#oc: Mik/Mikhail
awkwardgtace · 11 months
Adjustment Period
Day 17 Home. Back to alien au with Mikhail and Ian.
Ian's adjusting to living with Mikhail, but from his point of view it's not that great...
Adjustment Period
Ian hadn’t had an easy time adjusting to life with Mik.
The first night after Ian learned the man was an alien was harsh. He woke up to those earth shaking steps. He couldn’t bring himself to move at first, but Mik noticed he’d woken up. The giant moving closer and hovering over him was hard to accept. One of those massive hands was placed in front of him. He had no idea what to do.
“Ian,” Mik said. His voice struck through his spine. He could hear the hint of demand in the voice. He wasted no time in climbing out of the blankets and onto the offered palm. As much as he didn’t want to feel that strange silky skin, he wouldn’t risk retaliation. He couldn’t read the solid eyes that always felt locked on him. 
The hand was moving as soon as he’d reached the center. He wasn’t sure what to expect, but the tree trunk fingers curling over him didn’t help. It didn’t seem like Mik had even considered that his steps were heavy as he walked. They still made it up to him and rattled his bones. Mik stopped soon enough, lowering him down to the place he’d made the translators.
Ian climbed off, happy to get away from the strange flesh around him. Mik stared at him before reaching all over the table. All Ian could do was stare up as the huge arms kept moving. He thought back to the movies of aliens dissecting humans. He just had to hope that wouldn’t happen here. Mik set something that looked straight out of a sci-fi movie in front of him.
“I need to do a body scan of you, please step inside,” Mik said. 
Ian nodded and walked into the machine. He shivered once it started whirring, a green light flashed over him. It reminded him of the newer metal detectors he’d seen in some movies. The lights died down, but the machine didn’t open up. He stepped up to the edge and pushed against it. The door didn’t budge, he was trapped. He started to bang against the wall. He couldn’t get out. He had to get out.
“Mik!” he cried out. The metal screamed as it tore apart above him. He fell to his knees as the machine was pulled away. He was still locked in the strange metal while he stared at the alien above him. He screamed when the metal still blocking him was flattened by massive hands.
“Are you hurt?” the alien asked. Ian managed to shake his head. The terrifying smile of sharp teeth hovered over him. “I’m not sure what malfunctioned, but the scan did complete.”
Ian watched as the massive arms reached over him. Mik tapped the wall, but nothing happened. It didn’t help that he was only just noticing how little emotion Mik had in his voice. He couldn’t tell if that was just the translator or the man himself.
“There should be a small display here, it will give you a way down.”
Ian nodded and finally stumbled to his feet. He tripped over the flattened metal, satin skin caught him. He pushed himself off, relieved Mik wasn’t insisting on anything else. He’d felt the metal, it was sturdy. He didn’t ever want to be on the receiving end of Mik’s strength.
Once he reached the wall a glowing panel became visible. He pressed his hand to it, two parts of the wall slid open. One revealed stairs, the other something that looked like an elevator. He chose the stairs, he didn’t want to see what would happen if he got trapped in the elevator. An image of Mik ripping open the wall like in horror movies hit him like a brick. He got back to the blankets and hid under them. 
That had been horrifying, but it wasn’t the worst. It was what Mik decided to do the next night that took that spot.
“Ian, we should retrieve your belongings,” he said. His footsteps had been a bit less horrible that day. Ian climbed out of the blankets, it was starting to feel like a pet bed. Mik did mention he’d made it for him. It gave him a strange feeling. The alien’s solid eyes locked on him. He hated failing to read them. “We can go once you’re ready.”
“Let’s go,” he mumbled.
He had expected the hand placed in front of him again. Instead Mik waited, just watching him. Eventually he started towards the door. Mik followed behind him, it wasn’t comforting. The heavy steps landing near enough he could have been underneath each time made him shudder. They got to the door and Mik pressed some panel high above Ian. The ship’s solid wall lit up in a large square before slowly lowering down.
Again Ian expected a hand that didn’t come. He led the way back to his campsite. He looked back at Mik once, but that had been a mistake. Seeing that the alien truly was taller than the trees around him almost made him run. He forced each step to be calm, ignoring the eyes locked on him. The uneven world shaking steps trying to match his pace. The campsite entering his sight was the best thing he could imagine. 
He ran up to it, biting back a scream when Mik kneeled. The knee next to his small camp was terrifying. It just made him realize how massive the alien was. It reminded him of the idea that there was a planet sized to Mik’s species. He busied himself gathering what he’d left out that day. 
Ian didn’t have much to gather. He had everything in only a few minutes. He turned to tell Mik they could go, but the alien’s eyes were locked on the tent. Ian forgot all about Mik’s weird gift the second day they met. He followed Mik’s hand as he reached over towards Ian. He got a good view of how small the little tent was. It was easy for Mik to pick it up and walk away at any time. 
There was silence between them, but no move was made to lift the tent. Ian’s blood ran cold when he realized the intent was for him to be in the tent. Slowly he walked forward, sealing the door once inside. He wasn’t looking forward to this. He didn’t want to ride along in a nice carrying case for the alien. He crawled under the bed and curled up hugging his knees to his chest.
Mik made a noise he hadn’t heard before, but he could feel once the tent was lifted. There was a bit of relief once the warmth of a palm seeped through the floor. He didn’t want to think about being carried in the open air. How easy all of it was. That he would just be placed somewhere. He wanted to avoid this, but he knew better than to make someone stronger than him angry. He wouldn’t make that mistake again.
He was jolted from his thoughts when the warmth left him. His stomach stayed in the air as the tent was quickly lowered. He could feel the impact of Mik sitting on the ground. It was distinct from the heavy steps, stronger and bounced him. He made his way out from under the bed and dropped the things he held close. Slowly Ian walked out and faced the alien sitting nearby.
“This should be a sufficient place,” Mik mumbled. Ian looked around. The tent was set on the ground right next to the pile of blankets. That meant he was given a corner in Mik’s room. The solid eyes locked on him kept him faking a calm. They kept him from admitting that this felt like a sick joke. He was given a fucking dog bed and a nice little dog house. It didn’t seem like he had any way to change things. It wasn’t like the ship would open for him.
“Y-Yeah…” he said. Mik made another terrifying smile attempt. Ian did his best to smile back at the alien, it wasn’t easy. When he said he cared and wanted an assistant Ian thought it would at least be better than growing up. Now it just seemed like he was going to be a lab rat, or a cute thing to watch. If he could at least read the giant alien’s eyes he could maybe handle this.
The saving grace was getting to keep the tent thing Mik made him. It felt like his own room even if he was stuck in a corner. The earth shaking steps were becoming easy enough to ignore. Plus inside the ship the tent had a screen like Mik’s weird tablet. For once Ian could spend time uninterrupted doing what he wanted.
“Ian!” Mik’s voice rocked the walls. Ian grimaced. He had no idea what was next for the alien to want from him. He’d been hearing something like a dog barking the few times the steps were close enough to shake the tent badly. Poking his head out he found Mik staring at a table nearby and not at him. “Food.”
He sighed and made his way out to the table. The dog barking he heard was probably Mik learning how to train human pets. Probably thought the videos were showing how to train him and not the animals. He just did as was expected and climbed the stairs that opened when he pressed a glowing panel on the leg of the table. He ignored the noise Mik made and just sat down to eat.
That pattern continued, but Mik ate with him at least once a day. He assumed it was meant to remind him just who he was staying with. When it was pointed out he was nervous, that Mik cared that he was nervous, he just wanted to adjust. He wouldn’t risk it being used against him. Although the alien stopped eating with him altogether. 
Instead at least one meal had a conversation between the two. Usually it was just questions about human culture, health, or the planet. He made up answers a lot, the idea of Mik getting annoyed at what he didn’t know kept him on his toes. Outside of mealtimes he started researching everything he could. He would learn everything possible to avoid an angry giant deciding to punish him. He wasn’t ready to see an alien one up the crappy authority figures of his life.
Life continued like that for weeks. Now and then a hand would appear and his name called. Ian obeyed each time. Usually the hand was pulled away before he climbed on, it seemed like a test to make sure he was listening. Mik’s steps were getting lighter as time went on, a bit of a relief. He could get used to it, but it wasn’t easy for his body to stop reacting.
The nightmares weren’t helping either. He couldn’t stop thinking about that strange satin skin wrapped around him. Tightening until he couldn’t breathe. Worse were the ones where those sharp teeth were opened in his face just before he was buried in darkness. He woke up and took long showers after those ones. He wanted the feelings gone. All he could do was hope things would improve.
Of course the times Mik hadn’t been careful weren’t helping. Sometimes his tablet was too loud and he heard a few strange comments. Things that definitely sounded like training. He’d started sleeping with the translator on, waking up to the machine repeating something about proper human habitats. He just hoped it was better than living in the woods, or with the people in his past.
There were days he tried to explore the ship. Mik didn’t seem to mind, most of the time. As soon as Ian started towards the main door Mik would start to follow. He assumed it was to make sure he didn’t run away. There hadn’t been a reason to escape yet though. He felt more like a rehomed stray cat than a dog. Given the freedom to do what he wants, but eat at the expected times and don’t leave. It was an easier life at least
“Ian?” Mik called. He sighed, but slipped out of his ‘room’. He didn’t want to keep thinking of it as a tent or a dog house. The alien was sitting on the floor with the tablet in his hands. He stared up, waiting for Mik to do anything. The solid eyes seemed to be on him, but there was a chance they were locked on the tablet.
“W-what’s up?” he asked. The alien leaned forward, the shadow was intimidating. It was a lot worse than Ian liked to consider. He was constantly reminded how small he was compared to Mik. It made it a lot harder to think about running away, about never coming back. There was no telling if Mik had some way to hunt him down.
“Would you be able to acquire this from the settlement we visited?” Mik’s huge tablet was placed in front of him. On it was a children’s book. Jack and the Beanstalk. It made him shiver, but that should be easy enough to buy. The little money he had could afford it.
“Yeah, I should be able to.” A sharp tooth grin met him. He had to force himself to avoid stumbling back from the alien. It didn’t seem like Mik noticed at all.
“I would greatly appreciate that you acquire this today.” 
Ian didn’t get to respond before Mik started to stand. He couldn’t hold himself back from stumbling away while that happened. They were close together, someone bigger than the tallest trees was not fun to watch stand. It didn’t help that when Mik set his weight on his foot to push himself up it knocked Ian backwards. He tried not to think about it, but when he was on the ground staring up like this all he could see was a giant monster.
“I will accompany you to the entryway,” Mik just stared down at him. Ian nodded and scrambled to his feet. He ran in to his ‘room’ to grab a bag before leaving. Mik following him remained terrifying. One misstep, one moment of distraction, and he would be gone. The alien didn’t falter, never took a single hesitant step. He didn’t know how cared about he actually was.
Ian held his breath as the giant metal wall opened. He walked out, the door stayed open. The world shaking steps walked away. He was alone, he could run, he could just skip town. Except he didn’t have money or any kind of education that would get him a job. His life here would be better than anything he’d do on his own. Steeling his nerves he made his way to town.
The trip itself was uneventful. He made it to town, found a bookstore and found the book. It took all the money he had left, but he got it. Now all he had to do was make it back and hope the time it took doesn’t make the giant alien angry. He knew he should go back right away, but a part of him couldn’t do it. The only thought on his mind was that he’d never come back here. Mik would probably take him to be some example of how obedient humans could be. Eventually they’d force everyone into this weird situation he was in.
