#oc codex prompt
greypetrel · 3 months
Sera 🌙💙 "writing found in your OC’s trash can" for Garrett? 😶‍🌫️
Sciau 💜⭐️
Ok, I went for the sappy option, what can I say. He tried! ⭐️
Tis the prompt list
3. writing found in your OC’s trash can
a crumpled note, unfolded and carefully smoothed down. It was torn in two, but the tear isn't in a place where it will make reading difficult, if one had a mind to it. It can be read, in a sharp calligraphy written by a heavy hand that pressed on the paper much:
Roses are red Violets are blue-
Violets are purple, that's a stupid metaphor. What is blue?
Blue things:
Sky Too short, it needs two syllables. Poetry is hard, that's on me for listening to Isabela.
Bluebells I already put roses in the first verse, it's enough flowers?
Lyrium markings Maybe not these?
(Grey) Wardens No that's even worse.
Roses are red Spirits are blue Pumpkins are nothing If compared with you.
Roses are red Wardens are blue I'd travel anywhere if I could go with you
Roses are red Your markings shine blue They aren't as bright As- The rest of the verse is scribbled out and unreadable
This is unbelievably stupid he'll laugh of me and not in the way I'd want him to laugh. Scrap it, if he wanted a poet he should have gotten with Raina anyway. It's gonna be a bouquet of artichokes as I intended. No poetry.
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nyrafernvale · 3 months
dealers choice, 3, 6, or 12
Bless you 🙏
"Someone describing a time your OC helped them" (OC Codex Prompts)
Entry from the journal of a veteran monster hunter. The journal itself was found by a group of rangers patrolling the Misty Forest, with many of its pages damaged from prolonged exposure to the elements. No sign of the owner of the journal was found.
It is with a heavy heart I write to say the spawn has fully integrated herself into the party. As long as I had Ireena’s caution on my side, I could ensure she kept her distance appropriately—just in case her interpretation of the Tarokka had been misguided after all. It’s what I would have preferred until our merry band was finished with its quest, but today the spawn did something that ruined this unspoken agreement between us.  I was on watch, Ireena asleep in the wagon and the spawn off hunting, when I spotted movement in the underbrush. There were no signs before now that the werewolf pack came this far east, but I shouldn’t be surprised given the brutish nature of the current alpha. I'm confident that gluttonous ass has over-hunted their territory and forced the patrols to travel further than ever before for prey. But that’s a problem we’ll investigate soon enough. The current one I’m dealing with is that, despite the fact I was handling the ambush just fine on my own, the spawn felt it necessary to intervene. I suppose she heard the sounds of the fight, or maybe even smelled the blood. I didn’t care to ask her afterwards how it was she returned to the camp so quickly.  When she did, she didn’t even hesitate. She flung herself in front of the werewolf leading this patrol like someone with nothing to lose, and I doubt that comparison is far from the mark.  Forearm in the mouth of a beast, she had the audacity to look at me and ask if I was okay. I was so caught off guard, I almost let a wolf circle around to my blind spot. Just another example of her vexing presence being of a detriment to me. Decapitating the wolf was enough of an answer for the spawn, who then launched fully into the werewolf, unbothered by her broken arm as she latched onto the beast’s neck.  When the forest was once again silent she pushed away from the drained corpse, reeking of iron and wet dog, as her arm knit itself back together. I wish I could accurately convey the unnerving nature of her stare in those few moments we made eye contact. How uncannily still she stood without the need to recover lost air.  After seeing how she leaped to my defense, Ireena is now fully convinced her goals align with ours. I even saw her handing the spawn a handkerchief, for what little it did to help her clean up afterwards. I will remain on guard. The only moment I will concede to the idea she is not secretly influenced by her undead master is when said master is a pile of ash on the floor, and she honors our deal of letting me end her unholy life. 
The rest of the page is filled with sketches of the same figure. A lithe elf with short black hair and a piercing gaze is depicted in various poses, including one that mirrors the fight described above.
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saiyanandproud · 1 year
number 3?
OC Codex Prompt
3. A report written by your OC teacher or mentor
Dear Mr and Mrs Ninjin,
This letter is to inform you about your daughter's performance in the last semester. Mariko's dropped have severely worsened in these last months; her teachers report that she has been having troubles focussing during classes, and have also noticed she has been acting more restless than usual. We would like to invite you both to a meeting with the school psychologist, to discuss a potential diagnosis of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and consequent possible solutions to the issue.
