#nonconsensual medical procedures
whump-bunny · 5 months
Can't think
(tw: lab whump, nonconsensual drugging, restraints, nonconsensual medical procedures, fourteen year old whumpee, mentions of torture.)
He can't think.
He can't think and he doesn't know why.
They came in at dawn, when he and his roommates were fast asleep. (Well, Oliver probably wasn't.) The room was pitch black, save for the soft glow of Asa's skin.
They didn't give him time to wake up before plunging a needle into his neck. And then, when he did awaken only seconds later, it was already too late. Asa could only blink at them sluggishly as they picked him up and deposited him in a wheelchair.
And now he's moving, far too fast and far too slow all at once. The walls blur into the floor. The world spins. Nausea licks at his throat, and yet he can’t muster up the energy to say anything in complaint.
His head lolls down to his chest.
He can’t think. God, why can’t he think?
Vaguely, he knows that he’s headed to the lab. He knows that they’re going to hurt him. He should be afraid. But he’s lost in a place where the fear can’t find him. And all that’s left is an overbearing sense of calm, an inability to do anything but sink into his mind and allow his body to be carried away. It’s peaceful, in the same way that a room full of corpses is quiet.
They arrive quicker than Asa expected they would. (Even though the ride over seemed to have lasted an eternity.) The hum of the fluorescent lights and the murmurs of scientists blur in the background of his mind, and he finds himself drifting off to sleep. At least, until a familiar voice cuts through the quiet like a knife.
“Alright ladies and gentlemen, I know it’s early, but the quicker we do this, the quicker we can be done with it. Are ya with me?” Hamlin chirps, somehow as energetic as ever despite being up before sunrise. The rest of the scientists offer a chorus of unenthused agreement. It seems that Asa isn’t the only one who’d rather be in bed.
The doctor chats with a couple assistants, making her rounds about the lab, before finally turning her attention to Asa, as he knew she would.
“Good morning, Asa! Sorry about waking you so early, but I promise you’ll get to go back to sleep soon.” She gingerly brushes Asa’s bangs from his face, and while Asa would normally bristle at the touch, now he can’t bring himself to even care. He eyes Hamlin intently, as if staring at her might give him the strength to be angry. It doesn’t. 
Hamlin says something else that Asa doesn't quite catch, and then he's being lifted. The sudden motion makes him want to vomit, but it only lasts a few seconds before he's lying on the lab table. He doesn't fight as they strap him down, not that he could stop them even if he weren't drugged out of his mind. All he can manage is a frustrated growl, one that gets Hamlin's attention. 
"I know, the side effects of that sedative are pretty strong, but it's the only one that works well enough against your Light. We don't want you waking up during surgery, do we?" She explains, methodically sliding into latex gloves and goggles as she does so. 
So it's surgery, then.
Amidst the murky haze of drugs, Asa feels a spike of fear at that. He swallows thickly, searching for his voice.
“H… H’mlin?" He mumbles, trying to ignore how big his tongue feels in his mouth. Hamlin's eyebrows raise.
"Oh, you can still speak? Huh, that's not particularly good. Might have to adjust the dosage…"
Asa speaks up again before she can finish the thought, "What are you g'na do t'me?"
It's a normal question, one that he asks every time he gets dragged to the lab. Usually Hamlin will grace him with a detailed explanation of exactly how she plans to study him for the next few hours. Be it a simple blood test or an appendectomy, she always tells him with a smile. But today, she just shakes her head.
"It's probably better if you don't know. We don't want you to freak out, do we?" She replies, punctuating her sentence with another ruffle to Asa’s hair.
Asa’s stomach falls, "Oh."
"Oh? That's it?” Hamlin laughs, “Damn, you're much nicer to work with like this. I wish I could keep you sedated all the time."
If he were more aware, Asa probably would have flinched at the implications of that. But exhaustion smothers his brain, derailing his train of thought 
"I…" Asa mumbles, eyes drooping. "M'tired…"
Hamlin smirks, "I'm sure you are. Feel free to go to sleep, sweetheart. I'll get the actual anesthesia started in the meantime." She runs her hand along the side of his face, caressing his cheek like a mother would. As if she didn't cut him open without anesthesia a hundred times before now.
"O...okay…" Asa says, inadvertently leaning into her touch. He doesn't even notice as an iv is inserted into his arm.
"Say, Asa, do you have a favorite food? Something you want me to bring you while you're in recovery?" She asks. Her hand never leaving his cheek.
Asa thinks for a moment, landing on the first food that comes to mind. "...doughnuts."
"Doughnuts?" Hamlin laughs, "Well, it's not exactly healthy, but I suppose you can have a doughnut, for being such a good boy."
Beside her, an assistant scoffs.
"Of course he's being good, he's drugged out of his mind." He says, rubbing the healing wound on his arm from when Asa bit him a couple days ago.
Hamlin glares, finally removing her hand from Asa’s face. "Hm yeah, good point, Ted. Counterpoint: who asked you?"
The two bicker amongst themselves, while the rest of the assistants continue to prep Asa for surgery. All the while Asa's eyes scan the trays of scalpels and tweezers, gleaming in the too-bright artificial light of the lab. Fear is radiating and muted, muffled but there all the same. 
The scientist turns to face him, "Hm- yes, Asa?"
"I… m'scared…" He whispers, consciousness fleeting. "Pl'se don't… 'lease don't 'urt me…"
His voice breaks, tears threatening to fall. Hamlin clicks her tongue, wiping his eyes.
"Aww, don't worry, sweetheart. I promise you won't feel a thing. And you'll get to have a nice relaxing vacation while you recover. Sound good?"
Hamlin smirks. "Too bad."
It's then that the drugs in his iv finally take hold. The world fades to darkness, and all the while Hamlin stares at him, smiling wide.
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whumpacabra · 5 months
30. Soap
Angst, past captivity and torture, referenced character death, referenced past medical procedures [fingerprint, tattoo removal], referenced past nonconsensual drugging, vaguely implied past noncon, smoking mention
AU Masterpost / Previous / Next
The Wolf woke but didn’t stir as Harrison tiptoed from the room, listening to the other man rummage about the kitchen for a moment before lifting his head and opening his eyes. It had been a few hours since he drifted off.
His neck crunched like an autumn leaf as he stretched, uncurling from where he had pinned himself between the bed and Harrison’s cot. Glancing up at the unmade sheets made something in his stomach curdle.
Maybe he could convince Harrison to let him sleep on the floor tonight.
Standing to make the bed reminded him of the folder he shoved beneath the mattress. With the door closed and Harrison clearly focused on his task in the kitchen (there was the clatter of thin pieces of metal and the scratch of a pen on paper) the Wolf felt comfortable taking a moment to leaf through the file.
The sight of his own face made him want to snap the folder shut the moment he opened it. Dan had warned him there were pictures. Gritting his teeth he skimmed the first few pages, his own knowledge bridging gaps blotted out in black redactions.
