#nico doesn’t understand proper wound care while Will doesn’t understand eye care
solace-seekers · 2 years
nico, leaning over to talk to wills in european history class: oh this is such bullshit. do they really think we were all stuck up assholes? me personally, i was kicking it back in the day, never mind it being the depression or what- Will, what are you doing?
Will, actively re-putting a contact in his eye using his water bottle cap to hydrate it inbetween taking notes: what?
nico: …how unsanitary is that?
Will: what? ohhhh, huh. i dunno. very?
nico, muttering: oh but i don’t clean werewolf scratches for several days and suddenly i’m an infected idiot. hypocrite
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solangelover · 4 years
AUctober: Day 2 - Pirates
Mermaid/Pirate AU
For @solangeloweek AUctober and to continue my AU!
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | --
Read on AO3 or FF.Net
A/N: You all loved this fic so much (and tbh I read it back and impressed myself lol), so I’ve been wanting to continue for a while! I had like half of this in MerMay, so I finally finished lol. I have a rough chaptered plan buuuut we’ll see!
Will could practically feel the nervous energy of his fellow shipmates right outside the infirmary door. They all tried looking casual, but he saw many people try to peek in through the tiny door window to get a glimpse of what was going on inside.
After all, no one ever thought they’d meet a mermaid.
Well, merman was the proper term (merboy?), but still. Merpeople existed. They’d seen a lot of crazy things out at sea, but they never actively sought out mythical creatures—those things usually came to them anyway. So, no one was surprised, per say, but everyone was definitely curious.
“Grover, Will,” Captain Percy began as he entered the room. “Talk to me.”
Will was finishing his preliminary check of the merboy—Nico, Will reminded himself—though his limited knowledge of merpeople anatomy and physiology was not enough to fully assess Nico’s condition. Grover had come to help at the captain’s request. He had a way with all kinds of creatures, animal or mythical, though usually the non-humanoid kind. He had not done much so far besides smile, but Nico seemed to be more at ease with significantly less people crowding around him.
“Captain,” Will began, still looking at his clipboard as he finished writing notes down. “I’ve just completed assessing Nico’s condition. I don’t know much about his kind, but Nico agreed to receiving more assistance and that he could help fill in knowledge gaps.”
“Oh!” Percy was pleasantly surprised at the merboy’s cooperation. He looked past Will toward the boy on the cot, no longer cooped up in a cage. He smiled at him, earning him a scowl in return.
Nothing fazed the fearless captain, however, as he addressed the merboy. “That’s great news! I hope our doctor here can heal most of your wounds. He’s pretty good at it.” Percy smirked as he cast his eyes toward his best friend. “I also hope Grover did something helpful. He’s probably the nicest person aboard this ship.”
Grover sputtered at the compliment, spitting out, “I didn’t do anything! I mean—I just—I’m just, here to help.” He rubbed his neck, slightly embarrassed as he smiled bashfully at Nico.
Nico nodded at the human. He did seem kind, in a different way from the golden-haired boy that was helping him. The first boy had darker-colored eyes, though not as dark as Nico’s own. But the second boy, the “doctor,” apparently, had bright eyes—the color of the ocean as light filtered in from above. They seemed to sparkle in the same way, too. That actually comforted Nico the most. Before, he would have lashed out and quickly made his escape back into the sea, just as he’d imagined doing on the other ship. But here, the boy with ocean-blue eyes made him feel… not safe, not yet, but safer than he’s felt in a while.
And, now that Nico was looking at the captain of this new ship, he noticed that his eyes were similar. If the doctor, Will, had eyes blue like the deeper parts of the ocean, the captain’s eyes were the color of shallower areas, with green hues mixed in with the blue. Again, it made him feel safe in a way that the cruel, pale blue eyes of his captor had not.
Still, Nico didn’t plan on staying for long. He believed these humans had good intentions, at least as far as healing him went. But beyond that… Nico wouldn’t stick around to find out what they planned to do with him.
Will was going on to say some things about Nico’s condition that Nico himself didn’t fully understand. While he had always been curious about the human language and hung around ships to understand some things, his vocabulary was limited.
“… Anyway, I think I should keep him here for a few days to be sure he heals up okay.” Nico’s head whipped up to stare at the back of Will’s head. A few days was… more than he had anticipated.
