#nothing hits like internet validation dopamine am i right?
psa that i consider everyone who interacts with my posts as best friends okay? okay
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The Popularity of Sociopaths & Being Hitler's Bitch
There's so much I want to talk about, here. My head is bursting with talking topics, really. It all centres around this idea, though, that sociopaths being so popular in culture and with people shows how broken we are as a species and underlines, perhaps, one of the biggest problems we need to fix.
I think part of the problem is that extraverts seem to experience life through an unending chain of vices; It's smoking, gambling, sex, and even socialising to a degree fires their brain and releases dopamine. So all they do is defined by flooding their brain with feel good chemicals because their brain is insensitive to those chemicals, thus they're willing to go to lengths to feel those good vibes, which ends up addicting them to the process. And from birth I think they're caught up in this cycle of going from vice to vice.
It would explain a lot.
Now, you have introverted and -- even more so -- autistic brains which just are very dopamine and stimuli sensitive. They don't need a lot of anything to be happy, so they don't really go chasing vices. The thing is is that there are so infinitesimally few introverts/autistic individuals versus the extraverted masses. People think that there are actually more introverts/autistic people than there really are, which is unfortunate. Usually it's down to misdiagnoses, combined with shy or traumatised extraverts who don't socialise as much.
I've seen manipulative extraverts even in autistic communities, convinced that they're autistic and using that as a platform to make them a special snowflake, it's just the latest vice. For them being autistic is a lifestyle choice, a vice to follow for as long as it provides the dopamine hits. For an actually autistic person, it's not really a choice, it's something you're born with and you're that way until you die. And extraverts don't get that, they tend to see everything as a choice, so they think 'oh, it's so weird that you'd choose to be a part of that, you're just emphasising your need for special snowflake status!'
I see that a lot.
I see it in the weirdest places. Allow me to be upfront with you, here. I'm very much a hypnofetishist, in fact, I think that's so true I'd actually go so far as to say it's almost hypnosexuality, I'm more into the act of hypnosis than I am into any gender or what have you, it's the target of my eroticism. And all fetishes like this come from some emotional need. I could explain the emotional need that leads to this kind of fetish, but I really don't want to. That'd be getting too personal, especially for a Tumblr like this, but suffice it to say that's how I am.
And in fetish circles, it's kind of the ugly stepchild, more valigned even than snuff porn. Why? It's hard to understand, so the people who're into it must be even more weird and scary than those who like death porn, because at least that's potentially possible to grasp. So instead of being empathetic enough to do any research, ask questions, and think about it, the immediate assumption is that they're all just kind of too weird to even bother thinking about, it's better to ostracise them and forget about it than actually understand.
And this even happens in the furry community. Which is a community that truly should know better than that, it really should, especially after the incident with the refugees and how people reacted to that. Instead of 'oh, isn't it lovely that those kids get to be around mascot suiters after all the horrors they've endured' it's 'look at the freaks, and how they're spreading their furry virus to those poor, impressionable kids!'
Travis McElroy (of MBMBaM fame) touched on this in Trends Like These. He regularly does, as does his co-host. It was mentioned in a recent Trends Like These episode that at a time like this, when prejudice, ostracising, and hate crimes have become such a pandemic? Being silent is a crime in and of itself. There's a sort of imperative right now to pick a side, you can't just stay on the fence and sit this one out. And this reminds me of something else I'd spoken about in the past...
There's this game, Dreamfall Chapters, and one of the characters in it is autistic. They're insulted and berated by another character in the game for their autism. It wasn't okay. The writer justified this -- in what I can only imagine to be the most whiny and nasally lazy intern tones -- as 'real people in the real world can be mean, so why can't video game people in the video game world?'
That wasn't the problem, snacky. The problem was that no one spoke up to defend the autistic person. Yes, it's fine to have douchebags in a video game, I'm not against that. Sociopathic golden children are everywhere, anyway, just being sociopaths, getting away with it, and being loved far and wide for being complete and utter arseholes. So yes, they're going to be in your game. What got the goat of us autistic people is that this was another sociopathic golden child who was never called on their shit.
This validates and normalises sociopathic behaviours. That's fucking wrong. These toxic, hateful behaviours where a person will attack another just for being different should be shot down at every turn.
There should always be someone standing up to say "Hey jerkoff, you're just a giant sociopath! You don't actually deserve to have a voice because all you ever do with it is make the lives of other people miserable! That's not okay, and I'm going to point it out and judge you for trying to make other people suffer for nothing... nothing else other than them being something you just don't understand or recognise, you intolerable, miserable arsehat."
Except people are like mesmerised sheep who just love the sociopathic bad boys, so it's easier to be quiet when they do these terrible things. I can only imagine that the quiet people go back to their rooms later to fap off to how into these awful fucking monsters they are. And for this reason, I can only call these unfortunate people 'sheep.' They're sheep for their sociopathic shepherds, they don't really think about anything, they're just driven by their attraction (mostly sexual, I'd bet) to sociopaths.
