#nobody is forcing you to follow a blog you dont enjoy
russellius · 7 months
Why do you have to be so anti everyone? you have a really good blog but it's just not fun anymore
... what 🧍🏻‍♀️
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cartmankisser · 2 years
do you have any tips?
set boundaries and just know that your writing for fun and you don't have to do anything that you don't want to. nobody is going to force you to write something that might be to confusing or make you uncomfortable.
you can take all the time in the world, or you can write a whole story in one sitting. it's your blog and you're the one in control of it
i like to proof read my works a lot just to make sure that it flows the way i want it to. like imagine reading it out loud to someone and ask yourself if it would make sense or if you need to reword something to make it sound the way you like
dont be afraid to go off prompt or to write thing that you think that only you would enjoy!
don't be afraid to just dm other writers and start conversations!! i've made quite a few different friends here on tumblr and i kinda just bounce off of them if that makes sense
like if i read a scenario or headcanon from them that i think is really cute, it sorta inspires me to write and insert something like it into my writing somehow and like make it fit whatever the request is
speaking of requests!!! you don't need any to write what you want to!! you could have 50 or you could have 0. it's up to you to decide what you like to write! :)
don't compare yourself to other blogs!! this was a big problem i had when i first started my blog! i only got like 1 request and i was negatively comparing my account with 10 followers to an account that's been writing on tumblr for like 2 years!!
it was pretty unmotivating!! i was always getting writers block and tiring myself out by trying to figure out how to make my writing sound like this other account that i used to really like
it's so refreshing to have your own sound when it comes to writing. like not having to compare yourself to bigger blogs and not worrying if your writing sounds fancy. that was a honestly huge problem i had!!!!
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madtickler39 · 3 years
Welcome to Club T’s
One of my fan favorites from the old blog, enjoy:
One could look at Emily and assume her life was perfect A nice home, well off family that was well known in California.  Naturally blonde hair, a petite little figure and long legs all around a smile that could turn a man to stone. Going to movie premieres, sports events and mingling with LA bigwigs, Emily was never long without something to do. Oh dont get me wrong, Emily never complained. She loved her family, loved her friends, loved her job. She’d never complain for a second. But still something was missing.  That’s why Emily found herself where she was, in a taxi outside a new and mysterious club in downtown LA.  She stared at the door for a long time before the driver finally asked “Are you gettin out or what?” Emily came back to reality and paid the driver, and stepped out of her car as confidently as she could.  What she couldn't sell her blue dress and black heels could. She walked into the club like it was nobody’s business, and was an instant bombshell to the eligible young men at Club T’s.   What made her walk into this particular club that night? Well, to understand that, we have to go back a little bit.  Emily had a friend named Stephen, and one time not too long ago Stephen did something she couldn’t get out of her head.  He tickled her.  It wasn’t her first time being tickled, not by a longshot.  For some reason, the feeling she got when he finally stopped kept coming back to her head like a drug, needing to come forward again and refusing any lesser pleasure. She had no trouble finding a man to do anything she wanted, but for some reason this one request proved elusive to her charms.  After a brief search on the internet, she found out that club T’s was the place to find what she wanted.  It wasn’t easy to find out how to get in, the people she was here to see were very secretive.  The main club was just like any other club. The music was too loud, the drinks were too expensive and you couldn’t see or move anywhere.  After a few minutes of moving around she found the specific corner that housed the VIP section of the club, she said the codeword to the bouncer, and with a smirk he let her in.  It was the look a wolf gives a deer after a day without food, and it unsettled her. Inside, the VIP area was another world.  The clothes were different, the lights were a bit brighter, and you could hear yourself over the music.  The men were dressed in anything from suits to T-shirts while the girls were wearing some pretty revealing clothing, anything that exposed the belly, shorts, mini skirts and few of them wore heels.  They wore colored wristbands, green yellow and red.  Green was an open invitation, yellow required an ask, and red meant not to approach.  Emily had a yellow wristband, fastened around her ankle like the website advised. There was more seating space than at any normal club here, couches and chairs everywhere.  The dance floor had some people, but others were chasing each other around the floor, and in a couch by the corner a man had a captive girl in his lap.  Her hands were bound and her feet were in his lap.  As he grabbed the toe of her sock, her bound hands came up to her face to conceal her smile and she shook her head.  He grinned evilly and slowly pulled the sock off, revealing her bare foot. At the edges of the dance floor were a few suspended cages, each with a girl inside and a person outside sticking a feather duster in.  Emily asked the bartender “What’s all that about?”  A cute redhead in a black corset said “Those girls work here.  The customers pay to use the feather dusters for a time.  They can also pay to remove clothing or lower the cages.  It breaks the ice for the newcomers.  Speaking of, is this your first time?” “Why yes” said Emily looking around. “Is this actually for real?” The bartender, whose nametag read “Sam” said “It sure is.  I can lock you in that cage if you’re too nervous to get started on your own?”  Emily blushed, and suddenly a voice came from behind her that said smoothly “Sam, hasn’t your boss told you not to mess with the new talent? Or do I have to tickle you for your tips again?” Sam blushed now, and backed towards the liquor shelf nervously.  Emily asked the tall, suit clad stranger “What?”  He said “Oh you haven’t heard? If you find their service in any way lacking, you have to give them the oppurtunity to get their tips tickled back into them.  That’s why she wears a corset, her pits are her worst spot.”  She hissed “Damon!” So you weren't kidding on the website” Emily asked. “This really is a tickle club.” Damon said “Oh yes, but if you want to see come by when Sam brings my bottle of Dom.  She needs a good tickling to earn her tips back after that hiss…”  Sam gulped.  She’d done it now.  Damon slapped down a 20 and said “Whatever the lady likes is on me.” Sam fixed Emily a drink and grabbed a champagne bottle, but Emily hesitated as Sam left.  Sam looked over her shoulder and said “You comin? This is what you wanted right?”  Emily finished her liquid courage, and followed Sam to a door labelled “Barefoot Room”  Upon entering, Sam said “It’s quite literal, no shoes allowed inside.”  Sam quickly kicked off her pumps and went inside, and Emily removed her peep toed heels to join her. “You learn quickly Emily” Damon smiled as he smiled at Emilys little feet as she flexed her toes “Im just amazed” Emily replied blushing as she felt Damon's gaze on her toes “Theres nothing to feel scared about Emily" Damon smiled as he took a sip of his drink. “so tell me what brings you here”” Emily took a deep breath, and then she started “It all started when my friend Stephen tickled my feet a few months ago.  It felt...well I guess how a normal person feels being tickled.  Sure, the laughing was fun but when it was happening I just wanted him to stop after a few seconds...afterwards I couldn’t get it out of my head.  I tried forgetting it, distracting myself.  Anytime I was alone with my thoughts, I thought of that sensation and how badly I wanted it back.  So I found this place...and here I am.” “And here you are.” Damon said.  He saw Emily look down nervously and said “Emily, come sit by me.”  She came and sat down next to him hesitantly, and drew her feet behind her knees, where Damon couldn’t see them.  It was all she could do not to blush.  He asked her “Sam needs to be tickled if she wants her tips from me, where should she be tickled?” “Her underarms” Emily replied without hesitation.  Sam shut her eyes and raised her arms, beginning to breathe heavily.  She begged “Please be gentle.” Damon looked and raised an eyebrow “you answered that quickly for a newbie; I think we may have a little sadist here.  Sam, I think we should let your new friend here do the honors” Emily looked nervous again, and said “You want me to tickle her?”  Damon nodded silently and said “If you'd prefer I can tickle her.  The whole time you watch her suffer knowing that it's coming for you next…” She was up in an instant, and facing Sam directly.  Sam felt her breathe and winced, that gave Emily an inexplicable pleasure.  She pounced. Emily dug her nails into Sam’s underarms, and Damon smirked as she screamed.  Sam was able to hold her arms up for a few seconds, but within 15 seconds they came down reflexively.  Sam laughed like crazy but Emily wouldn't let up.  Sam tried to turn away, but Emily kept at it, and pulled Sam closer. The punishment became a wrestling match soon as the girls came to the ground, with Emily straddling her hips.  Emily leaned forward and pinned the poor bartender’s wrists over her head and blew on her underarms, which drove sam into a mad fit of giggles.  She begged “HEHEHEHE Stop teasing!” Emily couldn't tell you why she said this, but she shouted “This is club tease!”  Before she could sink her nails back into Sam’s smooth hollows, Emily burst out laughing “HAHAHAHAHA!” And lost her grip. Sam scrambled out from under her, and went to Damon, who was holding Emily’s ankle, with his other hand gently stroking her sole.  She giggled gently with each stroke of his hands.  He patted Sam on the butt and said “That’s enough sweetie.  Call me when you get off work.  For now I have some soft, pretty feet to break in.” This comment made Emily blush, and wiggle her baby blue toes.  As Sam walked out of the room and grabbed her shoes, Emily looked down, anticipating the tickling.  The tickling was slow, methodical.  He was really tickling her brain more than her sole.  Reminding her that he could do what he want, control her body against her will.  He could make her laugh whenever he pleased.  All it took was a foot and a finger.  He had the finger, and the foot may as well have been a plaything of his.  It was in his grasp and she wasn’t getting it out. Emily remained on all fours(or threes, not counting the foot that belonged to Damon at the moment), and giggled when Damon wanted her to, otherwise she just accepted the breaks and caught her breath.  Sometimes she would look back at Damon, nearly melting him with that forced smile.  Other times she looked away and tried to just take it. During a break, Damon rubbed her sole with his palm and commented “I see you took the website’s advice and got a pedicure.  How recently?”  Emily giggled “A couple hours ago hehehe.”  she heard Damon inhale deeply and felt his lips rub along her sole now. His lips tickled ever so slightly. She giggled “hehehehe are you smelling my foot?” She read many of the men here also had foot fetishes, but never expected to find herself here tonight… He replied “You used a vanilla scented lotion.  It’s my favorite.”   “EEP!” She squealed, something had pinched the ball of her foot, and one look back at Damon licking his lips told the whole story.  Could she really drive him so crazy with just her feet? This could add some fun to the tickling...but before she could finish that thought, her mind commanded her to laugh again. Emily fell flat on her belly as she felt a warm, wet sensation streak across her arch.  She turned her head to the side to release peals of laughter, and started pounding the carpet with her fist.  If Damon’s finger was mean, his tongue was just cruel.  Emily was at once suffering and feeling an indescribable ecstasy.  