidly in response to their environment.
Loners are common due to their extremely endangered status.
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Synnda's type is adapted for eating mollusks. They have extremely long, hooked fingers that make tool-usage difficult but are perfect for scooping the meat out of a shell. There's no webbing between the thumb and forefinger, making it easy for them to hold things like clams while prying them open, or to use their thumb to do so without webbing catching. It's not unusual for their thumb to be their longest digit.
They adapted with sandy colors, mostly sticking along the ocean floor in fairly shallow areas - though as they've been hunted they've begun going deeper or into color areas to avoid humans, more recent generations have started developing more fat/darker colors to make colder/deeper waters more survivable.
Their faces are typically much less "human" than a lot of other merfolk, consisting of horns and crests. The reason for this is unknown, though Kitty speculates it may have been a fighting/courting method in earlier generations that younger ones no longer partake use to find partners.
Their mouths and teeth are small, making it nearly impossible for them to eat other types of prey outside their usual mollusks. They're typically peaceful and shy, though can use their powerful tails to cause serious injury to would-be attackers.
Loners are common, though it's also not unusual for one to pair with one or two other merfolk. They seem to avoid large groups and get anxious when too many - human or merfolk - are around.
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Qizulth's fills the same niche as vultures, scavenging carcasses to keep the ocean clean. They tend to be small with eel-like tails, allowing them to easily fit into tight spaces, with dark red or pink colors to make them hard to see in deeper areas - their coloring likely being self-defense rather than a hunting method considering they're scavengers.
Their jaws are extremely powerful, able to bite through bones and shells with ease, while their sharp claws make it easy to claw open carcasses. Like Synnda's type, they lack the webbing between their thumb and forefinger. They seem to like making tools, and are typically very curious and intelligent but also cowardly.
They have horn-like cartilage structures, and Kitty believes they're a status thing, with older matriarchs/patriarchs having longer "horns" than others. Those who have been cast out of their circles often have damaged or missing horns, further supporting Kitty's hypothesis.
They like to be with groups, though it's unusual for them to group with types of merfolk outside of their scavenger type. The team is unsure why Life and Death are paired, but attempting to figure it out. Cody thinks it may have been for mutual survival - possibly while they were both captive by humans - but that they developed a bond and didn't wish to separate after escaping or being freed.
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voidendron · 2 years
...I just realized Riza is the only cis kid Jen and Kitty have
Jessi is genderqueer, also intersex
Liakige is genderfluid
Jeva is nonbinary
Luci doesn't know for sure, but thinks she may be agender
there's Kitty himself, who's a trans man
and his biological kid who he gave up at birth, Feymark, who's cassgender
the whole Sept family just kinda. looked at their AGABs. and decided "fuck that watch this"
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voidendron · 2 years
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one more update sketch on the Sept kiddos 💞💞💞
just need to finish Ki and Luci's sketches before I start lining
next update will be the finished piece!
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voidendron · 2 years
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the Sept siblings 💞💞💞
from left to right:
-Riza (she/her), Cathar/Sith Pureblood, Smuggler - Ruffian Scoundrel
-Jessi (she/her), Human/Zabrak, Trooper - Combat Medic Commando
-Jeva (they/them), Human/Zabrak, Smuggler - Sharpshooter Gunslinger
-Liakige (they/them), Human, Sith Warrior - Watchman Sentinel
-Luci (she/her), Cathar/Sith Pureblood, Bounty Hunter - Marksman Sniper
--Do not copy, edit, or repost my works. Reblogs are appreciated!--
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voidendron · 2 years
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some new looks for 7.0 that I finally got around to posting about, and two new(ish) faces!
