#next day. guess what was the number 1 topic of conversation lmao
widevibratobitch · 9 months
shut up about your diet shut up about your diet if i hear the words 'intermittent fasting' again ill kill someone
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thesaltyace · 3 years
Ooooo boy
Guess what time it is?
What to expect below the cut: barely controlled RAGE at my new neighbor regarding discussion of religion (Christianity in particular). Spoiler alert: I’m not Christian and have a negative knee-jerk reaction to most interactions with people who go out of their way to make sure you know they’re a Christian and/or assume that I am, too!
This interaction has been bothering me ALL FUCKING DAY. It only “clicked” for me as I was putting away groceries just a moment ago that I’m upset because of the way this neighbor gave me only two choices in the conversation: 1) agree with him because of the assumptions he aggressively placed on me, or 2) make the difficult decision to “other” myself to a person I met literally two minutes ago.
So here’s what happened. The spouse and I needed to go run some errands today. We decided to take our large vehicle (an SUV) which was still loaded up with a few things from the move (...three weeks later.... lmao) so the spouse went outside to quickly shove it all into the garage so we’d have an empty car ready to transport groceries and possibly a table (if we found what we were looking for).
I got distracted while he was out there but didn’t try to redirect myself because I knew he’d come back inside once the car was unloaded so that we could treat our dogs and leave. But after a while it dawned on me that he’d been outside a lot longer than needed to unload just a few things into the garage. As if on cue, he comes inside and mutters, “Well, I haven’t unloaded anything yet because I met the neighbor over to the right of us.... that’s been fun....”
Apparently the neighbor is outside washing his car and sees my spouse’s Star Wars tshirt and uses that as an opportunity to start a conversation. No big deal, sure, lots of people do that. Then he immediately lets my spouse know that he did NOT like the most recent trilogy. And as spouse tells me this I outwardly cringe. Because here’s the thing..... 1) you’re going to lead with that?? and 2) never has anyone said that to us and been talking about anything reasonable. It’s always about not liking the “PC culture” and “catering” to particular audiences (read: being a sexist and racist) and never anything like “whoa they really fucked over their actors of color wtf”. So that’s red flag number one, but of course I also acknowledge that I don’t have a lot of details about this dude or his opinions yet, so I’ll just treat this as one piece of the suspected puzzle and see how it turns out. “Strike one,” I think. 
But you and I both know where this is going, because liking the last Star Wars trilogy isn’t itself political but the reasons you don’t like the final Star Wars trilogy suuuuuuuuure are telling.
Anyway, because my spouse suffers from chronic politeness, he feels awkward unloading the car while the neighbor is trying to talk to him so he just.... stands there and listens. So I join him outside and almost single-handedly unload the entire car myself while the spouse continues to awkwardly talk with the neighbor. I don’t bother to introduce myself to the neighbor and he doesn’t really acknowledge my existence either, so I’m already mentally thinking, “Strike two.”
So the dude just keeps kind of talking at my spouse as he stands there awkwardly, trying to be polite and friendly but feeling that he’s not truly part of a conversation. And he’s right! I finished unloading the car, went inside to treat and crate the dogs, and returned to the car, signaling that we needed to go. The spouse tries to disengage, but the neighbor is very intent on talking to him about his Gaelic heritage. Oof. Dude, I know we wear kilts but we literally Do Not Care. We wear them because we like them. The fact that we each have some Scottish and/or Irish heritage is just a little bit of justification we use if we aren’t comfortable telling someone that we like them because they’re both gender-neutral and gender-wtf clothing.
So anyway, the neighbor who is already on Strike Two veers deep into “If you had started with zero strikes, this topic immediately bumps you up to Strike 10″ territory. He makes some comment about being related due to Gaelic ancestry, and then uses that to segue into, “Well, I mean, we’re all cousins really when you think about it! After the flood, you know, with Noah and then those families parted ways with different languages and drifted apart.... So yeah, we’re really just cousins, you, me, and the rest of the world!” And he just grins at us with the expectation that we agree.
Y’all I have said it before and I will say it again: I may never go back to being maskless in public. And it’s specifically because no one can see my facial expressions in situations like this, when I desperately want to leave the conversation without causing a scene but also can’t hide either my horror, disgust, or anger.
So, as someone who was raised in a Southern Baptist household and is now staunchly non-religious, two things went through my head:
1) .....If you believe that all humankind descended from Adam and Eve then... the flood is kind of irrelevant for determining if we’re all related, wouldn’t you say?
2) ...you REALLY just did the thing. The thing that until today I’ve not been able to adequately describe. The thing where you make the pompous assumption that of COURSE these perfect strangers I’m talking to are CHRISTIAN! Of COURSE they are! So I’m gonna talk to them as though I KNOW they are and as thought to be otherwise would be ABSURD!
So my spouse and I are both standing next to our car, staring at this man who’s wearing a smug asshole grin on his face, really proud of how “friendly” and “loving” he’s being, I’m sure. And spouse glances at me, probably hoping that I don’t tear this man’s face off and therefore break the peace. I glance back at him, trying to figure out if I do want to rip this man’s face off or if I’d rather go shopping for a table. 
And I decide that I’d rather shop for a table and not immediately torpedo the chance of hopefully peacefully avoiding this neighbor forever more without introducing animosity. So we laughed uneasily and I said, “We’ve really got to go if we want to get everything done before things close today,” then hoisted myself into my seat and shut the door. Spouse hopped in and the second his door shut we both shrieked a quiet shriek of “OMG WTF” and drove away.
But I’ve been chewing on this interaction ALL DAY and I’m like.... why am I so goddamn mad about this??? And I finally figured it out. It’s because this man left no room for me or my spouse to be anyone other than who he assumed we are. 
He assumed that we were 1) Christian and 2) agreed with him. 
I won’t speak for my spouse, as his relationship with religion is more complicated than my own, but I 1) am not and 2) do not.
He crowded out who we actually are to make room for who he thinks we should be, and that will NEVER be okay with me. I’ve fought against being who others want or tell me to be my entire goddamn life, and that is why this is so upsetting to me.
We could either agree with him (or decline to disagree - same effect on the neighbor’s end) and keep the peace.
Or we could “other” ourselves and make it known that we aren’t the “good” people he assumes we are.
Because here’s the thing - never have I met someone who assumes I’m Christian and is 100% okay and nonproblematic when they find out (or I tell them) that I’m not. There’s always disappointment or confusion or outright hostility. 
And that means that othering ourselves to this complete stranger who lives next door to us isn’t safe and puts us at risk of making our existence here a living hell. Because we don’t know what kind of person he is, but based on our very brief interactions thus far I can probably guess. 
I am still so goddamn mad about this. And it’s interactions like these that make it so incredibly difficult for me to try to remain neutral or unbothered in situations where I must interact with overt Christianity bullshit. The people who are the most loud and pushy about it, the people who are the most insistent that of COURSE anyone worth interacting with is Christian, are exactly the types of Christians that make me want to run screaming from the room.
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incarnateirony · 4 years
Queer meta writer DrSilverFish asks, "So is Dean’s bisexuality still subtext, after this episode?" and answers "Yes, given that out there in the fly-by-night froth of mainstream entertainment journalism, it remains (as far as I can see, in my admittedly brief trawl) unremarked upon in 15x07 episode reviews." Guess she's an idiot or a hater, huh? Couldn't be she's just being realistic about what is happening. And that 15x07 didn't make Dean bi in canon. Tough luck. Maybe next time!
You mean the blog I indirectly without naming to be tactful and not directly drag my fellow LGBT community members mentioned previously liking (and, frankly, probably formerly the blog I engaged most?) and boycotting for regressive language so as to not elevate that kind of voice? Like… you know, the reason I voluntarily even said I was going to stop posting meta that brought related traffic? That one? Might as well clear that one up now if we’re playing this game. Already on it. Already, apparently, far more alert to you about it lmao what are you like a day or two late.
Queer people can in fact use regressive language and be misguided. That’s what years of gaslighting does to people. But nice tokenism of slinging someone out there by employing their sexuality, there’s plenty more saying the opposite, that isn’t how that works. Stay woke though sweetie.
Stand for something. For. Fuck. Sake.
And standing doesn’t involve using LGBT people with your preferred opinion as a token to sling at others and throw them under the bus while you hide on anon when you can’t actually broach or address the actual related queer history discussions or any of the other angles about why it’s problematic. I may be avoiding supplying traffic to the blog right now while truly believing them misguided, but you have already jumped past several pales with this one, Nonnie. 
The exploitative self-demonstrating faux activism just JUMPED out. If you wanna slapfight over throwing tokens around, the 50~ new followers I just got in the topic would probably like to have a word, or… probably not, because people like you are why they’re hiding their commentary in reblog tags. Me, a niche blog, who can sometimes go days or weeks without a follow.
h o w do you not realize how self-contrarian you are
(and frankly if anybody’s been sitting on the fence wrestling their bullshit use this anon’s methods as an insight on some of the driving minds behind anywhere from anti-ism to what some people think is activism)
and I swear to god if the thought even flitted across your mind to go crawl those tags just to shake them down too, you’re either too far gone to even know what activism or representation look like or an anti playing cute manipulator.
So you know, if that stealthed through your brain, that’s a you thing.
Shit like the call I chose to make wasn’t easy. I hope to some day go back to corresponding with them when they aren’t cycling regressive dialogue unintentionally. I just refuse to give destructive dialogue, no matter how accidental, platform. Nobody wakes up and goes, “You know what I want to do? I want to stop visiting my favorite blog for an indefinite amount of time and stop posting my favorite topic that is like the one avenue I have to speak about something fundamentally important to my real life as well, that’s what I’m going to do, I’m going to STOP EVERYTHING I enjoy.”
You do it because it’s the right fucking thing to do.
Try it some time.
Cuz this? This is an exhibit in what not to do. What even is this, some attempt to start some cancel culture bullshit between LGBT sections of fandom? Intentionally causing excess infighting where you think you sense weak spots? Do you even have a motivation beyond clutching bitterness and bad definitions? Like all the above problems with your actual action minded, if you’re not an anti stirring shit, what do you even gain by trying to pit highly connected bloggers actively against each other?
Tumblr media
Yeah okay, total activist right here, gold star. Certainly has a great idea of how to interact in progressive discussion. What’s next, calling people snowflakes? Cuz right now your redefinition line designed to oppress queer people which, I am SORRY, no, *are* the majority *you* are going around and pissing in the blogs of while literally bullshitting and inflating your presence by claiming them to oNlY bE a fEW. As much as people think this word is overused, this is TEXT. BOOK. GASLIGHTING. And if you’re reliant on that as your entire method, you don’t even have a point or a place at this conversation table.
You know what I see only a few of you, actually. I’d estimate enough to roughly fill a group chat even. Maybe 2! In that way half of the people in chat 1 are also in chat 2. (listens to the sound of distant knee jerks inside of digital boxes). Niche nerd blogs about stats and near dead religions don’t just blow up overnight and get a bajillion new followers because the people you’re stalking and bagging down are the mInoRiTy. That isn’t how that works. That isn’t how any of this works.
