#not even that its out of character for maya or anything like i can see how you get there its fine
planet4546b · 9 months
the thing is that maya as portrayed in veil containment is like . Literally exactly my favorite every character type (<- SAMIRA!) i just wish it wasnt maya. if they had made up a new character i would have been hooting and hollering and jumping up and down excited as she commited scientific malpractice and attempted to create conciousness. you just took a guy i already cared about for a very different reason
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heyitschartic · 11 months
The Goddess Did Nothing Wrong Essay
Goddess is one of the most mistreated characters in Ward, by the fandom and by the author. Check the comments under any of the chapters with her in it and you'll see exactly what I mean. It's a fucking shame because Bianca just doesn't get talked about or appreciated enough. Understandably I guess, she isn't a main character or anything, but she's easily one of the most interesting characters in Ward to poke at, tear apart, and piece back together. And despite what the people crying in the Ward comments say, Goddess didn't do anything wrong.
This is going to involve Ward spoilers just FYI, so I'll keep the rest below the line.
Alright, let's talk about Goddess.
It still shocks me that she's around for only like an arc, she's easily one of the best characters in Ward, from her swag to her powers, to the play she makes almost immediately. It feels like she should have been around much longer. When she died I got so mad that I dropped Ward for like a month. Better people than I have discussed her similarities to Vicky, but I think what interests me more are some things that are solely hers. Things that never really even get talked about in the story.
We don't know Bianca's trigger event and I really doubt Wildbow is ever going to tell us. Hell, he didn't bother to give her a sixth power, so I'm not holding my breath. But, we can look at her powers and sort of work back from there. (All of this was done by my great friend Maya, so thank you so much to her <3)
Human master that only affects capes, part influencer part control, with heavy doses of putting herself first, authority figures, and loyalty sprinkled through the themes her power works with. Her trigger was probably betrayal by an authority figure, likelya cape, that upended her entire world. Someone she implicitly trusted to do the right thing. Someone with power over her that she sought out for help.
Secondaries rely more on the person than the trigger, so they can help flesh out who she was. A danger sense that lets her know when things are happening, feel the impact of them, but she can't see coming or stop. A trump boost, something that could reflect a need to do or be better in critical moments. A trump defense that works best with long term trauma and pain, but struggles with sudden reveals or reversals. And finally a shaker effect, fractal telekinesis, reflecting a messy environment that she can't hold or control because of its complexity.
Whoever Goddess was before her powers, it was someone weak and without any control over her life. Someone hurting and powerless who didn't see this betrayal coming, didn't see how much danger she was in, until it already too late.
I think her master power is the most important thing to understand about her because of what it represents. It paints all of her actions in a very different light. Her most fundamental trauma was a betrayal by authority. Afterwards, she likely didn't feel safe around others, especially not those in power, didn't trust them to run things because she'd been betrayed by people promising these same things. Her taking over Shin may have been like Taylor going after the bay, convinced she was the only one who could fix it.
And a lot of the fucked-up dynamic with her cluster probably played into this. We know Goddess and Bill were the problems in the cluster, but I find it interesting Bill is noted as the monster, not her. In March's interlude, Megan paints a really fucked abusive view of how their cluster was working, getting hurt by someone and then hurting them back worse in turn as things began to spiral until Goddess took Bill's day. And from there everything exploded and she found herself on Shin.
I'm not really going to defend what she did on Shin. It might be a surprise in the Goddess Defense Essay, but obviously a seventeen year old (I believe that's approximately how old she was at the time) isn't going to make the best choices when put in charge of a planet. There's plenty of stuff to point at and go "that sucks" like the universal english thing (though I think that may have been a byproduct of needing to know she wasn't being lied to, again her trauma at play.)
Instead, I want to talk about why she was sent there. Again, speculation cause none of this ever got explained, but Wildbow had early issues of Worm that took place on Shin, where the Parahumans formed mainly hostile groups attacking larger power structures and enacting control over governments where they could. If this was true for Shin in Ward, Cauldron might sent Goddess there as a stabilizing force (something we know they did). Someone to corral the capes under her banner and allow them to use the world as a research ground for parahumans. Again, all conjecture on my part, but it would make sense why Ziz would pop open another portal there. Like she did with Madison and the Cauldron base, Goddess' absence likely led to some wild problems that tore apart crucial research they were on the cusp of finishing.
Her being forced to another world is another interesting part for me. This woman is a master, someone who takes complete control of others, but again and again she finds herself pushed from one point to the next without agency.
Speaking of which, then Gold Morning happens. She's torn away from the planet she controls, loses her cluster mates, and then...does nothing for two years. Honestly, this might be more character defining than anything else. She doesn't try to build back power, doesn't storm Shin intent on reclaiming everything, she sits on her hands. I don't care if the Wardens were watching her, if she really was as big a megalomaniac as people claim, she would have pushed to retake her world.
But she didn't. She stepped back. And I wonder if that wasn't something she wanted. The chance to step away, to not feel like she's always being pushed, always hounded by a danger sense warning of lurking dark clouds on the horizon. A trauma about needing to be in control over everything. A chance for her to finally be able to make her own decisions and not be wrapped up by the strings of others machinations or expectations.
And then Teacher came. Goddess makes it clear how relentless he was, trying to get her stuck in a position where he could kidnap her. I’ve heard the argument made she should have just gone to the Wardens, but let’s be real, what could they have possibly done to help her? They wouldn’t trust her enough to house her in the Wardens base so then what, drop her off in some corner world until Teacher found her again? Leave her with Ciara to watch over? Station guards on her twenty-four seven? They’d want concessions too, things that would hamper her if she really did run out of other options.
And, again, her trigger was very likely about a betrayal by authority figures. Going to the Wardens to plead for help would hit at her trauma in all the worst ways. To her, there probably wasn’t any other clear choice forward but using her powers on the prison. Of course that’s what she went for.
I think everyone knows what happened from there.
I've seen her relationship with Amy framed as the reason she gets so much hate, and yes that certainly played a role with the fanbase, but I think it's more than that. I think a lot of people saw her use her powers on the protagonist and just would not give her a single inch afterwards. Everything she did had to be wrong, she's forcing people to fight for her, she's being mean to the characters, she's stressed and angry and such a bitch. It’s probably part of the reason she gets killed off, and god that was the worst way to handle it. If the reflections of Vicky in Goddess were intentional, having Amy betray her might have been intended as a reflection of the way she betrayed Vicky. I hope not. It's a horrible way to end things.
Goddess' story isn’t one of a tyrant getting what she deserves. It’s a tragedy. It’s a woman who controls others but is all the while still not truly in control of her own fate. It was a woman pulled from one spot to another: by her cluster, by Cauldron, by her expectations, by Taylor, by Teacher. And in the end, it finished as it began. Betrayed by someone she trusted intimately.
Only this time, she dies for it.
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yuraslefttoe · 6 months
hey, it's me again! I came to pester you with questions!! *there should be a scary laugh, but it sounds more like mean giggles*
(by the way, I’m thinking about sending you such long texts with questions (because I have a lot of them!!) once one or two weeks, if you don’t mind. . . . . . .you don't mind..??? (god, I hope you don’t get tired of me..!) I'm so sorry, please, I'm just very interested!! *qwq*)
I’ll remind you once again how much I adore your work (after all, you deserve it!!), and I’ll also say that I specifically shouldn’t talk about posts tagged with the  adm, because I’ve read your tumblr and twitter in its entirety several times, I even have a separate album in my gallery with answers that particularly interested me, there are several hundred screenshots there and I don’t regret anything! (sorry if my hyperfixation may be intimidating!!)
*=^._.^= ∫*
and now the questions!!!! 