The Headmistress
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jewishzevran · 1 year
5 for ori 🥰
5 - A note/letter found in your OC’s pocket ❧
Codex Entry - A letter found in the pocket of a dress belonging to Inquisitor Lavellan. It is carefully folded, and faded along the crease lines, as though it has been opened and closed many times. The handwriting is clearly that of a young child.
Dear Miss Lavellan,
Thank you for letting the mages stay at your keep. I am here with my big sister. We came here from the forest. It was a very long walk and I was very tired but I like it here much better than the circle. Everyone is nice to me here and I don't feel scared to use my magic.
My sister says you use lots of fire magic like me. I hope one day I can be as powerful and brave as you. I think you are very beautiful and have a nice smile.
Love Hannah P., aged 5 ¾
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bitchesofostwick · 1 year
16 from the DAI codex prompts for ellinor 👀 if you would...
16. something written to your OC by an older member of their family
My understanding is that Rutherford made quick work of our efforts in Sahrnia. Embarrassing, frankly, since our intelligence suggests he’s not as capable as he once was and likely no longer takes lyrium. It should not have been so easy for him to make his way through our ranks, much less do so successfully.
They’ll make another move, and fast, if my intuition is correct. If Ellinor the Inquisitor doesn’t know I’m working with you, she will soon. And she’ll have plans to strike again. She won’t be able to resist, and that will as always be her undoing. Let me meet her. Let me go to the Shrine of Dumat and deal with her, once and for all. The men you sent to the Emerald Graves, the Forbidden Oasis—all of them have failed. She’s not especially strong, nor is she well trained in arms. There’s no reason why she should remain such a threat to our work. All she has is spite, and a weak-willed former member of the Order working as her dog. The time for playing games is over. I’ll take care of it. Apparently, I’m the only one here who knows how.
I don’t care if she’s 26 years old. I don’t care if she’s the leader of the damned Inquisition. She’s an insolent brat and a thorn in our side. And with all due respect, if none of the other officers have the backbone to eliminate her and Rutherford, let me handle it. It’s not as if I haven’t dealt with her before. Subduing her should be simple enough, and then we can deliver her to Corypheus.
I’ll leave what should become of Rutherford up to you.
—from a letter written to Raleigh Samson by Knight-Captain Bryony Trevelyan
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kirkwallgremlin · 1 year
6 for frankie!!
6. someone describing a time your OC helped them
I was so scared for a moment I’d lost her and what kind of mother would lose her own child? But the street was so busy and I only looked away for a second. Andraste’s blessing on the Grey Warden who found her and walked her back to find me. 
I found out later the Hero of Ferelden had been in town! It must have been her. Imagine that! The Hero of Ferelden, helping out our little family! 
She seemed very kind. Smaller in person than I expected. Mari has been holding the little wooden token she gave her ever since. 
—an excerpt from a letter found on the streets of Denerim 
[oc codex prompts]
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crow-of-ferelden · 1 year
For Glasya Surana, 3. a report written by your OC’s teacher or mentor from the OC codex prompts?
omg this is so cool i can absolutely do this !!! i am so incredibly excited to have a request (and i just learned how to respond to them) this is so cool hehehe
Found in the Denerim Grey Warden vault among Duncan's belongings. A folded piece of parchment with a broken seal indicating it came from the Circle Tower.
I have received your communications concerning the need for mages in the King's army at Ostagar. I invite you to the Circle Tower at Lake Calenhad to search for recruits.
Personally, I would like to champion a particular mage for your consideration. Following the completion of her Harrowing yesterday, I believe she would make an excellent addition to your ranks.
Glasya Surana is by far one of the most ambitious and dedicated mages I've had the pleasure of training. She spends tireless hours in the libraries, studying both material for her lessons and whatever other material she can get her hands on. Her fierce dedication to her craft has allowed her to grow into a fine young mage with a particular affinity for fire magic. Unfortunately, I am to believe that she prefers to practice and learn about magic more than actually utilizing her talents for higher purpose. I am hopeful that your recruitment may change that.
The aforementioned ambition I mentioned is particularly worth noting. When her mind is set to something, Lady Surana will stop at nothing to achieve it. A month ago, she became obsessed with learning a difficult ward spell. I only know of this because multiple other mages approached me to beg me to talk some sense into her. Apparently, she'd spent four straight days in the same seat in the library! To some, a ferocity like Glasya's is something to fear in a mage. A couple of my associates have expressed concern over Glasya's potential fate as an abomination, others have asked templars to keep a closer eye on her. Personally, I do not believe it is possible. I wouldn't be surprised if Glasya willed the demon out of her through disappointed looks and annoyed sighs.
