#oc: bricks
WIP Wednesday
I have so many ideas for this OC, but none are cooperating with me.
Meet Bricks!
Simon notices, immediately, when the American girl enters the bar. First of all, she’s loud. Announces her arrival with a blast of laughter that rings through the room, for all that she’s surrounded by a group of rowdy people. Secondly, she’s dark-skinned, voluptuous, and seems to want everyone to know it. She’s dressed for the clubs more than a side street bar. Two guys she’s arrived with are obviously vying for her attention, but she floats over to one of the active pool tables and immediately starts flirting for the next game. Simon’s not immune to a soft woman with miles of leg, so he can’t blame any of them for welcoming her and her posse.
“Damn,” Kyle mutters, giving her an appreciative once over from his seat.
“What?” Johnny asks, looking over his shoulder like a fucking muppet. “Oh, damn.”
Price arches an eyebrow at Simon. “That good?” When he gets a nod, he turns to look. “…Damn.”
She has to know that everyone at the bar is looking at her, but she doesn’t seem to care. Just talks and laughs, flirts with the men and women around her like breathing. Simon never loses awareness of her. She’s in his sight line. But eventually, he’s integrated her into his awareness of the space. She’s a bright spot, but not rowdy enough to cause issues.
And then she passes their table on the way to the bathroom with her friends. She meets Simon’s eyes, gives him a quick up and down look, then winks with a little smirk as she disappears from view.
“What about you, LT?” Johnny’s voice breaks in.
Simon replays the conversation in his mind for a moment. Recruit performance. Lance Corporal Bennett. “Don’t much care for him. ‘S cocky and mean.”
“Good scores,” Kyle points out.
“He talks shit about the others,” Simon counters. “Good scores don’t mean shit if no one wants to work with him. We’ll see how he does with coordinated drills.”
“Now, Bakshi,” Price says, “he’s got promise. Scores are decent, and I can’t find a single person to say anything bad about him. Except Bennett.”
Johnny snorts. “Except Bennet.”
Simon lets the conversation fade away again. The pool tables are getting a bit rowdy without the American and her girl friends to dilute the testosterone. A couple of the boys over there are from the base, and they keep throwing glances over to the 141s table, and a table of other officers across the room. They’re keeping things cool. For now.
Just as chests are starting to puff enough that even Johnny and Kyle are paying attention, the girls reappear and diffuse the tension. The American says something that knocks the wind out of one boy’s sails and laughs as she takes his pool stick. She buzzes a kiss against his cheek, then playfully shoves another guy to rack. Just like that, the energy settles.
Simon lets himself be coaxed back into the discussion, especially now that the topics have strayed away from work. He can’t turn the hyper-vigilance off, but he likes going to the bar with his team. Likes talking books and TV shows with Price and mocking Johnny’s taste. He likes listening to Kyle talk music. He’s entering an artist’s name into his notes app, which is why he doesn’t notice the American strutting over until she’s right between Johnny and Kyle.
“Hey guys,” she says with a grin, leaning onto the table. “I thought about asking if any of you have a light, but my friends are leaving to get laid and the pool boys are boring. Can I hang out here until they lose interest? I’ll buy you a round.”
Price snorts into his whiskey. “They stop buying you drinks, then?”
“All they want to buy is drinks,” she laments, fluttering her eyelashes and pouting. “I’ve had three, but they’re not getting any more interesting. I’d rather have some fries and sit and chat.”
“Pull up a chair, bonnie lass,” Johnny says, which predictably gets the girl cooing over his accent.
She introduces herself as Ericka, an American student working on her Masters. She talks with her whole body, and doesn’t seem to know how to have a conversation without flirting. She hates the gym. She likes riding horseback, and winks at Simon when she mentions it. She “kind of pegged you guys as military. It’s the muscles.” She prefers whiskey over scotch, and her friends were supposed to take her clubbing tonight.
“But Tracy’s boyfriend hates going dancing, and she’s got a spine of a jellyfish,” she says, rolling her eyes. She’s waving a fry for emphasis. “So of course, we ended up here after I dressed up-up. Trust me, I know this is not a casual night at the pub type dress. I didn’t get the change of plans until the uber dropped us off out front. But I guess it turned out alright. I have no idea what kind of music I’d have been subjected to. Devon has shit taste, so I probably dodged a bullet.”
