#ninjago shadows of the past
kriti-the-creator · 1 month
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Millet is good for health .so I advice you all to have millet .( Also not me submitting this for project in promotion of Year of millet 🙄)
Update: my teacher approved it😐👍
This comic is solely made to appreciate Cookies OC Agatha go and visit her @ninjagood4
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stardustpr1ncess · 1 month
Bonzle is 100% without a shadow of a doubt a trans allegory. People have been trying their best to say Sora isn't transcoded, but Bonzle is 2 scenes away from looking at the camera and saying "Hello. I'm a trans allegory." I shall now go into detail on every piece of evidence for this claim because fuck you.
EPISODE 5: Bonzle is afraid of how her found family will react to learning she's a spell (trans) and worries she will be rejected because of it. Easy parallel to trans people being afraid of revealing they're trans post transition. There's also her conversation with Bitch Boy Master Wu, with her saying she feels great loneliness, and only after gaining a physical form (transitioning) she feels happy and her true self. Very common trans experience. Gonna also put all of the quotes for my evidence as well since I know there's transphobes (filth) that like Ninjago and will be scrambling to deny it when people start coming to this conclusion too.
"Bonzle: I-- I was afraid of what you'd think if you knew about my past... Wu: It's called loneliness... Bonzle: I feel like, for the first time ever, I've become who I was destined to be... Bonzle: I was afraid if you found out I wasn't a real person, you wouldn't want me to be in our family anymore."
EPISODE 6: Bonzle is apprehensive about meeting with Gandalaria, seeing as how she's only known Bonzle as a spell, aka pre transition. She worries if she will respect her identity, much like how actual trans people fear how their family, more specifically a parental figure, would react. Bit of a light episode but an important aspect, here's the quotes;
"Bonzle: The Sorceress. She only knows me as a spell. What if she doesn't believe in me as a real person?"
EPISODE 7: This episode is the sauce. Bonzle is reunited with Gandalaria and their conversation is nothing short of magical. Gandalaria immediately recognizes Bonzle, saying she was her greatest creation and had always hoped she'd come home, shattering Bonzle's fears. It's a fantastic contrast, showing how this interaction can go well for some people, while others get an interaction much more akin to Sora's parents. When she's informed of Bonzle's chosen name, Gandalaria immediately starts using it, saying it's a great name. However, for that juicy authenticity, Gandalaria accidentally says spell before quickly correcting herself saying Bonzle. IT'S LITERALLY SO FUCKING OBVIOUS BONZLE'S BONES MIGHT AS WELL BE BLUE PINK AND WHITE. Oh yeah, here's the paragraph of quotes;
"Gandalaria: It's you! My dearest! You've come home! Bonzle: You... You recognize me? Even in my boney physical form? Gandalaria: Oh, I would know your true essence anywhere. Bonzle: I was so afraid you wouldn't accept me for who I am now. Gandalaria Are you kidding? I put my heart, my soul into every spell I weave... The most complex spell I've ever woven, and the first of my creations to ever come back to me!.. Bonzle: I'm Bonzle. That's the name I chose when I became a person. Gandalaria: Well, that's a splendid name... If this Ras times it right, he could reverse the power spell-- uh, Bonzle here--."
EPISODE 9: This episodes importance comes from Jordana, who acts EXACTLY how transphobes do. She constantly calls her a spell (some sort of derogatory term), says she's playing person (like pretending to be a girl), and says she's helping her do what she was made for, like transphobes very creepy beliefs in reproduction. Literally you half expect Jordana to ask which bathroom Bonzle uses since she was a spell. THE QUOTES;
"Jordana: Settle down, spell. I don't know what you think you've been doing, playing person with your fake family, but I know your true purpose... You should thank us. We're helping you to do what you were created to do."
In conclusion the silly lego skeleton girl is one of them spooky transgenders. Lmk if there's anything I missed. Thank you for reading.
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destinysbounty · 8 months
Ever since Crystalized came out, there's been this theory circulating that the reason the Overlord somehow managed to manifest crystal power seemingly out of nowhere and with no explanation (at least, none that I can find/remember), is because his fight with Zane affected his power in some way.
The main evidence for this is that:
Zane was the last person to fight the Overlord
Ice is technically a crystalline structure, depending on how it's formed, and Zane is the master of ice
When Harumi was first resurrected, she found the Overlord's spirit imbued into a purple crystal
As evidenced by past seasons, the Overlord's power seems to be influenced by his circumstances and environment in the wake of his last defeat. During Rebooted, a tech center was built over his resting place, and he ended up taking on the abilities and limitations of a computer virus. And in this case, the theory suggests that the Overlord's power was then influenced again by all the ice surrounding him as Zane destroyed both of their physical forms.
This does, to some extent, seem to fall in line with everything else we know about the Overlord. The Overlord is a being of shadow and darkness, and the shape of a shadow will always be influenced by the light around it. (And if we want to get into the theory that the Overlord was created as a result of the FSM trying to purge the oni blood from his veins, then you could even bring up the fact that the oni are shapeshifters sooo).
Now, I'll be the first to admit that this theory is ultimately pretty circumstantial, and there's nothing in canon to point to it being explicitly true. BUT, the cool thing about this theory is that it does also retroactively solve another big fandom mystery: that is, it explains how Zane survived his fight with the Overlord.
Let me explain.
When Zane came back to life after his fight with the Digital Overlord, while it was never outright explained how he did so, it was implied that he came back the same way the Overlord had: by spiritually manifesting within the systems at Borg Tower - specifically, the Digiverse. But that doesn't really answer the question, does it?
Like, the Overlord coming back as a spiritual manifestation makes sense. He's a regenerative being, an immortal abstraction of all the evil in the world. And Zane, as far as we know, is very much not that. So what could have happened to cause Zane, a nindroid, to end up being resurrected in the same way as the god of darkness? Why did he come back to life, instead of passing onto the afterlife? Even Lloyd, the special-est boy in all Ninjago, made a quick visit to the Departed Realm and only came back because the FSM said he could.
And true, it's certainly possible that Zane had a similar encounter with the FSM. Or that his power source is responsible for his resurrection, and just as we may never know how his power source works he may also never know how it brought him back to life. Those are all very possible solutions, and you're welcome to just accept those ideas and move one.
But if you're like me and you don't find those answers particularly satisfying, here's another possibility:
Just as Zane's power has influenced the Overlord, the Overlord's power has influenced Zane. In the explosion of Golden Power that caused both of them to be destroyed in unison, their souls became intertwined. So yes, Zane was meant to die. And judging by his account of the situation in Decoded, he did die. And maybe a peaceful afterlife was well within arm's reach, maybe he was just about to grab the FSM's hand...but then something pulled him back. His soul, chained to the Overlord's dark power, dragged him to the land of the living once more.
And if you really want to get into it, then you could even theorize that this connection ended up influencing Zane's power as well. During the Ice Chapter he was capable of turning people into ice samurai zombie-things kept under his control, as well as creating ice constructs like Boreal. These are not abilities that have been established in the ice power-set, nor are they logical powers for an ice elemental to have. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but the Forbidden Scroll doesn't give you new powers, it just enhances and turbo-boosts what you already have. Which is why it did nothing when Kai held it, as his power had been stolen from him at the time.
(Now before you ask why Pixal could use the Scroll despite seeminlgy not having any powers, there are very subtle implications that she had developed a very, very minor sixth sense due to her inheriting some of Zane's power. If anyone wants me to explain that in greater detail, I'd be more than happy to.)
And yes, Aspheera is also capable of creating elemental zombie/mummy things and other such constructs, but she did all that before she found the Scroll. This is a power-set she had by virtue of her being a powerful sorcerer, not something granted by wielding the Scroll.
And yet somehow, the Scroll did seem to give Zane these powers. Powers that so far have only been exhibited by two people in the series: Aspheera, and the Overlord. So if we submit to the theory that Zane and the Overlord's fight have caused their powers to mix a little, and the Scroll magnifies your power....well, it suddenly becomes very possible that the Scroll amplified some of the dark energy he inherited from the Overlord and awakened some of the Ice Emperor's more unique abilities.
And if that's true, then that really just kinda makes the whole Ice Emperor sting that much more. All of the good things Zane has done, all of his biggest sacrifices, all led to this moment. To him becoming the Ice Emperor.
I dunno. It's just something to think about.
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cringelordofchaos · 9 months
Alright, y'know how some fandoms give more creative names to ships? Such as Kai x Cole from Ninjago, in which the whole shipping community collectively decided would be called "Lava/Lavashipping" based on their traits unrelated to their names? I wanted to do that with sonic! What if sonic ship names were like that?
So I have decided to start a list of ship names I created for some pairs! I'm going to update it as I go. (If anyone actually sees this, which is unlikely, they're allowed to share their own ship name ideas, and be credited). So here (also, for obvious reasons, I'm not going to list any adult x kid or adult x teen ships, nor inc*st ships. This post is more focused on romantic pairings and possibilities, sorry) without further Ado, I'm gonna try listing some names in no particular order (many of them are stupid)
Sonic x Amy - DestinyShipping (based on the fact that Amy believes she was destined to meet sonic, as well on the fact that Amy heavily believes in destiny while sonic believes in creating your own destiny.)
Sonic x Knuckles - SolarEclipseShipping (based on the fact that they were intended to have opposite personalities, as well as the fact that sonics round belly is supposed to represent the sun and knuckles chest thing is supposed to represent the moon. So sun and moon together make a solar eclipse.)
Sonic x Shadow x Silver - TimelineShipping/TimeTravelShipping?? (Based on the fact that shadow is from the past, sonic is from the present and silver is from the future.)(name can be used for sonadow, shadilver and sonilver alone as well)
Amy x Metal Sonic the hedgehog - PinkMetalShipping/ShockingDestingShipping (first name is based on the fact that Amys fur is pink, and metal Sonic is made out of metal. Second ship name is based on the fact that Amy for the longest time believed she was destined to meet sonic, but perhaps it wasn't sonic who she was destined to meet, because she also met metal Sonic on the same place, so perhaps it was metal Sonic all along.) OR RosegoldShipping (SUGGESTED BY @oddogoblino ) because rose gold is a type of metal
Amy x Blaze - BlazingHammerShipping (I'm so sorry for giving such a basic name.. blaze has fire powers, Amy's signature weapon is a hammer. Together, they make a blazing hammer as their signature ship weapon) OR TarotFlameShipping (SUGGESTED BY @thefakehedgehogaroundhere) . Amy uses tarot cards and blaze has fire powers
Amy x Knuckles - AngerIssuesShipping?? JUST KIDDING um PikoPikoFistShipping?? (You can tell I'm bad at this. Amy has a piko piko hammer, knuckles's dominant weapon is his fist, I guess? In a physical sense, he is more than his fists but you get it) OR StrengthShipping (SUGGESTED BY @kernelbastard ) assumedly referring to both of their strength
Amy x Shadow - PromiseShipping (this is not my idea. I dunno where I got it. Refer to sonic adventure two near ending, Amy and shadow interaction and you'll understand why I chose this.)
Tails x Charmy x Cream x Cosmo - FlyHighShipping (because tails, Charmy and Cream fly. And because Cosmo is dea-)(name can be used for the possible monogamous pairings in this ship by themselves as well, such as tails x cream alone)
Tails x Kit - WaterWhipShipping (I swear I'll update this but basically tails's uh tails whip(??) and kit has water powers so y'know)
Blaze x Silver - StarCrossedShipping (how did they even meet?? They're from both different dimensions AND timelines. (I don't believe in "blaze got sent to her dimension after the events of sonic06 crap). Realistically they probably would've never met. But hey, perhaps they will beat all the odds and not care what is probable, or what will stop them. Anyway this ship name sucks I'm gonna change it some day layerjdjjs)
Sonic x Shadow - MoonlitShipping (SUGGESTED BY @oddogoblino ) because sonic is the moon that lights up shadows arch
Knuckles x Blaze - GuardianShipping (they are both guardians, knuckles guarding the master emerald and blaze guardian the sol emeralds)
Whisper x Shadow - SilentNightShipping (stolen from @sonicrarepairtournament hehe) Whisper is known to be silent and quiet, whereas Shadow could be associated with the Night due to his design and personality
Amy x Sticks - WildRoseShipping (I don't think I have to explain this one, Amys last name is literally Rose, sticks is the wild badger we know and love, together they make a wild rose.)
Anyway that's all I have for now. Gonna update later.
You can suggest ship names and pairings you want me to think of if you'd like!!
