#noooo they dont all have similarities with buck what are you talking about
stormlex · 1 month
Eddie figures out he's queer completely because of Buck, know hes head over fucking heels in love with Buck and after dealing with the catholic guilt and repression and shit. Instead of confessing or pining normally. He decides to pine while pulling a Buck 1.0 and hooking up with random men.
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iamsonyeondone · 6 years
heir!seventeen // joshua hong
♥  fluff and angstz (warning: mention of blood and bullying)
♥ 1.6k words
♥  summary: when the humble prince of Pledis saves the infamous ice princess, an unexpected relationship blooms
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Joshua as an heir still doesn’t change the fact that he’s still very much extremely humble
he will go out of his way to ensure that he doesn’t go to school with any of his mother’s collection of cars
and he prefers going to school by bicycle with his guitar behind him because he gets to see the blossoms better in spring!!
one time he had no choice but to use the car to school because the snow wouldn’t let him live liKE it was flippin march and a snowstorm hits
and everyone was like???? we’ve never seen that car roll up to school before waiT isn’t it limited edition?????
and Joshua steps out of the car, all blushy and embarrased as everyone has their jaws hitting the floor
because they thought humble king Joshua was a middle class heir or something but nOOOO
even after that day, Joshua still denies it with a soft smile and tries his best to ride his bike to school at all costs poor shy baby
you on the other hand knew him i mean who wouldnt?? this boy is made of honey and everything sweet-
but your case was entirely different
everyone knew you as someone stuck up and even called you a name that was overused
“the ice princess came to school with a new car? does she ever take a break and try not to flaunt her parent’s money???”
although their words sting, you kept the facade of being unfazed and calm while you continued on with your day
it’s kind of sad that you got used to these kinds of comments, like it doesnt affect you a much as you used to
but that was just you bottling up your feelings until someone had taken the last straw
you were minding your own business as usual, heading towards your locker to prepare for next class until letter fell out, all of them from an anonymous sender
it didn’t seem unusual at first from the outside, but when you took a little peek into the insides, you screamed your lungs out, while you fell to your knees from the immense shock
there before you was your pictures covered in something that looked almost like???? blood??
everyone around you heard your ear-piercing scream as they scrambled to see what was going on
you couldn’t take it any longer, you couldn’t keep it bottled up any longer as you cried relentlessy, your blood-stained hands trembling before your eyes
your vision began to blur and the cold air hitting your body seemed to cease
what was this warmth enveloping you?
you tried to lift your head to get a better gist of your situation, only to be covered with something soft?? fabric?? it felt like the school’s uniform had been placed onto your head
while a pair of gentle hands brought you to your feet, your knees still slightly wobbly from the traumatising experience you had to handle
“Please make way and call a teacher, we’ll be at the nurse’s office,”
and you recognise that sweet voice anywhere
was it really him??