Chakem has proper facial hair, and I also decided to change him to a redhead for the Color Coordination™. (and because Apparently I only had one redhead before??? so thought I'd change that)
Terrin looking badass in her new armor pieces
Jessi finally has a fitting hairstyle and complexion. She's on the intersex spectrum, and doesn't mind the bit of stubble she tends to get
and finally, two faces finally on Live instead of just theoretical Next Gen OCs on the PTS... Anaehr and Deca. Anaehr, or Cadera'naehr, is youngest child of Commander Terrin and Torian Cadera; his actions lead him down the path of a Dar'manda, shunned by his elder siblings who now lead the Alliance. Deca is only child of Lina and Felix Iresso, and takes the lead of Alliance Security after the Wrath's death or retirement from the position
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voidendron · 3 years
V'ehsz Legacy: Inferno Squad Uniforms
As promised, I finally got around to working on the official armors/uniforms of Jessi and her squadmates. Jessi and Saa'tek gave me the most trouble, but I'm pretty happy with how unique yet still uniform they are from each other.
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Kaiba (Squad Commander)
-Remnant Underworld Trooper's Helmet -Alliance Reconnaissance Breastplate -Infamous Bounty Hunter's Bracers -Overwatch Security Gauntlets -Remnant Resurrected Smuggler's Belt -Crimson Raider's Pants -Ravager's Boots -black/red dye -Knave's Quick-Handed Blaster Rifle / red color crystal
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Jessi (Medic)
-Squadron Leader's Jacket -Remnant Dreadguard Trooper's Gauntlets -Remnant Yavin Consular's Belt -Je'daii Warrior's Greaves -Overwatch Security Boots -light gray/deep red dye -Interstellar Regulator's Assault Cannon / red color crystal
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Zip (Slicer)
-Remnant Yavin Consular's Headgear -Frontline Slicer's Jacket, Belt, & Greaves -Overwatch Security Bracers & Gauntlets -Visas Marr's Boots -black/red dye -Inscrutable Assault Cannon / smoky amber crystal
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Saa'tek (Weapons Expert/Engineer, Negotiator)
-Outlander Fixer's Facemask (not color-unified, red/black dye) -Sith Cultist's Robes -Overwatch Security Bracers -Squadron Leader's Gloves -Mandalorian Tracker's Belt -Je'daii Warrior's Greaves -Mythran Hunter's Boots (not color-unified, red/black dye) -black/red dye -WL-29 Blaster (x2) / white-black crystal
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Sy'hen (Scout, Spy)
-Martial Pilgrim Circlet -Overwatch Security Breastplate & Greaves -Dark Marauder's Bracers -Frontline Slicer's Gauntlets -Outer Rim Officer's Belt -Sith Cultist's Boots -deep red/black dye -Classic Vibrosword (will get pike when I reroll them as Shadow)
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voidendron · 3 years
WIP Whenever
I was tagged by @thedinalixlegacy - thank you, Dina! 💚💜
I haven't been drawing much lately but I finally got some inspo, so....
here's a really rough sketch that'll eventually be Jen and Kitty's kids. Jessi's deciding if she should be mediator or just let Ki and Jeva work it out themselves ajkld;sjlkddsjkl
featuring: I Don't Know How to Draw Young Children (read: Riza + Luci are gonna be a struggle)
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leaving as an open tag - feel free to steal and tag me in your own WIPs! :D
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voidendron · 3 years
V'ehsz Legacy: Voidhound's Crew
*note: this list does not include the canon Smuggler companions, all of which are also part of Jen's crew (the Star Hopper is a little bigger in V'ehsz Canon than in-game, fortunately adlksjl;ak)
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Jendrush "Jen" Sept - he/him - Cathar
Dirty Fighting Gunslinger
Captain, Voidhound
Jen is the captain of his crew, and the galaxy's renowned "Voidhound." He's confident, a natural leader, and probably has some of the worst luck in the galaxy. Or, would it be best luck? While he often finds himself in bizarre, deadly, or just downright insane situations, he also has a knack for - somehow, even if the odds are far from in his favor - finding a way out of said situations alive.
He puts on a façade of greediness and selfishness, but when it actually comes down to it, he'll risk his life for someone defenseless or who he cares for in a heartbeat. While he's often flirtatious with anyone and everyone, his heart belongs wholly to his fiancé, Kitty, who he has three adopted, and two biological, kids with.