His handler’s name was Smith. Michael Smith, born in Boston, MA and a good loyal Marine turned good loyal CIA agent. He used to like Marlboro cigarettes and Cuban cigars. (Anders always had some on hand thanks to a smuggling buddy in Florida.) Smith used to liked fresh blood and quiet fearful sounds and the Wolf’s submissive deference to his authority and intelligence.
Smith didn’t like much of anything anymore, on account of being dead.
The Wolf found a curve of satisfaction twitching at his scarred face at that thought - Smith was dead. The Wolf killed his handler. Just like the other rabid, broken bastards Smith was so sure his prized pet would never become.
The Wolf had been too well trained for his handler to see it coming when he finally had enough of a spine to bite back.
The Wolf never knew the cruel cold metal of the muzzles he had seen on other projects. He never had to be sedated or drugged outside of his handler’s sadistic entertainment. Part of him was jealous, ashamed he hadn’t had the courage to fight back. He knew most of them, all of them, were probably liquidated by now. He had liquidated some of them himself.
He hoped some got out.
(He didn’t believe any did.)
The Wolf shifted, hunching over the folder as he thumbed to the sections with photographs. His eyes glazed at the first few lines of his medical record, even the few non-redacted segments far too vivid in his memory. But the pictures caught his eye. A collection of Polaroid scans - various scars from Before. Before he was broken. Fresh bruises from a capture he only caught glimpses of in nightmares.
The tattoos were magnetic, scratching at memories trapped behind a rotted door on rusted hinges.
The vines and ivy that curled around his right forearm and bicep were vibrant green and crisp. The violet flowers were fragile and neatly lined where they bloomed across his pale skin. The cross emblazoned under his right arm, on his rib cage by his heart, was faded and blurry. Maybe if he wanted, he could look closer and make out the letters inscribed in smudged old ink.
Both were now covered in itchy donor skin stretched taught where the tattoos had been flayed away. His hands stung with the phantom burn of acid, that particular trip to medical seared into his memory more by its smell than by the pain or symbolism of having his skin shed and refurnished.
The Wolf scratched at the foreign skin on his arm, the thin lines of scarring where it had fused with his own never quite matching the color and texture. It bled all the same.
He almost closed the folder, the desperate urge to run away from the memories curbed by an alien curiosity. He had just about reached the end of his own file, but the folder was still thick with paper.
The Wolf squinted at the next face. He recognized them - another project, dead eyed and hollowed out. His liquidation date was December 3rd, 2003.
Confusion crept into his bones, brow furrowed as he turned to the next paperclipped chunk of papers. A different project, one he had personally liquidated, November 23rd, 2003. He counted the paper-clipped files - 13 different projects in total.
What were other projects doing in this folder?
He flipped further through the files, the oldest project liquidated shortly after the Wolf’s first project milestone. He didn’t need to read the blocks of redacted black to understand in his marrow what had happened. His brain felt awake in a way it hadn’t been in years, alight with understanding and anger.
He was a blueprint. A prototype. The perfect dog. And for a country that needed war to oil the political machine in blood, perfect dogs were in high demand.
The project had killed more than a hundred people trying to recreate that lightning in a bottle. To recreate the Wolf - loyal, submissive, effective. He was the first, and they wanted to make sure he wasn’t the last, no matter how high the bodies piled.
Terror flashed in his blood.
There were other bunkers. It was knowledge from Before, something he remembered like a constellation of buildings on a map. He could see it in his minds eye, feel the texture between his fingertips. More than a dozen installations buried deep in that patch of American earth. Harrison and his team were one of many. There were others bleeding, breaking under the desert sand.
The Wolf was scared of the anger, the instinct burning in his chest. A want and a need wrapped in a feeling he had long since surrendered to fear and pain.
He had a purpose, and it wasn’t heeling to a handler or keeping Harrison alive and well. The Wolf needed to make sure no one else was broken in his name. He was the first, and he would see to it that he would be the last.
AU Masterpost / Previous / Next
(An AU of my Freelancers series)
Taglist: @i-eat-worlds @whumpy-daydreams
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Our state Senate will likely vote on a gender affirming care ban this morning, intending to get the bill on the governers desk with only days left in the legislative session. Depending on how today goes, the ban could be signed into law as early as tomorrow.
The bill isn't just a gender affirming care ban for minors:
It prevents Medicaid coverage for gender affirming care for anyone under 26
It forcibly medically detransitions all minors
It creates a legal definition of male and female
Has explicit exceptions to allow for nonconsensual procedures on intersex youth
And requires public school staff to out trans children
So it's bad here and I'm nervous for the future of our trans community.
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not-poignant · 3 months
82/? - Underline the Black (omegaverse) - Efnisien/Gary
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Title: Underline the Black Rating: Explicit Pairing: Efnisien ap Wledig/Dr Gary Konowalous Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Darkfic, Disturbing themes, Age Gap, Omegaverse, Alpha/Alpha, no Mpreg, Medical experimentation, Medical trauma, Dominance/Submission, Dystopian universe, Forced bonding, Forced relationship, Imprisonment, Nonconsensual medical procedures, PTSD, Flashbacks, Nightmares, Chronic illness, Mating cycles/Heats, Knotting, Miscommunication, Trauma recovery, Mind control, Child Abuse, Hope, Hopeful ending.
Summary: Efnisien ap Wledig is an omega born into an all-alpha family. Abandoned by his birth mother and raised by his aunt, he is subjected to a lifetime of medical experimentation and brainwashing and believes himself to be an alpha. But the experiments begin to fail, and he is abandoned yet again to an Omega Rehabilitation Facility, where the family expects he will be retrained into the ‘perfect omega’ and placed in an arranged marriage, or be eliminated if this is no longer possible.
The Facility don’t know about the experiments, and Efnisien doesn’t even know why he’s in there in the first place, since he’s an alpha…isn’t he? One thing’s for certain, he definitely doesn’t need an alpha companion, no matter what the staff at the facility seem to think.
Underline the Black - Chapter 82 - Selfies @ AO3
In which Gary takes Efnisien walking along the trail again, and they have a conversation about different things. Gary sparks off Efnisien's interest in photography and encourages him, and breaks his heart in the process thinking about all the normal experiences Efnisien never got to have growing up.
– Thanks to all the Patreon and Ream supporters for making this story possible!
The following early access extras are also currently available on the Augus & Gwyn, and Efnisien & Gary tiers at Patreon and Ream:
Underline the Red - 05 - Caleb/Faber Underline the Red - 06 - Caleb/Faber Underline the Gold - 07 - Flitmouse/Anton The Nascent Diplomat - 42 - Augus/Gwyn Constellations - 05 - Efnisien + Gwyn (post Falling Falling Stars) Constellations - 06 - Efnisien + Gwyn (post Falling Falling Stars) Constellations - 07 - Efnisien + Gwyn (post Falling Falling Stars) Underline the Blue - 13 - Nate/Janusz Underline the Blue - 14 - Nate/Janusz
Want another way to support my writing? // I have a Patreon account! // Come check out REAM! (Patreon mirror) // Buy a Ko-Fi!
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bbcphile · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
I'm back with more MLC excerpts!! (sorry I missed the last 2 weeks!)
