#no real person looks lije that
Every time i read eruri fanfic i have such a hard time picturing erwin because literally no one can be that majestic looking in real life
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multitudecontainer420 · 11 months
new threshold . whoever it was crturequiet?? various people that had really cogent and nuanced understndings ofit and personal work around it. get on their level.
good speakers (phone n tv)
listen ing 2 music like lijed playlist o. shuffle without looking at who it is . like as soon as u once look at the time at nia it drags by. it turns on collect categorize and sort the information brain. which is also time brsin
tori (15!!!!!!!!ow wow.)
cut 2 tge feeling. fast energetic dance moves u could do (even if just arm pumping)! that u could get down really real solidly n be able to throw all ur force n energy into it
its all baby
translation collaboration dance song a pulling forth a shaping
o ball of light
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warrioreowynofrohan · 3 years
Thoughts on Mistborn Era 2 (Wax & Wayne):
My main take on these was “ah, looks like Brandon’s taking some time off from his magnum opus to write pulp Western/detective/crime novels”, and I was very amused to look up Brandon’s comments and see a ton of interviews with him saying, “so, this is absolutely me having some fun writing pulp Western/crime novels”. It’s nice to have a writer who’s not too proud to - accurately - describe his own stuff as pulp yet still do a good job of it. They remind me a little of the Dresden Files in terms of the mystery aspects, the urban fantasy tone, the wit, the lack of diplomatic/political subtlety of the protagonists and, of course, the rampant property destruction. But Brandon’s a much more thoughtful author than Jim Butcher, and treats his female characters better.
On the topic of gratuitous property destruction: Wax, for goodness’ sakes, stop shooting the ground! That’s infrastructure, Wax! Fixing the streets takes work, Wax! You’re not a dusty dirt road in the middle of nowhere any more, Wax! Just drop a coin like they dud in the old days! Or a shell casing or bullet if you desperately need to be hardcore. But rampantly firing off weapons in urban areas just to get a base for your Allomancy is a terrible idea.
This was a wonderful follow-up to Mistborn because it was a lot lighter and the stakes were a lot lower, which is nice for a change. I was reading the intro to Elantris where it was talking about people in Brandon’s early writing group telling him he needed to raise the stakes, and personally, I like low stakes. Well of Ascension/Hero of Ages were a grind, much as I liked the ending, and I would be up for more stories like Dawnshard, with low stakes and the heroes resolving the plot by non-violent means.
Marasi and Steris are both very well-done characters - I was definitely shipping Wax/Marasi in the first book and had no expectations of the Wax/Steris engagement lasting, so I was quite surprised, but the switch was well done and I liked it. Marasi and Wax’s feelings were a crush/hero worship and a rebound, respectively. And it’s nice to see a relationship grow gradually like Wax and Steris’ did. What Brandon did with Steris, starting out with a portrayal readers are unlikely to lije and letting her grow on them, is risky (especially with female characters) because readers may hold to first impressions, but I thought it worked very well.
Wayne’s backstory and reaction to it hit hard and was one of the best elements in the series. Another entry in the diverse array of Sanderson redemption arcs. It’s interesting because Wayne both is and isn’t haunted by it - he takes it seriously, it affects him deeply, but he doesn’t habitually brood, and it doesn’t prevent him from being a generally lighthearted, funny, silly person most of the time.
Wayne is absolutely right about the value of certain goids being an arbitrary thing invented by rich people. I’ve had caviar, once (as a garnish on a nice pasta dish at a fancy restaurant). It tastes like nothing. Entirely nodescript. The sole purpose of caviar is to communicate “this dish is fancy (and so, by connection, is the person eating it)”.
I’m deeply protective of Sazed and get very affonted when characters criticize him. I think he’s done an excellent job. It’s hard to wrap my head around the sheer scale of Bleeder’s overreaction to the possibility of her boyfriend moving back to the city. Though on one level it makes sense in that the kandra are of Preservation: she is going to see maintwnance of an existing situation as inherently better and more desirable, even if a change could still turn out well and be something Wax enjoyed. And I don’t feel like Sazed telling him about Bleeder being Lessie would have helped anything - it just would have made the decision to kill her harder, not less necessary, because she was incredibly malicious, destructive, and dangerous and there was no other way of containing her.
The resolution of Shadows of Self is exactly the sort of thing I wanted to see, politically: the mass protests and risk of riot over poor wages, unemployment, and mustreatment of workers is resolved by a committment to address those problems, because the workers’ anger is legitimate and their cause is just.
I’m heartily frustrated by Wax, because it is his responsibility - it is literally his job, he has employees and a Senate seat! - to address the major political and economic problems of Elendel, and he neglects them. I don’t care if you’d rather be out shooting things! You have resposibilities! The workers in your factories are the source of the money and prestige that lets you engage in your gentleman-crimefighter hobby, and you owe it to them to see that the city operates in their interests. You can do far more good in that way than by shootin’ bad guys. Do. Your. Damn. Job. Steris seems to be nudging him in that direction, at least.
In general I’m impatient with a lot of the law-enforcement attitudes. Miles is a villain for whom I have absolutely no sympathy. Oh, so you’ve turned evil because, despite your 15 years of work in law enforcement, crime still exists? Yeah, maybe that’s because your belief that crime will stop existing if you shoot and/or hang enough people was never realistic. Likewise with Wax’s skepticism regarding Marasi’s ideas on how crime can be reduced through better urban planning and social policies - no, Wax, it won’t entirely eliminate crime, there will always be people who are just plain malicious, greedy, venal, or violent, but if you can reduce it by, say, 50-70% by better social policy, that would still be a good thing, right?
The period newspapers are great fun. I want a TenSoon plushie! Come on, Brandon, you’re musding out on a fantastic marketing opportunity! The one thing that bugged me was the ‘Pewternauts’ in The Bands of Mourning. In the first place, it’s a nonsensical name - real-world dreadnaughts, of which these are obviously supposed to be the equivalent, were called that because it literally meant ‘these having nothing they should fear’. The apex predator of military warships at the time, if you will. You can’t just create a random fantasy portmanteau amd pretend that it works - it’s like calling a scandal in a fantasy novel something-gate even though the Watergate scandal doesn’t exist in that world! Secondly, dreadnaughts were part of a massive military arms race in a world where European wars had been commonplace for centuries. The Elendel basin had never had a war in 300 years - these aren’t something that someone would invent just off the bat. Having similar technology to turn-of-the-century earth doesn’t mean it will be applied in the same ways, not with a completely different political context.
