sunnylighter · 1 year
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CampPillow on AO3 asked: Oh, there's already a drawing in this chapter but.... could you draw this section?
The Kais suddenly seemed to come to a realization, as Spike slapped his forehead and said, "You know what this means right?" he asked his counterpart.
Buddy buried his face in his hands and groaned. "Oh yeah, I know what it means."
Everyone else turned to look at them in confusion.
Spike and Buddy looked MK up and down, then turned to each other and nodded. "He's not a Kai," they said in unison. "He's a Lloyd!"
I think it's a pretty funny section 😄
It is a funny section, and I thought drawing the Kais’ exasperated expressions would be funny. 
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sunnylighter · 1 year
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Who. Hurt. His. Sister!?
Another scene from In Need of Polish. This time when Kai hears Nya calling for help, and comes bursting in with one hand covered in flames, and the ‘Falcon Punch’ gauntlet giving off whisps of frost on the other. Clouse didn’t know what hit him. Do not mess with Kai’s siblings
As I said before if there are any scenes from a fanfic you want me to draw, mine or otherwise (if I’ve read the fic), let me know ;)
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sunnylighter · 1 year
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“"I was busy feeding this spoiled noodle," said Skylor fondly walking past also in her armor with a python draped around her shoulders. "Chelsea knows I'm a sucker for her baby-doll eyes."
Chelsea the python just flicked her tongue and looked both pleased and full of mice as Skylor placed her back down into her tank. After Chen's imprisonment, Skylor had taken over caring for his pet snake, and she seemed much happier under the girl's care as opposed to her father's.”
There’s plenty of jokes in my fics talking about how Luh-Loyd gets so many pets, but let’s not forget I gave Princess Skylor a pet too. This is Chelsea, the ball python. Mob Boss Chen used to own her, but she didn’t like him much. He never took proper care of her.
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Once he got arrested, Skylor adopted Chelsea. Chelsea’s much happier now.
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sunnylighter · 1 year
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CampPillow on AO3 said ‘Soooo... I know there's an art here already buuut.... draw this?
""KAI!" shouted Montgomery once they stopped moving, but the Fire Ninja was already on it.
"Don't worry, he'll be okay," he said, examining the other teenager's head. "Just a bump. We Kais have hard heads."
Wait… What?""
Cause I think it's funny’
It was the moment in In Need of Polish when after their mechs crashed Princess Skylor realized she was dealing with more than one version of Kai. Very confusing, but, unfortunately, she had to wait until after the crisis to get a solid answer on what was going on and her confusion only doubled the more doubles she saw.
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sunnylighter · 1 year
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As I said, I’d been feeling like drawing more scenes from my fics. 
This is from the first chapter of Greener Pastures, when Freckles Jay felt his anxieties at being a Ninja were too much and tried to be the Guy in the Chair instead, only to watch as his friends are captured without him. 
Like I said in the last pic, requests for pictures of scenes from my fics are open. I might do scenes from other people’s fics too, if I’ve read them. 
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sunnylighter · 1 year
@starwolf479​ said:
I am unsure where to put in requests - I hope here is appropriateCan you do this scene from "Greener Pastures?"Pulling them out, they were all shocked to see a slightly blurry picture of Lord Garmadon walking with his back to the camera and a 'Kick Me' sign written in black ink taped to his back.'Mission Accomplished,' Cole texted all of them.The image of a "Bigfoot-esc" Lord Garmadon picture is just too funny
Sure thing
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However, just when the Ninja Force started to make their excuses to reach the meeting place to be picked up by Morro, their phones buzzed.
Pulling them out, they were all shocked to see a slightly blurry picture of Lord Garmadon walking with his back to the camera and a 'Kick Me' sign written in black ink taped to his back.
'Mission Accomplished,' Cole texted all of them.
The picture’s not as blurry as I wanted it to be, but you get the idea. You can’t tell from Cole’s selfie, but he’s wearing an eyepatch and a moustache to disguise himself out of frame.
As for Bigfoot.
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Chen reached down for something out of the screen, and four pictures flashed onto the monitor. One of Luh-Loyd in his kabuki outfit, one of the Fuchsia Ninja, one of Zane, and one of a tall, dark, and very blurry figure that appeared to be doing the classic Big Foot pose as it walked away from several knocked-out guards.
"However, it also seems we have two uninvited guests on the island," said Chen as the pictures of Luh-Loyd and the dark figure were now the ones highlighted. "This little minx in a kimono was posing as my staff and aided the Fuchsia Ninja in his crimes. As for the other one, we don't know who he is just yet, but as you can see from the picture he's been giving my men nothing but trouble."
THIS one I was able to blur how I liked it to. Here’s how it would look in the story (I forgot to add the downed guards, sorry, just pretend they’re behind the rocks). And here’s how it looks unblurred.
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sunnylighter · 1 year
If you’re still doing art requests, Id think be funny if you drew the scene where Nick!jay and Cliff!cole called kabuki lloyd cute lol
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The door to the theater opened, and they glanced up to see Neuro walk in with two kabuki girls at his side.
Seeing them, Jay scowled. "Aw man," he whispered with a scoff. "We send him on an important mission, and he's hanging out with girls. Cute girls too. Check out the blonde, and her friend isn't half bad either."
"Typical Jay, always with girls on his mind, and nothing else," Cliff Cole said in a scornful tone to keep up appearances. But in a quieter voice, he admitted. "The blonde is pretty cute."
