#nonsense memery again
nefastum · 1 year
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Oh, Guts~ Looks like you'll have to take responsibility for your commander. He's in a delicate condition, it seems 😂🙏
Why tf did I edit this? tf if I know, I put too much time into making images to terrorize my friends with. Homegrown brainworm for you right here~ Sorry loves
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alackofghosts · 4 years
some self-indulgent memery: disaster girls edition
01. Name: nahre tali
02. Nickname(s): none
03. Gender: female-adjacent. she has the tendency to switch off and lean all the way into being a ~living weapon~, which leads to all sorts of depersonalisation feelings including those re: her gender
04. Sexuality: bi, but her feelings on and of attraction function much the same way as above. sometimes it's there, sometimes she feels completely hollow inside
05. Best Friend: has a hard time calling anyone a friend, never mind about a best friend. i think, in general, she grows to love her crew and see them as friends and accepting that they can have the same feelings about her. but that aside, she likes rheava, she can see a lot of the angry hurtling-towards-an-early-grave in rheava that is all too familiar to her and wants to help and longs for the same kind of Understanding on rheava's end. she liked vaytec too, although calling them best friends would be a stretch, but they had some fun as baby sith :')
06. Relationship Status: single. she feels like she isn't in the right kind of headspace for a relationship and when she feels /really/ bad cannot really fathom the idea of anyone seeing her as enough of a Person to want anything like that with her
07: Crush/Significant Other: none
08. Least Favourite Person: much like picking a favourite, this is difficult for her too. with hindsight, she thinks her parents might have been her least favourite, but it doesn't necessarily inspire any Active Feelings
09. Favourite Food: soup. anything with broth goes over well for her, really
10. Favourite Place: her uncle's greenhouse
11. Valued Attributes: honesty. it's rare in her life and she has little patience for lying and dancing in circles around topics
12. Dreams: she doesn't remember her dreams most of the time. what she does remember is usually just plain old mundane-turned-nonsensical
13. Nightmares: again, she doesn't usually remember them. any dreams about her parents are unpleasant though
14. A Secret: she doesn't really tend to keep a lot of secrets. keeping around a(n ex-)jedi without the Proper Paperwork sorted, maybe? :P
15. Best Day: her uncle was a quiet sort and they never had a particularly easy relationship, but she has a really fond memory of him taking her to his lab and showing her his horticultural experiments and explaining the various processes. she didn't really understand at the time, but it was... nice
16. Worst Day: too many bad days to count
17. Favourite Outfit: her armour. on bad days, it helps her lean into the Vaguely Humanoid Murder Machine thing and that's almost as good as being a person. on good days, it just makes her feel grounded and safe
18. Weapon of Choice: she dual wields lightsabers, one of which she built herself, the other was a gift from her uncle
19. Role in RPG: [tank/dps/healer/healtank/et cetra] leaving aside the game limitations, she'd be a tank, for sure
20. First Thought in the Morning: how sore her arms and legs are
01. Name: rheava jassic
02. Nickname(s): most people call her jassic. she has some vague memories of being called rhea as a child, but it's been a long time since then
03. Gender: female & doesn't really have any complicated feelings about it
04. Sexuality: aro lesbian?? she is generally put off by romantic notions, but she's had a string of Intense Rivalries with some fellow jedi, that definitely had an element of sexual tension/frustration (at least on her part). but overall, she has a hard time distinguishing romantic and sexual attraction from each other and also from the general stream of feelings
05. Best Friend: nahre. sort of. it's Complicated. i also want her to have a droid friend that she built herself
06. Relationship Status: single
07: Crush/Significant Other: none
08. Least Favourite Person: sometimes it's nahre, because rheava feels like nahre is the reason that she's ended up so far from everything that feels familiar and comfortable (though nahre very generously offers a convenient outlet for these feelings). sometimes it's her old master, who was never cruel, exactly, but she was cold, and rigid in her beliefs (rheava felt like she could never do anything right in her eyes. being accused for having fallen to the dark side did not help their relationship either). sometimes it's herself