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ninjamelissajulien · 11 months
An Analysis on Cole vs Vangelis
I have previously stated that the Cole vs Vangelis fight between The Upply Strike Back and the Son of Lilly is one of, if not, the best fight in the entire history of Ninjago and I am willing to stake my reputation on it due to the many layers of the fight. 
1: Cole stands for freedom and self expression, always willing to show his face and to fight for what is right. Previous notations have mentioned how in episode 9- the Royal Blacksmiths- Cole’s monologue to his father is a rather strong parallel to coming out to one’s parent as queer. “I want you to be proud of me too.” “I have something to tell you. All these years I haven’t been [what you were expecting of me]. I’ve found something that I’m really good at [found something that I love]. Dad, I’m a Ninja [I’m Queer].” [Author is using Queer as a generalization of numerous headcanons of Cole’s identity and avoiding cementing of one idea]. Cole has used his self expression to stand up against bullies, using his past as a dancer within his fights (Triple Tiger Sashay in S2e25, Return of the Overlord, and s12e9- Two Steps Forward One Step Back. Midair splits in s13e10, Dungeon Crawl. Dancing in Balance) as a way to connect to his father while maintaining his promise to his mother to always stand up for what is right, to stand against those who are cruel and unjust. 
2. Cole’s Unbelievable Ambidextrous Skillset: Connecting to the previous analysis to the Blades of Deliverance and their connections not only to Cole and Lilly’s color schemes (Black and White) but also the parallels to grief and death. Cole wields both blades simultaneously with extreme accuracy, endurance, and skill. Watching the fight in e15 frame by frame, you can see how Cole moves from one blade immediately into the second fluidly. 
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Cole uses all of his strength with every single blow. Sparks literally fly on numerous occurrences between the Blades of Deliverance and Vangelis’ staff (Pudao?). Cole also manages to forcefully drive Vangelis backwards at least 50+ feet in a single motion, using the brunt of the blades as connection points, until Vangelis throws him to the side. 
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Cole also uses his shield as a third weapon alongside extra protection against the Skull of Hazza’Dur. This, unfortunately, is the only season that features the Ninja using shields (which they really should use more often as they worked very well in creating bulk wall defenses). Cole not only has to keep his attention on the main threat of Vangelis, but also the satellite Skull attacking him from all sides, including from behind. He angles himself so the shield gets the brunt of the damage and hit. When he is knocked off of his feet, Cole throws the shield onto his back to take the landing blow and gaining traction to get back to his feet. 
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Cole manages to hold off Vangelis and Hazza’Dur until the Blades shatter under a direct hit from the skull. Even then, without his shield and the Blades, Cole manages to connect to his inner power and unlocks the Spinjitzu Burst. Noted as a parallel to his true potential, Cole connects to a struggle within his heart that kept him from discovering who he really is. In the Royal Blacksmiths, Cole has to reconnect to his father and find a pathway to his future as a Ninja rather than hiding away in a lie. In the Son of Lilly, Cole understands the legacy that his mother left behind and finally steps outside of the shadows she left in Shintaro to create his own light. Cole embraces his promise to his mother, his path as a Ninja, and unlocks the Burst and defeats Vangelis. 
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Master of the Mountain has a lot of depth and symbolism in connection to legacies, grief, and finding yourself- common motifs that surround Cole’s character. Not only has his color scheme been connected to Death (Black, with Lilly’s color being white, alternate connective color to Death in other regions), but he was also connected to Death through his time as a ghost. Cole had to deal with the disassociation of not only being disembodied, being separated from the team physically, mentally, and even emotionally, but also through depression. “I don’t feel anything anymore.” Not only as a ghost being unable to physically touch, but also through emotional disconnection and lethargy. Cole’s (previous) main weapon was a scythe, a symbolic iconography to the Grim Reaper. 
Master of the Mountain is one of the best seasons throughout the entirety of the Ninjago Canon for developing Cole, his past with his mother, his bond to Master Wu, allowing Kai and Nya to have a teasing yet strong sibling relationship, and to have a beautiful emotional climactic battle for the Ninja who has been shoved to the side for too long. 
-as a side note, author learned that both Netflix and the YouTube episodes for the Tooth of Wojira skip the In Loving Memory of Kirby Morrow during this research-
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redpenship · 3 months
i should write a clone of my ninjago longfic for sonic where 3k years into the future shadow finds out all his friends from the past are reincarnating into new versions of themselves with no memories or powers and he goes out of his way to insert himself into their lives and collect new friends like pokemon even though he knows theyre all gonna die again in like 60 yrs anyways
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traffic-light-eyes · 11 months
Imagine, after everything is said and done. No more darkness, no more evil-doers, no more overlord. Just peace.
What would the Ninja do next?
Nya would go into techs. Maybe she'd intern or shadow Borg tech, and she'd work there. That's a possibility, but after she learned all she could, she would definitely make her own tech company. She'd be less phone and game tech and more automobile innovations. Maybe she created a new, super-speedy express train. I wouldn't put it past her to invent something akin to teleportation, somehow. That might be far, far into her future. Seeing as her job mostly consists of things that can not touch water, she'd most likely spend some of her time near creeks or waterfalls, just meditating and connecting with her element. Eventually, she might get bored of that and make her tech completely water resistant. Everything. I'll talk about Jay in his section.
Kai might try to become a martial arts teacher again, but he would eventually become less enthusiastic about it due to the many, many kids he had to deal with. Then, he tried to pick up blacksmithing again. He created a nice little shop back in Ignacia, looking almost exactly like his parents'. Years down the line, the ninja + Pixal, Skylor, etc. have a get-together/reunion. Kai and Skylor reignite their spark, and they try long-distance. It got stressful, so Kai decided to drop everything and move near Skylor. He worked odd-jobs and lived in a glorified shack just to be able to go out with her. Skylor offered him a job at the noodle house, and he accepted. Sadly, the noodle house closed down due to a lack of workers - even though Skylor, Kai, and maybe 2 other people put their all into it. It was sad at first, but they decided to make the most of it. Together, they wanted to create a new restaurant - a mixture of Chen's noodles and Kai's family heritage & recipes. They just couldn't figure out the name. What could incorporate both Skylor Chen and Kai Smith? Kai quickly came up with the perfect solution. On a beautiful night out, while Kai walked Skylor back home after a dinner date, they stopped on a bridge to look at the night sky. Kai got down on one knee and proposed to the love of his life. They married and could finally start their restaurant - The Smiths'. It was a hit, and they lived happily every day happily.
Zane left together with Pixal to explore the world. They went place to place, experiencing everything together. They did not marry - not for lack of love, but because they felt their love was so much more to them than some silly social construct. I mean, they are going to live forever, as long as they have the proper maintenance. So, they don't think that they need to marry. Even while traveling, they always make sure to come back for everyone's birthday and for holidays. They bring gifts and recipes and knowledge with them. Once they felt they experienced it all, they returned to Ninjago City and worked with Nya. Well, they didn't really work for her. They just popped up one day, and Nya saw them building in her lab. She let them, and they ended up making an awesome hologram for entertainment. They didn't sell it, but every one in a while, the ninja cuddled up again and watched an almost life-like rendition of a Fritz donnegan movie. Pixal and Zane also decided that they wanted children, eventually. So, they made them. They put parts of themselves into the child and even mixed up their own technical make-up to make their kids: Chip and Mackayla, or Mac.
Lloyd kept training the new Elemental Masters, as he felt it was his duty. He really wanted to be like his uncle and train the next generation to make sure they were good people. He didn't expect his deciples to fight off anything major because his team defeated it, but he still wanted them to know how to fight/good vs bad just in case something terrible happens after he and the rest of the ninja weren't around to help. His students became wonderful and helpful individuals, which is far more than he could ever ask for. Aside from training, he started studying and researching. He grew up in dangerous situations, so it's very difficult for him to sit still and not try to be ready for the supposed next attack. His students and his friends keep him in check, and thankfully, nothing comes to pass. He didn't end up dating anyone, not for lack of desire. He just felt in his bones that he would live a long, long life and didn't want to hurt himself by falling in love. He envies Zane and Pixal a bit because of this, but he'd never say that (they know. They feel terrible but can't do anything about it). They visit a lot, especially after the other ninja pass on. Eventually, a while after they make their kids, they make Lloyd a companion - a friend who can stay forever. He cried when he received the gift. He trains many generations of ninjas and sometimes even uncovers a new way to use the elemental powers or spinjitzu. With each new generation, his students get stronger. He lives a happy, fulfilled life.
Jay and Nya get married immediately. Their celebration of being done with evil was their happy, happy marriage. Everyone was overjoyed with them, and you could even see a misty-eyed Kai if you looked hard enough (it's just allergies, guys, I'm not crying. It's allergies. It's the pollen, I swear). After that, he started working on tech again with Nya. He loves it, but he started to get burnt out. He remembers his time on stage, being the center of attention in both real life and in Prime Empire. He makes a gameshow. It was something silly, at first. Like a "how well do you know the ninja" trivia game. It was super fun and he kept getting asked by producers and directors to host more and more gameshows. He became the Steve Harvey of Ninjago; everyone knew him, everyone watched him. When he openly stated that he was starting to get bored of the trivia-types of stuff, he was asked to act in movies and to host in wipe-out shows because of his expertise in agility. Eventually, when he and Nya decided it was time to have kids, he became the best stay-at-home dad anyone could ask for. He loved it. Sure, he got antsy because of the inactivity, but be quickly cured that by just playing with the kids. They ended up being incredibly sporty because of this.
Cole went to art school, even if he was older than most. He went to art school and became one of the best goddamned artists there are out there. He traveled with Pixal and Zane for a hot sec and made it a point to paint from atop every single mountaintop they reached. His artwork is displayed in many museums. One time, a little kid walked up to him and asked him to teach her how to be a good artist. So, he did. After asking her parents, of course (they were very, very starstruck when their daughter came home one day with Cole FUCKING Brookstone, the famous artist, the black ninja, one of the saviors of ninjago). She became like a daughter to him, and was even allowed to travel places with him. She became a wonderful artist under his tutelage, and gained a lot of recognition for just training under him. He realized he had a passion for teaching, and his young student (with a lot of persistence) got him to start his own little art school. He made sure not to broadcast his name or face on the building, because he didn't want people to come just because he was who he was. It became very, very successful and a lot of people have a superstition that being in Cole's presence gives you the ability to draw/paint. This is only mildly true (due to his insane ability to teach), but the Ninja make sure tease him about it. (Kai joined a class one day just to mess with him and was very surprised when he ended up leaving the building with a beautiful, realistic portrait of Skylor. They hung it on their wall and they're still baffled on how it happened.)
Welp. There you go. Here's what I came up with
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21st-century-ninja · 7 months
Hello! I'm new to the Ninjago fandom and I love your writing. I hope I'm not overstepping but couldn't stop thinking about an AU where after Lloyd gets kicked out of Darkely's he winds up being taken in by Mystake - she finds him wandering around or something. And then Lloyd learns a bit about his oni/dragoni heritage earlier than in canon which may/may not affect the way the prophecy of the Green Ninja plays out.
hiiii anon who sent me this june 15th and has no doubt forgotten all about this: heyo super belated welcome to the fandom!!!!! the belatedness is all my fault for running away with this super-awesome prompt -- I ended up using it more as an inspiration than anything else, even though I tried to stick closer to it, but hey the inspo works where it will :D it's a super cool idea and if anyone else wants to take a stab at it have at it! I hope if you find this you enjoy it regardless.
There’s a boy staring at him in the tea shop.
Wu sees him first through the dusty slats of shelves, a popping spot of brightness against the time-faded walls and wood of Mystake’s abode.  He’s shocking, and not just because of his youth, but because for all of Wu’s years coming here, he’s never seen another person in the shop.
Who is he, he wonders, pretending to browse through packets.  A neighbor?  A grandchild? The boy doesn’t look necessarily like Mystake - Wu spies wispy blond hair peeking out around the edges of his hood - and Wu never knew her to marry, but then again he knows there’s much he’s missed in his old friend’s life.
He grips his staff at the flyaway thought, exhaling his inner turbulence the way Father always taught him to.  No.  The past is the past, and to dwell on it is just to waste time he doesn't have.  
He sets down the packet he’s holding.  He’s here for something specific, and it’s not something he can find on these shelves.
He steps to the counter.  Mystake is there, besides the child, and she lifts her eyes from her solitaire game when he drops his coins in front of her.  
