#nigel west dickens
saintemarvel · 11 months
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The Assault on Fort Mercer
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a-f00ls-bl0g · 8 months
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Part 3 of RDR 1-2  on  Twitter/X
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the-sneep-snoop · 8 months
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Who was gonna tell me that Danny Brackett from Scream 6 voiced Abraham Reyes in RDR1???
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majflodder · 6 months
breaking news local woman keeps failing mission in rdr cause she can't figure out how to activate dead eye
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newyorkthegoldenage · 8 months
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Last night they were acting Moliere in Fourteenth Street; Dickens was being played through the auspices of Nigel Playfair. Further uptown, George M. Cohan was unveiling the latest George M. Cohan musical comedy. But Broadway, being eternally curious, turned out in greatest numbers at the Biltmore Theater in Forty-Seventh Street, where the result of Mae West's latest encounter with the drama was being performed. This was the exhibit—play is not precisely the word—with a vaudeville background, whose preliminary trip through the Bronx and Queens had been followed by rumors that here was something that might arouse the police to action.
So began the review by an unnamed theater critic for the Times on October 2, 1928. It appeared, not in the arts section, but following a front-page story about the police ... taking action.
The play was Pleasure Man, a reworking by Mae West of her earlier play The Drag. It dealt not with vaudeville, as the critic said, but burlesque, and finished with a lavish drag ball.
Cops were stationed at all theater exits and just as the play was ending, reserves surrounded the front. When the cast tried to leave, they were arrested—56 in all, including West, who also acted in the show.
Of course this attracted audience members (some in evening dress, the Times noted) from other theaters nearby. The presence of cabs and other cars waiting to pick up theater-goers and actors added to the chaos.
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Flashlights exploded as news photographers tried to capture the actors being led into paddy wagons. The police had to make five trips to get everyone to the station house on 47th St., where they were charged with indecency.
By 2:30 in the morning, Actors Equity posted bail. West's was $500, which may have been more than the others because she was doubly guilty, having written the play as well as acted in it. The producer, director, and theater staff were not arrested.
For some reason, the cops let the next day's matinee start, but raided it halfway through and arrested everyone once more. They had their own theatrical flair.
The trial wasn't held until April of 1930, and resulted in a hung jury. By that time West was a star, having triumphed in another play of her own called Diamond Lil. The next year she went to Hollywood.
Top photo: J.D. Doyle via Digital Transgender Archive Second photo: NY Daily News
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scarfacemarston · 11 months
Have you seen the rumours that they are remaking/remastering Rdr? I don’t really know if they are fully remaking it or just remastering it because every source says different. How do you feel about it? Do you think these rumours might be true? Personally i would loveee if they remade it but i highly doubt it.. Maybe remaster yes, but a remake is highly doubtful in my opinion. If these rumours are even true ofcourse..
That's a great question and I wrote about it here! TW: R ape mention
I agree with you, btw. I don't trust Rockstar to do it right. Look at the horrible mess that was the GTA remake. I'm also nervous for the following reasons: 1. People are going to complain that Arthur isn't in it and get aggressive towards developers. (This one is NOT dumb.) The developers may throw a cameo line in there if it's updated, but that's it. This is not directed at you - but people need to realize that Arthur was NOT created yet! 2. A lot of the content did not age well. There may need to be a disclaimer or removal of content. Some of it is racial base, some of it is gender-based. 3. I'm worried that people are going to defend Dutch and Bill, who are literal monsters and are even serial r*pists. 4. The hatred towards Abigail will grow to brand new heights. As a mega Abigail fan, this sucks, but what sucks more is the anti-sex work and misogynistic language that will come with it. Just like the "We all had her line" ---that's Dutch literally lying. It's legit not possible, but people throw it up. (out of context, too, since most haven't even played the game!) So seeing that awfulness is going to suck as someone who is a fan and is literally as a job trying to uplift the story of sex workers in the old West. Positives would be people finally respecting John since he's kind of the laughingstock of the fandom. (People forget that without John, we wouldn't have an Arthur.) John showing how much he loves his family, especially how he tries to repair his relationship with Jack. We see the beautiful graphics, the scenery and the haunting soundtrack. People get to meet Bonnie MacFarlane! I love Nigel West Dickens and would be excited to see him. Leigh Johnson, the Sheriff, is great, too, and of course, there is Landon Ricketts which is really just Sam Elliot.