I’m curious, in your time of probably bitter pissy blogging on your own corner, how many follows have you gained? Or lost? …How many notes do you have compared to the progressive facing end of this conversation? Because I am yet to find even a mildly popular post from your angle, or at least not one that stood on its own as much as – for example – what was in fact otherwise a pretty beautiful silverfish meta I almost reblogged myself, went so far as to open the reblog draft launcher thing and then, realizing the language, closed out. So yeah, posts like that get traction by this fandom’s content addiction, even I almost fucked up. And yes, circulating it is fucking up. 
So I guess we’re back to: outside of anons and like a dozen failed posts on tumblr that get less traction than a Lucifer/Ketch/Donatello fic, where are you, this giant assed majority of whoever that you’re voiceboxing from anon, which coincidentally is a basic bitch method of inflating the appearance of your own numbers, especially to people who don’t have statcounter installed?
Normalized queer text or even real people erasure isn’t somehow okay. It’s just normalized. In fact, that’s worse. Just like normalized tokenism of LGBT people, a long term issue frequently breaching on my blog – that very mindset that sent you here with this wild-assedly bass-ackwards angle – is not somehow okay, it’s just normalized. 
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lightsandlostbells · 5 years
Druck season 3, episode 1 reaction
WE DID IT, KIDS. When Druck’s first season aired, I knew shortly after Matteo’s introduction that I could not wait for his season. But with that came a lot of apprehension that we would ever get Matteo’s season - Druck S1 got less attention than some of the other remakes, and for a long time, the fandom didn’t know if the show would get a S2, let alone S3. Months went by with no official news of when the show would return. Many people thought the show had been quietly cancelled. 
And then, finally, Mia’s season was announced. Ratings and subscribers grew substantially. Druck trended frequently on YouTube and Tumblr. Then finally, we got confirmation that S3 was in the works. So here we are, and to put it politely, my ass is on fire. 
Episode 1
Clip 1 - Matteo’s miserable night
Party time! This opening is pointedly sexual, with the music (”You’re turning me on”) and the dancing, with the closeups of boobs and butts and writhing bodies. Sara gets freaky with a banana. The presence of sex makes sense to highlight Matteo’s alienation, as we see him sitting on the couch, not participating. He’s disengaged from the flirtation and seduction, this isn’t something he wants to be a part of.
Is the guy dancing with Hans the turtleneck dude, or is that someone else? PLOT TWIST: he was never Matteo’s love interest, despite fan theories. He was Hans’ love interest all along!
Matteo gets up, trying to escape this scene that makes him uncomfortable. But Sara pulls him into a dance (much like she’s going to be playing the role of Emma this season, pulling Matteo back into an attempt at a straight relationship). They kiss, and he’s soooo not into it, hugging her and staring over her shoulder into space like she’s his great-aunt who smells like mothballs and he can’t wait to get the fuck out of this family reunion.
He escapes into the bathroom where the boy squad is smoking weed. Carlos showing the boys a sex position on his phone. I’m sure Matteo loves hearing about that. He’s getting high as the boys debate the mechanics of this man-woman sex position. The proper response, honestly.
Oh my God, Carlos just called Kiki a catheter. He meant cathetus. I don’t think you’re ready to integrate catheters into your sex life, dude. 
Matteo looks dead. I know he’s getting high, but this kid looks fucking deceased. Someone revive him already.
When he realizes he has three calls from Kiki, Carlos pulls up Jonas and Abdi, saying they’re going to go hook up with girls. An activity that I’m sure Matteo wants to participate in. Matteo lingers behind. He just seems so wiped. He looks at himself in the mirror and it’s as if he’s disappointed in what he sees.  (The way it’s shot makes his mirror image divided down the middle, like he’s a fractured person.) I’ve seen some later episodes by this point and Matteo seems like he’s really struggling with anxiety, like he just needs to escape sometimes, it all gets overwhelming.
The girl Jonas is dancing with kinda reminds me of Sonja (similar-ish haircut).
HOLY FUCK DID MATTEO JUST PUT THE WEED IN AMIRA’S BACKPACK???? Matteo, that is TOTALLY the worst an Isak has been about this, planting weed on on a person rather than a vase. I guess he assumes a Muslim girl in hijab seems like an unlikely candidate to have drugs, but ... dude. Asshole move. And I wouldn’t trust the authorities not to search the Muslim girl’s belongings for discriminatory reasons, anyway, which would have made it even worse.
Photoshop Markus is at this party and Matteo tells the cops Markus is the renter, LMAO GOD. Matteo is just snaking all over the place tonight. The cops tell everyone to turn the music down, which is pretty reasonable and not nearly as bad as them telling people to break up the party. Or maybe I’m just old. Carlos salutes as the cops leave, heh.
Amira just walks out with her backpack … and the weed. Lol, she might’ve just left because the cops showed up and she figured better to bail now, not wanting to get in trouble, or because she had a curfew or something, but part of me wants to believe she knew Matteo stuck weed in her backpack and she’s walking out to make him suffer. In that case: he deserves it, make him suffer.
Mia wasn’t at the party. I guess she and Alexander were making their own fun, but her presence is missed.
Clip 2 - Survival camp
Matteo’s new room is already a little messy, with beer bottles and remnants of the party. He wakes up and checks his phone, he’s got a Bible verse from mom. One that sounds normal and non-threatening enough, not like it’s about sin and hellfire, but you know. All religious texts are probably loaded coming from Matteo’s mom.
Matteo rolls over and Jonas is conked out in bed next to him. Oh nooooo, my heart. Matteo watches him and then reaches out and slooooowly lowers his hand to lightly touch Jonas’ curls, closing his eyes a little. GODDAMMIT.
If he doesn’t do this to Gereven at some point, touch his hair without having to be secretive about it, then I’m suing Druck.
You can tell Matteo is indulging in this fantasy that Jonas is his boyfriend and he’s waking up next to him, and the fantasy is broken when he looks down and sees that Jonas has a phone number with a little heart written on his arm. A girl. Jonas will never be his boyfriend.
Although I almost don’t think this is specifically about Matteo pining over Jonas - I think there’s definitely some lingering feelings, enough to be disappointed that Jonas might have a girl, but I also think it’s just the wish that Matteo can have this experience with a guy at all, he can wake up next to a boy who’s not just a friend, who he can touch and show affection to. 
The fantasy is further interrupted when Hans walks in (the dreamy music cuts off) and Matteo rolls on his back like he’s totally not staring wistfully at Jonas. Hans throws himself on the bed between them in a perfect face plant, lmao. 
Hans asks Matteo to buy rolls, saying Mia would’ve done that. Hans, if you are expecting Matteo to be a Mia substitute, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. I don’t think Matteo will lovingly wipe your vomit off the tub. (I mean. Maybe when he falls in love and is in just that good of a mood.)
Jonas asks why Hans is in Matteo’s bed, and Hans says he could ask Jonas the same question (DAMN) but Jonas is like … I’ve waited for you. He and Hans stare into each other’s eyes. Lmao, the way their gaze holds without comment or them breaking it off. I’m sure Matteo just loves seeing them “flirt.” But I don’t think the fantasy of Jonas in his bed involves Hans, sorry Hans. Matteo gets up to buy rolls, just to get away from the JoHans lovefest, I guess.
Linn comes in and says she wants to make pancakes but doesn’t know where the pans are, and she doesn’t know how to make pancakes either. Everyone in this flat is screwed without Mia. But Jonas offers to make pancakes, so all is saved! Matteo grumpily leaves Jonas, Hans, and Linn to take a selfie of their “survival camp” to send to Mia, showing they’re totally making it on their own. They look so perky, heh. They won’t be so perky when Jonas leaves and takes his pancake-making skills with him.
Matteo steps outside and gets a text from Sara about whether he slept well. I feel bad for Sara. She’s not just the Emma equivalent, she’s a character we’ve seen in the past who has been entertaining and likable. I don’t want to see her either make Emma’s mistakes like outing Matteo OR get her heart broken by him.
 Hans throws Matteo’s wallet out of the window, beaning him in the head, which is truly the perfect gif.
Clip 3 - Will you surrender?
Matteo goes into school on a rainy Monday morning. We start with some passionate straight kissing in the foreground, coupled with a pic and text from Sara, just to show the kind of shit Matteo is dealing with. A heterosexual assault from all angles. 
He meets up with the boy squad. Jonas is looking to get with Linn’s friend, who is “Emma Watson but blonde.” Sucks for Matteo to hear yet more girl talk, and girl talk from Jonas specifically. The heterosexuality strikes from another corner.
Adding another unwanted conversation topic, Abdi asks about the weed. Matteo seems like he wants to get the hell out of there, so he bails and goes up to Hanna and Sam, asking where Amira is. She’s out sick, so solving the weed dilemma will have to wait another day.
Hanna glances over at Jonas, who finally seems to have snapped out of his S2 funk as he talks about his new girl … does Hanna know yet Jonas has a new flame? Or is she just suspicious?
Man, I keep saying it, but Matteo seems like he’s sleepwalking through life, like this kid is just. Legit depressed. He has no energy for anything. Not even to fake being OK.
Continuity snarl: Matteo puts up his hood as he rounds the corner after leaving the girls, but it’s down a moment later.
The music is kicking in and there’s still almost a minute of clip left, is Matteo going to like … literally run into Beanie Boy/Gereven?
Well, they didn’t do a rom-com Meet Cute collide into each other or anything, but they passed each other in the hallway! In slow motion!
The big moment: Matteo and Gereven are coming at each other from different sides (like different ~walks of life? ooooo). They lock eyes and then look back at each other once after they’ve passed.
The scene goes into slow motion as soon as Matteo lifts his head and sees Beanie Boy. Matteo is just ambling his way to class and meandering through life, but when he sees that guy, that’s when he starts to feel present in the world, like it’s not just around him but including him. And then Gereven comes into focus as they pass each other.
I adore the music choice for this moment. It’s beautiful, and the lyrics are so lovely. “Will you surrender?” when we see Gereven and Matteo looking at each other, because Matteo’s seeing the boy who will make him give in and stop hiding who he truly is, who will make him surrender to love. And I suspect the same is true for Gereven, that Matteo will make him surrender as will, let go of his fears. 
So I reaaaaally don’t think Beanie Boy was trying to get Matteo’s attention like Even was. There’s nothing about it that suggests so. My prediction is that Beanie Boy, like Matteo was trying to keep his head down and get through life, and they just happened to walk by each other. I mean, Matteo’s just walking down a school hallway, it’s not like Beanie Boy parked his ass deliberately somewhere so Matteo could see him, he couldn’t predict Matteo was going to walk down that hallway at that particular time. I feel like Beanie Boy is very much like Matteo in that he’s lonely and an outsider. He’s not trying to attract attention, he’s not seen smiling or laughing at someone at the beginning. Our first glance at Even was his brightness. Our first glimpse of Gereven (from Matteo’s POV, not the brief moment of him last season which is more of an Easter egg, really) has him in dark clothes, headphones on. I feel like he and Matteo are just checked out of life. And I think that’ll be an interesting take on Even, not so much that Beanie Boy has Even’s confidence and swagger in drawing Matteo to him, but that Matteo and Gereven are both outsiders and recognize their loneliness in each other.