1. my wife doesn’t have a tumblr, but her suggestion interested me and can be seen in the first two screenshots(the translation sounds like: “after the release of “red hour” I have an assumption that andrey is more... athletic than misha. either this is because of ferry’s drawing style, or he really has such wide shoulders")so now we are interested to know about the physique of your characters!! maybe some of them are thin, or vice versa, a little overweight. and what about physical training? did you have any headcanons for this??? ( by the way, when I ask about “characters” I mean not only misha and andrey, but also europe and maya, because they are also worthy of attention <зз) 
2. what about the abbreviation "dyusha" for andrey? in russian it is... not used very often, but still, it sounds very cute. so it would be interesting to know how you would feel about this? 3. I also want to hear about the names of the characters!! how did you choose them? I mean........ how did it happen that from ☺europa☺ you switched to 👹MiKhAiL👹?? (I'M SO SORRY, BUT MISHA'S FULL NAME SOUNDS SOMETHING THREATENING. MY UNCLE'S DOG HAS THE SAME NAME EHE- *ᕕ(ಥ▽ಥ)ᕗ*) 
4. and lastly, let's return to my wife for another moment. she suggested that andrey was now also in a time loop. what do you say about that? and also in enigma, she noticed that misha seemed to be addressing the second person in the lines: "and if you wanted to be anything more than just free" and "you’ve seen a hundred lies I see that all the time". is this second person a viewer? or maybe one of the previously mentioned characters??
the last photo, by the way, is one of the sketches that I found so far in my gallery! ^^ 
initially it was planned to attach two sketches, but andrey turned out TOO bad, I’m ashamed to show him. someday I'll redraw it into something normal.... maybe. but! I really like the pic with misha and the wolf(I hope this is the wolf you were talking about lol. google didn’t show me anything else, and I’ve never been to ikea myself, ehe...) 
(and I don’t want to post all this yet, because running a tumblr was certainly not part of my plans, haha)) I registered here solely to read your blog, and not to maintain my own) 
sorry again for possible illiteracy, and also for the chaotic nature of my thoughts, haha, I don’t know how to adequately express them in english.. and also, I’m really REALLY apologize that the text was too long, next time I’ll try to be shorter...
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okay im gonna try and answer everything here in a coherent way so sorry if nothing makes sense
im just fine with lotes of questions :) answering asks and responding to comments is one of my favorite things ever and i brings a verry big smile to my face
on andrei: i consider him to be a skinny little gut but not exactly unathletic, and in addition i think he would have basic combat training and probably be good with firearms. misha is probably a very average bodytype, nothing special, not particularly athletic.
i do not speak russian (though ferry has recently encouraged me to learn so maybe in like four years ill be able to form a sentence) so i dont know anything about the short forms so you can do whatever you want. if you coin it and peoples tart calling him that i will not stop it from happening
i do not name my characters, i usually let me friends name them (i think that the only one i named was europa and his partner). going forward maybe ill try to make it more cohesive
the time loop idea im seeing thrown around alot is really cool and while i havent particularly wrote any of my songs about that in general i see it fitting into the loose narrative i have going on. also in enigma misha is definitely talking to andrei whenever he says the word "you" but it could also be to the listener because the entire theme of enigma is 4th wall breaking and meta shenanigans like that
that sketch is SO CUTE oh my god
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eway · 4 months
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Ok so looking at the results, I'm talk about it. To the people who voted no, ignore this.
This crossover game hypothetical is called...
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So in every Ace Attorney crossover I know of, trilogy Phoenix and Maya are featured. So they will be main characters. So for this for some reason Ecolo just brings Phoenix and Maya over to Puyo Puyo's world. And then Sig is accused of murder. So the murderer is linked to a mastermind of all the cases. 5 cases. Also, many OCs because having only one per case makes it kinda obvious who did the murder. Dunno much about these cases besides first and last. In the first case Amite helps Phoenix and Maya. Also in this case Sig tries to have his bug friends testify because they can give him an alibi. Phoenix is like "parrots are one thing but BUGS!?" But Maya and the judge make him do it. It doesn't help much since they can't talk but still. After that case, Amite and Sig dissappear for the rest of this crossover game (more on that later)
From here, Phoenix and Maya must figure out who is masterminding the framings and murders, and also during investigations Arle and Ringo help. And witnesses will not help Phoenix and Maya with anything until after a Puyo battle. Ringo or Arle usually help them out a bit.
Last case of the game, Schezo is the defendant, and Arle asks Phoenix for help in this case. Well in EVERY case someone asks Phoenix to help the defendant. As it turns out, the murderer/mastermind tried frame Arle, but like, Schezo was deemed more suspicious by witnesses and both suspects apparently had equal chances of being the culprit (but it's neither. Look I really wanted a case where his inability to not speak in innuendo got him into big trouble and also it saving Arle is just funny to me. Also this way we can have a scene where once its discovered that the wrong person was framed, The Dark Prince can be all like "Why does HE get to play Hero and take the muder charge for Arly? I'd do it for her!" And Arle is just like... "um...thanks..." because none of that was intentional and Phoenix is like "thank God I don't have to defend another 'I'm totally guilty' but didn't actually commit the crime client").
In this game there would be references to every game in the series, including Maodou Montagari. Because why not?
Now, about Sig and Amite... DLC cases. 5 of them. They end up in the Ace Attorney world. Where Puyos are raining down. And in every crossover with Ace Attorney, be it a fighting game, a two game mix, or a strategy game, Edgeworth appears, though usually its a minor role. Not this time! Amite and Sig help Edgeworth find the source of the Puyos while also teaching him and many characters from the trilogy and AAI games how to play Puyo! And it's not just the trilogy and AAI characters! Great Ace Attorney characters gets mentioned, and we see younger versions of characters from the Apollo Justice Trilogy!
The DLC cases are all packaged together in Puyo Attorney: Investigations.
Puyo Attorney is a celebration of Puyo Puyo, with many references, but most of the gameplay is Ace Attorney. Puyo Attorney: Investigations is the exact opposite!
References to every game in both series' would happen. And every crossover a character from each series was in. Even minor background Easter Eggs count as references by the way.
And of course Puyo Attorney: Investigations wouldn't be localized because many Puyo games aren't localized and it has Investigations 2 characters and that game wasn't localized
Also! Full voice acting. Ace Attorney characters who were in the anime get their anime voices.
If anyone has more ideas for this lemme know
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queerfables · 10 months
Hi okay SO. I have been putting off making an introduction post because I'd mostly prefer people to just look at my blog and decide if they want to hang out based on that, rather than making some big definitive statement about Who I Am.
But I'm currently accumulating followers at a truly alarming rate and - look, I don't want to give the impression I'm ungrateful, I am genuinely SO TOUCHED by every single one of you who's interested in what I have to say!! The feeling is 100% mutual, and I am having a blast sharing everyone's thoughts and enthusiasm. It's just that my goal with this blog is to have fun and do my own thing. I don't hate attention but I'm also not looking for it.
On balance, then, I think it's probably a good idea to give people a general sense of what I'm about so that if it doesn't appeal to you, we can opt out of each other's social circle before anyone steps on anyone else's toes.
My general philosophy:
I am here to have fun. I might occasionally have a little kvetch about some fandom trend or another but ultimately, even if your favourite trope drives me up the wall, I'm genuinely so happy that it is out there bringing you joy. I try very very hard to treat everyone with kindness and to avoid getting caught up in drama.
This isn't a clique it's a community. Please leave commentary on my posts or drop me a message if you wanna chat!
I follow and unfollow pretty liberally and never mean anything personal by it. I might consider you a friend but still unfollow if your current hyperfocus isn't jiving with mine. In turn, I will never take offence to anyone doing the same with me. Regardless of our following status, I'm always up to chat.
I don't do DNIs. Interact if you want to, don't if you don't. Good faith questions and comments are always welcome. Malicious behaviour will be blocked.
Primary Fandoms
Good Omens - I have loved this fandom for years and years, since before the TV show as it exists today was even a twinkle in Neil's eye. I ship Crowley and Aziraphale SO HARD and I am completely blown away by everything that we've gotten since the first season came out in 2019. Fifteen year old me could not even have imagined!!!
Supernatural - Literal opposite energy. I resisted this show for its entire run, after watching the pilot when it aired and thinking "if I watch this, I will end up shipping the brothers, and I am just not prepared for shipping the brothers." Fifteen years later destiel came in swinging with the steel chair and I grumbled and decided I'd better watch it to find out what all the fuss was about. And do you guys know what? I was right all along. I came away from that show obsessed with it as a gothic horror story and shipping the brothers hard. So wincest is my otp, but I'm a multishipper and I have a soft spot for wincestiel, destiel and sastiel too. As a darkfic enjoyer, I also dabble in John/Dean/Sam and variants. I'm not, like, opposed to less-dark takes on this, they just don't do much for me. I'm pretty careful to tag ships in this fandom consistently, so if you don't want to see something, you can blacklist it.
Side Fandoms
You might see these occasionally or for short stretches but they aren't currently taking over my brain the same way Good Omens and Supernatural are.
Ace Attorney (Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth. Queerplatonic Phoenix Wright/Maya Fey. Enthusiastic dabbler in background ships and rarepairs.)
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild+ (Link/Sidon. Link/Gannon. Bemused Link/Zelda ally [I don't ship it but I'm happy for all of you and enjoy the gender bending fanart].)
