kleinzarohe · 2 years
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95jezzica · 9 months
Your replies are closed, so I'll send this as an ask instead. I strongly agree with your idea of "Canon-Canon Nyo Nations", where the male and female characters represent regional cultures within the same country instead of making the female nations a "dream universe" gimmick. Expanding on this idea, what do you think about OCs who represent regions of the same nation? I would think it's a logical next step because 2 characters per country still wouldn't be enough to represent all regional cultures.
[Picture ID: Jamtland send an additional ask which says: "Whoops, I forgot to include this part in my first ask about "Canon-Canon Nyo Nations". What are your ideas for which regional cultures the female Nordics would represent, and what would the differences between them and the male Nordics? Picture ID End].
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Oh yeah, sorry, the replies are still turned off. I have a post which seems to summon a lot of hateful idiots, so eventually I got too annoyed by it and turned off replies.
For the rest I will preface my answer with the fact I saw you're also Swedish on your profile, but I'll likely leave some extra information for any non-Swedes who might also read this, since I mostly use Sweden as an example. Also, fair warning to everyone: Long Post. [Below "Read More"].
For simplicity sake I've also choosen to just call nyo!Sweden Svea, and our canon-canon Sweden for... Well, Sweden.
Now, I personally don't make a lot of OCs unless they're humans or I'm making a human AU. (For an example I made Finland some "AU Parents", because I got REALLY tired of people always making Finland the orphan with no other family). With that said making OCs for regions and the likes is obviously still valid.
I also agree 2 personifications are too few for many countries, but I also understand why Hima wouldn't want to draw 3-100 characters for every country. Identity within a country is complicated too, because it depends a lot on who you're talking with as you describe your own identity.
If we take myself as an example. If I was talking with someone from another country I'd probably just say I'm European and/or Swedish, and perhaps mention I live on the west coast if they ask and/or seem more familiar with Swedish geography. If another Swede or Nordic asked I'd probably mention I live pretty close to Gothenburg - and if they live nearby I might go into more details, because my lil' hometown is small enough that there's no chance even other Swedes has heard of it unless they live somewhat close/have family in the area anyway.
My point is that it'd be difficult to make a representation for all kind of national-/regional-/state- identity within a country.
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However, if we once again take Sweden as an example, I think (hws) Sweden would likely represent a lot of the middle/pretty far up in the west coast. Think the old Goths, and/or possibly Dalsland, Värmland, Dalarna.
Dalarna has the bonus of having a strong identity of their own in their region, and all three are placed close to (irl) Norway. It'd make sense how (hws) Norway and Sweden got to know each other early on then, but also how they might have met (hws) Denmark early.
Svea at the other hand is someone I view more as being further north-east, likely the literal ol' Svea, and someone I headcanon to have been among the first Swedish personification(s) to get into contact with the Finnish personifications.
It's weird though, because neither Sweden nor Svea really gives off "Stockholm vibes" (sorry non-Swedes/Nordics, I have no idea how to describe what "Stockholm vibes is) - but then again they are all based on Japanese stereotypes about the Swedes, so I guess it makes sense. x)
Another possibility I can imagine is the Swedish personifications in modern days being divided into something like this:
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[Picture ID: A map of real life Sweden cut into three parts. From up to down: Norrland in strawberry red, Svealand in autumn leaf yellow, and Götaland in bright sea blue. End of Picture ID].
... with perhaps an additional personification for the far north and south. However, we have to keep in mind a lot of the far north of real life Sweden's lands would still be in the ice age early on and/or simply not be Swedish - and parts of what today is the real life far south Sweden would be with Denmark instead.
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[Picture ID: An edited version of the previous picture, now with almost all of Norrland and the far south of Sweden faded out, since they weren't part of real-life Sweden at this point. Only a small part of south-east Norrland remains, now coloured and part of Svealand. The names are now also edited to say "North Swe" instead of "Norrland", "Svea" instead of "Svealand", and "1p!Sweden" instead of Götaland. End of Picture ID].
The picture above is a quick edit made by me and should by no means be used as a picture of research, so obviously not exact accuracy or anything, but it's a rough estimate of what (irl) Sweden would have looked like very early on, and also roughly what I headcanon (hws) 1p!Sweden and nyo!Sweden to represent/have represented respectively.