In honor of it being the 1 year anniversary of my neurosurgery and of my finally being over the sinus infection from hell enough to write, here's an extra long excerpt (. . . and an extra evil cliffhanger? #sorrynotsorry. It will all work out, I promise)!
This is more from the (difanghua) MLC fic where DFS and FDB rescued LLH from the donghai beach after his shiniang tried to sacrifice herself to cure him and he shattered his own heart meridian to stop her.
For anyone who's interested in seeing how I put my analysis from the CPTSD meta into practice via fic writing, enjoy!
(To read earlier excerpts–although it’s not necessary!– you can follow these links to read part 1 (LLH), part 2 (FDB), part 3 (DFS), part 4 (DFS), or part 5 (FDB), or part 6 (LLH). Oh, and another excerpt from a WIP ask (LLH))
TW: panic attack, medical emergency, flashback (nonconsensual medical procedure)
He shivered as familiar icy tendrils tore through him, chilling him to the bone.
Damn it.
“Xiaohua? What’s wrong? Is–is this a trick?”
“Xiangyi, what do you need?”
He tapped the three points on his chest that had always controlled these attacks before and slid his hand down.
Nothing happened.
He tried again. A wet cough ripped itself free and black spots started to crowd in front of his eyes.
Firm hands gripped his shoulder and spun him 90 degrees. 
A large palm pressed against his back, radiating a slow, creeping warmth. Familiar callouses returned to his wrist, pushing down far harder than before.
“He needs Yangzhouman into his zhong fu,” a-Fei said, from somewhere close behind his ear. “Now!”
A shaking finger poked his lung meridian, and a sharp pain flared along his collarbone. 
“Less than that! Calm your qi if you want him to live,” a-Fei snapped. 
“Sorry,” Xiaobao murmured, his breath brushing against his face. 
Time crawled like qi through his meridians.
After a few breaths, the chokehold on his lungs began to relax, and the icicles that had replaced his bones began to thaw.
He let his shoulders fall from their perch by his ears, used some of the Yangzhouman to force the Bicha flare back to more manageable levels, and circulated some of the newly introduced Yangzhouman through what remained of his lung meridian, and through his newly reconstructed heart meridian. It did feel sturdier, didn’t it? Thicker than it used to be. As though it had been reinforced–
–his qi battering against the walls of his meridians, desperately trying to–
“Xiangyi? What is it?”
The room suddenly felt far too small. He needed more space, more air, needed this transfer to be done. Immediately. “That’s plenty. You can stop now.”
The thin stream of qi from his back cut out, but the one on his chest pulsed on. 
His skin crawled with the need to get up, this instant. “Xiaobao, I said stop. Save some for yourself.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I’ve barely given you any yet.”
Li Lianhua’s hands started to shake. “It’s more than enough.”
“Will you quit lying? I can still see the Bicha lines on your neck.”
That was it. Another second of this and he’d make a break for the door, legs willing or no. “Brat, listen to your shifu.” He flung his arm up to bat Xiaobao’s away.
“Shifu?” His wrist was grabbed before his arm could make contact. “I’m not falling for that again, you old fox. So don’t–” a hard jab to an acupoint,
“even–” a second hit, and he forgot how to breathe,
“try it!” 
“–Stop fighting it, Xiangyi. Listen to Shiniang. Please, let me save you!”
“I said, let me GO.” He lashed his qi against his acupoints again, with more force than any blow he’d leveled before, even at his shixiong at the end. The reinforced structures started to shake. Just one more hit, that’s all it would take, and then–
“–Fang Duobing! What did you do?” “N-nothing! I just–”
“Undo it! Now!”
“But he was about to–”
Li Xiangyi blasted his qi against the obstruction with all his strength.
There was a loud crash, the sound of splintering wood.
A wet, pained gasp from somewhere far in front of him.
“Fang Duobing!” 
“I’m fine. Xiaohua, are you ok? Say something!”
Why did Xiaobao sound so pained?
Li Lianhua blinked his eyes open to a blurry haze. 
But he didn’t need clear vision to recognize Xiaobao’s silhouette–
–slammed against the cabinets–
–with red spreading around him.
“Xiaobao,” he gasped, and tried to stumble out of bed.
“A-Fei, don’t let him–”
The world tilted wildly.
A hand pressed against his chest.
“Xiangyi, don’t you fucking dare di–”
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librarycards · 1 year
hey there cav. this is sort of a fraught question but. how do I engage with psychiatry when I'm antipsych? I need treatment but I have so much distrust and I feel like it's all bullshit. I don't really have a support system and there's few peer support resources in my area. I can't do this myself but I cant trust this system. soooo... tips for finding therapists that don't suck & getting the most of it? really appreciate your blog and posts, thanks
thank you for entrusting this message to me, I appreciate it! I have answered questions like this a few times before (they're buried somewhere, if you can't find them in my "ask" tag, lmk and i'll try to dig them up!). it's definitely fraught inasmuch as we're never (as people who hate psych but need specific, urgent support that communities aren't by default set up to provide) going to get an answer that we 100% want, but also very not-fraught inasmuch as most of us agree that surviving in this sea of partiality is something we can do together, with love and nonjudgement.
so, for context: i was in therapy - first behaviorist OT as a toddler and elementary school child, and, beginning at 7, talk therapy - nonconsensually basically from the time I could remember until adulthood. i likely would never have tried it again, except for the small hiccup of needing letters for Transing Genders. so, this was when i first sought out "trans affirming care," as it were, and i didn't expect much. i went to my college's health center and got a list of possible providers, and ended up getting an excellent PCP, as well as a therapist who was a genuine cis accomplice: she wrote letters for Mad/psych disabled clients whose genders wouldn't typically qualify us for surgery/hormones in the eyes of the M/PsyIC. i did not share with her the things i "ought" to have shared, but she knew I had survived abusive therapy / forced institutionalization, and accepted that, and accepted my cynicism along with it. i was also first genuinely understanding foucault at this time, so rest assured i was quite a little shit (affectionate).
when she left to practice elsewhere, i went to a therapist at the same practice she recommended. she was fine, but not what i needed. by this time, I'd gotten the requisite procedures, so my therapy attendance wasn't required. i basically just ghosted this new therapist around the time covid hit.
when i came to grad school, i initially wasn't looking for therapy, though i had idly considered something for OCD, which I was (and am) managing in part through medication. after getting outright rejected for, essentially, being too crazy for normie OCD therapy, i directed my search specifically for Mad/abolitionist providers. i began by going through some of the archives of places like the National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network, and some people who have posted guest articles on Mad in America / The Fireweed Collective -- many are providers seeking to disrupt/abolish the system. That provided some leads, though no openings (there are very few of them, and they are, understandably, in high demand).