09. Favourite Food: BREAD. she also likes a lot of fresh fruit and veggies
10. Favourite Place: she loved her ship. her affinity to the force manifested in an aptitude for mechanics and the ship felt Just Right because of it. it was also nice to have some privacy, freedom and a space that felt like her own
11. Valued Attributes: compassion is a big one for her, especially after being semi-raised by someone, who insisted on acting based on the will of the force, rather than compassion (or mercy, sometimes). and yes, she does struggle to reconcile this with where she has ended up in life
12. Dreams: she has lucid dreams fairly often and she'll usually settle on tinkering with something
13. Nightmares: a recurring nightmare for her is of her final confrontation with her master. sometimes it's really as it happened, sometimes details change (and never for the better)
14. A Secret: for a while it was the fact that there was a sith she repeatedly failed to kill (and had even helped, which is essentially the opposite of what she should have been doing). after all that blew up in her face, she doesn't really have a Big Secret, although when interacting with non-nahre sith she keeps her status as Still Definitely Not A Sith Herself under wraps
15. Best Day: there are days that can be GOOD? probably something fairly mundane like discovering an absolutely amazing bakery
16. Worst Day: being taken away from home to train as a jedi. it was kind of exciting at the time (sort of a mix between YAY JEDI! and I'M A WIZARD!), but her feelings have soured over time. she has had Plenty of awful days, but this one tends to stick out the most
17. Favourite Outfit: she has a set of comfy, super soft pjs that she secretly bought on a mission and almost never gets to wear, but man does it feel lovely when she can. for day-to-day wear, she likes clothes that are easy to move in, in light and fairly plain colours
18. Weapon of Choice: the force. she has a lightsaber, of course, but she is definitely more of a magical girl
19. Role in RPG: [tank/dps/healer/healtank/et cetra] i actually have her as a healer in the game for funsies, but i think realistically she'd probably be a dps
20. First Thought in the Morning: that she doesn't want to wake up yet
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popatochisssp · 5 years
How are the boys with memes? Like who keeps up with the freshest memes, who has no clue what they are, and who (heaven forbid) uses Facebook mom memes?
I should be embarrassed by how ready to answer this ask I am. Well anyway, here goes! XD
Meme Fluent: Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Rus (Swapfell Papyrus), Papy (Horrortale Papyrus)
Can At Least Ask Where The Bathroom Is In Meme: Paps (Underswap Papyrus), Jasper (Underfell Sans), Slate (Horrortale Sans)
Meme-blivious: Sky (Underswap Sans), Pyre (Underfell Papyrus), Mal (Swapfell Sans)
And now specifics, because I have those, because I am way too prepared for this and have thought this out in detail with their Top Two favorite genres of meme because I am a meme-loving fuck, myself:
Sans (Undertale): Of course he’s hip to the meme scene. No explanation necessary there, except for the types of memes he’s into. Minions memes? Minions memes. He is a troll and a garbage sort of person, so he both ironically and unironically loves Minions. The cornier and more played out the meme, the more he loves it and shares it with all his family and friends to the point that they start to hate him. He exits way too many text conversations with the gif of Stuart walking to the pool in the little red speedo and everyone is very sick of it. But another thing genuinely loves is those funny product reviews people do of stuff: When somebody leaves a long review on a useless or silly product, that is his jam. His longest running favorite is literally everything posted about sugar-free gummy bears, but whether the review is sarcastic or overly dramatic in tone, he gets a good, long chuckle out of the stuff these people come up with and is at any moment a few hours away from trying his hand at the medium himself.
Papyrus (Undertale): More meme-savvy than you’d expect, but he doesn’t sleep much and most of the stuff he likes to do out of the house have ‘reasonable business hours,’ whatever that means, so the witching hours are his internet time! He’s a blogger at heart, though, and his favorites are WarriorMale and shitty-car-mods-daily– the former because he deeply resonates with the fighting-positive spirit of it, and the latter because they are so wrong and he has so much to say about all those incredible cars!