If it pleases you, I will arrange a meeting between you and Glasya when you next find yourself at the Circle. She could be an excellent trainer or researcher.
Though I'm inclined towards the former.
Maker guide you,
First Enchanter Irving
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develop-your-oc · 2 months
Your blog has been so helpful with my oc developing journey! Thank you for putting so much time into collecting resources and the like! I did have a question, if you wouldn't mind answering, but how do you use Obsidian for sorting/recording your oc data? It's a little daunting and I've found myself constantly going over the info and trying to format everything. It's maddening. Thank you again for your hard work and time! <3
It's awesome that you've found this blog to be helpful! Thank you so much for telling me! 💖 (it ain't much but it's honest work dot jpeg)
Obsidian as a program is daunting especially if you're not familiar with similar applications (OneNote, Evernote, Joplin, etc.), but somehow I have completely forgotten how frustrating it was to get started from a blank page, even though I spent years struggling with that frustration. Here's a basic rundown of what I do!
Folders and basic setup are as follows:
Within one vault, I use multiple folders. One folder contains my templates, lists and other data, prompts, and so on. There are individual files for each original setting within this folder in order to take quick notes to be sorted later or keep reminders. Other files in this folder include ideas for future character names and other writing ideas.
Each setting has its own folder where everything related to it is stored, with OCs being the star of the show at the top level. There are several subfolders filled with notes, completed prompts, drabbles, lore, codex entries, etc.
One of the subfolders is for files regarding characters that my OCs interact with but aren't mine (a roleplay partner's OC, a game NPC, etc.) to store notes and other useful information for later reference, like a wiki page built only for myself.
As for the OCs themselves:
Each OC has its own file within the folder of their setting where a template holds their information. This template is vague enough to be useful in most settings, and simple enough to allow editing as needed.
The template begins as a simple formatted list of basics as you would expect (identity, appearance, occupation, etc.), as well as likes, dislikes, hobbies, skills, virtues, and flaws.
All friends, family, lovers, and so on are listed with a very brief description of how they are connected to my OC.
There are sections beneath the list for all the substantial information. — Background: everything from before their story begins. From before the arrival of you, the creator, if that makes sense. — Going Forward: from the beginning of their story, to the end (if there is one), and into the future beyond that. — Trivia: tidbits of information and facts that don't fit anywhere else. — Timeline: a chronological list with dates and concise details. Additional information is sorted into one of the other sections, the destination based on where the information would be most relevant. — Relationships: important relationships are detailed here. — Notes: the anything goes catch-all. Less about the character and more about you, like a reminder ("name their childhood pet!") or something worth noting ("my first OC!").
If the character is still in its concept phase, I stick to bullet point notes and update with the template later as needed.
Other things I'd like to mention:
There's more functionality within Obsidian than what I use, but I'm happy with my methods for now.
I make heavy use of bullet points, tab indents, and the little arrow that pops up to open or close lengthy sections as needed.
I never fill out the entire template at once, or ever; some sections remain empty permanently and some characters remain bullet points. It is what it is!
I keep the files for all the OCs that are currently rotting my brain open in tabs at the top! 🥰
Sometimes a folder is a genre and is instead used for multiple settings, such as all my OCs from the various farming simulation games I play sharing the same folder.
Relationships can sometimes be easier as their own page, particularly if it involves more than two characters, such as families and their dynamics.
This is a brief description of how I do things for myself. This works for me, but may not work for you. I tend to make up a bunch of silly little rules for myself, so please take this as inspiration rather than instruction. If this is confusing or you would like more help, anon, please DM me again and I'll work on visual examples and better explanations. Thanks again, and I hope this helps!
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shivunin · 3 months
for the oc codex prompts: a note/letter found in your OC's pocket, for Arianwen?
Ooooh absolutely chewing on this, thank you!!
