#no one posts about him tho so like…what can I rb if I don’t post it myself also he’s a fellow tuga i love mine!🤞🏽
maiteo · 6 months
Umm since when did u find palhinha cute 👀
oh me n João go way back!
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rickybaby · 1 month
in relation to your post talking about how daniel absolutely deserved the wdc shouts he (deservedly) got another interesting tweet the other day was "is prime ric better than what leclrec has shown so far" and while there were (pleasantly) many people agreeing that yes, prime daniel was better, so many people also kept talking about how he couldn't touch leclrec, which goes on to show you recency bias is crazy!
Ah yes I have seen that tweet the other day. I was also pleasantly surprised at the amount of people agreeing that prime Daniel was better. I think one of the replies pointed out that the only thing that Charles has over Daniel is his one-lap pace, which I completely agree with.
I have to admit that I am a pretty new fan, so I cannot objectively say who between Daniel and Charles was better in 2020. But I feel that people rating Charles highly come to a large extent from him beating Seb at Ferrari, but that was a Seb who had been worn down by the years of frustration there while Daniel beat the Seb who was still young and was coming off winning those four championships.
I know Charles fans are going to come at me, but it must be acknowledged that he can sometimes be error-prone (tho admittedly his bad luck rivals Daniel’s), something which Daniel never was at Red Bull. The only glaring bozo moment of Daniel’s at RB that I can think of is him tapping the walls during Q2 in Baku in 2017.
Another comment that I recently saw on twitter was how whenever Daniel sniffs out the possibility of a win, it’s like something comes over him and it’s like nothing can stop him from getting that win. It’s like he’s said, he’s never left a win on the table and I think this is something very few drivers have. I don’t think even certain world champions could pull the wins he did and in the circumstances that he won them in.
The reason why we still get Monza 2021 discourse in big year 2024 is because a) McLaren hasn’t since been able to win another one and b) Daniel had no business winning it for the season he was having. And yet, when he saw the opportunity for that win, it’s almost scary to see that calm focus with which he went after it.
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badstargateimagines · 5 months
I’ve recently developed an interest in making K-pop style top loaders. Don’t ask why, it’s not important. The important thing is I have every intention of making top loaders for Stargate characters. If you don’t know what they are here is a reference for what I’m talking about
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Anyway here’s what I’m think for when I get my photo cards printed. This is basically for my reference but whatever I’ll hit post who even cares anymore.
Jack: green themed, lots of space stickers. I think I have a telescope sticker that I can put in the corner.
Sam: HEAVY SPACE IMAGERY!!!! Constellation washi tape as a boarder, blue theming. Maybe some computer stuff too?? Idk I have so many visions for Sam that I may have to make a few
Daniel: gold and blue theming, lots of hearts. I don’t think I will be able to find any ancient Egypt stickers but I will put my ass into finding them if they exist. I had a set as a kid idk where they went tho.
Teal’c: gold and silver theming, may even do his forehead symbol with some glue and glitter?? Lots and lots of hearts.
General Hammond: baby blue and dark blue theming, gold stars along the border. Idk I don’t have a super strong vision for his yet but I will know when I go to make it. Top loaders are made with the heart more than the brain.
Jonas: SO MANY CUTE LITTLW ANIMALS ALL AROUND HIM AND HEARTS!!!!!! His will be maximalist and inspired by childlike joy and wonder. No colour palette yet all I have are vibes and excitement. Oh yes and dinosaur imagery for sure. I may have to make a few for him because I love him too much to only make one.
Vala: Black and pink, chain imagery and lots of Sanrio stickers. I also like the idea of incorporating a mcbling style with some chunky rhinestones
Cam: no solid ideas yet please let me know.
John: pink and orange theming and I will not be taking ANY criticism on this decision. I’m thinking making a heart shape, half orange, half pink as a frame and then using minimal stickers but they will be football themed.
Rodney: CANADA MENTION AHHHHHH anyway yeah I’m gonna make it Canada themed because I think he would hate it. Strong beaver and maple syrup imagery. I will be using a picture of him looking exasperated with his arms crossed.
Ford: HEARTS AND HEARTS AND HEARTS!!!!! I love him so much and his top loader WILL be showing that. I wanna make it mint and lavender with a bunch of hearts and flowers because I love him and I would die for him.
Anyway feel free to rb with pictures of these characters you think would make good photo cards for top loaders ( ^ω^ )✨💖
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
I'm the crazy obsessed and delusional Indian lady who thinks she's in a relationship with max and some of the things I do may seem similar to kelly or what she has done in the past but I think its the differences that count.
1. Kelly had max right by her side when she made fake accounts and spread rumors about being with him. And his ex gf wasn't still pretending to be his gf on social media or irl.
If I have max by my side rn or when our relationship isn't public yet, I wouldn't be on my phone so much or we would be reading any gossip together and laugh about the fake stuff and then get busy with other stuff 🙈
2. I dont support conservatives especially after posting pro-choice stores on insta. I'm still not sure where exactly I stand on the topic(only when it comes to consensual sex), but I'm open to discussion and learning.
3. I'll never post personal information especially after being asked not to. I dont have anything on insta right now and I will start posting but it's going to be with the approval of everyone that's involved.
And I dont mind answering questions on your blog about our relationship together, now and then when we're free. I have plans to not be so away from the fans during the winter break, cuz I've been there and I know how I've missed him, they don't involve pictures tho.
4. I dont like drinking. I know he loves it and she loves it but I don't think I can get myself to start drinking. It might change when we're older but I can't guarantee anything for now.
5. I have no obsession with branded stuff. Yes I do prefer them cuz they're good quality but If it's a pretty dress I don't mind who made it. And I hope no one forces me to be any brand's ambassador cuz I just want to wear what I like and I can't do that if I'm working with a particular brand. And I'll be wearing Indian outfits mostly cuz I'm most comfortable in them and please don't expect any fashion tips or anything related to fashion basically. I'm just as fashionable as max but a little better cuz I don't like wearing the same outfit all the time, I like variety 😜 but don't worry max i won't bother you too much about it but I will push you to try new colors tho 😛
6. And if some max fans don't like me or are rude to me, I will block them but I won't make max do it from his account unless he himself wants to.
7. Most importantly, I won't flip him in the pictures. I never understood that anyway. I'll most probably remain private, I haven't figured it out yet, but if I do, I'll share our pics that we want to be out with maxverstxppen. Maxv1stappen and I aren't on good terms, it's a shame cuz I really like their edits.
8. And I don't want fan pages or 'styleofchandana' pages. Maybe edits pages for max and I, cuz I like edits..
9. I hope there's a TV in Max's room in rb motorhome cuz I'll most probably watch the races from there cuz I dont think I can control my emotions on live TV 😅
10. I'm a very family oriented girl and very proudly a mama's girl. So It breaks my heart everytime I think about how max and sophie had to stay apart during his childhood. And also how they currently live so far apart, I'm sure it gets boring living alone in her big house..so I'll try to push for some way she can live nearby so we can frequently meet and so she can have her time with her son that she sacrificed for his career 💗
I can only think of these for now, I'll post later if I can think of any more.
No. You get the fuck away from here.
This is a gossip blog and some things may sound delulu, but they’re not as delulu as this or you. Like I’ve said before -and like everyone knows-, I don’t like Kelly, but if I have to defend her from people like you, I will. What you’re doing is absolutely disgusting. You’ve crossed the line with this clown show, so don’t even try to call yourself a Max fan.
Despite us not liking Kelly, we’re not harassing her and everyone related to her and Max saying they broke up, much less messaging Red Bull and Verstappencom the way I know you’ve done. Keep doing this and I’ll find a way to let them -Max’s team- know about this.
Everyone go report her wherever you see her. If she makes new accounts let me know and I’ll post them here so people can report it.
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lewisvinga · 3 months
OK! I’m here to give you a report on the comment section of the Mercedes and RB teams after qualifying. It’s surprisingly not as bad as usual. I know the person who has been commenting about how toxic it is it’s probably gonna say something as well, but it was mostly people being against the team. Of course, there were people, bashing Lewis, but most of it was either positive or against Mercedes as a whole team.
RB is a complete war zone. People who used to say they love Daniel now “love“ Yuki and people are still being ablest against Yuki despite Yuki not having a disability. All because Daniel called him helmet. You don’t get anything about Formula One on your Instagram because it’s a bloodbath in RB. And people are hating on Logan again. Saying that he’s only here because they want it a token American.
I don’t check Ferrari or Red Bull anymore because those are the most two toxic teens I have ever seen. I don’t understand why they don’t do what Aston Martin and Stake dies. They put their results in their stories so that haters can’t start a war in the comments. McLaren started doing that recently too. It’s only a matter of time until the other team admins get the hint.