“Well, well, well,” she drawls.  “Look who the cat dragged in.”  She pushes her cards aside.  “What do you want, old fool?”
Wu feels his lips twitch into a smile.  “Old, perhaps, but not yet as old as you.”
She barks a laugh.  “And yet you don’t deny the fool allegation.”  
“I would be a fool to do so.”  He sets his staff against the counter, and leans in to her.  “An order of eventualitea would be welcome.”
Mystake’s eyes widen, only noticeable to Wu from his decades of knowing her.  She gives him a considering look before nodding, once, to herself, and padding off.  Her muttering trails off as she disappears into the back.
With nothing left to distract him, Wu finally gives in to his urge to look at the child.  
He’s short.  That’s the first thing Wu processes, shorter even than he looked from across the room, and despite the large hoodie appears to be rather stringy.  His eyes, their color indiscernible in the shadow of his hood, dart away as soon as Wu looks his way.
Shy? Wu wonders.  Or perhaps just not used to people.  For a moment his heart had leapt a beat, seeing that blond hair, but this child is much too small to be eight years of age.
“Hello there,” he says, as the boy’s gaze creeps back up.  He musters a smile, but the boy’s eyes widen and he ducks his head.  Mystake, returning, looks between the two of them and raises a wizened eyebrow.  Wu clears his throat.
“Pardon me.  I was just trying to meet your companion here.”
Mystake’s eyebrow climbs higher.  “Hm.  Looks more like you scared him to me.”
“Hey, I wasn’t scared!” protests the boy, finding his voice at last.  His voice is nasally, and he trips over his words as he rushes to get them all out.  “I was just – just staying quiet!”
“And not responding to your elders?”  Mystake sighs.  “What did I say about being polite to customers?”
The boy stares at the counter.  “But you’re not,” he mumbles.
Mystake laughs sharply.  “Oh?  I see how it is.”  She turns to Wu with a dry look and the tea leaf packet.  “You must forgive my idiot apprentice.  He’s still new.”
“Of course.”  Wu pockets it, and smiles.  “He was no bother.  Thank you, Mystake.”
“Don’t mention it,” she sniffs.  “Just clear out of here before you wither away on my floor.”
“Hey!” protests the child, and Mystake smacks him on the arm.  He glowers at her, and Wu feels his breath catch.  Old memories stir, painful memories, and suddenly he doesn’t care to linger any longer.
“I will see you later,” he says, stepping to the door.
Mystake waves him out, not really paying attention as she starts bickering with her apprentice.  Wu shuts the door.  He closes his eyes, breathing out slowly again.  A moment passes, and then he takes up his staff and starts home.
It’s only after Wu’s halfway back that he realizes he never learned the child’s name.
The boy is gone the next time he comes.
Not that Wu was looking for him.  It’s just something to note when he enters the shop: the shelves are all stocked, flies buzz lethargically at the window, and Mystake is alone today at the counter.  
He idles by the front as Mystake gets his order.  The weather is turning warmer, and melting snow pools on the windowsill.  Wu tracks the condensation running down the panes, the way that the flies track water across the wood.  When Mystake returns to the counter to wrap his tea in brown paper, Wu turns her eyes to her curiously.
“Is your apprentice out today?” 
A familiar scowl settles across Mystake’s face.  “My apprentice?” she repeats, attacking the paper with scissors.  “Never had an apprentice in my life.”
Wu’s lips quirk.  “Of course.”  The game returns to him, the plot of a book thought long-forgotten.  “How my memory goes sometimes.”
“Hm.”  Mystake seals the wrapping.  She gives him a pointed look.  “Maybe it would do you well to take a break sometime, hm?” 
Wu leans more of his weight against his staff.  “If only I could,” he sighs.  “But no, I cannot yet.”
Mystake grunts.  “Ah, yes.  Your new students.”
Wu looks at her in some surprise.  Then he laughs deprecatingly.  “Of course.  They fought the serpentine first here, in your hometown.”
She gives him another meaningful look.  “Hm, and Garmadon’s son.”
Wu swallows.  “Yes,” he admits.  “That is true.”
“Hung him up on a bladesign, they did!” she says.  “Took me the better part of an hour to get him down, hmph.”
“You saw him?” Wu exclaims, forgetting his embarrassment and leaning forward with shock.  “You helped him?”
Mystake’s eyes track a fly as it bumbles around her head.  “Hm-hm.”
“Do you know where he is?”
She’s silent for a long moment.  The fly’s buzzing fills the air in the interim.  “No,” she says at last, and Wu’s heart sinks.  “No, I’m afraid I do not.”
“Ah,” he says, leaning back, depleted.  To have his hopes so raised and dashed again – but it’s not Mystake’s doing, at least not intentionally.  
He remembers his manners and how to smile.  “Ah.  Well, thank you for letting me know.”
“Cheer up, you old fool,” Mystake says, and gruffly she presses the tea packet into his palm.  “You’ll find what you’re looking for, or have one of my teas ever failed you?”  
“No,” says Wu softly, looking down at the parcel.  “No, they have not.”
There are rats in the walls.  
Wu hears them as he tries to meditate – can hear only them, despite how he does his best to keep his focus and center himself.  Tiny feet skitter at the edges of his consciousness, and tiny teeth nibble away at his focus until he can think of little else.  He attempts to power through for a time until finally he gives up, wincing as he unfolds his legs and stands.  His empty teacup goes on the table beside the near-empty pot of eventualitea.
Eventualitea.  Once, it had shown him a vision of his brother plotting his return to the overworld.  Wu had acted accordingly, gathering his four protectors of the Golden Weapons, and the vision had proved to be true.  By drinking that tea and bending his mind towards Garmadon, Wu had saved the world.
There’s no reason it shouldn’t work again, but the visions that come to him this time are not the same.  Confusing images assault him, blurry distortions of the world that make it look many times its size, and dark clouds hovering before his eyes.  Jumbled words, as if underwater, fill his head – and the squeaking!  The horrible squeaking that invades his ears like a creaky door being thrown about by a toddler – no, this time the tea is loathe to work, and Wu can’t comprehend why.
(Or, he already does and he simply fears the answer.)
No.  Such thoughts have no place here.  Going to his door, Wu throws it open.  Right outside, all four of his students startle.  
“Sensei!” yelps Jay.  “Hey, I guess that answers the question of if you’re alive, ha ha.”
“Oh,” says Zane, lips pressing together mildly in the way Wu’s come to recognize as his confusion.  “Is that what we were doing?  But I could have told you that.”
“Right,” Cole says, with the dawning air of someone who’s forgotten something important.  “Yeah, no, that makes sense in hindsight.  Next time, buddy.”
Wu shakes his head tiredly.  “Enough,” he says.  “What are you doing now?  Have you completed all of your chores?”  
“Yeah,” says Kai, ever his straight-to-the-point student.  “We’re smoking the rats out now.”  He gestures, and Wu follows the path of his hand, down to where the Dragon Sword of Fire is propped against wood still green and disappearing into a hole in the wall.
Wu’s not sure whether to praise their ingenuity or smack them upside the head for having it at the expense of his father’s monastery.  
“Yeah, look at them!” exclaims Jay, holding up his hands.  A small rat, so small it could almost pass for a hamster if it were not for the tail, struggles in his hold, squeaking up a storm.  Jay lifts it up like a prize, bringing it towards his eyes and cooing.  
“Don’t hold it right next to your face!” snaps Kai.  “What if it bites you?  Do you know the diseases those things carry?��
Jay pouts.  “Aww, but they were always my friends back home.”
“What kind of home did you have?” 
“Enough,” says Wu again.  “Now is not the time for this.”  He surveys his students, the way that Kai scowls and Jay pouts and Cole rolls his eyes and Zane reaches out to take the rodent into his own protective hands.  “Thank you for doing this, but do not spend all your time here.  There are more pressing matters that deserve your attention.  Lloyd –”
“Is missing, we know, we know,” Kai says.
Wu sends him an admonishing look.  Kai swallows.  “Look,” he says, crossing his arms over his chest in a - most likely subconscious - attempt to make himself look larger.  “He’s probably still at his bad boy school, Sensei.  They just lied to you about it.  Like, isn’t that something a bad boy school would do?”
“That type of behavior does seem to align with all the presumed morals of a bad boy school,” admits Zane.
Kai claps him on the back, sending Zane stumbling forward.  “See?  Even Zane agrees with me!”
“Sensei,” says Cole awkwardly, “I get that he’s your nephew, but with all due respect, we’ve got bigger fish to fry.  More serpentine have been spotted at the outer villages.  Those people are the ones that need our help.”
Wu shakes his head.  “Of course we must help them.  But we also must find my nephew.  I’m disappointed in your attitudes, and yours in particular,” he says, turning to Kai.  “You know what it is like to have a missing family member.”
Kai reels like he’s been slapped.  
“Until Lloyd is accounted for, we will not stop searching for him,” Wu finishes.  “Do you understand?”
Cole exhales noisily.  “Yes, Sensei,” he intones, and the others echo him.
Wu turns to go back inside.  He hears Cole directing the others away behind him, and then the door shuts between him and he’s alone again.  
The last of the tea leaves weigh heavier than they should as he steps to the brazier for one last pot.  He waits for the water to heat, staring at the curling steam rising from the spout.  
That boy is the last of his family.  Without him, who does Wu have left?
The rats are silent as he reclaims his spot on his mediation carpet.
He returns to the tea shop the next morning.
Mystake is leaning against the counter.  She startles when he enters, springing to her feet and taking a step back.  “Oh.  You again.  Uh, hasn’t it only been a week?”
Wu nods, heavy.  “Unfortunately, my need for it prevails.”
He settles against the counter.  Mystake gets him his order.  She hems and haws over the register, chewing her lip as she rings him up.  “So, uh, what do you need all this tea for anyway?”
Wu sighs.  “At this point, I thought it would have been obvious.”  
She shoots a glance at him from the corner of her eye.  “Maybe.  But – but you should still tell me anyway.”
Wu shakes his head, long-resigned to the fickleness of Mistake’s moods.  “Aye, shall I?  What is there left for you to learn?  You know that I am in here to buy your tea every week, and also that my nephew is still unaccounted for, gone like a leaf in the wind.”  He bows his head, stares at his weathered hands.  “I must find him, Mystake.  He’s all I have left.”
There’s the sound of something dropping to the floor.  Mystake fumbles for the lid, returning with it wide-eyed.  “You want him?”
Is something not well with her?  Wu frowns, reaching over to help her place the lip on the canister again.  “I thought that had already been established,” he says a touch dryly.
Mystake nods.  Then she shakes her head.  “No.  No, I knew you were looking for him.  I just –” she swallows.  “Are you going to punish him, when – if you find him?”
“Punish him?” repeats Wu.  “For what?”
Mystake’s eyes skip over to the tea shelves.  “You know.  Running away from school and, uh, opening the Serpentine tombs?”
“Tomb,” corrects Wu, a little tersely.  “There’s no evidence that he opened any of the others past the Hypnobrai.”  He sighs.  “Maybe once, I would have.  But now –”  
He trails off.  How could he punish a child for releasing serpents, when he himself had done the same?  How could he hold a child accountable for initiating things beyond his comprehension, when he himself was the reason his father’s monastery was for long, long years so empty?
“You're the one who wants to fight his dad," Mystake says softly.  Wu comes out of his thoughts.  She stares at the paper-wrapped parcel in her hands, fiddling with the corner between her fingers.  “I just assumed –”
Wu’s heart pangs as it ever does at Garmadon’s mention.  “I don’t want to fight him,” he says.  Mystake, better than anyone else, knows the history of their relationship – has been there for nearly all the ups and downs.  “I still hold onto hope for my brother.  But even if his fate is doomed, that doesn’t mean I can’t save his son.”
“Tell him that,” she blurts.  
“Garmadon?” Wu asks.  “Aye, he already knows.  It’s one thing we’ve always agreed upon.”  His hands ache with the memory of casting his brother down, his heart with the remembrance the strangled promise exacted from him moments before the ground sealed shut.
Look how well you’ve kept that, he chides himself.
Mystake looks taken aback.  Her eyebrows screw up and she tugs her lip between her teeth, and she thrusts the packet of tea leaves suddenly forward.  “No.  Lloyd.  Tell him everything you just told me.”
Wu takes the leaves, laughing slightly despite himself.  “Oh?  And how do you suppose I do that, seeing as he’s the reason I’m here?”
He expects her to laugh too, or to shoo him off.  But she smiles a slow, tentative smile, and her red eyes finally turn to his. 