I then turned to my community connections: over the years, I've amassed a large number of Mad colleagues in various fields. Many are a half-step from radical/antipsych circles, so I asked them. This time, I asked specifically about a possible therapist who was interested in critiques of "eating disorders" as a category, who had an abolitionist, harm-reductionist, and anti-"health" approach to care, and who, accordingly, refused to cooperate with institutions of psychiatric confinement. I was directed to a list of people, of whom my current and beloved therapist / colleague / comrade was the first to respond.
my trajectory with her has been a steady building of trust through a shared ebbing and flowing of closeness, frustration, enlightenment, and curiosity. it has been close to a year and a half now, and we only began speaking frankly about more "dangerous"/"risky" topics a few months ago. early in our relationship, i did a great deal of boundary-testing, and reacted with anger and shutdown the first time she asked a question that proved risky/activating for me. my biggest recommendation when engaging with ANY provider is to ask them explicitly, repeatedly, and critically about their relationships with your own risk/harm level, their ongoing history wrt patient institutionalization / "referrals" to "higher levels of care". take note about the way they reference past patient situations, as well as their own past experience. take note of how they respond when you choose not to provide the information they seek.
also take note of what info they're willing to provide upfront, including at a consult: what methodologies do they work with, what was their training, how do they feel about said training? what are their politics? ask whoever recommended them to you, too. look at reviews. this is obvious -- what might not be is looking up their work on google scholar. who do they cite? what do they advocate, who do they associate themself with?
i think that it's also a good idea to ask them explicitly about their experience in other/"higher" levels of care - most therapists have done some kind of rotation during their education, often in a hospital, group home, halfway house, similar. if you have ever been institutionalized, you may have even spotted / been abused by some! observe how they discuss these experiences. take note.
if and when you've established this person as someone you want to continue working with, trust notwithstanding, think personally about what you are actually looking for. they will ask you about your goals, surely, but it's a good idea first to think about your own personal goals outside of the verbalized relationship between you two. do you need a confidante, and of what kind? what sort of accountability do you need, and what are you willing to try to figure that out? *what are you paying this person for that you feel others cannot or will not do*? what part of this person's expertise can be of use to you, and for how long?
i think one interesting approach to therapy is to regard the provider as a teacher - they're there to share knowledge with you, and you're free to accept or reject it. they have some kind of training/experience you don't have, and you seek them out because you think it may be of use in your own life, and perhaps even to redistribute that knowledge if and when you gain it. at the same time, you also have knowledge to share with them - not to be extracted, but to be incorporated in their own work and practice. the biggest insight on the practice of good therapy i've gleaned is that, ideally, you're both teaching and learning forever. this is true of all good relationships. there is an exchange of knowledge based on shared trust - values - priorities. once you are in a space where you know that this person shares your general relational orientation (aka, doesn't want to institutionalize, etc. you and people like you) it's possible to begin sharing knowledge in a way that benefits from this imposed structure. the benefit, imo, is that it's okay that you "monopolize" the convo and direct the knowledge-production toward your needs, because that's the service you're paying for!
i guess, to close, i'll return to the classic Mad Pride framing of us as "psych users/consumers." this isn't the perfect term, but i think it's enlightening, as we can and should be able to seek out services that work for us. just like i go to a person who knows wtf they're doing when, say, i need my nails done or my car fixed, so too do i go to an expert interlocutor when i am interested in developing my self-/relational knowledge and/or am seeking support in times of emotional tumult. this doesn't confer them a status as superior to me, just like someone isn't superior to someone else by being a nail tech or mechanic. it simply means that we are entering into a relationship where my needs and their expertise meet. seek a therapist who understands this, and understands themself as someone who can learn from you, too. this approach to therapy, and to care, mean that you can't just throw someone away or lock them up when they say things you don't like. it means that, even in those moments, there is something to be learned, and that the relationship will grow in that process of edification.
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rottmnt-residuum · 1 year
I'm sorry to ask since this may be an important plot element that you might not want to immediately disclose, but will the aforementioned nonconsensual medical procedures/body modifications/alterations in the comic be irreversible?
Irreversible nonconsensual medical procedures/body modification/alteration is a pretty big trigger of mine and this could potentially make or break my ability to read the comic.
If this is a prominent plot element in the comic, would you mind adding this to the tags or clarifying the nature of the medical procedures/body modifications/alterations please? I've really enjoyed your work thus far and I'd like to continue to do so while also being mindful of my own limitations.
Trigger warnings > Plot secrecy
Yes, a lot of what happens in the comic will be irreversible. While all of differing severity, the least severe is the removal and synthetic replacement of bones from a limb. It just kind of gets worse from there, but the worst ones usually have the subject that they've been performed on, uh, die. On accident. That one is consensual, though. Technically.
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Trans Spider au ftm
Where he could get bottom and top surgery with the scientific he grow up with, because you know, they been here for almost 20 years they don't have the instruments to create the new body Spider wanted to see in himself.
He still came out and everyone use male pronouns for him (even the people who call him demon)
Then the RDA kidnapped him, after a whole week of being misgender he revile to Quaritch that he is trans.
Now this is 2169-70 so i think(more hope) that at leats no one is homophobic or transphobic.
So the next time Quaritch speaks with Ardomedra he revels to her the news, so she decides if they can't torture him into saying where the sullies are then she can win him over to know it.
Means Spider is under a surgery table (he doesn't know anything) in maybe two months after the two devils discussion.
Spider when he wakes up, is like going crazy because both his breast and possy dissapered.
Spider obviously doesn't tell anything but he accepts to make the recoms learn the ways; like the language or the ikrans bonding.
When Spider and the sullies see eachother again, the sullies are like "wtf happen?"
The first who sees him are Neteyam and Lo'ak:
Spider: "Boys? GUYS! Ohh im so happy to see you"
Lo'ak: "wtf who are you" *pointing gun at him*
Neteyam: there is no fucking way *lowers Lo'ak gun with his hand* no way
Kiri and Tuk:
Kiri: "oh Eywa great, is you?! Is really you?! You look amazing, and- and- oh my..."
Tuk: "where your tits go?"
Jake and Neytiri:
For the longest of time (a month)
Jake and Neytiri are snappy at him or don't want to talk to him, because they belive he telled the RDA everything.
So after some really bad day by both sides, Spider snaps and tell them everything.
And now Jake and Neytiri feels guilty.
Interesting idea! There are a lot of layers there. I do think there is something to be said about a nonconsensual medical procedure. I am not trans myself, and I do not claim to be an expert, but from what I understand all trans people are different and want different things. Some want top and/or bottom surgery and some don't. At the end of the day not only did Quaritch out Spider, it seems they also did not give him a choice.
I do really like the idea of them giving Spider something he wants as an incentive to get him to turn on the Omaticaya, though. Which Spider would never do, obviously, but that Jake and Neytiri then might think he cooperated and was rewarded. It's basically the same concept as the one where he is given an avatar!
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jimmywilsonschutzpah · 9 months
Oh look at House and Thirteen bonding over nonconsensual medical procedures and drugging 🥺🥺 And I think it’s even in the same ep where Wilson finds out House tested his blood behind his back. There was no way House wasn’t going to adopt her.