Someone bumped into him as he let his thoughts run wild. It knocked him forward, throwing the book from his hands. He stared in fear as a puddle started to ruin the small paperback story. He rushed to grab it, but it was too late. The pages were ruined, at least a lot of them. He hadn’t realized it rained recently, his own fault for not checking. Now that he thought about it, a storm probably would have left him homeless without Mik taking him in. He just had to hope whatever punishment Mik gave him for failing wouldn’t kill him…
The sun had set by the time Ian got back to the ship. A part of him almost hoped the door would be closed and he’d be waiting for Mik to remember to look for him. It might even convince him to walk away. That wasn’t what he found. Mik was standing at the entrance. An intimidating and imposing figure with eyes that stood out. It didn’t feel right that he could see their color so clearly. His legs froze as he stared up at the creature who supposedly cared about him.
“Ian,” Mik’s voice cut through the darkness of the forest. Every nerve in Ian’s body was itching to run off, but where would he go? His stepdad was long gone, plus he didn’t want to cover up bruises anymore. His mom would only make things worse, be useful or get out… He walked forward accepting whatever fate he’d be subjected to for failing the giant alien. “It is good you’ve returned.”
“Y-yeah, got the book too,” he said. He knew he should just admit it was destroyed, but he didn’t want to get punished out in the open like this. Whatever Mik did, leaving him to beg for forgiveness or nurse bruises, he wanted to be back in that tent at least.
“Good. If you would accompany me, I have something to show you.”
Mik shifted, the alien just moved and Ian nearly crumbled. He wasn’t ready to face this. Yet he knew putting it off wouldn’t help, it never did before. He walked forward, right into the ship. The door closed as Mik took the first of his steps next to him. Ian was in what would someday be his coffin. He just hoped he learned the rules fast enough he could avoid it for a while.
Mik took single steps to lead the way. Ian would catch up and Mik would take a new one. Each time it was harder to stay pretending everything was fine. The wall slid open as they approached it. Ian didn’t even know the ship had a place like this, he could still see Mik’s bed. It was a section that was hidden… from him…
Mik continued leading for only a few more of his steps. Admittedly Ian had already been tired from the trek to and from the city so this wasn’t helping. His limbs ached, but he wouldn’t put any ideas in the alien’s head. Not until he knew about the punishment for failing. Oddly, Mik stopped near a door that was only a few feet taller than Ian.
“Please go inside,” the alien’s voice was strangely quiet. Ian almost picked up some emotion in it. Maybe a bit of nerves. He didn’t understand why that would be it.
Taking a deep breath Ian walked forward. He held a hand up like he did for the stairs around the ship. It made a panel appear that scanned his hand. That was new, but almost scarier. Why did it need to know it was him? 
Ian shut his eyes as the door slid open. Blindly, he took a few steps in before taking the risk to look around. He was in a shockingly normal by human standards room. A bed that looked too big was covered in sheets that had pretty much every superhero he could think of on them. An open closet with more clothes than he thought a single person could wear in a lifetime. Dresses, skirts, pants, shirts, blouses, styles he’d never learned the name of too.
He started to spin around. One corner had a desk that looked a bit too big, but the chair was properly sized. It actually looked comfortable, a lot more than the one Mik had in the giant room. A bunch of blankets were piled in another corner and he actually smiled. Mik definitely had no idea what blankets were actually considered. On the desk was a normal computer, notebooks, books, even a few sketchbooks. Hanging on the wall were a few guitars. It was like everything you could have an interest in existed in this room.
“Was this my reward if I didn’t fuck up,” he whispered.
“What does ‘fuck up’ mean?” Mik’s voice shocked him. Ian spun around and the alien was there, in the room, antennae brushing the ceiling. His heart started to pound, Mik could easily hurt him without killing him now. Ian started to shake as the alien tapped a tablet that looked way too small in his hands. “Ruin something? Ian, did something happen?"
Ian backed away as the alien’s impossible to read eyes locked on him. The alien stepped closer, head tilted to one side. Ian’s back slammed into something he hadn’t noticed. Books rained down around him. His vision grew blurry. He didn’t want this.
“Ian, what-” Mik started. An alarm blared that almost deafened Ian. Mik stiffened before reaching towards Ian. What looked like a snarl on the alien’s face.
“Activating Emergency Protocol.” A deafening voice sounded. Mik was surrounded by a strange ice-like pillar. His body stopped moving, but the tablet in his hands was thrown to the side. “Freezing researcher. Checking databases. Species classified: Human. Human, you will be given time to leave. The researcher will not follow. Emergency defenses in place. Upon departure, return to home planet is imminent.”
Ian stood there trying to process what he’d heard. An emergency protocol… that was giving him time to escape. Time to get away from the alien with a frozen snarl on his face. He couldn’t move. Falling to his knees as tears fell from his eyes and his body refused to stop shaking. All he could think of were the things that could happen. That Mik could come after him… The computer said he’d leave though.
A barking dog made him jump. The tablet Mik had lost when the strange ice appeared was playing a video. Not knowing what to do, Ian crawled toward it. He wasn’t sure his legs would work. Sitting on his knees he stared down at the tablet. A video showing kids from some movie playing with a dog. On it were notes in a script he couldn’t read.
Reaching out with a shaking hand, Ian picked up the tablet. Immediately the language coming out was english. The notes were translated too.
Many forms of media show humans playing with these creatures. It is hard to understand the relationship this means. Some treat them as an equal, others do not. Once Ian has adjusted I will ask him about it. Perhaps it’s an expected part of hooman lives. It would be hard to be my larger sizes with this, but it would not be hard to live smaller to ensure Ian is content here.
The note didn’t make sense. Mik was… Mik definitely just thought he was a pet or something. There wasn’t real care here. It… Ian looked around the room again. Really paying attention this time. He noticed things that started not to make sense. The clothes for one, if he took it off media why did Mik include so many skirts? The guitar on the wall looked almost exactly like the one on the cover of his notebook. The bed wasn’t just superheroes. It was the ones from the blanket he’d kept for himself the day they met. It was every variation of them.
Ian swiped the screen of the tablet. It moved to another video. This time it was someone probably around his age. They were cooking, it looked foreign now. They turned and set the food down, staring at it calling out a name. They followed up the shout with food and moved on. A new note popped up, translating once he tapped it.
It appears for non parental relationships it is common to announce a meal then leave it behind. This seems odd. If hoomans do not need to be together for meals, wouldn’t leaving access to them be better? I will mimic this for now, another thing to ask Ian about later.
Ian looked back at Mik. The snarl almost looked more like a worried grimace now. Less anger. The frozen body of the alien reaching out was losing the menacing aspect. He’d grown up with people out to get him, people manipulating him. His worries were always behind everyone else’s, but Mik was trying for him… At least it looked like he was.
Ian swiped again and again. Video after video played. Pretty much every single one had two people, close in age, with a sibling relationship. Followed by a section of notes on behavior. Some were simply saying this was proper behavior, others were questioning it with a promise to ask for more information later. All of it sort of made him smile. 
Then he found a new one. One with a house that felt too much like the one he left. It had someone revealing some past traumas, maybe current traumas. His tears hitting the screen made it switch to the notes, notes that almost broke him.
This video details relationships with some kind of guardian. It seems… unhealthy. I am unsure what to make of this. Many of the terms make little sense. Foster system being a big one. Research did not reveal enough, I would like to ask Ian. I do not think I will be. When researching his behavior on meals I found many things referencing this foster system alongside abuse.
Ian swiped again, but it stopped showing videos. This time it was just notes. He felt like he shouldn’t read it. That this wasn’t just a note on humans and things they did. A tap on the screen translated it, Mikhail’s Personal Logs. He turned to look at Mik, his eyes almost looked to be pushing him forward. Ian didn’t think he’d suddenly learned to read them, but he wanted Mik to have him see this. He wanted to understand.
After researching human media I believe I understand the best interactions with Ian. I will need to determine the proper words. Translation will make it hard. I will also need to work on the more advanced translators, tone in speech appears important for hoomans. This will be confirmed when I conduct the scan. The explanation I was taught to give seems to hold back too much information. The most important aspect will be the things hoomans eat. I will have to work on a diet suitable once scanned if my own food is unsafe. I will also be glad once the security is up.
He looked back at Mik again. The security couldn’t be this emergency protocol right? Ian focused on the tablet again, scrolling to the next part.
The scanner malfunctioned. Ian had been trapped. It was completed, but the malfunction makes me concerned. I will be conducting maintenance on the rest of the ship before giving him access. I would not want him trapped until I find him. This should be his home as well as mine. Luckily it has registered him properly, the test with the wall paths proved it. I will have to retrieve the temporary housing after all. Ian likely has belongings he needs and this would be a good chance to show I do not expect to always carry him. The scanner malfunction was the bigger issue, but his immediate move into my hand has me concerned. I would not want him to think he is required to respond to me in that manner.
So… Mik was following him around because of the scanner issue. It was to make sure he wouldn’t be hurt. He gripped the tablet tighter before sliding to the next part.
I am concerned. Ian does not seem comfortable in my hands and yet stayed in the temporary housing when we went to retrieve it. I had been trying to find the right words to describe my concern before picking it up, but then he walked in. My worried whine went ignored so I did as he seemed to want. At least he did appear happy with the temporary location. I hope that the research about blankets was right. They bring comfort for the hoomans, the ones I offered should do the same.
“So… that noise you made was worry?” Ian mumbled. He turned around to face Mik while he read. This… this was changing things. He thought he’d moved on, he’d gotten better, but maybe he hadn’t just yet. Maybe… maybe he still had a lot to recover from after his life. Another scroll to another part.
I have noticed Ian responding badly when we eat together. My research indicated hoomans eat once a day at minimum with others. I do not want him to think he cannot have what hoomans expect here. I am finding myself lost more often. There are few one to one translations in the hooman language Ian speaks. I have realized that the word Ian called himself, ‘assistant’, may have translated to assistant. The word does not explain things correctly, but that can be dealt with after the meal issues.
“Are you serious?” Ian muttered as he looked to Mik. “The stupid thing translated the word the same way. I can’t tell what assistant is supposed to be. How can your alien tech not be a little better than this?” Mik’s eyes almost looked like he was laughing. He scrolled more.
I have found stories of beings of my stature. Many paint them as creatures who eat others. While I know my kind eats meat, we would never treat others how the stories explain. There is one that seems most prevalent, Jack and the beanstalk. I would like to know more about this, but that is for later. Based on my research I have decided to discuss with Ian his troubles with meals around me. It is clear my size could be a problem, I will begin preparations to maintain a smaller size soon.
“I thought you needed that machine to be small… although I guess this situation already shows I was wrong.” Ian stared at Mik again. He was still terrified if he saw Mik eating. The massive teeth that could crush him in an instant. He’d just stopped eating with him after talking about the issue. It was considerate, but he expected it to be used against him. He scrolled to the next one.
I found more hooman media. It is becoming clear Ian has likely not lived a normal hooman life. I would like to give him something similar. We won’t be able to share meals, but perhaps something else. Starting today I will try to mimic some conversations I’ve found in my research… There was one that worries me. It is something we have not had issues with. It seems hoomans have distinct family units that we do not hold. A very different lifestyle. It is making the struggle to translate assistant make more sense. I will begin trying to find the proper word to explain to Ian… I hope I am able to make him feel safe here.
“Ugh, what is it supposed to mean?” Ian groaned. The panic from before managed to fall away. He was literally reading Mik’s diary. The man was frozen and he was sitting there on the floor… inching closer. He wanted to understand. Mik was different, like the good foster parents he had. More like their son, the brother he sort of had. 