Ted Lasso (Roy/Keeley/Jamie. Queerplatonic Ted/Rebecca. Rebecca/Sam enjoyer. Pro-finale loyalist. Every single character is my best friend and also my daughter.)
Hannibal (Will/Hannibal. Margot/Alana enjoyer.)
I mostly tag for fandoms and ships (although I'm not currently tagging for Crowley/Aziraphale beyond the parent "good omens" tag. That may change if I settle on a tag I like). I wish that I could tag for triggers requested by people who want to follow me, but realistically, that isn't something I can guarantee and trying just wipes me out. If trigger tags are something you need, we may have to admire one another from afar.
At some point I will add a list of useful organisational tags here but for now you can always just browse back through my archives if you're interested.
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iceaxeflynn · 2 years
I was playing through PA:AA Trials and Tribulations, and I just realized that no one talks about Recipe for Turnabout.
Why? How can no one in this fandom not go bat shit insane for Phony Phoenix? I mean look at this man
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He’s bat chit insane. The madlad is literally an anti-Phoenix. He calls himself the Tiger. He growls at the jury. He’s so scary the Judge hides under his desk.
Gumshoe, the Judge, Maggey, AND EVEN MAYA don’t register that its NOT PHOENIX.
He’s constantly screaming. He’s growling. He tells Phoenix that for every dumb question he asks he’s gonna sue him $50,000.
I refuse to acgnowledge this Furio Tigre erasure. That case was a fucking wild ride. That man impersonated the most popular defense attorney and almost got away with it, and it was heavily implied that he was dating the granddaughter of the
Did I mention he roars like a tiger? I don’t think you understand. This man has AUDIO DIALOGUE THAT PLAYS EVERY TIME HE ROARS. EVEN PHOENIX HIDES UNDER HIS DESK FROM HIM.
And then lets step away from fuckin Tiger Phoenix for a minute.
We ALSO learn that Gumshoe is SUPER SOFT for Maggey Bryde. She gets arrested for supposedly being the murderer, and Gumshoe is in HYSTERICS. He runs around like a lost puppy doing everything he can to get Maggey out with the same if not more panic than he had when Edgeworth was arrested. AND ITS SO??? WHOLESOME?????
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Like he’s SO CUTE TOO. He makes Maggey lunches, because he notices she’s been loosing weight and doesn’t want her to be unhealthy. When he understands that Maggey is mad at him because of a misunderstanding, he avoids her because she says she doesn’t want to see him, and he doesn’t want to push himself onto her.
Not only that, but they have PERFECT ENERGY TOGETHER. They’re both like energetic dogs you can rely on. They’re excited, and they’re here to do their best. They can do no wrong.
Also, Gumshoe and Maggey LOVE the same foods and it’s adorable. You can’t change my mind; straight ships can be adorable too I’m literally a gay man call me homophobic I dare you.
First up we’ve got who I like to call
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Grandpa Seedman (A.K.A. Victor Kudo)
What a man. What a madlad. He makes me want to dump him in a fucking silo of birdseed.
Why is he here? Why does he have all that birdseed? Why can’t he calm down and stop throwing it for five seconds? If I had to guess what Wendy Oldbag’s ex-husband would be like, this is exactly who I think it would be. They’re both insufferable to no end. Let me throw them outa window.
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Then we got Monsieur Essential Oils (A.K.A. Jean Armstrong)
What In The Royal Fuck. Where are these roses coming from. Why does his restaurant look like a Hello Kitty Lolita Cafe. He’s also half a million dollars in debt. I would ask why but if you took one look in hid goddamn restaurant you would understand why. Also literally everyone in the game thinks his food is shit.
Please sir. Please you’re so gay it hurts. He’s literally April May but a guy. Actively flirts with Gotot which is pretty funny so you get some extra points.
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Wednesday Addams (A.K.A. Viola Cadaverini)
So little miss is the granddaughter of a fucking MOB BOSS and she is literally true crime. Constantly mutters about offering you tea. Would be a nice gesture if the murder in this case WASNT CAUSED BY SOMEONE BEING POISONED THROUGH A DRINK also the fact that the MURDERER IS HER BOSS
She’s actually pretty chill, despite how off-putting she is. Would love to listen to true crime and watch the Twilight Zone with her. She deserves better.
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He also rides a teeny fuckin scooter thats like neon pink and blue which is so goddamn funny to me especially considering the fact that that tiny ass scooter caused a massive crash which he walked away from unscathed but the DRIVER was sent to the EMERGENCY ROOM and had A MILLION DOLLARS worth of surgery done.
This man can fight god and win the only reason he didn’t get away with the murder is because bitch straight up went “haha Phoenix Wright you dumb bitch thats not the poison bottle I used get your facts straight” and Godot has a fucking ANEURISM because all of these witnesses are SO FUCKING STUPID
Godot was the real victim here holy shit this fucking case was the most bat shit insane stuff how the FUCK did no one talk more about this PLEASE
TL;DR Give Recipe For Turnabout more love. It’s the most unhinged shit on the planet.
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arabian-batboy · 1 year
I know you mentioned wanting to talk about damian earlier so what is your ideal direction for damians character? Assume you can retcon out details of Canon events
I think I talked about this a lot on my blog here and there, but Its not like I have ONE very detailed direction for his character and honestly I'm starting to try my hardest to not think about what we could have, because I know it will probably never happen and I would just make myself sad.
As for what I want, it depends if you mean from this point-on or if I could just go back in time to a certain point since Lazarus Planet is still going and I have a feeling it will fuck up do a lot of changes to Damian, so we will have to wait to see what happens. Either ways, I personally just want everything that happened since 2016 to be undone, I don't care how, just erase it all and lets pretend like the last issue of R:SoB was just released and lets start from there.
You know what's funny, even though Damian's fanbase is extremely diverse, almost all of us have been asking for only one of two things for so many years now, which are either A) bring back Maya & Suren and have Damian form a team with them B) have Damian be forever trapped as Jon's partner in a Super Sons comic that doesn't end (which I’m obviously not here for.)
That's it, there are really no huge amount of Damian's fans who are asking for anything else, yet DC keeps doing stories that no asked for that are always forgotten about after they end. Not only have they completely discarded point A, but they actually even have the balls to semi-discard point B, which I’m actually glad about don’t get me wrong, but I’m just surprised considering how feral and loud SS’s fans are, so if THEY can’t have what they want, I’m afraid no Damian’s fan can wish for anything, even though again, we're easy to please and what we want done with his character is clear as the day (we’re are not asking for much either)
Now if I was like the CEO of DC, I will just be an asshole who ignores continuity and have Damian deaged to like maybe 11/12 years old, put him back in his classic costume and have him return to Gotham as its official Robin, who actually has a personal/civilian life and regular interaction with all Batman's related characters (the fact that the last time time he had proper one-on-one interaction with any of the Batgirls was in the 00's decade is ridiculous, especially when one of them is his literal sister)
I would have Talia taking a small amount of members from the LOS who were always more loyal to her goals and means than her father's to form her own small spy organization that focuses on saving the Earth in ways other than killing a lot of people, similar to how Talia destroyed Lex Luthor Crop during her spy era, so maybe we will see her going undercover in corporations that commit a lot of pollution and making them go bankrupt or something similar?
Maya, Suren and Goliath would be living with her, however they wouldn't really be involved in her spy work (except maybe Maya, whose stealth powers can come in handy) instead they, along with Damian who will occasionally leave Gotham to team-up with them, will play a more action-based role.
So it will be 3 books, a Talia's book about her doing spy work, a Damian's book about him being Gotham's Robin and a team-up book with him and his friends going on adventures, which I have plenty of ideas for.
From expanding on Maya's backstory and doing something with the plot-line about her mother that Gleason didn't get to write, to a story about the Darga tribe who have been teased for a while now without anything coming from it and their connection/rivalry to the Al Ghul family (maybe even have a story about Suren betraying his friends for his family before double crossing them and declaring his friends to be his real new family) and the Year of Blood's storyline is a treasure trove that can be used as basis for newer stories. For instance, a lot of the artifacts that Damian stole seem to have some kind of power/magical properties to them, so I wouldn't mind seeing a story about a villain getting their hands on them to use them for evil and our team retrieving those items from them.
And I love the character of Ruh, if they don't plan on reviving Ra's, I wouldn't mind her leading the rest of the League that Talia didn't take (lets be real, DC will never fully disband the League) and maybe Talia + the kids will act as a throne in her throat by always beating her to any newly discovered Lazarus Pit and destroying it before her League reach them (I feel like I would be able to come up with more stories after LP ends)
I have so many ideas in my brain its ridiculous, but like I said at the beginning, I know none of them would ever happen, since all of them require Talia and Damian to not be demonized and to be written as main-characters, which 90% of DC's writers are not interested in doing, so it would be better to just forget about them.