In general, New Seran’s complaints seemed overblown. Yes, the transit system treating Elendel as a hub and lacking effective connections between the outlying regions in aggravating. (It’s a provlem that plagues urban public transit systems even now - most routes are either local or feed into the city centre, with relatively few goung from one suburb to another, even as trans-suburban commuting vecomes more common.) But it’s not remotely the kind of thing you fight a war over! I feel like Brandon’s trying to recall the American Revolution, a bit, but the distances are so small (Elendel and New Seran are about as far apart as Ottawa and Toronto) as to make that ludicrous. What they really need is some kind of equivalent to a regional district authority, where representatives of multiple local governments can get together to work on issues of regional planning.
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finnstansonly · 3 years
finally getting this sleep study is so crazy bc my relationship w sleep has always been very…much:
- I had nightmares every day in middle school to the point that now my perception of what is scary is completely different to me now than when I was a kid lije stuff that would count as a nightmare to a lot of ppl really does not even phase me anymore unless my family is in danger or or something completely hideous and awful happens. Also super mega insomnia that continues to this day.
- extremely vivid and detailed dreams. I almost always remember between 1-3 of them when I wake up.
- a lot of realizing I’m dreaming when I’m dreaming which lead to me waking myself up when I realized it wasn’t real OR the increase in likelihood that I’d have a false awakening with a very realistic start like my brain was trying to trick me into staying asleep by trying to keep it as normal as possible
- 3 or 4 or however many years ago I started having what I’ve been calling sleep paralysis even tho I can move before it happens and also sometimes happens while I’m literally in the middle of a dream and I just have to put it on pause for 10 seconds as I wait for the ability to move and breathe again
- December 2019 when I first realized I was REALLY tired all the time and I thought it was just overwork from school and that I’d just take winter break to rest and go back to normal but I was still tired as shit and was taking naps before and after class
- spring 2020 when we went in lockdown and I was still waking up at regular times but I was exhausted tired every waking moment if I wasn’t focusing on something like zoom class or chores and sleeping so much I was doing homework at 1am
- summer 2020 thinking I was just sleeping a lot bc I didn’t have school and not realizing that I was still tired every second bc I just slept whenever I got tired since I didn’t have any obligations. also started kicking myself awake from defending myself in dreams and knocking shit off my bed or flinging my arm or foot into my window
- fall 2020 in which I started hallucinating when I woke up which most of the time was more confusing than scary bc it looked like the figure of my family members just staring at me or something else that I could easily tell was not real but sometimes it’s just some shadowy person I gotta convince myself is not a demon or the 2 times it really just looked like a ghost so I wasn’t even phased really
- this spring in which none of that changed but I sometimes walk around very groggy and sleep drunk which isn’t great since I’m already a clumsy person which may or may not have contributed to the incident in which I fell in my face and gave myself a concussion while trotting to the bathroom 🤪
- this summer in which every time I come upstairs looking tired my dad asks if I’m just waking up or just going to bed no matter what time of day it is and a lot of times I’m actually just in the middle of being attacked by sleepiness trying to kickstart my body with food and water as if that has ever actually kept me awake for longer than 45 mins
- (oh yeah also mayhaps my chronic migraines could be related to the complete dookie sleep I get but that is a GUESS so it’s in parenthesis)
all of that continuing really to this day and spending the last 8 months trying to find out what exact condition I have and insurance playing in my face to make sure it takes as long as humanly possible. and the lady at the neurologist saying it sounds like narcolepsy but I gotta do the sleep apnea test first. (If I have sleep apnea then I must have super mega uber apnea bc my parents and brother have it and they do NOT be going through what I’m going through at all. I’m really out here asking for confirmation that conversations happened in real life and not in a dream and sleeping through alarms and texts and sometimes calls, which is not typical for me, a very light sleeper (like waking up by the nearly inaudible vibrations of relatively small earthquakes like 10 seconds before any actual shaking happens kind of light sleeper–yes this still happens to this day when I’m not randomly heavy sleeping)
Like ma’am what is going ON with me bc the girls (my family) are NAWT relating to my parasomnias outside of insomnia and they are not even on my level. like if this is just sleep apnea someone should put me in a lab this is not regular
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mc-slowwalker · 3 years
philza being 100000 years old is something I can get behind tbh. my least favourite age hc, which I think I actually hate with a burning passion, is the tommy and tubbo were 9 during the first l’manberg wartime actually ignites a visceral rage in me
yeah!! I managed to make it to pink’s bedwars stream the other day and it was great. yeah lol I was lowkey upset too when foolish was added cause I had no idea who he was but he’s super fun so that’s cool! I like high energy stream more too cause I zone out super easily. unless it’s dream, he can stream anything and I’ll try my hardest to pay attention the whole time
ooooh vet that’s cool. oh my god c!dream going into the dentist after months in prison😭😭😭 I’m imagining c!techno as a beefy pig sitting in the kind of small couch/seats we have in the waiting room. Tommy would 100% bite and then get really mad about getting a toy that we give to little kids after their treatment lol
omg the pet wars 😔😔😔 so sad. everyone in the dsmp is emotionally attached to their animals than anything else and what can I say, I’m the same
oh yeah I also tend to take c!dream criticism to heart more idk why. I’m definitely way more defensive of c!dream apologists than any other they get so much unnecessary shit. though from your other anons it looks like c!sam apologists are getting more shit too which sucks but solidarity ig. oh man I get you I have to tell myself to like take a step back and not take everything so personally. another thing on twitter is that people who vehemently hate c!dream will sometimes just refuse to use /dsmp /roleplay tags like it’s not that hard, tweets without that have already been misinterpreted to hate on cc!dream which just pisses me off like you can have your shit opinion just tag it properly. and like when people tell them to include it they’ll be like “ohh the dream apologists harassed me.” and yeah people genuinely go around calling c!dream apologists abuse apologists and it’s terrible. like I don’t care if you have your bad takes and aren’t willing to discuss them, just tag it properly and don’t shit on c!dream apologists it’s not that hard. though it’s funny the other day, the first time I replied to some shut take on twitter, in a lighthearted manner too, I got instantly blocked and there’s this on person on twt, they’re also on tumblr, that blocks anyone that even slightly disagrees with them. oh well ig
also did you see about that lore that foolish did? it was certainly something
sorry for the late and shorter reply I got halfway through writing this then went to do something then just fell asleep and I just got a notification that ponk is live! and I’m awake so Imma go watch them
Jack Mulletfold I’m on my jack manifold mullet truther arc
