dragonchamplance · 6 months
🕷️ OOHH!! HI LANCE!! How are you doing!!
((@toxic-ninja-master ))
Good, I think! I had a bit of a busy week, but I'm looking forward to this next one :) How're things in Fuchsia? Anything exciting coming up for you?
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spenglerssweetheart · 2 years
Not So Happy Halloween.
Egon Spengler x Fem!Zeddemore!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of arguments and following, Ooc Egon, definitely a stalker, gross comments, I’m so sorry.
It was quiet at headquarters, the only thing being heard was the scribbling of Janine’s pen against the paperwork she had to do. It was Halloween and Janine and the guys except Peter, we’re giving out candy before they had to go on a bust, Janine only running out of candy shortly afterwards. Stopping to get up for a stretch, she heard the doors open, looking over she saw Y/n come in. Y/n being Winston’s little sister, she hung out with them so much, sometimes even filling in for someone.
Tonight, She had just finished leaving Dana’s place because she had taken Oscar trick or treating, dressing herself up as a witch. Looking over, Y/n had walked over to Janine’s desk, leaning on it just a bit. “Hey Janine, do you want some candy? Dana gave me too much of Oscar’s and I know I won’t finish it all” She huffed out, removing the witch hat from her head. Her witch costume consisted of a long black, partly backless dress. It hugged her body and made her look stunning. Janine nodded, smiling softly as she moved to grab the bag of candy from Y/n. “Anything I can get you z? You look like you had a long night” Janine started, grabbing a few candies to put in her drawer for later. “I don’t think so nin' but thank you, uhm I’m gonna be upstairs for a coffee if you wanna come up with me, I think they’re playing all of these horror movies tonight as well” “I should be up in a moment for some coffee, I just wanna finish this paperwork” Janine smiled as she sat up, watching as Y/n nodded and made her way up the stairs.
With a small huff, Y/n set the candy bag down onto the sofa they had there before walking over to the counter to make her coffee. As she put the water in the machine, a yawn left her lips, only allowing her body to stretch just a small bit. Careful to not spill, she carefully placed it down before moving over and adding sugar to her mug. With another yawn, she rested against the counter a bit, simply waiting for the coffee to finish.
Once it was ready, she carefully poured it into her mug before reaching into the refrigerator, where she grabbed the milk (or creamer). When she had her coffee the way she liked it, she turned on the small tv mainly for ambience before resting her head on her arm. She had a long night, only wanting to think about what she could have done to avoid it. Not realizing it, she had begun to doze off, Janine coming in shortly after she had fallen asleep with her barely drunken mug of coffee. With a small but hearty sigh, Janine smiled to herself before moving the mug back to the counter before lowering the tv’s volume.
Janine grabbed a bottled water from the fridge before making her way back downstairs just to see that the guys have arrived, with Ray taking a few traps out of the back, and Egon making sure the proton packs were alright, Winston could only watch. “Hey Janine, how did everything go?” Winston asked after seeing Janine had just come down the stairs. “Oh, everything was alright, I ran out of candy shortly after you guys left, so I got a head start on some of the paperwork”
Winston nodded as Egon began to make his way up the stairs to go to the lab. “Is Y/n back yet?” Ray asked as he handed Janine the used traps to take downstairs, who only grimaced after the smell caught her nose. “Ah, she should be, I think she went upstairs” She said before rushing down to get the traps cleaned.
Winston nodded to himself as he followed shortly behind Egon, stopping to see what he was looking at before realizing they were looking at his little sister who had fallen asleep at the table. Egon was struck, the amount of times the girl had surprised him, she never failed to surprise him even more than the times before. He’s never seen her this tired, and this was coming from someone who got 14 minutes of sleep.
“Poor thing didn’t even get her shoes off” Winston mumbled as he moved past Egon to go pick up his little sister, being ever so careful with her as if she was the most fragile thing. Egon watched the scene play out in front of him, sort of wishing he would’ve made the initiative to move her to the couch.
Over the past few months, Egon had grown a small crush on Y/n but Egon being Egon, he was probably able to hide it so well no one could tell, or maybe they did but chose not to say anything. He went with the latter most of the time and simply watched this moment. He hasn’t even removed his suit and watched as Winston made way to go and be the most careful anyone has ever seen him, just for his sister.
Not realizing that Winston had been calling him, he snapped out of his daze and looked over, slightly embarrassed that he’d been staring, a bit of red tainting his cheeks as he listened to what Winston wanted. “Egie, could you move the bag of candy for me please and get me a blanket for her please?” Winston asked kindly and Egon jumped up to go and move the bag of candy, placing it on the counter, making a small reminder to look through the candy for any sweets he could take. Once he got the candy out of the way, he walked into the bedroom where all the other beds were, grabbing his blanket off of the bed before taking it back to Winston to place over Y/n.
“Sorry could you also help me get her shoes off, I just know she’s going to complain tomorrow that her feet hurt” Winston chuckled, moving over to her feet to untie the boots she had worn. “Am not…” A groggy Y/n spoke as she began to sit up herself. “Egie, you are awfully quiet tonight, you catch a spooky one for me?..” Y/n said quietly, waking herself up as she looked over with sleepy eyes to Egon who was untying her boot to remove it from her foot. “I did, shame you weren’t there to see it” He said, almost chuckling knowing that she had been talking about the bust.
“I feel like Cinderella” Y/n grinned in a hushed tone, wiping her eyes before she sat up completely. “Thank you gentlemen for removing my shoes, Winston I swear you need to be more like Egon when you talk, you’re so loud. Hi Ray!” Y/n trailed with a sleepy smile, definitely more awake than she was a few moments ago. Winston only laughed and shook his head at his little sister, ruffling her straightened hair, who only smacked his hands away.
Both men stood up to move away, Egon unzipping his suit to reveal the simple cardigan and dress pants he always wore. Ray began to move over to the bag of candy after greeting y/n. “How did the trick or treating go Y/n?” Ray asked, opening up a 3 musketeers candy as he leant against the counter. With a sigh, Y/n leant back against the couch, closing her eyes before looking over at Ray.
“That bad huh?” Y/n only nodding before starting. “We got kinda lost downtown, dumb I know. I got into a slight argument and I feel bad because Oscar had to witness it, the guy just wouldn’t stop following me, oh my god” She huffed as she closed her eyes once more. “The good thing is we got to so many houses, they loved Oscar’s outfit.” She smiled, remembering how happy Oscar would get when they complimented his little cowboy outfit. “Oh Y/n, I’m sorry. One of us should’ve gone with you” Ray replied, Y/n only waving her hand. “Thank you Ray but I’m a big girl, I can handle some guy” She grinned, almost laughing to herself before sitting up once more. “Have you guys eaten anything? I can make something?” Y/n offered, getting up as if she wasn’t tired a few minutes ago. Winston came back down sitting his sister down as he and Ray looked at each other.
“You think the Chinese place is still open?” “They don’t close till twelve right?” Ray responded, Winston nodding before looking to Y/n “Same as usual?” He asked, still kneeling in front of her before she got up to grab her purse, taking money out of her wallet. “Ray, you paid last time so it’s all I can do” She huffed, passing the money to Winston. “Thank you gentlemen, be safe” She grinned as Ray and Winston began to walk downstairs, asking Janine what she’d like.
While y/n was upstairs, Janine and Egon had been downstairs talking about random things before a man walked into the building, catching Janine’s attention first. “Good evening, is there a woman who was in a witch costume here? I thought I saw her come in here…” the guy questioned himself as he looked between Janine and Egon, looking around as well. Egon didn’t feel right about this man, and neither did Janine. With a gentle step forward, the guy looked down at Janine. “Sweetheart, I know you heard me, so could you just answer my question?” He said a little louder, making Egon step in front of her a bit.
Despite being upstairs, Y/n was hearing everything. She didn’t come fully down the steps, but the fact that they were old didn’t help. With a creak, they all turned towards the stairs and Y/n gave up and came down all the way. “Why is he here?” She muttered loud enough for all of them to hear.
“I’m here cause I wanted to see you sweetheart, we got off on a bad foot, you know” The guy said sheepishly, moving closer to Y/n, making her move quickly towards Egon. “Don’t be such a priss babe, I only wanna talk to ya” He grinned, making the two women in front of him grimace, leaving Egon to feel bad. “You need to leave” Egon said sternly, stepping up, Y/n’s grip on him tightening just a little bit. “Or what, you gonna make me into your little science experiment?” The guy laughed, looking over to Y/n from behind Egon, who only held a stone face, like if she was holding back on her anger.
“You’re so lucky they’re here, cause I could be so much worse” He chuckled, pointing his nasty finger at her, implying gross things that would make anyone sick. “Just leave” Y/n murmured, biting her tongue to stop herself from saying anything else. The guy laughed once more, and it just seemed to anger Y/n more. She was upset, that not only had her Halloween night had been ruined, but that she had been followed and tried being humiliated by someone who was trying way too hard. She knew better, but she couldn’t help, letting Egon go and standing right behind him to breathe. Clenching her hands, she was basically digging moon shapes into her palm, allowing Egon to speak for her, Janine keeping a close eye on her.
The guy only kept making gross comments, and Egon tried his best to get him out without doing anything rational. A soft sigh left Y/n’s lips and she looked at Janine, giving her a nod that she was alright before she came from behind Egon, patting his arm to let it go. “Get out” Y/n said, keeping herself steady, trying her hardest to breathe. ‘In and out’ “or what, you gonna make me princess? You shouldn’t dress like that if you don’t want the attention, slu-” Before he could finish that last word, Y/n smacked him square in the jaw, knocking him unconscious. “Didn’t hear you…” she whispered before shaking her hand out, taking a deep breath in before letting it out.
Janine had her hands over her mouth, and Egon had a slack jaw and wide eyes, watching as Y/n had slowly turned to look at them both. The way they were looking at her, instantly guilt pooled in her stomach and she looked between the guy on the floor and the two of them. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She rushed repeatedly, panic once again rising as she stepped away. She felt horrible, the way Egon and Janine were looking at her, made her feel like she was the enemy. Janine was the first to step up and comfort Y/n, taking her in for a hug, making her sit in the chair Janine was usually in. With a shudder, the tears came and a sob left Y/n’s lips as Janine held her.
“Egon, call the police so they could get him out of here, please” Janine said quietly as Egon nodded, going behind to be Venkman’s office and calling them there. While Y/n let everything out, Janine listened and comforted her through all of the apologies and how she’s never acted out like that before. Egon waited for the police, them coming a bit after the call. Egon explained everything that happened, from Y/n telling them that she had gotten into an argument with someone while trick or treating to the moment she knocked him out. The police took the man who was finally awaking when they were handcuffing him.
“Oh ho up, guys you got the wrong one, this bitch punched me, she put her hands on me” the guy started exclaiming, as they were taking him away. “This isn’t the last of me sweetheart” he shouted before being completely out of sight. A shaky sigh racked y/n’s body as she clung to Janine. She began to apologize once more before Janine shushed her. “You don’t need to apologize hun, he deserved it, you honestly caught me by surprise” Janine muttered, grinning at the end as she replayed the moment in her head all over again.