All she could do to cope was laugh, and between breaths beg “Hahahaha! Stahahahahap!” Emily got herself a momentary respite from Damon’s tongue, but only because he needed it to taunt her.  His fingers returned to gently stroking her arches as he taunted “Oh you don’t want this to stop.  If you did you’d pull your foot away.  Look.”  Emily flipped over and saw that his hand was open, only cupping her heel.  He tickled with all his fingers slowly, and she reflexively pulled back a few inches, then paused. Emily hesitated a few seconds, it tickled so bad but there was just nothing like it.  Her foot slowly slid back into his grip, and his hand closed around her ankle.  She gasped, what had she done? Damon taunted “See? I knew you liked it!” And he tickled her sole all over again with his fingers, making her laugh even louder, wondering why she gave her foot to him.  He lifted her foot up to his mouth, but there was resistance from her tight little dress.  Damon lowered her foot and said “Emily, your dress is lovely but if you want to have more fun, it may be best to change.” Emily blushed again and said “I don't have a change of clothes.”  Damon began stroking her instep and commented “Not to worry.  There is a private changing room in here with spare clothes, better for our activities.”  Damon helped her up, and opened a wall panel that led to a cozy changing room. Emily removed her dress and placed it on a hanger, then found a pair of little pink shorts and a white tshirt to put on.  The shirt was awfully short, and only came down to her ribs, leaving her midriff vulnerable.  The shorts were quite short, revealing her long tanned legs. She emerged a little sheepishly, but Damon gushed over her, making her blush for the umpteenth time tonight.  She came up to the couch where he sat and requested “Where do you want me?”  She felt his eyes combing every inch of exposed skin, searching for a spot to make her squeal.  She felt uneasy, but exhilarated. Damon grabbed her by the hand and sat her on the couch next to him.  He draped her legs over his...and once she breathed out he lobster clawed her knees.  Emily shrieked, breaking down in helpless laughter as she tried to sit up and reach his hands. After a few moments of squeezing her legs and knees, Damon began to gently scribble his fingertips all along her thighs and up towards her hips.  Emily’s laughter went up in pitch as Damon reached her hips and pinched, and he licked his lips looking at that bare midriff. Damon gave Emily a break to catch her breath, and breathing heavily she sighed “hehehe that was fun.”  Damon had an evil smirk on his face, she asked him “What is that look for?”  Damon said “I’m going to have that cute tummy of yours next.  But I’m going to give you a choice, my tongue or my hands?”  Emily’s eyes bugged out, and she couldn’t possibly choose between tortures for a moment.  She thought about her feet, and his tongue was much worse there.  She answered “Hands.” Damon smirked, had she chosen wrong? What was he playing at?  She didn’t have time to think any further as ten fingers began wiggling along her midriff, and her tummy exploded with ticklish sensations.  She let out a loud belly laugh, and cursed as her hands wanted nothing more than to seize his and make it stop.  Despite this desperate need, her mind would not allow them, making them twitch up and down her sides in a comical fashion.  The game changed utterly when Damon managed to wiggle a finger into her navel, making Emily scream like a banshee before breaking down in frantic laughter.  She tried to get him off of there, but her hands were swatted away by his free hand.  This was almost as bad as her toes, or that tongue! Maybe she should have let him use his tongue after all… After a minute or so of her navel being explored and prodded, Emily couldn’t take anymore.  Her begs became more desperate, and Damon heard it in her voice.  She cried loudly “Uncle! Hahahahahaha! Please! Mercy! Hahahaha!”  Damon stopped rather quickly, but Emily didn’t manage to stop giggling for another minute.  He rubbed her belly during this time, and at last she recovered.  She propped herself up on her elbows saying “That was wicked...I’ve never felt anything like it before.”  Damon smirked, and said “I bet not.” Before they could say anything else, a blonde woman and a brunette with golden brown hair came into the room dancing with each other, kicking their shoes off as they entered.  They plopped on the couch opposite Damon and Emily.  The blonde said “I told you if we danced Damon would get us a snack!”  Emily covered her face nervously as she blushed like a teenager, and would have curled into a ball had Damon not held her knees.  The brunette asked “Who’s the tickle toy?”  Damon said evenly “Girls, this is Emily.  Emily, that is Shay, and Blair.  Two tickle slaves of mine, who need to remember what happens when they don’t use their manners.” Damon continued “Emily is new, and I think she has had enough for one night.  Blair, why don’t you tie Shay’s arms over her head?”  They got to work, enjoying themselves and clearly under the influence a bit.  Emily asked “So what, just like that we’re done?”  Damon smirked and said “For tonight, after I do one quick thing.  If you want another session I’ll see to it that you can contact me.  Sit tight.”  Damon got up and tested Shay’s bonds, who was standing on her tiptoes in the middle of the room, suspended from a chain.  Damon produced two more cuffs and said “Your turn Blair.”  She giggled as she assumed position for her restraints. Once they were restrained Damon instructed Emily “Give me your sole” holding his hand out.  She placed an ankle in his hand, and he produced a pen.  He slowly and painstakingly wrote something on Emily’s sole, but she couldn’t tell.  All she could do was laugh and scream until he finished.  It felt like an eternity of that ball point pen stroking her arches, but it was bliss for her.  When he finally finished, he pecked each of her soles goodnight and she left for the evening.  She inspected her sole before putting her shoes back on, and it read Damon’s number and address.
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idontlikeem · 2 years
i saw your post about not tagging the minnesota wild if you're talking shit, which makes sense but i had no clue
im completely new to tumblr and frankly, tumblr etiquette is so fucking different from anything else and i dont get most of it at all
any basic tips so im not being a dickhead accidentally?
hi anon! sorry for my delayed reply here, but i did a little crowdsourcing for this.
there really are only a few basic tenets to Curating Your Tumblr Experience So You Have Fun And Also Aren't A Dick:
-if you're going to trash-talk a team or a player, absolutely feel free! it's your blog, you're allowed to say WHATEVER you want at any time, anyone who doesn't like it doesn't need to follow you. BUT, don't tag those posts with the player's name or the team name, or the team's liveblog tag. that puts that post in front of the eyes of people who like that player and that team, and that's not nice.
-if you are following someone who posts lots of stuff you like, but suddenly they add a team/player you DON'T like, you don't have to unfollow them if you don't want to! filtered tags are your absolute best friend- a good place to start is the team lb tag, the team name, and the player name, and then voila like magic you don't have to read their (wrong) opinions about that (bad) team! :D it's the easiest way to achieve peace in our time.
-if someone posts or reblogs a gif or any other type of post that you want to reblog, but it's not your team/player/whatever, don't say so in the tags. things like 'ugh i normally hate this team but this is cute' or 'fuck [player] but i'd still climb him like a tree' (let's be real, that second one is basically always about sid 🙄) might seem harmless, but the person you reblogged from AND the person who originally made the post is gonna see those tags, and then we're right back to my first bullet point: forcing negativity about something someone enjoys directly in front of their eyes is not the move!
-if you see a post you like, reblog it! there are no algorithms here, your dashboard is always going to be chronological, so if you want something to get recognized for being funny or cool or good, the best way to have that happen is to reblog. the pens fanbase is really good at circulating content, and wildblr is so small that we're all just incestuously reblogging from each other anyway, so feel free to jump in! nobody gets annoyed if you're interacting with a lot of their posts in a row, so feel free to just scroll through someone's blog and go wild.
-related to that....interacting with posts is all well and good, but if you want to make friends, the best way is to reach out through DM. don't be shy! if the friendship vibes aren't there you and the other person will figure it out pretty quickly, but in the meantime nobody's gonna be like 'ew yuck' if you shoot off a message to say hi, or ask a question, or whatever! that's how friendships are formed :)
at the end of the day, hockeyblr is really 32 distinct fanbases in a trenchcoat. there's some overlap sometimes, but you can't assume that because you like team x AND team y that everyone will. everyone is allowed to enjoy what they enjoy, and it has no impact on anyone else, so find people you think are chill to follow, amplify what they post when you like it, and enjoy! :)
(if anyone else has anything else to add, drop a comment! i'm sure i've missed some stuff)
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fanficmemes · 3 years
idk if you remember but for a cursed sunday a while ago (i think it was your blog, not sure cause tumblr's search function is horrible) i sent an ask about drarry smut with magic acid that they drank and all that, and then today i also i sent one about spencer reid from cm...and-and dogs...
anyways! im here with more horribleness because im bored and the weight of the sins i have witnessed are too great for me to bear on the own (disclaimer: i do not condone any of the stuff ive talked about, and i do not wish to shame any fan writers bc just cause someone writes fucked up shit doesnt mean they personally think its ok and sending hate to someone you dont know is bad.)
teensie weensie 12 year old me was confused about my gender and looking for genderbent!harry potter fanfic to read. i stumble across a fic that says 'harry grows feline parts' in the summary, assuming the author made a typo and it was supposed to say feminine and click on it
NOPE!! he actually just grows cat ears and a cat tail. since i'm incapable of quitting stories, i read on even though i didn't particularly want to and my gut was giving me a bad feeling (i shouldn't listened)
harry is still at the dursleys, and the abuse is even more than in canon but nobody knows. snape is sent to fetch him and grumbles about it for a bit but then gets there and sees harry literally seconds away from death on the floor. he grabs him and goes to the headquarters where everyone is waiting. he gets healed, they give him some water but then tie him down to a chair and start questioning him about what happened at his house. he refuses, but then feels himself telling them anyway against his will, bc, plot twist, they fucking spiked his drink with truth serum without telling him.
so after they're done doing what is basically the magical equivalent of roofying and forcing him to give details about his bad home life he was not at all okay with talking about yet, he grows /another/ cat tail right next to the first. this is not explained outside of a couple lines about how its a genetic thing on his mom's side (btw, i dont remember it all perfectly, so plz cut my some slack)
insert 12 yo me's eyes bulging out of their head and quickly scrolling up to re-check the tags and being horrified that i somehow missed the snape/harry tag on it. what prompted this? oh, just a small little scene (/s) where snape basically jacks harry (who is still a minor /and/ one of his students) off but with one of the cat tails instead of his penis because?? because??
anyways, harry is (understandably) upset at everyone for the whole tying-him-down-drugging-him-and-forcing-him-to-reveal-information-he-was-not-ready-to-reveal situation so he decides to dip, change his appearance, and go into hiding under a different identity while staying at some hotel or smth.
