#noamasa tsukauchi
moonstoneunivs · 1 year
This is the last poll before I combine all the winning characters together into one final poll.
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ladysunamireads · 22 days
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vicehectic · 5 years
Vongola Vigilantes (4/?)
Based on this post I made a while ago, or you know, just this:
“…instead of Class 1-A and the Vongola 10th gen being the same age, the Vongola are a long established vigilante group that’s a pain in police’s and villain’s sides (most heroes either have neutral opinions or quietly agree with the Vongola) while Izuku loves them and is their number one fanboy.”
Parts 1 / 2 / 3 / ?
Also on AO3
Sawada Tsunayoshi can barely feel his lungs as his feet pound into the ground, his short legs taking too long leaps for their length, but it doesn't matter to Tsuna. All that matters right now is that he gets to him.
It's one of those examples of a mother that gets the strength to lift a car that’s trapped their child when you consider how Tsuna’s stick legs got him this far.
Tsuna stops even though he’s so close because the front gate is crowded with reporters, to the point that Tsuna can barely see the school building through the cracks between people.
Tsuna throws his hands to his front pockets, then his back, and then around his whole body until he finds his phone in the side pocket of his cargo pants, trembling hands rushing to unlock it. Before Tsuna can even turn the dang thing on, a hand comes to his shoulder and Tsuna doesn’t jump ten feet into the air, thank you very much.
“Are you a parent?” an unphased gruff voice asks, somewhat muffled for a reason that Tsuna can’t quite place from just hearing it.
Tsuna whirls around immediately, trying to meet covered eyes, but he unintentionally focuses on the ridiculous over-the-top mask on the man’s face, “Yes! Err, no! Kinda?” he stutters through his words, “I'm a guardian! My ward is a student here! Class 3-A!”
The man, a hero - Tsuna briefly realizes, turns on his heel, his cloak flying out behind him, ���Follow me.” 
Tsuna swears he hears the snide whisper of “civilians”, but he isn’t so sure to call him out on it. 
The hero leads him to a side entrance at a pace that is too slow for Tsuna's liking but he doesn't say anything to rush the hero. Tsuna, rather, decides to ask, “Can I ask what happened?” It's a rather harmless question compared to the first thought of "can you go any slower?"
The hero doesn’t even bother to turn back to reply, “There will be an official report later. We have the situation under control. We just ask that you pick up your… ward and go.”
Tsuna frowns, hating how standoffish and rude the hero is but knows that this isn’t the place or time. 
Everything inside Tsuna jitters with impatience.
The crowd at the side entrance is smaller in comparison to the crowd of reporters and is constantly moving with people who are coming and going. The school’s pro-heroes seemed to have set up some kind of temporary area for family to pick up their children. There are groups of students and adults with their children holding up tablets to seemingly sign them out. The hero stops right at the entrance and picks up a tablet from a table, and briefly Tsuna wonders just how much money the school has to have all these tablets, but the hero’s gruff voice jolts him out of his thoughts, “The name of the student?”
Tsuna almost shouts the name, “Bovino Lambo! Class 3-A!”
The hero stops and immediately snaps his head up, “You’re… Bovino’s guardian?”
Tsuna almost wants to laugh at the irony of that but nods, “Yes! Is he okay?” he ignores it because his anxiety is through the roof.
The hero nods almost flustered under all the layers and covers his costume gives him, “No, no, he’s completely fine. I’ll just have someone get him-”
Tsuna immediately throws open his arms and wraps his arms around a lanky form that smells of grapes, “Lambo,” Tsuna practically whimpers. His knees grow weak in relief and Lambo is gently setting the both of them onto the ground. Tsuna pulls back just enough so he can cradle Lambo’s face in his hands, “Lambo, I was so worried. Are you okay- what happened? Do we need to call-”?
“I’m fine Tsuna-nii,” Lambo says, his voice warm, putting his hands over Tsuna’s, “It wasn’t even my class and I was at the main campus. My classmates and I were sent out to watch the other classes with the civilian teachers when the heroes got the news. I’m completely fine.”
Tsuna finally feels like he’s breathing and presses his forehead against Lambo’s heart, “Oh thank god.”