The 9 year old thing was bad and I also hated the c!dream was 13 during the l’manburg war thing too like no this is all so much funnier if they are the ages that they are now. And like father like son fundy tried to set a timeline up too (his it’s been a year comment) like no dude stop time doesn’t exist unless it’s real world
With watching streams I’m the exact same way but I usually tune into quackity and tommy’s chill streams as well. I think it’s because I know them enough to care about what they’re saying so the lack of mental stimulation is made up for by my want to care
Wait fuck with the dentist thing would c!techno actually have to go to a vet instead because of anatomy stuff or-
C!Dream is probably missing a few teeth and after not brushing so long ugh
I would joke that c!sapnap’s done nothing wrong but I haven’t forgiven him for henry
I simply don’t user twitter I tried to post a shit post but I don’t understand the tagging system so it flopped. Stopped using it there and then. say what you want about me but you guys gotta know that I’m a petty bitch first and foremost. With the “harassment” stuff I’ve had my fair share of sending anons asking people to tag stuff right and half the time they just say why and then don’t do it. You wanna know why? Please thats why. I have a real issue with the abuse apologist stuff because like bro that’s a serious accusation and it’s overall just seems super inappropriate. It usually doesn’t get to me but if I’m in the wrong mood it can really fuck me up. When cc!wilbur said that every character was morally gray and that c!dream apologists were right & wrong about somethings I was kinda like “oh thank god a streamer I like doesn’t hate me for liking c!dream” and was hella embarrassed that I even let it get me that far skdhfk. Oh yeah about people blocking you there are so many people who have me blocked on here and while I totally encourage using your block button liberally and often I still notice and its like aw man… creeper…… so we back in the mines…….
You’re gonna have to be a little more specific I feel lije foolish has done a lot of lore, though I think I’ve missed most of it. Are you talking about truing to break into the prison? Hilarious that every character despite their opinion on c!dream has at one point attempted to break into the prison. If only c!dream knew that the only common enemy the server needed was a building they were supposed to stay out of
dont say sorry that’s illegal (/j) also the thing I like about anon is that you can come back and respond when ever is best for you? Makes me feel like an old western bar tender who is just vibing. That’s the dream social interaction tbh
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lijahs · 4 years
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in texas, elijah mori is known to most as eli or lije. they have been riding with the diablos for just over a year. they’re originally from seattle and the prospect is known to be very impulsive & overly curious but the other club members will tell you they are dedicated & optimistic. as the years go by, they’ve gained a lot of respect in the club and around town. they rarely ever drive a car but when they do talk too much by coin is usually heard blasting. ( obsessing over a first bloody lip, trying not to break out laughing when you catch someone’s eye in a meeting, moonlit picnics on rooftops and abandoned cars, a favoured jacket lent to a friend, childlike energy that comes with a yet unbroken spirit ) 
( ryan potter. nineteen. male. he/him. )
he was a surprise, little elijah mori. not a mistake, his mother would always assure him - but even though they’d already gotten engaged and done enough renovations to their little place in seattle for it to be a sheer waste of money for it to not be their home for the foreseeable future, his parents hadn’t been planning to have kids until at least a few years into their marriage, and at the point when they found out they were expecting they honestly hadn’t even known if they were going to have any at all. nonetheless, when they heard the news, the pairs whole attention seemed to solely be on him. what his name would be, what his room would look like, who he would become - for nine months, he was all that mattered, so much so they were willing to cut the funds for what was supposed to be a grandiose wedding down to a fifth of what it once was so they could be sure they were ready to bring their baby into the world in comfort and style.
well, actually, it was more like eight and a half months until he was actually born - but on the 6th of april, 2000, elijah made his way into the world.
suddenly, it seemed that the excitement of a new baby was starting to dwindle for his father. when it came to taking care of him, though, that wasn’t a huge deal - a college law professor, he hadn’t expected to be around much anyway, and his mother was apparently perfectly happy spending most of her time with him. it wasn’t that his father was regretting anything, mind, and he did still love him and try his best when he could, but there wasn’t the same energy there had been.
eli was always a social, happy kid - almost walking before he tried his hand at talking, he was insanely curious about the world around him, always wandering somewhere new or another. he wasn’t exactly a prodigy, and would never grow into someone especially known for their intelligence at that, but when he did start kinder he was always the first to go over to someone new and say hi, be the ringleader of some game or another, and offer comfort and defence to anyone who needed it as best a four-year-old could. this nature carried on into his elementary school years - he was more a class clown than anything else, and soon his life became nothing more than just running around his neighbourhood with his friends on some adventure or another.
by the time he was eight, it looked like the novelty was starting to wear off for his mother, too - and unlike his father, she didn’t keep trying as hard as she could to take care of him. even though he gave her all the love a son could, she just seemed bored by what he had to say, always making an excuse to go to the next room or send him out with his friends or to go grab something from the corner store up the street. that was just how she seemed towards eli - to her husband, she was cold, snappy, and would only appear to be the same kind woman she once was when she wanted something from him. when a job offer from houston university showed up for him, she only begged him to stay for a good five minutes before practically just telling him to get going.
the semester his father was in texas for was tough for elijah. they didn’t spend much time together as it was, but the house felt suddenly emptier without him there - sometimes he’d wake up in the middle of the night and swear he could hear his mother talking to someone, and he’d run to the window to see if his car was in the drive - but it never was. it was only when he returned for summer break that the truth came out - the whole time he’d been gone, his mother had been having an affair, possibly even beginning before he left, and elijah had had no idea. the same night he came home, he told his son to pack his things. they were going.
he’d been staying in a hotel in houston for his first semester of teaching, but his father knew they’d have to settle somewhere with cheaper real estate - and the small, relatively nearby of newton was the first name to come up in his search for somewhere more affordable for him and his son, so newton was where they went.
it was a lonely adjustment. elijah hadn’t even had a chance to say goodbye to any of his neighbourhood or school friends, let alone get any of their numbers from his mother’s phone book he’d been so dependent on his whole life, and his new house was empty, the light that streamed through the window was different - and, so far as he could tell, there was practically noone his age in the direct vicinity. with his father back in washington half the time to deal with the divorce and tie up loose ends with custody and his son’s schooling and medical arrangements, he was left practically to his own devices. regrettably, this would end up how things were once he was back in newton proper, as he had to spend most of his time at the university.