there's a random subplot where he gets with draco, but as his secret identity whos is like,,,scottish i think and red head instead of himself and draco doesn't know?? however, when they're in bed right after finishing, the order (who have been trying for months to find him) burst through the door and catch him, then reveal his true identity. draco kinda just shrugs and says he would still be up for a second time because, rivals or not, harry was good in bed. harry has the exact same though process about draco and agrees, before draco leaves and doesn't come back into the plot ever again. (this is all happening in front of all of the other characters, who are pissed at harry for?? idek?? running away from them???)
so, they get mad at harry for a bit, there's some arguing, and then snape tells everyone to leave the room. he then proceeds to spank harry, bare skin on skin, as punishment and to get him to come back and join the order. i think someone cums, but i don't know for sure and idk who it was.
they finish up, exit the room, tell everyone harry isn't going to act out anymore, and thats the end. thats it. no explanation of the cat features, no reprimanding of /any/ of the characters' actions, no follow up on harry's emotions and thoughts on this, nope. nothing. the saddest part was prob that he was geniunely just,,,happier as his secret identity and doing nothing and enjoying the small things for months before the order made him come back.
btw, this was a oneshot and like 8k words i think??? i remember finishing and feeling unsatisfied cause i had to read all that and not even get a proper resolution. anyways, hope this was cursed enough for you. (sorry that its super long, i just didn't know how to condense all of this into something shorter)
What the fuck. 5.5/10
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kellyvela · 3 years
Has GRRM ever said in any interview or on his blog that he hates Sansa's complete storyline after 4th season? I dont really follow all of his fan/media interactions but from what I can recall he has spoken abt how LF in books wont give sansa to ramsay or how noone had issue when Jeyne was given the Ramsay storyline in books etc. Asking this question to you bcs you rightly point out how ppl misunderstood his interviews/posts ( sansans/targ stans etc) & I cant recall him ever saying he 'hates' sansa's story in the later seasons of the show ( not s5 in particular but even s6 to s8).
Capclave 2013:
A change that has repercussions for season 4 is Marillion’s tongue removal from the first season. Martin said that the change was made (from an anonymous singer being the victim of a de-tonguing) because they wanted Joffrey to maim someone the audience would recognize. He believes this is an issue because of the part the singer plays in Sansa’s storyline, how he affects her interactions with others in the book, and he doesn’t believe another character will be fulfilling that role on Game of Thrones.
—GRRM talks season 4 & beyond - Winter is Coming - October 13, 2013
2014 Fan Reports about Capclave 2013 (*):
In a convention panel this year, George said on the record that he had no idea what they were doing with Sansa or where they’re taking her storyline, which now makes sense perhaps. He was not pleased when he was talking about it, so who knows what’s going to happen with her! Knowing GRRM, that could mean they’re going off the canon reservation, and/or that they’re going to be making a lot of shit up
I have notes I’ll be responding to (thanks!) but enough people commented about Sansa that I thought I’d share that tidbit, since it happened back in September iirc (was the same panel where he criticized the exclusion of Tyrell brothers)
—starkalypse - June 3, 2014
GRRM’s comments at capclave about Sansa (which I was in the third row for, for those asking about legitimacy) were among others during the panel that had a general theme of dissatisfaction with show changes. He was not in good spirits for that con and didn’t really have anything positive to say regarding the show. So take it with a grain of salt; there are deviations away from the books in the episodes he gets writers credit for, so maybe they’re doing something stupid or they really don’t have a gameplan!
—starkalypse - June 4, 2014
(*) These reports were posted in June 2014, during the airing of Game of Thrones Season 4, about Capclave 2013 that happened in October 2013.
Just after the rape episode:
How many children did Scarlett O’Hara have? Three, in the novel. One, in the movie. None, in real life: she was a fictional character, she never existed. The show is the show, the books are the books; two different tellings of the same story.
There have been differences between the novels and the television show since the first episode of season one. And for just as long, I have been talking about the butterfly effect. Small changes lead to larger changes lead to huge changes. HBO is more than forty hours into the impossible and demanding task of adapting my lengthy (extremely) and complex (exceedingly) novels, with their layers of plots and subplots, their twists and contradictions and unreliable narrators, viewpoint shifts and ambiguities, and a cast of characters in the hundreds.
There has seldom been any TV series as faithful to its source material, by and large (if you doubt that, talk to the Harry Dresden fans, or readers of the Sookie Stackhouse novels, or the fans of the original WALKING DEAD comic books)… but the longer the show goes on, the bigger the butterflies become. And now we have reached the point where the beat of butterfly wings is stirring up storms, like the one presently engulfing my email.
Prose and television have different strengths, different weaknesses, different requirements.
David and Dan and Bryan and HBO are trying to make the best television series that they can.
And over here I am trying to write the best novels that I can.
And yes, more and more, they differ. Two roads diverging in the dark of the woods, I suppose… but all of us are still intending that at the end we will arrive at the same place.
In the meantime, we hope that the readers and viewers both enjoy the journey. Or journeys, as the case may be. Sometimes butterflies grow into dragons.
—The Show, the Books - Not A Blog - May 18, 2015
Report about the last Game of Thrones Script that GRRM wrote:
No Wedding for Sansa and Ramsay: Without question, one of the most controversial changes the show made in trying to streamline the books was by slotting Sansa into the role of Ramsay’s wife and rape victim in Season 5. In the books, Ramsay marries and assaults Sansa’s best childhood friend, Jeyne Poole—who is being forced to impersonate Arya—instead. (You can actually see Jeyne briefly sitting next to Sansa in the show’s pilot.)
At the time Martin wrote this script, though, substituting Sansa for Jeyne was not yet the plan. Martin has Roose Bolton tell his bastard son: “We have a much better match in mind for you. A match to help House Bolton hold the north. Arya Stark.” It should be noted, however, that in Martin’s script, Sansa isn’t free from menace either. At his own wedding-day breakfast, Joffrey still threatens to rape the older Stark sister—once he’s “gotten Margaery with child.”)
—Game of Thrones: The Secrets of George R.R. Martin’s Final Script - Vanity Fair - December 7, 2018
A month before the Game of Throne S8 Finale:
Sansa’s story, in particular, has really deviated from the books. Ramsay Bolton — that marriage obviously was with a different character. When they start deviating like that, did you initially have any emotional reaction, even though you worked in Hollywood for many years yourself?
GRRM: Well, yeah — of course you have an emotional reaction. I mean, would I prefer they do it exactly the way I did it? Sure. But I’ve been on the other side of it, too. I’ve adapted work by other people, and I didn’t do it exactly the way they did it, so ….
Some of the deviation, of course, is because I’ve been so slow with these books. I really should’ve finished this thing four years ago — and if I had, maybe it would be telling a different story here. It’s two variations of the same story, or a similar story, and you get that whenever anything is adapted. The analogy I’ve often used is, to ask how many children did Scarlett O’Hara have? Do you know the answer to that?
I know it’s different in the book and the movie …
GRRM: Three children in the book, one by each husband. She had one child in the movie. And in real life, of course, Scarlett O’Hara had no children, because she never existed. Margaret Mitchell made her up. The book is there. You can pick it up and read Mitchell’s version of it, or you can see the movie and see David Selznick’s version of it. I think they’re both true to the spirit of the work, and hopefully that’s also true of Game of Thrones on one hand, and A Song of Ice and Fire on the other hand.
—George R.R. Martin on the Stark Sisters and Ending ‘Game of Thrones’ - RollingStone - April 22, 2019
James Hibberd’s Book:
GEORGE R. R. MARTIN: Jeyne Poole was included in the pilot—she’s shown giggling next to Sansa—but she’s never seen or referred to again. I actually wrote Jeyne into “The Pointy End,” my first script, when Arya killed the stableboy. I had some stuff with Jeyne running to Sansa being all hysterical and dialogue in the council chamber with Littlefinger saying, “Give her to me, I’ll make sure she doesn’t cause any trouble.” That was dropped.
DAVID BENIOFF: Sansa is a character we care about almost more than any other. We really wanted Sansa to play a major part in that season. If we were going to stay absolutely faithful to the book, it was going to be very hard to do that. There was a subplot we loved from the books, but it was a character not involved in the show.
GEORGE R. R. MARTIN: I was trying to set up Jeyne for her future role as the false Arya. The real Arya has escaped and is presumed dead. But this girl has been in Littlefinger’s control for years, and he’s been training her. She knows Winterfell, has the proper northern accent, and can pose as Arya. Who the hell knows what a little girl you met two years ago looks like? When you’re a lord visiting Winterfell, are you going to pay attention to the little kids running around? So she can pull off the impersonation. Not having Jeyne, they used Sansa for that. Is that better or worse? You can make your decision there. Oddly, I never got pushback for that in the book because nobody cared about Jeyne Poole that much. They care about Sansa.
—Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon: Game of Thrones and the Official Untold Story of the Epic Series by James Hibberd - October 6, 2020
GEORGE R. R. MARTIN: My Littlefinger would have never turned Sansa over to Ramsay. Never. He’s obsessed with her. Half the time he thinks she’s the daughter he never had—that he wishes he had, if he’d married Catelyn. And half the time he thinks she is Catelyn, and he wants her for himself. He’s not going to give her to somebody who would do bad things to her. That’s going to be very different in the books.
—Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon: Game of Thrones and the Official Untold Story of the Epic Series by James Hibberd - October 6, 2020
I hope it helps you.
Thanks for your message.
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africanization101 · 4 years
Are you a prophet? Predicting everything before 2020 was white noise! Everythings changed this year. Love black people and ctheir culture but i still feel guilty turning my back on whiteness. I so want mixed kids but dont want to feel like its my fetish to have a black boy (or girl 😏), what do i do? I can’t go a day now without daydreaming about them!
For reference, this cheeky caption was my prediction:
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It doesn’t take great prophetic ability to write my little essays here. I’m just looking at the cultural and political ascent of Blackness over the last few decades, whose impressive magnitude can get lost in the haze of the moment if you’re not paying attention to it, and then take it a few steps further. For instance, the removal of statues and monuments of white colonial history we are seeing right now has been years in the making; these things had already lost legitimacy and it just took a push, symbolic and literal, to get rid of them. Well, now they’re gone and will be replaced by queer and Afrocentric symbols. What could have been the content of a slightly fetishistic blog post from 2018 ... simply happened. Whoops!