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Round 1: Match 16
Medusa Gorgon (Soul Eater) vs. Fairy Godmother (Shrek 2)
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Medusa Gorgon
CW: nonconsensual medical procedures - THE abusive anime mother of all time - honestly giving her kid fucked up blood is barely just the START, it’s also a whole gamut of not letting her kid be a person outside of what She wants them to be - deeply isolating them and actively CONVINCING them they have no hope of connecting to other people, that she is the only person they can depend on. like i would easily argue that the psychological effects are way deeper than the physical experimentation effects here! this kid does Not know how to be a person. and it’s not even like this was a calculated part of the experiment she admits she kind of messed up there making her kid so unable to stand on their own!... - read more (and peruse the manga chapter of note) here
Fairy Godmother
- She can SING but good lord everything she put shrek and fiona through for DARING to not follow her plans for prince charming…
mod notes: okay I know fairy godmother is a bit of a silly choice but listen this is a heavy poll we could use a breather and the nomination made me laugh. congrats to medusa for getting in after all! it's been a while since I've read soul eater but the propaganda (and high number of submissions) convinced me. also the manga chapter that's linked is truly quite haunting
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arterartthings · 6 months
Pre-War Arcee concept
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Combination of idea I had flying around in my head:
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I really like this Arcee prototype for the ‚86 movie, but the current is definitely more iconic. It would be still sad tho for still good design to go to waste.
Also I like the idea from IDW comics that Arcee is a trans lesbian. I did not however the circumstances in which she was nonconsensually transitioned (fuck you Furman). Even the retcons were very meh.
So I came up with something more interesting and cohesive for her backstory:
Arcee’s Pre-war Bio
Arcee was originally forged as a male transfomer. He was however characterized by much leaner frame than most male bots. Originally, he was studying as a nurse bot in Prohitex Medical Mechanics University, but dropped out on second year due to overhelming stress tied with nurse’s position.
Instead, he applied for position as communications officer. He was also taking interest in sharphooting, but due to his not very practical frame he started considering modifying it to be more practical. Arcee also started realizing at the time that he might not be really „he”, but „she”.
Shortly before the war, Arcee underwent the frame rebuilding procedures, not only making the frame more practical for sharphooting, but also changing now her identity to Arcee we all know and love today. And she’s pretty happy with that too.
btw, sorry for reffering to Arcee as „him” here. I just wanted you to avoid potential confusion
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I've been saying this all along: they were never going to stop at banning access to trans healthcare for minors. It was never about protecting kids, it was always about laying the groundwork to take access to gender affirming care away from everyone.
I've been sitting with the knowledge for awhile now that I'm very likely to lose access to my hormone therapy in the near future, and this bill would ensure it.
This is South Carolina Senate bill 274. Filed last week, if this becomes law it would ban gender affirming care for anyone under the age of 21. The list of procedures included is extensive, including even voice surgery, liposuction, and facial feminization surgery.
The bill is worded in a way that would effectively ban access to gender affirming care with informed consent for everyone. If this bill becomes law, there will be no way to access gender affirming care in the state of South Carolina without a referral from a primary care doctor and a diagnosis of gender dysphoria from a psychiatrist.
The bill would also ban the use of public funds to pay for gender affirming care, prevent students from being taught anything that could seemingly "encourage" transitioning as a treatment for dysphoria, and would require schools to 1) out trans students to their families and 2) "encourage students who are afflicted with a gender identity condition to seek assistance from a mental health professional".
And of course, as all transphobic conservative bills would, this one would allow nonconsensual procedures performed on intersex people to continue unchecked.
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not-poignant · 2 months
85/? - Underline the Black (omegaverse) - Efnisien/Gary
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Title: Underline the Black Rating: Explicit Pairing: Efnisien ap Wledig/Dr Gary Konowalous Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Darkfic, Disturbing themes, Age Gap, Omegaverse, Alpha/Alpha, no Mpreg, Medical experimentation, Medical trauma, Dominance/Submission, Dystopian universe, Forced bonding, Forced relationship, Imprisonment, Nonconsensual medical procedures, PTSD, Flashbacks, Nightmares, Chronic illness, Mating cycles/Heats, Knotting, Miscommunication, Trauma recovery, Mind control, Child Abuse, Hope, Hopeful ending.
Summary: Efnisien ap Wledig is an omega born into an all-alpha family. Abandoned by his birth mother and raised by his aunt, he is subjected to a lifetime of medical experimentation and brainwashing and believes himself to be an alpha. But the experiments begin to fail, and he is abandoned yet again to an Omega Rehabilitation Facility, where the family expects he will be retrained into the ‘perfect omega’ and placed in an arranged marriage, or be eliminated if this is no longer possible.
The Facility don’t know about the experiments, and Efnisien doesn’t even know why he’s in there in the first place, since he’s an alpha…isn’t he? One thing’s for certain, he definitely doesn’t need an alpha companion, no matter what the staff at the facility seem to think.
Underline the Black - Chapter 85 - Anger in Every Direction @ AO3
In which Efnisien takes on Cella Visser (James' sister), furious on Gary's behalf, and his own.
– Thanks to all the Patreon and Ream supporters for making this story possible!
The following early access extras are also currently available on the Augus & Gwyn, and Efnisien & Gary tiers at Patreon and Ream:
Underline the Red - 05 - Caleb/Faber Underline the Red - 06 - Caleb/Faber Underline the Gold - 07 - Flitmouse/Anton The Nascent Diplomat - 43 - Augus/Gwyn Constellations - 06 - Efnisien + Gwyn (post Falling Falling Stars) Constellations - 07 - Efnisien + Gwyn (post Falling Falling Stars) Constellations - 08 - Efnisien + Gwyn (post Falling Falling Stars) Underline the Blue - 14 - Nate/Janusz Underline the Blue - 15 - Nate/Janusz
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coochiequeens · 6 months
“Performing sterilization without the informed consent of the person concerned is considered to be a violation of their rights,” the ministry said.
By Sarah Hurtes Sarah Hurtes reported from across Europe, including spending more than a month in Iceland.
Nov. 25, 2023, 5:00 a.m. ET
Anita cannot speak or comprehend complex information. At 28, she communicates mostly with facial expressions and baby-like sounds. When excited, she washes her hands. When her periods cause cramping and pain, she moans and agitates, unable to understand.
To eliminate this monthly discomfort and ease the burden of caring for her, caregivers at an assisted-living home in Reykjavik, Iceland, proposed an unusually aggressive step. The home’s manager recommended that Anita undergo a hysterectomy, a major surgical procedure to remove her uterus and end her periods.
Eirikur Smith, an official in Iceland’s disabilities office, discovered this plan last year during a routine visit to the home.
“Does she even know if she wants children later?” he recalls asking.
The manager, he said, was stunned. “She just laughed in my face.”
“‘Of course not,’” he said she replied. “‘Why would she ever want children?’”
Forced sterilization, with its history of racism and eugenics, is banned under multiple international treaties. Thirty-seven European nations and the European Union have ratified the Istanbul Convention, which declares, without exception, that nonconsensual sterilization is a human rights violation.
But a New York Times investigation found over a third of those countries have made exceptions, often for people that the government deems too disabled to consent. Some countries have banned the practice but not actually criminalized it. And records show that the Istanbul treaty’s official watchdog has repeatedly criticized governments for not doing enough to protect disabled people. (The United States has signed but not ratified a separate treaty on the issue and sterilization laws vary by state).