“Aa, if it isn’t Tsuna-san making a scene in the middle of the sidewalk.”
Tsuna looks up frantically and see the eyes of students, adults, heroes, and police that watch him and Lambo; his face flushed red, “Iieee!” he yelps and jumps up.
Lambo sighs and pulls himself up to stand at Tsuna’s side - and that is so, so, reassuring -, “Fran, what are you doing here?” he calls out to his childhood friend.
Tsuna turns on his heel to see the apathetic, teal-haired, young adult wearing a hoodie and jeans standing there with a bored expression, “Fran! Are you doing okay too?” He immediately rushes to the man who is, sadly, just a bit taller than him and checks the thin man all over, “Has Rokudo-san been contacted? Do you need me to take you home?” 
Fran lazily just lets Tsuna fuss over him, knowing better than to resist as it’s much faster to go along with Tsuna when he’s like this, “I’m fine. Power Loader wouldn’t even let me get out of the class. Chrome-nee-san is here so I’ll be going home with her once everything is settled.” Before Tsuna could even open his mouth, Fran continued, “And Chrome-nee-san is perfectly fine.”
Tsuna manages a small smile, “I’m glad. I don’t know what I would have done if you two were injured.” And that’s the complete truth - Tsuna would have been lost if his younger brother and Lambo’s childhood friend, that he’s been acquainted with since he was a child, were gone. 
“Bovino, you ran off before you could finish your sign out sheet,” a voice calls out from behind Tsuna, “What happened?”
Lambo lets out a sheepish chuckle as he turns on his heel, “Sorry Midnight-sensei, my brother came to pick me up.”
Tsuna turns and briefly takes in the 18+ hero before he reels back to gape at Lambo, “You thought I wouldn’t come to pick you up?” he asks horrified.
Lambo shrugs, avoiding his gaze, “Well I knew you had work and you weren’t answering your phone so I just kinda assumed…” he trails off, his voice growing weaker, knowing how weak that excuse is.
Tsuna grabs at his brother’s upper arms, “Lambo, you are more important than my work. As soon as Chieko-san showed me the news I just ran out without thinking. I’m sorry that I didn’t answer my phone, but you have to know that I’m always going to be here for you.”
A hand lands on his shoulder and a woman lets out a low laugh, “Wise words from a caring man. It’s a shame I’m not exactly into that.” Shivers goes down his spine, standing frozen, as lips come close to his ear, “Such a sweet brotherly love,” hot air brushes the shell of his ear.
Tsuna is pulled away as his heart beats out of his chest and his face flushes a complete red. “Midnight-sensei, what the hell?” Lambo shouts for his defense as he stands between his teacher and his brother.
Midnight just licks her lips and winks, “Calm down Bovino, it’s just a little bit of teasing.”
Fran’s deadpan voice cuts through Midnight’s and Lambo’s bickering, “It’s impossible to me that she has never been arrested for harassment.”
Tsuna’s blood is still rushing in his ears but the hole in his stomach is no longer there. 
And that’s all that matters.
“Yuuei Academy’s first year hero class, Class 1-A, was attacked at the school’s Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or USJ for short, by a group calling themselves the League of Villains-”
“-hero students at Yuuei were saved by the Vongola!”
“-the police are saying little on the matter-”
“-luckily not many were harmed. The two teachers were easily treated by Pro Hero Recovery Girl and the only student injured sustained a broken finger.”
“Can you believe this school? How lax does the security have to be to allow villains in-?”
“The name of students involved are not being released to the public and the press is being pushed away before they can even come close to Yuuei!”
“-people are asking how the Vongola knew about the League-”
“Those two are alright right?” Haru asks with her hands on her hips, “Didn’t do anything stupid hahi?” 
I-Pin, who had been pacing the entire shop and had been so distressed that she wasn’t allowed to work for the afternoon, finally lets out a long sigh, “Yeah. They finally responded to our chat. Tsuna-san picked up Lambo and Chrome-san and Fran will be going home together once Yuuei clears out.” She runs a hand through her hair, “What did we expect though? Fran and Lambo are always the one who make Futa and I lose years off our life.”