“Uh, why don’t we go back upstairs, get you another coffee, since you left yours cold earlier” Egon offered, quite awkwardly, holding his hand out. Taking his hand, Y/n stood slowly, taking in a shaky breath as she gently held onto his hand. His heart fluttered as if it would be the first time she’s ever touched him. Janine decided it would be best if she stayed downstairs, still shaken up about everything and thought being alone would be better for her.
With a quiet trip up the stairs, Egon carefully looked down at Y/n’s hand that was becoming bruised from the punch. “We should get some ice for that right hook, you did hit him pretty hard” he chuckled, pulling the seat out for her to sit in. She gave him a half smile as she looked down at her hand, running a finger over her knuckles before looking back up to Egon, who had just finished wrapping a bag of ice for her hand. Passing it over to her, she gave him a thankful smile, mumbling a small thank you to him. He began to reheat her coffee in the microwave as he made his. It was quiet and it was awkward, Egon shuffling around in his spot as Y/n played with the ice pack on her hand. Neither of them knew what to do but they kept quiet. Usually they enjoyed it, but Y/n felt like she was suffocating in the awkward air. “I never said thank you” Y/n started, moving over to the couch once more as she got her coffee. “It’s not a problem” Egon responded as he began pouring his coffee into his mug. With a small sigh, Y/n carefully thought out her words before she turned over to look at Egon who began making his way to sit next to her.
“I know tonight was rough, and very difficult, but I just wanna say thank you. You know for sticking up for me, and all that other stuff. Uhm, I wanted to say something but I don’t know how to say it.” Y/n hesitated after a few moments, Egon trying his hardest to read Y/n’s emotions like he always did. “Do you know when you like someone, and you wanna tell them, but every time you try, it gets a lot harder to breathe and like everything is closing in?” Y/n questioned, almost to herself but the glance at Egon gave away that she was speaking to him. He thought, remembering how he wasn’t ever one to get asked out, or be the one who does the asking out. “Well, no not really” He responded, Y/n smiling a bit before continuing. “What I’m trying to say is, every time I’m near this specific person, my heart goes absolutely crazy, and I feel like I’m literally going crazy. I want to be around him all the time, and the little touches here and there make me feel like I’m special and I’m the only one. He does these little things that are so unique to who he is, and I can’t help but fall for him more and more every time.” “Who is it y/n?..That you like Of course” He questioned, now feeling doubtful that he wasn’t the one she liked, again. He was prepared for his feelings to get hurt, but he knew how to get over it. He found a way to ignore his feelings but he wanted to listen to her, hear her voice that he loved hearing so much. “It’s you…” she whispered, looking down at her hands, a habit of hers really. “I’m sorry?” He said, unsure of what she had said.
“It’s you Egon. It’s always been you” She said, finally looking back up at him, feeling anxious once again. What if he didn’t feel the same way, what if everything they’ve done meant nothing, again, she knew how to handle rejection after a good amount of time. “I don’t usually voice things out like this, because it’s awkward… but I like you too, I just find it so hard because being the outcast and the geek everywhere you went, made it difficult to do so. To be honest, I thought you were going to say someone completely different.” Egon responded, chuckling to himself after a bit.
“My my, Spengler, didn’t know you felt that way about me” Y/n laughed for what seemed like the first time tonight, an actual genuine laugh. Egon grinned, pulling Y/n closer to him, remembering seeing how tired she looked after everything that happened literally minutes ago. “Funny how after everything, we’re getting together” Egon whispered low enough for Y/n to hear. “You wanna be together?..” she asked softly, almost in a whispered tone as well. Egon nodded, a grin appearing on his face as Y/n began to smile to herself. “But we can’t tell anyone… not even Winston” she said childishly, a laugh escaping her lips shortly after.
While they talked, Y/n got comfortable, Laying her head on Egon’s lap, generously placing a pillow there so that his legs wouldn’t fall asleep. He had began running her fingers through her hair while she talked to him about her day and how much Winston was a shy guy in high school and university. She eventually ended up falling asleep after moments of silence. Egon couldn’t move, he didn’t want to move, he was right where he always wanted to be. Just as he was getting comfortable himself, he leant his head back, Winston and Ray come up the stairs with the Chinese food in their arms, looking at the two questionably. “She just feel back to sleep. Rough night” Egon whispered in a low voice, Ray trying his best to be quiet, while Winston rolled his eyes.
“Need some help?” Winston asked as he set the food down carefully on the table as Egon nodded, pursing his lips once Winston made his way over to gently lift his sisters head, careful as to not wake her. Once Egon was standing, he stretched, a yawn escaping his lips. “How do you do it without waking her” Ray questioned, watching everything play out. “Years of practice, she’s always been a heavy sleeper except for when I move her. So I had take matters into my own hands when she would fall asleep the exact same way she was now” He chuckled, covering Y/n with a blanket, and pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.
Egon smiled softly, ready to sit down and eat with the others. “So Spengs, why did my sister curl up on you, Instead of Janine?” Winston asked after a while, Egon coughing on his food a bit as if he was caught in bed with someone else. “Long night, some guy was following Y/n and she ended up knocking him out. Janine got shaken up and wanted to be alone and she asked me to come up with her for a coffee” Egon explained rapidly before stuffing his mouth once more to avoid Winston’s questioning, knowing he’d have to explain everything in detail to him afterwards. After finishing their food, Winston put Y/n’a food away for her and Ray muttered a happy Halloween to everyone before he decided to crash from his food coma. Once Winston and Ray went to bed, Egon made sure Y/n was comfortable and warm enough, getting her an extra blanket in case before kneeling down to leave a small kiss on her cheek. “Happy Halloween, dear”
Thank you for reading, I hope you guys enjoyed this. I literally had so many different endings planned, but went with this one. I know this isn’t the Halloween imagine you were expecting but surprise!! I’m kidding, but seriously, I appreciate you guys so much and I love you, I hope you’re having a good day/night/afternoon and have a great read. Love you sweetheart <3
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ao3feed-hashimada · 1 year
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/CvkILQJ
by Achan98
Madara tengah menjalankan misi penyamaran sebagai salah satu geisha (ia menggunakan hange perempuan) di rumah bordil ibu kota ketika ia tanpa sengaja bertemu Hashirama disana. Madara jelas ingin menjauh darinya namun sialnya pemilik rumah bordil malah menyuruhnya untuk menuangkan minuman pada para Senju yang datang. Bukan hanya itu, dia bahkan harus menemani Hashirama yang membayarnya mahal.
Dua bulan kemudian, Neneknya mengonfirmasi jika Madara hamil. "Madara, aku dan Ibumu adalah seorang medic-nin dan aku pikir kami sudah memberitahumu sejak kecil tentang reproduksi. Apa kau pikir hasil dari pria dan perempuan yang berhubungan sex adalah sebuah kursi? Tentu saja seorang janin!"
Words: 9851, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Bahasa Indonesia
Fandoms: Naruto
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Obito, Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Izuna, Uchiha Kagami, Uzumaki Mito
Relationships: Senju Hashirama/Uchiha Madara
Additional Tags: Mpreg, Undercover Missions, Female Uchiha Madara - Freeform, Temporary, hange - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Founding of Konoha, Pre-Konoha Village, Warring States Period (Naruto)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/CvkILQJ
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silk-fleur · 3 years
Bonsoir chèrie 💌 Do you have 2021 reading list? I always trust your amazing taste 🎀💌
Bonsoir 💌 I don't have a strict reading list, but I'd love to read all (or at least some) of books I got last year! Here they are:
• "Daisy Miller" by Henry James
• "Marie Antoinette. The Journey" by Antonia Fraser
• "The Diary of Anaïs Nin. 1931-1934" edited by Gunther Stuhlmann
• "Z Czerwoną Różą Przez Paryż" by Wojciech Natanson
• "Les Passions Selon Dalì" by Louis Pauwels
• "La Fleur du Mal. La véritable historie de la Dame aux camélias" by Micheline Boudet
• "Listy Panny de Lespinasse" edited by Tadeusz Żeleński (Boy) - letters of Julia de Lespinasse
• "Les Dames Galentes" (The Life of the Gallant Ladies) by Brantôme
• "Secrète Madame de Pompadour" by Jaques Levron
• "The Life and Times of Lucrezia Borgia" by Maria Bellonci
• "Voltaire in Love" by Nancy Mitford
• "Julia de Lespinasse. Ses Amités - Sa Passion" by Janine Bouissounouse
• "A Concert of Bach's Music" by Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu
• "Anaïs. The Erotic Life of Anaïs Nin" by Noël Riley Fitch
• "Monsieur Vénus" by Rachilde
• " Valley of the Dolls" by Jacqueline Susann
• "The Lover" by Maruerite Duras
• "The Journals by Sylvia Plath 1950-62"
• "Aphrodite" by Isabel Allende
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blaze8403 · 4 years
martial ( ninja ( nin in nine ) ja in japan - Ninja would protect Japan
Jujanjitsu Versus Ninjitsu
Nin Ji tsu moon ji Japanese Imperial Ni Letter Two Letter B Jujanjitsu Jujanzanjitsu Janism Imperial sent message from a Janist JAIN JONENINEN Imperial sent Transmissions spell ninjitsu like Jujanjutsu or my jujanzanjutsu my Ninja My Ninjarachi my Ninjuichi JunjanBankaijutsu or JujanZankaikutsu (JujanZanBankaijutsu
Ninpo Ninjo Janin Jinan ? Ninja University Professor Doctor Hawkins Professor Doctor Kauffman Hawkins To Jinan University Hello Ninja University
Kauffman Hawkins Versus Jinan University
blaze8403 I LOVE IT