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the-gayest-show · 4 months
It's a little disheartening to see people disrespecting Molly's decision to sacrifice what she had with Scratch in order for him to have his life back. I’m not sure if detractors of the series finale truly understand Molly as a character.
Literally the thoughts in my head! I'd seen a couple of those posts and thought to reply to them somehow but couldn't figure out a way to get to all of them, so this ask should do it...
The message has been there the whole time. In Libby's exposition, she mentions the quote from maya angelou: "What is a fear of living? It's being preeminently afraid of dying. It is not doing what you came here to do, out of timidity and spinelessness. The antidote is to take full responsibility for yourself - for the time you take up and the space you occupy. If you don't know what you're here to do, then just do some good." I believe this sums up scratch's arc and molly's (i will get into it later) to a T. He shut himself off from the world for years before molly met him, and was very afraid to take risks or do anything new (this is seen in episodes like All Systems No, where the whole point is scratch literally saying no to things and molly always saying yes to things). And probably other s1 and s2 episodes but none are actively on my mind rn. Him leaving to take risks was practically necessary, living out his life IS necessary because he couldn't bring himself to do so before but now he can.
Scratch needed to do something. We find out he's a wraith and then what? He can't just live outside his body knowing full well that he has a body and knows of its existence! I guess the main point argued was that he didn't have to be scrubbed of memory... I'd like to bring up a tweet that involves Bill's reasoning for choosing this path https://twitter.com/InevitablyBill/status/1746595852138008750 (it's a thread btw, take a read, i love it so much!). At the end of the day, imagine this: he goes into his human body, stays with the mcgees... maybe he meets adia... but isn't the whole point that he knew adia for years, even as a child, and wanted to come with her, but his anxiety/depression always got the better of him? Isn't the whole point that he needs to leave, he can't stay forever! You could argue "he fit so perfectly fine with the mcgees! it makes their friendship pointless like this!" but the real question of the day is: why do you think he isn't a mcgee anymore? just because he forgot them (define forgot since he subconsciously remembers stuff)? family is forever. It's in your soul! I've met some wonderful people (adults and kids alike) that have semi-made me into the person I am today. Chosen family comes and goes, sometimes it stays a while and then leaves. I still feel sad for losing touch with people I thought would stay forever...But that DOES NOT make it any less worthwhile. It's what molly said: "If you don't remember me, at least you'll remember that." The things he learnt weren't erased. He didn't "forget them", not really. Because if he did he'd be right back at square one, being all "I don't need friends!" and "Being good's for suckers!" and now that would make everything pointless.
Molly has trauma. Valid point, but I raise you this: She chose to let go. She fully understood the risks even as scratch pointed them out, and despite everything. Just as easily she could've said that it was ok and he didn't have to go back, but she didn't.
This show is heavily grounded in reality for something based on silly ghosty adventures. Why can't someone leave? Because of plot? Shit happens anyways, trauma or no trauma, and if anything, molly isn't alone. Molly originally clung to scratch as a forever friend because she didn't want to be alone. She isn't alone now though! She's got Libby! She's got Ollie and June! She's got Geoff as well (technically), so she's not completely done for!
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rcvana · 9 months
BE MY MISTAKE ... KYRIE HAN ! characters. kyrie han, maya wang warnings. suggestive content, briefly sexual content, i believe that all ! word count. 0.891
Kyrie is a complicated man. Some would say he’s impossible to love. He’s dumb, he’s impulsive, and he fucks up with everyone he loves. He makes everything harder for everyone. It’s almost hilarious how he seems to never make the right choices. Almost.
Almost because his choices are those made by assholes. Ones he would classify as mistakes but they keep happening, so even his friends are left wondering if they’re really mistakes or just the fucked up way he was born. 
And he’s sure this is going to be another mistake that he’ll have to excuse around others, as he stands at the doorstep. He knocks on the door of the lofty home. It’s one of the nicest houses Kyrie’s seen up-close in Korea. The door opens up, revealing a girl of shorter stature and thick, chocolate colored hair. 
“Hey,” Maya greets, her eyes their usual sultry low. 
Kyrie leans down and places a brief kiss on her cheek. Maya steps aside, allowing Kyrie to enter. He eyes her up and down, taking in the baby pink loungewear she’s clad in. “You look good.”
“Thanks,” she smiles. 
He feels a little odd, being here. It’s not like he hasn’t been here plenty of times before, laying his feet wherever he pleases and eating up the food she cooked. But things are different now, considering the circumstances. 
The house is empty, Maya’s daughter is with Addy today. Kyrie always admired how Maya never invited anyone over that was anything more than platonic (or a man in general that wasn’t her father), when Kaia was there. She was a good mother, he knew that. It’s something that drew him to her in the first place. He likes a woman who handles her business, he always says. That knows her priorities and has them straight. 
“Are you okay?” Maya asks, taking him by surprise. “You’ve been, like, spacing out since you got here.”
“Nah, I’m good,” Kyrie envelopes her hands in his, staring down into her golden shaded eyes. “I’m more than good, ‘cause I’m here with you.”
She smiles coyly, a flush creeping across her cheeks. 
“I, uh, I have this movie that I liked and thought that you might like,” she says, squeezing his palm. 
“Let’s watch it.”
Of course, naturally, an actual watching of movies only lasted about twenty minutes before the cuddling started feeling more hot than it initially did. Because then hands started moving, and then kissing got involved, and then they succumb to the feelings of sweltering passion and the coming undone that nears rough. That’s how sex always was between Kyrie and Maya. Everything was fast and rough, and it’s not to say it doesn’t feel good. Maya was good at everything she did in the bed. She knew what she was doing. It’s just not like what he just now found out he loves. It’s not like how it is with Charmeine. 
Kyrie takes a deep breath, lying his head on the pillow. Maya follows him from underneath the thick blanket, her head crashing on his chest, which rises and falls with each hard breath. The movie is coming to its climax, just as they had done. He’s not sure what the movie was about. There’s something about dogs and people who live on a farm. It’s not anything Kyrie would pay to see. He prefers old-fashioned 90s movies or inappropriate comedies. He doesn’t know where Maya got the idea that this would be a movie he liked. 
He wraps his arm anxiously over her shoulders, his thumb rubbing the soft of her skin. He’s done a lot of fucked up shit but this has to be one of the worst. It feels like one of the worst. Guilt is a feeling that eats you from the inside out. 
“You know how good you are, right?” Kyrie randomly asks. 
Maya meekly giggles. “Where did that come from?”
“You’re so good. I don’t know how you can be so good,” he says. “You’re good at being a mom, you’re good at being a singer, you’re good at fucking,” he laughs at that last one, so does she. 
“Nobody can take that away from you,” he pulls her closer, staring up at the ceiling. 
She doesn’t say anything, listening to his words and his heartbeat together. 
“You’re so beautiful and I’m…I’m so lucky that I even got to be with someone like you,” Kyrie rambles. “I don’t even know how I got this chance.”
He got this chance because he was trying to “heal her” after getting her heart shitted on by the father of her child. She wasn’t doing her best when they first started talking. Her mind was swindled with thoughts of never finding love if she couldn’t find it with Addy. So when Kyrie came around, talking a big game, treating her like no one ever did, it felt like Kyrie was swooping in and saving her like some sort of Prince Charming-Superhero hybrid. Sometimes the second love can feel almost as bad as the first did. 
“You’re so perfect. I wish I could give you the world.” He pauses, thinking for a moment the words getting caught in his throat. “Nobody really deserves you.”
“Why does this feel like goodbye?” 
Because it is. Something he should’ve said. 
“I just wanted to tell you.”