That’s what really makes me love this scene. It’s just a mundane occurrence. Two boys walking by each other. Something that happens all the time. Something that Matteo no doubt does every day, walk by other boys whose faces don’t register. But this time, there’s ... something. Physical attraction? Sure, that’s part of it. But even more I think it’s a sense of connection, something inexplicable that draws them to look back at each other even when the moment should have ended. A gut feeling that this person is also lost, that he would understand. 
Clip 4 - Everyone’s favorite reluctant friendship begins
It’s the first remake to focus on the teacher’s nipples! Matteo is staring at them instead of listening to her talk about their exams. 
Amira comes in and Matteo just gets up from where he was sitting and sits next to her while the teacher is talking. Lol, is that allowed? Is this a study session or something?
Amira coolly ignores Matteo even when he tries to get her attention. Eventually she says she found his weed and how fucked up it was for him to do that, she could have gotten in trouble. A bit of a change because Sana was upset that Isak almost fucked over Eva, causing a demonstration of Sana’s loyalty to her friends. With Amira, it was personal, a risk to herself. Matteo acts shitty too, he’s just like come on, it wasn’t personal, it wasn’t a big deal. Dude! If you want your weed back, that’s not the best course of action. You need to grovel.
The teacher calls on Matteo and Jonas shoots him an entertained look, like ha ha, you got in trouble. Or probably, more ha ha, check out our teacher’s nips. Nice display of Jonas going for that hetero bro bonding that Matteo would love to avoid.
LMAO, when Matteo asks for the week back and Amira says, “What will I get for it?” Matteo is like “IDK, blowjob?” THIS KID. His mind went to that, huh. Remember Even was all “yeah, we had to suck dicks” without two minutes of meeting Isak? And then later Eskild told Isak that talking about sucking dick when you meet someone is a sign someone’s gay? Yeah. 
Amira says she’ll give the weed back if Matteo and his boys join the abi-prank committee. Didn’t they do that last season? The copies of the boobs and butts and Jonas’ dick, didn’t that count as the prank?
The teacher makes them study partners. So far, she’s not a racist, at least? Anyway, Amira and Matteo look positively thrilled to be paired together; meanwhile Jonas is flirting with his seat partner. Oh, maybe that’s what the Look was about. Matteo continues to be pelted with heterosexuality like rotten fruits and vegetables.
Clip 5 - Matteo gets a prom date
Matteo and Sara sit on opposite sides of the bed, texting their friends, on their phones. LMAO, sounds about right, tbh. Truly scorching chemistry. Nah, it’s very Isak and Eskild.
The boys’ group chat has Jonas saying he’s getting laid on Friday. That rotten hetero produce comes in the form of eggplant emojis. Matteo sure loves hearing about Jonas banging chicks!  He’s like, yeah, I’m totally having sex with a girl as well.
Sara asks his opinion about a dress. Subtle (“subtle”) hint about the prom? Yes, as it turns out. But she suddenly leans over and kisses him after he’s like yeah, that looks nice. He looks as excited as you’d expect. He was actually staring into space before she did that.
Sara gets a text, Matteo wants to know what they’re talking about, and there’s some “flirting” until Sara caves and tells him that Leonie likes the new guy from their PE class. GEE I WONDER WHO THAT COULD BE. Matteo offers to investigate for her. Yeah, I’ll bet he’s gonna enjoy that more than he knows. He’s going to become one of the Hardy Boys.
Sara somewhat nervously asks if they should go to prom together, and when Matteo is agrees, she asks whether they’re a thing. It makes me sad how clearly vulnerable she is right now, like she really likes him and is hoping to say yes, but she isn’t sure. Matteo says they’re a thing. Not conveying how utterly miserable this must make him, but not exactly jumping for joy, either. Like Isak tried hard to impress Emma, he could turn on the charm, but Matteo is just sleepy about it.
Sara kisses Matteo again, but before they go further, he asks if she wants to watch a movie with him. Smart move.
I’m sure Matteo will end up going to prom with Gereven. Sara and Leonie can go together? Realizing their love for each other at last. Or just as friends. (But preferably girlfriends.)
Clip 6 - Make a wish
Matteo goes to the abi-prank meeting, looking like he gives nary a fuck. Amira shoots him a nod and he gives her a “what more do you want from me” look. The girls are at the meeting, the rest of the boy squad is not, obviously. I see Photoshop Markus but not Beanie Boy.
All the girls are looking beautiful by the way. Look at Amira, she’s radiant!
Kiki literally goes Fight Club on this meeting. I have to say, if you asked me which Druck character would be a member of Fight Club, it would be Kiki. Her clumsy nervousness is a total front for bloodlust.
Matteo is being rude as hell just taking out his phone while Kiki is talking. The boys text why they aren’t there: Jonas has a date, Kiki is still mad at Carlos (dude, that’s why you need to come, it’s a way to get back on her good side) and Abdi just forgot.
They suggest a flash mob. Lmao, good luck getting Matteo to dance. Or they suggest just randomly hugging teachers. That could get all kinds of awkward, judging by the last teacher we saw with the power nipples. I’m just imagining some short kid going for a hug and getting their face mashed into the teacher’s areola.
Photosohp Markus has a suggestion. I love this dude, sorry. He loves hugging! He wants to practice with Kiki. Kiki realizes in an instant why the hugging prank might not be the best idea. But she’s like, we can group bond instead. Kiki wants everyone to hold hands and Matteo just peaces the fuck out. This prank meeting is pretty depressing, honestly. Way more so than kosegruppa. Kosegruppa might have been uncool or whatever but I got the sense the people involved enjoyed it. This meeting was just excruciating, and barely anyone is there. Look at that tiny circle.
Oh shit! As Matteo exits the room, Beanie Boy is going into it, and Matteo stops him. No, don’t go in there, it’s dangerous! Or actually it just sucks and they’re doing a trust circle where they hold hands. Beanie Boy obviously does not want to hold hands in that room, since Matteo is out here and not in there.
Aww, I love that Matteo has a slight smile? Just the tiniest when he talks to Beanie. Beanie is kinda doing the talking with his eyes, he’s definitely considering Matteo.
Shit, it’s Matteo who offers weed! Matteo is the one being the initiator! The bolder one. I love the idea of maybe having a shyer Even, like it does drastically change their dynamic, but I’m fine with that as long as the show does a thorough job of adapting their interactions, not just a cut and paste. Beanie Boy is the new kid and probably didn’t expect someone to make overtures of friendship (or more…).
And I love Matteo doing this when we’ve seen him sleepwalking through his interactions with Sara and … everyone else, kinda. He’s actually found some courage. Like he could have just let Beanie Boy go off and do his own thing, there was no real reason to offer a joint once he’d warned him off the meeting. But he somehow just felt the need to keep talking to this dude.
Holy fuck, MATTEO putting the joint behind his ear. This role reversal is so much fun already. And it’s even more amusing if you think that this is how some of Evak played out from Even’s POV? We thought Even was this charming, suave, mysterious dude when he stuck that joint behind his ear, because we were in Isak’s POV and Even was some handsome stranger. Later we realize what a huge dork Even is and that he was super desperate to get Isak’s attention and had been pining since the first day of school. So this is like how Even actually was - we know Matteo is a big dork and not a suave dude, but maybe that’s how he comes across in Beanie Boy’s eyes. 
HIS NAME IS DAVID. A perfectly excellent name, tbh. I was worried they were going to call him something like Daniel or Noah, names that already exist in the Skam universe, which would be confusing as hell when those Noorhelm seasons are concurrently airing. “I can’t believe that thing Noah just did in this clip.” Uhhhh which Noah are you talking about, untagged post? Or God forbid, another Lucas, although David’s actor is named Lukas so I figured we would dodge that bullet.
Although it does occur to me that we have do have a David, the Skam France director, soooo … fuck.
I want to make a disclaimer: as fandom knows, David is played by a trans actor. There’s no guarantee that this character will be trans yet, but I think it’s unlikely that they won’t bring it up. The nature of this show seems like they’ll incorporate it into the story rather than let the opportunity pass to talk about trans issues, and I know that trans Druck fans campaigning for a trans Even had a ton to do with this decision, so I believe their input would weigh on the story itself beyond the casting. So I’m going to make speculation and comments with the assumption that David is trans and how that will affect the plot. There are things in this conversation that are potentially relevant to that, for instance. I don’t want to overstep, but I also don’t want to ignore moments of possible foreshadowing or pieces that might be relevant to his characterization.
So for instance, I don’t know if they have replaced Even being bipolar with David being trans. To be clear, NOT because being trans is a mental illness but more as an area of societal marginalization that the character has to deal with, that might be hidden from the other characters and the audience. We don’t know when we will learn that David is trans; while I write this we’re several episodes in, but I don’t know if we’ll learn three clips from now or three episodes from now. I don’t know if David will be trans and bipolar, or just one of the two. I don’t know if the reveal will end up being casual and non-dramatic, or if it will be a big thing like the end of episode 8. I have some guesses about where the story might go, but I’m keeping in mind that there’s a new element that none of the Evak seasons have tackled before, and that may cause big changes to the story. 
Matteo asks David about being new so close to Abi, and David says he killed someone and had to go into hiding. That could be a reference to his dead name. I don’t know if that term is the same in German, but seems like a possible hint. He does say he killed his parents, but that’s after Matteo asks if he had stress with them, so he’s just riffing off what Matteo said. Or just the fact that when Matteo asks about him being new, David wants to know why - maybe he’s wondering if Matteo knows something or heard a rumor. 
Isak asking about Even transferring in his final year got cut off because Emma showed up. Here Matteo just kinda accepts David’s joke and doesn’t question him further.
Matteo is super into him, of course. Look at that body language, he’s all angled toward David. David, too. Tarjei and Henrik had masterful body language so this is very promising.
David points out an eyelash on Matteo’s face and you fucking KNOW later in the season he probably won’t ask, he’ll just brush it off himself. Matteo is like, can I make a wish now? JFC, Matteo is flirting so much, he is intensely looking at David when he says that. Honestly, it’s really exciting to see this dynamic kinda flipped, mixing and matching Isak and Even elements between Matteo and David. David says it was just an eyelash. Maybe he’ll be more of the realist rather than the romantic? God, if Matteo is the more romantic one, I will lose my mind (in a good way).
David does ask what Matteo’s wish would have been, and Matteo is like, IDK, go on holiday or something. David says he knows the feeling and Matteo asks where he would go. Matteo would get in a car and just drive away. David says to go directly to Detroit. David, I’m fond of you already but unless your car turns into a submarine that is not gonna work.
David has been pretty chill so far, but he perks up and smiles when mentioning Detroit at the very end, so Matteo gets hit with the ray of charm. That’s when the music kicks in, too, because Matteo has seen David smile. No turning back now. I presume we are going to be hearing music from Detroit artists this season?
LMAO, I was like oh, Sara’s not there at the meeting so she can’t interrupt their moment, and yet SOMEHOW she managed to anyway. And she kisses Matteo so David knows Matteo has a girlfriend right off the bat. David takes this as his cue to exit.
Why was Sara there, anyway? Did she show up late for the Abi prank meeting? Didn’t she just do a big prank where she photocopied her boobs for the school to see? Or did she just know that’s where Matteo was headed tonight and she waited around for him?