“Haha, you make it sound like you don’t do the same to Futa-kun sometimes.” Yamamoto doesn’t stop laughing even at I-Pin’s sharp glare and Haru’s telling look. 
“You seriously never know when to shut up, do you?” Hana drawls as she primly shoves a piece of nigiri into her mouth. She points her chopsticks at I-Pin after she swallows, “But from the stories I’ve heard, he seems to have a point.”
I-Pin blushes a bright pink. “They’re very persuasive when they want to be,” she says weakly in her defense, like a child who was caught with their hand in the cookie jar. 
Hana hands Haru’s phone back to her, her eyes lingering on the picture of Yuuei Academy in the article before she turns back to the sushi in front of her, “You four are childhood friends, right?”
I-Pin brightens up immediately, “Yeah! Ever since Lambo and I were five. But it kinda feels like we’re still kids even though half of us are full-fledged adults.” And isn’t that the truth. This time next year, Lambo will be a pro-hero and I-Pin will, hopefully, be in the roster for nationals. They’ll be on their own soon. 
Haru giggles at that, “Kyoko, Hana, Chrome, and I felt the same way when we graduated University.” She remembers flashes of the days when they used to room together for the four years of their schooling. 
I-Pin seems to perk up at that, her expression as curious but no one in their little groups gets to say anything. 
“Yamamoto-kun, do you mind turning the news on?” a voice calls across the nearly empty shop, “I think channel 5 is doing an update on Yuuei right now!” It’s a customer and the three workers at Takesushi turn at the call. He’s a regular that is known for getting somewhat rowdy when he’s downed a couple drinks but always leaves with a cordial promise to come back when asked to leave. 
“Yuuei?” another customer asks from a different table with a furrowed brow, “Did something happen at Yuuei?” This customer isn’t quite as familiar but Haru swears she’s seen the exact assemble of a Best Jeanist jean jacket and Gang Orca t-shirt underneath on this woman. 
The regular barks out loud, “Haven’t you seen the news? Yuuei was attacked by some kinda gang of villains! Yuuei is being awfully quiet about it - probably don’t have an excuse for the way they put those kids into danger.” He’s the typical middle-aged man that doesn’t makes his own opinions and is too lazy to actually look into issues; he just takes news at its face value and believes.
Murmurs start across the shop and I-Pin’s face is pinched in distress. I-Pin may not go to Yuuei, but she’s heard a lot about it from Lambo and Fran to know that the teachers and heroes there are dedicated to their students. This is an isolated incident, she’s sure of that even though the two idiots haven’t exactly said anything to her. Just as I-Pin’s about to open her mouth and start a shouting match (she’s justified alright? She just spent hours stressing about if her two best friends were injured or even dead) Hana sets her empty tea cup down loud enough to silence the shop. 
The customers are stunned into silence as Hana’s attention-grabbing voice speaks, “Actually, Yuuei isn’t allowed to make a statement immediately because of the involvement of minors. A couple years back there was an incident at a school that wasn’t quite on this scale but after the school made too quick of a statement parents began to sue the school for releasing information about their children without their permission just because they wanted to save face.” Hana doesn’t even turn her head as she gestures for Haru to pour more tea into her cup, “Yuuei is legally not allowed to say anything without getting the facts straight with their students, the witnesses, the police, and the guardians of the students involved unless they want to face repercussions.” She gives the regular a sharp look, “Educate yourself before making wild assumptions.”
The regular sputters but Hana just turns back and puts another piece of sushi into her mouth.
Haru giggles quietly as she rubs shoulders with Hana, “Did you not get enough sleep last night?” At Hana’s dead look she knows she’s a hundred percent right. 
“Did you get that case settled?” Yamamoto finally speaks up again, in a low voice that can’t be heard over the jeers the customers are making at each other and the gossip of Yuuei.
Hana’s dull eyes become focused and she frowns, “Uncharacteristic of you to actually act like a monkey.”
Yamamoto laughs, “What are you talking about? You were complaining about a difficult case last time you were here right?”
Hana eyes flicker to the smile on the man’s face before looking into his eyes, “Don’t be stupid.”
“It’s hard to break bad habits you know,” Yamamoto says with mirth, “I never was very good at school.”