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K'hedif "Kitty" - he/him - Sith Pureblood
Sawbones Scoundrel
Sith Acolyte, Medic
The Sith acolyte who fled, Kitty knew he'd never survive his trials on Korriban. He faked his death to a swarm of K'lor'slugs and proceeded to smuggle himself to Vaiken Spacedock, where he then bribed a smuggler to get him a ride to a neutral world. He planet- and job-hopped and changed his name many times, and adopted Jessi and Jeva off the streets of Nar Shaddaa, before eventually finding his way to Jen's crew.
Kitty is softspoken and gentle, almost seeming timid to those who don't know him. While he never received any proper Force training, he has a natural knack for healing when he stops trying to bury his Force sensitivity. However, he can be extremely selfish in dangerous situations unless it comes to someone he cares deeply for like the crew - especially if it comes to Jen or the kids.
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Jeva Toklar-Sept - they/them - Human/Zabrak
Sharpshooter Gunslinger
Smuggler, Pilot
Jeva ended up on the streets of Nar Shaddaa with their sister, Jessi, after their parents failed to make multiple payments to a Hutt and were hunted down. Jessi, acting on fear, grabbed her sibling and bolted when their parents were killed. Jessi proceeded to fend for the two of them for a few years before Kitty discovered them both half-starved in an alley and took them under his wing.
Jeva is excitable and full of wonder for the world around them. They're optimistic, and try to see the good in everyone. When Jen and Kitty retire, Jeva and Riza are given the Star Hopper. The two act as copilots, continuing the Voidhound's legacy together as renowned freelance smugglers.
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Riza Sept - she/her - Cathar/Sith Pureblood
Ruffian Scoundrel
Smuggler, Pilot
Riza is the youngest of Jen and Kitty's kids, and their second biological daughter. She was raised on the Star Hopper, and quickly formed an attachment to older sibling Jeva - the two were practically attached at the hip by the time Riza could speak despite their age gap.
While generally a happy person, she's the more serious of the two between her and Jeva, knowing when she needs to be professional. She helps keep Jeva's happy-go-lucky attitude in check in situations it would cause issues for. She's Jeva's copilot and partner when the two of them inherit the Star Hopper from their parents.
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Liakige "Ki" Harren - they/them - Human
Annihilation Marauder
Sith Apprentice, Smuggler
Liakige was tasked with heading off a smuggling operation that was suspected in a small spaceport by their master. They were instead met by a bounty hunter who'd been tailing them, who'd been commissioned to gather genuine Sith/Jedi lightsabers for a collector. She took one of their lightsabers, blinding them in the process with an acid. Jen and his crew - the smugglers Ki was supposed to stop the operations of - showed up shortly after and took the injured apprentice aboard the Star Hopper. Over the course of a few weeks being tended to, they eventually found themself attached to the crew. Their master, meanwhile, figures they failed their mission and were killed by the smugglers.
Though young and holding strong dislike to the point of almost hatred for their former master, they learned from him to be contemplative and to plan for the worst in any situation. They're probably the most careful of the smuggler fam aside from Kitty, and the one they look to for plans. While they do often feel like the outcast of their adoptive siblings, they'd protect them to the dying breath.
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Baesk "Grandpa" Tre'fon - he/him - Bothan
Retired Bounty Hunter
Baesk was an old family friend of Jen's parents, so when the crew received a distress call from him, they were quick to act. With not many hunters making it to his age, Baesk had naturally made many enemies over his lifetime, and some attempted to act on their revenge into Baesk's retirement. The crew rescued him and let him stay aboard, where he ended up acting as babysitter while the kids were young.
His age shows in his attitude: Grouchy, irritable, and lacking patience. Fortunately, that only goes for adults. He's got a soft spot for kids, and loved watching over Jen and Kitty's kids as they grew up - the crew even started calling him Grandpa. While a multitude of age-related ailments now plague him to make combat impossible, he's happy to chip in with ideas or pilot the Star Hopper when Jen's offboard.
*Note: Jessi (Jeva's older bio sister) and Luci (Jen and Kitty's first bio daughter) aren't part of the crew. Jessi is a medic for an Alliance squad, while Luci is a freelance bounty hunter. They're both still 100% welcome aboard and love their family dearly, but aren't on the crew.
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