For Matteo, Sara’s arrival cuts into this charged moment with David. With David, it’s a little less intense than Isak finding out about Sonja? Because he’s only shared a few minutes now with Matteo instead of stalking him for a week and then spending hours at his house, although obviously he could be crushing on him for a while already. Though personally I think they might eliminate that part of the story. Anyway, this is like … a spark of hope getting extinguished REALLY early and it makes me wonder how the rest of this story is gonna go. Matteo is the one with the girlfriend, the “obstacle.” Is he going to run hot and cold, go back to Sara after getting with David? 
Matteo looks sad as David goes, obviously. Making it worse is that of course that’s the dude Leonie likes. Matteo takes a drag of the joint before replying that he thinks it’s somebody else. Well, David was someone somebody else liked (ahem), so I guess that does make him somebody else. But clearly David is going to be so much more to Matteo than just “dude Leonie likes.”
Anyway, I love how quiet and down to earth that scene was, how it wasn’t instant smiles and conversational bliss but a little rough, testing each other out. And I think it’s good that Matteo seems to be more proactive around David, because they both seem kinda like chill stoner/emo kids, and two sleepy guys is not going to be that exciting of a dynamic, honestly. Matteo being the instigator gives the story a fresh take, and the contrast between Matteo with David and Matteo with everyone else is really, really important. We can already see that David is the person, the one who makes Matteo slip into a different mode of his being, one that’s happier and more comfortable. The one who makes him wake up.
Social Media/General Comments:
Jonas says he’s better about the Hanna situation than he was before. We’ll see how long that lasts. I hope his S2 attitude leaves a trace this season, like it was such a big deal and had an affect on Matteo feeling adrift from his best friend, so it should play a role in their relationship.
Abdi refuses to get on Instagram, which is convenient for the show’s social media content creators, lol.
As explained in the texts, a pipe broke in the apartment, so Mia, Hans, and Linn had to move out, and Linn found them a new apartment but one with an extra room, so they needed another roommate fast. Mia suggested Matteo as she heard through the grapevine that he wanted to move out. It’s pretty sad because he was looking to leave, so we can assume things are very bad at home. At least it didn’t escalate to him sleeping in a basement.
I’m glad they found a way to move Matteo into the apartment neatly and quickly with the small gap between S2 and S3. I think Matteo living on his own is a pretty big contributor to his feelings of isolation and instability, and assuming Hans plays a similar role as Eskild with his “guru” advice, it helps a lot if they’re living under the same roof. However, it does create a different setup for the two, though, because Hans didn’t “rescue” Matteo like Eskild did with Isak. Living with Hans will give them more opportunities to bond than living apart would, but Hans didn’t nurture and shelter Matteo to the degree that Eskild did for Isak. Hans is like a new acquaintance, and it will take more effort to build them to a point where Matteo feels like he can trust Hans and go to him for advice. Unless it’s solely like “well, he’s the only other gay guy I know” which would be understandable but a bit underwhelming. Hans has a depressing family life, as shown in S2, with relatives who don’t accept his personality, to the point where he adopts a “straighter” persona to interact with them, and it would be amazing to bring in his background to the Pride clip.
LET’S GET SOME MIA/MATTEO CONVERSATIONS ABOUT SEXUALITY GOING, TOO. They made Mia bi but many people think they could’ve done a better job of addressing it, so this is their chance! Don’t just sleep on it by following the OG story structure - make use of those changes.
The only non-confirmed LGBT person in the flat is Linn and you know, they could remedy that this season.
Linn apparently took care of a lot of the move, so that’s progress for her, she got something done for once, lol. 
With the other girls, Hanna and Mia are furtive about why they don’t think it’s serious between Matteo and Sara. I love them for keep their mouths shut about his sexuality.
Seeing Matteo flirt with Sara and make plans to go to the movies with her has me yelling like I’m in the movie theater for a horror film. DON’T GO UPSTAIRS! GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!
There are pictures of Matteo and Amira looking smiley and happy because The Incident happens, heh. Matteo looks like he was having a decent time earlier in the evening and then descended into sadness and fatigue. And, you know, getting drunk and high.
Sara posts a pic with Leonie being like #theonewhounderstandsme and if that isn’t screaming for a Sara/Leonie endgame...
Linn super loves flamingos. 
Kiki and Carlos fight because he was in the bathtub getting high and ignoring her texts.
Mia is absent a lot because she’s hanging with Alex, that’s why she missed the housewarming party. The girls miss her. Come back soon, Mia! Don’t just disappear because Noora went to London!
We got a sappy chat between Mia and Alex to remind us that they’re around, at least. Alex misses Mia even though she’s sitting across from him. I guess they’re in their little couple bubble now.
Matteo checks in with Amira and asks if she’s feeling better or still sick, and Amira’s answers make me suspect she knows exactly what bullshit Matteo pulled on Saturday.
When Matteo invited Sara to study at his place on Thursday, I found myself wishing that maybe Hans could save the day and just be so intrusive and annoying that he drove Sara away without Matteo having to make out with Sara or blow her off rudely or whatever. Alas.
I’m laughing how Markus is “Photoshop Markus” even in the group chat. No one else appears to have a nickname, just him.
Leonie and Sara chat; Leonie has her eye on Gereven and Sara is trying to figure out where she and Matteo stand as a couple. I’m really fond of them and I hope they don’t become Emma and Sonja, honestly. Again, just ... nip those relationships in the bud. Let them go to prom with each other, not the boys. Even if they aren’t together romantically, they seem to be the most important people in each other’s lives.
Matteo zips his lips when Jonas asks if he banged Sara, which conveniently doesn’t mean he has to say no. A very Isak technique.
Mia wasn’t in this episode at all, which is strange when she, you know, lives with Matteo and goes to school with him and we saw all the other girls. In-universe the explanation is that she’s with Alexander, but I wonder if they were filming parts of S2 at the same time, maybe? Reshoots? And that’s why we haven’t seen either Mia or Alexander, because the actors were busy. The other explanation is just that Mia is not here because Noora was not there, and Druck felt the need to follow that story. I’d find that really disappointing. 
This is a really promising start to the season, and I already love the tone. It has a very down-to-earth, painfully vulnerable feel. Matteo’s misery is palpable in basically every scene, except the ones with David, where we get glimpses of his better self. I can sense this kid’s internal struggle all the time. There’s also pining and longing in the simplest moments, from Matteo brushing Jonas’ hair while he’s sleeping, to that one look in the hallway with David causing a spark, to the way they look at each other while smoking, David pointing out the eyelash on Matteo’s cheek. It’s quiet, raw, and real. And that is exactly the atmosphere I want from a S3 remake.
I’m not German so feel free to correct me on translations or cultural notes.
If you got this far, thank you for reading!
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Crazy, stupid, sudden (Craquaria) Part 2 - Catrina
A/N: This was gonna be only a one shot bc I didn’t know if you would like it, but you asked, and I delivered. I had so much fun writing this, I hope you like it as much as I did. Some things: 1. Thanks @likeuranus for giving me ideas and opinions, ily! 2. I used Miz as Cracker’s name in the first part bc I was confused about it (for the anon who said it was like calling Miss Fame ‘Miss’) 3. I didn’t expect you would like it so much! PLEASE REMEMBER TO send some feedback if you liked this part and make me know if you want a third part? 4. Would you be insterested if I do a kind of “side chapter” where I explain Sharon and Alaska’s story better? Make me know at @the-glitter-skeleton and feel free to talk to me lmao I need friends <3 That’s it, enjoy.
Miz is going crazy. She just can’t understand —even when Monet tells her there’s nothing to understand— and her stubborn mind isn’t helping at all.
“So, in summary, you have a crush” her friend says, turning to her locker.
“I do” Miz sighs tiredly, leaning her back on the locker next to Monet’s. “And I don’t know how to get close to her”
“You drool over her since last year, didn’t you have enough time to plan shit like that?” she mocks, changing books into her bag.
Miz opens her mouth indignantly, ready to argue. “I don't—”
Monet closes the door of her locker suddenly, looking at her friend with a raised brow. “Christmas party, five months ago; you, Blair and I were outside the theater when certain girl with aquatic name walked by. ’She’s the prettiest thing I’ve seen around here’ quote by you”
Miz knows she’s defeated when her cheeks burn with embarrassment. “Smart bitch” she whispers as she rolls her eyes. “Are you helping me or what?”
“Brianna, I wasted my time investigating the bus route on Monday for you. After that anything is easy” Monet giggles when they start walking to their first class. “At least you took the chance when you saw her in the bus; she knows you now. And driving her to school was a good start, you got to see her everyday. That’s something”
“But out of my car we don’t talk at all! The longest conversation we had was about weather. Every time we get here she just thanks the ride and goes away” Miz pouts. “And don’t call me Brianna, only my mom calls me that”
“Whatever, Miz” she remarks ironically. “What I’m going to is that you can go closer easily now”
“But how?”
Monet stays silent until they sit at the back of the classroom. The teacher doesn’t arrive yet, and everyone is too busy chatting to care about it. She looks at Miz with a concerned look that makes her friend know she’s focused. She smiles when an idea comes to her mind, tapping on Miz’s arm to get her attention.
“You have to ask her out!”
Fridays are boring. But when Aquaria thinks of it, she realizes everyday is boring. The only interesting part of her days seems to be the way to school and home, when the sees Miz.
But then, everything goes down.
She doesn’t know what’s happening. It’s out of control her every time she combs her hair a little better hoping Miz notices it, or every time she sneaks to Sharon’s room to steal her perfume because it smells better than hers.
It becomes stronger when she looks at her and she can’t help but smiling like a maniac. She knows the feeling, she isn’t dumb; she knows perfectly it’s something she can’t bury. The word love burns into her brain like acid.
Aquaria doesn’t like that word. It’s tough and merciless. She saw the perfect prove with her own moms; destroyed after giving everything they had. Even when Sharon mentions how happy she is now and Alaska assures she’s better alone, she knows Sharon still conserves pictures of her wedding in a box under her bed and Alaska prefers going on business trips so she doesn’t have to be in her huge house that used to be filled with Sharon’s voice.
She doesn’t want that. Miz is nice, funny, special. She’s everything Aquaria has ever wanted and she’s too scared to go for.
It’s useless. She closes her eyes and tries to throw every single idea that has been around her mind this morning away. Her eyes are on the table, quietly chewing on the bread with dry cheese and too much ham of her daily sandwich when a noise makes her lift her head suddenly. It just takes Miz a second to sit by her, looking directly at her soul with those gorgeous big eyes of hers.
“Hey” she smiles. “Mind if I stay here?”
Aquaria almost chokes on the bread as she swallows as fast as she can to answer. “It’s fine” she manages to say, receiving a smile from Miz.
For a moment, they don’t do anything more than eat silently.
“What are you doing tonight?” Miz asks suddenly, her eyes on her food over her plate as she carelessly stings it with a fork.
The question surprises Aquaria. She thinks for a second; she hasn’t anything planned, maybe watching a movie and make dinner for Sharon when she arrives from work, but nothing else. What could she do, anyways? With no friends at all, her nights are just as boring as mornings, but she doesn’t wanna Miz to know that.
“I don’t know” she replies, keeping herself from asking why. “No plans yet, I guess”
“Wanna go out with me?” she asks simply. So fucking simply Aquaria can’t understand why it makes her heartbeats increase.