The two don’t look away from each other, one smiling and the other glowering. 
I-Pin takes the liberty to interject, changing the subject, “Yeah, when I ask Takeshi-nii for help with my homework he just says something like, ‘well you do whoosh! Boom! And bam!’” She crosses her arms across her chest, “It’s annoying.”
Haru brightens up, “I would love to help you with your homework if you want me to!”
I-Pin sticks her tongue out, “And have to learn from a genius that already knows the answer just from glancing at it? No way! I’d never learn anything. Geniuses are the worst teachers.”
Haru gasps dramatically, “Hahi? Excuse you, I am a great teacher! Hana-chan, tell her!”
Before Haru can entirely drag Hana’s attention away, Hana sends one last look at Yamamoto with a promise.
This isn’t over.
But Yamamoto just laughs that carefree laugh. 
A League of Villains Attacking Yuuei
Written by: Sasagawa Kyoko
According to the Musutafu Police Department, at approximately 2:22 PM earlier today, a large group of villains infiltrated the top hero academy in the nation: Yuuei Academy. While twenty students of Yuuei’s hero course were training in their training facility known as the Unforeseen Simulation Joint (USJ), more than 200 villains infiltrated the USJ and attacked them and the two accompanying pro-hero teachers: Eraserhead and Thirteen. The police are saying nothing about why the villains infiltrated the USJ but has a released a statement stating that Eraserhead and Thirteen were healed by Pro-Hero Recovery Girl. The only student that was injured was quickly treated for their broken finger. The police went on to say that the students’ names would not be released to the public and cannot be asked to make a public statement.
However, there have been rumors floating around that the infamous Vigilante group, the Vongola, were at the scene and protected the students from the villains. While it is unclear where the rumor stemmed from, there is reason to believe that it may be true. The students that were attacked are in their first year, meaning that they do not have much fighting experience but the police, in their statement, reported that they arrested most of the villains. Not to discount the hero hopefuls’ abilities, but it’s highly unlikely the students were able to fend off the villains until their teachers arrived.
Reporters are being asked to leave school grounds as there will be an official statement from Yuuei’s principal later this evening. 
After the incident, students’ parents or guardians were asked to pick up their children regardless of year and course. Those parents and guardians who were otherwise occupied or too far away were escorted by sidekicks to their homes. 
Check back here after Yuuei’s statement for more updates. 
Incident T#483
Hero License #: 181Z26A5291
Hero Name: Eraserhead
Incident: While at the USJ (Unforeseen Simulation Joint) at Yuuei Academy, the class of 1-A and Pro-Hero Thirteen and I were attacked by villains. They seemed to be after All Might - claiming to have only come for All Might. They expressed the interest in killing All Might and when they found out All Might was not here, they tried to use the students as an example to intimidate All Might. Communications went down and as such we were unable to call for backup. I engaged while Thirteen was tasked to protect the students. However, the students got scattered by a warp quirk, scattering them across the USJ. It seemed to be a luring tactic to get All Might to the USJ. While I engaged most of the villains, a villain by the name of Shigaraki Tomura used his disintegration quirk to disintegrate my elbow and he command the creature, (Unknown Element #: 1415U169441) Noumu, to attack me. The vigilante known as Giotto, from the Vongola, appeared to seemingly protect me. Called out to his comrades in the Vongola and they answered to confirm that all the students and Thirteen were relatively safe. Giotto froze and had Asari kill the Noumu and only escaped when the villains leave after other Pro-Heroes arrived. Giotto claims he came because he “heard the cries of children being targeted and had him and his group jump in” the fray. Giotto made it very clear that the Vongola would not stand with The League of Villains.  
Tsukauchi Naomasa is frustrated. The main reason why he is frustrated is because the media is right. The police really don’t know a lot. All the students were questioned at the school after the students had calmed down. Most of the students saw what happened in the USJ from start to finish - with their own different points of view, of course. Iida Tenya was the one who ran to get backup and Mineta Minoru passed out early on; therefore, they did not see a lot of the action. Each of the students within the USJ were with members of the Vongola and claimed to have been saved or aided by the vigilantes. Except for Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki, and Aoyama Yuuga who were trapped in what they believed to be an illusion conjured by Daemon. Though Naomasa supposes that that’s Daemon’s own way of “saving” someone. 
