#Rheava Jassic
alackofghosts · 2 years
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i've had this lined and half coloured for so long, so here it is
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alackofghosts · 3 years
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alackofghosts · 4 years
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it’s funky colours o’clock
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alackofghosts · 4 years
some self-indulgent memery: disaster girls edition
01. Name: nahre tali
02. Nickname(s): none
03. Gender: female-adjacent. she has the tendency to switch off and lean all the way into being a ~living weapon~, which leads to all sorts of depersonalisation feelings including those re: her gender
04. Sexuality: bi, but her feelings on and of attraction function much the same way as above. sometimes it's there, sometimes she feels completely hollow inside
05. Best Friend: has a hard time calling anyone a friend, never mind about a best friend. i think, in general, she grows to love her crew and see them as friends and accepting that they can have the same feelings about her. but that aside, she likes rheava, she can see a lot of the angry hurtling-towards-an-early-grave in rheava that is all too familiar to her and wants to help and longs for the same kind of Understanding on rheava's end. she liked vaytec too, although calling them best friends would be a stretch, but they had some fun as baby sith :')
06. Relationship Status: single. she feels like she isn't in the right kind of headspace for a relationship and when she feels /really/ bad cannot really fathom the idea of anyone seeing her as enough of a Person to want anything like that with her
07: Crush/Significant Other: none
08. Least Favourite Person: much like picking a favourite, this is difficult for her too. with hindsight, she thinks her parents might have been her least favourite, but it doesn't necessarily inspire any Active Feelings
09. Favourite Food: soup. anything with broth goes over well for her, really
10. Favourite Place: her uncle's greenhouse
11. Valued Attributes: honesty. it's rare in her life and she has little patience for lying and dancing in circles around topics
12. Dreams: she doesn't remember her dreams most of the time. what she does remember is usually just plain old mundane-turned-nonsensical
13. Nightmares: again, she doesn't usually remember them. any dreams about her parents are unpleasant though
14. A Secret: she doesn't really tend to keep a lot of secrets. keeping around a(n ex-)jedi without the Proper Paperwork sorted, maybe? :P
15. Best Day: her uncle was a quiet sort and they never had a particularly easy relationship, but she has a really fond memory of him taking her to his lab and showing her his horticultural experiments and explaining the various processes. she didn't really understand at the time, but it was... nice
16. Worst Day: too many bad days to count
17. Favourite Outfit: her armour. on bad days, it helps her lean into the Vaguely Humanoid Murder Machine thing and that's almost as good as being a person. on good days, it just makes her feel grounded and safe
18. Weapon of Choice: she dual wields lightsabers, one of which she built herself, the other was a gift from her uncle
19. Role in RPG: [tank/dps/healer/healtank/et cetra] leaving aside the game limitations, she'd be a tank, for sure
20. First Thought in the Morning: how sore her arms and legs are
01. Name: rheava jassic
02. Nickname(s): most people call her jassic. she has some vague memories of being called rhea as a child, but it's been a long time since then
03. Gender: female & doesn't really have any complicated feelings about it
04. Sexuality: aro lesbian?? she is generally put off by romantic notions, but she's had a string of Intense Rivalries with some fellow jedi, that definitely had an element of sexual tension/frustration (at least on her part). but overall, she has a hard time distinguishing romantic and sexual attraction from each other and also from the general stream of feelings
05. Best Friend: nahre. sort of. it's Complicated. i also want her to have a droid friend that she built herself
06. Relationship Status: single
07: Crush/Significant Other: none
08. Least Favourite Person: sometimes it's nahre, because rheava feels like nahre is the reason that she's ended up so far from everything that feels familiar and comfortable (though nahre very generously offers a convenient outlet for these feelings). sometimes it's her old master, who was never cruel, exactly, but she was cold, and rigid in her beliefs (rheava felt like she could never do anything right in her eyes. being accused for having fallen to the dark side did not help their relationship either). sometimes it's herself
09. Favourite Food: BREAD. she also likes a lot of fresh fruit and veggies
10. Favourite Place: she loved her ship. her affinity to the force manifested in an aptitude for mechanics and the ship felt Just Right because of it. it was also nice to have some privacy, freedom and a space that felt like her own
11. Valued Attributes: compassion is a big one for her, especially after being semi-raised by someone, who insisted on acting based on the will of the force, rather than compassion (or mercy, sometimes). and yes, she does struggle to reconcile this with where she has ended up in life
12. Dreams: she has lucid dreams fairly often and she'll usually settle on tinkering with something
13. Nightmares: a recurring nightmare for her is of her final confrontation with her master. sometimes it's really as it happened, sometimes details change (and never for the better)
14. A Secret: for a while it was the fact that there was a sith she repeatedly failed to kill (and had even helped, which is essentially the opposite of what she should have been doing). after all that blew up in her face, she doesn't really have a Big Secret, although when interacting with non-nahre sith she keeps her status as Still Definitely Not A Sith Herself under wraps
15. Best Day: there are days that can be GOOD? probably something fairly mundane like discovering an absolutely amazing bakery
16. Worst Day: being taken away from home to train as a jedi. it was kind of exciting at the time (sort of a mix between YAY JEDI! and I'M A WIZARD!), but her feelings have soured over time. she has had Plenty of awful days, but this one tends to stick out the most
17. Favourite Outfit: she has a set of comfy, super soft pjs that she secretly bought on a mission and almost never gets to wear, but man does it feel lovely when she can. for day-to-day wear, she likes clothes that are easy to move in, in light and fairly plain colours
18. Weapon of Choice: the force. she has a lightsaber, of course, but she is definitely more of a magical girl
19. Role in RPG: [tank/dps/healer/healtank/et cetra] i actually have her as a healer in the game for funsies, but i think realistically she'd probably be a dps
20. First Thought in the Morning: that she doesn't want to wake up yet
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