The fact is that whiteness as a political category is already gone. This may be confusing for white people because they still enjoy some legacy privileges associated with it. But they increasingly find that when push comes to shove, these privileges will no longer be accessible. Your “heritage” will be removed, you will pay reparations, your kids will adore African aesthetics and spirituality and your grandkids will be Black and Brown; it just won’t happen all at once. But it’s a very sexy process to follow, isn’t it?
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As for your personal feelings, it’s cute that you’re apprehensive about joining the winning team out of a residual sense of loyalty, but ultimately you shouldn’t make romantic and sexual decisions based on guilt, which is what you’re considering here. You’d probably make yourself unhappy if you did that and I think you know it. I mean, what’s the idea here, white family life with a white picket fence? Kind of a bummer, isn’t it?
But is your desire for an interracial family a fetish? Well, we live in a society and that society shapes our desires. Right now, our social context makes interracial romance feel very desirable, which might feel fetishistic to you, but consider this: why were white people deemed the most attractive partners for centuries? That, too, was a fetish, but one that was imposed with much more coercion and exclusion. In contrast, nobody forces people to watch interracial porn and get excited about mixed couples in advertising; it just works. So if we’re chasing a fetish here, at least it’s one that seems to resonate with our natural desires.
Humans objectify each other sexually, we can’t help it. We can just help our own happiness and satisfaction by picking partners that align with our passions. And that is why you and I both know that you should go Black.
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kamotoshi · 3 years
so here we are on day 2 of what I thought was gonna be a week long break bc I had an epiphany that I suddenly felt the desire to share! so if you wanna read maybe like settle in bc I kinda wrote a lot (but is that new? no)
my brain! she doesn’t understand how to like... take something she likes and just enjoy it. everything always has to be a project or a task to be finished or a goal to reach. I’ve never been like hey my name’s fran and I like writing fanfiction! it’s always been hey my name’s fran and I like writing fanfiction so I'm gonna force myself to constantly come up with fic ideas and push out content bc I must be a workhorse and I don’t understand that not everything has to be methodical and meticulously planned and perfect!
I literally took writing (something I enjoy) and turned it into work (something I very much do not enjoy) all bc of this restless brain of mine and my extremely present anxiety that almost requires that I do something to prevent a crisis like every second of the damn day. I'm v tired of agonizing over both what I am doing and what I'm not doing. it’s exhausting when you’re already waiting for the time when you can go back to bed again the instant you get up lol
so I’m just gonna change my perspective here! I'm gonna try to stop guilting myself for every wip that sits without any additional progress being made, and for each one I knock off the list bc I'm just not that into it anymore. I'm gonna try to stop telling myself I HAVE to make content in order to make y’all happy. I'm gonna try to silence the little negative voice that always pops into my head each time I read or see something great that says “damn what happened with you, huh?” I'm gonna stop trying to measure my success by how many followers I have or how much work I do bc this is literally FOR FUN and it’s something I do IN MY FREE TIME bc it’s meant to be ENJOYABLE. 
and! I'm gonna stop takin this blog so damn seriously! like shit! if I'm here, I'm here and I'm chattin/writin, and if I'm not, I'm not! who tf do I think I am like damn!!! we’re all just out here! doing our own things! goin for it! doin that! it’s all good! (like we really owe each other nothing in the grand scheme of it all if we're bein 100% honest here)
anyway I went thru a similar revelation with the whole notes crisis (in which notes became another success metric for me) but now I dont give a rat’s ass which is saying A LOT (bc I'm secretly an attention whore. maybe not as secretly as I think tho). I write my fics and I send em out into the cyberspace to be free bc as long as I enjoyed it then we’re good! and the whole reason I'm here in the first place is to share things in the hopes that maybe someone else likes it too! whatever happens happens! bc I sure as hell know I'll go back and gas myself up on somethin that only got like five notes!!
the productivity loop that I am stuck in (as well as many other members of society) is seriously powerful. and I know it’s gonna take a LOT of effort on my part to wrestle the controllers to my life away from bully! fran who’s stubborn and angry like the lil bull she is, but! I have hope bc I'm at least willing to try.
so, after I've just said I aint gotta explain shit to nobody, here I am explaining my shit to y’all *head in hands* BUT I'm writing this bc I felt like it, bc I'm ready to hold myself accountable, and just to put things into perspective for a sec. if you read this far I'll say “damn you must kinda like me huh 🥺” at the risk of sounding like the dude who says “in the shower? without me?”
with that being said, I'll be around when I'm around! come to my inbox whenever you want, I keep extra pillows and blankets and s'mores-building kits in there for whenever y’all wanna camp. I'm hoping my blog can continue to be a positive space for everyone to sit back and watch me clown myself unapologetically 😌 thank you for comin to my ted talk
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fanficaficionado · 3 years
okay, i know i said i would be starting with things i knew and loved. hell, i even had a fic from the fandom im currently ass-deep in all lined up!! but then i procrastinated, and i lost motivation, got distracted by my scheduled post-holiday shutdown, and something else finally kicked my ass into gear. so this blog's first true introduction to the world will not, in fact, be a post where i worship the very ground my favorite fic writers walk upon.
no, today we are talking about Ascent into Madness by cesium_sheep
((spoilers, obviously))
Now im going to preface this by saying that this criticism is subjective and based in my opinion. I did genuinely enjoy this story, and i did not at any point feel the urge to launch myself into the sun with nothing but the pure force of my rage, causing the sun to explode and consume planet earth in a scorching hell-blast and decimating all life on our tiny little space rock, which even some of my favorites are guilty of because in some stories characters just love to waffle about ((especially in my preferred reading material which puts romance at a very significant focus)). This story just isn't for me.
I'm going to explain why, and believe me when i say i am being as gentle as i physically can with this story because it is not objectively offensive to my very being, It's a good read and setting aside the problems i have with it i enjoyed it.
I keep repeating that i don't hate this story because i do not want to be accused of baseless hate, not because of reputation or anything but because being accused of something i know i didn't do sets off the same sensation that i get from rubbing my fingernails on egg cartons, the one of the back of my brain being assaulted by the mayonnaise-coated fingers of satan himself. Damn i should really get to the criticism before this just becomes an in depth description of my very soul's adverse reaction to the cream in queen anne chocolate cherries.
The thing about this story is that, to me, it feels.. unfinished. Or at the very least like it wandered off its intended course. It leaves me with a feeling of mild dissatisfaction and the taste of confusion in my mouth. I think this problem is best summarized by the fact that, in the first chapter, it is set up that rose is in some sort of hospital, and that dave thinks she is in the grasp of some delusion, and the second chapter sets up the retroactive explanation for how it got to this point. See, what i expected was to be caught up to that point in the story, reach that point in time again, and then progress from there.
But that first chapter?? With the hospital, the delusions, the brick through the window with the radio attached?? Never brought up again, not even once. It is completely discarded and never even thought about. The story even stops trying to set up that scene after a certain point.
To put it in homestuck terms, because i'm a loser, a time player, and come on we're talking about a homestuck fic here you know i have to do this, it feels like we started a loop and then branched off the alpha timeline so completely we aren't even a part of the metaphorical timeline-tree anymore. It nags at my brain man, it's one of the main things that fuelled my motivation in writing this. It feels lost and wandering and it confuses me in a bone deep sorta way.
The second thing that gets to me is the complete lack of information presented about what, exactly, the fuck is going on. I have no idea how we got from point A to point B, not just because it completely disconnects from point A not even halfway through, but also because there's a lot of plot threads thrown in haphazardly and then never extended upon. There's a mention of jake and john's respective guardians knowing something about the story's big bad and all the mystical bullshit that follows along behind him, but that is never followed up on even a little. No one questions why they know, despite this information being so rare that literally only two families and a single group of aliens seem to have access to it. It just is a thing and then whoops, hand musta slipped because that bad boy is out the window and is facing the combined nonexistent mercy of gravity and this ten story drop.
The main plot has this same problem, in feeling like you get just enough info to keep it going forward. There's a sword in rose's umbrella basket or whatever the hell it's called, and it's implied a future dave put it there for his past self, but do we get confirmation that it was him?? Do we see that loop completed?? No, it is just used as a driving force for rose to try and push the fact that dave's got Timey powers. It feels like i'm being pulled by the hand through this story because it only gives just barely enough information to keep this crazy train rolling and then goes so far as to leave fucking time loops hanging there incomplete which okay i might be getting a little peeved about that but can you blame me?? Can you really blame me at all??
Maybe i am judging the plot too harshly, after all i was forewarned not to read for the plot in the summary because it's pretty slow and wandering. So let's get into something else then, yes?? Let's hop to the relationships.
The relationships, too, fall prey to this complete lack of any meaningful focus on any piece of information ever. I'd swear the writer was allergic if that didn't seem too harsh a description. It's a whole lot of telling without any showing, a cardinal sin in writing. We get a conversation with kanaya that doesn't suffer the disconnect from all things that the rest of the story seems haunted by. It's actually really a neat little conversation and i find it kind of wholesome how kanaya talks about rose and i personally think this interaction to be entirely too short. Then kanaya mentions karkat and apparently there's some of davekat's standard romantic tension happening off-screen because dave starts to get flustered and ponders what that means. And once again a plot thread is thrown to the winds because we never get another whiff of it.
Actually on the topic of davekat, dave just naturally gravitates to karkat and then they're stuck together like glue, so stuck in fact that dave dies for karkat because dave apparently forgets the golden rule of "If you have time to jump in front of someone then you have time to push them out of the way" and then ignores the added bit i spitefully wrote on the ancient stone tablet of Things That Make Sense in neon orange sharpie that says "Especially if you have time to have a discussion about your choices with an ambiguously-dead girl. Pull your thumb out of your ass, dave, nobody has to die here, magic option number three was not the one you picked."
Of course, this is a fanfiction, these are characters i already know. I know how these characters would interact, i know how their relationship develops in-canon and i know that given the chance these fuckers become goddamn inseparable. But that doesn't excuse the fact that it is all tell and no show, we dont see how it gets from "You're one of the only familiar faces in a group of strangers and i am not about to start interacting with new people unless i have to" to "Here let me die heroically for you and then be revived for no explainable reason besides Because The Wizard Of God Says So." I have no reason to be invested in this or even give a half-ounce shit despite it literally becoming something that the climax hinges on. And then rose and kanaya are just inexplicably,, together?? Right at the end?? And while i am happy that the lesbians get to be in love everything is off screen and nothing is ever explained, not even like one time, and god it's just so confusing. I am so confused.
But again, maybe i'm being unfair, once again the very tags of this fic are telling me that the relationships are not the focus and only really tagged so people can filter it out. I suppose i should judge the characters, then.