Percy nodded, glancing up when he saw Nico move. The bandages on Will’s arm were noticeable, especially considering that Will himself didn’t get hurt very often. Percy was wary of leaving him alone with the merboy. Though the scumbag they rescued him from was vile and cowardly, he might have had the creature locked up for a reason. But after his initial strike, Nico hadn’t moved to hurt anyone outside of scowling and glaring viciously. Plus, he trusted Will’s judgement.
Percy took a step toward the cot, not venturing too close but showing that he wasn’t afraid of the kid. “Nico, right?” The merboy nodded once. “Nico, I’m truly sorry that you were captured and hurt on that other ship, but on my ship, we’re all friendly. I’m sure you don’t trust us yet, and that’s totally fine and understandable. But please know that we will do whatever we can to help you out. After Will gives the ‘okay’ on your health, we’ll take you where you need to go. Got me?” Percy had no idea if Nico was fluent in their language or not, but he hoped his message got across properly.
Nico sat there for a moment, both surprised and suspicious at the man’s words. He stared into those sea-green eyes, coming to the conclusion that, at least for now, his words were genuine. Nico nodded once more, then cleared his throat. “Thank you,” he sounded out carefully, hoping that was the proper usage.
Percy smiled immediately, big and bright. “Okay!” He turned and clapped Grover and Will on the shoulder. “Will, I’m trusting you to fix up our friend, alright?”
“Aye, captain.”
“Grover, I could use your help relaying our situation to the rest of the crew. Tell Kayla and Austin to come in and give Will a hand as needed.”
“Aye Aye, captain.”
“And Nico,” Percy glanced back over his shoulder before heading out, locking eyes with the merboy once more. “Please be nice to the good doctor. He’s the best we’ve got.” And with that, the two friends stepped out and shut the door behind them.
Will swallowed nervously, glancing at Nico, who was still staring at the closed door. Though Grover had not done much, his presence did ease Will’s nerves and allowed him to focus on assessing Nico’s condition. Now that they were alone, however, Will really had time to process the fact that he was here, with a mermaid, acting as his healer. He just shook his head. What a life I have, is all he could think.
He cleared his throat, effectively gaining Nico’s attention as he whipped back towards him, dark eyes boring into Will’s own. “Um, so, your condition is… not great,” he began oh so eloquently. Nico nodded seriously anyway. “You appear to be malnourished, physically injured though not critically, and sleep-deprived. Um,” he glanced nervously at the merboy’s tail. “I also think you’re probably dehydrated if merpeople need more water than humans to survive. The overall condition of your tail doesn’t seem good, though obviously I don’t exactly have a frame of reference for that.”
Will waited as Nico processed his words. His understanding of English was pretty amazing since it obviously was not his native language, but he probably didn’t get to practice it much.
Nico spoke up, voice a bit rough due to disuse and dehydration. “I understand,” he said. “You are correct. My tail should be… lighter? Less… dark.” His face twisted in confusion, and maybe a bit of frustration, at his limited vocabulary.
The doctor hummed as he tried to understand what Nico meant. “Do you mean shiny? Like,” he tapped his chin in thought. “Kind of how the ocean looks when sunlight hits it?”
“Yes!” Nico exclaimed. He wasn’t quite smiling yet, but his eyes lit up at learning a new word. “Shiny,” he said experimentally, tasting the word on his tongue. Will did his best to tamp down his own grin at how pleased Nico looked in this moment.
“Okay,” Will said, making a note on his clipboard. “So, with all of that, I think it’s best if you stay with us for at least three days. There’s a lot of healing that needs to be done for me to feel comfortable sending you home. Octavian really did a number on you.” He frowned down at his notes, upset at how awfully his cousin treated this poor merboy. It was almost amazing that he could become even more disgraceful in Will’s eyes than he already was.
Nico took note of the way Will looked angry when discussing his treatment on the other ship. He did not think the anger was directed at him since Will had been nothing but helpful the entire time he had been here. But he couldn’t quite grasp why Will seemed so upset on Nico’s behalf. They didn’t even know each other—they weren’t even of the same species! Yet, somehow, the way that both the captain and doctor of this ship seemed to care for Nico’s wellbeing brought him a bit of comfort. Not that he trusted them—yet—but he knew genuine actions when he saw them.
Even with all of that, though…
“Three days?” Will’s head snapped up at Nico’s voice, like he had been lost in thought previously. “Is that needed? I can heal on my own.”
The blonde took in the stubborn pout that graced his patient’s face. On the other crew members, Will would have been annoyed. But with Nico… well, he couldn’t help but think it was kind of cute. “Three days is the minimum.” Cute or no, Will always drew the line at someone’s health. “Really, I’d rather keep you for longer, just in terms of your wellbeing. However,” his eyes softened, “I also want to be able to get you home as soon as possible. I’m not sure how long you’ve been away, but I’m sure you must at least miss being in the water.”