It took some time, but all the checks are completed. I have been trying to find a way to tell Ian, but each time I go I fail. I… the more research I do the more I worry he has misunderstood. It seems our species have similar bonding habits. The furry creature I’ve started to find leads me to believe so. I just cannot find the right words. I’ve been nervous to suggest the new translator as well. I have updated it with my own research. I do not know what words will change between us once that happens.
“I guess that makes sense.” Ian had gotten right next to Mik. He scrolled past a few parts while keeping eye contact. He didn’t know what he was looking for anymore. “I can’t tell if you actually are awake in there. What any of this is… I thought you were gonna hurt me once you looked up what I said. I… the book got messed up all the pages are soaked.” Tears blurred his eyes, he blinked them away and went back to reading.
I have finally finished updating the security. It was not reacting properly to Ian, I didn’t realize that. I will let him know how it works once I can show him his room. It should make this simpler, I will also be living at a smaller size once that happens. The only times I need to be my preferred height will be for meals and some reports. It is not uncommon, I am glad I came to this planet now. Others would struggle more.
“The pictures were ruined and the words all mashed together. It took all the money I had left. I thought about running away, I didn’t want to know what you’d do… I couldn’t afford to go anywhere else.” Another scroll through a few passages. He got to the last one, the one from today.
I have requested Ian retrieve the story I’d found. Jack and the beanstalk. I plan to have him explain things from it once he gets back. While he is gone I will finally set up his room. I researched all I could and made things that I felt he would like. I noticed he had some pictures of himself in those clothes called skirts. I’ve added any clothes that fit similarly to what he had. I also made a copy of the image on his book he would normally be reading. I do not know what a guitar is, but it seemed important to him. The thing I hope he will like most is the blanket. I learned of superheroes and their incarnations. I found all that I could of the ones on his blanket from when we met and added all of them before making it. Admittedly this was also my way of giving him the chance to leave. I worry he thinks he is trapped so I have given him a chance where I am far away to let him stay gone. I will not be looking for him… Today I will explain the emergency protocol when he returns. I hope he returns, I found the right word too. I would like to clarify he is not what hoomans call an assistant.
“What am I then?” Ian mumbled. The solid eyes in the ice pillar almost looked sad. At best he could guess Mik wanted to talk. He didn’t know how to let it go either.
“Calculated escape time has passed.” The deafening voice blared again. “Please clarify with an affirmative word in your language if you are trapped, human. Otherwise release protocols for Researcher will begin.”
Ian stared at Mik. This was his chance to run. To get Mik away from him forever. It almost seemed like the better option. Ian wasn’t a normal human, he’d been through enough that he couldn’t help. He had questions though and Mik’s notes said he could leave. Maybe… maybe that meant it would be worth the risk. Staring into the solid eyes, Ian chose not to move.
“Silence taken as negative. Initiating release protocols. Please update the protocols for humans if this was improperly activated.”
Ian flinched when the voice said that. He didn’t think about changing it. Panic gripped him as the pillar started to fade. It turned into a vapor and Ian scrambled back. Mik blinked as the pillar continued to fade. Soon his upper body was freed, a head that still sat at least three feet above Ian. The snarl stayed and that made it almost worse. Now Mik would be angry.
Ian realized he was still holding the tablet. He threw it closer to Mik to avoid the alien coming close. When the man was frozen it was easy to see the weird guy who hung out in the woods with him. Now he had to face the completely free mini giant form of an alien who could crush him without knowing.
Mik stared at him. Ian stared back. There was a terrifying silence that hung over the room. Finally Mik started to move and Ian flinched. The alien didn’t stop moving, until he was outside the room. Then he turned back, their eyes met, and the alien sat down. Ian reluctantly started to crawl forward.
“Don’t,” Mik said. Ian froze, fear controlling every nerve. This wouldn’t be such a bad room to be trapped in for a punishment. “I do not know how I sound, but the room itself will translate my words. Place your translator on any surface and the updated translator will take over…”
“...I thought you weren’t sure you wanted me to hear the clearer words?” Ian said. It was probably stupid, but it was clear Mik knew he read it. The alien did hear everything he was saying.
“I would prefer the risk so your tone receptors will potentially understand better. I fear we have not communicated well until now.”
“I don’t know, been pretty clear to me. You give me a place to stay and I do what you want to help you learn about humans.” The weird noise sounded from Mik, the noise that meant worry. Ian bit his lip, but slipped the translator off his ear. He set it on the desk, a light glowing beneath it. “There it’s out.”
“Thank you.” Ian’s eyes went wide. For the first time, Mik actually sounded relieved. “Are the tone translators working? I had to adapt the translator we used for what humans would call an avian species. They used similar tonal indicators.”
“You sounded relieved then curious so I think so… What happens next?”
“I am sorry for making you feel unsafe. This was not the intention. In the time since you have agreed to stay I learned there were many issues with our translations at first.”
“I noticed.” Mik made another strange noise.
“That is true. I am quite relieved I made those logs now. They seemed unnecessary at the times I was writing them. A habit I kept from my past travels.”
They sat in silence for a bit. He couldn’t understand what Mik’s point was. So Ian knew he’d misunderstood so far. Then there was the weird security that went off. Now he was sitting on the floor of a room made for him. Maybe the word did translate as pet. Mik’s notes said they were similar in bonding, humans pack bond with anything. Maybe Mik does too and he really was just a cute pet for the alien, but he got to choose to be one. Mik made a noise that made him focus on the present again.
“I am… unsure about the right words. Knowing the translators are not perfect as I had mistakenly assumed has made me more cautious than originally. I… Can you tell me how I caused your panic to trigger the security system in order to avoid it again?”
“What do you mean? It’s not like I know what made that go off. You can just update it so it doesn’t happen again.” Ian crossed his arms and looked away.
“The system is set up to match what the scan detects as an extreme response. In my research I believe you would call it fight or flight. I do not intend to make you fear for your life…”
The pain in Mik’s voice made it hard for Ian to keep his head down. He was scared to look up though. To see the snarl on the man’s face. “It was nothing, don’t worry about it. I just got too in my head.”
Another strange noise. Another period of silence. Another moment that Ian wondered what he had signed up for. In all his life he’d never had someone this worried. All the things the alien wrote promised care about him. It didn’t make sense. He was just some guy, some assistant or pet. Honestly with everything Mik wrote about the wrong translation pet was probably the nicest outcome.
“I do not know the proper human responses. Please tell me if I am making some mistake.” Ian managed to look up and see the snarl almost deepen. It was making this somehow easier to handle. Anger he could try to understand. He nodded. “I had spent time editing the security. Other species my kind has met did not have their bodies react with such high intensity. I… I fear I have caused a problem inadvertently.”
“It’s fine. It doesn’t matter. You can fix it so it doesn’t happen again and we can move on.” 
“I have no intentions to change the system. Clearly it reacted at the proper time.” Ian flinched hearing that. Mik knowing that something had been wrong was worse. That he was terrified could lead to more trouble in the end. “I wonder if I should not change it to make it react more quickly. This offer I made to stay here… the word you used did not translate well. I was offering a home and the word I heard would now best translate as brother.”
Mik nodded and Ian felt strange. He’d been so scared of being a pet, but being a brother that… That was nice. He had wanted a brother when he was younger. One to protect him from his stepdad. To help handle meeting the needs and expectations of his mother. To go with him from house to house once he was taken from that mess of a home… A brother and a home sounded nice.
“I would also like to clarify how this system works, in the event this happens again. Should you leave, my vessel shall ensure I am frozen until reaching my home planet again. Once that happens I will likely be moved to a position there. Whether that happens or not I will not be the one who returns here, nor will any of my kind attempt to contact you to aid in understanding.”
“So you’ll just leave… I can make you leave, one bad dream and off you go.” Ian couldn’t believe that was possible. “As if…”
“That is correct. I would not want you fearing for your life once leaving if that was the best course of action you could take.”
“Why? Isn’t it just easier to move on? Fix it so I don’t set it off. I’ll get used to all of this.”
“I do not agree with that. It would be easier, yes, but that would not make this a place you feel at ease. As I said this offer was for a home and what humans call brotherhood. It would not be that if you were to adapt merely to what I am used to. That is not how I personally view things, I’m sure someone else may prefer such an approach. I find it… wrong. I do not know if the word translates well even with the modifications.”
Ian was honestly lost. No one had ever treated him like that. The best families still wanted him to match things. He couldn’t react strongly, his distaste for touch most times was treated like a problem. It was his responsibility to get over what bothered him. It was the only thing he could do and Mik didn’t want to make him.
“Ian?” Mik’s voice shook him. It wasn’t using the translator and this time Ian really listened to his voice. A tone that held more concern than he’d heard in his life… It terrified him more than Mik’s size. “I… This section of my home has most structures built to your size and my current height. I had intended to discuss an adjustment period where I remained like this. If you prefer to leave I will aid you how I can.”
“When did the security system start working?” Mik sat up, the snarl on his face finally disappearing. Now he looked almost neutral, less angry. The alien’s reactions probably weren’t the same as humans had. He almost forgot that, the smile alone should have told him that.
“I had to adjust it as I said so this morning was the first day of proper operation. I apologize for the delay. I assume this means there were times it should have activated.”
Ian looked around the room. Memories of the times he was told he couldn’t dress how he wanted floated forward. That wanting to study music would be a waste. That most of his interests weren’t worth their costs. Mik just… got it all. Things Ian never thought about were here too. The sketchbook, computer… things he knew others had growing up.
“Probably. I have nightmares… a lot.” The snarl mixed with a grimace took over Mik’s face. “About you and just life… I wake up in a panic, it would probably trigger all the time.”
“I see… That shouldn’t be a problem then,” Mik’s calm answer and change of expression almost hurt. There was no way the alien could actually be alright with a constant freeze and threat to be sent home. Although he did say this place could be Ian’s home now. “It would alert me to times I should be more careful in my actions. It seems like a valid compromise.”
“What!?” Ian moved forward, his hands on the ground and staring up at Mik. “I mean you’d just let that happen. Constantly deal with the threat of being shipped off into space? Losing this whole thing you worked towards? Why?”
The antennae Ian could see now were curling on Mik’s head. “It would make you feel at ease, correct? Is that not how human brothers would act? Perhaps the translation is still wrong then. I may require aid in researching the proper terms to upgrade the database.”
“I… I don’t know if that’s how they act. No one has acted like that for me… I adjust how they want and it works. Isn’t that what you want? Shouldn’t I just get used to your steps, teeth, size, just everything? Isn’t that easier?”
Mik’s antennae stood up straight, it looked painful. “It seems my theories may have been correct. Ian, may I come closer?”
Ian nodded and reluctantly watched Mik stand. As it happened Ian managed to climb to his feet, staring up at the alien walking into the room. He didn’t know if the translator would work or if he wanted it to. If this was when the anger that hadn’t been revealed would finally seep out.
Mik stopped in front of him, a towering and intimidating form. The red skin made him think of demons, sharp teeth of monsters. The antennae reminded him of a butterfly oddly enough, but that flew from his mind as Mik kneeled. The impact was loud, heavy, and made Ian flinch. The solid dark green felt like it saw into his soul.
Hands bigger than his head settled on his shoulders. He tensed, waiting for a strike. Instead he was pulled close, the massive arms surrounding him. Mik pressed Ian’s head against his chest, where it was easy to hear the arrhythmic beating. Most of the time Ian would be terrified, but this one he sort of trusted. He didn’t think he’d get hurt.