Hopefully. I’m sick of seeing people insult people the way they are. It’s not fair to that one person who got banned from commenting, encouraging stuff under McLaren‘s post to get banned for seven days, but these people are over here and salting each other in the most bio ways possible and yet they’re allowed to go Scott free.
2024 needs to end soon or I’m ending my life and this is not even a joke. I’m Starting to want to get out of the formula fandom. Like, I’m legit going to follow everything to do with formula one fans. I know they shouldn’t do anything for me, but the fans are a huge part of the sport, and since they don’t believe in their own teams, or they’re fighting against each other, how is one meant to enjoy the sport?
Sorry, I ranted. You probably don’t care about the comment section or anything I said, but you’re the only person I can talk to about how I feel and you actually read it. If you need me to stop, just let me know and I will. You’re the only one up here who isn’t really that bias.
Ja ne
I’m sorry if I bothered you and annoyed you. I know your other Aon has been complaining about the comment section this entire time and I wanted to let out my woes. I apologize.
omg don’t ever worry abt ranting!!!!!!!
and yeah, the fandom can be REALLY toxic which thankfully i don’t see much of because i only ever interact w 44 fans & i totally agree that teams shld start playing results on their stories instead ! it might lessen the toxicity of the fandom/comments lol
ppl have been hating on yuki tho lmao, i love that guy tho😞
and i think logan’s here bc james genuinely sees his potential! i got into f1 last yr but i heard logan was only in f2 for a year! i think he’s a driver again this season bc james sees a chance in him 🤒
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toughtink · 2 years
some post-nona thoughts and questions in no particular order:
and this will be long and full of spoilers, sorry
so is silas coming back next time? because i have questions about wtf took over his cav especially seeing as those tongue eye things showed up on the ninth house. biblically, silas traveled with paul, so maybe paul will be related to his comeback? idk
what’s with the tower? “kironia” and ianthe are referred to as “tower princes,” the RB was yelling about a tower to nona via judith, and we got a big tower coming out of the river now?? and the whole “the tower has reactivated” cipher or whatever it said, too. the only tower that’s been story relevant thus far is canaan house + the facility beneath it. harrow estimated they only saw ~30% of that tower with the rest going deep under the ocean, which i always took to mean that it was originally a sky scraper that they built a temple/church/palace on top of. OH YEAh! and a tower is in the jod chapters maybe??? it was confusing. (gasp! what! confusing??? in this series?!)
so is nona translating a ton of people’s names when she hears them, and that’s why she calls corona “crown” and has that exchange with hot sauce where she gets corrected on born in the morning’s name? and this is a separate thing from the multi-sentence long names that seem to be BoE tradition?
speaking of weird name stuff, the jod chapters have him using intials to refer to his friends! that was annoying but implies that they didn’t all used to have their fancy mouthful names which makes some sense, especially since jod specifically mentions changing U— and T— to ulysseys and titania. however, i’ve seen a lot of folks under the assumption that he wiped his friend’s memories after rezzing them, but is there evidence for that? i gotta reread htn, but i know that mercy didn’t seem to realize that gideon’s gold eye color was jod’s before it was alecto’s and only put it together near the end—point in memory loss’s favor (tho i don’t think we can officially say it’s purposeful on jod’s part yet.) HOWEVER!! when nona & the gang are approaching the tomb near the end of ntn, pyrrha mentions gideon (the first) and after saying his name a couple times says “G—” like jod does in his chapters!! implying that pyrrha might just know gideon’s pre-resurrection name! so either jod’s friends did retain their pre-res memories OR that memory loss thing happened later, probably post lyctorhood if it could affect the lyctors but not the cav secretly residing inside still??? idk. EDIT: my frand ginny pointed out that on pg 433 jod talks about how his friends “won’t have to remember anything,” because he knows where remembrance lives in the brain, and this sort of mirrors harrow own attempt to alter her memories. i think with pyrrha remembering g1deon’s name, we can say these are likely altered memories rather than a complete clean slate.
i need people to realize that when nona describes “teeth” coming out of gideon’s speed holes, it’s most likely ribs and not literal teeth. also—the speed holes joke is maybe one of my favorites in this book and incontrovertible proof that kironia is indeed our gideon.
i want to know more about anastasiaaaaa! was she another married/romantically involved pair with her cav? did pyrrha mention something about painting a nursery on the ninth?? what if anastasia was pregnant when her lyctorhood went wrong????
what’s this with cassiopeia and the sixth house in communication? that was her house, right? also, cass is the C— mentioned in jod chapters that marries the artist N— (nigella) and has teeth flowers at their wedding. also, she had the tooth trial at canaan house. and the tooth secret message in the corresponding study. what’s with all the teeth? lol
that tooth secret message was about doing soul melanges to power the canaan house staff, including teacher! 6th house theorm was soul melange related, so paul makes sense!!! ;v; (it should be noted that everything with cam, pal, and paul had me in tears and i’m never getting over their recorded conversation.)
gideon is clearly missing pieces figuratively and literally (her heart!! 🥺). TM said that if gideon’s soul was a happy meal, harrow ate the cheeseburger, but that leaves the fries, sauce packets, and toy. so where’s the cheeseburger now? attached to harrow’s soul? or attached to her body? completely absorbed and essentially gone? something has to be powering nona’s lyctoral regeneration powers so i’m kinda team body. that and the fact that she’s wearing the cheeseburger shirt and that feels like TM trying to give us a giant neon sign of a hint?
as for harrow…i saw the icy tomb she climbed into at the end of htn as a metaphorical tomb in her mind, between the lobotomy slits i guess where she was keeping gideon’s soul, thus the nonexistent sexy magazine. ntn makes me think she was also in the actual tomb, aka fully swapped places with alecto? but i suppose either could be true. the jod chapters feel like she’s tapping into alecto’s memories and subbing in herself maybe? that doesn’t really say much about the literal placement of harrow’s soul, tho, just that she has a connection with alecto.
anyways, it looks like she woke up long enough for the epilogue and then promptly passed out again (woo go girl! give us nothing!). and we know that she’s going to be harrowing hell at the start of atn?? good luck have fun i guess???
oh yeah is part of the reason nona’s not all there because not only is she in the wrong body, but she’s dealing with harrow’s lobotomy brain???
gonna come back and add more laterrr—edit: i’ve come back SEVERAL times to add more. maybe i should just reblog or make a new post for more. 🙈 i’m at the end of my gtn reread so htn will be next. oof that one will take a while methinks! and then i can reread nona…which will be my first Proper read through for the final version since i’ve only read the ARC months ago and some random passages since it came out.
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eggie-o · 1 year
hello and welcome to my blog!!
i am alex/blue/egg/summer/whatever floats your boat. i use he/him pronouns and am currently in the market for some shiny new neopronouns (i’m aware jt says new twice i just don’t care) so any suggestions are accepted. i am polyamorous. i am a minor in the PNW of the usa.
what to expect from this blog:
inconsistent tagging, repeated posts, unhinged whimsy, any boats i can find, polycule shenanigans, occasional (i hope) political posts and/or vents, lots of typos
all of my posts are ok to reblog unless otherwise stated
i make a lot of posts about boats and general events in my life
please don’t make unreality jokes about me, i try to tag them when i do reblog them and i find them funny when i can handle them but that didn’t mean i can handle them all the time
i cant see very well, and get confused easily, so sometimes i rb things asking for clarification. help is apreceated if i ask :)
i also cannot handle photos and in depth mentions of:
dead bugs/dead spiders (other dead things and live ones are fine tho)
i try to tag things for accessibility, images with no id i tag with “no id” and or “no ids” and sometimes if i’m rebloggimg from Percy “needs ids” and then for things like spiders, bugs, other common things, i just tag with the name of it (ex. “bugs”) but i probably forget a lot of if you reallt need something tagged i can’t promise i can be consistent about it.
(occasionally) organisational tags:
he speaks: original post
sailing shit: sailing stuff
techie times: thearter tech stuff
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m0tel6mxzzy · 1 year
I’m an OG gossip girl super fan but I didn’t want to watch the reboot. I’ve seen you posting about it a lot so I decided to give it a go! So here I am to ramble in your asks, sorry!