Nico glanced away from the kind eyes of the healer. He had not been home in some time, not just due to his capture. But that wasn’t for this human to know.
The merboy didn’t know what to say, but luckily, Will continued on. “So, if it’s okay with you, I would like to keep watch over you for three days to monitor your health so that you can make a full recovery. Is this acceptable?” He desperately hoped that Nico could trust him enough for that to happen. Honestly, the fact that Nico hadn’t put up much of a fight aside from the very beginning shocked Will completely. Perhaps Nico had had good experiences with humans prior to Octavian. That would explain his knowledge of the English language.
Will was also bursting with questions about Nico’s species, which he hoped to get answered over the course of the three days. Because how could he not?
After what felt like an hour of silence, Nico finally seemed to find what he was looking for in Will’s eyes. He nodded, more to himself than the doctor, and said, “Okay, I agree. One condition.” Nico pointed to the door without taking his eyes off Will. “Keep this door locked.”
“What?” Will cocked his head to the side in confusion. That’s probably the opposite of what he would have expected the merboy to want.
“Locked,” he said again, like Will didn’t understand. “I do not think you will harm me. But I do not know the other humans.”
Ah, that makes sense and is actually pretty smart thinking, Will thought as he nodded in understanding. “Understood. I’ll clear that with Percy and make sure it is always locked. I can leave a key in here as well, if that makes you more comfortable. I don’t want you to feel,” caged, he nearly said, “held against your will.”
This earned Will a tiny smile and a nod, which he counted as a major win for the day. “Okay then. That’s settled, so let’s continue on…”
 A/N: I’m going to cut this here. Next chapter will be the next day, or day one of the three days. (Who knows when that’ll be up—)
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rainbow-turtle · 7 years
the character development questions thingy. ok so, Dan - 5, 7, 10 and 15. Tobias - 1, 5, 16 and 38. Nico - 6, 8, 14 and 20. Good luck doing them c;
oh boy this got long but thank you c: 
5. How do they dress? What styles, colors, accessories, and other possessions do they favor? Why?
he dresses pretty simply, he loves hoodies and jackets, and you won’t catch him without his red jacket. other than that, he doesn’t have anything. 
... well okay after the Happenings, he wears Tobias’ blue hoodie. 
7. How do they physically engage with other people, inanimate objects, and their environment? What causes the differences between these? 
i have no idea what this means.
10. What energizes and drains them most?
this is super simple!! 
tobias energizes him and demons drain him. 
15. What kind of inner life do they have — rich and imaginative? Calculating and practical? Full of doubts and fears? Does it find any sort of outlet in their lives? 
he spends a lot of time thinking and trying to figure out things, he’s pretty passive when it comes to anything. he wants every plan to be thought out and proper before he tries anything.
1. How do they move and carry themselves? Pace, rhythm, gestures, energy?
5. How do they dress? What styles, colors, accessories, and other possessions do they favor? Why?
he loves his blue hoodie and you won’t catch him dead without it. he also always wears a necklace with his dad’s zodiac and his wedding band on.
16. Do they dream? What are those dreams like?
he doesn’t remember his dreams o: but they usually involve dan because he’s a huge gay
38. Is there anything they wish they could change about their worldview or thought processes? What, and why?  
6. What are they like in motion–in different environments, and in different activities? What causes the differences between these?
i know what each individual word mean but put together i just, don’t understand. 
8. Where and when do they seem most and least at ease? Why? How can you tell?
they’re most at ease when he’s with Laisal and the kids after they’ve made camp or they’re sleeping in an inn. he can never be too at ease tho, because he needs to protect his family. also there’s bugs outside and boy does he not like bugs. 
14. What do they care deeply about? What kind of loyalties, commitments, moral codes, life philosophies, passions, callings, or spirituality and faith do they have? How do these tend to be expressed?
he would die for laisal if he’s given the chance. also his family. he would do anything laisal asked of him, no matter what it is. he grew up as a crow assassin, and is pretty reckless. 
he expresses his loyalties to his family by how he’s straight up willing to lie down his life at any given chance. 
