#no naughty stuff you big stinkers!!!!
presidentbungus · 7 months
i’ve finally reached my breaking point so I’m asking this on main if anyone’s down to do a 1-on-1 tf2 rp over probably like discord or something message me. canon tf2 characters please. thganks👍👍👍👍👍
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maireadralph · 3 years
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There was a virtual Trivia She-Ra livestream yesterday on at midnight for me oh boy. Even though the play along app was full by the time I logged on there was still plenty of fun to be had with behind the scenes trivia drops. It made it feel like an impromptu Q&A panel and that was so much fun.
Big thanks to @soranis-sunshadow for reminding me and letting me spam her PMs with all this stuff during the event…otherwise I’d have forgotten it all 😅
Okay so here’s some fun trivia bits and bobs:
Shadow Weavers's “you're welcome” was originally an early imporv that was then recalled back for her death scene
The Background of Princess Prom contains cartoon versions of crew including a guy in baseball cap in EVERY scene including the Catadora dance
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^so close you guys so close
There's three cats names in first one writing in the bg somewhere
First Ones writing was never supposed to known to the public the marketing team made it so - crew had to check they didn’t have any naughty words in backgrounds
Q25 was what characters were not from Etheria" which was cute but I missed the screen cap
Scorpia would be the only one in the Horde with access to a music playlist (of her favs Fleetwood Mac)
Mara also references a Star Wars character of the same name
DT can't copy a magic powers which lead to crew arguments if Flutterina DT could actually fly
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^it’s of course C but I thought it was fun, there was a discussion on what a kingdom is
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^This caused arguments from chat and hosts. Technically it’s Scorpia…but now that I think of it Double Trouble had already henshined by they time we saw them 🤔
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^ Ah the Micah madness. Dreamworks said it was the “concept of (adult) Micah”
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^“Kyle and Rogelio adopt him and call him Lil Stinker” ~ Noelle
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^"as long as it's small AND cute" TIL!
Entrapta noises in space were primarily fun random improv and bits were put into the show
Noelle brought a nemesis mug - not quite a #1 coloniser mug but close enough right 😂
And that was all I noted. It was late for me so yeah, but it was fun. Please join in future streams everyone they are great fun!
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Notes from Stephen King’s “On Writing” 07: The Revision Process
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Next, King walks us through his revision process. He makes it clear that this method is not the only method. It is merely a method. 
How Many Drafts?
“For me, the answer has always been two drafts and a polish (with the advent of word-processing technology, my polishes have become closer to a third draft).”
King admits that this number of drafts is not the golden rule. Kurt Vonnegut rewrote each page of his novels until he got them exactly the way he wanted them. This meant that when the manuscript was finished, the book was finished. (I certainly am not that big of a perfectionist, nor am I that patient lol.)
For beginner writers in particular, King offers the following advice:
“Let me urge that you take your story through at least two drafts; the one you do with the study door closed and the one you do with it open.
“This first draft--the All-Story Draft--should be written with no help (or interference) from anyone else. There may come a point when you want to show what you’re doing to a close friend because you’re proud of what you’re doing or because you’re doubtful about it. My best advice is to resist this impulse. Keep the pressure on; don’t lower it by exposing what you’ve written to the doubt, the praise, or even the well-meaning questions of someone from the Outside World. Let your hope of success (and your fear of failure) carry you on, difficult as that can be. There’ll be time to show off what you’ve done when you finish...but even after finishing I think you must be cautious and give yourself a chance to think while the story is still like a field of freshly fallen snow, absent of any tracks save your own.”
Basically, King just wants you to get it all out onto the paper, with no external forces influencing you (for better or for worse). Just get that first draft out, and then open it up for closer examination both to yourself and others.
Let It Breathe and Then Dig In!
Okay, so you finished writing the first draft! Celebrate! Rejoice! Maybe cry!
...And then throw that manuscript into a drawer, lock it up tight, and don’t look at it for a minimum of six weeks. And in the meantime, do something totally unrelated to what you wrote. Get into knitting. Write a short story that is nothing like what you just finished. It’s consumed you for months now--so give your mind and imagination some time to reset and chill. 
King recommends a minimum of six weeks, but even longer is okay. Resist all temptation to peek at it. And once the six weeks have passed, do the following:
“Take your manuscript out of the drawer. If it looks like an alien relic bought at a junk-shop or a yard sale where you can hardly remember stopping, you’re ready. Sit down with your door shut, a pencil in your hand, and a legal pad by your side. Then read your manuscript over.
“Do it all in one sitting, if possible. Make all the notes you want, but concentrate on the mundane housekeeping jobs, like fixing misspellings and picking up inconsistencies. There’ll be plenty; only God gets it right the first time and only a slob says, ‘oh well, let it go, that’s what copyeditors are for.’