“This home. Ian is safe. Brothers keep each other safe,” Mik said. His voice was strangled. The words didn’t sound exactly right. A nuance in each that told him that the speaker wasn’t human. Yet it broke the last wall keeping Ian from taking the risk on this promise.
“Can you at least make the system not threaten to send you careening into space?” Ian mumbled into Mik’s chest. The alien’s arms tightened and Ian almost cried. This was the first time he’d actually felt safe and it was in the arms of someone who could squash him like a bug.
“Can you get me the translator? Your voice sounds all weird when you try to speak english?”
Ian didn’t expect Mik to pick him up. The alien wasn’t letting him go, but that was alright. Brothers keep each other safe… Mik would keep him safe. The hold on him was firm and gentle. A single arm kept him in place when the alien grabbed the translator. Instead of being set down Mik moved to the bed. Lying down holding Ian before handing over the translator. It was strangely nice. Maybe Ian was home here… maybe Mik would actually help him heal.
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Aiden Gillen as Older Mikhail “Mik/Silver Snake„ Konstantin in Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War + Warzone
“Oh Baby we will make the earth but not in the sexy way„
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hmmm-toastie · 3 months
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My Malkavian OC Mikhail having a very bad night, trying and failing to keep down human blood when the only thing that satisfies his Hunger is Kindred vitae as a Blood Leech.
Mik's feeding type came from his sire when immediately after Embracing him, they commanded him to commit diablerie on them. Which Mik did. After that he developed a craving for it, despite knowing it's an unspeakable sin, so he spends his nights walking the fine line of doing his best to keep the addiction in check by feeding it enough to keep it sated and doing his best to adhere to his convictions of not harming mortals.
But the blood needs to come from somewhere...
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scatterpatter · 3 months
This is a free invitation to infodump about Colorless! Go ham, bestie! I'd love to hear about him!! Pop off, king! /gen /pos
OKAY OKAY SO COLORLESS- mannnn man man i miss him i miss him!!! He's an oc "edgesona" I made back in 2017 and I just missed him! I ramble SO MUCH UNDER THE CUT
Also warning I have OLD ART HERE kjbdfkjbskjfbsjk HELP
Okay so Colorless started as just a spontaneous idea of "Oooo what if Scatter but Evil" waaay back in 2017- think Darkiplier energy
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Imma be honest, there's sadly a lot around 2017-2018 that I don't remember, including stuff with Colorless (it's almost like I have the Forget Things Disorder), so going through his older posts is crazy because I don't rember making a lot of this stuff but he was just Evil!Scatter LMAO
Then I convinced Shrike, an ex-friend, and some other mutuals at the time to make their own edgesonas! I frequently did stuff with Shrike's sona Gregory "The Game", or just Gregory Game. Older posts you may also see an "Apathy.txt." but since I'm not in contact with Apathy's owner anymore, I no longer include him in any Colorless content
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It was basically just "What if these edgelords lived together and did mayhem"
But then I came up with COLORLESS LORE so here's the rundown of the lore (or at least what I rember... bad memory is bad ;-; )
So it was revealed that C wasn't just some evil alter-ego of Scatter, but rather they were two parts of a fractured whole
Scatter, Colorless, and one other we'll talk about shortly all came from one original person. This person decided to run an experiment to see if he could split himself into different states according to Freudian ego states: Id, Ego, and Superego. The procedure was a success and split the person into Mikhail(Id), Scatter(Ego), and Nathaniel(Superego)
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Nat is scratched out. Rip. Scatter was always represented by purple, Mikhail by red, Nat by blue.
Long story short, they decided that they had their time together and needed to fuse back into one person. Mik had his reservations, but Nat and Scatts pushed it. Things went wrong, and they never integrated properly, and even corrupted themselves from it, destabilizing them. I was GOING to give strong hints to this in a comic I was sketching in 2018, but I never finished/posted it. HOWEVER i DO still have the sketchbook so it looked a bit like this! (OOO never before-seen loooore~~~)
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It's something C would regularly flashback to and would cause immense distress and generally disrupt his daily functioning
Afterwards all 3 egos shared a body again, but "switched" consciousness frequently, often abruptly and to the detriment of whomever was "fronting" before. Colorless would switch in and take over the body usually to cause harm to Scatter and Nat, or to anons who interacted with him
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C would act out in retaliation to get back at both Scatter and Nat, moreso Nat, and during his time corrupted and sharing the body, he took on the name "The Colorless", refusing to go by his real name of Mikhail.
After a few mishaps, he found a way to separate himself from Scatter and Nat! ... It left him a bit... corrupted, still, in the process
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It not only left his entire body... not right (see: humans aren't colorless and outlined in red with black tar-like stuff), and also messed up Scatter's and Nat's bodies too
I was GOING to do a whole thing on tumbles where I would've gone into his backstory in depth buuuut that fell through. Oop.
I... admittedly forget a lot of what I was going to do past this. Memory is REAL bad around this time for personal reasons I won't delve into, but C started getting more of a "stabilized" look, though was still able to be VERY evil
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WAIT I JUST UNLOCKED A MEMORY TYPING THIS- IIRC, he installed a "chip" in the side of his neck to help stabilize his body- no more corrupted eyes/frame in all-red anymore- and left a scar there he covered with a scarf. Sadly all this part of the lore happened in a server that got nuked BUT I found another never-posted-to-tumblr art in the sketchbook!
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These are probably late 2018? VERY early 2019 at the latest?
Thanks to personal life things, C took a back seat for some time, but around 2019-2020 I gave him a semi-revival, and Shrike and I really had fun revisiting C and Greg's whole dynamic together!
Oh also there's another one of the "trio" whose name is Scoot Scoot. I am not joking. They call him Scoot or Scooter for short. He isn't one of the system's ego states- instead, he's a literal demon that looks like the other three. The lore for this was that the person who summoned the demon needed the hair of a human- and stole some from C because the summoner didn't want to use their own in case it went awry. Scoot was summoned and took a similar appearance to C and just... just... is chaos incarnate
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SO around 2020ish, I took a pretty hard reboot on C and the egos- it's basically all the same lore, just with a fresh coat of paint... oh also we ship C and Game now. Their ship name is Colorgames.
During this time C decided to go a lot more tame, he didn't want to be a killer anymore, he wanted to be an edgy scientist. He also began patching things up with his brothers so now they're having a decent relationship! ... C also has a portal device attached to his wrist now soooooo... oops
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I don't really know what I wanna do with him in the year of our lord and savior 2024, but it's just SO FUN to draw him again!!! Maybe I'll actually make a proper comic about his backstory, who knows!!! I just think he's neat
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TL;DR: Colorless (Or "C", real name Mikhail) is one of three parts who consider themselves brothers. He is the Id, Scatter is the Ego, Nat is the Superego. A past event split them apart and they corrupted their bodies trying to put themselves back together. C grew resentful of the others and worked to sabotage them and lash out at them, but now has mellowed and is more of a chaotic scientist than a true villain. He dates @shrike-nest's OC Gregory Game, and they get into mayhem together. They adopted a demon along the way. His name is Scoot Scoot. Don't worry about it.
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... id post more that i found but i hit the tumblr image limit OOPS
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magebomb · 7 years
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o v o /  
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arixabala · 2 years
Name meaning tag
Thanks for the tag @emelkae! The names actually do have significance in UYS so this is fun to talk about.
Rules: Search and post the meaning of your OCs’ names (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! Bonus if you can find something for their last name too
Miroslav “Slava” Aethio: peaceful glory; from “Aethiopia”, the home of the parents of Andromeda in Greek mythology
Aethio was chosen in reference to the Andromeda galaxy to denote his foreignness. Also helps that it’s reminiscent of Aether
Kelly Nehar: war/warrior, battle, strife; from the Hebrew “nehar ha-esh “ meaning milky way
Slava’s first name came first, and then I chose Kelly so the meaning would be an antonym back when this was a very different story. Since Aethio is meant to be from far away, Nehar comes from here in the milky way
Yulia Niyazova: youthful; gift, wish, compassion
A random pick; I tend to go more random for most of the Earthborn characters. Niyazova was chosen because wikipedia claims it’s common in Kazakhstan
Aizhen Xu:  cloudy sky, dark, obscure (ai) and precious, valuable, rare (zhen); to promise, to praise
Completely random again; I had to google to make sure real people had this name to make sure I wasn’t making a fool of myself with Chinese name conventions
Jyotsna Tauri: moonlight; from the constellation alpha centauri
The Spacers all have one or more names relating to astronomical things. Jyo is cool so she gets two
Mikhail “Mik” Churyumov: who is like god, gift from god; from the Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet
An outlier! Mik just came to me as Mik from the get-go and I had to accept it even though it’s not a space-y themed name. Breaking rules and being a pain in the ass just like his character
Tagging @raisapathy and @razegold for this, as well as anyone who wants to do it (no pressure)!
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Forceps, kitchen tools, deconstruct your every move, feels better when your here, guillotine just got here (A Tendency to Start Fires -Bush)
Alright, I had never heard of this song before, it was interesting.  I’m not sure how inspired by the lyric I was, but I definitely tried to work it in. These OC’s are from my story, Avians, which is a fantasy story. So this is a modern AU with some angst because apparently, I can’t write anything else. Don’t worry, the angst quickly dissolves into the fluffiest fluff. ~500 words
“We need to talk, Mikhail,” Quinn said softly from behind him. Mikhail froze. Damn it. He was hoping to slip in without incident. Well, it wasn’t like it wasn’t going to happen eventually.
“Come here, my dear,” Coral said, clicking on the lamp and illuminating the room. Quinn walked over to join them, and after a moment, so did Mikhail. Coral and Quinn made room for him between them, but Mikhail sat on the table instead.
“What is it?” Mikhail spat through gritted teeth. ‘We need to talk’ is never good. He felt like he was at his own execution, blade hanging high above his head. Coral reached out to take his hand, but Mikhail pulled away. No reason to tease him with what he couldn’t have anymore.  Quinn smiled although it didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“We’ve been worried about you, Mik,” Quinn admitted. “You’ve been kinda distant recently.”
“You keep turning down date nights.” Coral chimed in. “We know you, Mikhail. But we don’t feel like we know you when you won’t tell us what’s wrong.” Mikhail sighed. Great, he’s let the two people he loves most down. He could feel their eyes on him, mentally taking him apart and looking for the flaws.
“Nothing’s wrong.” Mikhail lied, twisting his rings around his finger. Quinn and Coral shared a glance before both reaching out to take Mikhail’s hands. This time, he didn’t pull away.
“Don’t lie to us, my dear,” Coral said sharply. Quinn squeezed Mikhail’s hand.
“We love you, Mikhail,” Quinn said, Coral nodding their agreement. “We just want to help you.” Mikhail looked into their faces, completely devoid of any judgment or hate, and he crumpled. Literally, he crumpled into their arms. They pulled him onto the couch and he dug his face into Quinn’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” Mikhail whispered into Quinn’s shoulder. He could feel Coral’s arms wrapped around him from behind. “I’m not good enough for you.” Quinn stiffened under him.
“Why would you say that?” Coral said gently. 
“I’m nothing compared to you. You don’t need me. You have each other.” Mikhail spat, tilting his head to make sure that they both heard him clearly. Quinn made a little shocked noise. Coral held him tighter.
