#obsessed w them thank you
firewoodwander · 1 year
13 from bedsharing with DarSev?
:) @mandalorianbrainweasel
13. we fell asleep on the couch, watching a movie and wake up entangled with each other
Fi sometimes teases him for it, when Darman falls asleep somewhere in the middle of the day. He makes jokes about being up all night chasing monsters out from under beds, or getting too old too early, that kind of stuff. He gets away with it because he’s Fi, but mostly because he’s often conked out right alongside him, exhausted by his recovery and trauma, his excitable five year old nephew running rings around him, and life in general.
So when Darman comes-to with an effort not unlike trying to wade through tar, he sort of groans and relaxes into the shoulder he’s propped up against.
He’s warm. He’s always too warm in Kyrimorut. Parja says it wasn’t like this before everyone got back, but Dar doesn’t think much of it—he still doesn’t like it, still hates being here where he feels this foreboding crawling under his skin. Etain was here, once, he always ends up thinking.
The body under him shifts and some sharp bone digs into Darman’s side.
“Mmhph,” he says, intelligibly, and tries to squirm away from it.
“Sorry,” says Sev, because it’s definitely Sev’s voice and not Fi’s, and Darman is abruptly much more awake now he’s felt his heart drop in his chest.
“Did I wake you?” he asks. The light has gone dim in here. Wasn’t there supposed to be something on the holoscreen?
Sev’s bony knee retracts from Darman’s thigh too and Dar almost slips off his shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. Did the show finish?”
“I—think so.”
Sev sighs. His chest expands and collapses heavily, moving Darman’s body with it. Darman feels a little electrified: his fingers are tingly and his face feels numb.
Sev’s head shifts as if he’s looking around, and he sighs again. Darman can’t be bothered to move; he doesn’t want to.
“Do you need me to move?” Dar is sure his arm must have gone numb by now.
“No,” Sev replies. “No need.”
It’s always too warm in Kyrimorut. Niner says Darman has a habit of falling asleep when he’s warm.
He lets his eyes close again.
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detnoto · 11 months
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surreal-duck · 9 months
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whispering marina
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blueskittlesart · 10 months
btw. would any of you be interested if i made a zelda comic zine. i’ve wanted to have my old ones printed for a while and at this point i definitely have like a good 50 pages worth of comics and i think it wld be cool to have them printed
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hythlodaes · 4 months
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we can run away / but I'll always feel at home with you
thank you @harumeau for sketching emile and estinien <3
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drunkchasind · 7 months
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Faye as seen by beloved @ugh-my-back 🖤❤️
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r-aindr0p · 4 months
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Dancing samurai redraw February 2024/ June 2022
Still my favorite vocaloid despite having nothing to eat for ages
Also hello proseka ??? You did an event on the evilious chronicles songs, the 7 deadly sins, why do I count 6 songs in the game ??? I’m genuinely so mad they did Gakupo dirty like that and didnt even include his song even though it was also created by the same composer as the other 6….
Alt version of the purple guy under the cut
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gorespawn · 2 days
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also while we're here i would like to share the two iterations of tumblr user gorespawn that have existed since i abandoned this blog back in like early 2021. Who wants me
#i grew my hair out so i could twirl my hair while giggling about bald men#and also t.o.p of bigbang#and short men i see at the grocery store who honestly make me feel light-headed with raw and unbridled Want#but that's just a joke. i am. Lesbian#''no ur not'' I AM#anyway i used to be so ripped and hunky but now i am frail and sickly#what getting a job can do to a mf#thankfully i quit my job last week YIPPIIIEEEEEEE so now i will work towards becoming an absolute hunk again#wish me luck#ALSO#if anyone is obsessed with me and remembers all my lore i used to be transgender and i still am like lowkey on the down low#but in a new exciting way#anyway i used to be a gay man and then a stone butch dyke (as seen above) but now im practicing being a girl#it is very difficult but it is also fun. ive never been a girl before so it's a lot#anyway i bought two super cool sexy dresses yesterday for the first time ever in my life#sexy dresses meaning up to my neck and down to my feet and past my elbows. kind of like a wardrobe straight out of the handmaid's tale#from (to quote my friend) ''*The* old lady store'' thanks man. well i think theyre pretty and its v exciting bc ive never been a girl befor#anyway#who wants me#i still use the name emil online btw and i honestly always will i think it's just so me and also i do still answer to he/him dw#in a man way not in a he/him lesbian way#''he's LGBTQA+'' what. all at once?#yes.#i have mastered them all i have collected all the genders and all the sexualities and ive never been ''wrong''#it just keeps switching. which is fine. well im a girl now. in a detransitioning man way. who is insanely attracted to men#but you will have to tear this lesbian label out of my cold dead hands#''you can't call urself lesbian if u have sex w men'' well first of all fuck you and second of all i am celibate so you dont need to worry#''what the hell are you talking about'' nothing. now look how hot i am#im just joking around i hope that's fine w y'all