Eighteen of the students and Aizawa Shouta had seen Giotto’s encounter with the League. The students were either all herded to the entrance of the USJ by the Vongola, escaped there themselves, or were shown what happened through an illusion.
So many eye witness accounts yet nothing. They weren’t any closer on Shigaraki, the Noumu, Kurogiri, the League, or the Vongola.
It’s frustrating.
It’s frustrating that Naomasa has to come to him for advice.
Rokudo Mukuro is a piece of shit on a good day. A good day. Today is not a good day.
Mukuro has his feet up on his desk and his fingers loosely laced together in his lap, “And how can I help you today, Detective?” He says “detective” like it’s a curse and with emphasis to make it seem like he’s capitalizing the word.
Naomasa wishes he could find something wrong with Mukuro’s investigations but he’s always clean. Somehow, even with the suspicion that Mukuro is somehow involved in something illegal, he’s always telling the truth. Sometimes, Naomasa believes that Mukuro is just a stubborn asshole. But Naomasa always listens to his gut and his gut hates Mukuro. Hates Mukuro for a reason he can’t place. 
Naomasa puts his hat down on the table, “I need all the information you have on the League of Villains and the Vongola.” The best thing to do with Mukuro is be direct as possible. 
Mukuro quirks a delicate brow and swings his feet off the desk, “I’m not an info broker, detective. I’m a private investigator. Most days I catch cheating spouses and find missing people. I barely interact with villains.”
Naomasa sighs, “You heard about the attack at Yuuei and, to be frank, we’re severely lacking information.” His voice drops to below a whisper, “Mukuro, I know that whatever you actually do isn’t exactly clean,” and he does, he just doesn’t have proof, “but I need this information.” And he does, for his friend who was targeted, for the students that were attacked, for the future safety of his country. Mukuro is uncharacteristically silent as Naomasa bows his head, “Children were attacked Mukuro. It was a class with two capable pro heroes and I know for a fact that your ward is working as an assistant to Power Loader. Who’s to say that the League won’t attack Yuuei again?” Naomasa is playing dirty, and he feels a deep shame inside because of it, but he doesn’t have a choice. He needs more pieces to this puzzle. 
Mukuro doesn’t say a word but he fiddles with something on his desk, the object tapping against the wood rhythmically as he finally begins to speak. “You and I both know I’m not stupid enough to not realize why the League attacked Yuuei and I know that Fran can handle himself enough to escape. I wasn’t interested before, Detective, but now?” Naomasa’s head goes up just in time to see the wicked grin that comes to his face, “now I am.”
Mukuro is piece of shit on a good day.
On bad days? Mukuro is absolute scum. 
“What have the police figured out?”
The man’s eyebrow, from across the way from Kusakabe, twitches but no violent movement or threat follows. Kusakabe honestly considers that a win. 
“Nothing,” is Kusakabe’s blunt reply. “They’re hopeless when it comes to discovering anything about the League and the Vongola. We’re not going to get information from them besides the fact that the League was after All Might.” Kusakabe is kneeling in the shadows of Kyou-san’s dark tea room, and it's absolutely not dark because Kyou-san had just woken up from a nap before their guest had arrived. Kusakabe turns his head to his left and speaks, “What do we know about the League?”
The first voice speaks up, gruff but still somehow warm, “Ultimately nothing substantial. There’s someone with a warp quirk and a disintegration quirk and they have access to these big monster-like things that have quirks. Besides their goal of killing All Might, we don’t know much. They’re causing a ruckus in the underground, but most are laughing at their attempt.”
Kusakabe sighs quietly as his hand comes up his face, “I don’t know if I should be impressed or disgusted that your use of “ultimate” worked in a real sentence.”
Ryohei laughs from his gut, “It’s an ultimate word for any ultimate situation.”
A quiet, but not hidden, scoff comes from the side of the room that Hibari occupies but both men don’t acknowledge it. It’s not the time and one out of the two of them values their life. 