I’m on e5 right now. Do you think they’re trying to recreate character roles? I read your post about Monet being Blair coded, obviously haven’t watched far enough in to see that yet, but I’m seeing a lot of Dan in Obie, a lot of Chuck in Max, Jenny in Z.. it just feels like it’s not lining up properly?? I wonder if I need to just look at it as an entirely different show rather than as a reboot or being connected to OG gossip girl at all. Also I’m a bit put off by the teachers being GG and the fact that we as an audience KNOW that. It felt more immersive to me, when we were just as confused as the characters in OG. IDK! I like it. But I’m stressed!
no worries anon i love asks! so i 100% feel like the rb characters are heavily based off the og characters, but in some ways similar to the books. i think it’s more so the dynamics between og characters that are being replicated. like intentionally it’s not supposed to line up 100% but so far placing luna has been the hardest, which also bothers me bc she seems to be the least developed character thus far despite being a stronger character than obie imho and i feel she could totally have more screentime if the teachers were cut.
i think they should’ve been given far less than they were given anyway. i think the teachers being gg is in response to the reveal in the og. essentially, “we’re all gossip girl” which is better than having a random twist ending that does not at all make sense and feels incredibly out of character. that kinda moral to gossip girl rb could’ve gone with the teachers being hidden under the end. these are my opinions:
[blair and serena: monet and julien/luna
blair and chuck: audrey and max
blair and nate: audrey and aki
serena and dan: julien and obie (their conflicting beliefs often drive them apart)
jenny: zoya (in the books, jenny idolizes serena instead of blair, similar to how zoya idolizes julien rather than monet)]
and i have no idea where to place luna. i feel like she’s the aspect of “old serena” from before serena improved her grades and stopped caring abt popularity and taking advantage of that status, and julien is the “reformed” serena that tries to halt any competition with blair and try to ignore her own wealth, even when sometimes that does more harm than good.
i also feel like obie is supposed to be a “rich dan” but i don’t think he’s been developed enough as a character despite getting so much screentime. in the books, dan is this pretentious dark and tragic writer stereotype who smokes and chugs black coffee, which i love bc as annoying of a “not like other guys” person he should be translated onto screen, it works for him and gives him indirect characterization.
i do not get much from obie outside of him flip flopping his values based on what sounds good tho, whereas dan was set on his beliefs but did have moments of reflection, like when he’d realized he’d misjudged blair as a person, that she had a soft side and like rufus had said—was secretly going through a lot. i think monet and zoya out of all the characters have been the best established in terms of their linked to the og characters, and their arcs kind of set the foundation for the show and bring it into the old gg universe imho.
julien did the same as obie (flip flopping, will she or won’t she back stab zoya) but it’s much clearer she wanted to be a good person, whereas obie never seemed to account for his mistakes and wanted everyone but himself to change.
and what makes me perceive monet as being “blair coded” is the fact both of them have very similar personalities and issues. they’ve bribed their teachers to change grades, can be incredibly manipulative toward longtime friends, seem to dislike their friend’s bf who rejects the status quo, their mothers are at times one might say emotionally neglectful, they each pick on and ruthlessly bully the younger student that idolizes their lifestyle, etc,.
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sheepie-self-ships · 1 year
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I posted 612 times in 2022
That's 612 more posts than 2021!
20 posts created (3%)
592 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 304 of my posts in 2022
Only 50% of my posts had no tags
#sunny ☀️ - 70 posts
#hiromiii 🌺 - 55 posts
#toshi 🌻 - 50 posts
#montyy ⭐️ - 40 posts
#moony 🌙 - 18 posts
#ninasrandomships - 12 posts
#murder gf ♥️ - 12 posts
#the robo dad friend ⚡️ - 11 posts
#evil toshi 🥀 - 9 posts
#tag game - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#there’s also kinda mettaton but he feels more like an ex i still like? i haven’t interacted with ut content in years but i still love them
My Top Posts in 2022:
hellou! :] here's a gush pass 🤲✉️. gush about whoever is on your mind today!!
:0c hi!! I love ur blog!
uhM honestly sunny has been pretty Present as of late and I just think hes so cute like 🥺🥺 I was reading some of the hcs i rb’ed and they made him sound the sweetest. He’s just such a little ray of sunshine (well… yeah he’s supposed to be the sun lol) and I’m so happy I found him :) even if he’s a robot lol
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2 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
Headcanon: Monty listens to Ariana grande
13 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
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I’m Sheepie, this is my self ship blog :) hi! I use they/them pronouns, please respect that!!
- you are LGBTQ+ phobic and all that follows that
- you are a MAP and all that follows that
- want to start drama/discourse, no one has time for that!! Go do something that makes you happy!!
- don’t like self inserts, self shipping, etc. How’d you even get here then???
- (this is more of a BYF but still) if you are uncomfortable sharing F/Os (See my F/O list to check!)
F/O List under the cut!!
Romantic F/Os
I’m comfortable sharing all of them!! If you aren’t tho that’s chill, ik my blog probably isn’t for everyone ^-^*
☆ Star emojis are for my favorites! ☆
Boku No Hero Academia
tag: #toshi 🌻
villain AU/All Smite tag: #evil toshi 🥀
status: Fiancé :))
Sk8: The Infinity
tag: #hiromiii 🌺
status: Boyfriend
Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach
tag: #sunny ☀️
Poly tag (with Monty): #glittergolf and their human ☀️🐊🌸, #glittergolf ☀️🐊
status: Boyfriend
See the full post
14 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
Hihi this has definitely been done before but i wanted to make a post on this blog 👉🏻👈🏻
anywayssss put the song you associate with your F/O or the song that is you guys’ couple song???
I put mine under the cut because I wanted a few
im gonna say whoever wants to can rb with theirs but ill also tag some ppl ^-^)b
@ninasrandomships @rebeccaselfships @fictofriend @my-self-ship-wonderland @mothy-selfships
All Might: i just like the song and it reminds me of him <3
Shadow: we both work at flower stores!!! and its just a cool song
Sunny: its just a really him song and i like knowing hes there for me no matter what <3
See the full post
18 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i saw this and wanted to try it but I didn’t wanna reblog a version I wasn’t tagged in so :,) anyways I’m doing this for toshi <3
Directions: Highlight/Bold the tropes that apply to you and your romantic F/O.
height difference • mutual pining • first kiss • first love • wedding • in-jokes • lgbt+ • family disapproves • friends disapproves • would die for each other • fake relationship • arranged wedding • cuddlers • pda friendly • and they were roommates • secret relationship • opposing world views • opposing personalities • opposing goals • getting a pet • have kids • grow old together • relationship failures • rest head on shoulder • share a bed • token dummies • relationship doubts • they have a song • first date • share a jacket • sharing a blanket • mutual interests • study buddies • bathing together • crash into hello • accidental nudity • laundry • same hobbies • cooking for each other • big fancy gala • sibling rivalry • hair stroking • dancing • laying in the grass • watching stars together • watching the other sleep • shared values • friends to lovers • enemies to lovers • lovers to enemies • childhood friends • slow burn • love triangle • toxic relationship • sitting on each other's lap • can't be together • hugs • forehead touches • neck kisses • car/motorbike rides • compliments • nicknames • falling asleep together • late night talks • gifts
tags: @ninasrandomships @trope-madness @mothy-selfships @rebeccaselfships @my-self-ship-wonderland and anyone else who wants to do this <3 (you also don’t have to if you don’t want to :>)
21 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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faeriecap · 1 year
MCALPINE SESSIONS ANON HERE, BESTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I've been MIA, there was a little drama with a certain ship that is prominent on your blog that I just did not wanna deal with lmao. I didn't wanna project my annoyance with the ship onto you so for my sanity, I had to leave BUT I'M HERE NOW AND FERAL FOR SOME UPDATES (or just some shop talk, I need more friends 🥲) I hope you've been doing well though! I saw you were on a little hiatus a while back so I hope everything is good on your side of the universe ❤️
YAAAAAAAY YOURE BACK!!!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷 tysm for thé well wishes firstly, things are up and down over here but i’m trying my best to just keep on keeping on and the support means all the world to me! but it’s pride month so i’ve been trying have more fun and just enjoy it, i’m hoping to see some of the new marvel releases soon and OMGGG THE NEW CAP 4 content i am barking i am feral SAM LOOKS SO GOOD HES BACK HES BAAAAAACK
in terms of fic ive been writing a little bit but not as much as i’d like bc i’ve been pretty busy with life and also the rpg i’m currently modding lol HOWEVER i’ve locked in some new plot points and my definite plan once time frees up for me in a few months is a full rewatch of all 3 cap films and maybe even sam’s other cameos (and maybe fatws…. not sure yet, that one i saw more recently and a LOT of time has to pass before i can stomach rewatching anything if i ever do at all, even my favorite things, bc my attention span SUCKS lmao) + hopefully i’ll be able to crank out some of the scenes for the fic set within that time frame (bc i’ve been writing most of the ones that happen post cacw) and then it’ll be done! or ready to be beta’d at least… which… if ur interested 👀 i cant remember what my last update for u was about so i’ll update this post with a new snippet once it’s been shared <33
edit: here it is!!
the front door slammed, and sam dropped his keys on the counter before appearing upside down above them. to his credit, he did not seemed phased to find them tangled up underneath the couch’s throw blanket in the middle of the day.