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
2011 British gp Fernando is such a mood...
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iridescentscarecrow · 8 months
hi i'm the op of that post (stackslip) PLEASE elaborate on chainsaw man's metanarrative
hi! um. you've given me free reign, i hope you know what you're doing. anyway: fair warning in advance that this is based entirely on how i like to interpret and think of the csm story and doesn't necessarily hold true, partly because of the level of abstraction that i'm operating at here. i'm normal and i like metanarratives a normal amount. this might be a little long. but.
um. thinking about how protagonism in CSM is inflicted on denji by the author insert that is makima. i've brought up the Icon of chainsaw man before in my part 2 analyses but basically:
the Chainsaw Man is the role that denji occupies in the story, right? it's the title of the manga. it's what the public Sees him as. it's what makima quite literally produces. the relationship between denji and the chainsaw man in both aspiration and idealisation forms a major stem of both part 1 and part 2's narrative.
this production occurs on two levels: (1) what Chainsaw Man is, and should be, and (2) how denji is developed as a protagonist by makima.
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"you don't get him at all." chainsaw man is her blorbie (i think i'm funny). the point is that the Presentation of chainsaw man, the one that the audience is initially set up to expect, is almost entirely synonymous with makima's version of the CSM that we get later. i think a lot about how part one borrows from, amplifies, and later subverts shounen tropes. the CSM as an idea persists in how it's discordant from denji's normality in part 2 but part 1's direction in how denji voluntarily inhabits the chainsaw is what i'm pointing at here. (there's a lot to be said about how denji's idealisation as tied to the icon of the CSM is intertwined with his wants but that's not relevant in this meta except in the minutiae of his adherence / resistance to this role.)
the thing is that makima is instrumental in pushing this role onto denji. she sees chainsaw man, he is chainsaw man. it's (and i sound insane here but please hold on, i beg) like writing.
i think her addressing him in the last battle scene, the "i'll kill you personally" is indicative of her finally divorcing denji from the chainsaw; forming The Chainsaw Man in full, while still obviously curating the denji that would support this formation throughout the story.
a small side here but: "but she never even saw me once, even from the start." // fujimoto's writing actively utilises characters towards the end goal of shaping the protagonist. this struggle here is one between a character and an author.
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now continuing; the way that makima provides for and then systematically removes these initial connections simulates traditional story structures with its setup, its confrontation and resolution. her excellence as an antagonist rests upon her identity as a narrative device which develops the protagonist and pushes him through this structure. the conflicts and the loss that a protagonist usually naturally (at least in-world) goes through in a story are instead all artificially created by makima.
"how could i make you so hurt that you'd no longer be capable of living a normal life?" // her molding of denji isn't just passive emotional manipulation, it's active writing. she herself is aware of the tropes and the character relationships that are being built up, that are being subverted. she herself embodies, espouses and resolves the themes of multiple arcs (thinking of the end of the bomb devil and the darkness devil arc here / thinking of how she draws the shutters on ignorance and on wanting).
there's a lot i try to extrapolate from her commentary on movies during her date with denji especially in context with the story simulation that she herself is doing throughout the manga. i find it interesting how the ending to the movie date or the "good" movie founds itself on shared feeling: denji sees makima cry at the same movie as he does.