She can’t think of an answer. She knows she should say no, but Miz is looking at her and the idea seems so irresistible she just can curl the corners of her lips into a little smile and nod. “Yeah”
It’s just going out, she comforts herself, ignoring the huge warning signal in her mind. That isn’t gonna hurt anybody.
“We have a date then!” Miz’s eyes shine.
Aquaria is finally at home, nervously walking in a circle on the living room. After taking her home, Miz said she would pick her up at seven before she started the car again and drove until it disappeared of Aquaria’s sight.
She takes her phone and goes to do the first thing she knows she should have done before, dialing the number of Sharon’s office as she throws herself to the couch.
“Good afternoon, you’re calling to the office of doctor Sharon Needles. What can I do for you?” a voice sounds at the other line of the phone.
“Hey Max” she replies with a smile. Her mom’s secretary is nice and always sends Aquaria cookies in Christmas, which of course was an easy way to gain her boss’ daughter’s heart. “Is my mom there?”
“Aqua! It’s good to hear you” Aquaria can swear she’s smiling even when she can’t see her. “And sorry darling, your mom is going to a meeting right now. Something you want me to tell her?”
“Yeah. Just tell her I’m going out with… a friend at seven. I’ll be back early and I’m taking my phone if she wants to call me”
There’s a puse before Max talks again. “Alright sweetheart. As soon as I see her I’ll tell her”
“Okay, thanks Max” Aquaria giggles before hanging up.
Hours after, Aquaria is still on the couch, watching a boring cooking show she found changing channels with no order. It’s the best way she has to entretain herself a little, even when the meat the old lady is cooking looks gross. It’s way too much salt, Aquaria thinks as she sighs.
Suddenly, the main door opens, revealing Sharon’s figure in the frame. Aquaria jumps in her spot, looking at her in surprise.
“Mom? Aren’t you supposed to be at work?” she asks, sitting sitraght.
“I am, but when Max told me you called I had to run here. My baby has a date!” Sharon snaps cheerfully, closing the door and dropping her purse in the other couch to sit next to her daughter. Her smile is the brightest Aquaria has seen in years, and she can’t help but smiling too.
“You left work… for me?” is all she can ask, incredulous.
“Honey, I’d leave that hellhole for you anytime” Sharon assures.
Aquaria knows it’s true when she remembers Sharon dropping the chance to head a stomach surgery in the middle of the morning because she went to Aquaria’s ballet festival to see her perform. Work is her worst addiction, but her love for Aquaria is way stronger.
“Now, are you gonna tell me who is this nice person who asked you out?” the woman talks again, kicking her heels out so she can fold her legs under her on the couch.
Pathetically or gracefully —depends of Aquaria’s mood— Sharon is her best friend. The few hours she gets to see her are to talk about anything, from homework to annoying coworkers, but she didn’t tell her about Miz because the fear was bigger than the confusion and Aquaria couldn’t organize her mind.
But curling her body against Sharon’s, she sighs and decides to shut her mind down for a second. Just for a second.
“Her name is Miz Cracker, I met her days ago. She’s super nice and gentle—”
“Miz is such a weird name” Sharon comments.
“I know, her real name is Brianna, but she doesn’t like it”
“Oh, that’s cool. And you like her?”
The direct question is like a thrown arrow, going right to Aquaria’s chest. Closing her eyes, she purses her lips, looking for an answer. Love, being a group of negative things in her life, is also an untouched topic with Sharon. That makes it even worse.
“I’m scared, mom” she confesses in a small voice.
“Why, darling?”
“What if it doesn’t work?”
“C'mon, you can’t know that if you don’t try. And you’re too young to worry about that. If it doesn’t work, you can try it with someone else! Maybe someone without the name of a cookie as last name” she jokes, petting her hair. “Let those stupid fears outside your head and just enjoy what you can enjoy”
Her words seem to make something in Aquaria’s chest to grow; sudden courage. She doesn’t wanna lose Miz, but if she starts something knowing it can end, at least she’s gonna make it worthwhile. Nodding, she hugs Sharon as tight as she can. “You’re right, so fucking right”
“Nothing new, your mom is really smart” Sharon brags with a smirk, looking down at her watch for a second. “It’s six o'clock, let’s do what I came to! What are you gonna wear?”
Aquaria laughs, being dragged by Sharon upstairs to her room. For some minutes, she sees her mom searching into her closet from her bed, until Sharon turns around with a black dress she hasn’t seen in a while. Her mom looks at it with nostalgia, and Aquaria remembers; is the dress Alaska gave her for her birthday the year before.
Once she puts it on, Sharon takes manage of her hair. She combs it until it’s done and then proceeds with the make up that Aquaria finds unnecessary, but she lets her mom take her as a doll to dress and paint. When she finishes, she can’t stop praising her, petting her head with shining eyes and the biggest smile.
Miz’s car stops outside the house just ten minutes later. Sharon is nervous, maybe more than her own daughter when she hugs her and watches her from the door frame. Miz’s head pocks out of the window, yelling hello and waving at Sharon, who can only do the same.
“You look really pretty” Miz praises when Aquaria pulls into the car. She’s all dressed up, wearing a shiny light purple dress that makes her look adorable with her wavy blonde hair perfectly done.
“Thanks” she replies, a smile hiding behind her lips once the door is closed and the car starts. “You look pretty too”
Miz drives through the now dark streets, until they reach a little restaurant Aquaria has seen before. It’s warm and comfortable, and Aquaria feels even better when Miz reaches her side as soon as they’re walking to the door.
When they sit, dangerously close with their knees touching, it feels good. The thrill of disappointment and fear isn’t as big as Aquaria imagined it before, and when Miz smiles at her and asks what are you gonna have? in the sweetest voice, it seems to disappear.
She’s glad Miz can fill the holes in the conversation every time Aquaria just stays silent because the words don’t come out. She talks about her life, her childhood, stupid things that catch her attention —how could Aquaria know Miz actually loved to cook?— and more important, she gets her to do the same. She opens up; grabbing some vegetables with her fork as she tells Miz things she didn’t even remember before.
“I like your voice. It’s good to hear it more than just saying yes, no and I don’t know” Miz mocks, gaining a death gaze from her. “I’m serious, though. It’s really pretty. I could listen to it forever”
“I already listen to your voice always, so I can’t say the same” a high pitched gasp comes out of Miz mouth as Aquaria chuckles, looking down at her plate.
“And she can joke! You’re full of surprises. What else could you be keeping from me?”
“Well, you still don’t know I’m actually a secret agent from the FBI” Aquaria grimaces. “Now that I told you, I have to kill you”
“Okay, you joke about the FBI, that makes you even more perfect now” Miz states in a serious tone that makes Aquaria laugh. “Let’s just marry already”
“I wouldn’t mind that” Aquaria replies, not very attentive of her words. When she realizes what she has said, she bits her lip as her cheeks blush. “I didn’t mean to—”
“It’s okay, I was thinking the same” Miz puts her elbow over the table, resting her chin on her hand as she watches the girl in front of her. “You’re beautiful when you blush”
“Only when I blush?” Aquaria teases with a raised brow, the tension tangled in her nerves thankfully decreasing.
“Oh, well—” blinking, Miz seems taken aback. “You’re always beautiful, but, you know, when—”
She stops when Aquaria smiles, letting her know she was joking.
This feels just right.
When they head back to Aquaria’s home, the smiles are still there, and the comfortable heat that seems to go between them too. The car stops just where it did hours before, full of a very deserving silence after everything they spoke. Aquaria looks at Miz one more time before she open the door and for her surprise, Miz is already looking at her.
“This was a good night” the blonde comments. Her eyes shine under the street light, making Aquaria to fall in a small trance as she can only stare at them.
“It was” with her voice becoming little, she answers.
And again the silence. Aquaria turns a bit to open the door and Miz knows she should say something else before she goes. She can almost feel Monet’s gaze over her when she touches her arm, asking silently for attention.
“Aqua, I want to tell you something” in her head it sounded better, definitely. Aquaria is looking at her attentively and she just sighs, the nerves running through all her body. “I— wait, no. I just wanna say— I… like you, Aquaria. More than friends”
The words come out, floating in the air for a second before Aquaria can process them. And the silence hits the car once again, but this time it doesn’t feel right. And at the lack of response Miz sighs again, but this time embracing a mix of disappointment and dispair.
“I’m sorry. Please, let’s just be friends. Forget that. It was stupid— you know what? I’m drunk! Yes, so fucking drunk, I don’t know what I’m doing! I shouldn’t be driving”
With no words at all, Aquaria’s hand reaches Miz’s.
“No, Aquaria, don’t do that” with her head shaking negatively, she pulls her hand away as she looks down. “Don’t try to comfort me, I should’ve known”
“What should have you known? That I like you back?”
Miz can’t belive it. It doesn’t even sound true when Aquaria smiles warmly.
“You do?” lifting her head she asks, her insecurity becoming adorable for Aquaria, who can only nod to confirm her answer.
“I definitely do”
A smile grows on Miz’s lips. Is the only reponse her body produces, everything else is completely blank. Even when she tried to be positive about the topic, thinking Aquaria would have a mutual feeling, hearing it is completely different.
Her eyes can’t help but stare directly at her lips, those that look soft and sweet, those she wanted to kiss since a long time ago. She doesn’t even realize when Aquaria’s eyes are back on her, and her body moves closer, against hers, not having to deal with the seat belt. Her hand goes to Aquaria’s, holding it tight. Miz feels her chin being lift by her free hand.
When she looks up, Aquaria’s face is just inches away from hers. She can feel Miz’s heavy breathing coming out of her lightly open mouth.
It's sudden when their lips smash into each other, both of them closing their eyes with excitement running through their veins.
It's crazy when their heartbeats increase to a point they seem to be breathless, looking for air in the other’s mouth.
It's stupid when they break the kiss and their lips feel unsatisfaced, wanting —no, needing— more contact.
All they can do is look at each other, too shaken to talk. Their hands are still holding each other, Aquaria’s hand is still on Miz’s chin and the blonde’s hand has somehow found its way to her waist. Everything feels right. No, not right, it feels even better. It feels crazy, stupid, sudden; just like everything between them. And that’s absolutely perfect.
“Would be dumb if I say this is the best first kiss I ever had even when I never had one before?” Miz asks, eyes full of daydream. “I sounded so ridiculous and cheesy but it’s true. This is even better than I thought”
Talking in the calmest tone Miz has ever listened in Aquaria, she looks down with a little smile. “It was my first one too”
“Was it?” Miz’s brows raise with surprise when she nods. Pride grows in her chest; she was her crush’s first kiss. That’s more than something, Monet would say. “May I be your second one too?”
“You can be as much of them as you want” Aquaria eagerly replies, pulling her on a messy kiss as the car fills of heavy breathes and wonderful heat.
It feels perfect.