“what’s this about hickeys, and why am i getting them?”
“bucky’s retired.” steve offered by way of explanation, raising his free arm to pull sam closer. even so, they couldn’t quite reach without him doubled over the frame, so he wandered down the hallway to change out of his clothes before steve could kiss him.
the problem is all the scenes post cacw after they get together are sort of just random which means it goes from this intense emotional will they won’t they with a touch of actual canon events created non romantic tension to this slush of fluff and domesticity and no real stakes anymore hahahahaha like idk where to go with it??? beyond just. making them cuddle more LMAO so…. any suggestions from the people lmk
i hope you’ve been doing well yourself and taking care of yourself and i as always look forward to hearing from you again soon :))) with regards to the ship drama, i am SOOOO curious could u elaborate??? was the drama related to my blog or just like generally in the fandom? DONT LEAVE ME HANGIN WHAT WAS THE SHIP 👀👀👀 i don’t feel like i post that many so i’m so intrigued which it could be lol since i’m assuming it’s not sambucky and probably (??) not stevebucky (tho maybe)
but seriously though i’d love to know bc i don’t want my account to be uncomfy for anyone but least of all my fav anon x so if i need to update my tagging system for u to properly blacklist my posts about it or anything of the sort pls lmk, either here (and i can answer privately too if you’d prefer 🤍) or messaging me! plus if by drama there’s smth actually problematic im rb i absolutely wanna be informed and aware of it! i will confess i’m quite curious as to who my secret admirer could be ;)) and i appreciate ur honesty!
until the next meeting, be well and lots of love 🫶🏻
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painsandconfusion · 3 years
Whumping the Whumpers Masterpost
The story of how a chronic whumpee(Ethan) teams up with his past whumper(Nate) to get revenge on the whumpers who have whumped him before. Lots of angst. Lots of whump. My babies, honestly.
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(SO sorry the Hyperlinks inside the first four posts won’t work since I moved blogs. I tried to fix them and tumblr glitched tf out. You’ll have to navigate with the masterpost. I’m so sorry, please message me if you need help finding something tumblr ate.)
Click here for most recent update of the list (in case you’re looking at an rb or something).
Please read individual trigger warnings for each post.
Whumper: Nate Walker (he/him) Whumpe(e)/(r ): Ethan Scott (he/him)
Main Storyline:
Part One: Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, but... Whumptober post (sorry it’s nameless). Nate re-captures Ethan, and is less than thrilled by Ethan’s newfound pain tolerance and ‘bitch make me’ attitude. . Part Two: Blood Redd Nate thinks Ethan might like to see Redd again. . Part Three: Whisked Away Nate is butt-hurt Ethan didn’t call him. They got problems that need attending to. . Part Four: You Know You Want To... Rescue mission. Nate is creepy (cuz when is he not), and Ethan struggles with himself and his desires. . Part Five: My True North Ethan does a really really good job almost maybe making good choices. . Part Six: Such a Good Girl... Nate isn’t great at not getting what he wants. . Part Seven: The Bartlett Café Boys eat food, boys talk murder. Nate’s creepy but in a cute way. Mostly fluff. . Part Eight: So Flinchy! Alec gets Anna settled in to her new hell home. . Part Nine: Get in, Bitch, We’re Going Shopping Wait...you don’t buy matching outfits with your bestie to wear when you kidnap someone? You’re missing out. . Part Ten: Pretty Little Noises Nate and Anna have their first session. She’s really cute. Nate almost can’t handle it, she’s so adorable. . Part Eleven: Save a Horse, Swipe a Cowboy Aww look! Their first kidnapping together. Honey, get the camera! . Part Twelve: In the Zone The boys get Elias settled at Nate's dungeon place. Ethan is too shy to whump in front of anyone else yet. Poor baby. . Part Thirteen: No One Owns Me Ethan really needs to keep his emotions in check if he wants to be a good whumper. Elias really needs to not push buttons if he wants to not die. . Part Fourteen: Blowing Off Steam Nate is stuck with damage control after being denied ~fun~ but is doing a great job. . Part Fifteen: Chaos Anna is in too much pain to not have any marks to show for it. Rude, honestly. . Part Sixteen: Right and Wrong Ethan broods like a depressed, half drunk poet (like he always does) to tell us about Our Merry Little Murderers' origin story. . Part Seventeen: Own Destiny Ethan broods again because that's who he is as a person. He's tired of not knowing what to do with himself or his life....so Nate and he come to an arrangement. . Part Eighteen: Fluffy Pancakes Listen. Guys. I know you want to get to the whump, but....Well, Nate was craving blueberry pancakes. And I don't have the heart to tell him no. So you get fluff before the brutal torture. Sorrynotsorry . Part Nineteen: Gruel 101 Nate likes oatmeal. Ethan hates Elias. Nuff said. . Part Twenty: You're Going To Need Your Strength Elias hates the oatmeal. Everyone hates everyone. Fun fluffy angst. . Part Twenty-One: Bigger Fish Frikkin finally we get to actually hurt Elias - Nate bleeds because @cryptidhongo drew me a feral shroom in exchange. Fight them, not me. . Part Twenty-Two: Master A little bit of karma is good for the soul. . Part Twenty-Three: Hiding From Everyone has secrets. Who's closet is this skeleton going in? . Part Twenty-Four: Run, Anna Runn Well. I mean, at least you can try. Good luck tho. Her last name is Gunn; I did not misspell, it is a punn >:p . Part Twenty-Five: Ship in a Bottle ...Ethan didn't have a great childhood. This is just one exhibit of that fact. . Part Twenty-Six: Scream for Me I scream, you scream, we all scream for therapy. . Part Twenty-Seven: Valentines Special Just fluff. Nate likes Ethan, Ethan likes laser tag, it all works out in the end. . Part Twenty-Eight: The Carrot and the Stick Throwback episode to four years ago. Meet Johnny. Ethan's first love and unfortunate whipping boy. . Part Twenty-Nine: Lacuna Time to get Crawford in the basement already. Also - seems like Ethan has history with him? Whatever, I'm sure the plot will unravel it eventually.
Part Thirty: Not the Knife Crawford's pretty sure he's just already getting a bit of a break for his first night in Nate's workshop. This can't be that bad .....right?
Part Thirty-One: Concrete Crawford isn't doing so hot with that, actually. He'd rather get carved up. Ethan think's that's a great idea.
Part Thirty-two: Strikeout Failed escapes. Amiright?
Part Thirty-three: Nightmares and Daydreams The boys can't sleep. Toss in some gore and fluff and you got yourself a chapter update. Bam.
Part Thirty-four: Die Here Anna is starting to come to terms with her fate. Nate thinks that's cute. Short and sweet. Anna learns Ethan used to be in her shoes. Maybe he still is...
Part Thirty-five: Bath Good boys who take pain well get restful relaxation (probably?)
Part Thirty-six: Something's Not Right Not all wounds are visible.
Part Thirty-seven: Silent Stranger Keep quiet.
Part Thirty-eight: Off Guard Sometimes whumpees get out of their handcuffs. Sometimes, in a room full of weapons, they grab one while they wait for the doors to unlock.
Part Thirty-nine: Kristen Throwback to 'Anna is a bitch'.
Part Forty: Yours to Lose Nate gets pissy when other kids break his toys and Ethan is a drama queen. What else is new?
Ghost of Ethan Past
(flashback scenes from Ethan's days as a whumpee)
Stay Down: Elias hasn't had Ethan long, and Ethan is doing a very very very bad job at the 'get on your fucking knees when I enter a room' rule.
Random Stuff:
You know how people have spirit animals? Well this is Nate and Ethan’s spirit tiktok....Thought you might wanna see...
Nates house visual reference.
Whumpee Ethan noncon mody modification collar alternative
Nates Custom Chuck Taylors
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(tags: @prisonerwhump, @whumpawink, @mabledonut, @heathenwhump, @paleassprince, @happy-little-sadist, @wormwriting, @distinctlywhumpthing, @whump-cafe @jo-doe-seeking-inspo @azayta @tropes-for-my-md-daydreams @batfacedliar-yetagain @there-will-always-be-blood @siren-of-agony @whumpworld @bandages-andobsessions @deltaxxk @whumpasaurus101 @pickywhumpreader @whumpberry-cookie @morning-star-whump @shelfsdesires @throwawaywhumper @the-mourning-stars @d-cs @pigeonwhumps @hold-back-on-the-comfort @suspicious-whumping-egg @snakebites-and-ink @whumpedydump @orphans-parent @rainbowsandwhumperflies)
As always, lmk if you want to be added to the tag list!
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Willex rwrb au!!!! I loterally made a headcanon post about that like last week because Henry and Alex remind me of each other SO MUCH!!! Please tell me more!!!