“I don’t know.  Maybe -- maybe he'll turn up sooner than you think.”
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wolame-o-ccx · 7 months
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I have this Ninjago movie au with the elemental masters...
Basically the EMS is like this secret group of super people who help the ninjas in the shadows like super super secret version of them
(In this au Turner is demi-aroace pan) (the others are the same as my past HCs for them in canon Ninjago)
After finish watching the other seasons I might include other side characters ?? Idk
Upply have their DND club (consisting of only them four including Adam)😭 Plundar sneaking in his pet spider Adam on school grounds
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robobirdie · 1 month
Update to my Ninjago Story
A while back I came up for an idea for a prequel to my story while working on a sort of epilogue/sequel story but wasn't sure if I was going to write it. Recently though I decided to write it more details of it coming to my mind. I have started posting it on the AOE page of my story. Due to recent changes to Tumblrs posting style I can't really post the story here, the only certain numbers of words per paragraph is difficult to work with, but I can post updates here. Here's some arts to go with what I have posted and samples from it.
First off as an introduction imagine this sort of trailer (that's the best I could describe it as) being read by Lloyd:
Something’s coming… we thought they’d be no different from others we’ve faced before but we were wrong. They sailed ashore out of nothing boasting powers and abilities unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. Conquerors seemingly lost to time and space. They’re spreading across the realm cold, dark and monsters following in their wake and nothing we do can stop or slow them down. If only that was the only problem with them. They’re attacking us from within our own ranks distracting some, awakening crippling memories from their past in some, turning others to become traitors and me… to become a monster. I can feel it when they are near the Oni within me surfacing and I am powerless against it. They are awakening it on purpose I just know it but why? What do these things want with Ninjago? Are they here to just claim the realm for themselves or do they have darker intentions? Why are they turning us against each other and why are they awakening the Oni in my blood?
First off for art the two main antagonists of the story Kamal and Rosic; the mysterious brother and sister who lead the Lost Clan the group invading Ninjago.
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Kamal is a warrior while Rosic is a master of arcane arts. The Lost Clan that they lead are like a mix between Vikings and the Huns.
A snippet of the ninjas first encounter with the two:
As they went through the town they started to notice one of these strange beings what appeared to be one of the hyena folk following them. They only guessed what it was from their ears and snout which stood out from the red hood of its hooded and sleeved robe like cloak and the claws on the hands and feet that wore wraps and gloves that exposed the digits. Under the robe it wore fairly plain commoners attire in a dusted pale blue color. It was carrying a staff with a strange gem in it and hung back to watch them green eyes glaring from the shadow of the hood. The individual didn’t seem to care if they noticed it. It seemed curious to them but they couldn’t tell why.
“Is it just me or is that one following us?” Jay inquired at one point when noticing the individual. Zane noted eerily calm for the situation Jay felt, “she has been following us since we left the docks.”
“She? How do you know that things a she? It’s really hard to tell with these things,” Kai wondered and Pixal explained, “while these beast folk do seem to share the highly masculinised females of the beasts they resemble making it hard for humans to tell the difference you forget us nindroids have more advanced senses than humans much more akin to animals. Like them we can detect the chemical signatures organisms give off as a means of communication and identification and she bares the scent markers of a female.”
“Really we give off a smell?” Jay wondered starting to smell himself and Zane noted, “you do but you can’t smell it. Humans have fairly poor scent receptors and lack the proper scent organs to detect pheromones that most animals possess so you cannot properly analyze your own kinds chemical traces. We however do have receptors able to pick such things up and analyze them.”
“So you two are kind of like cats then in that regard; at least you don’t do that weird lip thing cats do when they smell things cause that would be weird,” Kai commented stumping Zane and Pixal. Zane wondered, “why do you compare components of our being to those of a cat?”
“He’s just playing around and not actually comparing you to a cat,” Cole explained to ease Zane and Pixals confusions. Nya who was still focussed on the figure wondered, “why is she following us?” Zane noted, “she may just be curious but surely the rest are curious as well so why just she is following us is odd and likely has deeper intentions.”
“Excuse me but can you tell us what is going on here?” Lloyd asked a townsperson sweeping a pathway getting more annoyed by the lack of co-operation from people to them. The individual replied, “you won’t stand a chance against them please leave while you can. You’re the only ones possibly able to stop these things.” Lloyd had been getting more irritated as they went along and not getting any real answers. Out of irritation Lloyd stated, “why can’t anyone just tell us what’s going on?”
“They all seem scared but why?” Nya noted and Jay added being quite trying to not let the strange beings hear, “wouldn’t you be even just a bit scared of these things? They’ve got features of dangerous meat eating animals. Who knows they could be people eaters and here to farm people.”
“Maybe,” Cole commented as they approached a building they believed to be the town hall. They reasoned surely someone there would tell them something. They were expecting to find the mayor and some town councillors but were instead startled to stumble upon a group of armoured beast folk going over a map on a table in the main foyer. Their armour was a mix of leather, fur, metal and cloth with open horned helmets. When they opened the doors to the town center all inside turned to look at them startling them. The ninja were a bit embarrassed to have everyone’s attention on them.
“Uhm sorry for the intrusion but you don’t think you can tell us who you are and what you are doing here?” Jay asked putting on a brave face to the beings. They all stared at them quiet so Jay asked, “maybe I should have asked first if any of you can speak the common tongue?”
“Who are you?” a voice demanded drawing their attention to an individual at the table who was leaned over it inspecting it. He was pale blonde with green eyes and a large distinct scar on his face that looked to be a scar made of a strange icy opaline substance. He had blond hair that was confined to the center of his head like a Mohawk and done up in a short braid at the back and a soul patch of blonde hair on his chin. His fur and skin was pale and a bit greyed in colour with a darker muzzle a typical trait to hyenids. He wore dark metal and leather armour that had fur trimming some parts and bore a green diamond in the centre of the chest and he had a metal decorative plate with the same kind of green gem that seemed to be melded into his forehead. Some pieces of leather were a greenish color and he had green cloth pants. Some parts of the metal to his armour had a scale pattern to it. He wore pauldrons that resembled the skull of a predatory bird and had some teeth from something decorating his braided leather belt. His metal fronted leather boots exposed his clawed toes. Since he was addressing them they were guessing he was the leader.
“Uh we are the ninja. We are warriors that fight back evil…” Lloyd began as this individual straightened up and strolled over to them coming to stand rate in front of them. He sniffed at Lloyd who was nervous of the being especially after it commented, “I smell darkness here.”
“They came in on a flying ship. They have a strange smell to them. I don’t think they are what they seem,” the one that had been following them stated pushing them all into the building into a row in front of everyone by the doors and moving to stand with the other individual. Now that she was close and in front of them they could see while overall pale and greyed like the leader she had dark extremities to her limbs and muzzle like the pattern on some breeds of cat, green eyes and a strange dark greenish arcane mark that appeared to be burned onto her forehead under her hood. She had a few scars like the other on her face and greenish metal implants in her face above and below her eyes looking like she had large metal beads stuck in her skin.
“We told you who we are seems only fitting you tell us who you are,” Jay stated. The leader paused a moment before stating, “you can call us the Lost Clan ozone smelling one.”
“Ozone smelling?,” Jay wondered unhappy and confused over the figures comment giving himself a few sniffs to try and see what the figure was talking about. He couldn’t smell anything. The figure continued speaking to them, “I am the Jarl Kamal and this is my sister and court wizard Rosic the Augur of the Veil. Does that satisfy your curiosity?”
“Jarl? Augur?” Kai wondered confused before Cole inquired, “okay but what are you here for?” The two didn’t seem too interested in chatting and appeared fixated on Lloyd.
“I smell an Oni. Why does this one smell of such a creature?” Kamal stated sniffing at Lloyd. His comment got some of the others agitated causing them to narrow their eyes and bare their teeth. A glow came to Rosics eyes and the marking on her forehead for a couple seconds before she responded, “he smells of it cause he has Oni blood; he has Oni heritage.”
“Where does its darkness sit in the prospect of things?” Kamal wondered he and Rosic getting closer to Lloyd making him nervous and confusing the rest of them. Rosic noted, “I cannot tell but he does not have proper control of it nor is fully aware of it. Our presence is pulling at it and he does not realize it meaning he could lose control to it.”
“Is it just him with this blood? I can see two metal kin; I smell is that merlopian here too?” Kamal wondered and Rosic went over each of them closely investigating them. She was rather forward and touched them with what they were surprised to be unsettlingly cold clawed hands. As she inspected them Rosic commented, “yes. Two Scymkin not of Scymer make however, two have some Merlopian in them and are they related? Smells like it. Strange then for the one to smell of burning; a water folk with connections to fire very interesting. This one isn’t one but he doesn’t appear to have the best control of his bladder. This one isn’t either; is that refined tree blood on your face? From some form of meal I presume likely coating some matter like dough or meat; I doubt you would just drink it straight up. Didn’t clean yourself too well after breakfast huh?” Making things even more uncomfortable Rosic licked Cole on the face disgusting him before continuing, “yes that would seem to be the case.”
“Why’d you do that?! You’re tongues rough like a cats and I think you go it in my mouth!” Cole complained wiping his face and tongue while spitting a bit. Rosic was unbothered the rest of the ninja were grossed and uncomfortable.
“I think then we do not need to tell him what we are doing. I believe it best the Oni descendent and his companions do not get involved in this. We will let you go for now to head back to your lair and sit this out but in the future if you try to interfere or get involved we will not be so lenient,” Kamal stated turning his back on them and heading back to the table.
“That’s not a good enough answer. We’re not going anywhere till you tell us your intentions here. By the looks your conquerors and have enslaved this town leading everyone to be fearful,” Lloyd stated. Kamal stopped in his footsteps to pause looking over his shoulder at him to state, “is that what you think? Typical Oni jumping to conclusions and always assuming others think and act like you.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Lloyd wondered feeling oddly agitated and triggered by these beings. He could sense some form of energy around them that he didn’t like and it had him on edge. That was worsened by the fact these things could somehow tell about his heritage just by smelling him and the weapons and armour these things wore; it matched some of what his mother had shown him in the museum. The stuff used by entities that appeared to be hunters to both Oni and dragons.
“You should know. The answers in your dark blood and you can feel it even if you don’t realise it. For the safety of all it is best the likes of you are left in the darkness in this,” Kamal stated turning to look at him.
“I think we should just go and rethink this,” Cole commented noting tensions growing. Lloyd however wasn’t listening and proclaimed, “no we’re not leaving till they tell us what they are doing.”
“If you’re not going to listen to your stable friend and leave willingly then we’ll have to make sure you leave through force,” Kamal stated and Rosic expressed, “his oni blood is starting to show.”
“I think it wise we listen to him. Getting in an altercation at this moment would not be a wise idea and could lead to unnecessary harm and danger,” Zane noted he and Pixal getting strange and unsettling readings from these individuals. Kamal stated, “listen to your companions half breed or do you think you could take me. Go ahead as they say hit me with your best shot.” Kamal presented himself for an attack facing Lloyd and holding his arms out in a come get it bro manner.
“Uhm I don’t think that would be a good idea,” Jay noted and Kai stated, “yha something about that seems a bad idea. There’s something off about these things.” Lloyd was hesitating knowing they were right and the right thing to do was to just let things go and head back to do further investigations but he could feel a strong urge building to attack this thing. These things looked dangerous, he could feel something radiating off them much like how he felt around the Oni and if his suspicions were true that these things were somehow related to what his mother had found at that site they were hunters of Oni and dragons so could be enemies to all beings. After a moment’s hesitation feeling his emotions and anger building from the presence of these things Lloyd declared, “alright. Let’s see how tough you are.” Lloyd charged up his powers before shooting it at Kamal. To everyone’s shock Kamal was unaffected instead looking to absorb the energy blast which he built up in his one hand then shot back at Lloyd sending him flying back and out the doors breaking them. Lloyd came to lay stunned and winded on the ground outside the hall. The ninja quickly headed out to check on him Kamal and Rosic following to stand on the doorstep of the hall. A crowd made of these beings from the Lost Clan had gathered around the building along with strange hyena looking creatures with bird like heads and feet and bipedal reptilian creatures that looked a bit like small Grundles. There even seemed to be a gathering of ravens in the area. As she came out of the building Rosic lifted her staff up giving off a cackling noise before slamming it down into the ground causing a dark fog to emit from it and the skies to turn stormy with cold winds and strange green hued lightening.