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buried-stars · 1 month
OH LET'S FUCKING GO. goro akechi, amame doi, fuka yamagishi, gyu-hyuk lee, maya fey, mukuro ikusaba :3
Sexuality Headcanon: this is a gay man. we all know it to be true. Gender Headcanon: some kind of trans and non-binary swag going on here... A ship I have with said character: eiichi mukuhira because oc/canon isn't dead A BROTP I have with said character: frankly his (potential) friendships with all the PT make me feel insane in one direction or another, but special mention to the sumi goro brotp. i so desperately need more platonic content between them that doesnt have any romance as a backdrop. goro's like "i don't have friends" and sumi says "yeah we're BEST friends :D" A NOTP I have with said character: its so hard to be a goroboy who doesnt like any ship with him. but any of the girls or akira makes me want to start attacking people with hammers A random headcanon: after royal he becomes roommates with annshiho. i love it when lesbians adopt a pathetic little man. shiho is still trying to figure out whether or not he's joking about having killed people (he's not) General Opinion over said character: you know exactly how i feel about him and if i start trying to summarize it here im going to end up with an essay so instead im just gonna glitch out of existence
Sexuality Headcanon: LESBIAN!!!! Gender Headcanon: she/they-isms A ship I have with said character: mamebiki is the only one that could ever matter to me. waaauuuggghhh A BROTP I have with said character: i want to believe her and iris rly are besties. show it to me uchikoshi... A NOTP I have with said character: gen is a father figure to her. fuck you. A random headcanon: AI3 PSYNCER AMAME I KNOW IT TO BE TRUE General Opinion over said character: incredible how she went from being a joke side character in the first game to one of the most interesting and complex characters of all time. i adore her. she did nothing wrong.
Sexuality Headcanon: ace lesbian Gender Headcanon: i honestly dont think ive ever thought about it...? A ship I have with said character: funnily enough i don't have one! maybe minako idk A BROTP I have with said character: i think her friendship with yukari is really sweet A NOTP I have with said character: i will never get the appeal of her and natsuki. even in 2017 i was like "why do we want her to date the girl who harassed her to the point that she thought she killed herself" A random headcanon: she carries minako's old earphones in her bag all the time General Opinion over said character: my sweetie <3 she silly. i don't have a ton to say because it's 5:30 in the morning but i like her a lot
Sexuality Headcanon: undoubtedly gay. look at him Gender Headcanon: CANON* he/she. (*it's a typo but i can dream) A ship I have with said character: gyuyoon makes me feel like im trapped inside a salad spinner (affectionate) A BROTP I have with said character: gyu and juyoung... they're so besties A NOTP I have with said character: either of the girls :P honestly i can't see him with anyone besides do-yoon A random headcanon: his eyes are brown those are colour contacts. General Opinion over said character: mr sad eyes sopping wet tragic oarfish id do anything for him. he did a lot wrong but hes still my guy. get him help pronto
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian (do you see a pattern) Gender Headcanon: trans girl :D A ship I have with said character: emamaya my beloved <33 A BROTP I have with said character: phoenix and maya are the fucking blueprint. i adore them so much. siblings of all time A NOTP I have with said character: i mean aside from obvious garbage i am a massive frnmy hater. we all been knew A random headcanon: kurain is a vegetarian village so maya's love of burgers come from them being forbidden at home General Opinion over said character: ive loved her since the day i picked up aa1 way back in 2014. my dear darling
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian of course Gender Headcanon: non-binary <3 A ship I have with said character: gee! i sure wonder! who could i, the person who popularized ikuzono, possibly ship with mukuro? it's a mystery. A BROTP I have with said character: chapter one trio still does something to my brain tbh A NOTP I have with said character: known nk hater since 2015 and this will never change A random headcanon: she's afraid of clowns General Opinion over said character: i just want her to be happy
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loopylostandfound · 3 months
simon blackquill for ask game >:3
oh I am so unprepared uh *drops notes all over the place* hahaha I'm so normal abt him WHEEEEE let's go uhhhhh
- how I feel abt this character
feral. im climbing him like a tree and gnawing on his shoulders like a rabid beaver. can beavers be rabid? who cares I am one now. im shaking him in my mouth like a dog with a chew toy. im tucking him gently into bed with a kiss on the forehead. im forcing him to go to therapy. we're adopting a cat together next week.
- all the people I ship romantically with this character
me nahyuta, apollo, klavier, uendo
- my non-romantic otp for this character
athena! i love their ride-or-die friendship and they would definitely bully each other into taking care of themselves. fun hc I have for them is they can benchpress each other and they do it at the gym to intimidate people
- my unpopular opinion about this character
not sure I have one hdjskdjfjf most of my opinions abt him seem to be shared by plenty of ppl but hmm...okay yeah I've thought for several minutes and can't think of anything lol sorry hfjdjdj
- one thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon
he and maya should meet. they could be unstoppable
- my otp
blackmadhi hdjkwkdkfkf altho justquill is a CLOSE second i never expected to get so feral abt them but holy shit. lol. but i was into blackmadhi before I even met either of them somehow so I think its safe to say the brainrot is more powerful there hdjekwkfjf. also I just love the parallels in their stories and I think that (after hatefucking in a janitors closet for a few weeks) they could get along really well. and everyone would hate them so much <3
- my crossover ship
I don't rlly do crossovers much so I have nothing for this one sadly 😭
- a headcanon fact
i will give several.
he has an extensive collection of bandannas for taka in different colors and patterns and one of these has miku on it because simon likes miku and athena got it for him. his build before his release from prison was actually pretty wiry and lean although muscled, but after he gets out and learns to take care of himself he fills out more and has a softer body though still fully able to pick people up and throw them through walls. see above hc about the gym. he's actually really good with kids bc he just treats them like mini adults and doesn't baby talk to them so they like him a lot. he has some sort of Gender Feeling but he doesn't feel the need to address it. he's cool w mainly he/him but throwing in a they or a random neopronoun will make him happy too. also he has a big di-[i am forcibly dragged from the stage kicking and screaming]
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flythesail · 2 years
I think Arman is telling the truth when he says he doesn't know if he loves Thony.
Obviously, he's talking to his wife so 💀 I'd be very surprised he'd say yes even if he was certain...
But this relationship is also a slowburn. If Arman were to say "I love you" this season, maybe I'm in the minority here - but I wouldn't even want that.
Armony is an interesting ship because they kissed early on and that's probably a lot of why it feels like we're getting 'nothing' now. But again, this is just how slowburns work. And as far as slowburns go, this one isn't even that bad. I don't have to comb the storyline for proof their relationship exists. It's more or less the biggest aspect of the show, second only to Thony and her family.
BUT ANYWAY I'm getting off topic.
Going back to Arman saying "I don't know" - I view that as the perfect response because it's an honest response.
To acknowledge he loves her now would be to acknowledge there's no going back to who he was, and that acknowledgment exactly is his path this season.
And so while I'd say he does love her, he can't say that (yet) because he's currently stuck in this "between" moment in life.
Yes.. literally between in the form of a love triangle. (Divorce.. soon pls).
But also with who he is as a person. We saw this clearly in the previous episode with how (justifiably) upset he was over killing Maya.
So when we get confirmation that Arman does love Thony, I don't even see it as being said with the words "I love you."
I see it as Arman confirming to Thony who he wants to be. Who he is set on becoming.
A lot of that who is because of her.
More than anything I like the idea of Arman being the one to save himself.
With Thony by his side of course, but I do believe it's up to him. Thony can't save him by just being herself. She can be part of why he wants to change (or make a change in his life), yet it still falls to him.
And as Thony increasingly deals with the danger everything she's part of puts her family in, she might even pause herself before 'taking another step' in her relationship with Arman.
Right now it's hard to imagine how Arman would fit. He looks out of place in her home. Granted, it's not like he came over for a friendly chat and dinner. But he's not fully comfortable in her space either. He's like🧍‍♂️this basically lol.
So when Arman's character arc reaches its peak this season, and he vocalizes this change in who he is and who he wants to be, maybe that's when that comfort can finally manifest. He wouldn't have to worry about being as much of a danger to Thony either.
Now, will they ever truly get out?
Unlikely, or else there's no show. As main characters they get the privilege of Inescapable Plot.
But it would be beautiful nonetheless.
Not an I love you.
But an... This is what I want to be. I choose this for myself. I deserve better.
I choose this for you. You deserve the best.
I choose this for us.
Can there be an us? Is there?
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badedramay · 11 months
TB s2 announcement got me wondering about this general trend where people expect actors to be morally perfect saints who should only pick projects based on principles. Would these same ppl reject a lucrative job offer from evil corporates like a Facebook or BP? The one power they have is to not watch trash like TB but dekhenge bhi, hate bhi karenge, endlessly uske baare baat bhi karenge and then expect the actors to say no to good money. Idk Mais am I being too lenient on actors?