Willex rw&rb au!!! So I actually first got inspired for this au by @a-chaotic-ananas (at least I’m like 99% sure) and this post by @sunsetscurving and I just saw it once and it lived rent free in my head forever
I haven’t written or planned it at all but it lives in my fic prompts list rent free and I can never pass up the chance to scream about it so here’s what I’ve got in my head:
I actually had a really hard time thinking of which of them would be Henry and which would be Alex? Bc like you said Alex gives me big Henry vibes yknow just their personality, the anxiety, family issues, all that but on the other hand I could totally see Alex as, well, Alex (Claremont-Diaz) for several reasons like Alex really gives me the “I want to be a politician to change things and work for equality” vibes and just Alex’s (C-D) law school, anxiety-writing essays at 2am, shit sleep schedule, chaotic sibling relationships, etc just are so Alex for me
And then willie gives me Henry vibes bc he’s more of the “I do not wanna be a politician/ruler I just wanna be gay and chill” Henry vibes yknow? Like I could totally see him saying hell no to all of that like Henry and also the whole depressing family vibes fit Willie to me for some reason. There’s not a lot here oop but Alex gives me Alex energy more than Willie gives me Alex energy so yeah
And since Alex is Alex I wanted him to have a weirdish family dynamic and even tho we’ve never met Alex’s parent I just. I don’t like them. So Alex is the first son of the president or whatever it’s just that he was adopted by the Molinas bc his parents kicked him out when he was like 15 and came out to them and Julie and Alex were childhood best friends so the Molinas were like nope and just adopted him
I haven’t decided if that meant Ray or Rose would be the president bc on one hand Ray would be a vibe and easier for me to write but on the other hand Rose being president would be iconic yknow and she could have the vibes
Yknow what no I have decided now Rose would be an iconic president
So then Julie is June and Carlos is just an extra character bc I love him
Reggie is Nora bc smart!reggie supremacy I said what I said and bc they have the same genius but also chaos bisexual energy and I just love the idea of Julie, Reggie, and Alex being little shits together
And Luke takes the place of willies best friend bc the chaotic adhds gotta stick together of course and I just think willie and Luke would be great friends and also this gives the whole possibility of a lil bit of Julie and Willie kinda pretending to be together like June and Henry do but with the added bonus of juke and willex angst bc that’s the wrong person!!!
Sorry just the idea of Rose with Ellen energy is amazing like just imagine Rose making the whole “why dating the prince of England is a TERRIBLE idea, Alex” powerpoint. The pure chaotic energy you could get—
Also the whole “Alex demanding Henry see him by causing problems on purpose outside the palace” both a) has “i thought we were having fun together”/“that’s not good enough, Willie” jatp parallels and b) I just feel like Alex would totally do that
Bobby as Luna bc more jatp parallels (kinda)!! and Alex-Bobby friendship!! It’s what we deserve really
And also instead of Alex’s dad we get the close family friend Trevor bc I said so and imagine the Alex-Julie-Reggie-Willie-Luke dynamic at the lakehouse with Carrie too (and Flynn of course bc Julie, Carrie, Flynn, and Alex were all childhood friends and Carrie and Flynn are totally dating)
Caleb Covington as Philip or just some royalty or maybe even instead of the Queen? Idk I just like the idea of him causing problems with willex like how he’s the jatp antagonist
I think that’s everything from my head? Yeah it is but I’ll add more if I think of it and feel free to add your own stuff!!
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malinaagenda · 3 years
hey!! holy shit i had no idea what bidarkling said about archie!! jesus fucking christ that's disgusting. thank you for reblogging. she's problematic on the best of days--but that was outright disgusting. also--i'm wondering if there are any malina networks/safe spaces to hangout? i really like them, but I'm afraid to come out to my followers as an Archie/Mal Stan. I hope this is ok to come to you with! I love your jace and clary blog too. <3333
I’m not on twitter so thankfully I didn’t have to deal with that but just seeing the screenshots and hearing about it spikes my anxiety through the roof. Like between this and the darklina’s thinking that in this day and age, especially with what’s going on with the hate towards asians right now, that because they don’t like a SHIP, they can not only be racist and bully the actors and their children. But they can call the ship MALARIA, like. I wish I was joking it is downright vulgar.
And honestly not one darklina can be like oh that’s just a small part of the fandom you can’t tar us all with that brush because like. Where are all the posts condemning this person and others? Where’s all the “no you don’t get to make up racist ship names” posts? I’ve seen people I respected LIKE THE DAMN TWEETS, by bidarkling, or like posts attacking people standing up to them. 
I’ve seen people argue in a discord server, by invading the malina channel, that they have a right to do all this gross stuff to Archie because he’s not dark skinned enough. Archie Renaux is Desi. Y’all don’t get to be fucking racist shitbags, or excuse racism and laugh at it and like posts or tweets, and then act like not all Darklina’s are the same when I have seen literally NOT ONE, especially not one of the big ones, say shit against the stuff done to Archie. About the Malaria name etc. I’ve seen them like the posts and tweets tho!!!!  The only person i’ve seen mention anything is a multishipper. Like.
We didn’t tar y’all. Y’all literally did that TO YOURSELVES. With outing how racist y’all are.
Not on the topic of Archie though. The LENGTHS some of those shippers will go to to woobify and be all uwu aleks my babyyy. Like the next person who even breathes that Genya deserved to be sexually assualted and the darkling shouldn’t be held accountable for that OR the other thing he does. I will fight. I don’t care, y’all can fuck off invalidating abuse survivors because you like the white guy playing him. I haven’t even been here lately because recovering, and I really come back to a message I am not posting glorifying what happened to her. This is the lengths y’all go to? THIS IS YOUR GOD HUH? THIS IS THE HILL YOU ALL WILL DIE ON? RACISM AND ABUSE APOLOGISM? Staying quiet and ignoring it is the same as encouraging it! But y’all know that lbr.
I swear to god I’ll never be able to enjoy ben barnes ever again. 
Also to answer your question finally I got so sidetracked because this is the only ask imma answer bc they’re all in the same vein, but also to be like I’m the wrong person to ask because like. I’m of the opinion that if people give you shit over actors or characters you like. They’re assholes. They’re not your friends or even good people. Drop their asses. Like characters and people you like are so personal to you. And honestly? especially with all of this. Weed them out. Post about what you love and block anyone who tries to fuck with you over it. 
I’m tired of people being like oh i like mal/archie but i would never say it in front of my followers~ like bruh. MY DUDE.
For people to follow though I do have suggestions!!! I’m also sure that there’s discords out there for malina/mal fans!
@malinasource ofc bc the source blog
@malyen0retsev @alinamal @alinastarksov @jessiemeili @thetracker
also anyone in this post here and the comments/tags oh this one too 
I know I’m missing so many people i should be including rn but sick brain tired. But feel free to go through my blog for people i’ve interacted with or rb edits from (im so behind on my tracked tag too but sick) and you should find lots of lovely people to interact with!!!
Also ty!!!! That’s like my main otp of otp’s so every time it gets complimented i’m just seal clapping Good luck in your hunt for mal/archie friends! and I’m here if you need anything/wanna chat too!