(Codex Prompts)
For "a note/letter found in your OC's pocket" (377 Words | No warnings)
A handspan of paper, marked with stains and retrieved from a Warden’s pocket after the death of the Archdemon. Its corners are grey with handling, its creases deep, and it is dated only a month previous. The letter reads:
Wen, I know you’ll never listen to me say it aloud, so I’ve written this down in advance. I did what I had to do, and I guess you did, too. If I were to do it all over, I never would have pushed you like I did. For what it’s worth now, I didn’t know what would happen because of it. Maybe you would never have had to become what you are now. Maybe you would have been taken away to Tevinter like so many of the others. I guess we’ll never know, will we? I am proud of who you’ve become. You won’t believe that, I think, but I am proud of you. I wish I could tell you properly how I felt the first time I held you. Your ma wouldn’t let you go for the first day—couldn’t stand to set you down. Couldn’t bear to stop looking at you. She wanted you more than anything else in the world. When she fell asleep at last, I picked you up and took you to the window where the light was brightest. Your head didn’t even fill the palm of my hand, my Wen. I thought—you could do anything in the world, nothing decided for you yet. There’s so much I would change if I could, but I have always loved you. Whatever you think of me now, I want you to know that. Maybe you still can do anything in the world. If anybody can save us from what’s coming, I think it must be you. I saw the way you fought before. I’m proud of you. Maybe I said so already, but I mean it. I’ve already written more here than you’ll ever read, I know. You have been one of the greatest joys in my life. Maybe you’ll allow an old man this one foolishness. I will not tell you to be strong; you always have been, even without my encouragement. Be well, then, my dear, even if you cannot be safe. -Pa
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inquisimer · 3 months
Happy dadwc! <3 Nika - something written by your OC in response to an honor they’re being awarded
happy dadwc friday bb and ty for the prompt! A short and sweet one - I kept fiddling with it, but it doesn't need anything else :3
for @dadrunkwriting
Codex Entry: A Farewell From The Hero of Ferelden
The words are blunt and irregular, as though carved in secret with an ill-suited blade. A few drops of blood are smeared alongside the carving and on the pile of chipped pieces beneath it.
-Found scratched into a bench at the palace of Denerim, following the coronation of Queen Anora
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rexsoka-monthly · 9 months
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Send an ask to this blog or DM one of the mods to request an invite. We talk all things Rexsoka and Star Wars. And you don’t have to be a writer or artist to join in on the fun! If you love Rexsoka, we want you here! 🧡💙
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4) NSFW chat is accepted in all channels. Please spoiler tag super explicit content, such as graphic descriptions of sexual acts, xeno, etc. Super explicit discussion about Rexsoka should be done in #thirsty-chat.
5) NSFW images/gifs must be spoiler tagged. NSFW content includes nudity, sexual content, violence, etc. Basically anything that you wouldn’t want your boss getting a glimpse of over your shoulder. Please make sure to also spoiler tag the url for images linked from outside sources such as Twitter or Tumblr; this will hide the thumbnail as well.
6) Spoilers must be spoiler tagged. See “Spoiler Guidelines” below for more information.
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*Spoiler Guidelines and Trigger Guidelines (along with the above rules) can all be found in the server under #rules-and-guidelines.
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greypetrel · 2 months
Siúil a rúin
Last codex prompt from @shivunin! Thank you so much for all these hon!
Tis the prompt list
8. something written about one of your OC’s regrets - Alyra
Please don't come here to slap me on the back of my neck for what I'm about to tell you. But I'm tired of discussing this, and this behaviour of yours needs to stop. If Morrigan won't tell you, I will.
I'm not Tamlen, I'm not Merrill. I'm not dying if you take your eyes away from me for five minutes. Even if I do: it's not your responsibility, it's not on you, nobody would blame you, me least of all, you aren't leaving me in a place I don't want to be.
Yes, I never wanted this crown and yes, for a moment I hated you for forcing it upon me. It's been ten years, we patched it up and I hope I grew up a little. Enough to stop whining upon it. It's gone how it's gone, and if we're talking about blame and forcing the other upon roles they didn't want, I did the same to you after Ostagar. I was the senior Warden, I shouldn't have left you in charge. I put you in a difficult position first, without giving you a choice. We're even.
Beside, I look handsome with the crown on my head. You like it too, I saw you.
What I mean is: Go. Take your things and go after the Cure. I'm going to be fine, Ferelden is not going to sink without you, and you kinda offend me if you imply I could do such a shitty work. My poor heart is in shambles. The worst it's happening is that I'll order every meal to be cheese. Do not worry about me and go. If there's one person that can accomplish this crazy mission, that's you. And I am more involved in the Circle environment than you: I can deal with this war.
I did ask a lot of you too. I'm not asking you to renounce to this. And not only because it will benefit me as well.
Go, my love. Don't let me stop you again. I'll keep Teagan on pins and needles with crazy requests on your account. I will stare at him without blinking just to not let him lose the habit of sweating in councils.
And I promise that if I find any magic mirror, I will just wink at my reflection and leave it alone without touching it.
Too soon?
I do love you. Run here before leaving, so I can tell you goodbye properly. Alistair.