And sadly? That's most people. That's probably you.
This is why our world is so broken. Most people are just these mindless drones going from vice to vice, getting addicted to one thing after another, and empowering evil sociopaths out of sexual attraction.
It's not okay.
If you've ever done that? It's not okay. It is not fucking okay. If you've ever been quiet around a sociopath when they make the life of someone miserable just for being different? Just because the sociopath who's doing this gets your rocks off? That's not fucking okay, and that makes you a monster by proxy. If you're silent, you're every bit as bad as the evil, monstrous sociopath who's doing it.
You know, when people think of 'monsters,' they probably think of dragons or werewolves. I don't. That's probably obvious from the name. I specifically think of sociopathic wunderchildren, and the sheep who enable them. I have very, very human faces in mind whenever I think of the word 'monster.' Those faces look so much like yours or mine that I'm actually becoming more uncomfortable iwth my species than I've ever been.
I've always had some level of body dysmorphic disorder, which is to say that I've always been some degree of transspecies, but this is making it worse than it's ever been at any point in my life prior. I want to be not human now as an imperative, it's a deep, emotional need that I can't escape from. I'm thoroughly ashamed of my species, and if I had to wonder why intelligent life hasn't ever visited us? I'd say this is why. We're a world of vile, sociopathic monsters, bleating, witless, mindless sheep, and... little else.
And this is really endemic with white people more than any other group since most white people have never experienced discrimination before. I used to know an Alt-Right, MRA person. I interacted with them to try to understand why they were all so horrible. In their opinion, 'discrimination' was people talking about them behind their back and potentially saying not nice things. Awww diddums, is the poor widdle white supremacist offended that SOME people are beginning to finallly call them on their horrible, vile, cancerous shit?
This is what the Alt-Right are thinking of when they're talking about 'white prejudice,' or 'white genocide.' They're upset that people are quietly mentioning that they're absolute fucking monsters.
Which is why I refer to the Alt-Right as the Alt-Blight, it's a disease, it's endemic of the sociopathic problem our world has.
For the witless sheep, the Alt-Right are rockstars.
Coming back to the transspecies thing? Sociopaths who've invaded transgender groups just to be shitlords regularly attack people with body dysmorphic disorder and try to make out that what they're experiencing isn't real, mocking them and trying to make out that their condition somehow belittles and lessesn the plight of transgender people. They rally the witless sheep amongst the transgender group and use them to attack people with very real problems. And you'd really think that people like those who live with being transgender would stop to think that maybe this is real, maybe this is something people deal with? And a lot of them do, but enough of them don't to make a scene. Enough of them don't, allowing that sociopath to make the lives of others miserable.
Why? Power. Control. They get off on it. It's why trolls exist. A study from a while ago pointed out that Internet trolls are 'extraverts with undesirable dark triad traits.' Which is another way of saying that all Internet trolls are sociopaths, basically. It's a nice way of saying that, since 'extraverts with undesirable dark traid traits' is just another way of saying 'sociopath.' Sociopaths enjoy fucking with people and making their lives terrible, they get off on it. They're really broken in that way, they love manipulating and fucking people up.
Consider what it's like to have zero empathy, zero guilt, and instead you've maxed out manipulation, a killer instinct, shark-like behaviour, and an ability to see people as disposables. That's sociopathy.
And we permit it. We tolerate it. We just let it happen.
So our world is broken.
It's broken because we allow it to be. We allow them to have this power, we enable them, we give them the numbers to make the lives of certain groups so miserable that they'll commit suicide. We empower them so that things like Brexit (out of racism) can happen. We empower them so that Charlottesville is heroic rather than a fucking tragedy.
Our world is broken because we permit sociopathy to have power. And the reason we permit sociopathy to have power is because the biggest body of people are humans who live from vice to vice, for whom the thrill of a sociopath is just another vice.
That's the world we live in.
Just remember, whenever you stay quiet just because some sociopath is fucking hot to you? You're empowering their vile, evil shit. You might as well start fantasising about being Hitler's bitch. Please do, that's how I see you if you're just quiet and you permit this to happen. You're just a shallow, witless little sheep who wants to be Hitler's bitch. I'm very much taking a side in this as any human being with a conscience very much should be.
Someone had to say this. Someone had to. If you're quiet, you're no better than a sociopath. This is why I keep talking about this. I talk about it with poeple, I talk about it on blogs, I talk about it in IRC, or with anyone who'll listen.
If you're quiet? You're just Hitler's bitch. You're a sociopath's little pony. This is a time where you absolutely need to take sides. Not taking sides normalises and empowers the worst that humanity has to offer, by not judging their evil, you're quietly saying that it's okay and you're not going to do anything to stop them, even admonish them, for what they're doing.
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