20. What kind of individual relationships do they have with others, and how do they behave in them? How are they different between intimate relationships like friends, family, and lovers versus more impersonal relationships?
he puts his family before anything else. if you’re not family or friends, you’re enemy and can harm family and friends. enemy needs to be kept an eye on at all times. enemy is also thomas ryan jefferson senior and he might be a crow nico knows from before but he’s enemy. 
also unrelated but nico seems so badass but he’s so sad and broken and one time he managed to hide an infected wound from his healer friend while he lived in a clinic for a long, long time. i mean he lost his leg, man. 
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ryqoshay · 7 years
How to Handle a Nico: Aftermath
Established Pairings: NozoEli, KotoUmi, RinPana Words: ~2.4k Rated: K+ Time Frame: Late in Maki's 1st year and Nico's 3rd year in college. Story Arc: "The Incident" The Incident Aftermath Camelot Forgiven
List of all HtHaN scenes
Author’s Note: I honestly didn’t know what to do with this one. It started out as three separate scenes but I got stuck on all of them, so I truncated them all and combined them. I think it turned out better this way.
Nozomi knows how to change a bandage, right?
Maki stared at the phone in her hand. She was fairly sure Nico wouldn’t pay attention when the proper procedures concerning her bandages were explained, but maybe Nozomi had been present. But what if she wasn’t? Should she send pictures from the hospital’s information brochure? A link to a site about care for such wounds? A video guide to walk her through the basics?
Maki sighed and dropped her phone on the bed and rolled over. It had been two days already, so surely they would have figured out something by now. Nozomi would take good care of Nico, right? They didn’t need her help, right?
She closed her eyes and tried to sleep.
Ten minutes later, she rolled over, grabbed her phone and stared at it once more.
Of course, Nico didn’t need her help. She had never really needed her help. She said so herself.
Maki tossed the device aside in frustration, curled up into a ball and close her eyes yet again.
Sleep wouldn’t come until nearly an hour later.
“You know you’re going to have to start doing this yourself soon, right?” Nozomi asked, unwinding some of the roll of gauze.
“Yeah… I know…” Nico grumbled.
“I’m really only helping you now because the pain meds are obviously making you a bit loopy.”
“Besides, wouldn’t you rather have Maki-chan be doing something like this?”
“You know, because she’s going to be a doctor and all, she’s probably already done stuff like this, so she’s probably better at it than me.”
“… Ow! Hey! Too tight!”
“See? Maki-chan probably wouldn’t have done that.”
“Why are you so insistent that Maki do this?”
“Do you know of any other doctors in our group of friends?”
Nico glared at the other girl. “Is that the only reason?”
Nozomi smiled innocently. “What other reason would there be?”
“…” The raven-haired girl looked away.
The purple-haired girl sighed. “Anyway, there you go; a fresh bandage.”
“I’ll start preparing dinner.”
Nozomi craned her neck to try to make eye contact with Nico but found that she’d fallen asleep. It wasn’t too surprising, however, injuries required more rest for recovery and many pain medications made people drowsy. Nico had spent more time asleep than awake these last few days. Nozomi sighed again as she reached down to brush a stray hair out of her friend’s face before turning to leave the room.
“Maki-chan!” a cheerful voice greeted.
“Oh, hey, Nozomi.” The redhead looked up from her book. “What are you doing here?”
“Oh, just taking a stroll.”
“Through the campus of a school you don’t attend?”
“And I was looking for you.”
“Yeah, I figured that.”
Nozomi took a seat beside the younger girl. “So… how have you been?”
The purple-haired girl raised an eyebrow. The dark bags under Maki’s eyes made it painfully obvious she was definitely not fine. “Classes going alright?”
“I suppose.”
“Why are you really here, Nozomi?”
“Have you spoken to Nicocchi lately?”
“I, uhm…” Maki checked her watch. “I need to get to class…” That said, she stood up and hurried towards the nearest building.
Nozomi checked her own watch and sighed. Classes started on the hour, which meant Maki had over half an hour to get to a classroom that was likely less than a five-minute walk away.
“I didn’t say anything, Nicocchi.”
“You don’t have to. I know that look.”
“No, I haven’t spoken to Maki. And I’m not going to.” She probably hates me now anyway…
“Maki-chan! Over here, nya!”
“Hey, Rin, Hanayo.” Maki greeted taking a seat opposite her friends.
“Good to see you again, Maki-chan.” Hanayo replied with a smile.
“So, I’ve never been here before.” The redhead picked up a menu. “What’s good?”
“The ramen, nya!”
Maki closed her eyes and shook her head a little. She should have predicted that response; it was a ramen shop after all. “Anything else?”
“I usually get the hibachi.” The brunette replied.