“What of Yuuei?" Kusakabe asks as he kneels close to the door leading to the hallway with his head bowed, "Their keeping their mouths rather shut," Kusakabe's eyes flicker across the dark room.
Hibari growls ever so slightly, "Trying to get anything about that herbivorous school is like pulling teeth." He bares his teeth in disgust. It’s the first he’s spoken since Ryohei’s arrival.
Kusakabe knows it’s best to cut Hibari off when he’s ahead, "Is there anything significant that the heroes are saying?" he asks Ryohei to change the subject.
Ryohei shakes his head, unknowing to what Kusakabe is trying to do, "Ultimately, it’s the same thing as we’ve always heard. Even though a lot of them have been told about the real events at Yuuei; people aren’t changing their opinions of the Vongola." Ryohei frowns, “It’s just causing a real stir in our neighborhood. I ultimately wish that this would all settle down.”
"Our group will continue our investigation into the League of Villains and All For One," Kusakabe says after a long moment of silence. "I will be sure to inform you of something as soon as it arises."
Before Ryohei can say a word in response, Hibari stands up and he’s out of the room, letting the sunlight stream into the room.
Ryohei chuckles at the distressed look on Kusakabe’s face, “Maa, it’s fine Tetsuya, I’m depending on you to back me up when things go bad around here!”
Kusakabe sighs tiredly, “Ryohei, how many times do I have to tell you that we’re licensed and allowed to use our quirks and abilities to protect people and that you aren’t?”
Ryohei just laughs heartily and Kusakabe knows that getting through to his friend is useless. 
There's a woman standing in front of the class when they enter with Aizawa next to her. They quickly shuffle to their seats when Aizawa doesn't turn to acknowledge them and when the woman sends them a smile.
The woman is short, definitely shorter than Aizawa, probably around Midoriya's height. She has her violet hair in a tight bun on her head with two decorative needles sticking out of them. She wears a smart black blazer and pencil skirt, along with a white blouse. Her feet have plain black flats and her legs are covered in a black stocking. She wears a white eyepatch over her left eye and there's a soft smile on her face and a bright twinkle in her purple eye as she waves, “Hello.”
The class mostly remains silent, unsure of how to respond, but a few respond politely.
“Listen up,” Aizawa says, “I'm not going to say this twice. This is Dokuro Chrome, the school mental health counselor.”
The class stare at their slightly bandaged teacher as he just stops, asking with their eyes if that's all he has to say on the subject.
Dokuro, thankfully, steps up, “Thank you Eraserhead. Like Eraserhead said, I'm Dokuro Chrome but Chrome-sensei is just fine with me,” her voice is soft and almost fragile but it's warm and comforting as a small smile comes to her face. “Normally we would have been introduced at the school opening ceremony but a certain someone refuses to attend every year,” the woman bravely meets Aizawa's pointed glare for a second with a serene smile before moving on. “I am Yuuei's mental health counselor. That means I'm here from everything to friend problems, home problems, school work stress, relationship problems, and even traumatic villain situations.”
The realization of why Chrome is at the front of their class hits.
Chrome smiles, maybe seeing how their faces changed in response to their realization, “While I may not be a pro hero or inspiring to be one anytime soon, I know what a villain attack can be like. Especially when everything seemed so peaceful and normal and then everything changes in a second. So, if anyone would like to talk, I am here before school, during school, and after school from six A.M. to five P.M. If you ever need me, feel free to drop by my office near the teacher's lounge or make an appointment through my email.” She promptly turns and writes her email on the top corner of the board before turning back around, “Normally, I don't go to visit the hero course students well into their second year but unfortunately, your class has been subjected to something terrible.”
Her eye narrows, and she suddenly seems very serious as she looks out into the class. She doesn’t seem so meek or easily influenced anymore. She stands firm, like an anchored rock, “You all did well in that situation. Standing in the face of villains and coming out relatively okay with minimal casualties is admirable. The fact that you're still sitting here, more determined to be a hero than ever says a lot.” She smiles, “I can't wait to see what the future holds for all of you.”
And like that, Chrome is gone, the only trace of her the smell of violets and her email on the board.