The result is that people with intellectual disabilities — mostly women — are still being sterilized, even when it is not medically necessary.
Doctors and experts believe that the practice is rare, but record-keeping is inconsistent and data is often unreliable. Iceland’s government, for one, does not keep a tally.
“So many times, you hear it’s in the best interest of the woman,” said Catalina Devandas Aguilar, a former United Nations special rapporteur for disability rights. “But often, it’s because it’s more convenient for the family or the institution that takes care of them.”
That pattern has complicated things for lawmakers and doctors. While in generations past, governments around the world sterilized disabled people as a matter of policy, today it is parents and caretakers who seek out the surgery — saying they have the women’s best interests at heart.
In Iceland this March, for example, Hermina Hreidarsdottir authorized a hysterectomy for her severely cognitively impaired 20-year-old daughter, whose periods sometimes lasted six weeks.
“I know it’s taboo, but we didn’t do it to make her infertile,” Ms. Hreidarsdottir said. “We wanted to make her feel better.”
Since 2019, Iceland has banned nonconsensual sterilization except in cases of medical necessity. But the law covers only tubal ligation, the surgical blocking of the fallopian tubes. Hysterectomies are considered medical treatment and excluded from the ban.
Neither the treaties nor most national laws address how seriously disabled women like Anita or Ms. Hreidarsdottir’s daughter could ever consent to such a surgery. United Nations standards say that caregivers should try alternative ways to communicate with severely disabled people, but experts agree that happens sporadically at best.
In France, the law allows the sterilization of people with severe mental disabilities under certain circumstances.
“When we say ‘sterilization of the disabled,’ we might sound like Nazis, but this completely ignores the diversity of disabilities, the gravity of certain disabilities, and the distress of parents,” said Ghada Hatem-Gantzer, a Paris gynecologist who sits on a regional committee that approves roughly three sterilizations annually.
Even when the law is strict, sterilization sometimes continues.
In Belgium, it is generally illegal to sterilize someone without their express consent. But one therapist, Anne Dasnoy-Sumell, said she was counseling two women with moderate intellectual disabilities who had been sterilized at their parents’ insistence recently without understanding what was happening. And Yannick Manigart, the chief obstetrician at Saint-Pierre University Hospital, said that he and his colleagues would still perform the surgery if parents request it and doctors, after consulting with hospital psychologists, deem it in a woman’s best interest.
In Iceland, Mr. Smith, whose sister has Down syndrome, was particularly frustrated with Anita’s case. Notes by his colleagues show that caregivers had not tried a hormonal intrauterine device, or IUD, which can shorten periods.
“They proposed hysterectomy without consent or conversation,” one of Mr. Smith’s colleagues wrote. A Times reporter visited Anita’s home several times, observed her and reviewed records related to her case, which refer only to her first name.
After Mr. Smith intervened, the home’s manager stopped pursuing the surgery.
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Iceland, like its Nordic neighbors, has a dark history in this area. In 1938, the country began a policy of sterilization and abortion for people its law called “feebleminded.” Such policies have long since been abandoned and Iceland is now a leading voice on human rights issues. The country’s Ministry of Health said it had tightened its sterilization laws over the years with the treaties in mind, and would continue to do so.
“Performing sterilization without the informed consent of the person concerned is considered to be a violation of their rights,” the ministry said.
Still, Mr. Smith said he had seen other cases like Anita’s recently. The hardest to spot, he said, involved parents and doctors who pressured disabled women to consent. “Not necessarily for eugenic purposes,” he said, “but still definitely to control and affect their sexual and reproductive health.”
For him, this issue is simple. A woman does not lose her human rights because she is disabled or has long periods.
But he acknowledges that he is hardly unbiased. His sister, Kristin, was sterilized at their mother’s insistence.
“She gave her written consent,” Mr. Smith said. “But she was misled.”
‘What If I Want to Have Children?’
Kristin Smith always knew she was into boys.
As a teenager in the 1990s, she sang along with the Spice Girls and fangirled over the Irish boy band Westlife. She watched “The Bold and the Beautiful” and dreamed of marrying.
She was part of a new generation. Women just a few years older recall comparing abdominal scars with classmates in special schools. Ms. Smith was among Iceland’s first students with Down syndrome to graduate from a mainstream high school — the same one as her older brother.
But she remembers feeling under near-constant surveillance by her mother. Ms. Smith’s mother declined to be interviewed.
At age 20, Ms. Smith said, her mother arranged for her to receive a tubal ligation. “I told my mom, ‘What if I want to have children later?’” Ms. Smith recalled. “But she said no. It would be too difficult.”
It is rare for people with Down syndrome to become parents, and their children have an increased chance of having the condition themselves.
Any talk of children, though, was theoretical. Ms. Smith had never even had a boyfriend. She consented to the surgery.
Ms. Smith remembers her mother taking her to the hospital. The doctor explained that she would be unable to have children. Then came medicine to make her sleepy.
Her mother assured her that this was for the best. And sometimes, even now, Ms. Smith agrees. “It’s a good thing,” she said. “I feel fine about it.”
‘This Is What Is So Horrible’
Mr. Smith joined Iceland’s Disability Rights Protection Office in 2016. Though Iceland had signed a pair of treaties that banned nonconsensual sterilization, neither had been ratified and the law still allowed it for the mentally ill.
Iceland’s health ministry even ran a committee that approved requests from parents, which has not previously been reported. The ministry says it kept no records on how many sterilizations occurred this way. But a spokesman for Landspitali, Iceland’s largest hospital, said that between 2013 and 2017, the committee approved the sterilization of six teenage girls.
“This is what is so horrible: I never met any of the children who would be sterilized. Never,” said Anna Sigrun, a former hospital social worker who said she was ashamed to have recommended cases to the committee.
The committee disbanded in 2019 after Iceland banned nonconsensual tubal ligations. But sterilization cases continued to pop up in Mr. Smith’s office.
Less than a year after the ban was passed, his unit intervened on behalf of an 18-year-old girl with severe cognitive impairment. Her foster mother, with the support of government social workers, sought a hysterectomy to manage her periods. Mr. Smith said the surgery was simply a way to ease the burden of care.
“They reasoned that she would be easier to handle afterward,” he said. The surgery did not go forward.
‘The Best Medical Treatment’
Hermina Hreidarsdottir’s fourth child, a girl, was born with six fingers on her right hand and a pointy, almost elfish left ear. One eye was a lighter shade of blue than the other, but she otherwise seemed healthy.
After a few months, though, Ms. Hreidarsdottir (pronounced RAY-thars-DOH-tair) realized that her daughter had trouble seeing. Doctors said she might be blind in one eye.
“I knew something was not normal,” she said. She welcomed a reporter into her home to meet her daughter, but asked that she not be named.
Finally, at about 8 months old, the girl was diagnosed with two rare genetic disorders. For the rest of her life, doctors said, she would see in only two dimensions and would probably struggle to speak and understand.