From what i remember there are sixteen characters, excluding ((who i believe to be, as it is once again not explained or explicitly stated to be)) caliborn at the end, with speaking roles. Five of those characters retain any narrative relevance for more than a nanosecond. A good chunk of the trolls arent even mentioned by name, with eridan and i think sollux being mentioned, and who i think to be sollux speaks when rose and dave are first brought to the trolls' apartment but again, the fog of uncertainty clouds all things and i don't have my handy dandy leafblower on me to airblast that shit out of my way. Of the five characters with any focus on them, two are relegated to the role of supporting character, with karkat joining that number more often than not. That leaves us with dave and rose, who are ultimately as a whole unaffected by their experiences. They do not learn anything, they do not grow or change. Sure rose freaks out about her perception of reality, but that falls flat because it's more tell and no show again. Dave freaks out, as he rightfully should in this situation, but there is no arc. There is no significant change in anything but moving toward the boss fight with the big baddie.
There aren't any particularly interesting interactions between these characters, either, i cannot recall one time in which i laughed, or felt much of anything really. They all fall into a state of Existing while also feeling like they aren't doing a whole lot. It's more noticeable in retrospect but these characters just Do Not feel alive, they seem incredibly flat at times and it's hard to notice while you're reading but looking back it stands out so painfully and it makes me very sad.
If i'm not supposed to read for the plot, and i'm not supposed to read for the relationships, and i can't read for the characters, then what is this story meant to be read for?? The only other thing i can think of is the mystery and sorry pal, but that's a plot, which we have already established doesn't really have a whole lot going for it because while your mystery sure is there it is currently stinking up that rug you shoved half the answers under because those mysteries aren't the ones you want to focus on.
Is it simply meant to pass the time?? Is there no deeper purpose besides keeping yourself entertained as the hours tick by?? Because if so, it at least accomplished that. Despite its faults, it kept my attention for the entire fifty one chapters, and it passed my time.
There are other nitpicks i have, but that's more based around the writing style on a more technical level. The chapters are too short for my personal taste, and there are far too many cliffhangers, these things i will not condemn as the writer gave a good reason for the latter and obviously no writer is obligated to churn out 2,500 words per chapter unless they damn well want to.
Ultimately, this story is neither good nor bad. It is straightforward in that it burns any other plot threads besides the main one on the sacrificial alter of The Writer Does What The Writer Wants, it's a bit too ambiguous and under-explained for my tastes, but there is nothing egregiously offensive in it. It is a story that exists. I wouldn't read it again, but i wouldn't not read it again, and i don't even come close to regretting the time i spent reading it ((outside of the fact that it is currently almost nine am and i haven't slept but that one is my own fault)).
I scrolled passed this story in its beginnings, assuming it would not be particularly mindblowing, and now that i've read it i know that i was entirely correct. Read it if you want, or don't, just don't go in expecting something life changing. I suggest picking out a spot on your schedule where you have nothing to do and will no doubt be bored out of your mind. I sincerely doubt you'll regret it.
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yami-writes · 4 years
ahhh i just started a writing account, i love it but i dont think anyones reading it ;/ can i ask for some advice hfdbvahfbv
VBGUKVU asking meeee???? im honored 🥺
well i do but tbh idek why i have followers vhjhjkkjh
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well, i think having an aesthetic blog helps a bit- sounds a bit dumb but you can try it 🥴 there are a lot of different styles and colour schemes you can try!! you can look around other blogs and places like Pinterest for inspo 😗 (plus playing around with that sorta stuff is fun)
also, make ur posts aesthetically pleasing!! idrk how to explain how, so i’d again, suggest skimming around posts you find, “pleasing” and observe what it is thats making you feel that way~ dont copy/steal tho, find ur own pretty gifs or make ur own banners please and thank you,
posting regularly can also help, my posting is a bit off so idrk, but its worth a try!! dont push yourself too hard or i’ll come over to wherever you are and force you to eat and hydrate 😤
make some friends!! okay, dont just make friends to gain popularity off of them, thats fucked up, but somehow just having people to talk to is really motivating in a strange way 🧘🏾‍♀️ but again, dont just have friends for your own gains, actually be a friend (but since ur on anon im guessing ur shy so dw abt it💖)
be interactive!! there are a lot of blogs i followed because i see their being interactive w/ their followers and ppl like them just feel nice to be around and give out a rlly nice aura ✨ at first it’s a little hard since nobody will interact (yea i’ve been there 😔 still somewhat am) but once you build up a bit, people will come around
USE THE RIGHT TAGS!!! in my opinion, i automatically hate people who put “c/n smut” but it’s really a comfort fic, it just grinds my gears, ya’know? use accurate tags please. if its a fluffy fic, use “c/n fluff” not that hard~ and keep in mind only the first 20 of the tags u put are registered, any tag after the 20th one is just for show 🧍🏾‍♀️
mAKE A MASTERLIST I CANT STRESS THAT ENOUGH- it don’t matter if you only have 12 works, or 8, maybe 5, MAKE ONE. it saves your sanity. (going through my archive to find all my shit to make my m.list rlly put me through it) plus if you have one people will most likely skim around and binge your works and its rlly motivating to watch the same person like all your stuff before following you 😌 oh and put the link to your m.list in your bio ( here is a link w/ a tutorial on how to do that )
you dont have to depend on requests!! write your own stuff so people can see, even if its self-indulgent, a little selfcare dont hurt😌 “oh wow, I've has this idea in mind for a while, i wonder if this writer will write it for me, their writing is really good and i enjoy their stuff” thinks someone who just read one of your works~ and boom, theres a request 😎💅🏾✨
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uHH thats all i have im sorry~
i truly dont know how i gained followers so these r kinda things i’ve done and think helped a bit
n e wayz i hope my “advice” helped omg still trying to understand why u came to me like this post sucks i-
love u hope ur blog does well <333 
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octaviadblake · 5 years
Ὀδύσσεια + τό ἑκᾰτόν part 2
OR The Odyssey + The 100 part 2, an in-depth look at parallels to Homeric canon in season 6 (specifically 6x12 & 6x13), and how the themes and motifs present on Sanctum mirror Odysseus’s return to Ithaca.
You can read the original meta here, where I explore how season 6 mirrors Odysseus’s 10 year journey back to Ithaca. In today’s meta, I’ll be talking about how the last two episodes of season 6 reflect Odysseus’s return, as well as looking into the events that occurred on Ithaca while he was gone.
DISCLAIMER: As I mentioned last time, I was a Russian Lit major, not a Classics major, so I’m not an expert on this. I studiede Ancient Greek and Ancient Greek Drama for 6 and 2 semesters in college, respectively, but my expertise is more on The Iliad than The Odyssey. Fellow Classics nerds, feel free to jump in with your thoughts/commentary!
Ready? Let’s do this.
So, last time, we talked a bit about the theme of “cunning over strength” and discussed the motif of “disguises,” particularly in Odysseus posing as “Nobody” in order to blind the Cyclops, and how this reflects Clarke posing as Josephine in order to “blindside” the Primes.
But wouldn’t you know, upon Odysseus’s return to Ithaca, he again disguises himself. With the help of the goddess Athena, Odysseus poses as a beggar in order to make it into the palace. While he was gone, the palace has been overrun by suitors, hoping to win over Penelope (Odysseus’s wife) because her husband, who has been gone for 10 years at this point, is presumed dead and she is expected to remarry. 
Of course, we see this in 6x12 when Clarke returns to Sanctum. 
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(gif credit: @clakregriffin)
With Gabriel’s help, she has been disguised as Josephine. Here is where we see her using cunning rather than strength. Rather than storming the palace with the Children of Gabriel, Clarke plans to infiltrate the Primes and defeat them from the inside. 
In The Odyssey, there are only a couple of people who see through Odysseus’s disguise, one of whom is Eurycleia, a housekeeper who recognizes one of his scars. Where most of the maids have betrayed Penelope or pursued sexual relationships with the suitors, Eurycleia has remained loyal. Odysseus’s dog also recognizes him, but that’s...kinda sad bc the dog gets so excited that it dies and that hurts my heart so I don’t like to think about that. 
So anyway. 
Guess who sees through Clarke’s disguise? Murphy. 
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(gif credit: @shialablunt)
Even while she is still fully in character as Josephine, he puts the pieces together without needing to be told that it’s actually Clarke (unlike Abby and Raven, who have no idea until Clarke tells them). Murphy and Clarke have always understood each other on a fundamental level, and in season 5, even Murphy calls Clarke out on being a cockroach, like him. The two of them share a proclivity for survival. They understand one another in a way many others don’t.
Earlier in the season, in 6x02, we saw Murphy protecting Clarke from herself, also. We’re supposed to be seeing these parallels, seeing that Murphy does truly care for Clarke in his own way. He’s the only person who sees through the Josephine ruse without being told. And not only does he not reveal her, but he stays behind to save their people because Clarke can’t.
So, it looks like Murphy is Eurycleia.
Many of the maids/housekeepers have betrayed Odysseus’s legacy. While Penelope is doing her best to stave off the advances of the suitors, the maids are busy laughing and making merry (and yes, sleeping with them, too). The maids are the ones who force Penelope’s hand by telling the suitors she has been stalling so as to not have to marry one of them.
Eurycleia alone remains loyal. She cares for Penelope. She keeps the house in order. She does what she can in order to care for and protect Penelope. Also, if Penelope remarries, someone else will become king of Ithaca, meaning the people of Ithaca will suffer. Eurycleia protects Penelope so that she may protect her people. Sound familiar?
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(gif credit: @stevenrogered)
I’m not defending Murphy’s actions mid-season but...at the end? He got what he wanted. He could’ve gone to space with the rest of the Primes, become one of them, taken the easy way out. But he doesn’t. He stays behind to help fix what they broke, to keep their house in order, to save their people. He is Eurycleia maintaining order and trying his best to keep the peace, while Clarke is Odysseus, going off to win the war. 
(i dont mean to imply Murphy is Clarke’s servant or anything like that, bc he’s very much not that, but this seems a fair parallel to draw)
The past ten years, Penelope has managed to put off selecting a suitor by telling them she is weaving an honorary funeral shroud for her husband. Upon its completion, she says, she’ll choose one for her new husband. However, she’s been unravelling the knots so as to prolong the process. The other housekeepers have revealed her secret to the suitors and now they’re insisting she make her choice. Athena tells Penelope to pose a challenge to the suitors: she will give them Odysseus’s bow, and whoever is able to string it and fire a single arrow through a dozen axe heads will win her hand and become her new husband. Unbeknownst to the suitors, Odysseus is the only one who is able to do this. 