“We do have each other. And we also have you. And you have us. You are a key part of this relationship. Without you, it wouldn’t exist. We’re a trio, and we’re gonna stay that way.” Coral said lovingly, their tone surprisingly sharp. 
“We can help you, Mikhail.” Quinn rumbled from his other side. “We’re here for you and we love you. I love you, sweetheart.” Mikhail grinned slightly against Quinn’s chest. He lifted his head.
“I love you too, angel,” Mikhail replied before kissing Quinn gently. 
“I love you, my dear,” Coral said from behind him, pulling away just a little. Mikhail turned around to face them.
“I love you too, darling,” Mikhail said before kissing them sweetly. Both Quinn and Coral grabbed Mikhail’s hands again before leaning towards each other. They kissed briefly before speaking.
“I love you, honey,” Coral breathed lightly.
“I love you, sunshine,” Quinn responded. They turned their attention back on Mikhail. They both kissed him on the cheek.
“We love you, Mikail.” They said in unison.
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duelrite · 5 years
i like to be called: Mikhail, Mik, any pun/nickname that can be drawn from that name
my favorite color is:  Blue
gender: Male
one thing you should know about me:  My summer plans include working a lot and becoming youtube art famous
one thing you should know about my muse: I frequently describe his sort of personality and being as “your gay friend who has a car AND knows how to drive it” 
first language: English
second language: I took two years of Japanese although that went away pretty quickly
age range:   under 13  |  14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 |  30+ |  70+ | immortal
am i okay with nsfw?:  yes | no | sometimes | but not for this muse | only/mostly on discord
my favorite/most common thing to rp is:  angst | fluff | smut | crack | action | other
oc friendly?:  yes | no sorry i dont DO ocs | depends
rp blog:  does | doesn’t  contain ooc posts
TAGGED BY:  i took it too my dash is dead TAGGING: yep
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i’ll post a few older traditional sketches and this stuff because i’m currently working on other pieces
anyways this is mik and a few details of his face
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awkwardgtace · 7 months
Having Ian and Mik do a dream link would be cool! Ian slowly warming up to Mik and realizing he's the parent figure he never had. Ooo and seeing Mik's nerdy and size shifter sides
hmm a dream link like that would be kind of interesting. So far the idea was romantic soul mates but maybe familial could work.
Or maybe Mikhail being a shifter just pulls in borrowers who can have the dreams in. A terrifying prospect for Caprice who was relieved to apparently not have them.
Would be an interesting way to meet someone they both wind up considering a brother. Just oops not the dream you thought just shifters being weird but also learn how to borrow right ffs lol
Definitely an idea that's in my head now. Idk when i'll get to it but it's there and i doooo enjoy the dream meetings set up so expanding it could be fun
That au has a lot of room for growth still and a lot of things I wanna play with when i have the chance.
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awkwardgtace · 7 months
10, 12, and 15 for the Halloween asks! I’m especially curious about Rhys, Vincent, Ian, and Mikhail for 10 and 15 🥺
10. Your OC is alone in the dark and hears a strange noise. How do they react?
Rhys: ok so he'd act fine, especially if he's in a world where he's objectively giant. In reality he is incredibly nervous, looking all over, and casually trying to hold any smalls around him. If he's tiny he will have all the bravado possible while quickly climbing into a pocket "Because it's easier if the human/giant gets scared and runs"
Vincent: This man is 100% always ready for a fight. Carries some kind of weapon, usually scissors. So he'd just casually hold them, if he's small then the giant/human will wind up having him standing on their head/shoulder to watch for any danger. He would also straight up call out asking "who the hell is out there?"
Ian: Screams and hides behind whoever is with him. If alone he scooby doo runs out as soon as possible. The only reason he'd even try to be brave is if he has someone smaller that relies on him.
Mikhail: He'd keep himself acting as stoic as possible. In shifter universes when he's not at his max height he'll start inching bigger and bigger with a scare sending him sky high. If it's really bad he'll go massive then immediately to his smallest size cause of how overwhelmed he's feeling (especially if he's on his own). If he's not a shifter he'll just try and stay calm and get to safety as soon as possible.
12. If you could dress up as one of your OCs for Halloween, who would it be?
Hmm, Melody and Dabria are probably the easiest, but I would probably wanna dress up as Mira or Alessia. Mira going the assassin look with plus either dying my hair or a wig and colored contacts. Alessia would be fun for the golden armor. Tbh I kinda see her in a halone from ff14 looking outfit now that I saw it in game. Suits her very well.
15. Draw your OCs and the pumpkins they collected from the pumpkin patch.
So I was actually gonna do a shitty attempt to draw for this, but I've been busy and will never do it. I don't want this sitting unanswered until next year like the writing suggestions might be.
Ian: Gets the saddest looking pumpkin he can find. If anyone asks he just says that he feels bad for it. Broken, discolored, anything wrong with it Ian is more determined to get that one.
Mikhail: Goes for the most neutral pumpkin. Not too big or small. He doesn't want to draw attention with his choice, but will have fun carving it later.
Vincent: Gets a small pumpkin. He's barely interested in this. Most likely dragged by Rhys or Delphia, just wants one he can easily carry. Will go back on his own later to get one more suitable for carving when the others are sad he won't carve pumpkins with them.
Rhys: Gets the biggest pumpkin he can find. If he can't carry it he will get help to do so. If he can't get the biggest one he will pout and eventually settle on one he can actually carry... or come back with a way to bring the giant pumpkin home. Even more so if he's a tiny around giant pumpkins
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awkwardgtace · 5 months
Mikhail's Realization
Hey Hey finally finished this. Brain tried to do like a million ideas in one for this, but I did it. We're back with Mikhail and Ian in the alien sizeshifters AU
Mikhail has learned lots about humans and asks Ian to attend an event that would have a crowd. Unfortunately he gets more than he bargained for.
Mikhail's Realization
Mikhail thought he’d grown to have a semblance of understanding for humans. Not all of them, but at least ones from Ian’s region. He knew they used a type of currency to access goods and services. He managed to acquire an amount Ian claimed “would leave him set for life”. That terminology wasn’t entirely clear, but Mikhail assumed it meant he didn’t need to acquire more.
He understood from traveling to the settlement with Ian in the past that humans were slow, and at least Ian seemed to have less stamina. Mikhail made a form of transport mimicking what human media showed as “cool”. A motorized bicycle which he added an automatic balance and an automatic pilot to.
All of that made him confident when he stood outside of Ian’s door after he learned of an event occurring in the nearby settlement. It would be his first chance to observe humans gathered together. Of course he felt best if Ian accompanied him. The times he’d been around humans gave him a need to retreat. His brother helped relieve that. 
Although there were issues around Ian at times as well. It was often a struggle to match Ian’s size. His control was to a level even others of his own kind found it off putting, yet around Ian…
Mikhail forced his thoughts to the back of his mind and knocked. A period of crashes sounded before the door slid open. Ian appeared with his chest heaving. Mikhail felt his antennae twist in concern, but chose to ignore it. He did not want to become what media called a “worrywart”. A common issue when their species’ ups and downs were so different.
“Hey,” Ian leaned against the doorframe. “What’s up?” 
“I have learned of a ‘festival’ in the nearby settlement. I thought it would be good to attend. We could also test the transportation properly.”
Moments of silence settled between them. Ian’s expression changed more than once. Mikhail couldn’t put emotions to each look, some gave him worry. The way Ian’s pupils constricted as he thought sent a strangely familiar surge of energy urging Mikhail to grow down his back. He’d only felt this energy once on his own planet, but it was common among humans. He found it incredibly strange. His brother’s sigh brought back his focus.
“The crowd shouldn’t be bad if we go now, I’ll be ready in a few minutes,” Ian grinned. His eyes moved again, the pupils constricted. Another familiar surge through Mikhail’s body.
“I will wait near the entrance once I have applied my human disguise.”
The door slid closed as Mikhail walked away. Slowly he let himself start to grow. The process itself always soothed his anxieties and cleared his mind. The bones in his body unfolded as his skin stretched. He let himself grow as fast as he could once he’d left the smaller portion of his ship. Quick steps brought him to his disguise applicator. He stepped inside and applied the settings Ian had suggested to make him look ‘more normal’. Subtle shifts to make his human face less symmetrical. The reason why still eluded him.
The process happened too fast for him to truly experience it. One moment he was his maximum height, the next he was barely taller than Ian. His antennae twitched uncomfortably under his hair. They were locked down with a substance that was partly used to mold into human ears. That part still made him curious how humans managed. If they couldn’t move their ears to hear dangers, how had they avoided them?
Mikhail made a mental note to research human history at a later point.
He stepped out into the open. He attempted to preoccupy his mind with other thoughts. As he took in his ship from his current position, he once more considered Ian’s fear of his size. If he had felt trapped with a being so much larger, one he didn’t understand, he knew his own heart would slow to a steady rhythm. Even more so if he had the stories humans told. 
That reminded him of something else he’d found strange. Based on what he had understood, they had similar diets. Plant based and the meat off trees. Strange that they had a fear of a similar looking being eating them. Although the pred-
“Mik,” Ian’s voice nearly made his antennae rip free of his disguise. He attributed the silence of Ian’s approach to the difference in their senses. Humans’ had much more sensitive ones. “So what did you make for transport anyway? A flying saucer?” 
“I don’t know what that is so I do not believe so,” Mikhail answered. Ian shifted slightly, a smile on his face.
“Guess that would be too on the nose. So is it a car?”
“No.” Mikhail mimicked an expression of confusion he’d seen. 
“Right, that makes sense…”
 “I printed what my research calls a ‘motorcycle’. It was similar to vehicles I’ve used on my own planet. I added an automatic balance feature and an automatic pilot. It seemed to be the safest option for us to use around the local flora.” 
Mikhail walked towards the entrance of the ship and stopped in front of the motorcycle. Turning back, Ian's eyes were wide. For a moment Mikhail could barely keep himself from growing. Something about the look Ian had sent more energy surging through him. Pupils small, eyes almost hungry. It wasn’t… it wasn’t what he expected from the human he’d already grown close to. As Ian approached he fought to ignore the push of instincts.
“This is… wow. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but how does it even work? Not gas right?”
“Gas?” Mikhail tilted his head. Ian didn’t respond, running his hands over the vehicle instead. “It uses an electric battery that charges with proximity to the ship. My intention was for you to ‘drive’ as it were. I would sit behind you. In theory I should be able to grow fast enough to protect us both from injury if there is an issue.”
“An electric bike… makes sense. Maybe I can get him to leave it when…” The words were soft. Ian trailed off at the end. Something he had been doing a lot. Something he’d ask after this excursion, preferably when he managed to match Ian’s height directly. Likely his larger size outside of his disguise kept Ian from divulging his worries. The softness was lost as Ian looked back at him. “Wait, don’t you have to open the door before we leave? I thought you had to be-” Ian motioned towards the ceiling with his hands-” to open the ship.”
“There are proper interfaces to open the ship all along the wall. I thought I had explained that. Regardless-” Mikhail tapped the screen near the handles of the vehicle, the ship’s door opened in response- “I have added something akin to a ‘garage opener’ to this vehicle.”
Ian’s mouth hung open for a few seconds. Mikhail felt his antennae tugging to twist and untwist themselves. A worry this was too far. Instead, Ian climbed on the motorcycle. After a heavy pause, he laughed. Mikhail used that as a sign he should take his own seat. Worry made him pause when Ian tensed, but the relaxing of his brother’s shoulders pushed the worry to the back of his mind. 
“So, uh, how do we drive this thing?” Ian asked. 