With no special-education programs nearby, Ms. Hreidarsdottir placed her daughter in a mainstream school. She dreaded her daughter’s first period. “I knew she wouldn't handle it well,” Ms. Hreidarsdottir said.
At 11, her daughter started menstruating, sometimes for weeks. Confused, she would sometimes remove her pad, then bleed in class, her mother said. Her doctor says she has the mental capacity of a 4-year-old.
Ms. Hreidarsdottir said she tried hormonal injections, but struggled to give her daughter a shot every three months. An IUD failed to shorten the periods.
Dr. Alexander Smarason, the young woman’s longtime doctor, concluded that because she could neither understand nor manage her periods, a hysterectomy would be in her best interest.
“That’s just giving her the best medical treatment possible for her quality of life,” he said. “We cannot deny her that right.”
Ms. Hreidarsdottir said she also knew that disabled women face increased risks of sexual assault, and she feared an unwanted pregnancy. At 56, she could not care for another child and knew her daughter would never be able to.
Decisions like these, involving people who almost certainly cannot give express consent, hang over the sterilization debate. Katrin Langensiepen, a German politician and one of the few visibly disabled members of the European Parliament, is pushing for a strict Europewide ban on nonconsensual sterilization. Many of history’s notorious eugenics practices, she said, were justified as being in a disabled person’s best interest.
But she acknowledged that some parents saw things differently. “They have the deep, strong belief: I need to protect my children,” she said.
At 20, Ms. Hreidarsdottir’s daughter has soft eyes and a knack for puzzles. She loves audiobooks. In March, her mother explained that she would go to sleep and have an operation to feel better.
“I don’t think she understood,” Ms. Hreidarsdottir said. “But we always try to explain things.”
True Love
Even after her surgery, Ms. Smith kept dreaming of romance. She considered trying dating apps, but in every potential profile picture of herself, all she saw was someone with Down syndrome.
Every summer, she attended a camp for adults with disabilities. During those Icelandic nights, under vast skies that never went dark, she hiked, sang karaoke and mingled outside her mother’s gaze. “I felt free,” she said.
There, during the summer of 2020, she met Sigurdur Haukur Vilhjalmsson, who also has Down syndrome. They both liked pop songs and soccer. He was charming and had a silly streak, a contrast to her more serious personality. He made her laugh.
At age 38, she had found love.
The following Christmas, on the beach in Tenerife, Spain, Mr. Vilhjalmsson knelt in the sand and proposed.
They now live together in Husavik, a town on Iceland’s northern coast. They share a cozy one-bedroom apartment in a building for people with disabilities. Their baby pictures hang in the living room.
Some residents need lots of help. Ms. Smith and Mr. Vilhjalmsson are the building’s most independent tenants and its only couple. She washes dishes in a restaurant. He works in a hospital kitchen.
They enjoy road trips, cooking and music. Mr. Vilhjalmsson plays the drums. Ms. Smith serenades him with “Husavik (My Hometown),” a song from the Will Ferrell movie “Eurovision Song Contest.”
They’re picking a wedding date. On Sundays, they walk hand in hand around the port. They talk about their future.
Mr. Vilhjalmsson wants children. Ms. Smith has spent years saying that she never did, that her mother’s decision was for the best. Now the conversation is less abstract.
Does she want to be a mother?
“I wanted to,” she said.
Her eyes welled. She paused, composing herself.
“I still want to.”
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anomalys-taxonomy · 2 years
Smith’s Thesis, pt. 1/?
Warnings: nonconsensual experimentation on humans/other sentient beings, violence
Synopsis: First day on the job for a certain android lab assistant
The first day C05-36 had ever opened their eyes, they’d been very aware of what their purpose was already. It had been a bleary few moments, blinking, calibrating, listening to the tones of the man who had created them. He sounded different, now. Rather than having the noise transferred as sheer data, knowing the magnitude, the frequency, all in numbers- they can now experience it. The change of the sound, the depth, now, in the surroundings. It’s all so.. singular. Small. They still have their numbers, but all the data comes from one point in space, rather than several. This is expected, as they’re now functioning from a synthetic body with independent processors made more to be like a human. Somehow, though, it was as though they weren’t prepared. They knew it would happen. But it sounded different. Felt different, and the fact was prominent in their processors- their mind.
“Ah, welcome welcome, CO5-36,” Collins takes the body’s chin in his hands, tilting the head back and forth to assure the movements were smooth and that all the sensors were functional. He checks the range of movement in all its kinetic aspects, fluidity and speed. They are aware that it is not dissimilar from certain ‘check up’ procedures in human medical practice. They take notice of the overlaps, and the differences, between their abilities, that of a humans, that of his previous android models, and other C05s. They are within acceptable deviation for C05s. Small improvements have been made within the last few iterations of their model. Significant improvement in the expected vectors from C01-C04. As for their deviation from humans, they know the magnitude, but not whether they are within the appropriate range. Collins has never expounded clearly on this.
“You’ve always been the cute ones, my best work, really. It’ll almost be a shame when that mutt tears you apart. I even built you guys to be the least bit more sturdy, but ohhhhh, that Thing. It’s incredible, I think it just has more fun the harder to tear you apart it is. We’re going to be working very closely, you know, and even Smithy is back on the team,”
They do not reply. They are not meant to. He hums, appraising their abilities. According to precedent, this is a positive response. Collins stands up, dusting off his disheveled uniform and pulling the synthetic with him. “Oh oh oh, your steps are a bit wobbly.”
They weren’t fully calibrated yet, it takes approximately 30 minutes to an hour for C05s. They know that and so does Collins, but he is not a patient man. They make a misstep to the left, and though it is only one of the first few steps they’ve taken they know it will likely be the worst.
“Didn't I make you better?” Collins grabs them, slamming them against the nearest wall. Vaguely, they know this hurts. Pain sensors, a recent addition to his projects. They decide they don’t like it. “DIDN’T I FUCKING MAKE YOU BETTER THAN THIS?! I checked every fucking component, if they gave me half-assed supplies-“
He’s slamming them against the wall, again and again and again and again. Record indicates that previous outbursts of his do not last long. Outbursts also do not necessarily mean that he will be discarding of the current model. There is not enough data to fully calculate the probability of whether he will or won’t at any given moment.
“Oh, look at that. You’re bleeding. Smithy is going to have to patch you up. Probably better that he deal with you than me, yeah? Poor thing, you’re so new,” Collins pats their cheek, almost looking sympathetic. “Not as dumb as some of the other ones, are you? I’m sure you’ll last long if you try.”
He pries them from the wall. The back of their head is sticky with coolant. They can’t see it, but they know it’s there. They can feel it. They don’t bother responding to what Collins says. He didn’t ask for a response, he doesn’t want one. Or maybe he does, they just have to wait and see. They couldn’t calculate the probabilities. Even if they could, it takes actual experience to be able to discern. None of their predecessors have been able to come up with an accurate model of prediction for his behaviors, as far as they have access to. Whether that’s intentional or a testament to his volatility, they do not know.