Frankly, I don’t remember if it’s bc he was the only one who was strong enough or if there was some trick to it or whatever, but Odysseus is the only person who can string this bow. So he does. And then he throws off his disguise and reveals his true identity, before slaying every single one of the suitors.
I....don’t feel like rewatching the episodes so I don’t have perfect comparisons right off the top of my head, my apologies, hoping some of yall will come to my aid in the replies but....
Remember how Clarke is Odysseus?
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(gif credit: @shialablunt)
Clarke reveals to the Primes her true identity because she refuses to let them hurt the people still in cryo on the ship. Then, she pulls the lever, and she kills the Primes, “the suitors,” those who would take her kingdom, her people, her family from her. 
Odysseus and Penelope reunite and live happily ever after.
I...don’t think I need to explain that parallel ;)
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(gif credit: @clarkgriffon)
A lot of scholars say that’s the end of The Odyssey, but Homer does go on briefly. Odysseus and his son go to visit Odysseus’s father and the citizens of Ithaca follow them to confront the king. They plan to avenge the deaths of their sons, both the suitors and the soldiers who accompanied Odysseus to Troy and perished before they could return. 
Odysseus has effectively wiped out two generations of young men (indirectly in the sailors case, but the people still blame him). Just like how...so many people...in this show...blame Clarke for everyone dying...without considering if she had other options. 
Odysseus feels guilty for killing the suitors, despite the fact that it was the only option in his situation. The Ithacans blame him as well. Only Athena’s divine intervention is able to assuage the vendetta and return things to some semblance of normalcy.
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(gif credit: @clarkegriffinblake)
Clarke feels guilty about killing the Primes even though they gave her no other choice. It was her people or it was them. And she did what she had to do, just as Odysseus did. But she still feels guilty. 
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(gif credit: @clarkgriffon)
And along comes Bellamy “We Did Do Better” Blake. Bellamy “I Have To Believe That Matters” Blake. Bellamy “Will Always Forgive Clarke Griffin” Blake. Bellamy Blake who gives Clarke some degree of solace, offers her what redemption he can, just like he always has and always will.
Of course, there are other characters who played pretty big roles in the finale that I haven’t looked at here, and I have my own theories about them. 
I could see Jordan becoming a Clytemnestra type character. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if season 7 looked a lot like The Oresteia, particularly Agamemnon, especially since this would continue with the Homeric themes we’ve had on the show thus far.
I honestly could see Octavia as Agamemnon in the way that Clarke is Odysseus. Both kings, but Agamemnon certainly had a bloodier reputation. And that would definitely go along with @bellarke-addict‘s theory that the “He” in the anomaly is Jordan. Clytemnestra kills Agamemnon. This mysterious man wants Octavia dead. Could be something to that.
Although, Jordan and Octavia are as far from romantically involved as we can possibly get so there’s definitely a wrench in the works there lol. Who knows? I’m not one for theories as much as I am one for analysis. I’m excited to see where season 7 goes, though. 
I know this was rambly and it kinda got away from me, but I hope you guys enjoyed! Come yell about Classics with me!!!
Tagging a couple people who I know wanted to see this once it was up: @absolutelynotclassicusernam-blog @oh-bloomin-heck @little-oxford-st @tainted-ones-stuff  and some folks i think will enjoy: @braveprincess @itsyagirlkath @charmaine-diyoza @daddyperun
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moonbeammuses-a · 6 years
Mobile About
Yeah, there’s a decent bit here, but this is info to help YOU know what to expect from ME. Please, take the time, just once, to read over this. I’m a bit wordy for the sake of clarity and leaving as few unanswered questions as possible.
My Rules and About may seem strict, but I am honestly very chill and happy to chat.
► Mun is of age, so are nearly all Muses. I am 26, and nearly all of my humanoid muses are of age, though I DO have child-verses for several of them. I specify humanoid because I will not ship or smut animal or creature muses that are not capable of giving proper informed consent.
►RP stats
I go by either Kitty or Moon on tumblr, though I prefer Kitty. 
You'll probably never find out my IRL name.
I have a Discord but it is for mutuals only. Please IM me for it
I have been RPing for over a decade in various forms
►I am Selective- I only RP with Mutuals(I say selective, but I follow people back left and right so please don’t be intimidated)
-I am selective for my own sanity, as I am a fairly nervous and generally private person. I have to FEEL the ship/story/roleplay in general to be able to write it well. If I cannot write something well I don’t want to write it at all.
►I am Multi-verse and Multi-ship. Nobody is cheating on anyone. I will “connect” verses(threads) with each other if its discussed and WANTED by the other Mun, but this is rare and I have to be comfortable with the Mun to do so.
►Speed may Vary - If I am really feeling a thread, I might reply in MINUTES
But I may also take days, sometimes several weeks to reply to a thread. It depends on interest, muse, availability, and general life things.
It is not impossible that a reply can take over a month, or that I can lose interest in a thread because I've been unable to write a reply for so long. If this happens, I will tell you, and I will likely feel like shit as I apologize profusely. But I can't force something that isn't there.
I spend more time writing than most any other hobby, but RP is, and will always be, just that. A HOBBY. If you are expecting me to consider myself obligated to you in any way, don't follow me.
Regardless of what is going on in my life, @theirvoices is my IRL best friend and I will ALWAYS prioritize replies with them. I may be entirely inactive at times with all other mutuals, but writing with them. PLEASE do not take this personally. I could be sitting in my closet having an anxiety attack and writing with my best friend to take my mind off of it. PLEASE do not make assumptions that I am ignoring you. They are my RP wife and my best friend and will ALWAYS be a priority, even when my activity on other threads is very slow. If that is a problem, I recommend not following me.
►I Drop Ask-Threads- If a thread was started with an ask, I WILL eventually drop it, likely with no warning, unless we plot out and make a defined storyline for it. This is because I recieve new asks and sentence memes EVERY. DAY. and it is beyond unrealistic to keep all of them.
If you want to KEEP an ask-thread, tell me.
-I will not follow you if you do not have at least semi-detailed Rules, About, and Bio pages. I also will expect to be able to find examples of your writing on your page without scrolling for ten minutes. -I need to know that our writing and posting styles will mesh. -I need to be comfortable writing with you. -I need to know that you are of age. -I need to know enough about your character to write with them. -I need to know that your expectations of other muses mesh with what I do/don't do.
-If I am following you, it is because I feel your muse(s) and mine may have some chemistry or potential for a story.
-IF I AM NOT FOLLOWING YOU, IT MAY BE BECAUSE I DO NOT KNOW THE MUSE YOU PLAY (example: I am not even remotely up to speed on any of the CW shows like the Flash, and have yet to see the Kingsman movies)
-PLEASE don't take it personally if I am not following back. There may be a multitude of reasons. For example, it can take me a long time to read over your blog properly. I don't follow without extensively checking out a person's blog.
-Additionally, IF I CANNOT READ YOUR BLOG I WILL NOT FOLLOW YOU. I have bad eyesight, and if you use tiny ass font or similar colors so that I can't read your blog even after zooming in until your theme is unusable, I will NOT follow you.
►Unfollowing- I will unfollow/not follow you if:
-If you do not tag your posts, I will unfollow you. I will not apologize. 
-You send hate to people. Constructive criticism is one thing, but being a dick is unnecessary and I wont even say anything about this, I'll simply block you.
-You ignore my rules. Depending on the rule, I may warn you, I may simply unfollow, or I may block you. Respect people's rules. We are all here to write and enjoy ourselves, and respecting each other is an important part of that.
-You pressure me. An occasional nudge is fine but if you pressure me to reply i will drop the thread and unfollow. I've got enough IRL anxiety, I’m not here for more.
- You don't cut your posts. Seriously, there are several options, for desktop or mobile. I don't want to scroll for ten years to get to the next post. I'm not a major stickler for this, but be reasonable with your post length
► When I unfollow you for breaking my rules, I will:
Immediately drop all threads/delete all drafts and asks between us.
-Softblock you, so that you unfollow ME as well. This is to help ensure you do not presume we are still writing partners.
-Ignore any correspondence you attempt, including Asks, IMs, comments on my posts, etc. Excepting certain circumstances. 
-If you repeatedly try to interact with me despite this, I will block you on all known blogs.
Personal posts are also tagged: #Kitty whines, OR #Kitty rambles
Smut/nudity/sexual imagery is tagged as #{{ NSFW }} OR just #nsfw . I try to use both.
if sexual acts are insinuated but not SHOWN, I use the tag #{{ nsfw-ish }}
-I sometimes forget to tag. Please remind me if you like, but be aware that this blog IS NSFW-THEMED and NSFW things, including smut, gore, character death, violence, torture, and a variety of other things will occur.
That’s not to say I won’t respect your triggers, because I will, I simply need to know if you need something tagged.
In general, NSFW smut, Death, Rape, and Torture are always tagged. Beyond that, I dont tag blood or gore or injuries, because they are rampant in my threads. Please use your own discretion to decide if this is a blog you should be following, because I DO NOT want you to be uncomfortable or threatened by myself or my content, but I also will not change how I RP.
-potentially triggering content will be tagged: {{ tw: tag }} example: {{ tw: non-con }}, {{ tw: Torture }}, etc.
I am 100% okay with icon-less RP. You do NOT have to have icons or special formatting to RP with me ♥
- I use GIFs and Icons in MOST of my replies. Usually sized 100 pixels, I do occasionally go up to 150 pixels for gif icons. I have bad eyesight, and therefore need GIFs I use to be at least 150. If this bothers you, I can refrain from using GIFs in my RP with you. Please let me know.
-I RARELY, and ONLY with certain people will use larger GIFs or stills for specific scenes. I won’t do this without asking, but it does occur on my blog.
-I generally edit all of my own GIFs, unless otherwise stated in tags or a character's bio. If you want to use an image I edited, PLEASE check with me, and if you find that I have improperly credited/forgotten to credit someone please let me know.
Icon Credit
Almost all still 100x100 icons images that do NOT have a PSD come from the Hollow Artists, either at the Hollow Art website, or on their tumblr page, thehollowedartists.tumblr.com
My icon PSD with the crescent moon in the corner was made by @phasiiingxshadow, as was my Harley Quinn PSD.