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pranpat · 3 years
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works. I was tagged by @yibobibo aamna thank u so muc and I’m so sorry this is so latenfkskkfd
@yibobibo aamnaaaaa!! You’re always so so wonderful and nice esp when you send me cute little messages I completely adore you and how you’re always tagging me in stuff! Thank you so much and I’m sorry I’m so lazygnskd but I appreciate it all so so much! You’re so talented as well i love everything you post and all your wonderful cql/yibo content makes me so happy esp when ur going off in the tags! I love this (it’s just so jc and wwx and it makes me so so sad) and this (ur tags said it well it’s very sexy) and lastly, this one (it’s just?? So powerful and I love that scene so so much) I’m sending u lots of love for the new year and I hope u have a wonderful year ahead 🥰😚
@gremlinmetawin ayeshaaaaaaaa!! Despite what you may thinkhjdkdkd I do actually love u very much 🙄 even when ur being mean to me. I love everything you put on my dash and when ur watching stuff, despite how long you take, I always love that you flood my dash with gifs bc it makes me feel like I’m watching right along with u. Also I know I make fun of u for tkaing so long to watch stuff but I love hearing your thots on everything and you always manage to pick up on the little details that I always end up missing. I also love how extra you can be gjskkfkdd your font for ayeshas thot still makes me laughfjkskd Anyways I’m so so glad to have gotten to know you this year and I appreciate you so so much and I just love screaming about all the shows we’re watching together 🥺 I Ioce u and appreciate u and I hope that next year is rlly good to u 😚😚🥰
@teh-ohaew taayyy!! Like I said with Ayesha despite what guys think i do actually love u too even tho you favour Ayesha over me sighhh but seriously I’m so glad we’ve gotten close over the few months (2gs impact huh) and that we get to scream over the same shit to each other. I also love how u don’t post shit for days and then u comeback and rb everythinggnsmmd and ur thirsty tags 🙄 always interesting to read. Oh and I’ve told u this multiple times but this this and this all of the edits are so good and all the detail you’ve put into them?? I love it so so much I also rlly love this all of the quotes you chose and the scenes?? To quote you, Britney gif yeah 😩 okay that’s it I love u and appreciate u and I hope next year is really really good to u 😚😚🥰
@yioh yuraaaaaa!!! I always feel so warm and happy whenever I see your stuff on my dash. I love hearing your thoughts on every show you’re watching or reading and I always find myself adding stuff to my recs. Also I love how you’re always so energetic and kind to everyone and you just excude love and warmth. You’re so talented I just love all of your artwork so so much esp this (the concept is just so good? What we could’ve had 😔) and this (bc obvs they’re both happy and living together) and lastly this (ngl I’ve gone back and read this so many times bc it just?? Hurts so much??) hope u have a great year ahead and u get to be surrounded by cats and everything u love!! 🥰😚😚
@metawwin aliiiiiiii!!! I’m so happy that we’ve gotten the chance to get to know one another this year and I absolutely adore you. You’re always so so kind and give off such positive energy and I just feel so happy whenever I see your stuff on my dash. And I’ve said this before but I love your gifs and it shows how much work you put into them and I love everything about your blog. I esp love this (ngl I lost my shit bc hands??? It’s such a pretty set and I always come back to it) and this (god I love this quote so much and I just love the scenes you’ve chosen and just everything is just so them) and lastly this (i love how u pick up on the smallest details and parallels and this set.. I just appreciate it so so much) I lov u and miss u I hope u have a great year ahead , sending u lots of love 🥰😚😚
@taytawan nuriaaa!! you’re so kind and you and your blog just give off such warmth idk how to explain it. I love all of your content, you make some of the prettiest gifs ive ever seen they’re always so warm and so clear and pretty. I esp love this one (idk how to explain it but it’s just?? So pretty and it’s one of my fav gifs of Tine out there ugh he just looks so good and the colouring just makes it so so much better) and all of your heart-eyes sets (ahhvhdjjdd they’re all just so nice and they just sum up their relationship so well??? These sets always make me so so happy) and lastly this (ngl I sat there for 5 minutes just being in awe bc?? I’ve never thought about this and I about lost it because???? Yeah it was never about the phone 😩 and that just adds so much to the show) I hope you have the best year ahead, sending u lots of love! 🥰😚😚
@morksuns sumaayaaa!! You’re so wonderful and kind and i just love how much you love the handmaiden?? And you have such great taste in shows and movies and I just love when you rb it on my dash. I absolutely love this mb it’s just so pretty and so soft?? And they’re girlfriends and everything about it is just so so warm and nice and the quotes.. yeah 😩) I also really love this mb (all of the pictures you’ve chosen are just so wonderful and they just fit?? That yellow sweater? The headphones? Scrubb? “Hi I’m bi” jfkskfk I just find so much comfort in it) and lastly this mb (it just screams home to me and it’s just so soft and wonderful? & the soulmate definition? Yeah ..yeah ) I hope u have a wonderful year ahead, sending u lots of love🥰😚
@fushiguroo lasyaaa!! You’re so so kind and lovely to talk to. You just give off so much warmth and you always seem so positive. I also really love all the sky/landscape pictures you post they’re always so pretty and ur just so talented. You also make such pretty gifs I just love all of your itsay gifs esp this (all the yellows and it just looks so warm and pretty?? And you giffed some of my favourite scenes from the episode 🥺) and this (once again you’ve chosen some of the prettiest scenes the first one in the water?? God it’s so pretty and the last gif from that set of the sunset???! It’s just so nice??? I love it so so much) I hope you have a great year ahead, sending u lots of love!! 🥰😚
@gigiesarocha cataaa!! I want to say thank u for putting Jeff satur on my dash because?? He’s so beautiful?! and I’m always tempted everyday by your ingredients gifs but I don’t have the patience so I’m waiting till it ends but your gifs of the show are always so pretty I can’t wait until I can sit down and watch it all and go through ur tag fjskkfd And I love all the kdramas you put on my dash bc I always end up adding more stuff to my watch list bc of it. I love this set so so much you have no idea it’s just so pretty and I love flowers so much and the flowers you’ve chosen to describe them both is just so spot on. I also really love this thank u for making this and blessing us all!! I hope you have a wonderful year ahead sending lots of love 🥰😚😚
@brightwin jelllyyyy!! You’re one the warmest kindest people I’ve talked to. You’re alway so kind to everyone and always spreading positivity and it’s just so nice to see you on my dash. Your gifs are always so so pretty esp the colouring you always manage to make them look so warm and clear and it just makes them so nice to look at. I love all of your content but I esp love this the scenes you’ve chosen are so wonderful and the quote is just.. so them it’s just so pretty. I also love this it just makes me miss them so much seeing how far they’ve come in their journey?? And ugh your colouring is always so beautiful. Also this is so pretty so basically all of ur lyric/quote sets because they’re so wonderful and you always make them look so beautiful. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead, sending you lots of love! 🥰🥰😚
@tichawongtipkanon diraaa!! You’re always so so kind and everytime I see you on my dash it always makes me so happy just reading your tags. Even tho I don’t think I’ve ever seen ticha in anything (I think?? I don’t rmr gkskkfkd) I always love seeing your gifs because she’s absolutely gorgeous?? I also really like this gjskkfkskkfd it always makes me laugh bc yeah he rlly is a mess and the fact that these gifs can capture him just being an idiot is so funny and I also really like this the quote and the scenes you’ve chosen??? Yeahhhfnskkd sarawatine soulmates!! I hope u have a wonderful year ahead sending u lots of love!! 🥰😚😚
@b-iconpearl roseee! youre so so kind and I appreciate you messaging me just to wish me a good day!! I also love all the pnd content you put on my dash even tho I haven’t had the chance to catch up but all of ur gifs of esp Pearl?? And Alex? Yeahhhh I esp love this bc Pearl is just??? So beautiful I just love this set of her sm she looks so good and also this I gasped out loud when I first saw this??? Alex looks so good and the gif is just so pretty and warm. Also I really love this the movie is just so dear to my heart and I love it so much and your set is just so so so beautiful and the lyrics yeahhhh so good! I hope you have a wonderful year ahead! Sending you lots of love 🥰😚
@pangwave dawnnn!! I love seeing you on my dash you’re always so kind and I love hearing your thoughts on the shows ur watching. Also ur gifs are always so pretty esp the recent morksun au you did, it was so interesting and I just loved it so much. I also really like this it’s so pretty and I love all the scenes you’ve chosen and the quote... yeah and the colouring is so warm and lovely. I also really like this god it’s one of my fav scenes from the show and I just love it so much. I also really like this it was such a small moment but handholding is just so...good and the set just looks so soft I love it I hope you have a wonderful year ahead! 🥰😚
@khaotungthanawat sammm!! Idk if I’ve mentioned this before but you make some of the best sets ever especially when it comes to finding parallels between shows. And you’re so creative and it’s so clear that you put so much work into ur gifs and they always look so so good! I especially love this it’s just so creative and looks so beautiful and how each weather just perfectly describes them? Just amazing and this one bc I had no idea there were so many reflections and I saw ur set and just had to take a moment and this one the colouring is just so pretty and it’s one of my favourite scenes ever and I just love it so much. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead of you!! 🥰
@teepakornaekaranwong orthyy!! I love how ur still keeping the 2g tag alive and that you’re always rb them on my dash. I esp love this you really combines the show scenes with the song and just made it so much more impactful?? And i just love all the scenes you’ve chosen it’s so beautiful. I also really like this and all the other ones in the set because they’re so funnygkkskfd and also this + all the other ones they always make me laugh bc you really did choose such perfect text post for each scene/character! I hope you have a wonderful year ahead!! 🥰
@asianmelodrama faizaaa!! I think this goes without saying that your content is always so beautiful and wonderful. And you have such a way with words as well, I just love reading your answers, posts and tags and it just feels so warm and safe . This has to be one of my favourite posts ever because there was so much potential?? So many hints?? And we could’ve had it all and I just love this set so much. I also really like this because their friendships were really so beautiful and I just wish we’d gotten to see more of it but what we did see, it was just beautiful. I also really like this (it’s so beautiful and I love winteam so much)and this bc jackzhaozi were so good. I love the character studies you did on tine and sarawat they were so raw and beautiful, like I said you just have such a way with words it was just so beautiful. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead of you!! 🥰