Sky (Underswap Sans): Doesn’t have much spare time to spend on the internet, so he is almost meme-illiterate, and the ones he does know are usually pretty old. He loves fun and positivity, so any of those image edits about loving and supporting your friends get a smile out of him, and doggo memes crack him the fuck up, every time. Heck, they do him the real big laughter! Bamboozled again!
Paps (Underswap Papyrus): He’s online a decent amount, but definitely not enough to understand every single meme he sees. He gets the gist of the really popular ones and has a tendency to hold onto his favorites a little longer than their shelf-life, but who decides a meme is dead, anyway? He loves The Onion headlines as reaction images, and he never fails to chuckle at a good, old fashioned Cask of Amontillado meme. In fact, he has a whole store of them printed out just to look at later. He keeps them down in the basement, would you like to see them?
Jasper (Underfell Sans): Similar to Paps, he spends some time on the internet, but not that much–he generally figures he has better shit to do, but it’s fun for unwinding a little every now and then. He is The Worst with his memeing, though, because his favorites are engineering fails and uncomfortable images. Mailboxes built in the middle of a driveway and ramps with railings through the middle are hilariously stupid to him, but he also gets a very mean-spirited chuckle out of sending people things like horses with dog-mouths, or a hunk of meat decorated to look like a donut, stuff that’ll make just about anyone go, “Hmm, don’t like that.” If looking at it fills you with discomfort and possibly even anger, he will locate it and send it to you at two in the morning.
Pyre (Underfell Papyrus): Is not even really sure what a meme is. Has way better shit to do in real life, or at least believes that he does, to be online very much at all! That said, he does have a small collection of gifs from all the reality shows and things with Real Housewives in them to use as reaction images because one thing he can really appreciate is the kind of petty, cattiness those ladies get up to and he likes to co-opt it when someone’s giving him attitude over text. Another thing he likes, though he has no idea that it was ever a meme or even meme-adjacent, is the Troubled Birds images– he actually has the physical book, he got it as a gift from Jasper and he’d never admit it but it is genuinely a treasured possession of his. HE IS LOOKING FOR TROUBLE AND IF HE CANNOT FIND IT, HE WILL CREATE IT!
Mal (Swapfell Sans): Actually the worst about memes because he knows what they are, but…well, there’s no other way to put it, he’s the Facebook mom memer, it’s him. He adores wine-mom memes especially, as a wine-drinker himself, but he’s also a huge fan of those ecards with sassy, bitchy messages on them. “I need to stop asking people ‘how stupid can you be?’ They’re taking it as a challenge!” That’s the kind of thing that gets a laugh from him and he always sends it to his brother who just sighs every time he sees one at this point.
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus): Now Rus spends a lot of time on the internet and it shows because probably his favorite sort of meme is what everybody keeps calling a resurgence in dadaist absurdism. Deep-fried images that don’t seem to make any sense, memes with at least twelve layers of meme-history that you need a Level 50 understanding of the internet to get, he loves those, which especially frustrates his brother because he doesn’t understand what Rus is laughing at??? WHAT IS FUNNY ABOUT THIS THING!!! …So naturally, the most confusing and weird ones are Rus’ favorites to send along to make his bro all pissy and confused, revenge for the daily stream of Mom Memes he gets from him. But more for himself, Rus is also subscribed to several channels and blogs that do stim or satisfying videos. They’re calming and…well, satisfying to him, and he likes to watch those whenever he’s stressed out. Frosting ones are probably his favorites, if pressed he might admit he thinks they’re even more satisfying than eating what the frosting’s going onto.