NOTE: I'm so sorry for the late update but I got swamped with the weeks leading up to finals and then finals at the end of June. As soon as my finals ended I went on a trip and I've just been recovering from that. I've also been writing scenes for this story and "Want Emancipation?" at the same time but the scenes also don't make sense chronologically so I have a lot of mess I need to piece together later for each story. Hopefully I will update quicker next time. 
Chapter 5 is halfway done and there should be a teaser up already or shortly after I post this so go ahead and read that!
Thank you for the love and support I've gotten already! I really appreciate it!
Tag List:  @any-n-everything @kittyg4mer
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ao3feed-tododeku · 3 years
Absolutely (Not) My Kid
Absolutely (not) my kid by battybatzgirl
Noamasa's known Toshinori has always had a soft spot for kids, but this was different. This ran deeper. In only a few months, little Midoriya had somehow managed to wrap the Symbol of Peace around his pinky finger and he didn't even know it.
If only the two idiots would figure it out themselves.
Or: Five times Toshinori denied calling Izuku Midoriya his kid + one time Toshinori called Izuku Midoriya his son
Words: 6124, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Izuku & Tsukauchi Naomasa, Tsukauchi Naomasa & Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Additional Tags: 5+1 Things, Canon Compliant, Parental Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Tired Tsukauchi Naomasa, Tsukauchi Naomasa is a Good Friend, But he's so Done with Toshi's shit, "For god's sake just call the kid your son already", Hospitals, so many freaking hospitals, Did I mention dadmight, Yagi Toshinori | All Might is a Dork, but it's ok because izuku loves him anyway, Oblivious Midoriya Izuku, Fluff, Family Slow Burn, it's takes all might a minute but he gets there, and tsukauchi is there with the adoption papers
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32355853
More Izuku Stories
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twenty-qs · 6 years
naomight fic 1/6
My submission for Naomight Week! I only managed to do a sixth of it lol but I’ll slide this in for day seven (for a given definition of “day”).
word count: 744
rating: G
fic summary: Five times Naomasa knew he was being lied to, and one time he admitted the truth.
“I AM HERE!” All Might bellows, skidding out of the alleyway and flexing dramatically. “STOP, BICYCLE THIEF!”
“Oh. Hello,” says Naomasa. “Great timing. Could you hold this for a second?”
All Might freezes. He looks at Naomasa sitting on the thief’s back, the bicycle upturned nearby with a wheel still spinning, and the pair of handcuffs dangling from Naomasa’s hand.
“Hold—hold what?” All Might asks, abruptly losing his steam.
Naomasa snaps on the handcuffs. “I need you to hold onto his wrists while I go return the bike,” he explains. “His quirk makes him rather slippery.”
The thief snarls at Naomasa and tries to wriggle away. Then he sees All Might. He whimpers, and sags back down.
“OK,” All Might says.
He rests his big hand on the thief’s wrists and gives Naomasa a thumbs-up. Naomasa goes to return the bike and collect the owner’s statement. When he returns, All Might is still there, plus a small crowd of gawkers who are trying to take a selfie with the world’s Number 1 Hero despite the villain right under his feet.
“Alright, everyone, please maintain a safe distance,” Naomasa says sharply, herding the civilians away. All Might looks up at him in relief. His eyes are strikingly blue—Naomasa thought it was just the TV screen that made him look like that, but no, his eyes really do glow. Noamasa takes the thief’s wrists from him and lets the thief get to his feet. 
“Thank you for the assistance,” he says to All Might. 
“No, thank you!” All Might gushes. “I saw the theft happen on the other street, but you intercepted the villain before I could even cross the alleyway. That must have been in ten seconds at most! And you’re not even wearing your uniform!”
Praise from All Might. Naomasa mentally folds this moment into an origami star and drops it into his glass jar of precious memories. “You aren’t wearing your uniform either,” he points out. All Might is dressed like a man on his way to the grocery store. The way his muscles bulge under that tight white T-shirt is…distracting.
All Might nods sheepishly. “Technically, I’m finished with my patrols, but—I had to do something.”
“It’s alright, I understand,” Naomasa reassures him. “I’m off duty too. I saw a crime happen right in front of me, and by the time I realized it, my body was already moving.”