@toptaps zeeyyy!! You make some of the prettiest content ever and you’re just such a nice presence on my dash and you just seem so kind and warm. This has to be my favourite thing out there because when I heard that like, all of their scenes were just playing in my head and this set just captures everything we could’ve had :(( I also really like this the way you’ve morphed the gifs, the text and colouring of it, it’s all just so pretty. I also really really love this once again it’s so beautiful?? The way you’ve morphed them together and the quote you’ve used and the font and earnpear really is superior. Especially that first gif it looks like earns so taken aback by pear :((( and it’s so nice. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead!! 🥰
@soulmatelines jo!! You’re so kind and it’s always been so nice to see you on my dash even though I know you must be busy rn I hope you’re still taking care of yourself. You also make such amazing content, I especially love this everything about this set is so good we go from tender to raw feelings and it’s just so so beautiful. I also really like this bc I love love all of kurosawas thoughts and all the little insecurities he has about himself god it just makes him that much more real. I also really like this it’s just so pretty and I just love the whole concept of it it’s so well done. I hope you have a great year ahead of you!! 🥰
@gunsatthaphan Doreeennn!! you’re so so nice and lovely and I lose reading your thoughts on things. Also thank u for always tagging me in stuff and im so sorry im always late to it. But you’re always a delight on my dash and I just love all of your content. I especially love this parallel just bc of how significant this line was in the whole show and I just love the coloring on it and everything about it. I also really love this bc OhmFong are so cute and I missed Fong’s little jumps when I was watching it but them I saw your gifset and cried over how cute he is. Lastly, this one... i love this one so so much bc it was just so powerful and beautifully said and it was just so so good and its one of my fav scenes. Oh and bonus this one because I love wyel so much and tht quote.... just adds everything to that scene and ugh everything about that set is just so wonderful. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead, sending lots of love!🥰😚
@wjmild kyliieeee!! anytime I think of you I always think of tsoa or lee thanatnfkkfd which thank u for always putting him on my dash bc I love looking at him. It’s always so nice seeing you on my dash and reading your tags and thoughts on things and you’re such a great content creator. I love this so much thank u for compiling all of their little moments together, they’re just so cute. I also really love this wyel is so superior and I just love them both so much and this scene was just so cute. I also really love this even tho I haven’t seen all the shows, i love handholding and you just hit the spot with this and this set is just everything it’s so beautiful. I hope you have a great year ahead of u, sending lots of love! 🥰
@cherryysundae monicaaa!! I absolutely love all of your content and you’re so kind and such a wonderful presence on my dash. you also make such pretty gifs. I especially love this everything about this scene was just so so beautiful and you made it even more beautiful with your wonderful colouring I just love how the shades of flower reflect on wwx and lwj (idk if that makes sense but gjskkfkd). I also really love this ngl made me really really sad especially with all the wwx and yanli scenes :(( but this trio was literally everything and you just compiled all of their beautiful scenes together and heartbreaking scenes. I also really love this that gif of jc smiling?? So precious and just all the purples and the zidian? I just love it so much. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead!! 🥰
@leoyunxi ashiraa!! your content is always so so beautiful and I especially love your colouring it’s so beautiful and just gives makes the gifs seem so warm. I especially really love this wwx looks so pretty here and the colouring just makes it so so much better. I also really like this, this scene was just everything?? And the way they just glance at each other and I just love how warm the gifs look. I also really like this one of my favourite posts of them, you managed to gif all the wonderful scenes of them that I absolutely adore and they just look so good?? I can always tell that it’s your gifs because you have such a distinct colouring style and it’s always so so wonderful to see on my dash. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead!! 🥰
@bright-vachirawit mariii! I hope you’re feeling better now and that you’re staying safe! You’re always such a wonderful presence on my dash esp bc I find we’re more or less usually watching the same shows and I just love all the content you create for it. I especially love this it’s one of my favourite scenes and it came out so clear and just I love how vibrant the red is and it’s just so pretty. I also really like this I also really love this scene and just the colouring is so so pretty and I just love that you added the caption because it just ties it all together and it’s just so wonderful. I also really like this it’s really pretty and I love the fond you used. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead! 🥰
@sarawatine nicoleee!! it’s always a delight seeing you on my dash and I just love all of your content. I especially love this that you paired up each of the lyrics with the scenes from the mv and it’s just so so wonderful and it looks so pretty. I also really like this Idk how many times I’ve screamed over this but this post just confirms that sarawatine soulmates honestly and yeah that last line I could cry. I also really like this I’m a sucker for parallels and this one was just so cute and I just love how soft this set looks. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead! 🥰
@brightwinfilm nath!!! I love all of your content, all your wonderful 2g/bw content and it just makes me so happy. I really love this that you’ve giffed all of their scenes at their home and they’re just being so domestic and cute together it’s so wonderful. I also really like this one gjskkfkd it makes me laugh because they’re so dramatic and your caption just makes it so much better but yeah this was really nice. I also really like this the tension in this gifset but they’re also colored so nicely and I just love everything about it. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead!!🥰
@kimmonv violet!! I absolutely love all of your gifs and all the content you put on my dash. I especially love this honestly a whole ass mood and it made me really excited for the special!’ I also really like this i love the handholding and this scene was just... so beautiful and the dialogue and oh’s surprised face? This scene was everything and I just love this so much.and lastly this this scene was so funny gjskkfkd and I love how you adding the bonus scenes it makes it so much better!! I also love all of you gen y gifs!! They’re always so pretty and always look so clear and colourful. I hope you have a great year ahead!!🥰
@vihokratanas meeel!! You’re always such a delight on my dash and I love seeing your content. I especially love this it just looks so pretty and and I love this scene as well! This definitely is one of the best locations just look at the beach. I also really love this the scenes you’ve chosen just go with the song so well and it just ties it all together. It’s all just so wonderful and I love it so much. I also really love this this scene was just so good and the way you’ve coloured it just makes it so much warmer and prettier and the gifs are so so clear!! Absolute favourite! I hope you have a great year ahead!! 🥰
@atpgun doraaa!! I love your content and I absolutely love all of your itsay gifs. I especially love this one, the colouring is so so pretty and this scene is just so good and so underappreciated. It’s just so clear and I love how warm the gif looks and their relationship is just so good. I also really like this one bc I’m a sucker for parallels and these two?? And I love that you decided to include vlads little thumbs up so cute 🥺 I also really like this one it just makes me laugh bc pp looks so evil jfkskfkskd and I think ur one of the few people that giffed the documentary so thank you! I hope you have a great year ahead!! 🥰
@jbums kaaaay!! I hope ur doing well I haven’t seen you around in a while but I still absolutely love all ur content. I loved loved ur wyel gifs they were always so warm and you made them look so beautiful with your colouring. I also really like this like I said your colouring is always so so pretty and this was just so funny and their matching shirts so cute. And I also really like this one sangha looks so cute it reminds me of that gif you made of tae joo where he slams the spoon downfjskjdd but I hope ur doing well and I hope you have a wonderful year! 🥰
  @musicdramalove hiii we recently became mutuals but I’m so glad we did. I love all your saifahzon content and your gifs are always so wonderful. I really like this one I haven’t watched it yet but this set really knocked this up in my list and I cant wait to watch it bc it loooks so lovely. I also really like this one, two of my favourite shows paralleled ugjjdks I love it so much and yes hugs.. the hugs I love it so much. I also really like this one the two of them just talking about the others smile and just admiring the other?? These scenes were just so good. I hope you have a great year ahead! 🥰
@planthusbands (cass -I absolutely love ur writing and thank u so much for writing me the wonderful fic I absolutely adore it and it had everything I liked in terms of tropes. I hope you have a wonderful year! 🥰)
@itoldsunset (dawy -thank u so so much for ur wonderful translations for itsay interviews god all of them just add so much depth into the show and I just love them all so much. I hope you have a wonderful year!! 🥰
@wirapong aishi!!! I absolutely love love this set of yours, pear looks so beautiful in it and your colouring just makes her look so so lovely. This set just makes me so happy bc look at her jumping with joy ah I love it. I also really like this one god this quote... was so impactful and I just love how you used all the scenes of them dancing with each other it’s just so so good. I also really like this one you cna really see the wonder and awe in Karl’s face and I love this scene so much and them. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead 🥰
@kurosawadachi angeeel!! i absolutely love this little set of film please she is so cute and her little smile ahhh!! i love it so much and the coloring in that set?? beautiful. I also really like this it just sums up itsay and oh man.. i just love all the scenes you’ve chosen and the gifs are just so so pretty and wonderful. I also really love this one im a sucker for food scenes and this really was one of the most wholesome scene in the series oh it was so wonderful. I hope you have a great year ahead!! 🥰
Other mutuals that I admire: @earthkatsamonnat (Bea) @janeramida  @gooseras (kay) @gunsmiles (Amanda)@thaitheseries (Lisa) @87s-main @87s (min!! I’m tagging both just in case) - I hope all of you have a wonderful year!! 🥰🎉
This is alrdy too long so I’m just going to skip on tagging my own work 
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itstheelvenjedi · 3 years
TW: ableism, bullying, violence, very ranty, some ableist slurs (they’re not written out but they’re mentioned in-context/as I talk about what I’ve experienced over the years, fuck off, don’t be a clown)
I’ve been thinking about this a lot this weekend specifically, had a convo with dad in the car that ended up being sorta a little bit triggering ig that set it off.