one of the only highlights of his new home was seeing the bikers - not only would they stream past his front window at unpredictable times of the day, but after a while he noticed that a lot of them would stop by the house next door to his, and his neighbour would go out on his own bike with them whenever they came. whenever he heard them coming down the street, he’d run out to the front porch to wave, and after a while some of them would start waving back. one evening after some of them left, his neighbour came to speak to him - and, being a sociable nine-year-old who’d had noone to talk to properly for weeks on end, elijah basically told them the whole story of what had happened and why his dad was hardly home. while they was there, he also pelted him with questions about the bikers and expressed his sheer admiration, and took away four important facts - he could come over if he ever needed anything, the club’s name was the diablos, he could try out to join when he was 18, and until that day came, he’d be perfectly happy to give him riding lessons - once he was old enough, anyway.
school started for him not long after that, and soon enough he did manage to rack up a decent amount of friends and reestablish himself as a class clown, but if he ever needed to go somewhere he’d go straight next door so long as the front light was on. he and his dad were still on decent enough terms, but with how early he had to leave and how late he’d get home, spending all his weekends working on things for his students, they didn’t have much of a chance to really hang out like father and son. as the years went on, he grew only closer to his diablo neighbour and some of his friends, starting his promised riding lessons when he was fourteen, and started to gravitate away from his father.
after turning 18, a few months before he was due to graduate, his father came to him with news - once the semester ended, he was moving back to seattle and trying things again with his mother. even though it hadn’t really been a yes/no sort of choice whether or not elijah would be going with him - he said no. he had friends, he was finishing school, and, unbeknownst to him, he was going to be a diablo, his dream - but his father wasn’t up to budging. it was only after he saw him riding home on his neighbour’s bike while packing his belongings that he saw what his son had been getting up to for the years they were there when he wasn’t with his school friends - the following fight lasted hours. the plus, though - eli was getting what he wanted. when his father left a week later, he skipped over to stay next door until he could find a tiny place of his own. he saw out the rest of the school year, graduated with decent enough grades - not that that mattered, not really.
after taking a few months to travel with some of his school friends and get some money doing few-week jobs around the country, he returned to newton and went straight to the diablos. he spent a short while just doing work for them, odd chores here and there, but after a couple weeks he was finally allowed to become a prospect and ride with the club - since then, he’s just been trying to prove himself to those around him.
tldr: (very fair, btw) elijah mori was born in seattle, lived there for 9 years, dad got a job in houston as a college professor at the university, mum had an affair, he moved to newton with his dad, pretty lonely, met a diablo, wanted to become one more than anything else, now prospecting.
despite everything eli’s gone through with his parents, he’s still a remarkably optimistic and generally upbeat kid, especially for someone who also happens to dream of being a part of the diablos. he tried doing the stoic thing that a lot of the members of the club put on, but he just couldn’t do it save for serious meetings and confrontations with the reapers (save for catching someone’s eye or getting confused by whatever’s going on respectively.) he just always seems to have a hint of a smile, a glimmer in his eye - if he does stay a diablo there’s no chance it’ll stay, but for now, he’s just living the dream, and it’s obvious.
he is charismatic, and he does like to joke around with other diablos, even if it can get annoying to some - he’s not explicitly trying to spread cheer joy or anything, but he just has fun with a lot of things. he was always a class clown in school, and that’s carried over to his time in the club.
he can be pretty naive, especially when it comes to stuff with the club - he’s been semi-involved for a decade, but he can easily miss when things are important and does sometimes struggle to follow what’s going on or make the right calls. he struggles to focus a lot and can easily miss information that could be vital to whatever he needs to do. that being said, he finds it easy to read a room, and he will try and change his tone if he gets an explanation fast.
he tries to put on a tough face around the reapers, but it’ll immediately get thrown off if he’s confused or finds something funny. that being said, he is incredibly proud of his club and his place in it, and won’t take kindly to any sort of insult towards it.
as already said, he’s more than dedicated to the club. when he first moved to newton, some of it’s members were more there for him than his own father, and since then he’s been absolutely enamoured with it, hell, he was basically pseudo-raised by it. even if he does have fun with things, he takes his role incredibly seriously and does really want to prove himself to the other members.
he doesn’t seem to get upset or angry easily, but when he does, it’s obvious. he’ll try to stay subtle and only keep crying and such to the privacy of his own home (or the closest wall he can hide behind) but if he’s in the middle of an argument, he won’t bother pausing to take care of any tears. when he’s hurt, he’ll try and brush it off - but when it’s serious, he’ll just go quiet. he rarely gets stern when talking to someone - but when he does, it’s jarring to say the least. it takes a lot for him to start to hold a grudge, but when he does, he’ll just fully shut off whoever it’s towards - as evidenced by both of his own parents.
he is incredibly curious, and will sometimes pry where he shouldn’t, pushing questions even if whoever he’s with doesn’t want to answer. 
he has a tendency to not think too hard, or at all before making decisions - some of them he will put more time towards, but it’s rare. he just goes for whatever feels right in the moment more often than not. 
he’s very talkative, very energetic. it’s clear he’s living his dream, basically.
elijah has so many nicknames. el, eli, lije, lijey, lijah - the kid’s happy with all of them, but the most common are eli (ee-lie) and lije (like large but. with an i). actually hearing the full thing is a massive rarity.
his harley’s nickname is rudolph - her paint’s fully black, save for a large splash of red just on top of the headlight. he got her second hand with the money he saved travelling before joining the diablos, but he absolutely adores her.
he hasn’t spoken to either his mother or his father since he last saw them, and has no desire to see them or talk about them to anyone else. he brushes off his history with them with a laugh before quickly changing the subject.
though he can get heated and overdramatic at times about small things happening in the moment, he’s an avoidant griever when it comes to big changes - his mother’s affair and having to pick up and move to texas, for example, though he was hurt and betrayed, barely seemed to affect his attitude or how he went about his day. no doubt it does still get to him when he’s not trying to think about it, but he just keeps on pushing it back.
his place is absolutely tiny, and he rarely spends any time in it. that being said, he has enough of his old cds and dvds to last a lifetime, and he keeps it neat and cozy enough that it wouldn’t be an embarassment if anyone came over.