“We warned you half breed but you insisted on this. If you won’t retreat willingly then we’ll make you leave by force,” Kamal expressed before charging in to attack them equipping his sword. With his lead the others rushed in to join his attack even Rosic who left her staff standing there as it emitted the dark fog which poured out from it and crept over the ground. The ninja wasted no time in defending themselves Lloyd taking a bit of time to recover from the initial attack. It wasn’t long till they understood why the people were scared of these things. There was a strong un-naturality to them. They seemed immune to attack and showed little to no fear. Weapons didn’t leave as bad damages as they thought they would on them, when cut along with an icy blue substance they were guessing were these things blood a black mist would drip out as well and they could heal surprisingly fast even without magic. Even stranger and rather worrisome they had either some form of immunity or a really strong resistance to elemental energy. When hit they’d react like it hurt but quickly just brush it off seeming to absorb the energy and even sometimes wielded it back at them. They couldn’t gain on these beings and worse the mist was getting more prominent spreading out and to their shock strange monstrous entities like strange elemental made serpentine creatures popped out of the mist to attack them...
The Lost Clan has several strange allies helping them including beasts they use as mounts and monstrous allies:
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An encounter with some of their monster allies:
An icy one went through Kai shocking and freezing him preventing him from using his powers while leaving frost on his skin. He was crippled by the cold for several minutes unable to defend himself and barely able to move. A fiery one burst out of the mist when Jay got close to it and went through his one arm. He felt searing nearly unbearable pain go through his arm collapsing him to his knees. Nya who was helping Kai as he struggled to quickly get warm in order to defend himself quickly came over once Jay was attacked fending off the entities attacking them while Zane came over to inspect Jays arm Jay in a panic from the pain which he felt was unbearable. She defeated the fiery serpentine creature first blasting it into a steaming mist with water.
“What happened?” she demanded as Zane scanned Jays arm being defended by Kai who had followed her starting to warm up again. After the scan Zane pulled up Jays sleeve exposing what looked to be a fire burn on his arm where the entity had gone through him. After his observations Zane explained, “whatever that was that went through his arm has caused burns akin to those as if he had been on fire in those areas. The damage appears close and worst at surface level but there is minor damage deeper and it appears to be slowly working deeper causing more damage. He needs to be treated for burns to prevent the damage from worsening and going into serious shock and Kai appears to be suffering early stages to hypothermia.” To ease some of his pain and soothe the burn and counter the magic continuing the burning Zane coated Jays arm in ice.
“I th…think we need… need to fall…all back,” Kai stated through shivers. While they were occupied Cole was being faced by a fairly large and bulky individual who was besting him with a strength greater than even what his lava arms could muster. He was pretty sure this was because she was absorbing the energy of his powers when he touched her letting her wield his own powers against him. In the struggle he got knocked back into the dark mist which quickly began to climb onto him. As it climbed onto him he felt a dark dreaded feeling creep up his spine. It began to paralyse him which was made worse when it brought a dreaded feeling to him. He could feel it as a crippling pain in his heart which brought tears to his eyes as memories he’d longed to try and forget flashed in his mind. Memories of his mothers final days where she was suffering badly from her illness, how he had wished there had been something he could have done for her, her funeral and the after effects with him and his father as they had grown distant and cold to each other because of the pain her death had caused them. The overwhelming of emotions collapsed him to his knees unable to hold back tears. With the others focussed with Jay Pixal was the first to react to him and come to his aid. She quickly pulled him from the fog noting its effects on him. She defended him till she could get through to him. Whatever had happened had left him distraught and she couldn’t make sense of his words. He was muttering something about missing someone and wishing they were there for him and how he felt terrible they couldn’t spend time together and that she couldn’t see what he’d become or get to meet his friends and family.
“Cole you have to shake out of this we need you,” she told him shaking him to snap him out of this odd state. He started coming to his senses. He wasn’t fully back and was clearly still troubled by what happened but got focussed enough to continue the fight. While they were all facing defeat Lloyd struggled against Kamal. He was not only strong and resilient but agile and crafty. Lloyd went for a swing at him and Kamal caught his sword in his bare hand with a counter swing snapping it in half leaving to Lloyds shock not even a scrape to his hand. While he was shocked Kamal swung at him cutting his upper left arm. Lloyd jumped back in pain and surprise to grab his arm. Kamal looked at his sword which bore some of Lloyds blood and with an eerily calm tone muttered, “just as suspected, the darkness is rising in you.” Lloyd pulled his hand off his arm curious to what he was talking about and Lloyd was startled to find his blood was tainted by a purplish color in it. It scared him. What did that mean?! Upon seeing this he quickly declared to the others to fall back. They needed no convincing. They headed for the Bounty in the harbour. They had to fight their way free of the group they were facing some of them out of commission.
Nya had to help Jay move as he was in serious pain, Kai was stable enough to move on his own but still struggled from the cold while Cole had recovered enough to flee with little problem helping the others get to safety. As they fled through the streets Zane and Pixal made obstacles for these beings to keep them from getting too close as they followed or sprung up from around town to attack. They knocked over things, broke down awnings, tipped over cars and carts and Zane made barriers of ice. Once on the ship Pixal wasted no time in getting into the cabin and getting the Bounty running and up while the rest followed into the cabin for shelter. As they got up and on their way the strange flying reptiles again swarmed their ship this time attacking more fiercely at it and even leaving some damages to the rigging and sails. Nya and Zane were going to head out to deal with them but without warning as they moved away these creatures attack stopped as they left the area. Pixal took them some distance to the north before landing the ship further up along the shore so they could settle and deal with the aftermath of all that. They were all fairly shaken and some were worse than others.
“What were those things!?” Jay screamed before yelling at Lloyd, “why did you think to attack that thing!? He was letting us go but you had to rile them up and start a fight. If you hadn’t done that we’d be fine!” They all stopped looking at Lloyd. What he said was true and they all knew it but none of them had been wanting to so quickly blurt that out and as drastically as Jay had.
“I’m sorry just something about being around those things… I couldn’t help myself,” Lloyd stated. Nya wondered, “what do you mean?” After a moment’s hesitation Lloyd stated, “I could feel this dark energy around them. It was making me feel angry to them; I couldn’t help myself.”
“Wh…what were were those things?” Kai wondered still shivering.
“I don’t know but there was something strange and familiar to their signatures,” Pixal noted and curious Nya wondered, “when you say familiar what do you mean?” Zane responded, “like how they could smell Oni to Lloyd we could detect hints of dragon and Oni to them.”
“What could that mean?” Nya wondered and Zane expressed, “we will have to look into it. First though we have some we should get to a hospital as soon as possible first.”
“Agreed. Pixal can you get us there ASAP,” Nya agreed and Pixal agreed, “I can do that.” She headed over to the controls and got the Bounty up again. Nya then took Jay, Kai following, to their room to give the two some temporary first aid. Lloyd kept to himself for a few minutes putting his hand over the cut on his arm. He could feel it still bleeding. Curious he pulled his hand back down to look. His blood was back to normal; no purple color. Why had that happen he wondered getting a feeling it wasn’t a good sign.
“Did you get hurt?” Zane inquired noting the blood on Lloyds hand. Lloyd responded, “oh yha. It’s not too bad. I’ll go clean it.”...
A dream Zane has:
It was dark and cold, a cold not even he could handle. He was in an unfamiliar land a dark conifer forest filled with strange sounds with a dark nights sky above dominated by two moons one a bit bigger and reddish than the other the bigger one looking to sit further back in space as the smaller whiter one just barely looked to beginning to cross its path. He wasn’t sure why but Zane had the feeling he was being hunted. Every now and then he would see shadowy humanoid figures moving in his peripherals or the shadows of the understory. They had him on edge. He was trying to find his way out of the woods to somewhere he felt he’d be safe but he couldn’t find that. As he went he started getting more anxious moving quicker and being more on edge. He came to pause for a rest in a small clearing. He backed himself into a group of large trees to feel safe. He was pretty sure he was in serious danger. While he rested shaking from nerves he was startled when an arrow nearly struck him in the head hitting into the tree trunk next to him. He jumped back before pulling the arrow from the tree to inspect it. This wasn’t just any arrow. The tip was large with two serrated prongs and the shaft wasn’t just simple wood. It was made of technology. He recognised this kind of arrow. It was a specialised design with an inbuilt USB that carried a virus that acted like a poison to droids. It was a design that while illegal was still used by many undesirable types as a tool for hunting and fighting droids. When it pierced their skin the prongs on the tip acted as conduits allowing the virus to be transferred into the makes of a droid by just contacting any wires and even some synthetic tissues of their make.
Shortly after he pulled it from the tree it dissolved into a strange burning ash and fell from his hand. That arrow confirmed it, he was being hunted. But by who and where were they? He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his right shoulder, Seconds later he was aware of a virus infiltrating his systems trying to mess with his senses and hinder his mobility. He pulled the arrow from his arm. It was the same kind and again fell to ash. Looking for where it came from he saw standing on a large boulder nearby a humanoid figure bathed entirely in black with only its burning red eyes being the only discernable feature to them. The figure looked to be wielding a bow and prepped to shoot at him again. He started hurrying off to get away from the being as it shot at him again this time missing. He started off fairly well able to still move quite well but soon he was having problems as the virus he was infected with started to mess with his systems. His energy was not being distributed right making his limbs tired and harder to move and he started having trouble with his lungs causing him to have serious coughings. While he didn’t need oxygen so his lungs not working wouldn’t hinder him the pain and severe coughing he was having from them was hindering him as he’d have to slow down or stop to cough. This entity was still following him and he could pick up others nearby following likely to also hurt him. He continued to struggle away till not fully aware of his surroundings because of his struggles he slipped off a rocky ledge. He landed hard on the ground below entering a coughing fit from the landing. He was sore and stiff as he propped himself up on his elbows.
He was instantly shocked and nervous to see in front of him gathered in a large clearing an army of solid shadow figures. They were humanoid with green eyes and while largely humanoid he could vaguely make out that they resembled the figures they had just faced; this Lost Clan. Even more startling to them was what shadowed the sky behind them. A massive shadow figure of a man with the head of a stag loomed. He felt terror grip him to see this figure especially as it looked down at him with green eyes that seemed to burn into him. A noise above him drew his attention to the ledge he’d fallen off of. Standing there looking down at him were these other shadow beings the ones with red eyes. He was caught between two factions both looking to be hunting him. Zane wanted to get up and flee but the virus was making it hard for him to control his own body. He managed to crawl a bit away from the ledge before the elk headed figure began to speak its deep masculine commanding and eerily calm voice declaring, “darkness is coming; they were born in it and it is all they know. They are coming for you and all you know. Choices will have to be made; dark and dire choices.” The larger of the moons in the sky which the figure half eclipsed turned into a blood moon as it continued to speak declaring, “will you choose the right side and actions or doom the world to its end? Let the battle begin.”
While they all get their parts in the story Jay is the focus with his heritage being delved into and the Lost Clan knows a little something about Jays mother:
While they worked on the issues with the Lost Clan Jay continued to secretly look into his birth parents. He had quickly come to a dead end however until their first time getting into an altercation with Rosic and Kamal. During the fight he was startled by Rosic who jumped him after he shocked out two Voidfears. His shock burst them into the strange whitish green mist and dissipated making him uneasy; as if the Lost Clans lack of fear wasn’t unnerving enough already. They believed because they couldn’t truly be destroyed their physical forms only being displaced for a time then they could reform like nothing had happened these beings didn’t care if they got hurt or worse in a fight making them very bold and fearless. Rosic startled him more by jumping him. Instead of continuing to fight however she spoke to him.
“Interesting a cub of Donar, a QoSos,” she stated after he defended himself trying to shock her. She blocked his attack with a ward. Confused he asked, “a what?” She replied with, “one of lightening blood. You bare the powers of lightening just as we suspected. Interesting we’ve met one of you before I wonder if you bare relations to her.” He was greatly confused. What did she mean by that? He tried to get her to explain but she refused to answer instead attacking him. Shortly after they were forced to flee the battle; as they left Jay could swear he saw this Rosic watching him with a strange questioning look to her face. After that he wondered if these beings knew of or had something to do with his mother. He hadn’t found anything relating to it then again everything he’d uncovered really told him very little and he’d never suspected these things could be related in some way to his mother. His wonders switched to confusion the next time they ran into Kamal and Rosics group as they invaded a town. Jay had been keeping an eye out for Rosic wanting to confront her again and try to get some answers. She found him. He chased after a pair of Voidfears which were also called Feardrakes which led him into a dead end alleyway between two four story tall apartments. The creatures amazed him with their ability to scale the vertical walls of the building to climb out away from him. Turning around he was stunned to find Rosic cornering him in the alley.