JAPAN OR PAN CAKE - PAIN OR PAN IKIGAMI SHINIGAMI LIVING GOD DEATH GOD NO MALE OR FEMALE NOT XY OR XX RULES TO YALE SEX IS GENDER PEOPLE ARE SEX CALCULATED AND NUMB WITH A SENSE OF LOVE — COLD CALCULATED AND NUMB WITH A SENSE OF LOVE HAWKINS TRANSLATED TO HAWKIN Message from Philosopher Professor Doctor Field General Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins jr HAWKINS UMBRELLA CORPORATION COATS ACTIVE IN CASE TERRY LEE KAUFFMAN HAWKINS (via teremiah8403) WORDS WORDS poemswords - poemswords - sword and words YES=Y LIKE Y=YES ( N=NO OR NODACHI) (via blaze8403)YIN & YANG ? DAI GENSUI TSU TER PHILOPROFESSU MADOSIER ( ER IN EMPEROR AND BOOPER AND ( DOSSIER / DOSIER ( OSS OR OS ) DAI GENSUI TSU TERI MADOSIER GRAND MASTER GRAND MARTIAL MARSHAL FIELD DOCTOR GENERAL WAR OR WOR - RIGHT AND WRONG C=3 LIKE K=11=2 YAKAZA SOFT SEAT WAY WAR AND T IN TERRY AND H IN HAWKINS Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · TAO OF TRUE RELIGION CIRCLE — RavenDove - yin yin / yang - D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book.YORK PA - RESPONSIBLE RESPECTING EVERY SERIOUS PERSON ON NOW SERIOUS ISSUE BUT LISTEN ENTIRELY—OPERATIONS(TH OR AH) BOOP ( OOP=OO16=007 )—ENOCH PFL- COM01 TERRY HAWKINS - LEE ( RHEE )HIROHITO COULD SPELL BOOK AND BOOP - ER OR RE -KINGMAGIC YEA A GOD KNOW MAGICK - MAGI ?—PKA-TERRY THE TERROR MO IN HOME LIKE HOME PLATE ATE MODUS OPERANDI Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.— - THREE ELEVEN PISCES- OP IN OPERATIONS AND HOPKINS - ( OPP OR OSS - NO HOP OR POP - NOT SPOT STOP POST POTS - TOPS ?)—TERRY LEE HAWKINS - HOPKINS - AND JAPANESE HOKINSU -ME SIR NAMED A CHILD - DATE 10/29/30/2019 T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—LI LEE LEI OR RHEE - NAME LEE AMEN OR AMAN ? - THEY DIDN’T GET IT PHONETIC LETTER WARTERKEY SIX ( ROMAN 9) [email protected] TWITTER TJ - TERRY JUNIOR BIRTHDAY MARCH 11 USS OR USA ?CORRECT SELECTION THE GOD DELUSION - CHAPTER 7 - 3 MORE—XERXES ( SEX=GENDER ) XIEXIE ( I AND E VOWELS LETTER 9 & 5)OOP = 16= 7 OO7 / 2600 OR 1600 - 0016 (ACTIVE) JANIST OR JANISM ?Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins is feeling professional with professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · ALL PRO RAVENDOVE Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins was RavenDove - yin yin / yang RavenDove - yin yin / yang - COLD NUMB AND (LOVIEY DOVIEY) CALCULATED SPELL IT D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book BUT LOKI OR BOOPER SAN with Blaze Pascal. with Terry Lee Hawkins ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigami HAWKINS HOKINSU/HOKINZU — feeling professional with Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins JR ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigamI TER OR TERRY / - HAWKINS - LETTERS IN SPELLING DAI GENSUMMASIER RANK NATO 50 STARS -DAI-GENSUIER Professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. - Signed Boop not Book Rank‎: ‎TEN ( CODE_LOVE-AI)-star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-16 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-15 Next lower rank‎: GENSUIER GENSUIER - AMONG R&R AND SECURITY DETAIL Rank‎: ‎NINE ( CODELOVE-AI)-star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-15 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-14 Next lower rank‎: DAI GENSUIA DAI GENSUIA Rank‎: ‎Eight -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-14 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-13 Next lower rank‎: GENSUIA GENSUIA Rank‎: ‎Seven -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-13 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-12 Next lower rank‎: ‎ DAI GENSUi DAI GENSUI Rank‎: ‎SIX -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-12 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-11 Next lower rank‎: ‎Gensui Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.— - THREE ELEVEN PISCES- OP IN OPERATIONS AND HOPKINS - ( OPP OR OSS - NO HOP OR POP - NOT SPOT STOP POST POTS - TOPS ?)—TERRY LEE HAWKINS - HOPKINS - AND JAPANESE HOKINSU -ME SIR NAMED A CHILD - DATE 10/29/30/2019 T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—LI LEE LEI OR RHEE - NAME LEE AMEN OR AMAN ? - THEY DIDNT GET IT PHONETIC LETTER WARTERKEY SIX ( ROMAN 9)[email protected]/TWITTER TJ - TERRY JUNIOR BIRTHDAY MARCH 11 USS OR USA ?CORRECT SELECTION THE GOD DELUSION - CHAPTER 7 - 3 MORE—XERXES ( SEX=GENDER ) XIEXIE ( I AND E VOWELS LETTER 9 & 5)OOP = 16= 7 OO7 / 2600 OR 1600 - 0016 (ACTIVE) JANIST OR JANISM ?Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins is feeling professional with professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · ALL PRO RAVENDOVE Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins was RavenDove - yin yin / yang RavenDove - yin yin / yang - COLD NUMB AND (LOVIEY DOVIEY) CALCULATED SPELL IT D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book BUT LOKI OR BOOPER SAN with Blaze Pascal. with Terry Lee Hawkins ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigami HAWKINS HOKINSU/HOKINZU — feeling professional with Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins JR ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigamI GOD NAME LOKI PROFESSIONAL HAWKINS ( KAUFFMAN) TERRY L(via blaze8403)Modus Operandi - GOD OVER MONEY THE LIVES OF MEN AND WOMEN ABOVE MONEY - IN GOD WE TO TRUST - USDA * (MURDA)HONESTY / DISHONESTY - SIDNEY / DISNEY(MONEY-YENOM) (BECK OR BECH ?)—TERRY CHRISTIAN CHRISTEN ANGELOUS LEE KAUFFMAN HAWKINSWORD WORDS poemswords  poemswords -POME-OPME-(OPEM) YES=Y LIKE Y=YES ( N=NO OR NODACHI) (via blaze8403)YIN & YANG ?DAI GENSUI TSU TERI MADOSIER GRAND MASTER GRAND MARTIAL MARSHAL FIELD DOCTOR GENERAL WAR OR WOR - RIGHT AND WRONG C=3 LIKE K=11=2 YAKAZA SOFT SEAT WAY WAR AND T IN TERRY AND H IN HAWKINS Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · TAO OF TRUE RELIGION CIRCLE — RavenDove - yin yin / yang - D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book.YORK PA - RESPONSIBLE RESPECTING EVERY SERIOUS PERSON ON NOW SERIOUS ISSUE BUT LISTEN ENTIRELY—OPERATIONS(TH OR AH) BOOP ( OOP=OO16=007 )—ENOCH PFL- COM04 TERRY HAWKINS - LEE ( RHEE )HIROHITO COULD SPELL BOOK AND BOOP - ER OR RE -KING MAGIC YEA A GOD KNOW MAGICK - MAGI ?—PKA-TERRY THE TERROR MO IN HOME LIKE HOME PLATE ATE MODUS OPERANDI Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.— - THREE ELEVEN PISCES- OP IN OPERATIONS AND HOPKINS - ( OPP OR OSS - NO HOP OR POP - NOT SPOT STOP POST POTS - TOPS ?)—TERRY LEE HAWKINS - HOPKINS - AND JAPANESE HOKINSU -ME SIR NAMED A CHILD - DATE 10/29/30/2019 T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—LI LEE LEI OR RHEE - NAME LEE AMEN OR AMAN ? - THEY DIDNT GET IT PHONETIC LETTER WARTERKEY SIX ( ROMAN 9)[email protected] TJ - TERRY JUNIOR BIRTHDAY MARCH 11 USS OR USA ?CORRECT SELECTION THE GOD DELUSION - CHAPTER 7 - 3 MORE—XERXES ( SEX=GENDER ) XIEXIE ( I AND E VOWELS LETTER 9 & 5)OOP = 16= 7 OO7 / 2600 OR 1600 - 0016 (ACTIVE) JANIST OR JANISM ?Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins is feeling professional with Philosopher Professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · ALL PRO RAVENDOVE Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins was RavenDove - yin yin / yang RavenDove - yin yin / yang - COLD NUMB AND (LOVIEY DOVIEY) CALCULATED SPELL IT D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book BUT LOKI OR BOOPER SAN with Blaze Pascal. with Terry Lee Hawkins ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigami HAWKINS HOKINSU/HOKINZU — feeling professional with Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins JR ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigamI TER OR TERRY / - HAWKINS - LETTERS IN SPELLING DAI GENSUI TSU TERI MADOSIER -DAI GENSUMMASIER RANK NATO 50 STARS -DAI-GENSUIER Professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. - Signed Boop not BookRank‎: ‎TEN ( CODELOVE-AI)-star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-16 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-15 Next lower rank‎: GENSUIER GENSUIER - AMONG R&R AND SECURITY DETAIL Rank‎: ‎NINE ( CODELOVE-AI)-star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-15 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-14 Next lower rank‎: DAI GENSUIA DAI GENSUIA Rank‎: ‎Eight -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-14 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-13 Next lower rank‎: GENSUIA GENSUIA Rank‎: ‎Seven -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-13 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-12 Next lower rank‎: ‎ DAI GENSUi DAI GENSUI Rank‎: ‎SIX -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-12 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-11 Next lower rank‎: ‎Gensui Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.— - THREE ELEVEN PISCES- OP IN OPERATIONS AND HOPKINS - ( OPP OR OSS - NO HOP OR POP - NOT SPOT STOP POST POTS - TOPS ?)—TERRY LEE HAWKINS - HOPKINS - AND JAPANESE HOKINSU -ME SIR NAMED A CHILD - DATE 10/29/30/2019 T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—LI LEE LEI OR RHEE - NAME LEE AMEN OR AMAN ? - THEY DIDNT GET IT PHONETIC LETTER WARTERKEY SIX ( ROMAN 9)[email protected] TJ - TERRY JUNIOR BIRTHDAY MARCH 11 USS OR USA ?CORRECT SELECTION THE GOD DELUSION - CHAPTER 7 - 3 MORE—XERXES ( SEX=GENDER ) XIEXIE ( I AND E VOWELS LETTER 9 & 5)OOP = 16= 7 OO7 / 2600 OR 1600 - 0016 (ACTIVE) JANIST OR JANISM ?Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins is feeling professional with professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · ALL PRO RAVENDOVE Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins was RavenDove - yin yin / yang RavenDove - yin yin / yang - COLD NUMB AND (LOVIEY DOVIEY) CALCULATED SPELL IT D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book BUT LOKI OR BOOPER SAN with Blaze Pascal. with Terry Lee Hawkins ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigami HAWKINS HOKINSU/HOKINZU — feeling professional with Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins JR ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Loki Aisuru Ikigami ShinigamI GOD NAME LOKI PROFESSIONAL HAWKINS ( KAUFFMAN) TERRY L(via teremiah8403)Source:teremiah8403
blaze8403APRIL BEGIN WITH (via blaze8403)
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Matatalino, Mahinhin, Magaganda’t Gwapo, Mayayaman, Desiplinado, Palangiti’t, Mababait,
Sa isang high school, laging merong transfer student na mula sa iabang bansa. Iba’t iba ang dahilan ng kanilang paglipat ng school. Ang pinaka unang problema ng paglipat ng school ay ang salitang ‘makisama’. At ganun ang problema ni Rianne sab ago nyang school na papasukan.
Yung feeling na kinakabahan, natatakot, at higit sa lahat pinag uusapan. Habang naglalakad si Rianne ang damaing nka tingin sa kanya hanggang sa may humarang sa kanya at tinanong kung ‘sino ka’ tanong ng isang babae sa kanya na kulang nalang kabaong para ilagay siya dun dahil sa kapal ng kanyak make-up.
‘oo nga sino ka?’ tanong naman ng isang babae na katabi nito.
“Ahh.. una sa lahat hindi ako sinuka, ini iri ako ng aking ina. Rianne Alfonso, 17 years old at isa akong transfere and im looking for my room. ” walang pasa pasabi umalis nalang ang dalawang babae dahil may dumating na teacher para tulungan si riannne na hanapin ang section kung saan siya kabilang.
At dito nagsimulang umikot ang mundo niya ng pumasok siya sa section na kabilang siya.
“Good Morning. Ok class listen. Lets welcome Rianne Isabella Alfonso ang bago niyong classmate.
“ Thank you ma’am Rianne nalang po. Hello guys” saka ako kumaway at ngumiti sa kanila.