Slate (Horrortale Sans): He’s on the internet plenty! There’s just no guarantee that whatever the latest in meme culture is will stick in his skull from day to day, so he’s not always as up-to-date as he could be. Still, he has a couple of big favorites in the meme trends, and the biggest one is vine compilations! He loves those, vines are short and he doesn’t have the longest short-term memory, but seven seconds is very doable for him. There’s also a lot of repeated vines across compilations, so by virtue of seeing it over and over again, he tends to remember more vines than he forgets, which is awesome! He loves referencing a vine and getting a chuckle of understanding out of someone, it’s been awhile since he’s been able to be on the inside of an inside joke! Another trend he likes is the rating/reviews of stuff, like emojis or animals. The glib tone and nonsensical criteria as to what makes an ideal XYZ is just really funny to him, and since those things usually also come in big, compiled posts, each individual review is short enough to read and move onto the next instead of getting so in-depth into a text-wall that he starts to forget where he started.
Papy (Horrortale Papyrus): Also doesn’t sleep much and spends a lot of his night on the internet! His personal taste in memery is a little mish-mosh though, because his big favorites are the translated Russian cat memes and any blog he can find that posts weird thrift store finds. The cat memes should require no explanation, but as for the thrift store stuff…If ever there exists a picture of an odd and/or utterly bizarre thing that makes you wonder how and why it ever came to exist, he’s both thrilled and delighted by it. He loves quirky and unique stuff and thrift stores are full of it! Seeing all the strange things people stumble upon makes him want to start doing some thrifting in real life to make finds of his own, but he also just loves to see what other people have discovered. He sends the most bafflingly odd ones to his brother… who usually responds with the Look What I Bought vine and the text, “its you.”
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pigsocks · 6 years
our sea elf player is not feeling so hot so she is sitting this one out, but we’re keeping her updated! Also we aren’t going to do anything super drastic or plot-heavy without her!
on our way to the capital of Khurl! Which is.... also just called Khurl
VINTAGE MEMERY and also a lot of OOC nonsense
so before we leave Eternus we all went to a restaurant and ordered whatever our characters would eat... Gilly ordered 3 bowls of chocolate-covered coffee beans and after getting super hyper for a bit she immediately conked out (thereby safely writing her out for this session!)... BACK INTO THE KITTEN CABOODLE (our Bag of Holding) SHE GOES
we are discussing what to do next and decide to take the Warren of Hands.... the slow but steady crowdsurfing option :’D if you’ll recall, it’s literally zombies in a rock tunnel and you are being gently crowdsurfed via their hands all the way to your destination :’D
WE KEEP GETTING SIDETRACKED “do the zombies make noise?” “Well occasionally they let out a death rattle” “>:IIIIIII” “exactly one of them is humming Good Vibrations by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch”
there’s a three hour period where the zombies just stop. They dropped us, and we could distantly hear cawing.... then they pick us up and continue on our way
the zombos lift us up to some arms poking out of the walls, which lift us up to a regular zombo and then WE’RE OUTTA THERE
it’s about 4 am and now we wanna look for an inn... inns are more geared towards travellers and are usually connected to taverns (and are cheaper), whereas hotels are more more for tourists... we decide to spring for a hotel
behind the front desk..... is a vampire :’D THIS ONE LOOKS AWFULLY FAMILIAR (us: OH SHIT OH GOD) ...... she looks at us and frowns :’D
“Oh NOW you’re okay with turning around and leaving me alone! NOW you’re okay with letting bygones be bygones!” - we immediately do a 180 and bounce the fuck outta there
so we go to a different place and there’s a dude there wearing the standard zombo gear. and he doesn’t look.... good, exactly............. “Welcome to the Closed Eyes Hotel, may I take your coats? -gross sniffing noises-” “No we’re good :I”
he turns around and his head turns a little more than it ought to.... he rearranges his body and after he gives us the key he just fuckin.... takes a whole ass arm and bites a finger off of it and wishes us “sweet dreams” while smiling and eating oh god
turns out that guy was a ghoul! Like a stronger and slightly smarter zombo, with independence and shit
turns out it’s actually a super nice room but TOO BAD IT DOESN’T EVEN HAVE HOT WATER.... 