even though he took care of himself for a lot of his adolescence while his dad was teaching, he’s hardly able to cook and just settles for things which are easy to make. 
wanted connections
the one who got him into the diablos! would’ve been his next door neighbour when he’d just moved to newton and acted more like family to him than his actual dad - their age doesn’t massively matter so long as they are older than him, they could’ve been a kid of a diablo or something, just someone who got him interested. they’d still definitely/probably be close, and he’d still see them as family, and they’re the only one to know the full story about his parents.
diablo friends/mentors! he may be pretty lively and jokey compared to some of his clubmates, but he massively respects everyone else in the diablos - just anyone who’d be able to help show him the ropes and hang out with him, pretty much. he’s still a kid trying to get used to the whole club thing, even if he’s wanted it so long!
people he annoys! probably includes a fair couple of diablos or people he was in a class with in school - honestly, his attitude definitely wouldn’t be to everyone’s tastes, and i can definitely see him getting on people’s nerves.
school/outside friends! he would’ve made a fair few friends in school i feel, and he’d still definitely be close to them even though he’s with the diablos. also just friends he’d make around town or in stratford!
best friend/s! probably people pretty close to his age, diablo or not - he just needs best buddies to mess around with.
"this isnt 911 level serious but still please help” friend! he’s capable, but he is still pretty much just a kid - just someone he’d be able to ring up if he needs help at the last minute, whether it be injury, bike damage, just sort of bored. 
some kind of romantic interest?? i mean he’s super young so compared to most of the characters here it’s unlikely but just someone he’d be interested in! he might be friends with them, might see them from a distance, they might be a reaper, who knows - he’d not be great about showing it, but he’d try! he’d try
enemies/grudges! just cause he tries to be optimistic and just sort of nice doesn’t mean he wouldn’t have plenty - could’ve been from school, could’ve been from a conflict in the clubs, just someone he definitely doesn’t like. 
highkey id be super happy with any connection so if you have any ideas you reckon would fit with him and your character go ahead and suggest it i stg these are only a couple of ideas 
other pages
pinterest (coming soon!)
spotify playlist (coming soon!)
hello! my name’s jase, nice to meet you, i use he/him pronouns and i’m from melbourne, australia (timezone’s aedt/australian eastern daylight time!) 
i just realised i’ve been saying it’s aest even though daylight savings started like weeks ago so. oops. i’ll go around and fix it later it’s fine.
i don’t have a hell of a lot to say here, if i’m honest, but please if you want to plot either like this and i’ll come say hey or hmu either through dms or over on discord (jasonshmason#4065) and we can chat!
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blakegallo · 3 years
how can you say ghost stories was the most 911 ep of them all when he only had 1 emergency and it focused all of his attention on a second character like taylor? like just read outside of tumblr jfc people were complaining about that ep on every social media like ig reddit even facebook locals were all hating on the episode and how it gave screentime to taylor a character no one cares about like the comments are right there just go and read them just bc you like her doesn't mean people have to like her too also 5x07 had lower ratings bc again the eo sucked and people literally stopped watching during the episode it even has 5.8 as a raring on IMDB like what are we even talking about? people hate her and it has nothing to do with buddie
this is probably the last anon i'm gonna answer from you... bc i've made it very clear that i understand that a lot of people had issue with the episode. and that FOR ME it was still a good episode. not just for taylor kelly, but for the scene with karen confronting eva, the hen/chimney conversation, the chimney/eli bar scene, harry's whole arc over the episode. it wasn't six different emergency crammed into an hour, but it still juggled multiple storylines like the show does when there are two small calls and a larger emergency.
my sample size of "general audience" members is only 1 bc i have a singular co-worker and he's pretty much the only person in my real life who watches the show outside of fandom spaces. and he literally had no complaints about the episode. his wife didn't have complaints. he didn't say that taylor kelly was his favorite, he liked getting to watch harry heal from his trauma, but he wasn't in facebook comments or making tweets about her needing to leave the show.
i truly do not understand how many times i have to say that me liking a character has nothing to do with anyone else. i do not care if other viewers like taylor kelly. i like her. on my blog i talk about things i lije. i'm not out here running an ad campaign to get people on my side. you have deliberately come to my inbox multiple times now and for what?
i hope you have a lovely weekend. any future asks are just getting blocked bc i truly don't see the point in continuing the back and forth. i've made my peace with people's bad takes about taylor. i've accepted that there is no combination of tags to keep me from seeing it. that's not going to stop me from changing it.
for what it's worth that is not accurate information about the imdb rating for the episode. i don't think any "facebook local" knows the imdb rating for any episode of any show they watched. and i think the only people who care are gifmakers looking to make a "top x number of episodes according to imdb". imdb is literally just a database. maybe studios look to get a vibe, but the fact that the rating of the episode has gone up since it aired tends to favor the idea that people do actually like the episode.
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ksbwnotes · 3 years
Chapter 6
*looks out into the distance* welp.
1. It is rather strange
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As we later see in this chapter, Bum logically knows that this is not the type of relationship he wants to be in. But Sangwoo did things that Bum could’ve only dreamed of having--and Sangwoo takes advantage of that. Both, as a control mechanism and a way for Sangwoo to receive the love he wants just as desperately as Bum (they both just have different ways of going at it). 
But still, the way Bum reacts to the sexual aspects. He becomes a person entirely uninhibited and unable to control his desires. He’s super weak to pleasure (or, in other words, he’s so desperate for a dopamine release and sex can give him a dump of that shit), which is why he is the hypersexual one in the relationship, while Sangwoo just seems to use it as a weapon. 
2. Like...I get it...I GET IT...
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If this was real life, then it would just be Bum not paying attention, made worse by the environment he’s trapped in, and him touching a fucking boiling pot without checking the temperature or using a towel wouldn’t be his fault. 
But ever since the whole rat poison thing, I’m unable to look at this in anything but a fictional way. Because it’s like Bum is testing Sangwoo himself here as well, but using a disconnect between thoughts vs reality as a way to hide behind excuses and just generally remain self-unaware. 
Because he knows that, usually, if he drops shit, Sangwoo will be there to beat the fucking shit out of him. 
But...what about now?