“If you’ve never done it before, you’ll find reading your book over after a six-week layover to be a strange, often exhilarating experience. It’s yours, you’ll recognize it as yours, even be able to remember what tune was on the stereo when you wrote certain lines, and yet it will also be like reading the work of someone else, a soul-twin, perhaps. This is the way it should be, the reason you waited. It’s always easier to kill someone else’s darlings than it is to kill your own.”
You’ll also be on the lookout for any glaring holes in the plot or character development. And if you spot any of these big holes, you are forbidden from feeling depressed about them. Don’t be hard on yourself. Everybody makes mistakes, and they can all be fixed. 
Generally King goes through the first reading fixing all the superficial issues, like typos and unclear antecedents. But as he’s doing that, he’s also asking himself the Big Questions:
Is this story coherent? 
If it is, what will turn coherence into a song?
What are the recurring elements?
Do they entwine and make a theme?
What’s it all about?
“Most of all, I’m looking for what I meant, because in the second draft I’ll want to add scenes and incidents that reinforce that meaning. I’ll also want to delete stuff that goes in other directions. There’s apt to be a lot of that stuff, especially near the beginning of a story, when I have a tendency to flail.”
I can understand what King is saying here about the flailing at the beginning. Because I do not plot when I write, I have ideas that crop up halfway through that would require being introduced earlier, for example. Or perhaps as my understanding of the characters evolved as I wrote more, I realize that they behaved out-of-character earlier on. This is certainly one downside to not plotting. But isn’t is also kinda liberating to be able to take detours and wind up at a different but equally interesting destination?
Okay. So go ahead and fix all of the issues you found, and your first revision is complete.
Second Opinions and the Second Revision
“Do all opinions weigh the same? Not for me.”
Now you’re done with the first draft. You’ve patched over any plot holes and smoothed out those typos and grammar mistakes. You’ve polished the symbols and themes until they shine.
Once this is done, King gives a copy of work to his wife and several close friends (4-8) to receive detailed feedback. In other words, he has several close friends beta for him. 
“Many writing texts caution against asking friends to read your stuff, suggesting you’re not apt to get a very unbiased opinion from folks who’ve eaten dinner at your house and sent their kids over to play with your kids in your backyard. 
“The idea has some validity, but I don’t think an unbiased opinion is exactly what I’m looking for. And I believe that most people smart enough to read a novel are also tactful enough to find a gentler mode of expression than ‘This sucks.’ Besides, if you really did write a stinker, wouldn’t you rather hear the news from a friend while the entire edition consists of a half-dozen Xerox copies?”
What he gets back is 4-8 very detailed and different analyses of what he wrote. What’s very important to remember is that every reader looks at a work through a different lens. If half of them say a character’s portrayal is far-fetched but the other half say the opposite, than their feedback regarding that point has balanced out. However, if the majority of them say that something doesn’t work, then King goes back and sees if he can improve it. 
Also, different readers pick up on different details. This is the age of internet and now we are able to check facts whenever we like, but it is still nice to have something of a subject matter expert on hand, because they are liable to pick up on details that the writer may not. 
For example, I often beta fanfiction for anime. I am fluent in Japanese, live in Japan, and have studied Japanese culture and history. While I would never claim to be a “subject matter expert” on Japan, I am able to make certain corrections regarding, say, the type of kimono a character should be wearing, that the writer would not have considered. 
It’s very easy to accept feedback that deals with facts (i.e. a beta corrects you on the standard procedures for CPR). However, it’s much harder to handle subjective feedback (i.e. “The ending felt inconclusive.”). Having put as much work as you have into creating this, it can feel like a personal attack because this story is a very dear part of you. What do you do if your beta tells you something like this?
“Subjective evaluations are, as I say, a little harder to deal with, but listen: if everyone who reads your book says you have a problem, you’ve got a problem and you better do something about it.
“Plenty of writers resist this idea. They feel that revising a story according to the likes and dislikes of an audience is somehow akin to prostitution. ... But come on, we’re talking about half a dozen people you know and respect. If you ask the right ones, they can tell you a lot.
“Do all opinions weigh the same? Not for me. In the end I listen most closely to [my wife], because she’s the one I write for, the one i want to wow. If you’re writing primarily for one person besides yourself, I advise you pay very close attention to that person’s opinion. And if what you hear makes sense, then make the changes. You can’t let the whole world into your story, but you can let in the ones that matter the most. And you should.”
I think, especially in the age of prolific fanfiction in which the author usually updates as they write the story, the author feels a lot of pressure from their readers. Readers chomping at the bit for the main characters to have a naughty scene, or demanding to know about that one secret thing that you keep alluding to. A lot of fanfic writers struggle to tow the line of “writing a good story based on reader feedback” and “pandering.” 