Hmmmmmmmmmmm...I don't think people want actors to be morally perfect saints but yeah they DO want the actors to have SOME ethics and morals driving their professional decisions. I am more often than not lenient on actors wrt their professional decisions. I can crib about them but ultimately I can just choose not to watch those particular projects. it's just with Wahaj and Yumna..they are KNOWN to have done better written projects in the past so it's not like they are not aware of what their particular fandom expects them to do. Yumna especially toh has half her filmography filled with dramas that deal with sensitive issues. and she has gained much critical acclaim for them. TB was, by all means, a very irresponsible decision for them. yes, it worked out BIG time and it's great that they got massive national and international fame from it. that was the drama's job and now that job is done..fans have a right to wish ke okay chalo ab back to doing projects that wouldn't have them compromising their morals. waise have they been finalized for TB2??
another thing..actors with the kind of fame that Wahaj and Yumna have gotten post TB have the privilege of CHOICE. they are aware of the starpower they bring to any project so they have a kind of authority to bring in changes and alterations to a project to make them less damaging. YumHaj didn't do that with TB, either because when the show was being shot they didn't have that authority yet or they just simply didn't see anything wrong with it. but now they DO have the power; the power of their fandom has given them that confidence. so if they still choose to do something similary problematic like TB then yeah..it's completely on them and criticism banta hai.
it takes nerves of steel to have morals and stick to them. look at when Maya Ali says she simply refuses to do dramas with violence in them even if it means not doing much work. Obi is a vocal ally and he's more than happy to play smaller role in projects that have important social message or a story that is close to his heart. Mahira Khan will never do a project where her character is not the strongest. Mawra Hocane put her foot down while her project was in production and used her power to alter the script so a horrendous thing like marital rape wasn't brushed off as nothing. even Farhan Saeed went on record to say that he talked it out with the director so a slap scene was edited out in Mere Humsfar. so, it's not like there aren't examples of actors being on the moral high ground. sure they bring in small changes but what they do is set a precedent for other actors to follow. fans being disappointed that actors like Yumna and Wahaj who are MORE than aware of the repercussions of being cavalier about toxicity and abuse don't use their voice to take a stand against those issues is their right.
but dekhenge bhi, hate bhi karenge, endlessly uske baare baat bhi karenge and then expect the actors to say no to good money.
I have a different take on this. the people who talk against such shows don't necessarily "watch" it out of choice but they do so because well it's all around them. and them "talking" about it isn't in favor of the show but against it. "no publicity is bad publicity" may be well and true and its these people and loyal fans of the actors who continued to criticize the show for its shortcomings and bringing attention to how dangerous the messaging of the show got the attention of the actors who are now accepting that they did have some errors in judgements and promise to now do better. that is why this talking is necessary. sure, for the producers its all money. but the producers aren't the intended audience of this criticism anyway. it's the actors. it's their loyal following urging them to do better. also, actors can make big money from other things. their big money can/does come from advertisements and endorsements. for quality TV, they can compromise on the check if they wish to. end mein baat toh usulon ki aati hai.
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ladreams17 · 1 year
The Odd Little Shop
Authors Note: I got really inspired, by watching the SKZ Trailer for their Oddinary Comeback a while ago and came up with this little Story. I really loved the 'Alice in Wonderland' theme,it had going on and really wanted to incorporate it. One character is actually a fusion of two members. Maybe you can find out who it was? I really love the main character and want to make this into a series. What are your thoughts on this?
“Hey guys, look at this alleyway, it looks so cool! Can we go there?” I asked curiously as I stopped in front of the beginning of the narrow street. Even though it was in the middle of the afternoon, it was almost time for a good coffee, Only a minimal amount of light reached the cobbled ground. It was so narrow that no car in the world could pass through it. Not only that, but you couldn’t see where this alleyway led to because it had many curves and squiggles to itself. I found it quite intriguing but my friends didn’t seem to be that interested. “Raeca, we’ve been on our feet for hours, I don’t know about Maya, but I definitely need a break. You know what? If you really want to go and explore this street, then go. We’ll find a cafe and rest.” Lola said with a strained voice. Dang! She really didn’t have any more strength.
Even though I really didn’t want to leave my friends, I felt so curious about this little street. The longer I stared down the alleyway the more I felt a pull towards it. I just couldn’t go into a cafe without knowing what was going on in that street. “Sorry but it’s just so tempting. Save a place for me at the cafe. I‘ll be back in no time!” I shot my best apologetic smile towards my two friends and without a second word I started walking into the mysterious alleyway. In the beginning all the houses were painted white and looked very modern but after a while of walking my surroundings started to change.
Instead of apartment blocks in plain white, little huts made out of wood lined the street. The sun was now shining directly on the ground and everything around me looked just so cozy and comfortable. And finally after a good 15 minutes of walking, I saw the end of the alley. This alley was indeed a dead end! But there was not a wall or anything at the end,no. At the end of the street stood a little wooden shopping hut. It was a bit lopsided and looked very old and not that well taken care of, but I had to admit that it had its own charme. As I got nearer to the cute little hut, I could see an old lady through the windows, which had definitely not been cleaned in a long time. She was sitting behind the counter, knitting a hat out of white yarn and smiling to herself. She looked like she was at peace and very satisfied with what she was doing at the moment.
I just had to go in there and find out what the hut looked like from inside.
As I pushed the door open, the little golden bell rang above my head and the old lady looked up from her knitting project. “Oh hello my dear. What a wonderful thing, that you came to visit our little shop today. We unfortunately don’t have many customers, you know?” The old lady smiled at me, then she continued. “Please have a look around and take your time. I hope you will find something you like!” “I will, thank you very much!”I answered. I gave her a smile back and started browsing through the shelves.
This tiny store had a little bit of everything, from cute home decorations made out of wood, to old china that looked like it was made in the 17th century. But what caught my attention were the doll-like figures in the centre of the room, presented on a mahogany table. There were eight in total. The figures looked like normal boys, but each of them had a detail of an animal to them. May it be ears, tail or paws, every single one had something special to them.
As I was inspecting the little figures I caught sight of myself in the mirror and was shocked to see myself in this kind of state. My hair was disheveled from walking all day and my mascara started to form panda eyes. I could not continue to look like that. “Excuse me miss” I spoke to the old lady who had started to knit again “could I use your bathroom by any chance?”. I hoped there was one in this old building. “Of course my love, the bathroom is just around that corner.” She looked up and pointed towards a hallway that was located straight across the entrance door. I thanked her and walked into the dimly lit hallway. The hallway wasn’t decorated at all, just the little lamp hanging from the ceiling and two doors. The left one was located a bit farther away from me than the right one. ‘Well I guess the right one it is’, I thought to myself and opened the door but what I saw was most definitely not a bathroom. The floor of the room was completely gone and was replaced with absolute darkness, almost like a black hole. In the air of the room though, everything was floating. Tables, chairs, clocks, lamps and paintings were floating around like gravity wasn’t a thing anymore.
I immediately closed the door with a thump and just stood there in complete shock. My brain could not wrap itself around the image that I just saw. I wanted to take another look but I was too scared to reopen the door, so I just decided to peek through the keyhole. What a bad decision. When I looked through the hole I was not met with this weird room but with an eye that did not look like mine. This round eye had such a dark color that you could hardly differentiate between iris and pupil. Because of shock I automatically stumbled back from the door and hit my back on the wall.
With a terrified expression I saw the door being opened by the human that was behind that door. When the door was fully opened, I could see this man just floating above the blackness where the floor was supposed to be. He looked the same age as me but he was a few centimeters taller. The oddest thing about him though was his face. Not that it was ugly, no, but this smile that was etched on him was full of haziness, almost a crazy smile. The other thing was his eyes. Even though I had already seen one of them, the other was totally different. It was an icy blue that was almost white. The only thing being the same was the round eye shape.
With a strange sparkle in his eyes he began to speak “Hello m’lady. Did your parents never teach you to knock first, before opening a door?” He giggled mischievously. “I-I thought this was the b-b-bathroom, I’m so sorry!” I stuttered, my back still pressed against the wall. My eyes flickered from his face to his feet, still shocked that he could just float above a black hole like it was normal. Well it was probably normal, for him at least. He most likely noticed my flickering eyes, because in the next second he reached out to me, grabbed both of my wrists and pulled me into the room. Not knowing how to react I just shut my eyes and let out a long, high pitched scream, fearing that I will now fall into the darkness and never see the surface of the earth again. But the sensation of falling didn’t occur. Instead the man, who was still holding my wrists, burst out in a fit of laughter. “Hahahaha. You should’ve seen your face when I pulled you in the room, it was so incredibly funny!”.