3. Honestly, Bum, I’m confused too lol
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Sangwoo has this thing of just...not thinking about things. He also has this disconnect that allows him to just respond to his environment without having to think too deeply about its significance. So long as he can separate the emotion from it, Sangwoo takes things moment by moment. I think that’s just to keep himself from getting overwhelmed because he already is running on overflow due to his PTSD.
So, I think the new rush of feelings Bum is bringing for within him is making him see his environment in a new way. Less cluttered. Less...trapped in his memories. His trauma. Which means it will take more for him to be triggered into harming Bum (i.e., Bum trying to leave him and take away this newfound peace with him). 
4. *makes a what the hell motion*
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...I...why though??
5. It is interesting because now...
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...Instead of reacting with pain whenever Bum shows hesitance and anxiety, Sangwoo is trying a different tactic. Now that Bum has shown him that, in a way, he does genuinely have...some sort of feelings for Sangwoo, Sangwoo wants to keep that feeling.
6. Trading ice
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Ahhhh this is such a good scene. Koogi delivers such an amazing representation of why battered partners stay. This scary ass bastard breaks Bum’s legs and beats him up, but with this scene of Sangwoo making out with Bum so they can swap the ice between their mouths...those are the parts that make a part of me root for them. What makes it worse is that Sangwoo is so good-looking and he sweetly calls Bum cutie, so like...if you just take in this scene and leave out the rest, that’s the part of me that wants moments like these to continue. 
7. Lol, yep
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Oof, classic of any and every abuser. And, honestly, any normal person. Though, I do think Bum’s mode of ‘separating’ these two is due to Bum’s mental issues as well. I think his susceptibility to psychosis and derealization makes him more prone to thinking as the same reality as two different realities. 
And really, it’s not that Sangwoo has two completely different personalities. No human can maintain the same personality in every single situation.
Also, one thing I find interesting about Sangwoo’s reaction to Bum is that I don’t think these parts are part of his plan. I think these are all new additions, not actual strategies he has consciously come up with to keep Bum with him. Because no one has ever made it as far as Bum, so while he could only imagine someone getting this far with him, he has never actually entertained it until now--when he is being given the chance to.
8. oisjrgio;srejg;oiesrjgio;esjgi gdi
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Honestly, this makes me very impressed with Bum. Because no matter how desperate Bum is for love, he doesn’t actually fall for the stockholm syndrome completely. Not in the beginning. I started on the chapters where he already had, so seeing how he’s fighting back against it right now gives insight to how gradual his descent was. 
9. Ohh?
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Wait, Sangwoo is sleeping downstairs with Bum??  So that he doesn’t have to lock Bum up in the basement, he’s compensating for that by sleeping in the same bed with Bum instead??  I can see Sangwoo’s line of thinking after Bum crosses that line: “I treat a loser homo like you nicely and sleep in the same bed as you so that you don’t have to be in the basement, and this is how you treat me instead?”
10. I have this headcanon
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That Sangwoo makes sure not to sleep before Bum does. Since Bum is unchained, the risk of having Bum escape is really high, so to make sure that doesn’t happen, he only lets himself relax once Bum is asleep. Their position in bed here also makes it so that it’s very difficult for Bum to get out of the room without waking him.
Also, I do think Sangwoo has been woken up multiple times by his mom’s molestation. So he also probably automatically wakes up whenever someone touches him in his sleep. Which is why, in later panels, he responds by completing the sexual advances himself--because why else would someone touch him in his sleep?  At least this way, he’s in control of the advances and it’s with someone he has...sorta chosen.
11. *screams into hands*
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Sangwoo--and you know what, even you Bum, for being horny instead of disturbed--I’m begging you, PLEASE NO. 
But really though...Bum’s response to not actually respond to Sangwoo’s Oepidal commentary...it shows how, while alleviating Sangwoo’s pain in the short run, does stagnate Sangwoo in his trauma in the long run.
Ughhhserhgiulheriuhguieshg i am so scared to scroooollllllll lije;osirgjoise
Okay you know what, before I scroll, one last thing: Again, Sangwoo’s comment does drive home to how...this was the only time he ever felt safe and loved. He can’t remember anything positive in his childhood that it was the time before he was born that gives him fond memories, even though he obviously can’t possibly remember that. He’s not frkkn Ray from Neverland.
ACTUALLY WAIT. Sangwoo has probably said stupid shit like this with the other girls he has been with right!?!??!  Obviously any sane/average person would be disturbed by this, so they probably would chew Sangwoo out. One thing he said about the CEO’s daughter was that “this bitch thought she was better than me”. 
Sangwoo’s tests for the women he dates must be different than Bum’s tests. Obviously no “don’t cross the line” shit. So while sleeping with them, he starts showing his creepy side, the thoughts that plague his mind as a way to keep him from completely losing it. And the moment he does, he sees the disgust in their faces and the way they try to get away from him, which is when he responds by...uh throwing them in the basement, I guess lol.
Omg I am trying so hard to prolong having to continue reading. 😂
12. Oh O_O
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Okay so Sangwoo is now fine with it??  
Ohp never mind, finally made it through the whole scene and nope, he doesn’t seem to be lol. Him having oral-based trauma seems more and more likely now. He pulled Bum off him right before he came and as you can see here, it’s like he’s...nervous. In pain. Something along those lines, either way, it’s not so much “lost in pleasure” rather than “lost in painful memories”. 
I don’t think Sangwoo is allowing Bum to blow him because he wants it--it’s because he knows Bum wants it. And he’s trying to reward Bum for behaving himself and not crossing the line. 
So I don’t even think Bum being a guy is even the issue here. I don’t think Sangwoo has ever finished inside any woman, whether their mouth or vagina. Because even though Sangwoo is saying things as if he does sexually love his mom, in reality, he’s so disgusted by it that he can’t function in his daily life.
I like that Koogi didn’t draw Sangwoo’s eyes here--just like how, in a flashback, we could see Eunsoo’s mouth but not her eyes. In a way, during these moments Sangwoo doesn’t feel human. Just like whenever his mom molested him, he wasn’t her son or a person during that time, just a thing for her gratification. 
13. So, this is probably one representation why Bum tried to escape
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Other than the obvious of NOT BEING ABLE TO SEE THE OUTSIDE WORLD AT ALL (omg, regular people rioted just one week into the frggn shutdown during a PANDEMIC, of course Bum would want to go the fuck outside), I think Bum also sees the disconnect between Sangwoo’s actions.