No one ever talks about how alienating it is to grow up disabled. I’ve always been disabled, from the moment I was old enough to have memories of anything, my legs have been messed up. And it’s never gotten better, it’s only gotten worse. And even tho I wasn’t officially diagnosed till I was 21, I’ve always been neurodivergent growing up. But I didn’t have that diagnosis, so I grew up thinking that there was something horribly wrong with me. That it was my fault that I was hyper-interested in things that were “unimportant” to other prepubescent children my age and absolutely not interested in the other things (that was also the closet queer showing but that’s not as relevant to this particular talk post so I’m not gonna dwell on it) And no one likes to talk about what it’s like to deal with that. Because the truth is it’s a lot of SHIT.
How everyone’s default, whether abled people or even other disabled people is always “someone has it worse, stop making excuses so you don’t have to do stuff”
As if we enjoy not being able to do these things and it’s not, you know....incredibly dehumanising, upsetting and FRUSTRATING to not be able to do the simplest fucking thing for yourself without help. Cause unless you have money coming out your ass and can pay for any and all adaptations you need then you’re in trouble (I’ve been having these issues with the local ppl for years and I’m sick to death of it)
I KNOW the situation for SSI/SSDI or whatever it’s called in the states is worse and at least we have the NHS here, but that should not invalidate bad experiences that disabled people here have to go through too.
Like the people doing the “disability assessments” being a bunch of able-bodied pencil pushers who will sit there and tell you that “you’re not trying hard enough” to do something that they take for granted which is literally impossible for you and that’s the fucking point of it. Or that they do not seem to understand what the phrase “from birth” fucking means. It means I was born like this and I will DIE like this, jackass. So it’s not going to “need different care in 3 years time so you’ll have to do another assessment”
You know what’s more harmful for us? Having to re-apply with the same motherfucking information every 3 years, when nothing has changed. It’s stressful as fuck, and it’s humiliating as fuck too! I’m sick and tired of being told it’s “necessary” for me to have to basically take an exam every 3 years to “prove I struggle enough with my disability” just so I can get aid to pay for the help that I need to survive.
Trust me, I’d rather be fucking working a “proper” job too, but nobody wants to make allowances for my shortcomings and I’m done with making my pain and injuries worse than they already are just to please fucking ableds. I’m done with being a “volunteer” who’s expected to do part-time hours for no pay while I get verbally abused for “not doing a good enough job” because what I did was the best I’m physically able to fucking give you, Susan, I’m fucking crippled.
And for the most part I think I’m over the early trauma from my school years, but nobody ever talked about, or prepared me for, the physical and verbal abuse I’d endure from my classmates for shit I literally couldn’t control.
I still feel weird calling anybody a “friend” tbh, and it takes me a long time trusting people, because my “friends” during my formative years were just nice to my face so they could then get “more material” to take to the rest of the school so they could mock me and call me slurs (like the r word, the s word, and “weirdo” and “fucking freak”, and “the one who runs like an s-word horse”)
Or how I had to literally be taken out of PE/Gym lessons for my own fucking protection because the team that “lost” because they got “stuck with the fucking s word/r word freak” (me) lost, and I’d get the shit beaten out of me for....not being able bodied ig?? I’m sorry it’s so problematic for you, ableds. I hate it too.
I hate that I spent so much of my childhood with internalised ableism where I’d either feel like I shouldn’t exist at all, or I’d wish “my disability was worse and I’d be in a wheelchair, because then at least people would take me seriously and not hurt me as much”.
And I hate how nobody, but ESPECIALLY abled people, wants to acknowledge this shit. How the first response to disabled and disabled + ND people talking about the impact their symptoms have on their life is
“well someone else has it worse” or “well it’s not ACTUALLY that bad”
tw: capslock and cussing
end of capslock
And the fact that my own dad is doing that shit, and gets arsey about it when I call him out on it, was very upsetting.
“It’s not your disability actually it’s the neurodivergence and if you just learnt to mask better you’d cope more”
as if my ND status has anything to do with my physical disability which causes me constant pain, even ON pain meds.
The pain meds don’t take the pain away,  motherfucker, they just tamp it down to a level where it’s (most of the time) “managable” and I can still attempt to do things in spite of the pain. But it still takes effort, a lot of effort, way more effort than you, an able-bodied person, have to put into doing the same thing.
The best that I can give as a disabled person is never “good enough”, because abled people will always assume that because they can do something easily/without thinking about it, that anyone else can and anyone who says they can’t is just LAZY, or STUPID or BOTH
I could probably honestly go on and on about this a lot more but I’d be talking mostly in circles at this point so I’m gonna stop myself here.
OK to RB, other disabled people feel free to add to this. Ableds CAN (and are encouraged) to reblog too but KEEP YOUR FUCKING PIEHOLES CLOSED. Thank u
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monstrouslyobsessed · 3 years
ask part 2 electric boogaloo—took ages to write this set because im still a lil upset at my device for eating my answer. oy!
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anonymous 1—Not a request or anything, I just want to say I love every single piece of writing you’ve posted! I can’t get over how you always seems to hit the mark on stuff I’d be into but wow. Top notch stuff, top notch stuff. I like how you aren’t limiting yourself to general kind of monster(? Entity, etc) nsfw writings. The ghost husband is really unique, I’ve never seen that kind of concept before. And Lady Hyena oooooh, don’t get me started. She’s unique and I think I’m in love haha. What I’m trying to say is,I love everything you post and you’re awesome!!
!!!!! THANK YOU OM goodness....;;; yeah, my main requirement for characters i write is that, they’re not...vanilla human, yanno?? so, zombified/possessed(?) humans, ghosts and any other humanoid creatures, i can for sure do~heck, i got an imposter (from among us) for a wip aha ❤️ oh really? i kinda thought ghost husband (or at least invisible man) wouldnt be that rare in monster pron (at least on tumblr, admittedly, i didnt dig too deep these days) but ig it is??
yeeee, im in love with that fantastic b!! shes so fun to write, ngl, and i’d love to write more of her, so glad that she’s so well received by you all beautiful people 💕 heres hoping her buddy, the lioness, will get the similar treatment~
thank you!! i’ll keep producing filthy contents, for you lovely folks 💕 💕
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anonymous 2—Maybe ive been watching too many horror movies but i like the concept of using an oujia board to summon a ghost who wont leave and also uses any opportunity to grope you even in public oop
i kindaaaaa already did that one??? check here!! but gosh, its an oldie and is in a desperate need of an overhaul tho lol but an oujia board is def a classic i wouldnt mind going back to!!!
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anonymous 3—I watched “Tau” on Netflix and it got me thinking- an AI built into darling’s house (whether they built it themselves or bought like, a smart house up to you) that grows more and more possessive and obsessive over their darling because they’re the first person to treat the AI like a person and not a robot, an “it”.
ooo that actually reminded me of a very old piece (like way before i made this blog!!...lol yah i have a long history with monsters and nonhuman entities hah) where i actually did this kinda concept!! the darling built themselves a house and had 3 AI who would later build themselves functioning bodies ( 👀 with actual working ‘parts’ too) and then boned their darling stupid...idk if they could be considered as yanderes in that piece tho, but...maybe i can rewrite it for yall...hmmmmmm
but still!! i completely forgot about that one!! your brainwave...
suppose they got away with murdering intruders and suitors...hmmm, ideas...
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anonymous 4—Hello! Can you do something with Allen wesker of resident evil? I really like how you write!
sure can! been a hot minute tho, so i dont exactly recall his complete background/personality, but i can imagine him being very into breeding for a perfect ‘humanity’. given his narcissistic traits, wouldn’t put it past him to actually hold a darling hostage and in secret, but idk if he’d be a doting type...gonna think on that, but whenever my rq is open, you can sent a prompt on him my way :) and thank you!!! 💕 
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@india-katsuki​—Your work is absolutely stunning. I hope you don’t mind me reblogging everything. Thank you for the work that you do and I’m so happy I came across your art. Much love!
t-thank you...;; yes, you absolutely can rb whatever your heart desire!! 💕 ❤️ 💗 i’m happy to make contents for you fantastic people 💕 
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