Violet eyes scanned the menu quick. “Let me guess, it’s the only dish served with rice?”
So, Maki was on her own to decide what she wanted, it seemed. She hadn’t had yakisoba in a while, so she ended up ordering that.
“Their first original single is amazing!” Moments later, Hanayo was talking about some new idol group that was making a splash with their debut. “They’ve been doing covers of other groups and putting their own spin on them. And those have been awesome on their own, but as soon as I saw an original song being released for download, I called Ni…” She cut off.
Maki’s eye twitched, but she quickly regained her composure. “Go on.”
“I… uhm…” the shyer girl fumbled for words.
“You called Nico-chan.”
“Hanayo, you can say it. I know how much you and Nico-chan love idols and that you talk about them often. It’s alright.”
“But you and her…”
“Just because she and I aren’t talking doesn’t mean you have to stop talking with her as well.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Hanayo, I’m sure. Please, continue.”
Despite her words, something turned in Maki’s stomach and she suddenly didn’t feel as hungry as before. Even with barely half of her order eaten, she didn’t touch it again for the rest of the visit.
“Ah, Kotori-chan, Umi-chan!” Nozomi said opening the door. “Welcome! Come on in! What’s the occasion?”
“We brought food for the injured and her caretaker!” Kotori held up a container.
Nozomi noticed Umi was holding an even larger container and wondered for a moment how many people they were intending to feed. “Perfect timing,” She said with a smile, “I was just about to head out to pick up stuff to make.”
“How are you two holding up?” Umi asked.
“Me? I’m fine.” Nozomi replied with a shrug. “Nicocchi…” She paused to find the right words. “She sleeps a lot.”
“That’s understandable, given the circumstances.”
“Anyway, you know where the kitchen is. Go ahead and get settled while I check in on Nicocchi.”
“I’m here, I’m here…” the raven-haired girl in question grumbled, limping out of her room. “Hey guys…” She greeted the guests with a weary, less-than-half-felt smile.
“Nico-chan!” Kotori beamed. “How’s the leg?”
“Hurts.” The older girl made her way slowly to the table and easing herself into a chair.
“How are classes?” Umi asked, setting her package on the table before sitting down as well. “Are you going to need to repeat the semester?”
“I lucked out, it seems.” Nico sighed. “As it was so close to the end of the semester, my professors are willing to give me extensions on the final assignments or allow me take the exam late if need be. In the meantime, they’ve been sending assignments with Nozomi, as we have a lot of the same classes this semester.”
“Well if you need help studying, don’t be afraid to ask.”
“Thanks, but M…”she cut off, cleared her throat and swallowed before continuing “Nozomi and Eli are helping me, so I’m probably good.”
Umi wrung her hands under the table nervously, wondering if anyone else had noticed the slip-up. Nozomi’s back was turned as she was fetching plates and utensils from the cupboards while Kotori maintained her usual, gentle smile.
“Well then we can just keep helping by bringing food.” The ash haired girl decided, unwrapping both packages to reveal enough food for at least six people, with leftovers.
“You two are too good to us.” Nozomi said, finally arriving at the table to hand out plates.
“It’s working out well.” Kotori started serving. “I’m using the opportunity to finally teach Umi-chan some more advanced cooking techniques.”
“I-I can cook just fine.” The blue-haired girl insisted.
“For people who only need barebone nutrients to survive in warzone.” Nozomi chuckled.
The lighthearted conversation continued among the three young women while the one with the darkest hair sat in silence, her thoughts elsewhere.
What is she doing right now?
“Welcome!” Honoka greeted before even turning around. “Ah, Maki-chan! Long time no see!”
“Hi, Honoka.” Maki replied with a smile.
“What brings you to this part of town?”
“Mama is having a gathering with some friends from out of town.” The redhead explained. “The last time they met, she had treats from here and everybody loved them. Several actually inquired about having them again this time.”
Honoka’s smile broadened with pride.
“And stopping here is on my way anyway, so here I am.” Maki finished with a shrug.
“Well it’s good to see you again, Maki-chan. Uhm, forgive me for asking,” Honoka paused and bit her lip, “but are you sick or something? You look really tired.”
“I’m fine.” The redhead dismissed. “School’s just been really busy.”
“Oh, alright…” the orange-haired girl said, not feeling entirely convinced, but not willing to pry either. In any case, there was a sale to be made. “So, what can I start packaging up for you?”
“Well, we definitely need some manjuu, those were the most popular last time. Oh, could we get a few small gift boxes of them? Mama wants to be able send some home with people this time.”