200x110 icons with the moon in the bottom right corner were made by Snow: @writteninthestcrs
I have also used PSDs from the pack HERE for headers and graphics, and have used other free PSDs from @darkrpsd in some of my iconing ( check them out and see if you can support them!)
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thiddlestoff · 6 years
Author Honesty Hour
Rules: Answer all 21 questions, let the one who tagged you know you answered and then tag your writing pals!
I was tagged by the wonderful and talented @callingmrsbarnes ily bb <3
The Works:
1. Which is the imagine you’re most proud of?
Roommate - [Bucky x Reader] It’s the second most successful Bucky fic I have and I feel so proud of how fluid this fic is. It was so easy to write for me, I was truly inspired by Bucky’s look on Civil War <3
Princess - [Bucky x Reader] This is my most sucessful Bucky fic and people seem to love annoying, piece of shit Bucky. And I love me that Bucky too. This was super easy to write as well because I was hella inspired by that audio compilation of Seb talking.
Queen of Mischief - [Loki x Reader] This was the second fic I ever wrote to this blog. And it gained popularity very quickly. It’s my precious little baby and I love it sm.
2. Which is your least favourite?
One Night - [Bucky x Reader] I think the smut could have been better in that one. 
3. If you were to recommend one to read to your mum/mom?
Clean - [Bucky x Reader] Because this whole fic was inspired by what she told me one day. I was gushing over him like crazy after Civil War and she told me she didn’t like him because his hair looked dirty. And the idea sparked in my head immediately. I started writing the fic as soon as we got home that day lol
4. Which one would you consider re-writing?
One Night - Like I said, the smut could have been a whole lot better.
5. Biggest regret in an imagine?
I really don’t have one. Like I don’t regret writing any of the stories I’ve written so far. Not even One Night. It can be improved, but I don’t regret writing it.
6. Biggest success with an imagine?
Queen of Mischief [Loki x Reader] and Princess [Bucky x Reader]. Both smut lol
7. Your imagine with the most notes?
Queen of Mischief
8. Your imagine with the least notes?
Not Your Fault - [Sam Winchester x Reader] I guess I don’t have many followers who watch Supernatural lol
9. What do you think makes a good imagine? Tips?
Enjoy it. Enjoy writing whatever idea comes to your mind. Don’t try to fit the mold or appease people. Many writers here (myself included) take requests, and that’s wonderful, but don’t feel obligated to write requests that you’re not comfortable with. Don’t force yourself to write if you dont feel like it. If you started doing this for the fun and because you loved doing it, then don’t turn it into a task just because you’ve become popular and people want more and more from you. It’s okay to take a break sometimes even from the things we love. Write whatever you want. Even if you’ve seen the same idea all over tumblr. Nobody writes the same, and your version of the same idea will never be like the other authors’. Just...enjoy yourself <3
10. When’s the next update on your works?
I have a lot of wips sitting on my drafts since 2016 (i’m ashamed of myself smdh). But as of right now, I started editing a quite short Michael B Jordan one shot based on a dream I had of him. That should be up very soon. And I want to get the requests I’ve gotten done before moving onto the original ideas I’ve started writing 
11. Number of followers before you started writing and after?
I really don’t know lol. But my fanfiction blog @thiddlestoffiction gained 1,000+ followers rather quickly soon after I created it, though I already had lovely followers on this blog who also read my work, so that helped :)
The Writer:
1. Which character do you love writing for?
Bucky Barnes and Loki is what I’ve written the most. But here’s a list of people and characters I also write and take requests of :) (it might change some time)
2. Which character do you dislike writing for?
I wouldn’t say dislike, I’d say I’m not very familiar and comfortable with the character to write them well. And well, the rest of the characters that aren’t on the list above (except for Steve Rogers. I’d be so down to start writing about him too. I need to update that list)
3. What’s your favorite AU to write for?
There was this meme kinda thing on tumblr about how a lot writers still wrote as if all the characters lived in the Stark Tower and got along pretty damn well, and well, that’s my favorite AU to write lol
4. What’s your least favorite AU to write for?
I’ve never really written AUs, but I’d love to give it a shot sometime. Maybe start with something cliché, like the coffee shop or the bakery and stuff. Who knows.
5. What do you hope never gets requested?
Incest, underage smut, rape
6. What do you wish was requested more?
Literally anything else apart from the above. 
7. Thoughts on writing Smut/POC/Curvy/MxM/FxF?
Amazing!!! Listen, I think my specialty is smut lol, and if it isn’t I still love to write it. I’d love to write some POC/Curvy fic because I’m both those things and thinking of moaning in Spanish while Bucky is at it is a real turn on. I’ve never written Mxm or FxF (though I started writing one female!reader x Natasha), but I’d love to give it a try at both.
8. Which account is your biggest inspiration in writing?
My main source of inspiration, the one account whose filthy smut made me want to write Roommate was @fvckingavengers. Lau just has a fucking gift for smut. I’d spend hours reading her smut lol. And then I found some pretty good writers who also inspired me along the way to keep on writing. @callingmrsbarnes, @lenavonschweetz, @actuallyasgardian (Red was her first smut ever and it was the fucking best jesus! There’s also a part 2) @after-avenging-hours (her series are THE fucking best), @buckystories, @buckfics (Jod has a gift for angst. And it saddens me that she hasn’t gotten back to writing because she had really original series), @sugardaddytonystark (her smut is fucking insaneeeeeeeeee!!! I want to marry her and her smut y’all)
And pretty much all of the other writers whose work I’ve reblogged and fangirled over bc they’re all pretty damn rad. So go to this tag on my blog and check them all out because damn!
9.How long have you been an imagine writer for?
Since 2012. And it all started when The Avengers came out and I felt the urgent need to write some Loki smut.
10. Any upcoming secret works?
That Michael B Jordan one shot, and some Bucky requests I received ages ago. 
Tagging, under no obligation:
@lenavonschweetz, @after-avenging-hours, @fvckingavengers, @soldatbarnes @sugardaddytonystark 
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fnaf-sxc · 7 years
Hey, what has been happening with you? I'm kind of concerned about you...
Alright, lets resume things up, maybe people are lost in what is happening now that I think about it.
Under the cut because…. well… I know not all of you really care, after all that’s been happening.
This last months have been rought in the FNaF Fandom for me.
To begin with, I planned a big storyarc since July, writting and rewritting it with Octy, creating concept art, drawing it, preparing for it, knowing that the month it was to be released will be pretty busy for me.
This storyarc was October2017, it worked for a whole month, I stop creating any other content from the other AUs to concentrate in that one.. and keep it as a secret too, revealing it the last days of the month and warp it up the 31.
As you might now, It took way longer of what I expected to finish that arc, because October-November-December is the last bit of the semester AND end of the year for me, but I still wanted to do it.
I don’t want to sound selfish. But I got hate in the last period and I think I didnt deserve it.
I got a lot of hate asks dressed up as “im a old time follower and i want you to do this”. I got hate when I couldnt upload something one day to the blog, I got hate that called me “lazy”, hate because I wasnt drawing “x” character, hate because I got my request closed, hate because I open commissions, ect.
I got hate for my extra effort. In the last bit of the year.
I dedided to push the blog away from me a little bit, and concentrate on my last works and examns that were coming closer.
Then. Sonic Forces happen.
I’m a Sonic fan. Is one of the first fandom I’ve it, I am a multishipper because of that, my drawing style is inspired in that, ect. Is important for me. I was drawing Sonic gijinkas on 2014 before FNaF was announced! Is par of my life.
When Sonic Mania and Sonic Forces was announced for this year I was… interested and curious about what was this, but It was a low interest, I mean, It didnt draw me to draw Sonic again [or at least to the point of publish it].
Mania came out, it was good, I liked it, I even draw about it.
Forces began to have more news, more clips, more gameplay release. I feel the hype I get when a new pokemon game is announced and info about it is showed.
I got hyped, interested, I began to read theories, I felt the love, happyness of be a sonic fan and remember quotes and events. I began to draw Forces related stuff, I began to post it, I began to wait for news, wait for it, even If i didnt got any chance to play it myself. The Sonic Fandom didnt act mean or suspicious when I began to interact with them, I felt welcomed.
I was busy with my examns, I didnt have the time and energy to draw the arc, I didnt feel the joy, I was getting anon hate that didnt stop comming, even if i close the anon ask option or blocked the IPs. I didn’t have time to hard work on the AU, but I got time to draw unrelated stuff in my short periods of time, so I began to draw Sonic more.
People didn’t like that.
I began to got different kind of asks, asking me why im reemplacing FNaF with Sonic, telling me that I can’t do that, telling me that FNaF make me who I am and I can’t just stop drawing it, mean asks about how I spend my time drawing Sonic related stuff instead of FNaF.
I felt bad. I felt trapped. I felt the “toxic” side of the FNaF Fandom.
I begin to struggle, to hold on. I didnt knew what to do. “I’ve show other of my interests before, I’ve draw other of my fandoms before but nobody told me anything, why now they began to act so mean? Why now that I am on my finals?”
I closed the anon ask option, because I didn’t wanted more shit while I was on my finals. I didn’t wanted to dislike FNaF because of this…
To make it worst, a new FNaF game came out, out of nowhere.
I felt nothing.
I didn’t feel the hype, I didn’t feel the urge of know more. I just saw a lot of people enjoy it, not tag the spoilers, fight for the “who make the designs quickly, who make the ultimate theory quickly, who make the funniest meme quickly
I drew some of the new animatronics, I liked them, I felt relief, I didnt wanted to lost my interest in FNaF. When I open the anon option again, one of the first asks was hate, it was a “get out of here you are only interested because of the hype” kind of stuff. I closed it again.
With the anon option closed, I could start the “slowly but surely” process of feel the joy of FNaF again. Im playing the game, at my own pace, not a “game with all the secrets and ending in 1 hour”. With the anon option closed, no more hate, Im safe from spoilers, I can go at my own pace.
I though in be into Hiatus… but when I finished the October2017 Arc.. and drew Nightmarionne again… I couldn’t, I love it, I love my AU, I like FNaF, I like the people I’ve met in the way.
But my life is not only FNaF, I’m a human being, I can like and enjoy other things if I want to!! I can draw Sonic If i want to!! I dont even mix them up!!