Mikhail leaned forward and tapped the center a few times. An autopilot was enabled. He grabbed the handles and the vehicle roared to life. “It will start once hands are placed on the handles. An autopilot will drive to destinations. I have set it to go towards the settlement.”
“Make sure you call it a city or town when we’re there. Although I guess it doesn’t matter since no one else will know what you’re saying.” 
Reaching the settlement was uneventful. Ian grabbed the handles at one point, but did not fight the autopilot. They left the vehicle at the edge of things Ian called barricades. Together they entered the blocked off location. Mikhail felt his heart slow to a steadier rhythm as they reached the event. Ian stated the crowd would be small, but there were dozens of humans around them. His own species rarely gathered in groups so large; it posed too great a danger. Screams and laughter reached his ears. The high pitch of them could not be comfortable for humans.
“Is this-”
“This is almost exactly how I remember it. The crowd is still small too,” Ian cut him off. Ian’s eyes were nearly shining, the black pupil a small dot amid the brown. Another surge shot through Mikhail. Looking around at the humans only made the surge increase in intensity. This feeling they caused would need to be resolved before visiting what Ian would call a ‘large crowd’.
“I see,” Mikhail tried to hide his discomfort. Ian’s head moved on a swivel, clearly enraptured by the scene around them. He grabbed Mikhail’s hand and brought him deeper into the crowd. The contact with his brother helped to calm the energy pushing him to grow.
“Let’s take a look at the games, it’s early enough that good prizes should still be around!”
Mikhail’s antennae twitched in agreement. He was dragged towards a “game” that required a feat of strength to knock blocks down. His own attempt failed, missing the blocks by a larger margin than he expected. The precision of Ian and the other humans was impressive. He would need to look into what allowed it, perhaps their eyes.
Next Ian brought him to something that used a ‘water gun’ and required it to be aimed at a target. The loud music and bells at someone’s success made it hard for Mikhail to focus. His heart steadied at the thought of humans noticing his struggles. Luckily, they were too focused on the target. Another thing that seemed dangerous. Wouldn’t predators be able to catch them if they were only focused on something in one spot ahead of them?
The loud music and a cheer from beside him moved that thought to the back of his mind. Ian managed to win, achieving ownership of a soft doll of a native creature. He’d ask about it once there was less noise. He wasn’t confident humans with their sensitive hearing would be able to focus easily on discussion.
A long period of time passed with them traveling from vendor to vendor. More games of dexterity and strength. Eventually Ian mumbled something about “bad advertising” when they approached a stall. The ‘prizes’ looked to be stuffed toys, much like the others. This time they all wore shirts that had some form of writing on them and were colored white with black spots. At least to him that was the coloring, he still hadn’t confirmed if humans saw the same shades. He doubted it after Ian had won three stuffed toys of the same variety and color.
“Well boys, gonna try your luck? Place a bet on any number. If you win you get a cow with a coupon for some  hotdogs,” the vendor said. Mikhail narrowed his eyes at the terms. He couldn’t remember ‘cow’ or ‘hotdog’ from his research. Once they left he’d need to ask about it.
“Sure why not?” Ian said. The vendor held something out, Ian swiped a plastic card, the object he swiped against began dispensing small circular plastic objects. Plastic still interested him on a structural level. His kind didn’t have anything similar. He let his mind wander while Ian ‘bet on numbers’.
The vendor spun a wheel that had a strange arrow flicking across a circle of numbers. The silent movement was entrancing. All too soon it stopped with bells ringing again. Mikhail tilted his head, the vendor had a clear distaste towards the alert. 
“Well looks like we have a winner,” the vendor’s tonal indication was more annoyed than joyous. Mikhail looked at Ian who had a smirk on his face before looking at where the numbers to bet were. Each and every one had a circular plastic object on them. “You get the big prize, a stuffed cow and a ten percent off coupon at the hotdog cart… enjoy.”
“Oh, we will,” Ian sounded confident. He took the ‘cow’ along with a slip of paper. When their eyes met, Ian rushed to look away. Mikhail merely tilted his head, once more confused at the action. Ian grabbed his arm and pulled him along. It was the first time Mikhail felt shock at the strength behind the action. He’d thought Ian was weaker…
Ian led them to a quiet part of the event. He sat on some available public seating, and Mikhail mimicked his actions. They sat in silence for a period of time. Mikhail used it to observe the other humans. Throughout the time at the event he’d noticed a number of odd looks sent towards the two of them. At least once he caught some mumbled words, but all he could understand was Ian’s name. Excluding that, this event appeared to be something to relax and bring the community together. It wasn’t quite what he expected. His own kind celebrated indoors primarily out of safety.
“Sorry, Mik,” Ian said. Mikhail looked at him, the human wasn’t meeting his eyes. Hands playing with the ‘cow’. “You wanted to come here, but I wound up dragging you all over instead.”
“I do not quite understand, ” Mikhail said. He tilted his head. The easiest manner to denote confusion. Something most species understood. One he recognized among humans immediately. Ian looked up at him, eyes shining. A feeling in them he couldn’t easily describe. “This is how to experience the ‘festival’, correct?”
“You’re not just trying to make me feel better right?” Mikhail tilted his head to the other side and Ian laughed. “Guess I shouldn’t expect you to do that… or to know what’s happening when you keep calling it a festival. That’s good though… I’m glad I didn’t ruin your day.” Silence settled between them. Humans around them laughed and screamed in joy. Ian sat staring out for a few more moments. “My parents took me here every year when I was a kid… back when my dad was alive, before my mom married my step dad. It was fun, we couldn’t win any of the prizes. She tried for hours to win that stupid betting game, if she… if she’d spent all the money on one round she would have won…”
Mikhail didn’t have any reference for response. Ian’s tone and facial expression denoted sadness. He’d seen things in media suggesting physical affection would be best, but his brother did not appear to enjoy frequent physical touch. His own instincts were to grow in order to offer a safe place for the one in pain. Instead he waited in silence.
“It wasn’t long before my dad died…” Ian leaned against him. It was unexpected, but he moved to wrap an arm around him. Mimicking what humans were shown to appreciate… Finding his own comfort rising from the proximity. It made the looks sent their way, the need to grow in size, fall away. Time passed, humans came and went, prizes won. Eventually Ian sat up straight, Mikhail removed his arm. “I’ll… go get a hotdog. Can you eat human food?”
“The structures I’ve analyzed should be fine. What is this ‘hotdog’ made of?” Mikhail once again tilted his head. 
“This,” Ian held up the ‘cow’, “except the real animal. Not a stuffed toy. This place is known for all beef hotdogs.”
Mikhail’s antennae nearly pulled free from the disguise. It took all his strength to speak, “I do not think it would be safe…”
“I’ll be right back then.”
Ian walked off. Mikhail’s heart began to beat at a slow steady rhythm. His body froze despite the moderate climate. Humans ate fauna of the planet. He had never realized that. His studies in the media had left a number of words he could not parse. He hadn’t found any that depicted the origin of food.
Although Ian’s build and weaker stamina indicated a similar status to his own kind. His inexperience among properly intelligent species had caused this misunderstanding. The training he’d received had accounted for these situations. He’d broken protocol by revealing himself to Ian. By disabling safety mechanisms for himself in favor of the human.
When they first met Ian had broken his skin with his nails. At the time he’d assumed it was a panic response, retractable sharp appendages for defense. Perhaps… perhaps it was something for hunting. Something for breaking the skin on a living creature designated as a meal. For attacking prey… Prey like Mikhail and his entire species.
“Mik?” Ian’s muffled voice shocked him. His heartbeat slowed once more, growing terrifyingly steady. A beat too steady. Thump, thump, thump. It echoed through his body. He looked up to find Ian with what had to be a hotdog in his mouth. “I got lemonade, is that safe for you?”
He couldn’t answer. Mikhail blindly took the offered cup. The liquid inside reflected a dull yellow.  He could only hope that he’d be able to remain calm until returning to his ship. Once there he’d add his own precautions to handle Ian’s predatory instincts. He would be safe…
“Your friend ok buddy? He looks out of it?” Another human said. Mikhail slowly managed to look at the new one. It didn’t stop him from seeing Ian bite the meal, the prey, easily. “He looks kind of pale. You get sick on one of the rides? That lemonade may help ya feel a bit better.”
The new human reached for him. He panicked, drinking the lemonade to hopefully make them stop. He had belief, perhaps more of a hope, that Ian was safe. Other humans could potentially see through his disguise. Use their better senses to learn that he was prey. Prey which this crowd could turn around and hunt. The knowledge this was a small gathering made his mind run wild. Human claws could break his skin at his full size, if enough decided to attack his size wouldn’t be enough to prevail…
“Mik… are you ok? Was that safe?” Ian’s words were the only ones his mind would process. The other human continued to talk. The hand came closer, Ian intervened. Would Ian be able to protect him? Would his smallest size be seen as easy prey by his human brother? Could they share a familial bond when he was prey and the other wasn’t?
The humans in front of him were talking. Ian and the other one. His antennae ached as they tried to pull close and twist together. The colors dulled, the voices were lost. His body began to ache. He hunched over covering his middle with his arms. More human words tried to break into his panicked mind. A hand touched him, he flinched. When he managed to look up, he met Ian.
“Mik, come on,” his words barely made it through. The human he had assumed was weak easily pulled him up to stand. Ian took most of his weight and started to return to their vehicle. 
Mikhail blinked.
They were near vendors they’d visited.
Blinked again.
At the exit. Ian wasn’t carrying the multiple prizes. Mikhail would try to fabricate them at home…
Another blink.
Near the vehicle. 
Another blink. 
Standing beside it.
 Another blink. 
Ian was saying something. He couldn’t make out the words. His translator wasn’t working. Or it was and his own mind was failing. His heart’s steady beat only added to his panic and fear.
Another blink.
“-seat-” A word broke through. The seat… Ian wanted him on the seat. Mikhail did his best to move. More pain wracked his body. Strength that hadn’t been obvious was used to aid him. He managed to take a seat. Barely holding himself up before Ian took a seat in front of him. He was quickly pulled forward, his weight mostly supported by Ian. “Just hold on, I’ll get you back.”
Another blink. 
Wind in his face. Ian was talking. Flora blurred around them. 
Another blink.
The body beneath him felt smaller. The pain ebbed.
“Mik,” Ian’s voice was easier to understand. “Try to hold on at this size at least, I don’t wanna get crushed.”
Mikhail focused. It was hard to focus. He had never had such an immediate response to something before. Perhaps it was the smaller size. He had to be smaller.
Another blink.
Ian was bigger than normal. Not by much. Panic gripped his mind. Words slipped out, “Not safe…”
“What’s not safe, Mik?” Tone indicated panic. He couldn’t imagine why. “Doesn’t matter, you can get bigger if it helps, just don’t go too far past what you were at. I can take it.”
Mikhail groaned. His body reacted to the words even if his mind couldn’t. He grew slightly. Enough that he could hide Ian by hunching over the right way. The threat currently helping him didn’t seem to mind. It wouldn’t mind because the threat was Ian, a being he shared a familial bond with. At least temporarily.
“We’ll be there soon. Just hold on… You can’t leave me yet…”
Mikhail wanted to know what those words meant. He wouldn’t be leaving. Another blink.
And another.
And one that lasted longer.
Then the ship was in sight. Ian was saying something. He couldn’t make his mind understand. The words were translated. He knew that. The robotic voice in his mind promised him nothing was wrong. His body grew a bit once more. Ian grunted. There were no complaints. The pain ebbed again. His mind cleared a little. Not enough.