“The lightening one just who I wanted see,” she stated and he asked cautious, “why?” She tossed at him a small stained wooden box with a carved and gold painted symbol matching his, the symbol of an elemental master of lightening, on the top. He caught it and she told him to open it. He was nervous but slowly opened it. Inside was a necklace with an amulet made of a strange whitish gem like material and underneath that folded in half was a picture, a picture of his birth parents together looking to be on a honeymoon. He was shocked and baffled. Where’d she get this?! How’d she get it and how’d she know of his mother?! He was feeling so surprised, confused, shocked and to his surprise scared that he was shaking a bit and starting to feel sick.
“Where’d you get this?” he asked his voice cracking a bit with emotions and she replied, “she told me she wants you to have it. She’s been watching over you and is proud of you.” He wasn’t pleased with her answer so demanded, “how did you get this? How do you know of my mother?”
“Where we come from she also resides unlike us however she cannot leave let’s leave it at that for now. If I were you I’d catch up with my clan mates. They’re retreating already,” Rosic told him. Frustrated he went to punch her but she dodged him turning into a flock of ravens to port to the roof of the one building of the alleyway. Jay wanted to go after her but Nya calling him to tell him to hurry back to the Bounty so they could leave making him reluctantly abandoned going after her. He brought the box with the necklace and photo with him. He kept it secret from the others only letting Nya know when she came in to check on him later when they were back at the Monastery. He’d told her about the strange things Rosic had said to him before so she was wondering if he’d managed to find her and get anything from her this time. He showed her the box and its items. She was just as shocked and surprised as him asking, “where’d she get these?”
“I don’t know but she said my mother would want me to have this and she claimed to know where my mother is,” he explained. Nya suggested it might be time for him to talk to Wu about this. Clearly these things potentially had some form of connection with his mother and there might be things Wu was unwilling to tell them that could be critical to what was going on...
Some of Lloyds Oni side coming out:
While they worked Lloyd hung back finding a steady rise in his agitation and anger though he didn’t know why. He hung back focussed on keeping control of his Oni side while letting Zane and Pixal work with the computers; they were much more skilled with technology than him. They were at a large table with several monitors that were hooked up to the surveillance systems which sat against the one wall, strangely all but the room they needed to see were working fine. Against the wall across from this was a water cooler and couch. To the one side of the room were two cells for holding troublesome individuals. A futon sat in each cell. In front of the cells against the wall with the couch was an empty desk and chair. The room was dark as they found strangely the lights in the room were not working though they couldn’t tell why. It wasn’t really bothering Zane or Pixal though; the light from the monitors was all they needed to do their work. Strangely Lloyd was finding something about the dark oddly invigorating. He had a feeling that was from the Oni in him making him unsettled over it. Strangely the guards weren’t there either but they guessed they were just hiding with the other workers.
While the others worked Lloyd decided to get a drink from the cooler. When he went to use it however nothing came out, there was nothing in the jug that should hold water. Inspecting it he noted claw marks and punctures that likely came from claws and teeth on the sides and back and a decent sized chunk had been bitten out of the back of it. Its water was spilled on the floor around the cooler. He could also see some wet footprints on the couch. They were bird like with three toes and from something of a pretty decent size, at least human sized. They disappeared however leaving no clue where the creator of the footprints went. He inspected the area around the couch. There was no way whatever made the footprints was hiding behind or under it, the footprints indicated a creature too big to fit in those locations. He looked in the cells. They were locked and he doubted the creature could have slipped between the bars unless it had the flexibility of a cat. He couldn’t see anything in the cells. He then went to the desk to check under it. As he approached the desk he started to hear a growling noise which got louder as he leaned down to look under the desk.
“What is that?” Zane wondered as he and Pixal noted the noise as well. As Lloyd looked into the dark under the desk to see what the noise was he could swear he saw a set of eyes in the dark before he was bowled over by a blur of feathers and scales that burst out from under the desk. It was a Feardrake. It had knocked Lloyd over and pinned him down one of its feet on his chest. The creature seemed agitated. It hissed in Lloyds face showing off its teeth and claws to him before quickly rushing out of the room.
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“That’s not good,” Pixal noted while Lloyd quickly got up yelling, “we can’t let that thing reach the others. It will spoil everything.” He quickly got up chasing the creature as it fled. Zane and Pixal followed feeling Lloyd wasn’t entirely right and it would be more damming for their efforts for these beings to find him. They tried to tell Lloyd and get him to stop but he refused to listen and chased the Voidfear as it rushed to the clan members. It went straight past Kai, Nya and Jay who were hiding behind some shelves not seeming to care or note them.
“Was that a close call?” Kai wondered as the creature rushed to one of the Huntsmen hissing at it. The Huntsmen apparently could understand it as it commented while Lloyd rushed in, “it’s here?” The moment the members saw Lloyd they became aggressive. One of the Skurocs lunged at Lloyd who wasted no time in blasting it to a mist with his powers.
“So you are here half-blood. Trying to interfere again are we,” one of the Huntsmen commented and Lloyd declared, “you’re not getting out of here.” He instantly got into a fight with the members not holding back on them while Zane and Pixal arrived at the room. The others were confused.
“Uh should we get involved?” Kai worried as they started to note Lloyd was being rather aggressive; there was a strange color to his eyes and a purplish color was starting to infiltrate his powers.
“Is it just me or does something seem wrong with Lloyd?” Jay wondered and Nya noted, “it does kind of look it. He’s blown our cover. Our best bet now would be to capture one of these things and try to interrogate it.” The rest of them joined in the fight but it quickly became apparent that stopping Lloyd was more important than capturing one of the clan members. He appeared to have lost control getting caught up in his anger causing danger to the rest of them. Whatever had gotten over him was bad enough that some of the clan members strangely forwent their animosity to them to keep them from getting hurt such as a Skuroc that shoved Nya out of the way of a falling statue Lloyds powers unbalanced in the room taking the full blow of its impact instead of her getting it, a Huntsmen tackling Jay to keep him from getting hit by one of Lloyds energy blasts which when it hit a wall not only blew a hole in it but hit the wiring in the building blowing the circuits of the building and blowing up the light fixtures from the energy of his blast and a Huntsmen put itself between Kai and Lloyd pulling up a magical shield, a ward, in defence against one of Lloyds attacks which would have hurt Kai as well. The Huntsmen told him they needed to get Lloyd out of there. As the fight went on it was clear something had come over Lloyd. His skin was developing blackened spots, his eyes and powers were now purplish in color and his powers were turning destructive in nature. Even worse he was starting to turn on the others. Zane was putting out fires Lloyds powers sparked up trying to stop damages and Lloyd snapped at him telling him to ignore it and focus on the monsters. The others sided with Zane that they shouldn’t be damaging things but Lloyd wasn’t listening to them. When Lloyd noticed Zane wasn’t listening to him he attacked Zane even going so far as to attack him with a Spinjitsu spin tossing Zane against a shelf having left some damages to Zanes left shoulder and upper arm and right forearm from his sword. Jay quickly came over to help Zane who was startled and in pain.
“Hey what was that for?!” Jay exclaimed and Lloyd stated, “I told him to stop it and he didn’t listen to me.” Jay expressed, “but that didn’t mean you had to do this!”
“Are you disobeying me too? I’ll teach you to disobey me,” Lloyd proclaimed hitting Jay with a blast of his powers. He was tossed hard back into the bookshelf. Jay was tossed with so much force it unbalanced the shelf which bounced off the wall behind it before falling forward onto Jay and Zane pinning both under the shelf and its contents.
“What did you do to him?!” Kai demanded from a Huntsman who responded, “what do you mean? We’ve done nothing, this is his doing.” The Huntsman then ordered the Feardrake to lead Lloyd out of there while Pixal and Nya lifted the shelf off Jay and Zane. It hit the creature with a spell that made its eyes glow, strange glowing markings to appear on the extremities of its limbs and ethereal dragon like horns to appear on its head. The reptilian creature then quickly rushed out of there Lloyd becoming focused on it and chasing after it yelling as he did, “come back here you demon!”
With Lloyd gone the one Huntsmen opened a portal and all the members of the clan fled through it. Even though he wanted to follow them Kai let them go going over to help his sister and Pixal dig Jay and Zane out of the mess.
“What’s gotten into him?” Kai wondered as they moved some books Jay complaining that he felt like he’d broken something in his leg. Pixal explained, “I don’t know. For a while since we’ve been here he’s been giving off indications of agitation and when encountering the clan members it was like something took over him. He is now emitting smells and energies similar to an Oni.”
“Why is that?” Kai wondered as they got Jay and Zane free. Zane was in bad shape from the damages Lloyd had left which had broken his skin open and exposed wires and some of his inner makes and he was struggling with using his left arm holding it with his right. Jay didn’t have a broken leg like he thought but defiantly had pulled muscles and had bruising not only on his leg but also on both his back and chest where Lloyds powers had hit him. Lloyds powers had also left a mild burn on his chest that resembled a mix of the burns from fire and electricity.
“Don’t know but we need to subdue him before he causes too much harm,” Pixal explained. As they helped Jay and Zane Lloyd chased the creature out of the section down a few halls to the front foyer where Cole was waiting. The moment the creature saw Cole who readied to face the creature the moment he saw it froze up for a second clearly not interested in fighting him. It turned round to head the other direction but found itself confronted by Lloyd who didn’t hesitate when he got there to blast the creature with his powers. He hit it turning it to a mist that quickly vanished. Upon seeing Lloyd Cole became a little nervous; there was visibly something wrong with him. He wasn’t privy to what had happened in the one section with the others so he had no clue what was going on with Lloyd. He could just see there was something wrong with him and he was getting bad feelings from him. There were dark patches on Lloyds skin, his eyes were a purplish color and his powers had been purplish as well.
“Geeze are you okay…” Cole began to say before Pixal came through his communicator to warn him, “avoid fighting Lloyd.”            
“Why?” Cole wondered confused and Pixal quickly explained, “something happened with him and these clan members and it has awoken something dark in him.”
“Those monsters got away and the others are being disobedient,” Lloyd growled at him. Being cautious Cole asked, “how are they being disobedient?”
“I told them to focus on the demons not play with fire but they refused to listen. Kept wasting their time and powers on the environment to play with fire,” Lloyd growled Cole noting his voice was a bit off.
“Okay… I could have a word with them about it,” Cole commented as the rest of the ninja arrived at the foyer Jay limping and held up by Nya while Zane moved slow having problems with his left leg and holding his left arm to his body.
“Lloyd what’s gotten into you?” Kai wondered as they approached. Lloyd turned around to chastise them, “you five. I can feel it those monsters escaped! How dare you let those demons get away!”
“Lloyd I think you’ve gotten a little carried away and need to calm down,” Nya began de-escalating. Lloyd was too far gone in his strange headspace however to listen and stated, “no we’re here to stop those monsters and instead of stopping them you were playing with fire and shelves while they got away.”
“The texts and artefacts in this library and the knowledge they carry are incredibly valuable. Knowledge is the most valuable asset one can have and as protectors to our realm we are also protectors to its most valuable resources of which knowledge is by far it’s most important so we must not damage it like you were. I was not doing anything wrong,” Zane regaled unable to help himself to point out a fact forgetting for a moment that Lloyd was in a state where he would listen to logic. Lloyd didn’t even take a second to think before growling at him, “I don’t care Zane. I don’t care the costs I need to see those monsters destroyed.” He then blasted Zane into the one wall of the foyer. He was dazed but still cautious as Pixal and Kai went over to him. Cole had snuck up behind Lloyd while Zane talked and after he finished his attack to Zane Cole jumped him from behind trying to restrain him pinning his arms to his body.
“Let me go traitor!” Lloyd growled his voice starting to sound off to the others. He couldn’t shake Cole who had activated his lava arms so Lloyd couldn’t out strength him so Lloyd built up his powers in his arms then let it burst out startling and flinging Cole into a wall of the foyer knocking him out.