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"the drinks yesterday were delicious." // you talked about her goals already in your post but makima's search for real intimacy (and equality in a relationship) coincides with denji's one. to me, it comes off as a writer trying to find a mirror of understanding in their own creation. the way she visualises the CSM (as "chaos" to her order) reveals a relationship quite like the flawed connection that one has with characters one makes: and this relationship is what denji (the 'stage' of this process) responds to so emphatically: "she wasn't looking at me this whoole time."
so, yeah; CSM to me operates at two levels: the one with the deeply human character relationships that construct the story and another layer where fiction and ideation mesh. it's important to note that this is something fjmt quite likes doing in his other work: using characters to specifically engage with the telling of his stories or exploring his characters' nuanced reactions to fiction and its weight.
thinking of makima as the 'Author' is misleading, though, and it ignores the fact that makima is both a device deployed by the actual author and in-world by the structure that are the higher ups. she is the control devil; she controls the scaffoldings of the story but she in herself is an agent of the author, of the narrative, of the aforementioned higher ups.
i don't know. is an artist ever truly original in their art? do they not operate within a greater structure, borrowing from and being regulated by it and its interpretation of their work? are makima's plans not ultimately upset by her creation?
denji materialises as a character from multiple active sources instead of the unitary source that makima believes herself to be. he's a passive character and yet he refuses to be a stable creation (psst. it's that universal tussle between the living art and the artist -- something fjmt's already tackled in his oneshots).
i don't know (2). this interpretation's been simmering in my head for a while, but i wasn't very Sure about it. but hm. this writeup primarily bases itself off part one (since it's well. complete) but image and image production specifically coming into fruition as a theme in part two makes me feel increasingly confident in this interpretation. it's strange how it somehow all ties back into storytelling.
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rxccoonboo · 1 month
Errmmm y'all
I uh
I might be a fictionkin uhhh
People/beings/sillies on my blog
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Like on one hand raccoons crows and Rosy Maple moths are also me but like he is too?
If that makes any sense
Oh gosh
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bluwurld · 2 years
Hi, I really like your bully satosugu. So for my question, what do you think would happen if reader flys out on them and tells them to piss off and they're actually taken a back?
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im sorry but they would burst out laughing in your face.
Of course when you yelled at them for the very first time they were taken aback, stood frozen staring at you like you’d grown a spare limb. But all that came afterwards was laughter. Even Suguru who was collected most of the time let slip a deep chuckle. Wasn’t even something they were doing to mock you, it was just so genuinely amusing to them how you thought you had even the tiniest fragment of something even resembling to power, that too over them? You were truly precious.
Where did you learn that from sweetheart? Your new friends? Because if it really were Nanami’s influence then they would gladly correct it, your choice pretty thing, you wanna be the good little girl you always are and take your punishment, or would you rather get all of your nerdy little friends involved too? because they would have absolutely no trouble making them just as miserable as you were.
Well regardless of what you choose, you’ll still find yourself blindfolded and restrained, bent over Suguru’s knee while Satoru roughly fucks into your pretty, aching pussy. Having you helplessly moaning and crying. Did you know why you were tied up sweetie? It wasn’t just your punishment you know, they wonder how you’d react if you’d known Nanami was being forced to watch while they fucked that little attitude out of you. Forced to keep quiet while he stroked himself to the beautiful sight of you, because he couldn’t bear to let you know he was there too, that despite being your friend he was just as bad as your mean bullies.
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non-un-topo · 1 year
Ah! Siggy! I absolutely love your Quỳnh&Nicky shenanigans art! I'm imagining they're doing the medieval equivalent of skedaddling after a slow-mo explosion or something. Actually, out of frame... there might be a small fire... that they may or may not have started... just a gut instinct on my part... :)))
Anyway! Thank you for blessing us. As usual, your immortals fam art always makes my day. <3
Ahhhh Smith my friend, thank you so much!! <333 This mental image was so vivid (and so spot-on omg you got it) that I had to write you a little ficlet <3
“Mush, steed, mush!”
At Quỳnh’s order, Nicolò hoisted her up higher in his arms and sped on, the sounds of his boots hitting the dock hammering like a drum. Shocked passerby hopped out of their way, throwing complaints at their backs.
“Aha!” Quỳnh exclaimed in victory, leaning over her brother’s shoulder to take aim with her arrow at the chaos they left. This ridiculous dress she wore restricted her movements just enough to be annoying, but she would have no problem tearing it off given the chance.
Men’s voices hollered after them, and she laughed at their raised fists, at the blazing fire she’d proudly left.
“Is it bad?” asked Nicolò, barely out of breath. He looked on ahead, eyes wide in a mix of mortification and panic that had Quỳnh laughing out loud again.