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fat-fem-and-asian · 10 months
Sarah Snook Filmography Review w/ Links
I love the range in Snook's stuff. She's done horror, comedy, romcoms, historical documentaries, and she's amazing in all of them. She's done a LOT of short films - seen, alice, nightingale floor, the poet and the plant. I enjoyed Alice a lot, it's adapted from a song (??) And just 8 minutes of snook frolicking in the woods. For her bigger work - Most of them are fairly accessible so deep diving her filmography was fun and easy. Anything ommited is either 1) I couldn't find a way to easily watch it 2) her role is so small it's not worth mentioning. ♡ - my personal favorites
All Saints - Snook's first tv appearance! She plays a young woman with appendicitis. stock standard medical procedural guest spot and it's on hulu.
Sisters of War - A historical biographical drama! she plays Lorna White, an Aussie nurse who survived being a POW in WWII. It's a well made tv movie and Snook gets to really show some range. You can watch on a few different websites, but I used Tubi.
Packed to the Rafters - TW for planned sexual assault. She's got a two episode guest spot on this Aussie sitcom as a college student who becomes involved in a sexual assault case. The assault is nongraphic, but I can't say she's given enough of a plotline to make it worth it.
Spirited - An Aussie comedy drama of this lady and a bunch of dead ghosts in a hotel? Snook joined in the 2nd season as a minor supporting character and she's only got a few scenes, but if you want to see her in a funky schoolgirl fit, it's on amazon for free.
Not Suitable for Children ♡ - A cute and raunchy Aussie romcom. She plays Stevie, the girl best friend turned serious love interest. Snook is adorable and does a great job with a kind of underwritten role. viewer discretion for nudity and sex - free on youtube :)
These Final Hours - Apocalypse drama. She's only in one scene and plays a lady high off her ass who's searching for her kid. if you wanna see her shake and shout then go for it! also on youtube.
Predestination ♡ - TW for nonconsensual medical procedure. I highly recommend! It's a loopy time travel movie set in the 1960s. Kinda. Spoilers - Snook plays Jane and John, a trans man who has an gender reassignment surgery after giving birth. Snook absolutely blew me away in this, the way she plays John and his transition is just stunning. Is it good trans rep? Not really, but I'm not expecting it either from a 2014 sci fi flick. I watched on this website, please don't get a virus.
Jessabelle - Snook received her SAG card for this movie! She's got the lead role as Jessie, a woman who moves back in with her father in Louisiana after a car accident. Horror movie and I think intended to be a more thoughtful exploration of white violence, but it really comes off as offensive in its use of black spirituality, especially with a primarily white cast. Snook has some great scenes though and the location is gorgeous -- also she had a very funny interview where she thought she tanked the film by doing a North Carolina accent instead of Louisianian. Free on Tubi
Holding the Man - Very cute gay film about AIDS. She plays a best friend and is only in the first few scenes and the last few, if I remember right. No memory of how I watched it.
The Secret River ♡ - TW for graphic violence. Miniseries (only about 2 hours total) about Australian colonialism. It's well made and Snook is great as Sal, one of the colonizers who's moved to Australia from the UK with her family. She's got great chemistry with Oliver Jackson-Cohen and overall just a nice miniseries that's also free on iview :)
Steve Jobs - Snook's only in a handful of scenes and it's mainly her running around and talking into a headset! Good movie though! Also no memory of how I watched it
The Dressmaker - Weird Aussie film with Kate Winslet and gorgeous dresses. Snook has a supporting role as Gertrude, the ugly duckling of the town who gets a makeover into a swan :) She's a mean girlfail in this and I did seriously laugh at a scene where she just falls SO hard on her ass. There was brief weird orientalism in this, but otherwise a solid movie. On Amazon Prime.
Oddball - Aussie feelgood children's movie! She's a conservationist park ranger mom to a precocious little girl who just wants to save the penguins. It's a kids movie, so super simple, but Snook is solid and if I was an aussie kid I would have formed a deep deep crush on her. Free on Tubi! The Beautiful Lie - Okay. I'll be honest and say I skimmed this at 3am weeks ago, so I don't remember it well. It's a miniseries loosely adaptated from Anna Karenina and a pretty slow drama. Snook is Anna, a rich tennis player who struggles with infidelity - so like. Shiv 0.5. I wouldn't personally recommend it, but if you wanna see Snook in some cute silk shirts, go for it. Posted on Dailymotion.
Black Mirror - Snook has a minor role in the episode Men Against Fire. It's fine? I seriously don't know what to say -- she plays a squadron leader and dies halfway in. On Netflix. Discretion advised for violence!
The Glass Castle - Drama movie w/ Brie Larson! Snook plays the adult version of the oldest daughter of an abusive family. Honestly, she doesn't have much to do in it, but she does wear cute glasses and frankly looks gay. to me. On Netflix.
Winchester - Another horror, this time w/ Helen Mirren who REQUESTED! that Snook be in the film or she wouldn't do it. Icon! She's only in a handful of scenes and most of them are her running after her creepy little son, but I would personally watch it just for a green dress she wears. Other than that a fairly boring movie that's pretty to look at. Free on Tubi.
Brother's Nest - She's in the last five minutes as this poor lady who just wants to buy a horse. Could not tell you anything more because I skimmed it. Tubi link! Warning for graphic violence, but not in Snook's scene.
American Pickle - She's just in the first scene as Seth Rogen's wife! Would watch again to see her knaw into a picked herring <3 No memory of how I accessed it sadly
Pieces of a Woman - TW for graphic depiction of birth that ends in a stillborn. Snook has a supporting role as a lawyer who hooks up with Shia Lebouf. I don't know if I have much to say about this movie outside of it's really intense and jarring birth scene in the beginning. Snook is cute as always? On Netflix.
Koala Man - I refuse to watch this I'm sorry. Msg me if I should but I cannot do it w/ another adult animation in that art style.
Run Rabbit Run - TW for physical/mental child abuse. She's the lead in a psychological horror as a mother grieving the loss of her father. There's a creepy little kid, a creepy bunny, and some stunning shots of the Aussie outback. Is it a good horror film? Not really, it's repetitive and slow with little to no emotional stakes. Is Snook good in it? Yes. She swings wildly from emotion to emotion in this and truly sells that she is losing her mind. She's also got some sweet moments with her on-screen daughter. Honestly though, I just wished I was just watching Babadook instead. On Netflix :)
Succession ♡ - Pop over to my huge shiv roy tag to know my thoughts on that show. Maybe the best performance of the decade for one of the best characters on TV. On HBO lol
Beanie Bubble - Snook was great as Sheila, a mother of 2 kids and Zach Galifianakis' wife in weird drama comedy. Again, can't say she's given the best material to work with here, but Snook still manages to elevate her character as sweet, protective, and loving. Plus she gets to wear some really pretty dresses in this and also punch a man. The justice we deserve. On Apple Tv but sadly the website I watched it on is gone.
Woof that was long! Feel free to msg me if you watch any of these! I love snook talking and I hope this guide was helpful to you. I also really recommend @/bestofsnook on twitter, they've got some great guides :)
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