My advice to fanfic writers out there is to tell those thirsty readers to read a one-shot if they’re looking for a quick fix of smut, and to have some goddamn patience. You’re trying to tell a story, one that builds and progresses, and that takes time. Don’t give in to those “OMG MAKE THEM KISS ALREADY” reviews. But if a lot of readers say something like, “I feel like this character wouldn’t do that,” then perhaps you should re-evaluate that. 
On Pace and Reducing Glut
“Formula: 2nd Draft = 1st Draft - 10%.”
So now you have your first draft done. You have your feedback from your trusted betas. And now you need to go and make the final changes. 
King states that you should rely on your most trusted betas to gauge whether or not your story is paced correctly and if you’ve handled the back story in satisfactory fashion. “Pace” is the speed at which your narrative unfolds. 
”There is a kind of unspoken (hence undefended and unexamined) belief in publishing circles that the most commercially successful stories are novels are fast-paced. I guess the underlying thought is that people have so many things to do today, and are so easily distracted from the printed word, that you’ll lose them unless you become a kind of short-order cook, serving up sizzling burgers, fries, and eggs over easy just as fast as you can. 
“But you can overdo the speed thing. Move too fast and you risk leaving the reader behind, either by confusing or by wearing him/her out. ... I believe each story should be allowed to unfold at its own pace, and that pace is not always double time. Nevertheless, you need to beware--if you slow the pace down too much, even the most patient reader is apt to grow restive.”
So how can you strike a happy medium? Rely on your most trusted betas and their input. King says, “Every story and novel is collapsible to some degree. If you can’t get out ten percent of it while retaining the basic story and flavor, you’re not trying very hard. The effect of judicious cutting is immediate and often amazing. You’ll feel it and your betas will too.”
On backstory, King issues some opinions and advice:
It’s important to get the backstory in as quickly as possible, but it’s also important to do it with some grace.
A reader is more interested in what’s going to happen instead of what already did.
Even when you tell your story in a straightforward manner, you’ll discover you can’t escape at least some backstory. 
“The most important things to remember about backstory are that (a) everyone has a history and (b) most of it isn’t very interesting. Stick to the parts that are, and don’t get carried away with the rest.”
Source: King, Stephen. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. Hodder, 2012.
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Playdate part two: Toshiro’s morning.
Toshiro's morning. Toshiro whimpered softly in his sleep, tossing and turning in his my little pony nightie that did nothing to cover up his pink diapered butt. Said diaper was bloated with the former captains fudge and as he suckled on his favorite purple pacifier the smell was making his nose twitch and causing his whining. The smell was making him have the dream, the dream he hated to have but so far had it at least twice a week. He'd always been into diapers, starting from the times when he'd steal some of momo's diapers to wear himself and even as a Captain he'd sometimes wear his diapers under his uniform, sure that no one would notice. In fact while addressing his entire squad on what would turn out to be his last day as a captain he was wearing his blue teddy bear print diaper which was thicker then the ones he'd worn before, but having not been caught the past dozen times he'd done this had caused the big baby to get bold. Too bold as it turned out since Rangiku had not only noticed the extra bulk that day, but had been onto him for awhile. Deciding that it was time for the big baby to be outed (Just like in all the stories she snuck into and found on his computer) she'd spiked his morning tea and insisted the staff meeting with the whole squad go on,even as he felt himself on the verge of loading his pants. The rest of the squad seemed to pick up on his discomfort and a few were whispering about the added bulk around his hips, as he squirmed and tried to get though the meeting.as fast as possible, and he might of made it too if Rangiku hadn't stepped in before he could close the meeting. "I have one final announcement I need to make before we close out." she said with a sweet smile on her face even as Toshiro had given her a pleading look, letting out tiny muffled toots into his teddy bear diaper that some of the squad were starting to notice. Standing behind the poor captain now she put her hands on his shoulders, and it was like all his power was draining from him and his legs started to shake. "I plan to ask to have Captain Toshiro removed from the squad and nominate myself to replace him." She said and gasps of disbelief were heard. "Before you question this, I think it's fair to let you all know what I've known for awhile." She added, and then turned the weakened captain around, looking him in the eyes and winking. in that instant Toshiro knew that his cover was blown, and he went to beg her off, but as she'd later tell him many, many times, Mommy knows best. Griping he waistband of his pants she tugged them down as she finished talking. "Our dear Captain is nothing but a DIAPER POOPING BABY!" She said with delight. with his pants hitting the floor and the gasps