“Oh, yes maam. Hi Rianne I’m Ayha Romana the class president ng special section. Don’t be shy huh, where family here, right guys? ” at sumang ayon naman silang lahat.
“ And your one of us now. So, by the way I want you to meet our class president Allexander” tumayo siya para makipagshakehands saakin.
“And the class secretary is …” hindi na pinatapos magsalita si Ayha.
“Maxwell” at ayun nga nkipagshake hands din ako sa kanya.
“And of course the rest of our class officers are …”
“hmm Ayha, I think we have the whole time. Mamaya na muna yang introduce to whole class” singit ni Allexander.
“Yah, but I have varsity practice mamaya. So, I don’t have time to guide her”
“shh, don’t worry I got it. Ako ng bahala”
“oh! well ok Allex. Thank you”
“Ok class take you seat now”
Nang matapos ang klase namin tinulungan ako ni Allexander para i-guide sa iba’t iba offices at building na dapat kong malaman. Kaya umuno muna kami sa may bench ng school naming para magkwentuhan.
“So, nalibot na nan tin ang buong school and lahat ng mga impotant offices sa school napakita kona sayo. But if you have more question just ask me”
“Wala naman ok nako”
“Rianne if you don’t mind me asking, bakit ka nga pala lumipat ditto sa Habaek University ngayong mid-sem??” tanong nin allex na kinaseryoso ko
“Well kasi may mga hindi masyadong hindi magagandang ala ala sa dati naming bahay, actually dapat nga matagal na sana kaming lumipat, but my daddy is the prides person I know. So here I am” nahagilap ng mata ko ang suot na uniform ng ibang studyante ay kakaiba sa suot naming uniform ni Allexander.
“Ganon ba talaga iba ang suot na uniform ng ibang students?” taking tanong ko sa kanya.
“Actually tayo talaga ang kakaiba. See the symbols? (turo niya sa kanyang nectai) Tayo lng meron niyan, special section”
“So, bakit nga iba an gang uniform natin?” taking tanong ko sa kanya kasi hindi ako satisfy sa sagot niya saakin.
“Kasi nga iba tayo”naka ngiti nitong sambit sakin. At sa paglipas ng mga oras napagpas syaan naming ni Allexander na bumalik na sa room natin. Nkita naming andaming studyante na nakapalibot kay Megan na taga special section at ang studyante.
“Sorry po Miss Megan hindi ko po sinasadya” naka luhod ang babe sa harap ni Megan na humihingi ng pasensya sa kanya.
“I don’t care if hindi mo sinasadya! Nabangga mo parin ako and my uniform is wet na! eh pau kung ipa expel kaya kita!”
“Nako! Wag po. Wag po Miss Megan graduating napo ako. Patawarin niyo napo ako, parang awa niyo nap o Miss Megan hindi napo ako haharang sa dinadaanan niyo” sabay hawak ng studyante kay megan at tinaboy niya ito.
“Don’t touch me!” “patawarin niyo napo ako Miss Megan”
“ Fine, since youre graduating na and I have a good heart naman I won’t tell the teacher kahit na binasa mo tong uniform ko and you deserve to be kick out in this school. Sa susunod ayaw ko nang Makitang haharang harang ka sa dinadaanan ko. Naiintindihan mo ba!? Huh? ” hingi parin ng hingi ang babae ngunit matigas parin ang puso ni Megan. ‘sorry po talaga’ ulit na sambit nito saka hinawakan ang kamay ni Megan
“Wag moko hawakan!. I won’t waste my time to you anymore, so stupid” puro masasakit na salita ang mga binitawan nito sa studyante. ‘Bakit ba ganun ang ugali ni Megan’ tanong nito sa kanyang isipan. Tinulungan kung tumayo at tinanong kung ok lng siya ngunit tinaboy niya lng ako.
“hey, you don’t have to do that. Co’z your special”
Pumasok ng late sa klase si Miis. Gaiza na para syang paranoid something na naguguluhan. Bumati lng siya at may mga numerong pinabunot saamin. Halatang galling sa puyat si Miss Gaiza dahil nangingitim ang mga eyebags niya. Lahat kami nanibago sa itsura ang asta niya. Matapos maibigay ang palabunutan nagmamadali itong umalis sa klase at iniwan kaming walang ka alam alam kung para saan ang mga numerong pinabunot saamin yun ni Miss Gaiza.
“Guys anong no. nabunot niyo? Ako no. 2” tanong ni Ayha sa amin at sinabi naman nila ang mga nabubot nila.
“Ako no.1”- cesar
“Rianne anong no. nabunot mo?” tanong ni Maxwell saakin. Kaya pinakita ko sakanya ang numerong nabunot ko. ‘22’. Sabi naman ni Ayha baka daw tungkol lng sa group project kaya maging prepared daw kami lalo si Cesar kasi siya ang naka bunot ng numerong uno.
Mag isang pumunta si Cesar sa cr para sana jumingle ng biglang namamatay at bubukas ang ilaw ng cr na nagdala sa kanya ng takot ngunit di nalang niya iyon pinansin at sa susunod na nanyari biglang nalang may lubid na pumulupot sa kanyang leeg na tuluyang kumitil sa kanyang buhay.
Laking gulat na lamang nilang lahat ng may nakasulat na letrang ‘UNO’sa kanilang blackboard gamit ang dugo Na pinansulat. Ikinapagtaka naman nila kung pano nangyari iyon at kung saan nanggaling yung dugong iyon.
“Guys nasan si Cesar? Siya naka bunot ng no.1” tarantang tanong ko sa kanilang lahat. Hinanap namin siya sa room ngunit wala siya. Napatulala nalang ako sa harap ng pintuan ng cr ng boys nang
“ Aaaghhhhhhh!” nakakarinding sigaw ni Yna ng makita naming nakabigti na si Cesar doon. Pagkalipas ng ilang oras may mga inspector na dumating para asikasuhin ang kaso ni Cesar.
“We are taking all necessary measure to insure youre security. Ngayong araw ding to mag iinstall kami ng cctv dto sa University, we are doing we can para mabantayan kayo. Ang hinihiling lng naming sa inyo kumalma lng kayo at kung may nalalaman man kayong informasyon ipaalam niyo lng saamin” saad ng inspector na ama pala ni Maxwel.
“ Thank you very much inspector” tugon naman saamin ng teacher namin. At umalis na ang inspector at mga kasama nito. Saka kami tinipon ng teacher.
“Well, you heard the inspector wala na tayong dapat alalahanin pa except for one the name and reputation of our school, that’s why, I would like all of you to keep everything you heard here, in secret” hindi kami maka paniwala na ganun ganun lng. Makasarili sila repotasyon ng school parin ang iniisp nila kahit na my murder ng naganap sa school na ito. At kung sino daw mactuhan nila na nagkalat ng nangyari ay ma eexpel. Sa hindi ina asahang pagkakataon may naibulgar si sir on what happen 20 years ago are the same thing are happening now.
Pinapunta ako ni Aya sa library para daw mag research kami about sa patayan na nangyari 20 years ago sa mas naunang special section. Nalaman ni Ayha na nangyari ang pang mumureder 20 years ago ng dahil daw sa isang transfer student. Parang ipinapahiwatig lng sakin ni Ayha na ako ang transfer student at ako ang dahilan kung bakit nagsisimula na naman ang course/sumpa 20 years ago as of now. Hindi ko nakontrol ang inis ko kaya iniwan kong mag isa si Ayha sa library.
Kahit na iniwan siya ni Rianne Ipinagpatuloy parin ni Ayha ang pagreresearch ngunit ng mga sandaling yun nagpakita ang killer sa kanya na may dalang malaking kahoy na ipinokpok sa kanya hanggang siya ay walang ng buhay na bumagsak sa sahig.
“I know it’s hurt a lot na mawalan tayo ng isang leader and a friend also and a brilliant mind, but I promise I do my best as youre vice president” mangiyak iyak na saad ni Alexander sa aming lahat.
“Hindi ko nalang sana siya iniwan. Hindi ko naman alam na siya na ang no.2” umiiyak na sabi ko kay Maxwel. Naging mabait na kaibigan sakin si Ayha kaya masakit na malaman na wala na siya.
“Rhianne wag mo sisiin ang sarili mo wala kang kasalan dun. Andito naman ako, tahan na” pagpapatahan niya sakin sabay tap sa likuran ko na nagpagaan sa nararamdaman ko.
Pagtapos ng aming klase. Inutusan ni Alexander sina Maica, Joan, Janine para sila ang maglinis. Sinabihan sila ni alex na wag silang maghiwahiwalay. Agad namang sumang-ayon ang tatlo. Nagvolunteer si Alex na siya na kukuha ng ang gagamitin nilang panlinis. Nang mkita ni alex ang janitor pinakiusapan niya ito na dalhin sa special section ang gamit ng panlinis para sa tatlong cleaners na naiwan. Ngunit ng pagpasok ni janitor sa room nila nadatnan nalang niya ang tatlong bangkay sa sahig na naliligo sa sarili nilang dugo. Sila pala ang nakabunot ng no. 3,4 at 5. Sa sumunod na araw nalaman nila ang tungkol sa issue noon ng special section 20 years ago kaya pinaghihinalaan nila ako na ako daw ang killer. Kasi ako daw ang transferee, gaya ng nangyari noon. Ng dahil daw sakin nagsimula ulit ang sumapa. ‘wala akong kinalaman sa sumpang yan’ saad ko naman sa kanilang lahat. Pinaghihinalaan nila ako na ako ang pumapatay dahil ako ang kasama ni Ayha bago siya namatay.
“Guys, kahit sino sa atin pwedeng maging killer kaya sana buksan niyo mga mata niyo. Kumalma lng kayo hindi masusulosyonan ang problema kung ganyan kau” saad ni Alex.
“Panu ako kakalma Alex kung ako na ang susunod!? Ako na next, no.6!” madiin na sambit ni dhielan kay Alex at umalis.
Sinamaan ako ni Maxwel sa library ng aming school para alamin namin kung naresolba ba ang kaso dati dahil sa bawat araw na dumadaan maraming napapatay ang killer. Nang tanungin naming ang librarian tungkol sa article ng special section 20 years ago, sa una ayaw niyang sabihin kong nasaan ang iyon pero kalaunan sinabi niya rin saamin dahil mapilit kmi niu Maxwel. Nkita namin ang article na hinahanap namin at binasa iyon nang biglang may tumulong dugo sa libro na nanggaling sa taas kaya ng tumingala kami at nakita namin si Dhielan dun na puno ng dugo ang kanyang ulo.
Naglaro kami ng open forume at naikwento ko sa kanila kung anong pamilya meron ako sa kanila. Sinabi ko sa kanila na bata pa lang ako palagi na lng nag aaway ang magulang ko lumaki akong puro away ang nangyayari. Nanibago ako nunng time na ang tahimik ng room nang mommyko kaya ng oras na tinignan ko kung anong nangyari ay nadatnan ko nalang na nagbigti na ang mama dahil sa walng katapusan nilang pag aawaY. Makalipas ng isang araw ng pagkatapos ang subject namin na biology may activity na binigay saamin n gaming which is pag oopera ng mga palaka.