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pizzaback · 8 months
john marston: i hate you. you suck ass. you fucking scumbag asshole. die in a hole
nigel west dickens: im basically jesus
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reddeadreference · 1 year
Saint Denis Times No. 56
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This issue is available after completion of the mission: American Venom
(All article transcripts below the cut)
Articles marked with * are exclusive to this region’s issue.
Articles marked with ** are only there upon completion of the related mission.
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Micah Bell Killed
He was believed to be hiding in The Grizzlies for many years, emerging to sow mayhem and murder to fuel a life on the run. Micah Bell, one of the most notorious outlaws of the region and a former member of the infamous Dutch van der Linde's gang, was slain at his hideout. The train robber and desperado evaded authorities for years, during which time he killed two dozen men. He had sworn an oath to compatriots that he would never be taken alive.
Yet despite a concentrated effort by Rangers, Pinkertons and local law enforcement to bring Bell to heel, it appears as if he was completely taken by surprise by former gang members who have long accused him of treachery and theft of the ill-gotten gains from the Blackwater Robbery in 1899. Bell was without a doubt the most desperate outlaw at large in the area, striking terror into the hearts of carriage and stagecoach riders who have long feared his murderous reputation.
Several sheriffs had been elected in the country and each had vowed to bring Bell to justice. One, Sheriff Braxton Hefner, finally landed Bell in jail, where he was tried and sentenced to be hanged. Two days before paying the price for his crimes he broke jail and had been at large.
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President Signs 1907 Immigration Act
President Waxman signed an immigration act in order to prevent unsavory persons from entering the United States.
The new law, which went into effect immediately, excludes "All idiots, imbeciles, feebleminded persons, epileptics, insane persons, and persons who have been insane within five years previous; persons who have had two or more attacks of insanity at any time previously; paupers; persons likely to become a public charge; professional beggars; persons afflicted with tuberculosis or with a loathsome or dangerous contagious disease; persons not comprehended within any of the foregoing excluded classes who are found to be and are certified by the examining surgeon as being mentally or physically defective, such mental or physical defect being of a nature which may affect the ability of such alien to earn a living; persons who have been convicted of or admit having committed a felony or other crime or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude; polygamists, or persons who admit their belief in the practice of polygamy, anarchists," from entering the United States.
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Man Exposes Medical Frauds
It was hoped that with the spread of scientific knowledge, the scourge of medical quacks selling health and salvation from suffering would abate eventually. However, in towns and hamlets across the nation, the evolution of reputable physicians into swindles continues at rapid speed as each new break in scientific progress is announced.
A so-called doctor needs little more than a shingle to hang above his door and various potions and concoctions to peddle the ill, maimed and infirm, who are willing to part with their hard-earned money in hopes of prolonged health. Such is the crusade led by one man who has vowed to uncover the Hippocratic frauds who are preying on victims across the country. His name is Nigel West Dickens, a studied man of letters, botany, ornithology and the history of home medicine practiced throughout the ages.
He has begun demonstrations showing that sufferers of rheumatism, neuralgia, rickets, dysentery and scarlet fever can be cured of their maladies by use of a simple medicinal tonic. The response has been enthusiastic, and in more than one town the local doctor taken to task for peddling fraud cures. Mr. Dickens plans in the coming years to take his message on the road and root out charlatans and purveyors of false science.
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Valentine Hotel Quarantine
More death and discomfort comes as a result of disease of the bowels, from constipation, to diarrhea to dysentery than from almost any other cause. It can reflect a disorder of the liver, kidney derangements, a dyspeptic condition of the stomach, piles, or bad blood. No person knows the discomfort and agony of bowel disease more than Harville Presley, a resident at the Valentine Hotel for more than nine years.
Visited by numerous physicians and specialists, Mr. Presley scarcely leaves his residence at the hotel, one that he made permanent years ago once the onset of the disease began. The son of a wealthy mining family, Mr. Presley took refuge at the Valentine Hotel, feeling pain after eating at a church potluck supper.
The daily plague of sharp, spasmodic gripes of the bowels soon resulted in Mr. Presley living very much like a hermit, summoning doctors and literature and trying to diagnose the cause of his maladies. For reasons of safety, his room is under quarantine and other guests are placed in lodging in other areas of the hotel, so as not to be subjected to the auditory distress of his complaints.