Sure. Needless to say, Nick Jay is not very impressed Neuro is apparently schmoozing with girls instead of helping them. Cliff Cole is pretending to be angry at him but can admit when he's right. Lil'Loyd is clueless, and Cyan Nya and Buddy Kai are silently busting a gut because they know just who the cute kabuki is.
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sunnylighter · 1 year
If your still doing Art requests, just any scene with Kabuki Lloyd or Game night.
Sure thing!
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"Clouse grinned as the two elements were sucked into the staff. That grin quickly vanished as Lloyd reached him and grabbed hold of the staff, trying to wrench it away.
"And as for you," said Clouse as he and Lloyd got pulled into a game of tug-of-war over the artifact. "I don't know who you are, Spy, but on this island, we do not tolerate trespassers."
"Oh, but you do tolerate kidnapping, extortion, and every other crime under the sun?" Lloyd snapped back as he tried to yank the staff away."
From the chapter where things go to shit. Zen Zane and Cliff Cole just lost their elements to the staff, and Luh-Loyd tries to get it back from him.
As for game night, I've already drawn a picture of that here, but if you have something specific in mind let me know.
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sunnylighter · 1 year
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Another scene I’ve wanted to draw for a while. It was one of the first scenes I’d written for In Need of Polish, and only had a few edits needed when the rest of the story caught up. I knew from the start that at some point I wanted the four girls (and Buddy Kai, he’s just there to give support hugs) together to help talk through Red Nya’s boy troubles. If that had happened in the show, the whole love triangle thing might not have been such a mess. 
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sunnylighter · 1 year
For the Art Request, can you do the scene where Nya asks Buddy Kai how he knew Princess had the Anacondrai tattoo? That scene was just too funny for me 😆
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LOL, yeah, Buddy Kai was blushing when she asked that. It was kinda cool to draw Kai in his cultist disguise, and of course, it's still fun to draw Red Nya in her kabuki disguise.
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sunnylighter · 1 year
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Doing that ask about Jay got me in the mood to draw scenes from my fics again, and I’ve been wanting to draw the scene from the last chapter where Cookie Skylor realizes Princess Skylor isn’t just in her head. 
If anyone wants to see me draw other scenes from my fics, both my Ninjago ones or some of my other fics I’ve written, let me know.
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sunnylighter · 1 year
Ever thought of drawing a comparison between the Hamato siblings causal (or high school) attire, and their ninja attire?
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I know you asked for a picture of them forever ago, but I finally actually drew the Hamato Siblings. I haven't decided on a high school attire yet, but I will get back to you when I do. And yes, I took inspiration from some of the promo art for their poses, and switched Miwa with April.
For those who don't know, these are human versions of the turtles from TMNT 2012 from a fanfic I wrote a while ago called Same Difference. In it I wanted to explore how things would be different if Miwa never became Karai, and the turtles started out human (and how long they would stay that way with all the mutagen flying around). Check it out if you feel so inclined.
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sunnylighter · 1 year
Can you draw movie Ronin? (and maybe Fugidove)
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"Detective Ronin, nice to see you again," said Zane, greeting the grizzled old detective that had often acted as their go-between with the police since the start of the Ninja Force.
The eye-patch-wearing detective sent Zane a friendly smirk. "How's it going, kids?"
Sure thing.
I thought it'd be hilarious if Ronin was a cop in the Movieverse, given that's the opposite of his show counterpart. Especially if I do something with the Shadow of Ronin game after I finish Trials of Trust. I kind of pictured him as the Commissioner Gordon to the Ninja Force's Batman. He gets along great with the Ninja, and rolls with their weirdness better than most cops, and recently has taken Jimmy (the cop who's friends with Nana and Gayle) under his wing. He probably has a checkered past or some skeleton in his closet (that I haven't fully decided on yet), but he tries to do right by the Ninja. I tried to give him a Noir detective look if that wasn't obvious from the trenchcoat and fedora. Also, his eyepatch is on the opposite side as S!Ronin. If the two Ronins ever met, they'd be absolutely disgusted by the other.
As for Fugidove, let me get back to you on that. I wrote that he's a major threat in the movieverse, so I need to work more on making him look the part. A challenge for me. Most things I draw tend to look more on the cute side than the threatening.
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sunnylighter · 2 years
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I drew this a while ago, but here's a picture of everyone in their kabuki disguises in Trials of Trust. As of the latest chapter, we have everyone in their outfit. One small mistake I made was drawing Cyan Nya in her kimono series kimono when in the story she wore the same one as Red Nya. Oops.
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sunnylighter · 1 year
Art request (if it hasn’t been done already)— the scene of Princess leaping at the hydra mech!
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Good choice. Here we have Princess Skylor leaping to fight her father, throwing the sheet metal ahead of her landing so she doesn't touch the mech, and wearing Pep Zane's 'Falcon Punch' gauntlet. Sorry there's not much to show what the Hyrda Mech looks like, but you at least get some idea of its hide and what Skylor had to maneuver the sheet metal around to reach the cockpit. It was not an easy trip.
Happy Valentine's day everyone.
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sunnylighter · 2 years
And the winner is...
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Felt like drawing that scene from my Greener Pastures chapter, Wu's Stealth Training Boot Camp from Heck. Harumi is NOT happy to have gotten 3rd.
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