we plan to take turns keeping watch while we sleep, and during the night at the window we see a familiar face.............. she’s just looking in at us at frowning >:[ but then there’s a ring of light that appears around her neck and yanks her back down!! Like some kind of leash made of light.... the lady holding it wags her finger at the vamp before dragging her away 
it looked kinda like sunlight? (Shaman rolled an 11 for his arcana check) So like this lady has some power over the vamp we had before.... and she DID mention being treated like a slave 
Julienn offers to help Jack cut her hair and had to roll performance for it..... THANK GOD I GOT A 19 and now Jack has lovely very cool braids! (she has natural/black hair)
the hotel has one of the signs that says “WE ABSOLUTELY DO NOT SERVE HUMANOID MEAT :)” so obviously we are disinclined to trust it :’D still had breakfast there tho
Gilly wakes up at one point and asks for more coffee (”NONE FOR YOU YOU’RE CUT OFF”) and then falls asleep again..... at one point she wakes up and offers to take the night watch.... before falling asleep again :B
we get to the ferry and we get our tickets but the guy at the ticket booth makes no move to remove the weird organic trackers that Shaman and Gilly had implanted in... we ask about it and the guy points to the same line they had to stand in to get it out
“Well, I don’t have anyone on my list fitting your descriptions, but I can sense it still moving within you.” He extends his arm and it kinda pops out of Shaman’s arm and back into the guy’s! Thank god it was relatively painless!
our DM told us that he was actually gonna have the guards conspire to keep them inside us as per Sirkus’ secret instructions....... BUT SUCK IT, SIRKUS
we decide to hop the train to Khurl and on the way there we see some wanted posters with some PRRREEEETTY familiar faces on them (”I don’t know who that cat is but they look aaaaawfully handsome~”), so we decide to give Jack a makeover! Since she just ... looked like her wanted poster ahaha
I rolled high on my Deception check to use me disguise kit so Jack now looks actually different from her wanted poster :’D She opts to wear contact lenses (”made of real glass! now you take -1 to perception checks”) and now her eyes are brown
no one recognizes us on the train though thank god and TIME SKIP the trip passes without incident for once and we get to Khurl!
there’s one big-ass blue mountain in the centre of the city and the queen’s palace is just kinda chiseled out of the side of it, which is very cool
there’s the general sense that things here are inspired by the Underdark, with a lot of odd angles and corkscrews, and tons of sculptures that are of weird creatures that look like they ought not be able to exist
and at the base of the mountain and under the palace, it’s the only legally recognized and the biggest entrance to the Underdark (there ARE other entrances but no one really acknowledges those because they are either guarded very well, or impossible to)
the tournament that we need to sign up for is a big arena in the mouth of the cave
we have been a-travellin’ for about 57ish days! We hella jumped the gun though, and we actually have 30 of our 40 days left before the tournament starts :’D
we learn a bit about Julienn, in that while they are indeed from Khurl, they didn’t really spend a whole lot of time in the main city as much, they travelled around a lot (but their home town is closer to the forest edge)
they REALLY love the Underdark here and a lot of the clothing is inspired by the Drow (”so like.... fantasy Hot Topic?” “you know why don’t you just google ‘drow’ and get a feel for the aesthetic” “......oh”)
Drow walk around here but are very uncommon elsewhere; none of us can speak Undercommon though (a massive oversight on my part, as Julienn technically should be able to speak it since they’re from here but OH WELL)
we wanted to find a place to stay but first things first, we gotta find Callie! Shaman and Julienn BOMBED their goddamn Investigation checks but Jack got a nat 20 so HEY
Jack walks into a bar and is immediately approached by a tall, big-ass orc man, who puts a hand on her shoulder, gives her a big toothy smile and says “hey! Hey Jaqueline, it’s me!” “...who are you?” “It’s me, Callie!” -insert an over the top wink and the biggest toothy smile ever seen from an orc-
they’re super giddy and want to go see everyone! 