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saiyanandproud · 1 year
[How about...7 - someone describing a time your OC hurt them]
Why are you so mean JK I live for it
God I have to wreck my brain about it Mariko so rarely hurts people
OC Codex Prompt
7. Someone describing a time your OC hurt them
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"I mean... She tried." An elegant chuckle leaves Towa's lips as she speaks. "Poor little child, she was so furious when she found out I was looking for Fu. So protective. Only an idiot wouldn't have noticed it was a concern way past friendly intents..."
"Anyways, she did lash at me, but her moves were so predictable. I have to give it to her, though -- she can be fast. In fact, fast enough to leave me this."
With a light brush of her long fingers, Towa shifts her candid locks to reveal a thin line on her right cheekbone, just under her eye. It's barely visible, almost a shadow. Nonetheless, the demon's alabaster forehead creases for a second.
"It wasn't worth my time. But as people say... Eye for an eye. I made sure I left a tangible memory of our meeting before I left. Just a little taste of what I'll do next time we cross paths." Her smile hardens as she adds: "No one compromises my perfect features and gets away with it unharmed. But to my taste, revenge is a dish better served cold."
(Inspired by old threads with @fyu-ture)
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jewishzevran · 1 year
codex 2: #3 and #5 for Jasper? oWo
3 - Writing found in your OCs trash can ❧
Codex Entry - An unfinished letter found crumpled at the bottom of a waste paper basket in the Skyhold room of Lord Jasper Cadell. The entire bottom half of the parchment is black with ink, as though the bottle was spilled in frustration or surprise. Dated 9:41, two weeks before the attempted assassination of Empress Celene.
Asher, I love you I think I'm in love with you I'm falling for you You're the only thing I think about and I don't want to lose you You're like the sun and I'm a flower My soul has always been searching for yours I want to spend every day making you smile I love you Fuck.
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elismor · 8 months
Recent Fic Omnibus
Ignition Sequence  written for @brokenphoenix99 The one where Jesse and Dogma hold hands for the first time.(drabble)
Perfect Strangers The one where Numa is reintroduced to the soldiers she met on Ryloth (drabble)
Name the Date written for OC Bingo. The one where Flood and Boomer have a second first date (double drabble and also BINGO!)
Table for Two? The first of my 52 Pickup project and also a fill for 501st Bingo: first date. Codex. ~1100 words
Must Love Dogs The one with Fox and Grizzer (drabble for Fox Day)
Common Cold Second 52 Pickup prompt. The one where Waxer and Boil have cold toes. (5 plus 1 drabbles)
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bearsgrove · 1 year
for the codex prompts <3 1 for wren & 11 for ravell xxx
thank u so much!!!! ♥ hope u are prepared for this being very long lol
OC Codex Prompts
an overheard conversation about your OC
The party has been trudging through the snow since dawn, trying to reach Stalwart before the day ends. Wren at the head of the company, sitting on their mighty brown bear, Edér and Aloth close behind and Sagani with Kana at the back. "Do you think they are alright?" Aloth turns to Edér after observing Wren for a good few minutes. "Huh?" "Our watcher." He nods towards Wren. "I think Wren is more resilient than you give them credit for." Edér says, half confused, half defensive. "I… Oh, I didn't mean that. I mean they are not dressed for this weather and we've been on the road for hours without a rest." Aloth quickly clarifies. He is shivering and hot clouds of breath leave his mouth with every word. Edér watches Wren for a while and then shifts his attention back to Aloth. "Think it's Arya. Keepin' 'em warm somehow. I heard of rangers from The White that Wends who share some kinda special bond with their companion, together they can last through some real rough weather over there." "Wren isn't from The White that Wends though. Actually, now I think about it, where is Wren from?" "I'm not sure. But you know, Aloth, you can ask them yourself." he pats the wizard on the back and nudges him forward. Aloth nearly trips and glares at his companion. "I know, I know. It's just that they are so quiet, I don't know anything about them… I thought maybe you two being so close and all, you would know more." "I don't know where they are from," he ignores Aloth's remark and then adds in a more serious tone, "and they seem like the sort of person who wants it to stay that way." "Fair." Aloth is quiet for a while, observing Wren, lost in thought. "And I agree." "What?" "With what you said earlier. They are resilient, regarding circumstances. I just… I hope we find the solution to all this. Having an awakened soul… takes its toll on a person. I mean, not like I know much about it, but we all saw Maerwald." "Yeah." The mood gets somber and the two stay silent for a long time.
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