nubsneos · 7 months
could we request some nautical-themed pronouns? thank you so much! your blog is, pardon the puns, crabsolutely fintastic.
sey/seyk/seykwe/seykweti/seykself or seykaiti - from sea
sai/wiz/saiwi/saiwiz/wizself or saiwiz - from sea
kap/kehp/kapye/kapyeti/kehpself or kehpeyeti - from sea
haf/hab/haba/habas/habself or habjana - from sea
lok/loku/lokus/lakus/lokuself or lakkos - from sea, pond
okea/okean/okeanos/okeanon/okeanself or okeanis - from ocean
oc/ean/eanos/eanis/eanself or oceanum - from ocean
nau/nauti/kos/koin/nautiself or nautikous - from nautical
naf/tik/tikos/tikas/tikself or naftikin - from nautical
mori/moris/moryes/moryey/morisself or morhih - from marine, sea
mer/mar/mori/mers/marself or meryes - from marine
neh/wes/nehus/nehwes/wesself or nayyos - from ship
no/waz/nowaz/nohwai/wazself or noskaz - from ship
skip/skipa/skipas/skipis/skipaself or skipamin - from ship
scip/scipa/scipe/scipes/scipaself or scipum - from ship
bhe/bhey/bheyd/bheydat/bheyself or bhaydati - from boat, split
bai/bait/baitaz/baitai/baitself or baitamiz - from boat
kru/kruo/kruos/kruim/kruoself or kruveis - from crustacean
cru/crusta/crustae/crustam/crustaself or crustarum - from crustacean
ger/gerb/gerbheti/gerbhtos/gerbself or gerbhamn - from crab
pes/pesk/peysk/peysko/peskself or peyskam
pis/piska/piskos/piskis/piskaself or piskaman - from fish
fisk/fiska/fiskaz/fiskis/fiskaself or fiskur - from fish
ska/kalo/skwalos/skwalis/kaloself or skwalaz - from whale
hwal/hwalr/hwalis/hwalaz/hwalrself or hwales - from whale
wed/wodr/wedos/wetaz/wodrself or wedrom - from water
hep/hepa/hepas/hepai/hepaself or hepakur - from water
web/webdhi/webdana/webjana/webdhiself or webheyeti - from waves
flo/floan/flojan/flojana/floaself or floaien - from flow
okt/oktow/pou/pous/oktowself or oktowpous - from octopus
ce/ceph/ala/pous/cephself or cephalop - from cephalopod
kor/hal/korali/koralis/halself or halsin - from coral
rib/ribja/ribjas/ribjai/ribaself or hrebj - from reef
ank/ankur/ankura/ankuran/ankurself or ankurain - from anchor
hed/don/donts/hedons/donself or hedentsneh - from trident, tooth
aho/ahu/awoj/ahwoz/ahuself or ahwomaz - from aqua
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nubsneos · 8 months
daí/daím/daímon/daímonis/daímself or daímonios - from demon
bhágah/bhágam/bhágāya/bhágasya/bhágaelf or bháge - from demon
wik/wike/wikke/wikked/wikself or wicker - from wicked
sund/sundī/sunde/sundia/sunself or sinner - from sin
syn/senvul/symfol/sunful/synself or synne - from sinful
fel/fele/faluz/feluzi/felself or felony - from evil
vil/vile/vilus/vilior/vilself or vilissimus - from vile
saa/sata/sadon/saatdan/satself or satanic - from satan
adv/adver/adversi/adversus/advself or adversary
vil/vile/vilein/villain/vileself or villainous - from villain
faal/fala/faell/faelen/falself or fallana - from fallen
heo/heort/heortleas/heortleasum/heoself or heortleases - from heartless
gast/gaest/geist/gaistaz/gastself or gastlic - from spirit
sal/sawol/saiwal/saiwalu/sawself or saiwoloz - from soul
beel/beelze/bezel/beelzeb/beelself or beelzebub - from Beelzebub
bel/beli/belia/belial/belself or beliar - from Belial
beh/beha/beham/behamoth/behself - from Behamoth
aes/aesemo/aesema/aesemi/aeself or aesemahli - from Asmodeus
hey/heysh/hiyesh/hiyeshti/heyself or hiyeshenti - from Asmodeus
aes/aesmo/asmode/asmodeus/aesself or asmoself - from Asmodeus
dye/dyew/dyewos/dyewos/dyeself or dyewoso - from demon, God
dei/deitie/deity/deities/deiself or deitieself - from deity
div/divin/divine/divinity/divself or divinities - from divine
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nubsneos · 9 months
Neos I made yesterday:
lýk/lýko/lýkos/lýkan/lýkanthself - based on lycan and lycanthropy
loke/lokke/lokki/luki/lokiself - based on words associated with Loki meaning knots, loops, and tangles
grr/grrim/grrs/grrs/grrimself - based on growls
arf/ruff/vruff/vruffs/ruffself - based on barking sounds
wyr/wyrm/wyrme/wyrmes/wrymself - based on wyrm (an alternate version of worm), also a type of dragon
wyv/wyve/wyver/wyvern/wyvernself||wyverself - based on wyvern, a type of bipedal dragon
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nubsneos · 9 months
Some non-human centric pronouns on request.