“Hey cut it out we’re just trying to help you,” Jay stated causing Lloyd to turn to him Lloyd declaring, “no you’re traitors. You’re in league with those monsters aren’t you? That’s why you’re disobeying me isn’t it!” He shot at Jay with an energy beam Jay knocking Nya out of the way so he alone took the full blast getting knocked into the wall. He was dazed but still conscious as he landed. Lloyd then continued to rant more of his Oni side seeming to surface further darkening his skin and altering his voice, “they’re here to hunt me aren’t they and you’re helping them; what did they offer you? Some of my power? A piece of this realm for yourselves?”
“Okay I have a feeling we’re no longer talking to human Lloyd here,” Kai noted and Pixal stated, “it would appear the Oni part of his nature has not only surfaced but is taking control.” She then whispered to Kai pulling two small round objects from a pocket on her attire, “when I say so we’ll jump him and try to subdue him.” Kai recognised the items she had as smoke bombs. Kai nodded an agreement. Pixal then tossed the items at Lloyd where they hit him and exploded surrounding him in a dense smoke. While he tried to clear the smoke complaining about not being able to see and claiming even blinded he could still sense them there Kai and Pixal who called for Nya to help them jumped him and attempted to restrain Lloyd who was turning out to be much stronger in this state than normal. They were managing to hold him down but Lloyd built up his powers and released them like he did with Cole tossing them off him. Lloyd was now much angrier...
You can find what I have written so far with this story here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34894561/chapters/139688419
8 notes · View notes
familyofpaladins · 3 months
btw the "ras at shadow dojo" is a running joke by now bc lego has uploaded the SAME DAMN CLIP 3 times in a row like its new content (first time was at least 2 weeks ago) when they very well know we´re hoping for a teaser or something hsjfdhjfhdgh <- if you wanted context on my silly post
we (ninjago fandom) are going insane in here btw; i think we even got to trending one of these past days bc of that lmaoo
LOL thank you for the context I was wondering what that was about
RIP the ninjago fandom, hope you get actual news soon
11 notes · View notes
cup1d-cafe · 4 months
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The Forces Of Destiny — Part IV :
"Sucked in"
- a fanmade ninjago season -
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Word count: 1847
Warnings: none
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The ninja entered Yuki’s office, pushing open the heavy mahogany door, their eyes immediately settled on the elaborate tapestry hanging on the northern wall. Intricate designs adorned the fabric, threads of history woven into it, the Dragonfly family symbol depicted above the mystic figure.
Yuki moved forward, gripping the fabric as she tugged on it, she turned her head towards Cole in a silent plea of help. Understanding, Cole approached the fabric, muscles flexing as she peeled the fabric away revealing the plain limestone brick wall. Confusion settled upon the ninja’s faces as they stared at the plain wall.
“Oh come on! Why does every ancient being have to speak in riddles? Why couldn't she just tell us the way to the Royal Archives normally.” Jay quaked, allowing his head to fall down as his shoulders slumped.
Nya moved past her boyfriend, closely examining the wall, running her fingers over the bumpy surface. “Maybe there's a hidden mechanism. Some sort of switch or a leaver.”
Lloyd joined her, knowing on the wall, listening intently for any hollow sound. “Maybe it's activated by a sound,” he thought out loud. “But then what sound could it be.” he finished his thought, bringing his hand to his chin thoughtfully.
“I'm starting to think this was all just a stupid trick.” Kai grunted, hitting his fist on the wall in frustration. “How are we supposed to solve a puzzle with no clues.”
Zane stood back with Yuki, observing the room with a calculated gaze. “Perhaps we need to think of the room as a whole, rather than just the northern wall itself.” Zane remarked, causing Yuki to sigh.
Yuki felt a growing sense of hopelessness overcome her, the determination in her eyes now replaced with deep-seated doubt. Her shoulders slumped, the room once filled with the possibility of hidden truths now seemed to mock her inability to find its secrets.
Despite the palace's regal splendour, at that moment it felt more like a dungeon of self-doubt. Her self disappointment only amplified as the realisation struck, leaving a bitter taste on her tongue - she couldn’t even find a place within her own home.
How can you be this useless?
With every unsuccessful attempt to solve the riddle, her inner turmoil heightened. Doubt whispered in her mind, questioning her capabilities and worthiness, the grandeur of her royal status seemed to be crushed.
She watched the team persist in their efforts, their voices fading away into white noise as she looked outside the vast window. The moon, a silent companion, witnessed their efforts as it began to ascend over the horizon. The silvery glow melted through the window as it cast an ethereal radiance over the office, bathing the room in a celestial luminescence. Yuki glanced at the captivating display of light, watching the light dance with the shadows across the floor. Momentarily, a small flash of light seemed to reflect off the wall as the moon rose higher into the sky. A subtle sparkle, a gentle glimmer, almost invisible.
She narrowed her eyes as she spoke “ Everyone, move back.” her voice holding an unusual authority, one she reserved for parliament and official state gatherings. The ninja watched as she moved towards the wall, not daring to step in. Below the sparkle, the moonlight revealed the minute engraving on the wall.
“Only the light and the wand may open the door, for the moon is the one at the magics core.” she whispered, her fingers tracing the words.
A determined spark ignited itself within Yuki. Her friends watched intently as she retrieved her wand, an ancient heirloom passed down all the way from Queen Kaida, its significance in Kaida’s speech now falling into place. She held the wand up high, positioning the wand at a precise angle, allowing the crystal within her wand to reflect the moonlight just right. She aligned the moonlight with the place she saw shimmering on the wall, within seconds the place began to shine brightly, the engraving below illuminating with silver light; the lines flickered with ethereal brilliance as the room, once filled with uncertainty, now watched the enchanted transformation in front of them.
A low hum resonated throughout the room, everyone watched as the secret passageway revealed itself from the wall. The wall seemed to tear itself open, waking up from a long slumber as it groaned and twisted to reveal a primal staircase. A soft breeze filled the room, as if ancient secrets swept through the air.
The ninja started in astonishment, a sense of accomplishments and pride filling them. Yuki turned to Jay “Huh, maybe you were right Jay, turns out there is a secret chamber.” she teased, smiling sweetly to her friends.
Morro smirked, placing his hand on her shoulder “Atta girl.”
He moved forward, grabbing the ornate candle holder from Yuki’s desk, taking the lead down the twisted stairs. The rest of the team followed closely behind, the once concealed door sealing itself shut again.
They descended down the narrow, twisted staircase, their way illuminated by Morro’s candle and Yuki’s wand. The air grew colder with each step down, a slight fragrance of dust hanging in the atmosphere, the steep stairs seemed to wind endlessly into the cold abyss below.
The unknown stretched out in front of them, time felt suspended as they moved with purpose, a faint sound echoed through the passage. It was as if distant whispers of long forgotten voices spoke to them.
At last the ninja stood in front of a grand set of doors lined with ancient writings, their gazes travelled higher, taking in the entire entrance.
Yuki placed a gentle hand on one of the doors, she felt the magic surge within her, shocking through every vein in her body. A force opened her eyes, they shone a bright white as she pushed open the door, feeling the magic move faster in her. Her friends stood beside her in mild shock, of course they witnessed similar situations throughout their friendship, yet it still caused them to freeze every time.
They entered the expansive room, a sea of tables stretching across the entire room, covered in never ending parchment. The air was thick with magical ambiance as history seemed to write itself.
The team moved closer to one of the tables, watching as enchanted quills gracefully danced on the parchment, leaving intricate tales of the past on the pages. They marvelled at the mesmerising spectacle as they noticed a specific sentence be written in front of their eyes.
“The elemental masters of Magic, Energy, Water, Wind, Fire, Ice and Lightning enter the royal archives for the first time. They observe as history is written.” Zane reads out loud, turning to face the group, watching as chills run down everyone's spines.
“Uhhh that's freaky, let's keep moving.” Jay says, pushing the group along, clearly uncomfortable at the thought of his every action being recorded.
“This place must be enchanted by some spell, these quills are writing down the entire chronological unfolding history of Ninjago.” Yuki gasps, amazed by the magical powers present in the room.
“Let’s spread out, it seems like everything is organised chronologically.” Kai ordered, the rest of the team nodded simultaniasly.
They dispersed, desperate hands combing through the papers. Lloyd, guided by some intuitive force, approached a section; he swept all scrolls onto the ground, letting them hit the floor without any regard for the tender aged parchment.
Yuki turned her head at the sound of the falling paper, immediately scolding the blonde. “Careful Lloyd! Those might be important!”
“There's something here, i can feel it-” he searched further, finally finding the wall behind the shelf, ancient symbols etched into it “There! Over here!” he called, drawing everyone’s attention. Yuki approached closer, taking her place beside him as she traced her fingers over the symbols.
“It’s about my spellbook.” Her voice trailed off.
“Well what does it say!” Cole asked excitedly, urging Yuki to keep reading.
“It just says,” She squinted her eyes in the dim light “ The spell book keeps the master's memories as an extension. She who holds it in her embrace wields the record of the family's timeless grace. Known and unknown secrets are held, even those forbidden from being told.” she finished, an uncanny feeling taking over her.
“Yuki, your spell book!” Nya pointed to the spellbook tucked under Yuki’s arm, her eyes wide with realisation. “What if the answer is in the subtext of the book!” she rejoiced.
Suddenly, Yuki felt another surge of magic flow through her body, the pages of the spell book began to glow with a bright ethereal light, pulsating at the same rate as Yuki’s heartbeat.
The ninja watched in awe as light filled the room, the radiant glow intensifying with each second, bathing them in an otherworldly luminescence. Everyone exchanged puzzled looks, confusion and uncertainty etched in their eyes.
The spell book lifted off out of Yuki’s hands, astonished gasps filled the room as the pages fluttered vigorously. Yuki held her breath, eyes wide and mouth agape, this was not a chapter in her magical training.
“I'm not the Master of Magic, but I'm pretty sure a book isn’t supposed to be doing that.” Jay stated, his finger pointing at the book defying gravity.
“Yeah no shit sherlock” Kai responded, stepping back from the book.
Before anyone could think of reacting, a powerful vortex enveloped the ninja, the room blurred into a kaleidoscope of colours as an odd sense of weightlessness overcame their senses. It was as if they were being transported through the very fabric of reality.
Abruptly, they were deposited into a pile in the familiar space of Yuki’s bedroom. The sudden transition was disorienting, the group of friends untangled themselves, silently blinking in surprise. They looked around in bewilderment, exchanging slightly amused glances, the room erupted with laughter.
Everyone laughed at the unforeseen enchantment of the spell book, everyone but Yuki. An unusual silence fell like a heavy curtain, her purple eyes darting around her bedroom as her friends turned to her, their amusement quickly turning to concern, suddenly feeling uncomfortable in the seemingly familiar room.
What is this?
“This isn’t right.” Yuki mumbled, her voice carrying a sense of urgency that sent shivers down everyone's spines.
“Yuki, this is all just some weird magic. Right?” Lloyd spoke cautiously, his eyes narrowed slightly. “You’ve teleported before.”
Panic flashed across her face, she stood up abruptly, running to her bedroom window, the sunlight softly steaming in, painting warm shadows on her face.
Calm down.
The ninja watched her, a sudden realisation hit them like a bolt of Jay's lightning.
“It was evening just minutes ago…” Yuki gulped, a sense of uncanny valley settled over them.
“ Something’s off, I can't put my finger on it but something doesn’t feel right about your bedroom.” Kai added, scrutinising the room.
“That's because we're not in my bedroom.” Yuki started. She turned her head halfway away from the window just enough to face her friends as she continued “We’re in the memory of my bedroom.”
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Summary: A mysterious rift between time and magic tears the fabric of the realms. Yuki, the master of magic, the purple ninja and the queen of ninjago, must find the powerful spell to fix this. In an unexpected twist, the team is transported into the depths of Yuki's spell book. The ninja must navigate through the chapters and memories of all the queens, finding the thing that is jeprodizing peace.
In a risky race, the ninja must piece together fragments of memories to uncover the truth. Will they succeed in fixing the rift? Or will Dark secrets unravel a mystery that changes the fate of everything?
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Taglist: Open
@shatteredhope123 @spinjitzu-spy @stupidgayartkid @crikkit-kitterton @queenoftaslik @urkittybby
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© This is the exclusive property of Aleksandra Niewiadomska. Do not claim as your own, repost on other sites or translate my work at all.
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reveseke · 11 months
Vigilante Kai headcanons
PT. Vigilante Kai headcanons .. PT end
-Request? No
-Ninjago Reborn au! Kai
- clearings drafts from something i'm able to finish lol. But uhh i mentioned the reborn au with the disabled!Jay headcanons, so here's something about Kai i didn't even remember i wrote down in my drafts until now.