Bum has probably asked if he could swallow Sangwoo’s cum, but to no avail, and that Sangwoo seems to have a underlying reason lurking there that he refuses to explain and Bum is unable to understand. 
Even though he wishes otherwise, he gets that Sangwoo doesn’t actually love him and, thus, can snap and kill him at any time. Sangwoo is keeping him only because Bum is obeying his rules. Otherwise, he’s meaningless to Sangwoo. He’s not a human or a person to Sangwoo. He is a thing for Sangwoo’s gratification.
14. “Can yOU gO bAck TO thE BasEMEnt BUM???”
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Hmmmn, okay, so there was a vague time lapse here. Does that mean Sangwoo has been continuously putting Bum back into the basement every time he leaves??  
The way Sangwoo is asking implies that he hasn’t, but Sangwoo is also a piece of shit, so maybe that isn’t a question at all.  Thing is, the way Sangwoo says “ah, you’re angry?” at the end might mean something. 
Anyways, if Bum really hasn’t been going down to the basement, the thing is he still isn’t letting Bum outside and it’s making Bum go stir crazy. He literally hasn’t probably seen the outside world in a week or two. And Sangwoo notices that. He sees how Bum has been slowly mentally and emotionally deteriorating due to being locked up inside. 
So him going outside to meet someone might have been him setting up a test for Bum. 
It really is interesting to see how tightly Sangwoo is clinging onto Bum. He’s not a serial killer just for the sake of the murder itself, he’s actually trying to find someone he who can love him...while making it impossible for them to love him lol.
15. Damp?
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I wonder if the basement being too damp has something to do with why we saw Sangwoo’s hands dripping earlier, leaving that wet spot on Bum’s clothes.
16. *wheeze*
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Ah, when your man whispers sweet nothings in your ear aojeroi;aje :’)
17. ...gdi, don’t make me feel bad for you
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oof Koogi expertly catches the anxiety and low key desperation on Sangwoo’s face. Seriously. He has set up the test for Bum, saying he’ll be back around 7pm and all he’s doing is just waiting outside to catch him. He’s begging Bum not to cross the line. He wants Bum to prove his loyalty, earn his trust so badly. 
Which is bullshit, but whatever. It still does make me wonder what kind of reward Sangwoo would’ve given Bum had he stayed and not tried to escape. How much leeway would he have given Bum afterwards?  It’s an interesting what-if.
18. Bum’s expression is also interesting here
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Bum’s expression is interesting here too. Koogi’s choice to do her signature red haze in the panel does suggest that he’s planning something that WILL get him beaten to death by Sangwoo too. 
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tumblunni · 6 years
Also in the time of complete random kh headcanon thoughts, i was trying to think up a new 'beginning town' type area for my khux oc, or maybe just a set of actual npcs for the default daybreak town. Like how traverse town got mostly ff7 people + squall and twilight town got the other ff8 people but theyre all kids for some reason and also the ff10-2 protagonists are pocket sized fairies?? I just lije the idea that all the finak fantasy cameos happen in the hometown places and its a fun chance to reinterpret what if different games's heroes all grew up together as friends.
So anyway i was thinking maybe ff9? Cos i still think its criminal that we've had multiple from other games but only ONE ff9 character, and one in a mostky nonspeaking role that showed none of his personality cos he was possessed immediately after being introduced. Also like seriously they wasted all the potential plot resonance of Vivi?? I mean he's just a normal kid npc?? Despite looking like a heartless and literally actually being a monster boy. And specifically an artificial human who struggles with identity issues, which is so relevant to every damn protagonist! But i mean seriously they literally based the heartless on the black mages and theres a literal black mage class of heartless thats named after the black waltz supersoliders specifically from ff9. How in the FUCK did we not get a plot where this alternate universe vivi is a heartless? I mean maybe it could be a plot about the twilight town crew being haunted by this heartless form of their dead friend that they couldnt protect? Or like vivi could still be a totally innocent nice monster who just wants to live a hapoy human life. He could be like one step below Xehanort's heartless in terms of self awareness and stuff? Like he's sentient but he isnt able to remember his old life or hold together a humanlike appearance. And i dunno maybe its a tragic story of him always trying to befriend this older mentor figure person who's always super cold and like 'i cant trust heartless, this thing is just trying to trick me!' But then it turns out this is because vivi was actually their lil brother and theyre like.. 'gotta come to terms with the fact tmhe isnt coming back' but then he did come back and he doesnt recognise them :( i think vivi would work really well for this cos he already had a bunch of strong siblingy relationships in canon and itd be real cool to see other people in that role instead. Im leaning towards maybe squall? Cos his canonical plot involves losing a sibling being the cause of his gruff personality. (Tho an older sis instead of a lil bro) And all we know about kh Squall's past is that SOMETHING MYSTERIOUS happened to make him change his name to Leon and act all even more self hatey than usual...
ALSO! CONSIDER! Steiner and beatrix as guards at holliw bastion. I mean geez steiner is the most disney lookin character in the whole series!
Oh and maybe Quina could just be a general nice npc that runs a restaurant in the starting area? They'd be cool cos they have a really big and unusual personality for just a small shopkeeper role. And i can imagine them totally being like a parental figure to daybreak town and always bakin cakes for the new keyblade recruits, but at the same time being a goofy mess who always gets into stupid situations. Like guildmaster wigglytuff in pmd!
And im not exactky sure how but somehow find a way to include underloved characters who didnt get enough development in their original game. Like maybe Freya is the cool batman esque protector of the town? And i really have no idea what to do with amarant but please give amarant a bit of screentime for once please.
Oh and cool npcs!! Like what if Ragtime Mouse appeared again and did his quiz show minigame in KH too? Im still sad he didnt become a regular in every FF game.
And i dunno maybe COMPLETELY RANDOMEST IDEA, have the final fantasy tactics advance crew appear in the toy story world in kh3? Cos their plot was all about 'is this world real or not' it could be funny to spoof that and have them as literal toys, going thru movie 1 buzz's story arc
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promptrose · 6 years
modern!TWR, please!!
She opened the door onto a smile like the sun.
“Hi,” said the woman standing in the hallway, “I’m Lije.”
Oriana blinked once, again, thrice.  Did she know this person?  She didn’t think she did.  The woman was familiar in that vague sort of way that most of the people who lived in the building were familiar, but that was it.  
“Hi,” she finally said.  “Can I help you?”