In history the Svea people more or less forced a union with the goths, but I headcanon (hws) Svea had absolutely no interest in working with the humans leaders and basically dumped all the responsibility and work on our (hws) Sweden instead. While Sweden was forced to work more closely with royals and leaders, Svea set to truly live like their people. That's not say say (hws) Sweden didn't interact with the "common people" at all, because he's a rebellious shit in his own right, but he was still forced to take on a lot of the responsibility and work with his leaders.
It didn't help that once Christianity was brought up in Scandinavia together with a less favourable view of women, 1p!Sweden no longer had a real choice than to take on the work. I think (hws) Svea moved back in with Sweden around the time Christianity became more common in Sweden (the lands and people), too. Partly because she felt guilty over having just dumped all the work and responsibility onto (hws) Sweden, but also because it was safer to live with someone she viewed and could claim as her brother. Svea would also have started out to (secretly) help Sweden out with work around this time, which only became official closer to modern days.
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For the rest of the Swedish personifications I don't have a clear picture of what they'd look like, but the personification of "south-south" Sweden (in old days more viewed as "east Denmark") is likely around the same age as Denmark, Sweden and Svea, while the personification of Norrland is much younger than the rest of the Swedish personifications. I'd say (hws) Norrland likely didn't pop up until the Swedish population grew much bigger in the north and the Sami people were pushed further and further out in their lands by the Swedish population.
(cough). So I know I've basically only covered Sweden so far, but this post is already getting ridiculously long, so I will cheat a bit and refer you to @ifindus for Norway's regions instead. xD
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[Again, art and OCs of the Norwegian regions made by @ifindus .]
Findus fully uses OCs for the regions to be fair, so I'm not entirely sure what I would make nyo!Norway represent since I really like Findus' OCs. x') . Maybe nyo!Norway could be more specifically the Oslo area? Because Oslo Norwegians are very different from Norwegians in the rest of Norway.
As generalization I'd say most of the Nordics probably have at least 3-5 personifications though, with one of them being the nyo. For an example Denmark might be divided into Jylland, Syddanmark, Sjælland, Hovedstaden - or it'd go a bit more detailed like cutting up Jylland in North & South like most maps.
(The Faroe & Greenland would obviously also have their own personifications, btw).
Hope this was helpful, and sorry I didn't get to cover them all in the post! x)
If inspiration hits me I might make another posts with the rest of the Nordics in the future. \^w^/
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lumierew · 2 years
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🇩🇰🎉🇸🇪 HB boys ~!
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gybas-blog · 2 years
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2chiribitas · 1 month
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qhimberly · 2 months
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Nyo Nordics! I took some liberties with the designs because I just really like drawing fluffy hair.
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apotrelavrius · 11 months
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sufin lesbians real
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licebrain · 11 months
nyo sealand, hip hip hurrah!!!!!!
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I've been so desperate I'm not making it..........finished my sketchbook and nyotalia takes up more than half of the pages oooauuuuuuuu-
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nordickies · 1 year
Oh! Have you done any nyotalia design yet?
I would love to see some^^ <3
I have now! Choose your wife
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ifindus · 4 months
we know about söta bror, but what about söta söster👀👀👀👀
söta söster??? 😮
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kashicalvo06 · 25 days
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Nyo!Sweden card art... Hmm (,,⌐■-■,,)♪
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kleinzarohe · 8 months
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95jezzica · 2 years
hws!Sweden HC
- (1p!)Sweden used to represent and go by the Goths (as in the Geats/Götar).
- His nyo represents/represented Svea.
- After Svea forcedly united her and Goths’ people together, she made (1p!)Sweden the main representation. Simply because she was (already) tired of humans’ shit. x)
- Goths, now Sweden, was not amused. xD
- In Svea’s defence she hops in as a substitute representation whenever Sweden wants to spend a few extra vacation days with the kids (mainly Ladonia & Sealand), so she it’s not like she just up and disappeared.
- (nyo!)Sweden still calls herself Svea, since that keeps things less confusing. Sweden goes by, well, Sweden/Sverige.
- Svea's human name differs through time, but she mainly goes by Hilda, Hilma, Ylva or simply Svea.
- Sweden's own human name is Björn, and he very rarely changes it unless he absolutely HAS to for a few years in order to avoid suspicion from humans. He once went by the name Sven just for fun though. 😂 xD
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junotter · 2 years
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Bunch of nyo!hetalia girls to practice facial features
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lumierew · 2 years
北💐 draft
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m6rg9t · 22 days
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vampire!nyo!sufin mochi commission🦇❤️
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