If it's unclear what a pronoun says or is based on, ask in reblogs or comments and I'll do my best to get back to you. Most words or based were found on Wiktionary.
co/cor/corru/corrupt/corruptself or corruption
ny/nyc/nycto/nyctos/nyctoself - derived from night
cre/create/creature/creatuir/creatureself or chreatuir
bel/belua/beluine/beluinas/belluine or beluaself - derived from beast
kle/klau/klawe/klawo/klawself - derived from claw
ither/uther/ather/anther/anthraz or otherself - derived from other
phae/phen/phaeno/phaenom/phenself or phenomenon
fre/frek/freke/freak/freakself or freaky
fon/feng/fang/fangz/fangself or fangzen - derived from fang and German counterpart
vac/vaco/vaccus/voccus/voself or vacself - derived from void
nul/nulle/nulli/nullus/nulself - derived from null
form/forme/morph/morphe/formself or morself - derived from form/lifeform
mon/moneo/monstro/monstrum/monself or monstrous
kry/kryp/krupto/kruptos/krypself - derived from cryptid
lyf/lyve/lyven/lyves/lyfself - derived from life/lifeform
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nubsneos · 8 months
hello! may we ask pronouns related to death and rebirth? thank you kindly! ♥️
Death and Rebirth:
do/dod/doden/daude/dodself or dodsfall - from death
dau/dauth/dawjan/dawjana/dauthself or dauthuz - from death
deth/deeth/dethe/daith/deeself or dethaz - from death
ngo/ngor/ngord/ngorda/ngorself or ngordhur - from ||animal|| death (Albanian)
dhew/daj/dith/ndth/dajself - from die
fun/funur/funus/funere/funself or funeribis - from funeral
lik/likam/likami/likamin/likamself or likamo - from corpse
cad/cado/cadere/casum/cadself or cesedere - from cadaver
rev/revive/revivre/reviven/reviself or revivo - from revive
rev/revy/revyen/revevyen/revself or revyener - from revive
sur/surgo/subrigo/surgere/surgself or surectum - from rise
viv/viva/vivus/vivum/vivself or vivifico - from revive
wos/woser/wesr/wesns/wosself or wesants - from Easter
car/carne/carnare/carnavi/carnself or carnatum - from reincarnate
byr/byrd/byrth/byrthiz/byrself or byrden - from rebirth
vig/vigo/vigeor/vigere/vigself or viguisse - from vigor
stau/stauro/staure/staravi/stauself or restaurat - from restore
hy/yon/kos/jaz/yonself or hyawkos - from rejuvenate
oc/oa/oe/oec/oeself or oam - from rejuvenate
ion/uen/ven/bis/uenself or zuvenis - from rejuvenate
jva/ziv/ziv/zivu/zivself or bios - from revitalize
ke/kec/keam/keal/kemself or keyar - from life
bei/beim/beio/beima/beimself or beiomal - from life
rec/cap/pier/recept/capself or receltum - from recover
met/ens/oma/tod/enself or metensoma - from reincarnate
wach/wache/wacher/wachsten/wachself - from reawaken
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nubsneos · 7 months
meh/mehg/mehgam/mehger/mehgself or mehgus - from magic
mou/mau/matz/matzu/mauself or magtis - from magic
sor/sors/sorti/sortis/sorself or sortibus - from sorcerer
ser/sero/serto/sertos/seroself or sertei - from sorcerer
con/coni/conur/coniur/coniself or coniura - from conjure
iu/iuo/iuro/iurae/iuoself or iuratum - from conjure, vow
kon/koj/jur/juro/kojself or konjuro - from conjure
in/inca/incan/cant/incaself or incantare - from incantation
keh/ken/khne/kneti/kenself or khenti - from incantation