of shock turning into laughter, Poor baby Toshiro couldn't hold it anymore and with his diaper butt on display so everyone could watch, he loaded the seat of his huggies whimpering and crying, and hugging Rangiku's waist as she patted his head. Toshiro woke up with a jolt from the dream and whimpered.. at least the dream always ended there and never went to the follow up of having to explain himself in front of the other captains and vice captains. Rangiku had been kind enough to take him in though the price of her looking after the big baby was she liked to make him a red faced sissy. Somehow (thought he never figured out how) the combination of messing himself and being fired had left him super weak so he needed a mommy to look after him, so he accepted the dresses as much as he had to, though she was still nice and let him (mostly) be a diaper BOY out in public. She'd also gone though his stuff and scolded him when seeing all the stories he'd had saved and promised to help him live out all of his naughty little fantasies, to the best of her ability and he'd loved and hated every second of it but had to admit it could of been a lot worse if he'd been left like this without his loving mommy to look after him. Still, waking up in his loaded huggies and smelling like a sewer was hard to get used to and he let his pacifier fall out of his mouth as he grabbed his pony stuffie and got up on his knees. "M-Mommy! I'm a stinky sissy!" He called out for the baby monitor, blushing as he hated having to call himself that, but if he wanted her to rush in that was what he had to say. For being such a loving and caring mommy most of the time, Mommy was kinda a BITCH the rest. Rangiku smirked as she was just waking up herself to the sound of her ex captain and now permanent little baby bitch calling out for her. the little dork never had figured out she'd used her own special kido spell to make him a weakling, nor that she'd actually been slowly making him more and more bold with wearing his diapies to work. the end payoff had been short lived as she hadn't proven to have the right attuide to run a squad herself so she'd bowed out gracefully and just spent her time making the cutie pie ex captain enjoy/hate his new baby life. getting dressed in a simple t-shirt and sweats she braced herself for the one single biggest downside of having Toshiro as her darling little sissy: the smell. Walking into the nursery she wrinkled her nose then held it, waving a hand. "Whew! for someone who looks so adorable and cute, you smell like a pile of dirty diapers left to ripen in the sun!" she teased as Toshiro huffed and pouted, his bottom lip sticking out. "S'not like I has a choice!" the little sissy whined. "All I'm saying is maybe you wouldn't be so SHORT if you stopped making such BIG messes." She added playfully and the little sissy was in full on huffy princess mode, arms crossed and cheeks red, and glaring. "OK OK, Mommies sorry, come on, who's ready for a diapie change?" she asked and leaned over the crib railing, holding her arms out. Instantly Toshiro moved into her grip and was hauled out by the arm pits, though kept as arm's length as she carried him over the changing table. 'Maybe I need to get a nanny to handle this part' she thought dryly before opening his his diaper. 'oh gawd!..yeah..i needa do something..or start giving him least breast milk.' After his diaper change and getting his nightie off, Toshiro was carried in Rangiku's arms bridle style out to his high chair and strapped in, a large white bib declaring himself mommies little stinker tied around his neck. She handed him a ba-ba of titty milk which like a good little sissy he held onto with both hands as he drank from it, eyes closing and savoring the taste. when he opened his eyes he groaned a little as she was pulling up a chair beside him, having one of the jar of baby food she loved to feed him now and then in her hands. "hey, whats wrong? don't you wanna bond with mommy more and get fed some nummy num nums?" she asked with a smile. "...what..what flavor?" he asked, dreading the answer and holding a hand over his eyes, scared to look, making her laugh. "I picked out Banna's and apples for you this morning..however if you'd rather have the prune flavored.." Rangiku chuckled. "no no no no I want nanna's and appies!" Toshiro cried out fast, wetting his diaper a little. "Well ok. since you want it sooo much." she chuckled and got a big spoon full and moved the spoon towards his mouth. "Here comes the airplane, open widdde!" she coo'ed. Toshiro did just that but -somehow- she still managed to smudge some of the baby food on his cheek and bib by the time the jar was done. After the baby was fed and cleaned up a little, Rangiku had him in her arms, his head over a shoulder resting on a hand towel as she patted his back. "Oh, did Mommy tell you about the double treat your getting today?' she asked, smirking as she knew she hadn't. "No.." Toshiro said with a hint of worry in his voice. "welll Mommy went and found about big baby, just like you, for you to go and have a widdle play date with! And I'm even gonna let you go as a baby boy!" she gushed. "Real-URRRP-Ly?" Toshiro asked, excited though blushing as he belched mid word. "Yup yup, so if your done belching like a frat boy at his first beer bash, let's go get you dressed!" Rangiku giggled. this was gonna be so much fun. for her at least, and hopefully at least a little bit of fun for her widdle stinker.
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