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put a number in my ask - all
i’m impatient but @soldierofthenight
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
@soldierofthenight duh
4. Are you easy to get along with?
yeah i think so
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
probably but i’d be the sober one 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
people that are honest and that care about me and are understanding and gentle
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
honestly i’ve spent a good majority of my day watching drake and josh so we’re gonna go with them
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
literally bri
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
i don’t really text
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
i’ve been listening to the mamma mia sequel’s soundtrack as background music, otherwise i usually have on one of my two playlists
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
15. What good thing happened this summer?
i found bri lol
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
i would
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
19. Do you like bubble baths?
20. Do you like your neighbors?
i have no opinion
21. What are you bad habits?
typically negative and a bunch of other things people don’t need to know about
22. Where would you like to travel?
new york city or disney world
23. Do you have trust issues?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
going to bed. jk idk
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
lmao is this a thing 
26. What do you do when you wake up?
i check my notifications
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
i just wish i could go outside without getting a sunburn
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my mom 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
i’ve been told that before, but guys are shit tbh
30. Do you ever want to get married?
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
this is completely hypothetical because the idea of a threesome really doesn’t appeal to me very much at all, but i guess kristen stewart and ally hills. or joan jett and courteney cox? is this question weird yes 
33. Spell your name with your chin.
zxaa ngnz
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
i’m trash and i love tv, but without tv
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
of course
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
hi @soldierofthenight
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
the disney store, walmart, fye, hot topic (i’m trash)
40. What do you want to do after high school?
i want to be gay 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
i’m either insanely anxious, sick, or upset
43. Do you smile at strangers?
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
46. What are you paranoid about?
everything lol
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
i don’t think so. 
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
of course
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
my entire body lol
53. Favourite makeup brand?
i don’t spend money on expensive stuff so it doesn’t matter
54. Favourite store?
hot topic or fye
55. Favourite blog?
56. Favourite colour?
purple, pink, black
57. Favourite food?
mexican followed by italian
58. Last thing you ate?
macaroni and cheese
59. First thing you ate this morning?
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love?
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
it was in the parking lot of my old apartment complex with a boy i’ve known forever.
65. Are you hungry right now?
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
my friends are all my real friends
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
umm depends
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends?
sabrina, kelly, and megan are my closest friends.
71. Craving something? What?
like every food i can’t eat right now lol
72. What colour are your towels?
i don’t know
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
75. Favourite animal?
cats and pigs
76. What colour is your underwear?
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
no pants
81. Favourite tv show?
82. Favourite movie?
scream or beauty and the beast
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
the original of course
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
mean girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
it’s been a long time since i’ve watched it
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
88. Last person you talked to today?
89. Name a person you hate?
i don’t want to answer this lol
90. Name a person you love?
hi @soldierofthenight
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
92. In a fight with someone?
not exactly
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
like 2 or 3
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
too many
95. Last movie you watched?
this is so embarrassing. it was drake and josh go hollywood
96. Favourite actress?
courteney cox or kristen stewart
97. Favourite actor?
leonardo dicaprio or zac efron
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
two cats
100. How are you feeling?
sick lol
101. Do you type fast?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
don’t regret anything or it’d change where you are now
103. Can you spell well?
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
we always do
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
yeah probably
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
nothing productive
109. Is something irritating you right now?
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
of course
111. Do you have trust issues?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
my mom actually
113. What was your childhood nickname?
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
not recently
116. Are you listening to music right now?
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
only when i’m sick
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
it used to be sweethearts by sara zarr but i also loved gamer girl by mari mancusi so much that i own a copy.
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
121. Are you mean?
122. Is cheating ever okay?
don’t cheat on your significant other. 
alternatively, if your spouse is cheating on you and you know this (think sam smith’s i’m not the only one) do what you gotta do or wanna do.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
125. Do you believe in true love?
i didn’t before, but i do now.
126. Are you currently bored?
127. What makes you happy?
music, food, my significant other, games, tv shows
128. Would you change your name?
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
yes i do
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
i’m gay sorry
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
probably bri
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
i have nothing good to write here unless you want every catchy abba lyric
134. Can you count to one million?
if i tried but who would want to?
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
i can think of one
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
half closed
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
june or december
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
it went ok
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
"music is probably the only real magic I have encountered in my life… It’s pure and it’s real. It moves, it heals…" - tom petty
"there's nothing wrong with you, there's a lot wrong with the world you live in" - chris colfer
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
no book near me
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sweetnestor · 6 years
12 Days | Chapter 9.2
Two guys that lowkey hate each other are forced to walk in each other’s shoes in order to learn a lesson.
***in collaboration with @themarkiplierexperience
lmao soz its not actually x reader we’re just desperate for attention haaaa
“Okay, hear me out,” Tom prompted, sitting up on the couch with Bella. “If you ran into your celebrity crush in public, and I gave you my blessing… would you go for it?”
Neither of them remembered how they got to this conversation. They had properly discussed the Mark situation, which Bella apologized profusely for. She claimed it was an impulsive thought and couldn’t stop herself from saying it. Tom, being the compassionate and wonderful boyfriend he is, reassured her that everything was okay. He didn’t tell her about the angry texts he had exchanged with the man, though. That was best kept under wraps.
Now that they had changed topics, Tom was immensely curious when he heard that he was in fact Bella’s current celebrity crush. Of course, he heard that from Ethan, and from stalking Bella’s channel a little bit more. He just had to hear it from Bella herself, for validation, if you will. A girl as attractive as her, crushing on Tom? He couldn’t help but feel a little smug.
“Well, I mean…” she trailed off in thought. “I don’t know. Call me cheesy, but I only want you.”
Fucking hell, Ethan was lucky.
“Aww, babe,” Tom said as he stroked Bella’s hair before resting his arm around her shoulders. “But seriously. Who’s the celebrity you’re always talking about? That one guy… or girl, you know. You like him… or her, a lot.”
She hummed to herself. “See now I have a list of people running through my head.”
That was intriguing to say the least. Tom scooted a little closer. He wasn’t sure why he was hoping for her to say his name. Maybe then he could stick it to Ethan.
“I mean you’ve been invested with the new Spider-Man,” he nonchalantly added, feeling a little full of himself.
“Yeah, but there’s like ten other people I’d pick before Tom Holland.”
“Like who?” he asked, trying to act like his ego wasn’t bruised.
“Perrie Edwards,” Bella said confidently. “She’s definitely my free pass, even though she’s probably straight. I’m sure she’d be down for an experiment.”
“Oh, yeah?” The name was familiar, but he needed visuals. “What’s this Perrie person look like again?”
She simply picked up her phone and unlocked it, showing Tom an extremely beautiful blonde woman on her home screen. He couldn’t complain about that choice, and nor could Ethan if he knew how to recognize a hot girl. He has Bella, after all.
“Either her or Demi Lovato,” she continued as she put her phone down. “But if we’re talking about the Spider-Man cast, then I’d pick Zendaya over Tom. Or maybe both at the same time. Bisexual goals, am I right?”
He was smiling because he was slightly annoyed. Even if it was all completely hypothetical, Tom felt a small rage in his chest. No. No one gets a night with Zendaya except him. As hot as Bella was, she wasn’t allowed to be near Zendaya either. It even made Tom angry that Ethan was getting to talk to her. She even had her hands on Tom’s body, granted it was for a minute or so, but it was Ethan who got to experience it. Why did it make Tom so… jealous?
“You know I love you, though,” Bella said after some silence. She kissed Tom’s cheek and rested her head on her shoulder. “I wouldn’t pick anyone else over you.”
Two could play at this game. He had his lovely girlfriend here after all.
“I love you too,” Tom told her as he squeezed her shoulders. “And you really better not pick anyone else over me…”
“I’d never.”
Was it cheating if she didn’t know who she was really kissing? Tom nudged her so she could look at him. He put on his best “I’m totally in love with you” eyes, like Peter Parker looking at Liz Allan. Except it was with Ethan’s face, but it reeled Bella in just as well. He stroked the side of her face with his free hand, looking into her pretty brown eyes. She really was beautiful. Ethan was really fucking lucky.
Not wasting anymore time, Tom leaned in and kissed her. In the last few days, he hadn’t properly made out with her, and he was pleasantly surprised. He didn’t want to stop anytime soon, not with a girl like her.
Bella’s fingers ran through his hair, pulling him in closer. All this time without any intimacy must have been frustrating. Tom gently lied her down across the sofa, hovering over her, but suddenly her hands went to his shoulders and pushed him back.
She took a deep breath, looking windswept. “Um… is the hiatus over?”
“What?” he breathed out, put off that the fun was interrupted.
“Are you actually into this?” she asked. “Or are you trying to distract yourself from… whatever’s been going on with you?”
Tom sat back, averting eye contact. Bella sat up as well, watching him.
“You can talk to me, Ethan,” she reassured as she took his hand.
Ethan. The real boyfriend. The person she thought she was talking to. The person Tom made a deal with.
“Distractions,” he said at last, looking down at their hands. His stomach turned at the sight of the scars on Bella’s wrist, and let go of her hand. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, it’s okay,” she soothed.
Time to ham it up.
“I’m just… I feel like I’m losing control,” he told her, although it was slightly astonishing how much truth there actually was to that. “I can’t do anything right. I think I’ve lost myself somehow… Or, I just want to be somebody else. I don’t want it to always be like this.”
Okay, all of that was true. He was thinking of Ethan and the eventual switch back. Say they manage to pull that off, would Tom continue to be the person he was before? Being spread way too thin, with no time for family or Zendaya? He missed everything he had before, surely he wouldn’t take it for granted when things were back to normal.
“You feel… depressed?” Bella guessed, and Tom nodded. “I know what you’re going through. It’s like you told me, it’s not always going to be like this. And in order to change, you have to want that change, or else it’s always gonna be the same.”
Seems like they knew what to say to each other. This couple knew how to communicate and how to pick each other back up. How did they do that without wanting to rip each other’s heads off? Tom couldn’t listen to Zendaya without getting really, irrationally angry at her, and he didn’t know why. He felt a lot of things for her though, he just couldn’t word any of it, and it made him angry.
“I think…” he trailed off. “I think I have more feelings than I know what to do with.”
Bella nodded in agreement. “That makes two of us. It makes the shitty things pretty shitty, but the good things are even better. You just have to embrace the good.”
Why didn’t Tom have a friend like this in his other life? What would Harrison have told him? Probably would have given him a pint and called it a day.
When he didn’t have anything else to say, Bella continued on.
“You know what I got today?”
She smiled and took the case off her phone, and pulled out a small, red coin from the inside. She put the coin in his hand, and he got a look at it.
“To thine own self be true,” it read around the edges. In the middle there was a number in a triangle. “1 month recovery.”
Well, that was something Tom never would have guessed about her. How could such a pretty face have a background like this? Then again, she had what could only be seen as self harm scars on her body…
“It’s actual proof that things can change,” she told him. “I was such a mess last month… and the month before. And especially at the beginning of this year. But I’ve turned things around, and you definitely can too. And I’m here for you. Okay?”
Tom was still looking at the coin in his hand, masking his shock. But he finally looked at her and nodded. “Thank you, love.”
He went home after Bella had fallen asleep. She sleeps a lot. After that short, but incredibly greedy make out, Tom couldn’t find it in himself to play the role of the boyfriend for any longer. That, and Ethan’s friend Andrew (a different one from the Wowie video - he knew like three of them) had texted him about a podcast they had to record. Seemed easy enough, and it was a good excuse to get away from Bella. He sat at the breakfast bar with a bowl of mac and cheese (that was all Ethan had to eat around here) and was typing on his phone.