“Aahh, I’m so sorry frog. Ikaw o grades ko?” tanong ni Andrei sa palakang kaharap niya”ikaw nalang”
“Anu kaba Andrie just do your thing” saad naman ni Yna sa kanya na katabi nito.
Magkatabi kami ni Maxwel na gumagawa ng pag oopera ng parating si Alex sa amin para tanungin kami kung natapos naba naming.
“Malapit nabng kayu matapos guys?”
“Malapit nato Alex, malapit ko nang makuha yung puso niya” sagot ko naman sa kaanya.
“Nakuha mo na”sambit ni Maxwel. Saka tumingin sakin ng makahulugan. “yung puso neto” sabay turo niya sa frog sa harap niya.
“Megan bilisan mo gumagabi na” sabi ni Yna kay Megan dahil himdi pa niya natapos operahan ang frog.
“yah! Don’t pressure me.” Sabi naman ni Megan
“Megan you have to do it, ditto ka lng” saad naman ni Yna sa kanya at iniwan ito. Naiwan siya mag isa sa lab. At dun na naman mismo nangyari ang pang mumurder.
Kinabukasan panibagong pagluluksa na naman ang naganap sa room naming dahil sa nagyari kay Megan. At sa di inaasahang pangyayari may new student na nagtransfer at Brian daw ang pangalan. Nag away si brian at Andrie dahil kapag daw may bagong transferee na dumadating nagiging malas ang section nila. Nawalan ako ng malay at ng pagkagising ko nakita ko na nsa clinic ako at nandun sina Alexander, Yna, Maxwel, brian, at si Brian. Sabi ng nurse ng school namin nkakaranas daw kasi ako ng stress kaya ako nawalan ng malay kanina. Umuwi na lahat ng boys kaya si Yna nalang ang nagbantay sakin.
Kinabukasan may student na bumalik sa klase dahil nag leave of absent daw siya dahil sa may nangyari noong aksidente bago ako nagtransfer dito sa Hilton University. Naging kaibigan ko si Brian at nkakausap ko minsan si Luissa ang studyante na nagleave of absent. Napabilang ako sa pagkakaibigan nila Alex, Yna, Andrei, at Maxwel. Nag inuman kami sa bahay nila Yna at nagpalitang ng mga conversations kasama namin si Brian. Nalaman kong blinockmail nila si Luissa na nagging dahilan kung bakit siya nag leave of absent at tinangkang tumalon sa 2nd floor ng school building ngunit hindi siya namatay kaya nawala siya ng matagal sa klase dahil nagpapagaling pa ito. Dahil nakipagrelasyon ito sa kanilang teacher para lng makuha ang attension nito at position sa pagiging president ng school.
“Na realized naming na sumbrang sama ng ginawa namin kay Luissa, kung pwede lng ibalik yung nakaraan saan hindi na namin ginawa yun eh” saas ni Maxwel.
“Pero gusto ko lng sabahin na hindi kmi masamang tao. We just made the stupad bad decision” pagtugon naman ni Andrei
“Guys are saying that kayo ang may pakan ng mga sunod sunod na patayan?” kinakabahan at takot na tanong ko sa kanila.
“No way! We were”mean to her pero hindi ibig sabihin non kami na ang gumawa ng mga patayan nayan. How dare you acuses of that? Akala ba naming kaibigan ka? Galit na sambit ni Yna sakin sa tanong ko. Matapos ng oras nayun nag block out na naman ang lahat. Pagkagising ko nasa isang kwarto ako na hindi pamiliar. Nkita kong nasa tabi ko si Ayha nka upo at binabantayan ako. Tinanong ko kung anong nangyari, nahimatay daw ako at pumata na ng school ang kasama naming kagabi.
“By the way Yna, ok lng ba sa parent mo na natulog ako dito napa absent pa tuloy kita.” Sabi ko kay Ayha.
“Wala na akong parents, yaya ko lng ang kasama ko dito, my parents died when we were kids”
“We?” takang tanong ko
“Yah, me and my brother” pagsagot naman niya.
“I don’t know about your about your parents and you have brother. Nasan siya?” tanong ko saka niya sinabi na pumasok na daw siya. Sinabi niya sakin na half brother niya lng ito. Naki usap siya sakin na wag ko daw ipagsabi sa iba na may kapatid siya kasi ayaw niyang malaman ng iba na broken family sila.
“Alam mo naman sa special section diba, dapat perfect” yun pala ung point niya. Pagtapos dun napagdesisyonan namin ni Ayha ng magshopping ng damat para sa Prom. Kaya ng umalis na si Ayha para maghanda may nagtex sakin na new no. at sinabing ‘A dozen awaits you if youre late you’ll die’ nagtaka ako nasabi ko nalang nab aka wrong send lang.
Sa kalagitnaan ng pagsasayaw namin sa prom ni Maxwil biglang namatay ang ilaw at nagkasunog. Nagkagulo ang lahat hangang sa nkita namin sina Yna at Brian at sama sama kaming naghanap ng lugar na ligtas. Nandito kami sa isang abandonadong room ng school kasi ditto kami dinala ni Yna para mas ligtas daw at malayo sa sunog. Sinabi kung naiwan pa sina Maxwel at Alexander kaya kailangan naming silang tulungan ngunit sabi lng ni aya na makakaligtas din sila pero alalang alala nako sa nangyayari.
Agad na rumisponde ang mga inspector sa sunog na naganap sa school kaya ng suriin nila kung saan nanggaling ang sunog may napulot ang daddy ni Maxwel na cellphone na kung saan nalaman nila kung sino ang may pakana ng sunog.
“Anak kailangan mong makita to” sabi ng ama ni Maxwel kaya pinanuod nila ang video sa cellphone at nalaman nilang si Yna at Brian ang gumawa ng sunog.
“Si Brian at Yna to” sabi ni Maxwel ng Makita niya na sila ang may kagagawan ng sunog.
“Alam mob a kung nasaan siya” tanong ng ama ni Maxwel “kasama nila si rianne” sagot naman ni Maxwel. Kaya agad silang naalma at hinanap si Rianne
“panu kung humingi tayo ng tulong para ma rescue nila tayo dito” tarantang sabi ni Rianne. Ngunit napaka kalmado lng ni Yna na parang walang nangyaring sunog. Sa sandal na pala na iyon may inilabas na balisong itong si Brian at tinutok ito sa leeg ni Rianne na kanyang ikinapagtaka na may halong takot sa kanyang mukha.
“Rianne, I want you to meet my half brother” pagsisimula ni Yna sa sasabihin niya kay Rianne. Kaya tinanong ni Rianne kung ‘bakit’ nila ginagawa iyon. Kaya napagtanto ni niya na silang dalawang magkapatid ang may pakana ng lahat ng patayang nagaganap.
“so kayo pala ang may pakana ng lahat na iyon. Ako yung pinagbibintangan ng special section dahil ako ang transferee katulad ng special section 20years ago! Bakit!” garalgal nma sabi ni Rianne.
“una sa lahat hindi suspect ang transferee student noon siya talaga ang siya talaga ang serial killer” sabi ni Yna. sabi nila ako daw ang main target nila, pero bakit nadamay sina Cesar, Ayha at iba pa kaya ang sagot lng nila sagabal daw kasi sila.
“bkit ako ang main target? Ano ba ang kasalan ko sa inyo? Wala naman akong ginawang masama sa inyo.” Tanong ko sa kanila
“kasi nagsimulang mawasak ang pamilya namin nung nkilala ng nanay namin yung tatay mo. At eto namang tatanga tanga naming nanay ay hindi lng basta nainlove sa tatay mo nagpahuli pa sa tatay ni Yna na parang tatay ko narin” sabi ni Brian “simula noon halos nagpapatayan sila araw araw” sbi ni Yna. “at narinig naming ang asawa ng kabit ng nanay naming ay nagpakamatay dahil sa nalaman niya, pero hindi ba mas magan kung walang matitira dun sa pamilya nung nagwasak sa pamilya naming. Kaya ikaw Rianne ang isusunod namin” pagpapatuloy naman ni Brian. Nagmamaka awa ako sa kanila na wag nila akong sasaktan kasi wala naman akong kinalaman sa ginawa ng mga magulang naming. “plss let me go” sabi ko sa kanila.
Agad na bumukas ang pintuan at iniluwa nito sina Alex, Maxwel at ang ama ni Maxwel na naka hawak ng baril na nakatutuk mismo kay Brian. Kaya mas hinigpitan ni Brian ang pangsasakal sakin at mas diniinan ang ang kutsilyo sa leeg ko. Agad namang binaril si Brian at nag aagaw buhay na to kaya. “mga walang hiya kayo pati siya kinuha niyo sakin” saka kinuha ni Yna ang kutsilyo na hawak ni Brian kanina saka ito sinaksak sa kanyang sarili na siyang kumitil sa kanyang buhay.
“We move on to the next Chapter of our lifes, we should not bring the past episode that we gone true.actually we should treasure it, we should appreciate the learning that we had, kahit gaano man ito kapangit at ganu man ito kadilim kay hirap at kay paitnung mga iniwan nating mga kabanata. Ang mahalaga ay nalampasan natin ang mga ito. Lets learned how to forgive because forgiveness is an attribute of the strong, so lets practice forgiveness not just because those who hurt us deserve it. But because we deserve the peace that forgiveness brings. So lets face tomorrow us better version of our selves at sa lahat ng mga magsisipagtapos ngayong araw na ito lalong lalo na sa aking mga kapatid na special section. Magkikita tayong muli” message ni Allexander sa harapan ng stage habang kaming lahat ay naka suot ng putting damit at diploma..
<<< THE END >>>
Thank You
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mavidin · 3 years
Last night was one of the best nights of this year.
Hay gahulid ngani (kaya gauli it 6pm) hay maeamig.
Me: Nang, jowaa lang abi dato ho. Stephanie: Tag nakaorange.
Tig pila dun? Tig sang libo sabon dun!
Swerte ka, Jandel, iya si Janin. Kung owa siguro dalihon ka man ni Bonbon.
Ne, tagay eon.
Mabakae ka makara, Jan.
Stephanie: Ano do pangaean it nakaorange? Stanley: Si Oklo.
Sayod mat ah imaw nga nobyo mo imaw?
Eaom ko Ma'am kamo ta ni Vincent?
Basi pangasaw-on ka pa Ma'am sang Uncle nga US Navy.
Jan, dikara ka eot ing makanobyo it BFP.
Siin do asawa ni Roger?
Owa kat ing it bag!
Sino?! Si S.O.?! Owa man imaw it binak-ean sa inom to! Ako ta nagbinakae it inom!
Pero sayod ka kung ham-an napirde imaw? Dahil sa anang asawa.
I love you 🥴
Basi ing b*** ta do gabukoe ngaron.
Taw-a lang abi ing suso ngaron kay Panie!
Lando, himusa ing pila ngron!
Uncle: Basta bue-on ko ing number kay Andrew ha. Me: Owa man ako it number kay Andrew. Andrew: Indi ta pwede dun.
Imaw ko pa eang nakita nga hilong si Andrew. Kapilang beses eon ako gainuli iya.
Kailangan nyo it suka-bag?
Me: Mauno man do hugom, Lands? Lando: Okay man. Manami.