en/ench/chan/chant/enchself or enchanto - from enchant
chau/chaunte/chaunteth/chaunteden/chauself or chauntynge - from enchant
be/beh/behk/behks/behself or behekst - from hex
deu/deuz/deuza/deuzaz/deuzelf or diuzis - from hex
dhe/dew/dhews/dhewsom/dewself or dhewsaz - from hex
hek/heks/heksen/heksenei/heksself or heksenkrans - from hex
hlew/lewg/hlewga/hlewgana/lewgself or hlugneti - from warlock
wae/waer/gewaer/waerl/waerself or warlice - from warlock
war/waru/waerlog/waerloga/waruself or waerum - from warlock
char/har/harme/charme/harself - from charm
wey/weyd/weydet/weydeti/weydself weidetei - from wizard
vi/vis/visa/visaz/visself or visazar - from wizard
wei/weid/weydt/weydtos/weidself or weisdomaz - from wizard
dru/dryw/draoi/drywdes/drywself or druwidobom - from druid
lu/lup/lupu/lupus/lupself or lupi - from wolf
lýk/lýko/lýkos/lýkan/lýkanthself - from lycan
ku/kwo/wail/wailos/kwoself - from wolf
way/waylo/waylos/waylos or wayloso/wayself - from wolf
cane/cani/canis/canes/canem or caniself - from canine
vil/vilk/vilku/vilkus/vilkself or valkuku - from wolf
wik/wiko/wikos/wikwos/wikself of wikosyo - from wolf
sva/svan/svanam/svanu/svanself or svabhih - from canine
so/soa/sona/soona/soaself or sune - from canine
hu/hun/hund/hound/hunself - from hound
hun/hund/hunth/fahund/hundself or farhund - from hound
fer/fera/feral/feralis/feraself or feralibus - from feral
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nubsneos · 9 months
Big collection of all my recent requests.
way/waylo/waylos/waylos or wayloso/wayself
cane/cani/canis/canes/canem or caniself
mon/moone/moyn/monæ/moonself or manan - derived from moon
groia/groie/growan/growen/groself - derived from grow
thri/thrif/thrifa/thrivas/thriself or thribana - derived from thrive
þri/þrif/þrifa/þrivas/þriself or þribana - from thrive
flos/flore/flori/florio/flores/florself or flosculus - from flower
nat/natur/natour/naturs/natours/naturself - from nature
wel/welde/wilde/wildis/wildnes/wildself or wyldernis - from wilderness
mon/mona/mano/meno/mehnis - from moon
fyr/feure/fiur/fewr/fiurself or a fewe - from fire
heng/hengw/hengwni/hengwnis/hengself - from really old word for fire (living, active)
ha/heh/hehter/hehtr/hehself - from fire, unknown gender
bhel/bhelg/bhelo/bhelgos/bhelself or bheloteh - from flame, shiny, glitter
lieg/liege/lieges/liegas/liegself or liegum - from flame
leyg/leygr/leygrinn/leygjar/leygself or leygjrinas - from flame
lig/lewk/loug/laugi/lauself or laugiz - from flame, blaze
blas/blase/blese/blaese/blaself or blason - from blaze
lieh/lieht/liehtan/liutan/liehself or liuhtijan - from lighten
shine/shinen/schon/schonin/shinself or schinen - from shine
ski/skimo/schine/skinan/skiself or skinijan - from shine
glo/gloa/gloie/gloien/gloself or glodiz - from glow
byr/byrt/beraht/biraht/byrself or birhtj - from bright
kŕ/kŕmi/kŕmis/kŕmays/kŕself - from crimson, worm
qir/qirm/qirmiz/quirmizy/qirself or qirmisines - from crimson, Aribic form
IPE tonic/stressed Sets
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nubsneos · 9 months
Hi! I'm Nubs, and I use sie/sem/seir/sies&seirs/semself pronouns predominantly, and a bunch more!