To check if I was still okay, I opened my eyes very slowly. I held my breath when I realised I was now floating in the room as well. I did not scream, because this man would’ve probably laughed at me again. “What, cat’s got your tongue?” He said in a teasing tone. “N-nooo?... I-” “What is going on here?” I was interrupted by the old lady. “Fenix, how many times have I told you to not change the rooms when a customer enters! We already have a low customer rate and yet you decide to scare them away anyway!” The man, apparently named Fenix, started to pout. “But Mrs. Hansley it’s more fun for me this way.” “But it’s not funny for our clients in the slightest, come here my dear let me help you. I am so so sorry!” The old lady reached out her wrinkly hand to me and I gladly took hers in mine and let me be pulled to the hallway again. The landing was a bit rough as I landed on my behind but Mrs. Hansley helped me up right away.
She shot a glare in the direction of a sad looking Fenix and escorted me back to the front of the store under constant apologies from her side. I tried to soothe her worries as best as I could but that was very hard, considering me being still very shaken up from what just happened. As a final apology from her I got a brown box with a red bow on top. “Please take this with you. I hope you can forgive me and Fenix. He can be a little too mischievous at times. And please take the right door when you leave, it’s the fastest way back.”. I nodded and smiled at her and thanked her again for being such a nice woman, not wanting to bring Fenix up again.
I used the door that I was told to use and immediately stepped into the street where I last saw my friends before we parted ways. How was this possible? After a few seconds I spotted them in an outdoor cafe and speedily walked towards them. Before the walk though, I made sure to put the brown box into the backpack I was wearing. “Hey y’all, I’m so sorry that it took so long, the alleyway was longer than I expected.” I stated with an apologetic look on my face. My friends just looked at me in confusion. “What do you mean? You were only gone for a couple minutes.”
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generalherasyndulla · 7 months
the bingo meme but exclusively villains from visual novels
SO to keep this simple I'm sticking to one villain per VN and I'm being strict in what I even define as a VN (so no danganronpa, zero escape, aini or ace attorney. although if anyone WANTS my opinion on character from those series my askbox is open)
That said except for a few exception most VN villains (at least from VNs I've played are kinda uhhhhh boring) so don't expect much interesting ANYWAY let's begin under the cut
Takano from Higurashi
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You know you'd think I'd have more to see about Takano but like I don't. She's a good character and she works WELL within Higurashi but like I don't particularly love her, that said I also don't hate her. I even get why other people love her she doesn't really click for me in a way that other villains or even in a way that other higurashi characters do. She's a great character just not a blorbo at least for me.
Bernkastel from Umineko
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Starting to realize this is gonna become repetitive because once again I like Bern, but most of this doesn't really apply to how I feel about her. She's good I like her character, but that's as deep as that goes.
Mitake Toujirou from Ciconia
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So Ciconia is not complete yet so thoughts COULD change but for now GOD this man sucks but in an interesting way so far. I think the contrast between him seemingly being a doting and embarrassing father (in a society where parenthood isn't even a thing anymore) and being the kind of person who would just control his child's body to murder one of his friends makes for a very hateable dude. We don't know much about his motives yet but what we do see so far fucking uhhhhh sucks
Rikako Uematsu from Raging Loop
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So I have mixed feelings on this one. Because on the one hand, Rikako is one of the only interesting characters in Raging Loop that has some form of depth. On the other hand that depth is underwritten within its narrative and is very grossly and unnecessarily sexualized. And even then she's made sympathetic and redeemed in a way that doesn't really work at least for me. Then again a lot of Raging's Loop's ending doesn't work for me AT ALL. I do think it's funny that there's like only one route she wins because she's just really bad at making her plan succeed. The concept of a failgirl villain is conceptually funny so she has that going for her!
Aimee Joubert The House in Fata Morgana
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So Fatamoru is one of those series I'd argue doesn't really have a main villain. Like sure Morgana takes an antagonistic role in the game but like the whole point of its final door is to save her, and is about how even the men she cursed who did horrible things to her are still people and not complete monsters. Aimee however is only in Michel's chapter and is just an unlikeable person who tortures Michel because she can and has zero redeeming qualities. The backstage extra of fatamoru even call her the most evil woman in the game and yeah I agree she sucks SO much but that's the point.
Kimijima Kou from Robotic;sNote
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Shout out to Kimijima for being them most memorable and interesting villain in the entire sciadv series. There's really one other sciadv villain I'm gonna talk about her but like purely going off of canon Kimijima is the best written villain. It's hard to really talk about him since what works about him is the plot twist that he actually is a villain but it works really well! He sucks but he's fun to hate. A solid villain for a deeply underrated VN
Wakui from Chaos;Child
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So there's not a really a lot of Wakui in canon and he's not even well developed or anything. BUT as you the bitch asking this question know we have talked a LOT about chaos;child and various headcanons and I'm just attached to our version of Wakui that we expanded canon off of so I appreciate him because of that (and the dog that we decided he definitely has)
Maya from Slow Damage
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There are technically other characters I could have chosen for Slow Damage but I think Maya is the most interesting of the Slow Damage villains. Sure she's dead before the start of the VN but she really just haunts the game, especially in Fujieda's route, as the awful manipulative person who tried to groom her son into being just like her. She's vile and will gladly hurt others to achieve what she wants, including Towa but she's not just a one-dimensional hate-sink. Towa finding her diary does help give more depth to her in a way that doesn't remotely excuse her actions or tries to redeem her. In fact it's just an effective to show how she has failed because Towa is not like her. He's not alone like she was and he never will be. (and god slow damage is SO fucking good y'all.)
Alphard from 428 Shibuya Scramble
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Alphard is such a FUN villain I don't have much to say about her if only because she's more of a plot twist villain BUT the reveal is done SO well and she has SUCH a presence when the reveal happens too. She also kinda wins at the end which is fascinating and really sells the whole brilliant criminal mastermind thing. Even when she loses she wins!!! Also I haven't watched the anime spinoff yet but whatever the fuck is happening with Canaan is probably gay so good for her. She sucks but also we love a girlboss!
Shuu from Hatoful Boyfriend
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Yeah I can't justify anything here I just really love Shuu he sucks SO much but also he genuinely doesn't know any other way of being. Sometimes you fuck up EVERYTHING because you're gay and thought genocide was the best way to help a child???? Literally there is SO much wrong with him and I love that for him <33 Also his human design is kinda hot so there's that going for him too.
Ryouta from Lucid9
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He sure is a murder man and that's about it really. He sucks but he serves his purpose in the game well so. meh
Toue from drammatical murder
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It's been years since I played dmmd and all I remember about him is his line about being able to "stylishly and drammatically murder someone" that's never fucking elaborated on. the fuck was he talking about????
Monika from doki doki literature club
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My opinion on ddlc is mainly that it's fine for what it is but Monika's a pretty good character within it not gonna lie. Idk I have a soft spot for her and she makes me :)
Inubushi Keiko from Remember11
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Wow a serial killer with DID how groundbreaking :/ Tbh the only interesting thing about her is that she's involved in the whole body swap through time thing so sometimes she is possessed by a fucking baby and a real woman who is freezing to death and ultimately dies. Idk she doesn't do much for me and as a character herself shes one of the weaker aspects of remember11
and that's all I could think of VN villains (besides some sciadv ones I left out because eh sciadv villain are mostly boring). Enioy whatever this is :)
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alatismeni-theitsa · 2 years
Anon from before who brought up that Iliad retelling with immortal Helen as Achilles's nemesis. This is the full blurb for it, and there are plenty of other... choices the author made.
Drawing on ancient texts and modern archeology to reveal the trans woman’s story hidden underneath the well-known myths of The Iliad, Maya Deane’s Wrath Goddess Sing weaves a compelling, pitilessly beautiful vision of Achilles’ vanished world, perfect for fans of Song of Achilles and the Inheritance trilogy.
The gods wanted blood. She fought for love.
Achilles has fled her home and her vicious Myrmidon clan to live as a woman with the kallai, the transgender priestesses of Great Mother Aphrodite. When Odysseus comes to recruit the “prince” Achilles for a war against the Hittites, she prepares to die rather than fight as a man. However, her divine mother, Athena, intervenes, transforming her body into the woman’s body she always longed for, and promises her everything: glory, power, fame, victory in war, and, most importantly, a child born of her own body. Reunited with her beloved cousin, Patroklos, and his brilliant wife, the sorceress Meryapi, Achilles sets out to war with a vengeance. 
But the gods—a dysfunctional family of abusive immortals that have glutted on human sacrifices for centuries—have woven ancient schemes more blood-soaked and nightmarish than Achilles can imagine. At the center of it all is the cruel, immortal Helen, who sees Achilles as a worthy enemy after millennia of ennui and emptiness. In love with her newfound nemesis, Helen sets out to destroy everything and everyone Achilles cherishes, seeking a battle to the death. 