Sa siin dun, Jan? Nagtaeang ako.
Nin, basi magpila imaw.
Anyong baeay da? Siin kita gaadto!
Tep, isend mo dun sa GC natong mga utility ha!
Agay. Agay.
Owa ta iya ang yabe.
tazzzz.... del,,, hindi ka mag inom nga gin dawat kimo do baso naka inom kat ing gali kaina tanduay nga gindawat kimo? plsssss lang ha do not do that again!!!!!!.....🌚🌚🌚😂
Nagpinila ta imaw sa among lamesa, Ma'am.
Maemae mat ah do hinimas kimo it Uncle ni Andrew ngato.
Ne, kamo lang kunong daywa mapanaw? Excited ka eon kuno.
Mang Inasal Crew: Ma'am, pila eon anang edad? Me: Eleven
Nang, indi eon ako.
Ne, gatiniktok kuno si Larra nga nakabra.
Kabahoe-bahoe ta gali anang suso, Nang.
And all the things we never could say sober.
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yasamkocu · 5 years
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Maddî, Manevî bir çok hastalığın kaynağı psikolojiktir #Aile #Evlilik #Çift #Danışmanı #Terapisti #Prof #Dr #EkremÇulfa 🤩05447243650 Tıbbî araştırmalar;haricî darbeler hariç;#kanser dahil bir çok maddî hastalığın kaynağının vehmî, psikolojik olduğunu; insanların % 70’nin kafalarındaki #olumsuz hasta olduklarını ortaya koymuş. Aşırı, yersiz heyecan,#öfke, korku, #üzüntü,#evham, yerinde kullanılmayan sevgi; fâni şeylere,maddeye bağımlılık; olumsuz duygular #kalb ve #damar #hastalıklarında önemli bir faktör.Bunun ilmî izâhı şöyle yapılır:  #Aşırı uyarılma, vücûdumuzda zehir üretmekte, bu zehir bir sürü bozukluğa yol açmaktadır.  #Dr. Stanley Cobb eklem iltihabı hastalığına, maddî sıkıntı, #hayalkırıklığı,#gerginlik, #endişe, yalnızlık, acı, keder, uzun süren hastalık korkusu ve üzüntünün sebep olduğunu söyler. Hâzık (otorite) bir doktor, “Gelen hastaların birçoğuna bakıyorum vücutlarında hiçbir #hastalık yok, fakat kafalarındaki olumsuz düşünceler kendilerini hasta hissetmelerine sebep oluyor” 1 der. Maurice Messegue, La Rochefoucauld’in hastalıklarımızın kötü duyguları sorumlu tuttuğunu nakleder:#Hırs, insanın ateşini yükseltir, çılgınlık, dengesizlik nöbetlerine sürükler. Heyecan, sarılık ve #uykusuzluk sebebi olur. Tembellik; felç, çöküntü, göbek yapar. Hiddet, nefes darlığı ve kan basıncının artmasına yol açar. Korku, yürek çarpıntısı ve baygınlık getirir. Boş gurur, insanı delirtir. Cimrilik, kellik ve uyuza yol açar. Üzüntü, skorbit ve böbreklerde taş yapar. İftira ve gammazlık, kızıl, kızamık ve çiçek hastalığına sebep olur. Kıskançlık ise, kangren, veba ve kuduz getirir. 2  Circulation dergisinin haberine göre, sekiz yıl boyunca 13 bin kişi üzerinde yapılan araştırmalar, öfkeli, fevri insanların kalp krizi geçirme riskinin, diğerlerine oranla 2,69 kat yüksek olduğunu ortaya koydu. Araştırmayı yürüten Janine Williams; elde edilen sonuçların, “öfke, sıkıntı ve depresyonun insan sağlığı üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerini” ispatladığını belirtti: Stres hormonunun damarlardaki çeperlerle daralmaya; o da kalp krizini kolaylaştıran bir etken. 3 Hattâ, depresyon, stres, iş hayatındaki monotonluk veya işten memnûniyetsizlik, gibi psikososyal faktörlerle bel ağrıları a (Mylife İstanbul Danişmanlik) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsWSHU5n-H7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qksamj9jowp9
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universallyladybear · 6 years
Les principales pièces qui devraient vous faire craquer se trouvent certainement dans notre espace dédié à l’univers masculin, le Salon de…
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Kenzo Chaussure Les principales pièces qui devraient vous faire craquer se trouvent certainement dans notre espace dédié à l’univers masculin, le Salon de...
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dragonchamplance · 5 months
💡🧲 ((for either Janine, Koga or Surge from @toxic-ninja-master))
💡: "She's so small! Looks just like Koga, too."
🧲: "Just as excitable and energetic as ever. She's very clever and care a lot about her family. She's sort of like my niece, even though we're not related."
💡: "So serious! Can we be friends? Maybe I can make him laugh. He's gotta have some sense of humor, right?"
🧲: "A good and trusted friend. He should relax more often, but he's certainly reliable. He's loosened up a bit over the years. I'm glad to have him as part of my Elite Four."
Lt. Surge
💡: "Intense! He's certainly got the personality of an electric type specialist. I'd be willing to knock him down a peg, if he needs it."
🧲: "He's a kindhearted guy, and I'm glad Koga ended up with him. He's funny, trustworthy, and supportive. Vermillion City would feel strange without his energy."
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KLINIK ABORSI STERIL – Tidak hanya resiko kesehatan  yang akan dihadapi oleh wanita hamil yang dengan terpaksa harus melakukan terminasi atau  menggugurkan kandungan dengan berbagai alasan melainkan resiko psikologis & trauma akibat melakukan aborsi dengan cara yang tidak aman. Oleh sebab itu penanganan aborsi perlu dilakukan oleh Dokter Spesialis Kandungan yang didukung alat medis steril dan pemeriksaan kesehatan & USG terlebih dahulu.
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Banyak yang berpikir untuk menggugurkan kandungan sangat mudah hanya dengan menggunakan pil aborsi lalu selesai, padahal yang terjadi sebenarnya banyak korban obat aborsi yang gagal menggugurkan kandungan lalu pada akhirnya memutuskan melakukan tindakan aborsi medis yang ditangani oleh Dokter Spesialis kandungan di Klinik Aborsi Steril Dr. Endang Wahyuni , SpOG.
Aborsi bukan hanya mengeluarkan janin dari dalam Rahim anda , Faktor kesehatan  baik kesehatan reproduksi atau psikologis  setelah melakukan aborsi adalah yang sangat terpenting karena berkaitan untuk kelangsungan hidup dan masa depan anda nantinya. Aborsi yang aman hanya bisa anda dapatkan setelah dilakukan Konsuling , pemeriksaan kesehatan & USG untuk mengetahui kondisi kesehatan anda , kondisi janin & Rahim anda termasuk mengetahui usia kehamilan anda. Pemeriksaan tersebut dilakukan agar dokter  dapat melakukan tindakan aborsi sesuai dengan kondisi kesehatan dan janin anda. Klinik Aborsi Steril dengan Alat Medis Yang Steril berperan sangat penting agar tidak terjadi infeksi dan penularan penyakit dari pasien yang lainnya.
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Jika Aborsi untuk menghentikan kehamilan sudah merupakan hal yang harus anda jalani , utamakanlah kesehatan anda untuk masa depan dengan melakukan aborsi yang aman di klinik aborsi yang melayani aborsi dengan fasilitas peralatan medis yang memadai dan harus ditangani oleh oleh Dokter spesialis kandungan menggunakan Alat medis yang dijamin steril dan pastikan anda mendapat jaminan kesehatan pasca aborsi. Hubungi Klinik Aborsi Steril Dr. Endang Wahyuni ,SpOG   di Nomor Call Center kami untuk aborsi yang aman tanpa efek samping.
Klinik Aborsi Steril Dr. Endang Wahyuni ,SpOG melayani tindakan aborsi medis yang ditangani oleh Dokter Spesialis Kandungan Asli didukung dengan Faslitas Peralatan Medis Modern , menggunakan Alat medis Steril Yang kami sterilkan dengan tiga tahap sterilisasi sesuai standar sterilisasi alat medis Depkes. Alat suntik anastei bius & Kanula sebagai alat hisap saat tindakan aborsi vakum aspirasi hanya digunakan untuk satu pasien saja dan langsung buang menjamin aborsi anda aman tanpa resiko infeksi atau penularan penyakit dari pasien lainnya.
Pemeriksaan Kesehatan dan USG dengan peralatan modern di Klinik Aborsi Steril Dr. Endang Wahyuni ,SpOG  menjamin pemeriksaan akurat yang membuat dokter Spesialis Kandungan kami dapat melakukan tindakan aborsi sesuai dengan kondisi kesehatan , usia jam=nin dan kondisi Rahim anda. Kami menjamin Kesehatan anda Pasca Aborsi , kami menjamin Privasi anda. Staff medis yang bersertifikasi dan berpengalaman di Klinik Aborsi Steril Dr. Endang Wahyuni ,SpOG akan melayani aborsi aman dengan Nyaman dan tanpa resiko medis. Fasilitas & jaminan yang kami berikan adalah sebuah bentuk pelayanan kami untuk pasien dan menjaga kepercayaan pasien kepada kami. Hubungi Call Center kami untuk Alamat Klinik Aborsi Steril Dr. Endang Wahyuni ,SpOG .
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funtubeweb · 6 years
Mobilize! NFB Puts Truth & Reconciliation Onscreen
“Stories are wondrous things. And they are dangerous,”  says Thomas King.
King knows a thing or two about storytelling and its cultural clout. Born to a Cherokee father and Greek/German mother, he has shed sharp new light on Indigenous experience with novels like Truth and Bright Water and Green Grass, Running Water and groundbreaking radio like The Dead Dog Café Comedy Hour.
With The Inconvenient Indian: A Curious Account of Native People in North America, published in 2012, he delivers an impassioned counter-narrative to official history, a lively work of non-fiction that the late Ojibwe novelist Richard Wagamese compared to the writings of Mark Twain, calling it “essential reading for everyone who cares about Canada and who seeks to understand Native people, their issues and their dreams.”
A film adaptation of The Inconvenient Indian — currently in the works at the Ontario Studio — is one of over 30 Indigenous-driven projects that are either in development, production or current release across the NFB’s various studios. Ranging from futuristic VR to a personal reflection on the shooting death of Colten Boushie, they form the linchpin of the NFBs three-year Indigenous Action Plan launched in June 2017.
When the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) released its final report in 2015, Judge Murray Sinclair and his fellow commissioners made it clear that any genuine reckoning with the legacy of residential schooling, and the broader history of Canada’s internal colonialism, required a long-term commitment on the part of Canadians and Canadian institutions, and their report included a sweeping call to action — 94 specific recommendations addressing a wide range of social and political players.
The commissioners identified a critical role for artists and for institutions concerned with cultural production and public memory: “Creative expression can play a vital role in this national reconciliation, providing alternative voices, vehicles, and venues for expressing historical truths and present hopes.” As a public producer and distributor, founded with a mandate to reflect Canada in all its complexity to Canadians and the world, the NFB heard the call and is now one year into a comprehensive plan towards institutional transformation, aimed at achieving equity for Indigenous creators, employees, partners and audiences.