3rd: (he/him/his/his/himself)
sie/sem/seir/sies&seirs/semself E/Im/Is/Is/Imself heb/himb/himbs/himbs/himbself lýk/lýko/lýkos/lýkan/lýkanthself loke/lokke/lokki/luki/lokiself whirr/whirr/whirrs/whirrs/whirrself (robot kin) dey/dem/deir/deirs/demself (age-regressed)
1st: occasionally (I/me/my/mine/myself) Fck/fcky/fcks/fckin/fckself
2nd: optional (you/your/yours/yours/yourself) thou/thee/thine/thy/thyself
THIS BLOG IS FOR EVERYONE. Meaning no discourse will be held here and no one will be blocked from this account, unless harrassment occurs.
It is not likely to be fully screen reader friendly, but translations/plain text can be requested.
All pronouns made by me are open, some submitted pronouns may not be. This means only certain groups can use them. Pronouns on this blog, however, can be altered and used as inspiration for other sets that don't have to be closed if they don't include whatever the closed-set included.
Tag Key:
#nubsneos - all neopronouns posts will include this
#submission - posts from other users
#asks and requests - posts in response to Asks or anons
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nubsneos · 7 months
Spirit + Fade:
spiro/spiror/spirabo/spiravi/spirself or spiratum - from spirit
spirid/spered/sperys/spyrys/spiryself or spiritus - from spirit
dwyn/dwyne/dwynyn/dwinan/dwynself or fordwinan - from dissapear, fade
dhg/dhgwey/dhgweyet/dhgweyent/dhgself or dhgweyti - from dissapear
vit/vite/vuide/vuiz/vitself - from void
compa/compati/compatior/compatibar/compaself or conpatibare - from compassion
fai/fain/fean/feana/fainself or fijiana - from compassion, blame
path/pasko/pathsko/pathskon/paself or pathself - from compassion
pei/peith/peitho/peithos/peiself or peithomai - from compassion
enf/enfthrow/thriwian/throwung/enself or throwijana - from compassion
ble/blau/blaag/blaug/blauself or blautho - from blue
hew/hewij/hewijaz/hawana/hewself or hewjiz - from blue
laz/vard/lazvard/lajavard/lazself or lajvardi - from blue
bla/blar/blaare/blaast/blaself or blajbla - from blue
bla/blaa/blat/blae/blaself - from blue
0 notes
nubsneos · 8 months
kot/kota/katah/katon/katon/kotaself - from cottage
xata/chata/chata/hato/xataself - from cottage
mox/mov/mah/muxu/moxself or moxhovina - from moss
mus/mews/musa/musci/musself or muscus - from moss
mos/mios/meos/moise/mosself or moisseron - from mushroom, moss
myr/myrr/myri/myrin/myrself or myrinna - from bog, mire
bleh/blehs/blehmo/bleheti/blehself or blhmnes - from flower
flos/flozes/flus/fluusai/floself - from flower
hrr/hrrt/hrry/hrrat/hrrself or hrreret - from lily, flower
rho/rhod/rhoda/rhodan/rhoself or wrodan - from rose
wor/wrda/worda/wordan/worself or wodowe - from rose
wr/wrt/ourt/wour/wrtself - from rose
kov/kovu/kove/kovuc/kovself or kovaker - from cow
gwo/gwos/gwok/gwoks/gwoself or gwowkohlos - from cow
fur/furhu/furhith/furhithi/furhself or furodann - from forest
fyr/fyrh/firth/firthe/firthself or firhthi - from forest, firth
pho/phogo/phoizo/phognuno/phogself or phoxis - from baking
bok/baka/bakan/bokun/bakself or bakana - from bake
gard/gardo/gardana/gardaz/gardself - from garden
The Outsider, Dishonored:
ud/uti/ute/utai/utself or uutes - from outside
gal/gald/galdar/galdraz/galdself or gealdor - from magic
meg/magus/moghe/megher/maguself or magham - from magic
soth/santh/faest/thafest/santhself or sothsagol - from dishonest
lea/leas/laus/lausaz/leasself or leasere - from lies, dishonest
mensk/mench/mennsca/mennskr/menself or manniskaz - from dishonor
des/desh/dishon/dishonor/deself or deshonneur - from dishonor
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