“Said like a true hero!” All Might says, beaming with delight.
Naomasa blinks. “Sorry, I’m not a hero. I’m a police officer - it’s what I prefer.”
All Might smiles even wider. “Wonderful! I truly admire the police! What do you like about being an officer?”
The man is so earnest that Naomasa feels compelled to think his answer through carefully. Slowly, he explains: “I always wanted to help keep neighborhoods safe, so it was either be a hero or an officer. Now, a hero has to wear a mask. Not always literally, but it’s like a performance they have to script, practice, and act out alone. They usually don’t even go by their real names.
“A police officer doesn’t need the mask. We’re just regular people, cleaning up after the party’s over and righting wrongs one government form at a time. It’s very humbling work. I feel like it keeps me honest.”
All Might seems to seriously contemplate his answer for a long moment. Naomasa feels suddenly embarrassed. Up until now he’s been doing well treating All Might as a hardworking hero, not the entire world’s idol for going on 20 years. But even he, with his unflappable personality, has to admit that he feels a heady rush of pleasure under All Might’s intense, undivided focus. He clears his throat.
“Anyways, thanks again for your help. I’d better bring this man to the station.”
“I’ll come with you!” All Might hastens to say. 
Naomasa frowns. “Please don’t let me keep you; I’m sure you’re very busy. I can do it on my own.”
“No, it’s no trouble! I was, er, headed in that direction anyways!”
Naomasa’s quirk hammers in his chest. The sensation practically screams THIS MAN IS A LIAR. Well, that’s a surprise. All Might is a gentleman who walks hapless police officers to the station, and he is also complete shit at lying.
Naomasa ducks his head to hide the fact that he’s smiling again. “Of course. Shall we?”
As they walk, All Might babbles: “My apologies, we never properly introduced ourselves. I mean, obviously you know who I am, but I still want to be polite. My name is All Might!”
He thrusts out a hand. Naomasa takes it. All Might’s huge hand seems to engulf his own, warm and rough with calluses. His grip is oddly gentle.
Naomasa has the strangest urge to laugh.
“My name is Tsukauchi Naomasa,” he says. “I just transferred to Tokyo as a police detective, so I guess I’ll see you around a lot.”
All Might throws his hand up in a corny peace sign. “I look forward to working with you, Detective Tsukauchi!”
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nikolaidelphiki · 6 years
!!!, btw this is Makoto Tsukauchi, younger sister of Officer Noamasa from BNHA illegals, NOT makoto touchy-banana from free!
M: What is their favourite dessert?
I feel like she’d like crepes a lot for some reason. 
A: What are/were this character’s best subjects in school?
Everything! But especially history and government.
K: How do you know when you’ve upset them? 
Deepening on why she might get really touchy or super distant. 
O: What would it take to break them, inside and out?
That’s hard to say. She’s tough and clever. Perhaps some dark family secret that’s been exposed and used against her?
T: Where are they ticklish?
No. Bc i have a specific scenario in my head where this arises. 
Spell a character’s name in my askbox and I’ll tell you my headcanons…
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Absolutely (Not) My Kid
Absolutely (not) my kid by battybatzgirl
Noamasa's known Toshinori has always had a soft spot for kids, but this was different. This ran deeper. In only a few months, little Midoriya had somehow managed to wrap the Symbol of Peace around his pinky finger and he didn't even know it.
If only the two idiots would figure it out themselves.
Or: Five times Toshinori denied calling Izuku Midoriya his kid + one time Toshinori called Izuku Midoriya his son
Words: 6124, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Izuku & Tsukauchi Naomasa, Tsukauchi Naomasa & Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Additional Tags: 5+1 Things, Canon Compliant, Parental Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Tired Tsukauchi Naomasa, Tsukauchi Naomasa is a Good Friend, But he's so Done with Toshi's shit, "For god's sake just call the kid your son already", Hospitals, so many freaking hospitals, Did I mention dadmight, Yagi Toshinori | All Might is a Dork, but it's ok because izuku loves him anyway, Oblivious Midoriya Izuku, Fluff, Family Slow Burn, it's takes all might a minute but he gets there, and tsukauchi is there with the adoption papers
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32355853
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