and in a few minutes, you were welcomed by the scent of rubbing alcohol and all things alike, while you were carefully seated down onto the white mattress
the blazer was lifted off of you to reveal Joshua, a small worried smile adorning his face while you desperately wiped your damp cheeks
“The nurse is having her lunch right now and I thought you needed some space,”
his soft and alluring voice calmed your panicked state while you turned your head away from him, sure that your bloodshot eyes would deter him
“I hope you’re feeling better. I saw what they did back there,” he trailed off, taking  a seat on the opposite bed while you sniffled
“...thanks for saving me back there,” you mumbled
and to be frank, Joshua seemed more attractive now that you actually talked to him one and one
and omg this guy was way nicer than people assumed him to be
“no problem, I’m just doing what’s right. The things...I saw back there was definitely not something anyone should experience,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair
and from your peripheral vision, you couldn’t help but question why he was so worried when,,, the both of you never actually talked
Joshua catches you staring from the side and you nearly snapped your neck from turning your face away from him
if only you saw the small smile that curled on his lips when he caught you
“You’re not as cold as people call you to be, or at least that’s what I think,” Joshua attempts at starting a conversation while he accompanies you in the nurse’s room
“what do you mean?” you asked him out of curiosity
“I saw the way you acted around the cat on the way to school- I’m not a stalker! I just happened to pass by because we kinda take the same route to school and I-”
You couldn’t help but burst out laughing, your palm flying up to cover your sudden outburst as he looked towards you in bewilderment
but his shocked expression turned into a smile as he giggled along with you
“it’s nice to see you smile, (y/n),”
just at those words, your cheeks turned bright red the hues reaching your ears as you began to feel warm
“are you feeling better now? we can head back to class if you want, no rush,”
you nodded your head slowly, getting up from the bed as he followed suit
Before he could reach the door knob, the door swings open to reveal the nurse holding her daily dose of caffeine
“I never thought I’d see you here with ms (y/n), Joshua,” she smirked, sipping on her beverage as she casually took her seat at her table
“U-uh  it’s nOt what you thiNK, I- WE-”
“Don’t beat yourself up about it, kid. It’s about time you actually made a move,” She chuckled before shooing the both of you out of her office
maDe a MoVe???? are you hearing things right??
“I-It’a not a crime to like someone right?”
and you shook your head from your thoughts as Joshua looked back at you,,, with a hint of worry in your eyes
without thinking, you nodded your head as he looked back at you with a delighted smile, that his wide smile crinkled the end of his eyes
“let’s go then, we don’t want to be late for class,” he chimed, taking your hand in his as the both of you ran through the hallways, laughter bouncing from the walls 
within a week, the both of you had become inseperable
and your schoolmates finally realized you weren’t giving the cold shoulder intentionally
especially after Joshua made you burst out laughing in the middle of lesson and the both of you had been sent out of class
because Joshua???was friends with you??
it got the entire school buzzing for the news
and ever since they saw you in a new light, you were actually really nice!! you were just shy and all those new cars were because your father was one of the big bosses in a car company
but after awhile of the school warming up to you, they couldn’t help but ship you and him together because you guys are the literal cutest
“Why don’t you put the bunny keychain on your bag?? :(( I got it from a crane game and lost a hundred bucks because of it >:(((”
“stop pouting, it’s on my guitar bag you dummy,”
because our boi really protects his guitar with his life and he wants to protect the bunny the same too uwu but dont tell him i told you that
LIKE you see!!! the nicest people in school deserve each other!!!!
and it’s only when he got into an accident that your feelings were beyond being friends
Joshua had accidentally rode his bike over a pebble on the way to school and twisted his ankle
and for the rest of the week, you walked to school alone because poor bb had to be driven to school
and for every period you had the time, you always tried to check up on him and eat lunch with him in class
and he finds it so endearing to see your worried face - your eyebrows furrowed and a small frown trying to resurface but you held it back because you didn’t want him to see you like this
and on friday, you greet him as usual in class for lunch with bento boxes in hand and he couldnt help the thoughts that rampaged through his head
seeing you sparkle when your mother packed your favourites or when you pouted because she sneaked herb tea into your thermos for HIM and not you
and the words just slip out of his mouth
“gosh i like you too much,” with a dreamy sigh until his eyes widen from his sudden confession like he couldnt keep it in!!
and you casually reply back with an “i like you too” when your cheeks are heating up so rapidly and you could already tell your face was tomato RED
and the both of you are a blushy giggling mess as you bashfully fed him food and poured him his herb tea
once the both of you walked into school with interlaced fingers, the school cheered and its so cute because youre so shy!!!!!!
and as much as he’s shy too, Joshua pecks your cheek and the school just roARS
“now that I think about it, you’re the prettiest whenever,”
yall are so cute WTF
A/N: WHAOW 3 updates in a week?? hopefully I keep this up for the rest of the year :O hope you guys had/is having a nice day!! love yall bubs :] also this is a little similar to Jeonghan’s because their inspired by the ton of kdramas that I watched OOPS
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