“Khurl has a lot more of the ‘monster races’ (like drow, kobolds, aaracokra, etc.) whereas the east has more of the ‘beast’ people, like tabaxi-” “you know where you can find lizard people? In the GOVERNMENT” - cue everybody cracking up
Callie didn’t know which tournament to sign us up for, so she just signed us up for all three of them :’D Group, doubles and single tournaments!! Callie says there’s some pretty stiff competition, and the max amount of peeps allowed in the group one is 10.... which means it’s probably gonna be real tough >>;;
we decide to check it out and there are tons more guards, and there are tents and stuff inside, tons of drow..... it seems like there are peeps who are ‘lifers’, because the pay is not good unless you win, though you get compensated when you hit certain ranks, some folks were camped out here since last year!
these fights are not fatal ones at least! If anything could be fatal you are instantly teleported back to the losers’ room, laws about magic don’t apply so anything goes
there is a drow manning the counter, managing the rankings... and he speaks to us in a language we can’t understand.... Callie can talk to him though (”I took Undercommon as an elective :D”) and he lets us look at the roster. We see Lance and Marcus’ names in the doubles section though! We botched our investigation rolls tho so we couldn’t find them --;
there are tons of hotels in the underdark though so we decide to go in deeper; there’s no natural light here. Callie, who is still with us, asks if anyone with blue hair (Marcus) is staying here (no), but “is there a boring-ass paladin here?” (someone did in fact fit that description and now we’re waiting to see whoever it is)
HEY IT’S LANCE but he’s dressed in the local aesthetic (all dark and pointy and scantily clad) instead of his shiny paladin armour and “I point and laugh at him-” “he immediately turns around and walks away” “HEY WAIT COME BACK”
Marcus is in fact staying in the tents outside the arena (wanting to get the real experience, as it were) and it turns out the first prize for winning the doubles’ tournament is a magic sword that points to your heart’s desire
Lance is a high elf (as retroactively decided by the DM since he forgot), “hey you can give Shaman some advice on how to be a better high elf!” “Okay, my first piece of advice is stop.” “Stop what?” “Stop.”
now we’re figuring out battle combos; it’s pretty clear that Julienn and Gilly would not be good in the singles tournament, and so for the doubles team we’ve got Julienn and Jack, and Gilly and Shaman (”Schloggfish and Catberry!!”)
our DM has given us a warning that since we have a lot of chances to win this tournament he’s not going to hold back :’D 
we decide to go see Marcus with Lance because we now have an edge!! And he has to work with us so GET FUCKED, LANCE (I do like him though but in-character wise Julienn hates him)
Lance summons a horse and rides off on it, but not before flipping us off
“I want to see big strong orc Callie just gently cradling little squishy Lance in his arms” “please draw this omg” (Callie thinks Lance is cute)
we find Marcus and he doesn’t believe it’s us.... Gilly wakes up enough to wave at him though and he is appeased. Lance doesn’t believe we can fight though (“You’re just being rude now. you rude boy”)
they’re registered on our team for the big team battle though! YAAAAAY 
our first opponents are a team of goblins called.... Team Goblin. WE GOTTA GET A COOL TEAM NAME
“boring old Lance just sits in his fancy hotel room reading about drow stuff” “WHAT A NERD AMIRITE” (magic nerds amirite)
poor sweet innocent Lance... “should Gilly really be fighting? She’s such a beautiful delicate flower-” cue us laughing in and out of character, though we had a nice heartwarming moment of all of us defending Gilly against Lance being snarky and rude about our fighting abilities (”She seems like a worthwhile addition to the team.” “SHE ABSOLUTELY IS, FUCK YOU” - Julienn “I’ve seen her stab shit, she’s not bad in a fight at all” - Shaman)
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flyswhumpcenter · 6 years
Turquoise Puddles Under Our Feet [Fever February Day 15: Keep Me Warm]
Summary: After they manage to run away from one of the most dangerous bounty hunters of their city, Kaede and Shuichi have a small talk about school and their duo as a whole.