Kai's a vigilante, he prefers working alone most likely because he feels like the team is holding him back. Which it kinda is tbh.
You could say he's more angry than anything, just mad at Wu and mad at Lloyd. I mean if it wasn't for Lloyd none of this could have happened, mhm?
Still Kai doesn't hate Lloyd like he does Wu, Wu straight up kept them in shadows about things that should have been open information in the end.
He was tired of fixing Wu's past mistakes and left.
I at some point mentioned in a reblog post about Kai possibly having arthritis in my opinion. I mean he's forging swords and what not, his elemental power is channeled through his hands most of the time when it's used and there's bound to be some kind of shit going on with his hands.
Scar ridden Kai tho, he's angry, his powers are connected to his anger and emotion in general. He's bitter and angry, he's bound to have accidentally burner himself. They aren't immune to their own powers after all. (Thinking back to the time he was showing off to Skylor about hi powers and burnt his hand accidentally. Yums)
Also I'm personally pretty keen on Fire breather kai. Just something he might have picked up on at some point his journey being brooding.
There's not much here, but that's all I've got lol.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
All the fandoms I'm doing and taking a break from. Always up to date, check often :)
Last Edited: 2/1/24
Bold -> Written Before
Not Bold -> Hasn't been written before.
🔪Fandoms I am currently writing for🔪
- Adventure Time
- Arcane
- Assassination Classroom
- Attack on Titan
- Avatar (Movies)
- Beastars (Season 1 + 2 of the anime)
- Bionicle: The Journey To One
- Black Clover
- Blue Exorcist
- The Boys
- Carmen Sandiego (Netflix show)
- Death Note
- The Devil is a Part-Timer!
- Ducktales 2017
- Fire Force
- Game of Thrones
- Gravity Falls
- Halo RvB/Red vs Blue (All seasons)
- Happy Tree Friends (Anthro Animals or Hybrids/Humans [Like my OCs])
- Haikyu!
- Hazbin Hotel
- How To Train Your Dragon
- Invader Zim (Original series and Enter the Florpus)
- House of the Dragon
- Monkie Kid (Lego)
- My Hero Academia
- My Little Pony (FiM and a New Generation)
- Murder Drones
- Naruto
- Ninjago
- Noragami
- One Piece
- One Punch Man
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Puss in Boots
- Rick & Morty
- Saiki K
- Spooky Month
- Star Wars (Movies + Clone Wars)
- Steven Universe
- Solar Opposites
- Terminator (All movies)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Media (2003, 2007 movie, 2012, 2014/Bayverse, 2018/ROTTMNT)
- Tokyo Ghoul
- Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
- Treasure Planet
- Trigun Stampede
- Umbrella Academy
- Voltron: Legendary Defender
- Walking Dead
- Watchmen
- Wednesday
- The Witcher (Show)
- X-men Evolution
- Apex Legends
- Arknights
- Assassin's Creed
- Bendy and the Ink Machine
- Bioshock (All games)
- Borderlands (Including 1, 2, Pre-sequel, and 3)
- Call of Duty
- Criminal Case
- Cookie Run
- Cult of The Lamb
- Danganronpa (Games only)
- Dauntless (Creatures will all be pet-like)
- Darksiders
- Dark Deception
- Dark Souls/Souls-Like games
- Dead By Daylight (All Survivors and Killers along with costumes)
- Dead Space (1-3)
- Detroit: Become Human
- Devil May Cry
- Deltarune (Both Chapters)
- Disney Mirrorverse
- Don’t Starve (All Survivors and Costumes)
- Dying Light
- Evil Within
- Evolve (Creatures will all be pet-like)
- Fallout
- Far Cry
- Fear and Hunger
- Five Nights at Freddy’s (All Games, Books, Fluffy AU) (Animatronic or Android)
- Friday Night Funkin (Base game)(?)
- Final Fantasy (Primarily anything past 7)
- Gears/Gears of War (Yandere Fics)
- Genshin Impact
- God of War
- Half-Life
- Halo (Reach, CE, 2, 3, 3 ODST, 4, 5, Infinite, Wars 1+2)
- Hollow Knight
- Honkai Impact
- Human Animal Crossing
- Identity V (All Survivors/Killers and their costumes except Hastur and younger characters are depicted as Platonic)
- Killer Frequency
- The Last of Us
- League of Legends
- Left 4 Dead (1 and 2)
- Legend of Zelda
- Lobotomy Corporation
- Mario Franchise
- Metal Gear Solid (All games, although I like Revengeance the most)
- Metroid
- Minecraft (Experimenting)
- Mortal Kombat (9 through 11)
- Mystic Messenger
- No More Heroes
- No Straight Roads
- Obey Me!
- Outlast
- The Outer Worlds
- Overwatch (All characters/Costumes)
- Payday 2
- Persona (3-5)
- Portal (1 and 2)
- Pokemon (Just Trainers Right Now) (All games)
- PvZ Garden Warfare (Mostly Platonic but we'll see)
- Ratchet and Clank
- Rainbow Six Siege
- Resident Evil (All Games)
- Red Dead Redemption (Mostly 2)
- Roblox DOORS (?)
- Silent Hill
- Skyrim
- Street Fighter
- Team Fortress 2 (All Classes and characters like Miss Pauling and Saxton Hale)
- Twisted Wonderland
- Undertale
- Warframe
- We Happy Few
- Xcom
- Halo Books (Fall of Reach, The Flood, Contact Harvest, The Cole Protocol, First Strike, Ghosts of Onyx, Cryptum, Broken Circle, Hunters In The Dark, Last Light, New Blood, Envoy, Retribution, Smoke and Shadow, Bad Blood, Renegade, Point of Light, Divine Wind)
- Jujutsu Kaisen (I read the manga)
- Bungou Stray Dogs (I read the manga)
Fits in more than one category
- Alien vs Predator (Just Alien movies or Predator movies are also included. Also books and games.)
- Black Butler
- Creepypasta/Gaming Creepypasta (Not everyone, it depends)
- Cuphead (Game/Show)
- Cyberpunk 2077 (Anime/Game)
- DC Comics (Comics, Games, Movies) [Injustice and Arkhamverse mainly, but let's discuss]
- Demon Slayer
- Hiveswap
- Homestuck
- Madness Combat (Game and Series)
- Marvel Cinematic Universe (Up to Endgame)/Marvel Comic Universe (SPECIFY WHAT COMIC PLEASE-)
- SCP (Not everyone, it depends)
- Slashers/Horror in general (Please say what movie your slasher is from)
- Sonic (All games + The Paramount Movies + IDW Comics. All characters are aged up except characters Classic! Tails, Movie! Tails, Cream the Rabbit, Ray the Flying Squirrel, and Classic Amy, which are Platonic as I can't see them as aged up.)
- South Park (All aged up of course, Show and games)
- Splatoon (Manga/Games)
- Transformers (Animated, Cyberverse, Earthspark, Generation 1, IDW comics, Prime, Robots In Disguise, War for Cybertron)
- Yandere OCs I have (Look at this list)
🚫Fandoms I am taking a break from🚫
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aeroargonic · 5 months
Okay, so I read your au idea with the role swap thingy and for some reason I got reminded very suddenly of a fanfic I read from like 2016 where the main four where supposedly going to be Shade, Griffin, Neuro and Karlof (although this was back when it was just Shadow). And I don’t know, that just unlocked a memory of it.
Anyway, about your au. Will you tell me about it? Please?
claps hands Alright, children. Gather round, please get yourself comfortable and make sure you've grabbed yourself a snack. We're gonna be here for a little bit.
(BTW there will be no rhyme or reason to what I say. Ya gurl is gonna ramble.)
So in this AU, Chen is the only son of the FSM. The FSM created Ninjago using the powers of Creation and Destruction, which Chen now is a master of, is teaching to his two young pupils, Clouse and Garmadon. The plot at this point is kinda the same: Clouse attempts to steal the Golden Weapons (which are different in this AU) and gets banished to the Underworld, yadda, yadda, yadda. Garmadon eventually succumbs to the pressure of being the pupil of the literal son of God, and guilt over leaving behind his younger brother Wu to study at the monastery on Chen's private island. Wu has been left in the care of Ray and Maya, whom Garmadon works part-time for as an apprentice. Eventually, Garmadon runs away after he and Chen get into a really heated fight revolving around Clouse's disappearance and the pressure Chen has since put on Garmadon to succeed to make up for failing Clouse. He and Wu become close with Ray and Maya and raise their twin children Kai and Nya after their deaths.
Chen eventually gets married to Skylor's mother, the Master of Water, (I've named her Lorena) and they eventually have Skylor. Lorena passes away after complications giving birth to their son and Chen ends up in a dark place for a bit but pulls himself together to raise Skylor. Chen is surprisingly human in this AU? He grapples a lot with the concept of perfection and trying to find his footing as a teacher but his past seriously haunts him. He's already failed two students and almost his daughter, but for the the sake of Ninjago and making his father proud, he's going to try again. He's not a perfect person, and his flaws are beyond obvious, but he does his best.
Skylor is a mixture of Misako and Nya's roles. There is no Samurai X because Skylor is treated as an equal from the start (and sexism as a plotline is so mid-2000s) but she's also a total history buff and becomes the exposition fountain Misako kinda was. The only thing is that she doesn't have a corresponding Golden Weapon and but Water in the show is pretty OP anyways so she's got that going for her.
Karlof is probably the closest to his show counterpart, probably because he has the least angstiest backstory. He's a mechanical engineer and the son of the Master of Earth who wields the Gauntlets of Earth as his weapon. He's basically the dad friend and everyone's big brother.
Griffin is the grandson of the Master of Lightning and wields the Whip of Lightning. He's annoyingly flirty and a track star prodigy who starts out pretty cocky but things go south for him when a Serpentine encounter gives him horrid acid scars surrounding his lips and chin, which he covers up with a mask. He's the kind of guy who hides his fears behind a swaggy coolkid persona.
Neuro is the son of the Master of Ice, Mahiro, who eventually becomes important later on. He wields the Spear of Ice. Eventually, the defeat of the Overlord ala Zane leaves him missing his left eye and arm, which are eventually replaced with robot prosthetics. He's an ice cold motherfucker who gradually warms up and takes pride in his natural intellect.
Shade is the son of the Master of Fire, but also the son of Mahiro making him Neuro's half-brother (it's complicated) and wields the Crossbow of Fire. He's a scrappy and aggressive street kid and gets treated like such by everyone.
Morro isn't related to the FSM at all. He's an orphan who obviously must've descended from an Elemental Master somewhere, but nobody knows his roots. His role as the fabled Green Ninja is to be the Elemental Master of Life and the prophesized saviour of Ninjago who will eventually destroy the Overlord in Ninjago's greatest time of need. He's much more power-hungry than Lloyd is and absolutely revels in his role as this all-important hero, but gets a reality check very quickly when he realizes that this isn't a game and lives are actually at stake. Besides that, he's the baby of the family and Neuro and Shade have kinda adopted him as their younger brother (the greycale siblings).
That's the main party for now, eventually Clouse joins after he's freed from being the Overlord's vessel and Mahiro also shows up once they find him. These are just brief overviews of each character and I have a lot of details about them and other characters as well if anybody is interested!
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sunnylighter · 1 year
Can you draw movie Ronin? (and maybe Fugidove)
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"Detective Ronin, nice to see you again," said Zane, greeting the grizzled old detective that had often acted as their go-between with the police since the start of the Ninja Force.
The eye-patch-wearing detective sent Zane a friendly smirk. "How's it going, kids?"
Sure thing.
I thought it'd be hilarious if Ronin was a cop in the Movieverse, given that's the opposite of his show counterpart. Especially if I do something with the Shadow of Ronin game after I finish Trials of Trust. I kind of pictured him as the Commissioner Gordon to the Ninja Force's Batman. He gets along great with the Ninja, and rolls with their weirdness better than most cops, and recently has taken Jimmy (the cop who's friends with Nana and Gayle) under his wing. He probably has a checkered past or some skeleton in his closet (that I haven't fully decided on yet), but he tries to do right by the Ninja. I tried to give him a Noir detective look if that wasn't obvious from the trenchcoat and fedora. Also, his eyepatch is on the opposite side as S!Ronin. If the two Ronins ever met, they'd be absolutely disgusted by the other.
As for Fugidove, let me get back to you on that. I wrote that he's a major threat in the movieverse, so I need to work more on making him look the part. A challenge for me. Most things I draw tend to look more on the cute side than the threatening.
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