cffcgvvnn · 1 year
5 Easy Tips to Treat and Prevent Oily Skin
Flawless matte skin with the most desirable complexion might not be something to aspire to, but there is satisfaction in finding the right balance for your skin. After all, your skin necessitates an oil, but excess production of the shiny stuff is less than appealing. Let’s learn the definition of oily skin and its causes before we get deeper into knowing the tips to treat and prevent oily skin.
What is Oily Skin:
Oily skin occurs when the sebaceous glands in the hair follicles produce too much sebum. The skin on our face has more hair follicles than on the rest of our body, which is why we experience oiliness mainly on the face. Sebum is a slightly waxy and oily substance present on the skin. It is mostly produced on the scalp and face, but it is also produced on the rest of the skin, except on the palms or soles of the feet.
What Causes Oily Skin
You can conclude that you have oily skin if your skin is constantly shiny and you use several blotting sheets a day. Oily skin can really bother you as it feels greasy and dirty, leading to increased acne breakouts as the sebum mixes with dead skin cells and gets stuck or clogs your pores. The causes of oily skin involve genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. These 5 tips for oily skin may further reduce the appearance and help you maintain a skincare routine for oily skin.
5 Easy Tips for Oily Skin:
1. Conquer Your Daily Cleansing Routine
Cleansing the face with a gentle, pH-balanced, non-soap cleanser is very important in maintaining clean and healthy skin. Cleansing properly doesn’t mean you have to over-cleanse. It means that the more you exhaust the oils from your skin, the more your skin will want to produce oil.
Cleanse and moisturize! Washing properly and adding hydration through moisturizing is the solution to reducing oil production. Some people think that moisturizing oily skin increases the amount of oil or clog the pores, but oil-free, non comedogenic moisturizers help keep the skin hydrated.
2. Make dietary changes
The root of your oily skin issues could actually lie in your gut. If you struggle with oily skin, avoid sugar and dairy products, they increase oil production as insulin creates the hormone IGF-1 which can increase the production of sebum. So people with oily skin should try to focus on eating low glycemic foods, such as most fresh vegetables, some fresh fruits, most whole grain oats and cereals.
3. Receive Botox injections
Botox may be best known for smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles but the good news is, botox can curb oil production reducing breakouts. Botox for Oily Skin symbolises the modern technique for lessening the production of skin oils. In fact, Intradermal Botox is the only treatment that straight targets the pores, the centre of oil production. When all of the pores reduce in size, the skin surface is reduced and the skin is tightened, creating a lifting effect.
4. Apply salicylic acid products
Salicylic acid is an FDA approved skin care ingredient used for the topical treatment of acne, and it’s the only beta hydroxy acid (BHA) used in skin care products. It is best known for its strength to deeply cleanse excess oil out of pores and reduce oil production moving forward, making it a great option for oily skin.
Auroraa Clinic is the Best Skin Care Clinic in Chennai. For Any Queries Contact us: +91-73584 82220
Visit us: https://auroraaclinic.com/
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cffcgvvnn · 1 year
Oily skin occurs when the sebaceous glands in the hair follicles produce too much sebum. The skin on our face has more hair follicles than on the rest of our body. Auroraa Clinic is the Best Skin Care Clinic in Chennai. For Any Queries Contact us: +91-73584 82220 Visit us: https://auroraaclinic.com/
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cffcgvvnn · 1 year
The sun's rays, particularly ultraviolet light, which can harm cells, are blocked by our skin. You need to take care of your skin. Auroraa Clinic is the best Skin Care Clinic in Chennai. For Queries Contact us: +91-73584 82220 Visit us: https://www.slideshare.net/Keerthibhat3/how-does-having-healthy-skin-affect-your-daytoday-activitiespdf
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