Fandom: Of Shells and Spells (original work with Danganronpa cameos) Relationships: Saimatsu (Kaede/Shuichi)
Word Count: 1.8K words
Notes: I never specified the prompts had to be whump, did I? Have a nice, exploration oneshot for the reboot of my magical girl(...ish) series Oh Shells and Spells. I've been in an OSAS mood lately, and that's what's breaking that artblock I put myself in. In case you ask why this is such a mess, OSAS is an original magical girl-ish story based around my own original universe, but with other characters thrown in for maximum potential memery (and fun). I had originally planned for only Makoto and Kyoko, but these two entered Shipping Hell lately. There's also gonna be Magical Dads and some other characters. This is set rather late in the story I'm planning, though. The two aren't supposed to know Annabelle from the get-go of OSAS book I, but oh well, this is mostly a test run more than anything.
AO3 version available here.
In the middle of night-time Hellesimbault, run two teenagers dressed in pinks and blacks. Behind them are ever-growing puddles of turquoise water, gaining space, eating away the paved roadway and dark grey sidewalks. There are waves of chills going down their spines and an urge to flee as soon as possible from the source of these waves.
The dark streets allow for two things: not being directly spotted by the bounty hunter running after them, and not seeing her face as she attempts to annihilate the both of them.
“Come back here, young mages,” an eerily calm voice calls for them, flat tone filled with unspoken rage.
They don’t reply. The witch’s waiting for them to say their position aloud so she can track them through their voices. That’s the last thing they need, so they keep quiet, as quiet as they can be when they’re running and have to breathe as they hurry to a possible shelter.
The blonde girl grabs her friend’s arm and pull them both into a corner, her other hand on his mouth to retain a surprised yell trying to exit his body. They see the with walk past them, violent tides coursing through their entire beings, puddles upon puddles of turquoise water where her feet were. An intense cold run through the street, sparing nothing in its path, her red hair flowing gracefully along the waves she emits.
Once she’s past them, the girl gives a quick look, and invites him to exit their improvised hiding spot. With a swift hand, she removes her butterfly-shaped mask, revealing pink irises.
“Are you alright?” she asks him, a gentle smile on her face.
“I… I’m fine,” he replies with a shaking voice. “It sure was scary.”
A small giggle escapes her lips.
“That’s why she’s called The Witch, isn’t she? She’s one powerful mage… Anyway,” she changes in tone, “why not make our way back to Anna’s? It’s getting late.”
“Yeah, let’s do that.”
The Witch. She’s one of the most powerful bounty hunters of Hellesimbault. She got to know her exact pseudonym through some research: Rei, the second-in-command of the Fragmenta Guild. Rumours say some of its members are teachers in their school, but that never got confirmed. For now, they take the opposite direction, to go back to Annabelle Moinot’s place.
“I told you to call me by my alias when we’re on a mission.”
“Sorry,” he blushes as he apologizes, “I thought we weren’t on a mission anymore…”
“How many times did I tell you to stop apologizing for nothing, Shuichi? Well, it’s not that important. What matters is what you wanted to ask me.”
He gets his mask off but lowers the bill of his hat with his other hand. Better stay transformed in case any bounty hunter other than Rei comes their way. Those rascals must know about her trying to find her missing sister by now.
“Don’t you think it’s getting cold in there?”
Shuichi is rubbing his arms together, blushing, white smoke coming out of his mouth.
“It’s because of Rei’s magic. You seem to be freezing, though… You’re sure you’re alright, Shuichi?”
His teeth are slightly cackling now. This isn’t reassuring.