“Of course!” Honoka started filling the order. “Anything else?”
“…” Maki’s gaze fell on a tray of cookies of various animal designs.
“Oh, those?” the older girl noticed where her junior was looking. “Yeah, were a special order that ended up being cancelled. That’s why they’re discounted.”
“…” The younger girl remained silent as she stared at one cookie in particular. It was in the shape of a rabbit and coated with pink frosting.
“You want one?” Honoka tried to get Maki’s attention.
“You want this one?” She indicated the rabbit.
“Tell you what, it’s on the house.” She slipped it into a bag and handed it to the other girl.
“Oh… uhm… th-thank you…”
“You’re welcome.” Honoka smiled. “Now, what else do you need?”
Maki couldn’t bring herself to eat the cookie that night. However, sitting in her dorm room the next day, trying, in vain, to study, her stomach grumbled and she dug the cookie out ofher bag. It ended up being the only thing she ate that day.
“Do we have to do this now?” Nico whined. “I literally just took my pills like twenty minutes ago.”
“Well you know Nozomi is out, meeting with her group to prepare for their final project.” Eli explained. “And I need to turn in early tonight because tomorrow is one of my early classes. So it’s now or wait until the weekend.”
Nico grumbled an explicative but grabbed a pencil anyway.
“Let’s see, according to Nozomi’s notes, you’ll be starting on page two fifty-two, heh…”
“Nothing, never mind.” Wow, Nozomi wasn’t kidding when she said Nico’s pills leave her spaced out. Eli craned her neck over to get a better view of the other girl’s glazed eyes.
“Two… fifty, which one again?”
“Two fifty-two.”
“Right, yeah, sorry.” The raven-haired girl found the page and stared at it.
“Let me know if you have any questions.” Eli said, turning to her own workbook.
A few minutes later, the blonde looked up. “You doing alright?”
“Mmm…” Nico seemed to be looking for something on the page.
Eli looked at the problem being worked and casually slipped her pen over until it was pointing to something in the other girl’s book. “That’s your y.” She explained quietly. “Do you remember what that part is?” She moved the pen a little.
“Yes, I know what a constant is, Maki-chan.” Nico muttered. “You can stop reminding me.”
Eli froze.
Nico’s hand was a little unsteady but after a moment she wrote her answer on the worksheet and began reading the next problem. “Could you move your pen, Eli?” She said, looking back at her book.
“Yes… yes, of course. Sorry, Nico.”
Maki pulled her phone out of her bag as she walked out of class. Two messages from Rin, both about ramen, a message from Hanayo checking in on things, Honoka showing off some new creation at the sweets shop, and nothing from Nico.
Nothing from Nico.
She sighed.
It wasn’t really surprising, the two of them had almost made it two weeks without communicating. But still, she hadn’t realized how accustomed she was to seeing all the selfies, the emoji and emoticons cluttering the screen, random inane thoughts and everything else that filled the half dozen or more messages she usually got from the other girl.
She stopped walking near the exit and leaned up against the wall. She stared at the last message in their private chat. Nico had tried to get her attention again, which she had ignored. She sighed again and started typing.
How is it going, Nico-chan? Are you still on the prescription pain meds? Are you changing your bandages regularly? I’m assuming your stitches are out by now. Did they give you any medicated creams or lotions to help minimize scarring? You still have an appointment or two left, right? Do you want me to go with you to any of them? Who is your PT? I miss you.
Her finger hovered over Send as she stared at the message.
Five minutes.
Ten minutes.
Maki’s finger landed on Backspace and held until the words disappeared. Silently, she turned off the screen and placed the device in her bag. Slowly, she started trudging back to the dorm.
Nico hummed as she sprinkled the last bit of seasoning in the pot. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it felt good to cook again. She grabbed her phone and took a picture.
Dinner’s ready! Hope you’re hungry!
She sent the pic to Nozomi.
Dinner’s ready! We have enough for you as well if you’re coming!
She sent the pic to Eli.
Oops! I made too much! Help us eat some of this feast, Maki-chan!
Her finger hovered over Send as she stared at the message.
Five minutes.
Ten minutes.
“I’m home, Nicocchi!” Nozomi’s voice sounded from the entryway. “Elicchi should be here any moment. Oooo, that smells delicious.”
Nico’s finger landed on the Backspace and held until the words disappeared. Silently, she turned off the screen and placed the device on the counter. Slowly, she started plating the food for the meal.
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