“First of all, congratulations on your freaking amazing relationship. I had a little chat with bella about depression (her and all your friends think you’re depressed btw) and she really knew what to say. Idk how you guys do it. Secondly, i didn’t know she was an alcoholic. She showed me her very first sobriety chip and was really proud that she made it a month without drinking. Thought I should let you know, she seems pretty happy with herself.”
After sending that, Tom looked through the messages he exchanged with Mark yesterday. He cringed at all that went down, but he was relieved that no one had gotten fired. He wouldn’t know what he would have done if it happened. What would Sonji have done?
Thinking of the psychic lady prompted Tom to tell Ethan what had happened. Sonji probably would have slapped Tom with a lightning bolt from the sky if he kept it to himself any longer.
“Alsoisentanangrytexttomarkyesterdayandnowhesreallymadatmeoryouoridkanywaygn” There, that should do it. He also added screenshots for some context, but he didn’t mention that Bella was thinking about the breakup with Mark.
Fifteen minutes later, Ethan replied.
“You did what now”
tag list: @beardedsteveslut @marie-is-in-the-dark @ohsnapitzmoony
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redlikeroses16 · 6 years
Since I was also forced to do all!!! U do all the numbers too!!
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?No one tbh2. Are you outgoing or shy?Both3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?My dad 4. Are you easy to get along with?Yes 5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?Yeah6. What kind of people are you attracted to? Honestly, they just need to be nice and I have to be very comfortable with them.7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?Nope 8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?Akira Fudo lol (Besides fictional character, it's my brother tbh)9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?Not really 10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?You! :)11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?"Thank you! I'm going to answer them in mobile though."12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?Devilman no Uta, Konya Dake- Takkyuu to Tavito (Devilman Crybaby), ZHU Nero- Dreams, PETIT BISCUIT- Sunset Lover, and Snail's House- Hot Milk13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?Yes tbh but I need to need to trust them before they can play my hair 14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?Kinda 15. What good thing happened this summer?It's not really summer yet though 16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?No17. Do you think there is life on other planets?Yes18. Do you still talk to your first crush?Nope19. Do you like bubble baths?YES! 20. Do you like your neighbors?Yeah. They seem nice21. What are you bad habits?Biting nails and lips22. Where would you like to travel?Japan 23. Do you have trust issues?Yeah. Sometimes 24. Favorite part of your daily routine?Laying in my bed and watch something in my laptop.25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?I don't like my body tbh but I guess my face26. What do you do when you wake up?Use my phone lmao27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?Nope. I'm fine with my skin color 28. Who are you most comfortable around?My friends 29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?I never date anyone.... so no30. Do you ever want to get married?Yes31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?Yes32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?!!! It's embarrassing to say this but.... um Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth...33. Spell your name with your chin.Dghsgjdhjsh34. Do you play sports? What sports?Nope35. Would you rather live without TV or music?TV. MUSIC IS MY LIFE!! I just love listening to music36. Have you ever like someone and never told them?Yeah....37. What do you say during awkward silences?Um...yeah..so.. or I just say nothing 38. Describe your dream girl/guy?Nice, respectful, funny, not a liar, doesn't cheat me, and doesn't judge me.39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?Hot Topic and Books-A-Million 40. What do you want to do after high school?Go to college 41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?Hmm. It's really depends on what they have done BUT not cheating though 42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?Probably I'm sad, scared or angry 43. Do you smile at strangers?Sometimes 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?Outer space!45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?Breakfast 46. What are you paranoid about?Being alone and no one believe me47. Have you ever been high?No48. Have you ever been drunk?Nope49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?Not really 50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?Black51. Ever wished you were someone else?Maybe 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?My shyness or being complicated.... (That's what my mother always say to me every day... :/)53. Favourite makeup brand?I don't really have a favorite makeup brand.54. Favourite store?Hot Topic 55. Favourite blog?I prefer not answer this question. Have too many favorite blogs lol56. Favourite colour?Purple!57. Favourite food? Chicken Tamales 58. Last thing you ate?Rice59. First thing you ate this morning?Scrambled eggs! I love it btw 60. Ever won a competition? For what?Nope 61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?Never 62. Been arrested? For what?No63. Ever been in love? Not really 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?Um. I prefer to tell you in message than here65. Are you hungry right now?No. Eating gummi worms now 66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?I don't want to compare my real life friends to tumblr friends. They're so nice to me and I do appreciate it very much. Even my tumblr friends. Wish I can meet them tbh. I'm so glad to have great friends last year and this year!67. Facebook or Twitter?Twitter 68. Twitter or Tumblr?Tumblr 69. Are you watching tv right now?No70. Names of your bestfriends? Jocelynne, Maria, Emily, and Amy71. Craving something? What?Chocolate 72. What colour are your towels?Purple 72. How many pillows do you sleep with?Two pillows 73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?No74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?I don't have any stuffed animals tbh75. Favourite animal?Cat76. What colour is your underwear?Purple (You can tell purple is my favorite color lol)77. Chocolate or Vanilla?Vanilla 78. Favourite ice cream flavour?Cookies n Cream 79. What colour shirt are you wearing?Black 80. What colour pants?I'm not wearing pants right now81. Favourite tv show?Modern Family82- Favourite movieGintama: The Movie: The Final Chapter: Be Forever Yorozuya (I LOVE THAT MOVIE!! I need to watch it again though)83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?Mean Girls 84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?21 Jump Street 85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?Janis or Damian 86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?Dory87. First person you talked to today?My step mom 88. Last person you talked to today?My sister 89. Name a person you hate?I don't want to include their name in here...so yeah 90. Name a person you love?I don't love anyone right now.91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?Nope 92. In a fight with someone?No93. How many sweatpants do you have?Three94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?Three 95. Last movie you watched?I don't remember what movie I watch... Sorry! But I will watch Deadpool with my dad though 96. Favourite actress?Scarlett Johansson 97. Favourite actor?Chris Pratt98. Do you tan a lot?Nope 99. Have any pets?Sadly, I don't have any pets ; - ;100. How are you feeling?Good!101. Do you type fast?Yeah102. Do you regret anything from your past?Yes...103. Can you spell well?Yes, I can spell well!104. Do you miss anyone from your past?Yeah... 105. Ever been to a bonfire party?Nope 106. Ever broken someone's heart?Nope. Again, I have never date anyone 107. Have you ever been on a horse?No108. What should you be doing?Cleaning the house and my homework 109. Is something irritating you right now?Not really. I'm fine. 110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurts?No111. Do you have trust issues?Yeah, I do tbh. 112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? One of my best friends.  She's a sister to me. It's rare for me to cried in front of anyone tbh113. What was your childhood nickname?Didn't had a childhood nickname. Just my real name. 114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?Nope 115. Do you play the Wii?No, I used to play the Wii though 116. Are you listening to music right now?Yes. Always. 117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?Yes118. Do you like Chinese food?Yes119. Favourite book?The Giver120. Are you afraid of the dark?No. If I am alone and going somewhere in the dark, then yes. 121. Are you mean?Not really. I'm actually really nice! I can be playfully mean to my friends. Only to the people who are annoying me and don't like them. 122. Is cheating ever okay?NO! Cheating is NOT okay. Don't like people like that.123. Can you keep white shoes clean?No lol124. Do you believe in love at first sight?Nope 125. Do you believe in true love?Yeah126. Are you currently bored? Yes. I'm going to continue watching Samurai Champloo after I post this!127. What makes you happy?My friends and my family 128. Would you change your name?Yes! 129. What your zodiac sign?Capricorn 130. Do you like subway?Hmm. Never tried subway before tbh 131. Your best friend of opposite sex likes you, what do you do?Honestly, I would not know what to say or do. I just see him as a friend. It's going to be awkward for us. 132. Who's the late person you had a deep conversation with?One of my best friends 133. Favourite lyrics right now?"A new brotherhood: This Time"134. Can you count to one million?Maybe 135. Dumbest lie you ever told?I can't remember what's my dumbest lie right now 136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?Closed137. How tall are you? I'm 5'2! 138. Curly or straight?Both139. Brunette or Blonde?Brunette 140. Summer or Winter?Summer 141. Night or Day?Night142. Favourite month?June 143. Are you a vegetarian?Nope 144. Dark, milk, or white chocolate?Milk chocolate 145. Tea or coffee?Coffee 146. Was today a good day?It's an okay day for me tbh147. Mars or Snickers?Snickers 148. What's your favourite quote?"So that's what I choose to do. To keep moving forward."149. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what's the first line on that page? I don't have any book with me right now!@mamezuke I hope you can see this!
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notsoheadless · 7 years
Okay so the other night I watched the whole debate and here were the things Jontron said that got me. They’re under the cut cause it’s so much. My favorites are bolded. If it doesn’t specify a speaker that means Jontron said it. They all have timestamps so you can’t say I just took these out of context lol. This reads kinda like a liveblog. (Disclaimer: I don’t agree with everything Destiny said, but gotdamn at least he was competent and Not An Asshole. If you watch the video, TW for ablest slurs.) 