An innovative spin on a familiar tale, this is the Trojan War unlike anything ever told, and an Achilles whose vulnerability is revealed by the people she chooses to fight…and chooses to trust.
Apologies for answering this a few days later but I wanted to give the appropriate time to my answer. I know the trend of bashing it has passed but it doesn't mean that we shouldn't talk about it later. I am aware that the author is trans but that doesn't negate any bad writing are they very questionable choices in this book. There is just SO MUCH to unpack here.
I am writing long texts with every too-much-to-unpack media when I see and comment on it for the first time and this is not an exception. It doesn't matter if the author is lgbt+ or not, I judge only their writing choices, their intentions, and the story execution. I take their identity into consideration, of course, but I don't believe any identity excuses 1) bad writing 2) appropriation and misrepresentation.
First of all the plot is a mess. I understand that the author saw herself in the scene where Achilles was dressed as a woman and she wanted an imaginary world where Achilles did it on purpose because he was feeling dysphoric and wanted to look more like the gender he felt like. However, the way the story goes, it becomes more and more obvious that the plot could have been better away from the scenes of the Iliad Epic. "this is the Trojan War unlike anything ever told" No PLEASE stop trying to find "new ways" to write ancient Epics, I beg youuu. The fact that is "unlike anything ever told" is the biggest red flag.
The characters and situations differ so much from those of the Epic that it is a story on its own, merely wearing the shredded skin of the Iliad. Just the statement "a dysfunctional family of abusive immortals that have glutted on human sacrifices for centuries" (yikes??) shows us that zero research on ancient Greek culture. This is gonna be one of these tone-deaf ✨ modern, progressive, feminist ✨American retellings. Brace yourselves.
Had it been a story about an imaginary ancient warrior who was called to fight but felt very dysphoric about everything "being a man" meant, it would make more sense. Heck, it could have been a random warrior in the army of Greeks on Troy's shores, a Myrmidon even! Someone whose story is not already established by a 3.000-year-old folk tradition. But the author wanted the big name, Achilles, to sell the book, not realizing what she did in the process. Yes, it's a new scenario but... who asked for this? We already had 500 of those in the US industry so far, have some mercy on us.
Maya Deane, you didn't do anything groundbreaking. You touched a heritage very out of your reach. I recognize the need to see yourself somewhere but I don't applaud the privileged mindset that enabled you to feel so comfortable with changing an ancient national hero and the whole Epic, and then advertising it and selling it for money. You don't get to insert trans representation in whatever epic of whatever culture you wish because this work doesn't belong to you, but to our ancients - and we don't even get to change such stuff. Not even I don't get to insert my specific queerness in Achilles and it's my heritage, 'kay?
And may I ask, why did the author keep a clearly male name for a trans woman? To my knowledge, Achilles, for most of the book was living and was dressed "as a woman" (pardon me here, I lack the vocabulary to describe it better, but I mean she was not in the closet), and even after her body changes completely, she is still named Achilles. I know that the name issue is not that simple, but I am not sure this was a conscious choice by the author. I think this happened simply because the author was so oblivious to how Greek names work (strictly feminine and strictly masculine) that she didn't think of that implication. (Correct me if her name changes later, but I just haven't seen that so I am commenting on it)
Another implication? We don't know if Achilles of the Epic felt dysphoric or euphoric while in women's clothes or doing women's stuff. He could have been a 100% cis dude and she wrote him as a trans icon. Contrary to the affection he had for Patroclus, which, in a far-fetched scenario could have led the two to have sexual relationships*, the trans identity of Achilles is... not a discussion. (*Men of ancient Greece were seeing male-to-male affection and emotional relationships as good, not sex between them as good! The mtm sexual intercourse was something "deviant" to them.)
And, let's not forget that males feeling comfortable in feminine clothing are not necessarily trans women? Like, these two things don't go hand in hand. Drag queens exist, people (and they are usually gay cis men). Plus, I haven't heard of "transgender priestesses of Great Mother Aphrodite" existing, and Achilles didn't go to live with priestesses. In the Iliad this scene doesn't exist but it could have been an additional story referenced sometimes by the ancients. According to them, Achilles was dressed as a court girl in Skyros. Maybe the writer included the priestesses to invoke a feeling of sacredness for trans people (?) but again, she just couldn't be at least accurate to the "court girls" episode? It's a very simple thing? Another clue for the author not actually liking and would be better off making her own.
Slavery, racism and discourse:
There was a certain negative way that the writer described foreign and darker individuals in this book, so let's get a bit into it. I haven't read the whole book, just excerpts, but to my understanding the author did this deliberately, to show the ancient Hellenic mindset of the era. From what I gather, she isn't racist in her real life. She added these things in the book for extra realism. E.g. she doesn't think that Egyptian women are "exotic" but she believes that an ancient man would describe them as such. And, chances are that they would. (I will leave the analysis of xenophobia different nations had against each other back then but it existed to a large extent.)
Needless to say, I don't enjoy reading about racist and xenophobic characters but it's a fact that most people back then had these biases. The bigger distance most of them went was the three villages away. It would be dishonest to exclude racism and xenophobia from the ancient past just because it can be uncomfortable for modern readers. I mean, the author included rampant transphobia and misogynism in the story and nobody said anything about it because USians expect these ancient people to hold these notions. Guess what, they also had strong racism and xenophobia AND slaves. Achilles probably had slaves. Agamemnon probably had slaves. Odysseus had slaves. If Bronze Age history makes you so uncomfortable you lash out, maybe you shouldn't engage with it. Or maybe some research is due before you start reading the material. This is another culture and another era. It just can't be palatable to us.
It was a weird, though, that the slave in this case was a Black (anachronistic term) person. The slave was Amazonian (aka "European" or "northwest Asian" depending on the migration wave) and the Subsaharan African population there wasn't even 1% at the time. So, the author went out of her way to make sure the slave was a Black person. I am not sure why?? Maybe because she is American and the only people she can envision as slaves are of that "race"? Weird... Tons of people were enslaved at the time and in the centuries to follow and the majority of them in the region had light skin.
The "Twitter discourse" started because of the Black trans person being a slave to Achilles. Sure, different choices could have been made by the author for the author and who the slave was, but I must admit that the scenario of an ancient hero/prince/man/woman having slaves is realistic. Again, if you only accept sugarcoated versions of the Bronze Age, don't expect to not be shocked when the realism hits.
(The person who started the discourse publishes erotica with the Greek gods in the modern era for money so, in addition to the way he spoke, I am not sure he has a good grasp on the ancient Greek culture. He also supported a Greek who supported appropriation while she blocked the dozens of Greeks disagreeing with her. She doesn't know Greek or/and Balkan history and, as he supports her claims, neither does he. The book is a mess culturally wise but he never pointed this out. He was only grossed out by the slavery part, one of the (sadly) most accurate things in the story. I don't want to give more detail about the situation and the person to avoid additional drama or targeting but we are talking about a.... certain type of cherrypicker)
Also, I found the discourse very American, again. (While the slave had been an Amazonian, (Scythian, aka modern Balkan or West Asian)). I understand that the author and the majority of the audience are from the US and therefore draw from their own slavery history but this is (I repeat!) about another culture and about another era. They should be able to see this. That's the point of recognizing cultural diversity! What's the point of accusing an author of something if your critical thinking stops after one element? Lastly, a USian (Black or not) has the credentials to talk about ancient slavery in the Balkan region just by virtue of their skin color. Not the same country, not the same region, not the same era. Shared "race" doesn't mean much in this case, because a "race" across countries and eras is not a monolith.
Aaand more hypocrisy... Don't US Americans always chant "this slavery wasn't that bad compared to the slavery Black went through in the US!" as soon as a European talks about how their ancestors were enslaved for a duration of 20 centuries in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East?? Oh, I guess the European slavery experience is not "mild" anymore now that a Black (Amazonian in this case) person lives it. Despite this person's enslavement actually being typical for the ancient era and with more freedoms and better treatment, suddenly it doesn't seem as fluffy to the Americans. I guess now my recent, medieval and ancient slave ancestors can rest in peace, knowing that the Americans recognized their hardship, ameeen.
That was all I had. I know it was a wall of text but thank you for sticking with me. I didn't dive too deep into the book because even with this epidermic look I had too much to analyze. There might be some things I missed or misrepresented so feel free to add stuff on comments and reblogs.
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