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triforce-princess · 7 years
do you have any advice on how to get an artist's work out there, more specifically a a Ocarina parody comic to Zelda fans who would enjoy it.
its all luck really but, use tags that people search for, follow other artists, reblog your stuff to any other blogs you run, post on multiple social media platforms (for example i post here and on twitter and on deviantart), be active. i’ve seen some people also send asks requesting specific blogs to reblog their work. i think thats fine, as long as you arent too pushy about it. ive had those kinds of asks on a few occasions & ill reblog their stuff if it doesnt feel like im being forced to & i think their work is pretty cool. so yeah just be super polite if youre gonna ask someone to reblog your thing
its all chance really, honeslty i got super lucky myself (this blog getting big & in turn allowing that to be how i got my art out there a little bit). but i think the most important part is that you have interesting ideas that are executed at least decently. it doesnt matter what style you draw in or if you arent perfect at drawing in the end, if you have a good idea people will get on board. in the beginning maybe they won’t cuz nobody knows about you, but thats alright. you just gotta keep going at it & eventually someone will see your work. dont be discouraged by note counts
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casper-has-a-cat · 7 years
this is a prompt fill from way back when i had haikyuusickfics!  from here on out i’ll be reposting anything i have saved on my computer from my blogs that got deleted.  i’ll be tagging them with ‘old writing,’ and i’ll release them in a queue once a day!  i may wait until all of the old ones are posted again to post fills to new asks, but i’d like to get to working on them in advance, so feel free to send stuff to my inbox!
as far as what to send: honestly, feel free to send whatever, as long as it’s not NSFW, but just know that if i don’t feel like filling it, i just won’t.  the more detail you put into an ask, the more likely i’ll want to fill it.  try to convince me of why the scenario appeals to you, and it will make me much more likely to fill it!
ANYWAY!  here’s a very old fill
WARNING: descriptions of vomit below!
read the warning!
read the warning!
read the warning!
okay, you’ve been warned!  please enjoy the fic!
When Suga’s phone rang, he answered without looking to see who it was.  He’d assumed it was Daichi.  He was correct.  However, he also assumed that his friend had called to ask a question about their homework or to get Suga’s opinion on how to strategize against their next opponent in volleyball, and in that regard, he was completely wrong.
“Hey, Suga, do you have any Ibuprofen?”
“Daichi?  You have a headache?  You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, it’s not a bad one.  I probably won’t even need the medicine, I just want to have it in case it gets worse.”
Suga pursed his lips.  It was unusual for Daichi to ask for help for anything, even less for him to be unprepared, and almost unheard of for him to admit he was in pain if it wasn’t unbearable.  “Are you sure you’re okay?”
Daichi made an exasperated noise on the other end of the line and Suga could have kicked himself.  “I’m fine, honestly, Suga.  Actually, I’m not even sure why I called, it’s really not a bit deal.  Never-“
“Alright, I’ll be over there with the medicine in 20.  Just relax until I get there, okay?”
Daichi sighed, but Suga hung up before he could tell him not to go overboard.  He was definitely going to go overboard.
Precisely 20 minutes later Suga was knocking on Daichi’s door with an armful of not only Ibuprofen, but also Tylenol, soup, and tea.  Nobody responded, which was strange and fairly concerning.  Suga pulled out his phone to text Daichi only to see that he’d already received multiple texts from him.
From: Daichi
7 minutes ago
I found some ibuprofen
5 minutes ago
you don’t have to come
2 minutes ago
sriously suga dont come
2 minutes ago
m fine.
Suga read the texts through twice, eyeing the deterioration of Daichi’s punctuation and feeling his heart sink more with every mistake.  Maybe he was paranoid, but something felt off.  In the end, it was Daichi’s use of a period in the last text that did it.  Daichi never used periods when texting.
Without further ado, Suga grabbed the spare key Daichi had given him and let himself in, despite the warning that had come along with the key: “If you abuse it, you lose it.”  Suga thought this may be something worth losing it for.
He poked his head in the door.
“Hello?”  When nobody responded, he stepped inside, if only to dump the groceries on the ground to relieve his arms.  The house was quiet, and dark, but Suga could hear the sound of the television playing softly coming from upstairs.  He followed the noise, and, unsurprisingly, it led him to Daichi’s room.  He raised his hand to knock, but thought better of it when he noticed that Daichi’s room was dark, and wondered if maybe Daichi’s headache had gotten worse.  Instead of knocking, he opened the door as quietly as possible.
Sure enough, Daichi was laying curled up on his bed.  However, rather than holding his head as Suga had expected, he was clutching pitifully at his stomach.  He opened the door wider and it creaked enough to get Daichi’s attention.  He rolled over to face the door with effort.
“Suga?  Didn’t you-“  Daichi sucked in a sharp, pained breath.  He released it slowly.  “Didn’t you get my texts?”
“So why’d you come?”
“Had a hunch something was wrong.”  Suga walked over and sat down on the side of the bed.  “I was right.”
Daichi shifted so that his friend could lie down, too, but instead of relaxing, Suga pried Daichi’s hands away from his abdomen.
“Honestly, I’m fi-“  Daichi had only begun to say he was fine when Suga started massaging his stomach.  Daichi shuddered, and at first Suga thought maybe he’d made things worse, but then he saw the tension flow out of his shoulders.  Suga smiled innocently.
“What was that?  You want me to leave?”
“Ugh, Suga, what the heck?  ‘re you’re hands magic or something?”
“Or something.”  He massaged Daichi’s stomach as he spoke.  “So what happened?  I thought you had a headache?”
“Yeah, but really, it wasn’t that bad.  Not a migraine, at least.  I took the Ibuprofen just in case, but then my stomach started to act up.”
Suga winced.  “Act up how, exactly?”
“Just, y’know, cramps and stuff.”
“Yeah, it’s the “and stuff” that I’m worried about.  Do you feel sick at all?”  At the mere mention of being sick Daichi paled.  Suga nodded.  “I’m going to take that as a yes.  Man, I think you may have caught the stomach bug that’s been going around.”
Daichi groaned and Suga cast him a sympathetic glance in response.  “Anyway, maybe it won’t be too bad.  If the belly rubs are helping, that’s a good sign.”
Daichi grunted as his eyes drifted shut, but moments later drowzily opened them again, blinking slowly.  Suga chuckled.
“Stop that,” he laughed.
“Hm?”  Daichi mumbled.
“Don’t try and stay awake, you should be sleeping this off.”
“But you’re-“
“I’m here, and I’ll stay here whether you’re sleeping or not.  Jeez.  Close you’re eyes already.”
Daichi frowned, but did as he was told.  Moments later, Suga felt the tension leave his friend’s body and he knew he was asleep.  He smiled, and continued rubbing Daichi’s stomach.
They stayed that way for so long that both of Suga’s feet fell asleep, but he didn’t mind.  He was glad Daichi was resting.  Unfortunately, it didn’t last forever.  Inevitably, Daichi woke up, and this he did with a distinctively nauseas gurgle.  Suga started at the noise and his hands faltered momentarily.
Daichi blinked his eyes slowly, confusion dominating his face.  “Suga?”  The sick boy swallowed convulsively and Suga noted the sweat now coating his face.
“Hey there, how are you feeling, kid?”
Daichi groaned, and the crease between Suga’s brows deepened.
“You gonna be sick?”
Daichi’s only response was a hiccup.  He moaned and made a pitiful attempt at burrowing beneath the covers.  Had he not been so concerned, Suga probably would have laughed at his friend’s antics.  As it was, he couldn’t afford to waste time on humor.  He tugged the covers away, just so he could see Daichi’s face.
“Seriously, Daichi, this is important.  Do you feel like you’re gonna hurl?”
Daichi put a hand to his mouth as if even the thought of it made him want to barf, and that was response enough for Suga.
“Dammit, Daichi, you should’ve said sooner.  Can you make it to the bathroom?”
Daichi’s shoulders hitched dramatically and Suga moved to grab the barf bucket even before his friend shook his head.  In a valiant effort, Daichi suppressed three retches before bile made its way through his nose, splattering on the blankets before Suga had a chance to return.  Nose now filled with the scent of sick, Daichi’s nausea more than doubled.  He attempted to take a breath, but that was the last straw.
Fortunately, Suga arrived just in time to position the bowl under Daichi’s chin as the sick boy threw up.  A small amount of clear bile splashed in first, but was immediately followed, without any time for Daichi to take a breath, by a forceful mixture of a burp and a heave that brought up a much more puke, this time brown and of a thicker consistency.  Suga put a hand on Daichi’s shoulder to steady him when he lurched forward, and could feel him shaking.  The large bowl was more than halfway full by the time Daichi was able to take a breath (a testament both to the speed with which the foul substance had exited Daichi’s body and to the length of time he’d been vomiting).  However, even then he only got half a breath before he coughed loudly and was yet again unable to inhale.  Another rush of sick filled his mouth.  He shuddered and allowed it to exit his system.  It splashed into the bowl, and some of it splashed out.  Daichi wheezed, and Suga worried at how red his friend’s face was, not to mention how badly the boy was shaking.  Suga helped Daichi lean back into his pillows.
“There you go, you feel any better?”
Daichi shook his head the tiniest bit and dizziness overwhelmed him.  His stomach rolled.  Suga held the bowl steady in his lap, but Daichi didn’t have an ounce of strength left to position himself over it.
“Daichi?”  Suga sensed that something was off, but he couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was.  Daichi knew that, and he tried to explain, but as soon as he opened his mouth it was filled with last night’s liquified dinner.  This time it did not come up so quickly, rather in the form of a thin, steady stream.  Daichi tucked his chin in and allowed it to spill onto his chest shirt.
“Oh, shit, Dai!”  Suga helped him sit up so that Daichi was able to cough up the last few mouthfuls of bile into the bowl, but the damage had been done.
“I’m sorry,” Daichi rasped.  “Suga, I’m so- hurk!”  Daichi’s back muscles tightened beneath Suga’s palm.  Suga hushed his friend.
“Sh, c’mon, Dai, it’s not a big deal.  Here, let me help you…”
Suga expertly folded Daichi’s shirt in on itself so that he could lift it off without getting any of the vomit on Daichi.  He threw the shirt in a trashcan and urged Daichi to his feet.  He squeezed his friend’s hand tightly and looked him in the eyes.
“It’s gonna be okay, I promise.  Do you believe me?”
Unsteady though he was, Daichi could see the confidence in Suga’s eyes, and a fiery message: I dare you to disagree.  It was too soon, still for a smile, but he could manage a hand squeeze in return.  Suga got the message.
“Good.”  Suga brushed Daichi’s sweaty hair off of his forehead before guiding him to the bathroom.  “Now let’s get you cleaned up.”
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