Behind, the fire had eaten the dock and men had leapt into the water to avoid the worst of it. Some were rolling barrels away, as far as they could from the reach of the fire — definitely a good idea, given what the barrels were filled with — and they seemed torn between shouting at each other and following Quỳnh and Nicolò with their guns.
“Not bad at all,” Quỳnh promised happily.
One of the men, the one in the nicest robes, wailed after her with a hand over his heart. “My lady,” he called. “My love!”
Quỳnh offered him a sour face and very much considered shooting him.
“Although I support you always,” said Nicolò, quite literally supporting all her weight thanks to this damned dress, “was this really the way to reject the merchant’s proposal?”
Quỳnh kicked her slippers, and Nicolò adjusted his grip under her knees. “Hey, you were the one who told me to shoot.”
“I could not have predicted you’d fire a lamp into a barrel of gun powder!”
“Couldn’t you? One must always go out with a bang, Nico. It’s a matter of style.”
As if summoned by her words, Quỳnh looked behind them once more to see a few men rolling a cannon on the dock in their direction.
“Of course...” she said, “being blown apart by a cannon ball is one way to go out with a bang.”
“Madre di Dio.”
“It was a jest!” she lied. “We have absolutely nothing to worry about.” She smiled wide then, retiring her bow and arrow for now, as they would be virtually useless against cannon fire, and she peered into Nicolò’s face. “Just run very fast.”
He certainly did.
Then he huffed, “Right, well we will not be telling Andromache and Yusuf about this.”
Quỳnh patted his shoulder. “Oh, absolutely not.”
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palismet · 9 months
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the alt. thanks to them opening boards are going to emotionally scar me for life. look at his face. luz is terrified but desperate with a hope she feels is unfounded, needing that optimism to imagine a way out of this that doesn't hurt; that doesn't end in more tragedy?
she thinks they're on the same level of bad but sad. that she did as much as hunter in the name of helping belos, without knowing the whole truth of who belos was, who he is. she's traumatized by it.
she needs to not be alone in it.
the i'll keep your secret if you keep mine is a knife to the heart. we are in this together, she is saying. whether we like it or not, at least we have each other. at least i'm not alone.
but what do you say to that? how do you make a witch's oath without magic? you take it to heart. you hold it closer to anything. there aren't words for a devotion like that, the kind of devotion hunter has led with his entire life, and now, here, it's for luz. it's for everyone, for protecting them, to be able for them to get home again.
it's reminiscent of that good old golden guard loyalty, but remade in the light of this new world, new life. it's a cause to live by, a goal, a dream; and as the story goes, we can see - there isn't much he isn't willing to sacrifice for it, especially if the cost is only himself.
(he has nothing to return for, after all. he has a graveyard, filled to the brim with bones and masks and a future he only narrowly escaped.)
sacrifice - that is something he's been waiting for his whole life. so of course he's willing to risk everything for them. what better ending is there, where at the very least, his friends can go home to where they are loved? where no one has to be afraid, anymore?
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rush-the-stars · 9 months
omgomg brats . how do you think nico or vash deal with brats ? i love your writing
anon been thinking ab this all day.
i think nico loves brats and he both likes to spoil and ruin them as well as get a lil stern w them. he likes to banter and bicker. but he also likes to scold you a bit…..pick you up by the scruff of the neck, so to speak. i also think. he likes taking you over his knee a good amount when you’re really in a mood. doesn’t mind if you’ve got a lil bite to you—i think he loves the mean ones cause it’s all the sweeter when he can get you under him and mewling. drives him wild.
specifically i think he loves mean hyper-independent brats who don’t like to ask for anything. looooves to get them to admit what they need from him and then gives it freely.
vash on the other hand….i don’t think he’s much of a brat tamer but i think he’d kinda like it if you wanna take some pent up emotions out on him lol. i think he could like them bossy. another that likes to give you what you need and sorta coax you into asking or taking? i think he gets you there and starts going “yeah? is this what you needed?” and “cmon, go ahead and take what you need” etc.
both of them together? i think they loveeee spoiling you and then taking good care of you. i think nico likes to order you around and manhandle you a bit more. vash likes to get you to really let go and give in. also is softer on you. gives in easier. nico likes to boss the two of you around smh. tells vash to go down on you, but then stops right before you can come….drives you both a lil crazy.
they make me so so so unwell.
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hremails-art · 19 days
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i know that everyone's got something that they do but i dont want to be obsolete to you
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