The NFB’s Indigenous Action Plan covers all areas of operations – from hiring and distribution to library information systems, where an effort is underway to revise outdated colonial terminology and concepts. Highlights include a commitment to achieving representational parity in staffing by 2025, the development of new protocols for working with Indigenous partners and subjects, and a formal commitment to allocating no less than 15 percent of all production to Indigenous filmmakers and storytellers. Here are some Indigenous-directed stories and projects currently in the works.
In Release:
Anishinaabe filmmaker Lisa Jackson is at ease in a range of genres and with Biidaaban: First Light, a VR project that premiered at the 2018 Tribeca Festival in April, she collaborated with artist Mathew Borrett to conjure up a futuristic Toronto, recast in light of its original Indigenous languages and knowledge. A mentoring director with the NSI’s IndigiDocs Program, Jackson won the Alanis Obomsawin Best Documentary award at imagineNATIVE 2017 with Indictment: The Crimes of Shelly Chartier, co-directed with Shane Belcourt. Produced by Rob McLaughlin and Dana Dansereau at the Digital Studio.
In Production:
Addiction has a long and painful legacy in many Indigenous communities, a legacy rooted in Canada’s colonial history.  Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers’ feature doc Kiimaapiipitsin is an honest and unconditional love letter to her people, the Kanai First Nation in Alberta, past, present, and future.  Opiates and alcohol have had a devastating impact on the community and Kiimaapiipitsin presents a portrait of a people who are actively seeking radically new solutions to an old problem. What would happen if Indigenous communities were to implement harm reduction models? As Elle-Máijá’s mother, Dr. Esther Tailfeathers says, “Kiimaapiipitsin means ‘to take care of each other’. This is our harm reduction.” In production at the North West Studio. David Christensen is producing.
 When the Winnipeg Aqueduct was completed it 1919, it allowed water to be carried from Shoal Lake to the growing city. But its construction has lead to decades of hardship for the people of the Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, culminating in their isolation on an artificial island, where inhabitants have been under a boil-water advisory for nearly 20 years. Having lobbied long and hard for a road, the people of SL40 are now preparing for big changes. With Freedom Road, a series of shorts currently in production at the North West Studio, hometown filmmaker and activist Angelina McLeod is documenting the process from the inside. Alicia Smith is producing.
A co-production between Toronto’s 90th Parallel Productions and the NFB Ontario Studio, The Inconvenient Indian is being directed by Métis/Algonquin filmmaker and activist Michelle Latimer, whose many credits include Nuuca, which she co-produced through own company Streel Film and Field of Vision, with Laura Poitras and Charlotte Cook as fellow executive producers; and Nimmikaage (She Dances for People), an inventive mashup crafted from NFB archival footage. “Michelle was coming off Rise, a groundbreaking series on Indigenous activism around the world,” says NFB producer Justine Pimlott, “and we all agreed she’d be perfect for this project.” Jesse Wente, recently appointed director of Canada’s newly established Indigenous Screen Office, is creative producer. Stuart Henderson is producing for 90th Parallel, with Gordon Henderson as executive producer.
The all too brief life of Jordan River Anderson has inspired new work from Alanis Obomsawin, the 52nd film in an extraordinary career that has paved the way for Indigenous filmmakers in Canada and around the world. Born with a genetic disorder, Anderson was forced to spend his entire life inside a hospital, denied the right to live at home in the Norway House Cree Nation because of jurisdictional bickering between federal and provincial authorities over the costs of the specialized equipment needed for him to live at home. His life and legacy sparked a movement called Jordan’s Principle and child-first legislation aimed at ensuring equitable access to treatment and support for First Nations children and their families. With this film Obomsawin continues her cycle on children’s’ rights, a series that includes We Can’t Make the Same Mistake Twice (2016) and Our People Will Be Healed (2017). Obomsawin is directing and producing.
Délia Gunn and Évelyne Papatie, two young Anishnabe directors who’ve made award-winning films through the Wapikoni mobile studio, are creating short work for web distribution as part of Le projet des 5 courts. A partnership between the Val-d’Or-based 08 Cinéma indépendant (Serge Bordeleau, producer) and the NFB (Colette Loumède and Nathalie Cloutier, producers).
Born and raised in La Ronge, Saskatchewan, Janine Windolph grew up eating food from the land but her move to the city introduced a southern diet of processed food. With After the Thaw, the Atikemak-Woodland Cree/German artist and educator brings her two sons north to learn traditional life-sustaining skills — hunting, fishing and foraging — from their grandmother who has herself recently returned to the land. Jon Montes is producing.
Only recently rediscovered in the NFB vaults, the short film Loon Lake was produced by the historic Indian Film Crew, the NFB’s first all-Indigenous production unit, formed in 1968 within the framework of Challenge for Change. With Loon River, in production at the North West Studio, the Cree/Lakota filmmaker/producer Cory Generoux returns to the community to give the film its first public screening in fifty years. David Christensen is producing.
Cree filmmaker/academic Tasha Hubbard turns her gaze on the death of Colten Boushie and subsequent acquittal of Gerald Stanley, and the history of Treaty 6 Territory in Life and Death of the Prairies, currently in production at the North West Studio. Birth of a Family, her remarkable reparative film on the Sixties Scoop, made in collaboration with journalist Betty Ann Adam, premiered at Hot Docs in 2017 and won a Special Jury Prize at imagineNative. Jon Montes is producing in co-production with Downstream Documentary Productions.
In Development:
With My Brother’s Story, in development at the BC & Yukon Studio, veteran Cree/Métis filmmaker Loretta Todd is tracing the trajectory of a fractured sibling bond against the backdrop of modern Indigenous history. The winner of several Lifetime Achievement Awards, Todd has created distinctive documentary work like Hands of History (1994) and Kainayssini Imanistaisiwa: The People Go On (2003). Selwyn Jacob is producing.
With Nin, auass/ Moi, L’enfant, a feature doc in development in the French Documentary Studio, Abenaki director Kim Obomsawin is charting twelve months in the lives of four young people from different Indigenous community. Key inspiration is Nicolas Philibert’s 2012 feature doc Être et avoir, a beautifully observed film of life in a rural French school. Colette Loumède is producing. Obomsawin’s credits include Ce silence qui tue, a 2018 release from the Indigenous-run Wabanok Productions that challenges official indifference to the issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women. 
Also at the BC & Yukon Studio, Chris Auchter is revisiting a pivotal event in his community’s history, retrieving footage shot for a 1969 documentary entitled This Was the Time in order to retell the story from a Haida perspective. The film centres on a watershed moment in Haida Masset where for the first time after more than half a century of colonial suppression, a totem pole was carved and raised in the context of a potlatch ceremony. The carver featured in the film is a young Robert Davidson, today a globally renowned artist. “There’s so much positive change that can be credited to that event,” says the Haida Gwaii-born Auchter, whose most recent work The Mountain of SGaana was named Best Film for Young Audiences at the 2017 Ottawa International Animation Festival. Selwyn Jacob is producing. 
A multidisciplinary creation lab initiated by Michèle Bélanger and housed in French Program, Déranger invites Indigenous artists to create work that both disrupts and enhances public space. The Montreal incarnation, mounted in collaboration with the Oboro Centre and Wapikoni, gave birth to the immersive installation Kushapetshekan/Kosapitcikan, exhibited earlier this year at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Déranger now moves to Winnipeg where the NFB is partnering with On Screen Manitoba and Video Pool.
At a time when Indigenous women were arguably the most disenfranchised members of Canadian society, Mary Two-Axe Earley, pictured below, fearlessly took on the nation’s most powerful political figures, determined to secure basic rights for Indigenous women and children. Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) filmmaker Courtney Montour, who also hails from Kahnawake — the town where Mary had to fight for the right to be buried — is currently in development in the Quebec & Atlantic Studio on a documentary investigation of Two-Axe’s life and legacy. Kat Baulu is producing.
 “As Inuit we’re not frightened to mix things up,” says Elisapie Isaac, a musician and filmmaker whose credits include the lyrical NFB release If the Weather Permits. “We have a very eclectic culture; not one that holds us back but rather a culture in transition.” For her latest project Runaway Girl, in development at the French-language animation studio, she has teamed up with renowned visual artist Marc Séguin. Marc Bertrand is producing.
Also in the works in French Animation Studio is Symphonie d’une attaque nordique, a futuristic short in which Caroline Monnet imagines the Indigenous Peoples of the North uniting against a supernatural invading army. A visual artist of Algonquin ancestry who has exhibited around the globe, Monet made the exhilarating archive-based short Mobilize for the NFB Souvenir Series. “I want to speak about a people moving forward, a people who are mobilizing themselves,” she says of that film. Julie Roy is producing.
Métis filmmaker Cara Mumford harnesses the narrative potential of interactive technologies with Red Card, a futurist web-based game in development in the NFB Digital Studio. Continuing an exploration she began with the short film Red Card World: The Tree, she evokes the collapse of western society, a scenario where Indigenous communities offer survival with life-saving ‘supertrees.’ Red Card was the winner of the NFB/imagineNATIVE’s 2016 interactive partnership program. Produced by Dana Dansereau.
With Meneath (Island), an AR project in development in the Animation Studio, Métis artist Terril Calder is exploring the seven deadly sins of Christianity alongside the seven sacred lessons of Indigenous knowledge. Calder’s work has received Honorable Mentions at Sundance and the Berlinale, and her animated short Choke, co-created with Michelle Latimer, made TIFF’s top ten list in 2011. She was the recipient of the 2016 Ontario Arts Council’s K.M Hunter Media Arts Award. Produced by Jelena Popović.
Amanda Strong’s inventive animation has drawn comparisons to Tim Burton, and when Alanis Obomsawin was given the Toronto Film Critics’ 2016 Clyde Gilmour Technicolor Award, she was so impressed by Strong’s extraordinary short Four Faces of the Moon that she bequeathed the cash prize to the Vancouver-based filmmaker, acknowledging Strong’s vital contribution to contemporary Indigenous cinema. Strong is currently developing Wheetago War, based on a cannibal story by Tłı̨chǫ writer Richard Van Camp, in the English Animation Studio. Produced by Maral Mohammadian. Below: Amanda Strong with Alanis Obomsawin and Jesse Wente, Director of the Indigenous Screen Office, at 2017 Toronto Film Critics gala, photo courtesy of anishinabeknews.ca
Indigenous Cinema: Free streaming of over 200 titles
Since 1968 the NFB has produced close to 300 titles by First Nations, Métis and Inuit directors from across Canada. Over 200 of these titles are available on Indigenous Cinema, an online platform launched earlier this year. The curated collection includes trailblazing historic films like Willie Dunn’s The Ballad of Crowfoot, the first film made by the Indian Film Crew, alongside landmark docs like Alanis Obomsawin’s Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistances and a host of new titles.
In honour of June 21, National Indigenous Peoples Day, the new platform is showcasing Kanehsatake as well as a quartet of recent releases: Tasha Hubbard’s Birth of a Family, Louise BigEagle’s To Wake Up the Lakota Language along with Marie Clements’ stirring musical doc The Road Forward and Chris Auchter’s animation hit.
Visit Beyond 94, a site created by the Indigenous Unit at the CBC, to get a sense of the progress Canadians have made – and the work we still need to do – in meeting the TRC’s 94 calls to action.