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A Gentleman's Sport
Even before Columbus sailed for America, golf was soaring in popularity in the United Kingdom, so much so that archery and other sports that could defend the realm were falling out of favor. Concerned over national security, in 1491 Scotland decreed the sport unlawful for a period of time. In the United States, the lovely pastime could not be more popular, especially in California, a state devoted to entertainment and leisure.
Indeed this publication received a sunny dispatch from the 31st state that New Hanover's very own Edith Downes has developed and opened a brand new golf course to much acclaim and fanfare. She and her son Archie have, of late, ventured into several businesses out west, which is a very distant lifestyle from her past as a rancher's wife.
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Cocaine Use to Require Prescription
The Governor of California has amended the Pharmacy and Poison Act making it a crime to sell opiates of cocaine without a prescription. The new ruling was protested by several vocal advocates and users of cocaine.
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World's Fastest Steam Powered Car
Steam powered automobiles are all the rage these days. Shovel in some coal, light the pilot, fill up the boiler with water, and in 20-30 minutes you are able to motor on out to your destination.
Mechanic Hershel E. Bennett has broken the land speed record in his amazing marvel of modern engineering, the Stratton Steamer. Modified from the consumer model from the Stratton Motor Carriage Company, he took it to a beach in Florida where a crowd cheered as he reach 127.66 mph, the fastest any human has traveled.
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The Art of Angling by Jeremy Gill  
No fish ignites the flame of angling in any true fisherman like the trout. A man must study the water and insects like a hawk, for trout are moody and will just as soon sit and watch an ill-picked fly float overhead. Once, while fishing with a senator, I stood with a sulky trout in my hands and informed it I intended to rip his brother and entire family from the water and watch them gasp for a breath.
The senator laughed and said he intended to use the same sentiment towards immigrants. What a leader he is. One day, I hope he runs for president. Fish for steelhead trout in lakes in the south. Try crickets.
Best of luck!
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fmpbliss · 2 months
“Snake Oil Salesmen”
The 'Snake oil salesman' is a term used to describe a deceptive type of marketing, in which the salesman will try to promote or sell a fraudulent type of product, commonly a home remedy or type of fast solution that ends up being a scam.
‘Snake Oil Salesman’ characters have appeared in games and media such as Fallout, Red Dead Redemption and more. They are usually charismatic, upbeat and good at talking. They are usually good at marketing and appealing to different age groups to trick them into buying their products.
The origin of this title is from an American
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nathangrahamgaming · 1 year
Nigel West Dickens - Red Dead Redemption
Episode 21
Ah, Nigel West Dickens, the fast-talking, snake oil-selling con artist of Red Dead Redemption. With a silver tongue that could charm the pants off a rattlesnake, this guy could sell ice to an Eskimo in the dead of winter. His promises of miracle tonics and elixirs may be as empty as his pockets, but you gotta hand it to him, the man knows how to put on a show. Just don't let him near your wallet or you'll be left with nothing but a handful of empty bottles and a lingering feeling of regret.
#RedDeadRedemption #RDR #Rockstar #Games #Gaming #Youtube #SanDiego #Singleplayer #Campaign #Story #Armadillo #USA #Horse #American #NigelWestDickens #NWD #NPC
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arthur-kilgore · 2 years
So im playing rdr1 and it’s slow going because it’s. Hard to go back to the older game mechanics but ugh nigel west dickens is giving me major hosea vibes i hate that so many major rdr2 characters can’t be acknowledged in this game
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reddeadvoid · 2 years
Something I was thinking about tonight that I find entertaining……you know how Arthur was most likely a malnourished street kid before Dutch and Hosea picked him up, yet he still grew up into his physically formidable self? WHAT IF the reason for that is because he got his hands on some snake oil type miracle grow tonic that ACTUALLY WORKED and WHAT IF he got that tonic from a very young NIGEL WEST DICKENS? Like it was the only tonic West Dickens ever sold that actually worked but he doesn’t know that because it’s not instant and takes years?
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phlavours · 3 years
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Red Dead Redemption - New Austin characters
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parasitehead · 3 years
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red dead redemption gifs ▸ [03/?]
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outofcontextreddead · 3 years
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