Even with as much as she’s batting her lashes and sending him interested glances, Ericka doesn’t try to make Simon talk more. With the rest of the table, she’s an excellent conversationalist. As he scans the bar again, he listens to her pick up the music topic with Kyle, drawing Price into a light hearted disagreement. Turns to Johnny with a pout for a tiebreaker. Which somehow gets them all into discussion of the best rock and roll genres. She talks, she listens, she engages. It’s refreshing. Most of the Americans they have to deal with are pushy and self-important officers and mercenaries.
Simon’s not above admitting that it helps that she’s beautiful.
After a couple of hours, it’s nearing 1am. Right on schedule, Kyle yawns. “Sorry, sorry. Not a night owl like some.”
“’S late,” Price admits. “Should probably head out. You have a ride home, Ericka?”
“Yeah, I’ll call a car,” she says, easily. “Thanks for hanging out with me, I’ll have to come back some time.”
“If we’re in town, we’re here,” Johnny says, grinning.
Outside, Erikca’s car gets delayed a couple of times, so Simon sends the boys ahead home and stays to wait with her. Price claps him on the shoulder and Johnny gives him an exaggerated wink. Ericka rolls her eyes and shoos them away when their car arrives.
“So,” she says, when it’s just the two of them. “Was I too subtle before, or are you interested in coming back to my place?”
“Barely spoke to you all night,” Simon points out.
“Come over and you can tell me about your tattoos,” she purrs. Then she smirks. “Or not. Up to you. But I figured I’d shoot my shot.”
[Super sexy sex happens here. Probably.]
Monday morning, Ghost sips a fresh brewed travel mug of tea and listens idly to Soap’s chatter on the way to one of the smaller briefing rooms. He’s looking forward to seeing Laswell, who’s on their side of the pond for a change. It’s always good for him to lay eyes on allies and confirm for himself that they’re alive.
It’s a shock, then, when he and Soap open the door to be greeted by Kate in deep discussion with Ericka.
Soap, of course, is more than happy to say what they’re both thinking. “What the fuck?”
When Ericka looks up and sees them, she grins. “Hey there, boys.”
Price and Gaz, when they arrive, are similarly gobsmacked. Once everyone is settled Lazwell stands.
“From your faces, you’ve all met,” she says. “So I won’t beat around the bush. Say hello to your new infiltration asset. Meet Bricks.”
All of them are speechless as Ericka lays four gray USB sticks on the table. They’re all the ones Price had distributed Thursday, with instructions that the keep one on them at all times. Plus an extra one. If Simon had to guess, Gaz was the one to have a decoy on him.
“Bullshite,” Soap says, pulling an identical USB stick from his pocket. “I’ve had mine on me the whole time.”
“Decoy,” Ericka, Bricks, says. “Slide the port out, you’ll see a pink dot.”
Simon pulls his from his pocket, pushes the little slider. Faded, but present, there’s a pink spot of permanent marker. “Fuck.”
“She’s one of the best infiltration assets we have,” Kate goes on. “She’ll be joining you to get information from Jacó Barboza. We have reason to believe he’s the link between Moscow and Rio, which opens the door to Bogotá.”
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limulid-labs · 2 months
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Missing Persons Report (2024)
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I only found sprite animated/edited ones…
So I made an actual animatic…
⚠️ LOUD!!!
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kociamieta · 5 months
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they are real now. sadly
thank you @zarithial for their names !!!! in awe of your rain world naming powers
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spaghetrikov · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day from the Pizza Tower gang!
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nem0-nee · 1 year
✳️[ "Nemo" - Dorm Uniform ] [SSR]✳️
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"Out of the way BOZOS!!! Your local friendly Nameless Jester has finally arrived!"
A loud entrance fitting for a loud fellow... Be still, for there is a strange individual.
The spaces of Diasomnia, although eerie, can be quite welcoming to its visitors. However, this doesn't come across easily due to its dark, uninviting atmosphere. Thus, it's necessary for the presence of comic relief to lighten it all up.
All it takes is one obnoxious fool.
[ -.+ VOICELINES - TBA!! +.- ]
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alice-the-demon · 23 days
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in2thebunnyhole · 4 months
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haukusstuff · 2 months
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buttercup-barf · 4 months
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Meet Penny Pancake! Draw her with Peppino pls!
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Tried doing a title card with her in the Pizza Tower style. Hope I did her justice!
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parseolegacy · 10 months
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spaghetrikov · 4 months
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Happy birthday, Pizza Tower!
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