Banner image: Wave a Red Flag, directed by Adam Garnet Jones.
The post Mobilize! NFB Puts Truth & Reconciliation Onscreen appeared first on NFB Blog.
Mobilize! NFB Puts Truth & Reconciliation Onscreen posted first on http://film-streamingsweb.blogspot.com
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fentyfni-blog · 7 years
Dari yang sebelah kiri Fira atau Nduty. Dia cewek ter-gemesin se kampus. Kalo ketemu mesti cubit pipi atau tempelin pipi (pipi dia empuk syekaliii. ASLI dah). Temen paling ngga bisa 'nolak' dan ngga enakan sama temen yg lain. Sedikit pemalu tapi kalo uda kenal waaah can't describe deh😂 Nduty juga temen yg always stay beside me, temen yg pengertiannya ngalah-ngalahin segalanya, temen yg ga bosen sama cerewetku (mungkin skrg uda bosen wkwk) Nduty segalanya. I'm lucky to meet her😍 very lucky i think. Sebelah kanan sendiri, Janin atau Janine. Dia yg selalu bisa nebak aku lg kenapa padahal aku belum cerita, dia yg selalu bisa di andelin kapan pun dan dimana pun, dia orang paling care. SERIUS! Temen pertama di kampus dari awal meet up jurusan. Temen yg tau harus ngapain pas aku lagi ga tau mau apa, temen yg aaaaaaa ga bisa di rangkai deh buat Janine. Tengkyu for always support me, Nin. Tengkyu bangetttt❤️ Semoga kalian berdua masih betah bareng akuuuu yakkk, masih betah dengerin aku ngerengek, nemenin aku jalan-jalan, hunting makan jugaaa😅 intinya makasih selalu bisa disampingku selama ini, maaf kalo terlalu merepotkan kalian. Love u💋❤️ Nb: maaf kalo bahasanya alay, hanya manusia biasa👌🏻 (at Suroboyo Carnival Park)
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yasamkocu · 5 years
Maddî, Manevî bir çok hastalığın kaynağı psikolojiktir #Aile #Evlilik #Çift #Danışmanı #Terapisti #Prof #Dr #EkremÇulfa 🤩05447243650 Tıbbî araştırmalar;haricî darbeler hariç;#kanser dahil bir çok maddî hastalığın kaynağının vehmî, psikolojik olduğunu; insanların % 70’nin kafalarındaki #olumsuz hasta olduklarını ortaya koymuş. Aşırı, yersiz heyecan,#öfke, korku, #üzüntü,#evham, yerinde kullanılmayan sevgi; fâni şeylere,maddeye bağımlılık; olumsuz duygular #kalb ve #damar #hastalıklarında önemli bir faktör.Bunun ilmî izâhı şöyle yapılır:  #Aşırı uyarılma, vücûdumuzda zehir üretmekte, bu zehir bir sürü bozukluğa yol açmaktadır.  #Dr. Stanley Cobb eklem iltihabı hastalığına, maddî sıkıntı, #hayalkırıklığı,#gerginlik, #endişe, yalnızlık, acı, keder, uzun süren hastalık korkusu ve üzüntünün sebep olduğunu söyler. Hâzık (otorite) bir doktor, “Gelen hastaların birçoğuna bakıyorum vücutlarında hiçbir #hastalık yok, fakat kafalarındaki olumsuz düşünceler kendilerini hasta hissetmelerine sebep oluyor” 1 der. Maurice Messegue, La Rochefoucauld’in hastalıklarımızın kötü duyguları sorumlu tuttuğunu nakleder:#Hırs, insanın ateşini yükseltir, çılgınlık, dengesizlik nöbetlerine sürükler. Heyecan, sarılık ve #uykusuzluk sebebi olur. Tembellik; felç, çöküntü, göbek yapar. Hiddet, nefes darlığı ve kan basıncının artmasına yol açar. Korku, yürek çarpıntısı ve baygınlık getirir. Boş gurur, insanı delirtir. Cimrilik, kellik ve uyuza yol açar. Üzüntü, skorbit ve böbreklerde taş yapar. İftira ve gammazlık, kızıl, kızamık ve çiçek hastalığına sebep olur. Kıskançlık ise, kangren, veba ve kuduz getirir. 2  Circulation dergisinin haberine göre, sekiz yıl boyunca 13 bin kişi üzerinde yapılan araştırmalar, öfkeli, fevri insanların kalp krizi geçirme riskinin, diğerlerine oranla 2,69 kat yüksek olduğunu ortaya koydu. Araştırmayı yürüten Janine Williams; elde edilen sonuçların, “öfke, sıkıntı ve depresyonun insan sağlığı üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerini” ispatladığını belirtti: Stres hormonunun damarlardaki çeperlerle daralmaya; o da kalp krizini kolaylaştıran bir etken. 3 Hattâ, depresyon, stres, iş hayatındaki monotonluk veya işten memnûniyetsizlik, gibi psikososyal faktörlerle bel ağrıları a (Kadikoy Pedagog Ogrenci Kocu istanbul) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsWVcrBFJs3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xfa3e63u12mr
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yasamkocu · 5 years
Birçok Maddî, Manevî hastalığın kaynağı psikolojiktir #Aile #Evlilik #Çift #Danışmanı #Terapisti #Prof #Dr #EkremÇulfa 🤩05447243650 Tıbbî araştırmalar;haricî darbeler hariç;#kanser dahil bir çok maddî hastalığın kaynağının vehmî, psikolojik olduğunu; insanların % 70’nin kafalarındaki #olumsuz hasta olduklarını ortaya koymuş. Aşırı, yersiz heyecan,#öfke, korku, #üzüntü,#evham, yerinde kullanılmayan sevgi; fâni şeylere,maddeye bağımlılık; olumsuz duygular #kalb ve #damar #hastalıklarında önemli bir faktör.Bunun ilmî izâhı şöyle yapılır:  #Aşırı uyarılma, vücûdumuzda zehir üretmekte, bu zehir bir sürü bozukluğa yol açmaktadır.  #Dr. Stanley Cobb eklem iltihabı hastalığına, maddî sıkıntı, #hayalkırıklığı,#gerginlik, #endişe, yalnızlık, acı, keder, uzun süren hastalık korkusu ve üzüntünün sebep olduğunu söyler. Hâzık (otorite) bir doktor, “Gelen hastaların birçoğuna bakıyorum vücutlarında hiçbir #hastalık yok, fakat kafalarındaki olumsuz düşünceler kendilerini hasta hissetmelerine sebep oluyor” 1 der. Maurice Messegue, La Rochefoucauld’in hastalıklarımızın kötü duyguları sorumlu tuttuğunu nakleder:#Hırs, insanın ateşini yükseltir, çılgınlık, dengesizlik nöbetlerine sürükler. Heyecan, sarılık ve #uykusuzluk sebebi olur. Tembellik; felç, çöküntü, göbek yapar. Hiddet, nefes darlığı ve kan basıncının artmasına yol açar. Korku, yürek çarpıntısı ve baygınlık getirir. Boş gurur, insanı delirtir. Cimrilik, kellik ve uyuza yol açar. Üzüntü, skorbit ve böbreklerde taş yapar. İftira ve gammazlık, kızıl, kızamık ve çiçek hastalığına sebep olur. Kıskançlık ise, kangren, veba ve kuduz getirir. 2  Circulation dergisinin haberine göre, sekiz yıl boyunca 13 bin kişi üzerinde yapılan araştırmalar, öfkeli, fevri insanların kalp krizi geçirme riskinin, diğerlerine oranla 2,69 kat yüksek olduğunu ortaya koydu. Araştırmayı yürüten Janine Williams; elde edilen sonuçların, “öfke, sıkıntı ve depresyonun insan sağlığı üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerini” ispatladığını belirtti: Stres hormonunun damarlardaki çeperlerle daralmaya; o da kalp krizini kolaylaştıran bir etken. 3 Hattâ, depresyon, stres, iş hayatındaki monotonluk veya işten memnûniyetsizlik, gibi psikososyal faktörlerle bel ağrıları a (Psikolog 0544 7243650) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsWUfcxnO-S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=o5td5jrcozk2
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yasamkocu · 5 years
Maddî, Manevî bir çok hastalığın kaynağı psikolojiktir #Aile #Evlilik #Çift #Danışmanı #Terapisti #Prof #Dr #EkremÇulfa 🤩05447243650 Tıbbî araştırmalar;haricî darbeler hariç;#kanser dahil bir çok maddî hastalığın kaynağının vehmî, psikolojik olduğunu; insanların % 70’nin kafalarındaki #olumsuz hasta olduklarını ortaya koymuş. Aşırı, yersiz heyecan,#öfke, korku, #üzüntü,#evham, yerinde kullanılmayan sevgi; fâni şeylere,maddeye bağımlılık; olumsuz duygular #kalb ve #damar #hastalıklarında önemli bir faktör.Bunun ilmî izâhı şöyle yapılır:  #Aşırı uyarılma, vücûdumuzda zehir üretmekte, bu zehir bir sürü bozukluğa yol açmaktadır.  #Dr. Stanley Cobb eklem iltihabı hastalığına, maddî sıkıntı, #hayalkırıklığı,#gerginlik, #endişe, yalnızlık, acı, keder, uzun süren hastalık korkusu ve üzüntünün sebep olduğunu söyler. Hâzık (otorite) bir doktor, “Gelen hastaların birçoğuna bakıyorum vücutlarında hiçbir #hastalık yok, fakat kafalarındaki olumsuz düşünceler kendilerini hasta hissetmelerine sebep oluyor” 1 der. Maurice Messegue, La Rochefoucauld’in hastalıklarımızın kötü duyguları sorumlu tuttuğunu nakleder:#Hırs, insanın ateşini yükseltir, çılgınlık, dengesizlik nöbetlerine sürükler. Heyecan, sarılık ve #uykusuzluk sebebi olur. Tembellik; felç, çöküntü, göbek yapar. Hiddet, nefes darlığı ve kan basıncının artmasına yol açar. Korku, yürek çarpıntısı ve baygınlık getirir. Boş gurur, insanı delirtir. Cimrilik, kellik ve uyuza yol açar. Üzüntü, skorbit ve böbreklerde taş yapar. İftira ve gammazlık, kızıl, kızamık ve çiçek hastalığına sebep olur. Kıskançlık ise, kangren, veba ve kuduz getirir. 2  Circulation dergisinin haberine göre, sekiz yıl boyunca 13 bin kişi üzerinde yapılan araştırmalar, öfkeli, fevri insanların kalp krizi geçirme riskinin, diğerlerine oranla 2,69 kat yüksek olduğunu ortaya koydu. Araştırmayı yürüten Janine Williams; elde edilen sonuçların, “öfke, sıkıntı ve depresyonun insan sağlığı üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerini” ispatladığını belirtti: Stres hormonunun damarlardaki çeperlerle daralmaya; o da kalp krizini kolaylaştıran bir etken. 3 Hattâ,#depresyon, stres, iş hayatındaki monotonluk veya işten memnûniyetsizlik, gibi psikososyal faktörlerle bel ağrıları a (7/24 Danışmanlık Aile Evlilik Terapisti) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsWTkBMFBdd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ouf90ba7iq7a
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