A blink. They were in the ship. A blink. Ian was talking. Words… Asking for medical equipment. Medical equipment was…
“End of size hall,” was all he could manage. 
“Size hall? My size hall? Gimme something Mik.”
Mikhail managed to nod. Silent affirmation. Ian understood. The vehicle… they were still on the vehicle. In the ship. Driving. Down the hall. His body ached. His heart’s steady beat seemed to grow louder. His antennae were wrapped tightly and painfully at the back of his head… His disguise was broken then. 
“Hold on, this is gonna be a rough stop.” Ian’s words only made the steady beat grow louder. Steadier. Almost painful. It made him worried. Would this human drink be enough to kill him? It shouldn’t be… his full size could handle a toxin in that amount. Ian nearby would be dangerous to grow. Although a predator would be fine. Was Ian truly a predator? Were humans?
His moment of doubt fell away as Ian’s hand locked on his arm. Sharp nails pricked his skin. His blood seeped out. Slow, but steady. Steady as his heart was beating. His panic returned. A predator was with him while he was in danger. A predator that the ship was not prepared to defend him against. Then he blinked.
“So, we’re gonna tuck and roll. I don't know how to stop this thing.” Mikhail didn’t know what that meant, but it didn’t matter. Ian pushed them both off the vehicle. It had been slow enough to avoid injury, perhaps some light skin discoloration. When they stopped moving Ian forced him onto his back. He looked down with shimmering eyes. “Mik, how can I use this stuff here to help. What do I do?”
Mikhail didn’t have an answer. There wasn’t a clear cause to the issue. The lemonade could have had additives he didn’t know about… It could have been fauna. His kind could only eat the flora on his planet. He was still setting up the spot on the ship for Ian’s food needs long term, this information could cause issues. His mind wouldn’t focus, he was exhausted.
“Wait, you talked when you got bigger. If you grow, would that help? Will it fix you? At least until you’re able to make some antidote yourself.” Mikhail couldn’t bring himself to respond. “Mik please, I’m not ready for you to be gone. Not yet, please.”
Mikhail closed his eyes. That didn’t sound quite right. Not about just this, just death. He managed to nod.
“Ok, ok grow. I’ll stay here with you. Just whatever will fix this.” Mikhail listened. A tiny part of him was worried how Ian would react to seeing the disguise torn apart. The panicked part of him didn’t care. He grew. “I’m sorry Mik, this is all my fault. I’m so sorry.”
Mikhail felt more aware as his body grew. The threat Ian and other humans posed felt far away. It was something to discuss later. He carefully brought a hand close to Ian, to his brother. He wrapped his fingers around the body that was much sturdier than he realized. Then slowly tilted it so Ian was left on his palm. 
He brought the hand close to his face, allowing himself to grow faster. The way his bones unfolded and his skin stretched helped mask the pain. Once at his full size he stared at Ian. His arm was still bleeding, it would take hours to heal. It wasn’t deadly. His body had pains all over, but it wasn’t as intense. The panic ebbed as he faced his crying brother. This human was safe. As long as they were on equal footing there would be no issues.
After this debacle, Mikhail would add precautions on the ship. More ways to get around if he needed them. Add some safety measures if Ian appeared to enter a need to hunt. It would make it much easier to avoid the threat of being toyed with due to instincts. A memory tried to surface, but his mind was too unsteady to parse it.
As his mind succumbed to a level of exhaustion he’d never felt before, he heard Ian calling his name. The only being in the universe he’d met that used a shortened form…
Mikhail first became aware of the empty feeling in his hand. Ian had left, probably the best option. He could work on the precautionary measures. As he opened his eyes, a dark shadow left him partly blinded. He carefully pushed himself out of it, worried that something had fallen. His body froze, a high pitched whine escaped his chest.
The shadow cast over him was Ian. Big enough Mikhail could fit in Ian’s hand. Ian twitched in his sleep and Mikhail’s heart slowed. His own kind had never felt dangerous with this kind of difference in size. The whine in his chest rose even higher. It wasn’t until the skin covering Ian’s eyes began to move that Mikhail considered his whine might be heard.
One eye opened, he could feel as the massive predator’s gaze passed him by. It forced a memory to the front of his mind, the same one his exhausted mind couldn’t understand. A younger and more adventurous version of himself leaving town when his size had changed. Just before new guardians arrived. Two predators that circled him until someone arrived. Those eyes with a portion like Ian’s that would screw and unscrew. Wax and wane. Focus on the prey.
“Mik…?” Ian’s voice was low. Mikhail tried not to panic as the other eye opened. If he avoided sudden movements then Ian wouldn’t feel instincts to hunt kick in. He’d be fine. They’d discuss it later… This time once Mikhail was ready. “Am I still asleep?”
Ian moved, his shadow grew. Mikhail found himself stumbling back. He barely managed to keep his movements slow. Ian didn’t appear to mind Mikhail’s nerves. It wouldn’t be unreasonable for a predator to enjoy teasing prey. He’d seen it in the field studies he completed before leaving his home.
Once Ian sat up straight, he rubbed his eyes. Mikhail took the chance to try to back away more, but he must have made noise. Ian stopped and stared at him after a single step. Hands shot toward him. An action that he was used to. That was common. Yet it still made him flinch, which made the steady thump in his chest grow worse. His body felt heavy when the hands stopped just shy of him.
“Mik…?” Ian’s voice was softer than before. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know the lemonade would do this to you…”
Mikhail tried to think. If he could talk then this would be better. They’d come to an understanding… He hoped.
“How…” Ian’s voice cracked. Water rolled down his face. “How can I help?”
Ian’s hands moved again. Mikhail slid further back, the translator fell off as he moved. This was the problem with the ones that changed size with him, they weren’t as likely to stay attached. His antennae twisted painfully behind his head. He could already feel the knot they’d formed in his sleep.
Mikhail could feel the moment the gaze turned from him. It focused on the translator sitting in front of him. Ian squinted his eyes, a heavy breath left him. Mikhail shivered as it passed him. 
“You are safe. I will not hurt you.”
Ian… Ian spoke Mikhail’s language. It wasn’t the same as when Mikhail attempted human English. A perfect mimicry. So perfect Mikhail would believe Ian was another researcher who’d arrived at the wrong planet. That kicked Mikhail’s mind into gear. Everything he’d read about the predator’s on his own planet left those with mimicry at this level the most deadly.
“Th-there’s no problem.” Mikhail would explain and things would be fine. That was how it worked in theory. There was no reason Ian would cave to instincts over rationale at this moment. Mikhail just had to stay confident. Confident and move slowly. “It appears my body has taken to this size after processing the drink. I did not intend to cause trouble. I had misunderstood the gathering. A chance to display hunting skills was not something I should have been present for. I will be fine, you should return… to…”
Mikhail trailed off as Ian’s head tilted. It caused his shadow to move, the dull light of the room made it hard to meet Ian’s eyes. He waited, afraid of what his words might cause. Ian’s hands moved again. One dropped to the human’s side, but the other moved closer and closer. Mikhail couldn’t stop himself from flinching. He closed his eyes expecting that movement to trigger human hunt instincts.
He waited. And waited. And waited. Eventually, Mikhail risked opening his eyes. Ian’s fingers were close, holding the translator between two human claws. He looked up to find  Ian’s head tilted to one side. His eyes wide with the black portion almost enough to eclipse the brown color. The fingers came closer, Mikhail reached up. He grabbed the translator, careful to avoid the sharp edges of the claws. Almost reluctantly he stuck the base to his neck and the speaker to the end of his antennae. The reluctance fell away as the fingers were pulled back.
“...I’m sorry Mik,” Ian’s voice was soft. Softer than before. “I don’t… I don’t know what you’re talking about. It was just supposed to be for fun. You said most foods were fine, I thought organic lemonade counted. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry… I.. How can we fix what it did? Once you’re back to normal I’ll leave. I'm so sorry.”
Mikhail braced himself before speaking. As terrifying as he found Ian, he didn’t want his human brother to leave. His fear would subside much like Ian’s. “There will be no problem. Once I have regained enough energy I will be fine and add protection for myself against your hunting instincts. We will need to add something to the ship for once my work on this planet is done so that your instincts-”
Mikhail was cut off as Ian’s hands surrounded him. His heart slowed to a point that even Ian’s better senses wouldn’t be sure it wasn’t stopped. A relatively normal response to a predator that was too big to escape. Mikhail logically knew that he should be safe. Ian had experienced being held, which was the easiest way to teach the others of his own species how to handle each other. That logic wasn’t winning.
“Wait, you want me to go with you after you finish here?” Ian’s voice was loud, Mikhail’s tangled antennae ached as they attempted to stay frozen. Digits with sharp claws rested all around him. Some touched his skin. “Mik… oh fuck Mik? Mik please answer. Did I hurt you?”
All his instincts won. Mikhail stayed silent and frozen as Ian’s predatory eyes stared at his tiny form. There were times he felt positive his heart would stop beating entirely. The eyes above him started to shine, quickly followed by drops of water. Ian was crying again. The human began to shake as he climbed to his feet.
“No, no, no,” Ian whispered. Mikhail could feel the pain in those words. At the same time his body felt cold. His mind wouldn’t work, his body couldn’t move. Mikhail’s instincts won over his rational thinking. Which left the idea of Ian’s instincts winning at the forefront of his frazzled thoughts.
He was pressed against Ian’s chest. The rapid heartbeat of the human only left more fear in his body. Even at this size Ian’s steps were shockingly silent. Mikhail faced inner turmoil as Ian moved. The part of him that trusted his human brother wanted to feel at ease. He knew he’d be trapped at this size, he’d have grown already if it was possible. Yet the knowledge that Ian could view him as prey… could kill him, continued to be the louder part of him.
“Shit, shit,” Ian mumbled to himself. Mikhail felt guilty at being the cause. He heard a loud bang that crushed the guilt quickly. “Open already damn it!”
The sound of a door sliding open created more fear. He had no idea what a human might do with potentially dead prey. His antennae felt as though they’d fall off with how rigid they were. Keeping still was somehow more painful than when they continued moving after becoming knotted. Although the knot they were in now would be difficult to free them from.
“This stupid computer has to tell me something,” Ian’s voice was loud now. Mikhail didn’t realize a human could be quite so loud. The digits curled in and pressed against him. The claws were against his skin. A minor increase in pressure and they’d break his skin. He wouldn’t survive his skin breaking at this scale… Not if humans reacted to the blood as predators on his own planet did.
The hand holding him moved. The speed left him dazed as Ian’s hand landed flat on the desk. He hadn’t even noticed the human sitting down. From his position he stared into the room he hadn’t entered since Ian’s panic. Slowly his mind began to process what he saw.
The crashes from before the festival finally made sense. Machines from the ship were scattered all over, inner workings exposed. Squinting slightly he could see that each machine had a book in his own language resting atop them. The oddity itself allowed his nerves to ease. 
“Come on, come on,” Ian’s voice brought Mikhail back to his situation. Doing what he could to avoid moving, he focused back on his brother’s face. “What do I do? Would cpr work? I don’t even know what the proper beat for his heart is. Does he breathe? Gimme something you stupid computer!”
Ian growled. The growl snapped Mikhail out of his frozen state enough to flinch ever so slightly. That tiny flinch was enough for Ian to notice. The human’s eyes locked on his form again. 
“Mik?” Ian whispered. The hand Mikhail was on moved. A whine escaped him causing the hand to freeze immediately. “Mik… are you ok?”