“Funny you should ask that,” said Lije, pressing her palms together in front of her mouth like she was about to say a prayer.  “Long story short, I’m in a bit of a pickle and I might have, sort of, accidentally put myself in it, and also,” she folded her fingers together and converted the non-prayer into a two-fingered point at Oriana, “I might have, sort of, accidentally dragged you into it, or at least, made it such that you are the only person who can get me out of it without, like, bloodshed or disownment.”
“I am…very busy right now,” Oriana replied.  “So if you could get to the point…?”  She was being rude, but it was very difficult to care.  It was midterms week - two down, three to go and the worst saved for last - and every second she was standing here talking was a second she was not force-feeding her brain more information about the complexities and history and nuances of The Law.  She had very carefully kept her social calendar free for the last two weeks and had therefore not reserved any bandwidth for dealing with unexpected strangers interrupting her studying by standing in the door of her apartment not making sense.  So, in a sense, this “Lije” person had brought it on herself.
“Straight to the point?” Lije replied, the force of her words weakening significantly, as a deep blush spread over light brown cheeks.  “Do I have to?”
Almost too perplexed to be annoyed, Oriana gestured with a chewed-up pen.  “You came to me.”
“Okay,” said Lije, clearly gearing herself up, “well.  You remember, like a month ago, we ran into each other as my mother was dropping me off after a bout?”  The blank look on Oriana’s face said no, but Lije barelled on anyway.  “So, my mum saw us chatting, right?  We were just saying hello and whatever.  Nothing stuff.  But she couldn’t hear that.  And she mentioned it to my dad, and he, like, came to his own conclusions, because he is, just disgustingly optimistic and thinks way too highly of me, because let’s be real, you’re way out of my league, like why does he have this faith in me?  What have I ever done to deserve it?”
“The point,” Oriana cut in before the rant could completely derail.
Lije winced and suddenly found it very important to study the paint on Oriana’s doorframe.  “Well,” she said, “the point is, more or less, give or take, that I might have let them think, like not lied or anything but maybe didn’t correct the misconceptions either, that we were dating.”
Ori stared at her for a long moment.  “You and me.”
“Yes,” said Lije, pretending to be fascinated by an uninteresting sound down the hallway.
Ori narrowed her eyes, calculating the various permutations of this situation to try to derive the conclusion.  “You’re here to ask me to pretend to be your girlfriend when they come to visit you.”
“Yeeeeeeess?” Lije said, studying the stucco in the ceiling.
Approximately three hundred answers sprang immediately to mind.  Oriana sorted them with relentless efficiency, weighing the pros and cons of each, and rejecting or amending them rapid-fire, until she finally said: “Five hundred dollars and not before next week.”
Lije’s eyes instantly reoriented on her face.  “Five hundred dollars?!”  She protested.  “Do I look like I’m made of money?”
“No,” Oriana said matter-of-factly, “you look like you’re desperate.  Five hundred dollars and no hanky-panky.”
Lije sputtered.  “I am offended on so many levels right now I don’t even know where to start!”  She made a face that looked genuinely wounded.  “I never would have assumed hanky-panky, I’m asking you to pretend to date me, not date me.”  Then she looked at Oriana in a way that made her pretty sure the loud woman was debating the merits of pointing out that if Oriana was interested in hanky-panky, however…  She wisely chose not to pursue that avenue of conversation, and instead opted to say: “Fifty bucks and I forget you offended me.”
Oriana started to close the door, but Lije’s hand shot out and held it open.  “A hundred!” she said.  “Come on, man.  You don’t know my parents, okay?  My dad will be so disappointed - he just wants to pretend he’ll get grandkids out of me someday, just help me let him dream!”
Oriana raised an eyebrow, unmoved but intrigued by the omission.  “And your mother?”
Lije’s face fell flat.  “She will be dead for twenty years before I am able to finally live down the shame of having pretended to have a girlfriend.”
Oriana thought about that.  That she could understand.  “Three hundred dollars and I will write you a thoughtful and detailed break up e-mail after they leave that you can show them as you mourn our fake relationship.”
Lije stared at her, eyes narrowed like a man staring down a particularly clever raptor.  “One hundred and fifty,” she said, “and two VIP, front-row tickets to my next match.”
“Match?” said Oriana.
“MMA,” Lije clarified.  “A fight.  It’s Friday night, take your real girlfriend if you like.  Make it a date.”
Oriana raised an eyebrow and gave the woman another look.  She should have seen it earlier.  Her knuckles were scarred and there was just the faintest yellow tinge around one of her eyes, the ghost of an old bruise.
Something in the back of her mind stirred; a half-sorted memory that she couldn’t be 100% certain of.
“One moment,” she said, and closed the door on Lije.
She moved over to the couch where she’d left her phone.  Two flicks and a tap, and then she sat and listened to the phone ring on the other end.  Her mother picked it up on the third ring.
“Hello, Thana,” she said.  “I have a quick question for you if you have a moment.  That charming step-daughter of yours, what was that sport she was into again?  I’m not being mean, I called her charming.  Well are you implying she’s not?  I know.  I know!  Listen!  I’m trying to do what you want, okay?  You want us to bond?  Fine!  Tell me the name of her stupid sport!”
She huffed and waited, listening as her mother had a muffled conversation with another person before coming back to the phone and confirming that it was, in fact, MMA.
“Okay, and her favourite fighter?  That wouldn’t have been some woman named Lije, would it?”  Another muffled conversation and then affirmation.  “Perfect.  That’s all I needed!  No, I’m not plotting– why would you assume that?  Thana, she’s a child, I’m not going to plot against a teenager.  I have better things to do with my time, thank you very much.  I’m going to be nice to her, oh my God!  Fine.  Fine.  Love you too.”
She hung up the phone and threw it back on the couch, rolling her eyes dramatically at the back of it.  That done, she carefully schooled her face back into neutrality and returned to the door.
Lije was still waiting outside it, leaning against the door opposite Oriana’s and chewing absently on a nail.  She straightened hopefully when the door opened.
“One hundred fifty dollars,” Oriana said.  “The two tickets.  And my step-sister gets to meet you after the fight.”
The sun came on again in Lije’s face.  “Hey,” she said, “if I’m still conscious at that point, I’ll do a jig for her if you want!”  She thrust her hand forward and they shook on it.
They exchanged numbers and Lije took the manifold hints available to her and left.  Oriana closed the door after her and shook her head.  
“Weirdo,” she said, but she was smiling.
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