“Maybe not sure per say, I’m just cold. I guess I’m more sensible to temperature shifts than you, Kaede.”
The music prodigy’s face softens, looking a bit away, then back at him.
“That’s true, Fire elementals are always feeling temperature more easily… Isn’t it Mr Parillot who keeps being cold because he’s a Fire elemental too?”
He nods in agreement. “That’s probably why I’m feeling hotter than you all of a sudden…”
“Excuse me?”
A heavy silence settles between them. Shuichi feels both cold and hot sweats running down his temples and back. An even huger blush installs itself onto his face. He tries to hide even more of his face with his hat, eyes looking away.
“We’re out of the zone Rei has frozen,” Kaede says in a slightly snappier tone, “but it’s still the cold of the night.”
She puffs, crosses her arms, and attempts catching his glaze.
“Shuichi, you’re sick and trying to hide it again, aren’t you!”
The boy flusters even more, and his hat eventually falls down. She catches it with her hand. His entire face is both blushing and flushed.
“I told you before, you shouldn’t go out with me if you’re sick… I’m saying this for you! I don’t want you to get killed because of me!”
“N-no! I’m always here on my own wish, Kaede… I didn’t feel bad enough not to come. It’s just a tiny fever, those happen sometimes…”
Kaede squints her eyes.
“Yeah, sure. For now, let’s go back to Anna so you can have a nice blanket to roll around in. I’m sure Mr Moinot is worried sick for us right now!”
“You’re right, let’s go home before you get sick too.”
She deadpans but smiles afterwards.
“That’s so nice of you to think about.”
On the way to their “headquarters” (Kaede likes the ring of that, it gives it that extra special touch she strives for), they talk about school again. Being a tenth year, a high school freshman feels like being both old and young, in a way. They talk about Mr Parillot again, remembering his weird shenanigans, his movies and his tendency to insert English in every sentence he spews out.
His shivering doesn’t seem to stop. That worries her, because he shouldn’t feel so cold, even if she herself feels some chills from the night temperatures. She has to find a way to make him feel better before they reach the Moinot house.
Kaede casts her battle outfit away, to his surprise.
“The way is clear, so I thought it would be nice to change back to my regular clothes.”
“You’re probably right, but...”
“I know what you’re going to say,” she interrupts him with a smile. “You can remain in your battle gear, Shuichi, if it makes you feel a bit warmer. I wanted to switch back because I have something which could be of some use…”
She feels the weight of her backpack again, which she opens to get a blanket out of.
“I brought this with me in case we stayed very late in the streets and had to find a place where to rest for a bit. It may be a bit too small for that, on second thought, but I’m sure it’ll be useful for you!”
“That’s not necessary, Kaede… You should use it for yourself…”
She wraps the blanket around him, and despite a face of refusal, he clutches it around him and sniffles noisily.
“You always think of me, Kaede… Sorry for being such a burden, you shouldn’t have to always get something for me…”
“Pssh, nonsense. We’re best friends, that’s what best friends are for, right?”
“S-sure, but I can’t ever give you something in return, and you’re usually the one good in battle too… You’d probably be better off with someone better than me, like Rantaro or Kévin…”
Kaede pouts again, barely noticing the fact he clutches his heart with his right hand and the blanket with his left.
“Shuichi! If I wanted to go on such crazy misadventures with them, I would have asked them! Stop putting yourself down like that! I’m sure you would be more powerful if you trusted yourself more.”
He slightly looks at her.
“Thanks for putting up with me…”
She beams him a warm smile.
“You should give yourself more credit, Shuichi. You’ve always been such a help for me, because you notice things better than I could ever do. I would be lost without you, trying to find my sis! The underground world is scary, and if you weren’t by my side, Rei would terrify me beyond my mind… So I think you should stop seeing yourself as a hassle, and more as my partner in not-crime!”
He nods timidly, the tiniest smile on his lips.
They proceed to their HQ.
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