Mikhail couldn’t bring himself to answer.
“What happened? Did-did I do something?”
Mikhail wanted to explain, but his instincts had already taken back over. They only grew stronger as Ian loomed over him. A perfect chance to see teeth different from his own. Ones he thought were the same. Sharp points that would tear flesh. His own looked sharp, but wouldn’t break skin. Not even the biggest of his species would be capable of a feat like that. Their teeth were too flat.
A strong gust of wind pulled Mikhail’s hair forward. Something he should be used to, but knowing it was a predator made it terrifying. Ian’s breath. Pushed back again as he breathed out.
“Mikhail, how can I help? I’ll leave after I promise. Just tell me how to help.”
A whine Mikhail knew he’d only made once in the past escaped his chest. After he was saved from predators, after he was blamed for being young enough to be foolish. He didn’t want that pain again. He was saved back then, someone willing to take his care on full time despite his constant size changing. Ian was ready to leave, even used his full name.
“Mik,” Mikhail managed to get a single word out. Ian’s eyes changed. Wide look and miniscule pupils. “You always say Mik…”
“I…” Ian’s mouth hung open. Fear surged in Mikhail’s body. Pain reached every part of his being, a desperate need to grow. “Yeah I do… What… what happened?”
Mikhail struggled, speaking to a predator while this vulnerable felt foolish. Instincts pushed for him to run or stay silent. Surprise creeped into Ian’s expression and the hand he was on was moved again. It tilted and he slid off onto a soft surface. Far too quickly Ian’s face appeared in front of him. Others of his kind never felt this quick… or deadly.
“This is probably better right?” Ian sounded nervous. “I mean I grabbed you and I hate that so you probably hate it too. Sorry, I just got excited. I thought… I kept thinking you were going to just be gone once your whole research and approach humans thing was done.”
“That has never been my intention,” Mikhail said. It was easier to speak while free from Ian’s hands. “Although we will need to designate a way to deal with…”
“Deal with what?”
Mikhail was actually hopeful he was wrong. That perhaps he misunderstood what Ian meant. Perhaps the ‘real thing’ wasn’t an animal, but the source of the toy. With that hope he managed to face the eyes that seemed to follow every one of his movements. Ian stood, looming perhaps by mistake. Mikhail gathered all of his courage, his antennae hurt as they quivered. “To deal with the fact that you, or rather humans, are… predators.”
Ian stepped back, the distance allowed Mikhail’s heart to reach a somewhat normal pace once more. Ian’s eyes were locked on him, but they didn’t look like a predator’s this time. They looked hurt. Scared even. Ian turned away, pulling out the human device he called a phone. After a few seconds his brother let out a deep sigh.
“I just wanted to fact check my memories first sorry,” Ian mumbled. “Humans are considered apex predators so…” Another sigh, another step away from Mikhail. “So I guess yeah we are predators, but we’re also omnivores. Plants and animals, lots of things work as food for us. Is it… are the animals dangerous to you?”
Mikhail waited for the fear to overcome him again. For his body to freeze and heart to slow enough he wasn’t sure he still lived. Instead he felt calmed by the answer. The knowledge he was correct somehow brought him peace. Of course Ian’s reaction to step away was helping as well. He took this chance to attempt an increase in his size.
He focused on forcing his bones to unfold. His skin to stretch. Yet nothing changed. He remained palm sized. Mikhail’s antennae tugged to separate, this time painfully enough he winced. He felt before he saw Ian’s step closer. The shudder as he lunged to reach him. A human looming over him…
“Mik,” Ian whispered, Mikhail watched his brother’s eyes squint. “Your antennae are tangled. Can I try to help?”
Mikhail didn’t move. Didn’t have words to say. The fear that overtook him at the festival reappeared from the shadow cast over him. Numbly he nodded, too fearful of what a refusal could cause. Fingers with claws that easily broke his skin came close. He prepared for the worst, the inevitable pain and suffering of those claws breaking his skin.
Mikhail wanted to shut his eyes, but forced himself to stare at his brother’s face. To see what would happen if a human smelled his blood while he was vulnerable. Focus on the ways he could use this new perspective. Try to forget the danger he was in, the danger he knew he should try to escape. If only he’d left any of the precautions for his kind on in the ship, rather than turn them off to prevent issues for Ian.
“Hold still, let me know if it hurts,” Ian said. 
The breath that washed over him made following instructions easy. Mikhail felt as the massive digits made contact with his antennae. Waited for the pain. And waited. And waited. And waited. Instead of pain he felt relief as the knot his antennae had become disappeared. The warmth beneath the strange leathery skin proceeded to soothe the aches their reactions caused.
Silence settled between them. One that was almost comfortable as Ian worked. Mikhail’s focus on the human face above him remained steady. The entire time he saw the black parts of Ian’s eyes as pinpricks. He even noticed a subtle shaking of the brown orb that sat within the white part of the eye. It was strange. Yet once again all of this managed to fill him with a sense of calm.
“That should do it,” Ian smiled. Mikhail found himself mimicking the expression. Relieved the knot had been handled and without a drop of his blood spilt. Yet that left many questions to answer. Questions that he had to pose before anything else happened.
“My species would be akin to prey,” Mikhail blurted it out. At the same time his antennae tried to twist back together, but pressure kept them apart. Ian’s eyes changed focus to his face now. Mikhail’s heart slowed to a rhythmic beat. “We… we are prey on our planet. I believe we would be prey here. We will need to account for your instincts moving for-”
“Wait, is that what made you act weird? My instincts?” Mikhail nodded. “Mik, humans aren’t driven like that. Sure I’ll look at a sound or follow a quick movement, but I’m not gonna- I don’t even know what you think I’m gonna do.”
“I do not understand…” 
Mikhail searched his memory on every species his kind had met and studied. Every single one had followed some level of instinct. His own grew in response to potential dangers, it was almost unheard of for someone to have control like himself. An avian species that had, more than once, carried off a member of his kind and nearly killed them. An aquatic species that, during feeding times, would chase anything small enough to be prey. Another that would change its colors to hide itself from predators or in reaction to perceived danger. Every recorded species had some instinct that they couldn’t physically ignore. At least not without something to purposely make it possible. Could humans truly be different?
“I mean, we have instincts sure. None of them are to go chasing something small. It’s more likely we’re going to slap at something we don’t expect touching us, or try to grab something we see moving when it shouldn’t and nothing we know of matches it. Well I guess the second one is kind of hunting, but still. Humans don’t do that, we probably evolved out of that cause of all the other animals that act that way.”
“There are more predators than humans?”
“Yeah, humans are special cause of communities and tool building… I think. I’ll admit I never paid much attention in those classes, but I mean a bear would still kill me. Technically a cow could too.”
The knowledge he’d gained had only made his fear worse. Part of the idea was for his kind and humans to freely travel to each other's planets. Many precautions were in place on each his kind currently visited. How could humans be safe? Perhaps marking humans as too dangerous would be the correct option, but that would mean Ian wouldn’t be able to leave with him. The mere idea of that caused a whine to escape his chest again.
“Mik,” Ian had crouched again. They were as close to eye to eye as possible. “Humans are weird. I don’t really get what you expect out of me or humans in general, but we’re brothers right? I’m not gonna hurt you or let anyone hurt you. Especially another human.”
Mikhail stared at Ian for a long time. He considered the words he’d been told. This planet posed a threat that he needed to study. Ian posed threats he couldn’t imagine. Yet the same claws that pierced his skin easily had managed to untangle his antennae without a scratch. Mikhail’s physical reaction to his fear had already dulled near Ian. It was something to study later, when both of them were comfortable.
“I think I will need to do more research on humans and the other creatures of this planet when I am capable of growing,” Mikhail said. Ian’s eyes widened.
“Right… so what now? Do you want me to take you somewhere? I can leave too. I mean I’ve been freaking you out right?” Ian offered. The offer sounded appealing at first, but the consideration of other predators, not just humans, managing to find him gave Mikhail pause. Plus the proximity of his brother had stayed calming even after hearing the truth of his worries.
“I… would prefer to stay near you if that is alright.”
“Sure, like this or something else?”
“I am… unsure when I will begin to grow again, perhaps not on the desk.”
“Right, right”
Ian’s hand landed palm up in front of him. Mikhail felt the steady beat of his heart as he walked towards it. Clawed digits curled up as he sat in the center. Ian pulled his hand up, slower than Mikhail expected after the prior experiences. Panic did explain those actions. Ian moved stiffly across the room and set his hand down on the bed. Mikhail climbed off, unsure what was coming next.
“This should work,” Ian said. He sat down on the floor in front of the bed leaving Mikhail on the currently massive surface. “This way I can wake you up if you start to get bigger and no worries I might hurt you right?”
“Yes… yes this should be fine.” Mikhail’s antennae stood up straight, a rare emotion had reached him. A mixture of happiness, calm, and the feeling of safety. “Thank you, Ian.”
“No problem, just get some rest and we can figure out the whole predator prey thing you started to worry about.”
Mikhail quickly made himself comfortable. He made sure his eyes faced Ian. Where he could see the massive predator that chose to protect a prey rather than toy with or hurt it. He truly hoped humans were different from the other species. With that thought Mikhail closed his eyes and allowed the fear fueled energy to disperse where he could sleep.
Ian waited until he felt sure Mik was asleep to move. He turned to look at Mik, still small enough to fit in his palm. He’d never thought something like a food chain could cause so much trouble. He had to find a way to help fix this, he didn’t want to lose another family. 
He slid away from the bed to grab a tablet with a network connection he bought after Mik gave him some money. He moved back silently and waited to see if Mik stirred. Once convinced it was fine, he got comfortable and started to look up some self defense classes. Those would at least be a start.
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Pedro Pascal as D'yavol
Theme song: Between Highschool and school by Alice cooper
Likes: Alice Cooper, Comics, music, Korol', Mason, Park, Tattoos
Dislikes: His dad, Adler, Bell, vegetables, reading, Silver Snake
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Aiden Gillian as Mikhail “Mik/Silver Snake„ Konstantin
Theme song: Because the Night by Mystic Prophecy
Likes: Reading, watching his twin daughters baseball games, Bruce Springsteen, Koshmar, Angel, knives
Dislikes: D'yavol, Tattoos, Adler, Hudson, Park, Mason, Woods
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David Castañeda as Angel
Theme song: I don't know what we're talking about by NSP
Likes: his whole team, coloring books, food, cats, knives
Dislikes: Being touched
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Jai Courtney as Koshmar
Theme Song: Go to Hell by Alice Cooper
Likes: Classified
Dislikes: Classified
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Ben Barns as Korol'
Theme song: Gimmie by Alice Cooper
Likes: sitting in silence and doing nothing but staring at the ceiling, D'yavol
Dislikes: The rest of his team
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Daniel Gillies as P'yanyy Durak
Theme song: Preacher by Roe Kapara
Likes: D'yavol, alcohol in any form, food, running, climbing
Dislikes: Safe House Crew, Weaver, Bell(an unhealthy amount)
@sclvixtcxnnxcticn come me more of the boys
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-----------------------------------------------Aiden Gillen as Young Mikhail “Mik/Silver Snake„ Konstantin in Call of Duty Black Ops One
“The sixties?...Perseus had found me at a very strange...time in my life„
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Aiden Gillian as Mikhail “Mik/Silver Snake„ Konstantin in Call of Duty Black Ops One
“What can I say, I used to be very...uh... different„
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When he the human version of an attack dog
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