“Whites becoming a minority in the country that they built” (10:20)
(These next three things happen in like the same 3 minutes jfc) (EDIT: after coming back and doing the timestamps it’s the same 2 minutes JFC)
*jontron brings up Japan as an example* *Destiny points out how racist Japan is and has been in the past and how it’s hurting them* Jontron: “no I think they are a model society” (13:04)
*jontron asks what’s so wrong about white people wanting to preserve their demographic majority* *destiny asks why skin color matters using the word “you” in a general way* Jontron: “well, I didn’t start this, did I?!” (14:06)
Jontron: “I think people are tribal and want to stick to their own” Destiny: (quoting jontron from earlier in the stream) “but you’ve disproved that yourself because you think you’re white but you’re Iranian and Hungarian, that wouldn’t have been considered white in the-” Jontron: “I’m not talking about me, I’m talking about mass immigration!” (They were not talking about mass immigration) (14:35)
“These are just slurs: ‘White supremacist, racist!’” (16:57)
“Irish were always considered white, I don’t know where the myth that they weren’t came from, that’s ridiculous” (19:41)
Apparently having signs that say “Irish need not apply” is “not liking” Irish people. (20:35)
“Perhaps the Italians and Irish had some traits that were not desirable” (21:17)
Mexican illegal immigrant rapists should be deported but white rapists are “part of the American family” (I know what he was trying to say but jfc what a way to say it) (22:29)
(After literally saying that whites should remain the majority for the whole stream) “Look, I’m not saying that whites should remain the majority, I’m just saying that whites are not allowed to speak up against their demographic……*fumbles for words*…….oblivion” (23:21)
*jontron brings up Tibet as a “parallel situation” and destiny doesn’t know about it so doesn’t comment* I ACTUALLY JUST LEARNED ABOUT THIS IN INTRO TO EAST ASIAN HISTORY and lemme tell you rn it has nothing to do with what’s going on in America and is a completely different thing shaped by a completely different history but hmu if you wanna know what happened or like, google exists too. (25:11)
*jontron compares immigration to colonization like it’s the same fucking thing* *destiny points out how that’s not the same At. All.* Jontron: “Then what do you call a large number of people from one place coming in, setting up their own ethnic enclaves and waving their own flags in our country.” (26:18)
At one point Jontron pulls some bullshit statistic out of his ass and then Destiny straight up googles it right then and there LMAO (he doesn’t mention it but tell me that’s not what happened lmfao) (30:03)
*laughing* “Its soft displacement, dude.” (31:01)
Destiny: “When you say you want to 'make America great again,’ what time period are you referring to?” Jontron: “…I think that’s a very silly question.” (33:33)
*completely out of fucking left field* “there is a disproportionate amount of crime committed to whites by non-whites” (34:34)
The infamous “Wealthy blacks commit more crimes than poor whites. That’s a fact.” (I love Destiny’s reaction lmao “Wait, what???” And then stunned silence.) (36:23)
“That implies that the court system is somehow racist.” (LMFAOOOOOO WHOS GONNA TELL HIM) (37:14)
*proceeds to get told bout the court system* “I don’t subscribe to that” (37:27)
*Destiny points out that it’s white christians who protest things like abortions and LGBT rights* Jontron: “there may be a small minority of white christians who do that.” (He thinks is majority Muslims doing this) (49:20)
*Destiny, as he has been trying to do the whole stream, points out that Europe and the US are vastly different things and brings this up with the context of Europeans* Destiny: “Also no one sees themselves as a 'North American.’ Do you think at the end of the day, 'Ah yes, I feel like a North American’ today. Just like a Canadian and a Mexican.” Jontron: “I do think that we are very different from Mexico, but very similar to Canada.” (51:14)
Okay Jontron basically says that if people assimilated and entered the gene pool they’d eventually become white but then when asked if he’s saying that he says no?????? (1:02:17)
Destiny: “okay but you keep making this about race why do you keep going back to whites” Jontron: “because I-I-I- ….I you know, I do think,…. you know race……influences culture.” (1:04:00)
“Just because I believe they have a different experience doesn’t mean I advocate that black lives matter” (OOOOOO again I know what he means but just talk yourself into a hole my guy) (1:05:28)
Destiny: *attempts to have a civil conversation about why BLM exists and why problems in the black community exist, doesn’t insinuate Jontron has any specific opinion on this* Jontron: “You’re like one of those talk shows where they try to trap ya! Like CNN!” (1:06:06)
“That’s why you’re seeing this rise in all these quote unquote nazis” (homie they call themselves neo-nazis) (1:10:41) (EDIT: getting the timestamps I actually missed this one and had to go back because it had NOTHING to do with what they were talking about lmao.)
Jontron (who’s been going off on tangents the whole stream, with Destiny desperately trying to keep them on one topic when they get there): “you’re just going off on tangents, dude.” (1:11:59)
“You can speak flowery language about this stuff” after Destiny uses very basic language to make a point lmao. Like that’s what a debate is, jontron. (1:13:00)
“If you don’t think we’ve gotten rid of discrimination you’re living in a fantasy land.” (1:14:04)
“The United States and Europe are interconnected spiritually.” (1:15:17)
(No wait it’s cool I think the rest is just Destiny talking about what a train wreck that was Jontron left)
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weasterned · 6 years
1. Jo Oppanim ! He’s calm, but also funny ! And friendly, probably best friend material for everyone ! But sometimes I also get scared of him as well;;;; 2. Uh I don’t know this either— maybe because EXO has ended its promotion that’s why he didn’t update ? Or maybe I didn’t see him updating— 3. Jo Oppanim ! Christmas is near, 2018 is also neaar ! I hope you will be having a good year on 2018, and also for EXO itself ! Have a blessed year !
1. menel, menel, menel, kocak, bulliable 2. kamu straight apa yaoi? 3. jangan membuat hati para cewe dan cowo jadi galau
1. Bdh, Bdbh, Funny af. 2. Kak Jongin, apakah aku harus memberi tahu apa yang kurang dan lebih darimu? Kurang darimu adalah tukang neglect mention, sama seperti diriku. Lebihnya adalah moodbooster. Udh ya? Gausah minta lebih, gebet aja dulu Jung Soojung, baru minta lebih lebih. Emaap, aku begitu suka KaiStal jadi lupa bengad kalo kalian sudah jadi mangtan. 3. Since 2018 coming soon, I wish you to have a bless and great year ahead. Eventhough I’m bosen to see you, its not mean I hate you. Of course I love you, hyung. Semoga makin item.
1) Pervert 4x and weird 2) We’ve talked to each other before a lot and I think we should keep this up 😉 3) Happy holidays and happy new year to you, Jo. Please don’t explode yourself with a mercon and stay safe. Have a splendid 2018! 4) Plus : A lumayan game partner. Minus : Guess how many times I’ve typed ‘we rarely talk’ in this form. I’m getting tired 😥 so pls talk with me I’m desperate for having a friend…
#1 - Pervert - Like to tease others - Funny - Loves kinky topic - Cool #2 Talk more to other people you kinky head. Don’t ignore other’s mention. All you doing is only porn related. #3 Hi. It’s really nice to know you, but I was so surprised to know you’re such a pervert person. Anyway, I hope we can talk more. That’s all. Bye.
-1. Kind, warm, sometimes weird, boycrush, cool. 2. Talk with me more often! 3. Hello! I really want to get closer to you but yeah me is such a potato so please greet me HAHAHA. You’re so attractive, by the way. Enjoy your xmas and new year.
1. pervert, bobrokie, bodohie, but also nice and cool 2. tolonk y obba retweetannya dikondisikan, jangan membuat q triggeredddtttdttt :-) 3. Dear jongin obba, youre nice and friendly, i love it how you always jbjb me even tho its ngeselin kadang-kadang, but i always appreciate those who wants to get closer to me by talking to me even if its totally nonsense and random. i adore obba actually, you want to be cold and savage but ended up being dumb instead, its amusing to see :(
1. Modus people! Flirty namja! But he is kind and funny. And absurd sometimes. 2. Stop being soooo modus to people! 3. Keep doing your best oppa! I wish for your happiness and don’t forget to give me food. Actually I don’t know what I should write here.
1. Weird, weird, weird, friendly, good 2. Nope, he is weird apa adanya. 3. Hei weirdo! You’re kinda weird but good. A good-weird person. I dont know what to say but stay weird lah. If you’re not weird, it’s not you then. 😬
malika, pervert, cold outside fragile inside, pervert, pervert, the man who can’t be moved. hope u find another one lol but i think u have it already? lmao
Aish this people.. kurang2in gilanya ya jo wksk
1. awkward, kind, have a good vibe as jongin as well 2. - 3. i know you are a good person, but i guess  we haven’t talk muck each other, let’s make another convo and get along well as always in the future!
1. cool, handsome, kinda cold but very bobrok 2. don’t like or retweet porn at the day, you can do it at night or midnight, too much underage around us. and it would be great if you can share them with me /NO 3. hello jo sunbaenim!! it’s kinda weird to call you sunbae but you are really my sunbaenim so it’s okay lmao. actually you’re the first jongin’s rper that i have so it’s nice to meet you. and i really think you’re such a cold rper, but my though is broken itself as i saw you more. i want to be close with you. Please always be who you are right now. I hope you will have a nice day and keep healthy till 2017 comes to an end!A pervert, a pervert, and a pervert. But you are one of my best buddy here. Thanks for making me laugh with all your stupid jokes. Maybe those arent jokes, you are just stupid. PLEASE LESSEN YOUR THIRST, there are still some innocent souls :-)
1. dangerous, creepy, kind and cool 2. hyung please stay away from Jo hyung and the innocent hoobae of mine, a.k.a songso lol eh wait- jo hyung is gone tho. i bet he do damn plastic surgery and become oldie named christian? i’m sad. please take a good care of me then hyung! 3. just call that number 2 as a short message for him lololol happy christmas!
1. Crazy, smut instead of smooth, funny, kind, scary. 2. Stop being so extra would you? Hahaha. 3. Hello, Jo! Please enjoy the rest of 2017 happily.
1. friendly, crazy, playboy, love everyone 2. hope we love each other more 3. Marry christmas and happy new year, and lets get more closer next year so we can have fun year together.
1. Cool, weird, playful, fun, a bit zonk 2. Zonk-ien. Hahaha i hope youre less zonk because somehow i think youre a bit zonk lmao 3. Dear zonkien, lets talk more in the future so maybe i could figured out more zonkness from you or other things from you hahaha
He is nice, fun, easygoing and TALK A LOT I swear I saw him everywhere. Jk. But that’s good tho, I wish I could mingle well with others like he does. Keep that up, bro! To Kai, Happy early new year, Zongkai! Kurang-kurangin like tweets yang ahem ahemnya ya.
1. Fun? Idk. 2. I have some convos with him already hadeh hyong please sometimes likes rated vid and it appear on my timeline pls lees it :“) 3. hello, Jo hyong since 2017 almost over which mean new year will bring a new hope also. Please stay healthy because the weather is not so good lately, keep warm. Xx Loves♡
1. Jo 2. Let’s talk more with me ㅎㅎㅎ 3. Happy New Year , Jo!
1. flirty, cool, fun!, I kind of scared with him sometimes, chatty 2. Nothing but I kind of scared with him at times. :( 3. I’d hope for your happiness in the end of this year, may the force will ever be yours later in 2018 and may 2018 bring you good stuffs!1. Mr. Pabo Jo who stole my nickname as bear here, ugh! Jo is so kind, nice, SOOOOOO APPROACHABLE (i was shocked cz usually Kai’s rp is hard to approach but you is the other way around lol which is good!), He is not awkward at all and has a really good and warm personality. 2. PLEASE REDUCE YOUR TYPO AND BOBROKNESS. AND PLEASE DRINK AQUA A LIL BIT MORE EACH DAYS YA. 3. 2017 is coming to an end, i just wish EXO especially you will always be happy and more successfull. Maybe there is a surprise in 2017 that you finally have a opportunity as a good kdrama cast hahah
1. -pervert - pervert - byuntae - byuntae - kind 2. insyaflah wahai manusia, jika dirimu bernoda~ hehehhe kidding! i’m happy to have you here in WST as my korban bully. let me bully you more in the future dude. mwah ♡
1. [💌]  just wanna say, thank you for staying in WST. i’m happy that i have such a kind and caring members here. it might be pretty hard when you feel left out in agency, but i didn’t feel like this here. thank you ♡ thank you for being kind to me, let’s make another memorable memories in the future!
1) kind, friendly, funny, likes to flirt and joking around 2) more update about his chara? 3) let’s talk more in the future and get along well! + i hope 2018 will be much much better year for you! ✨
Funny,  ffriendly, look always on group dm, cool, look zonk too. Idk… Let’s talk more int the future bruhJo oppa ini beda banget dr perkiraan. Liat accnya sih kyknya kalem tp tryt enggak. Apalagi kl ketemu seongso, ian oppa sama chanyeol. Haduu. Messagenya: Apapun yang terjadi selama setahun ini, semoga bs jadi pembelajaran utk ke depannya. Aku berharap akhir tahun ini bisa dinikmati (?) dengan rasa bahagia hehehe. Dan semoga keinginannya cpt tercapai ya. Amin
Oppaaaa —! Moodbooster of the day/? Entah karena me yang receh atau oppa nya yang bobroqeu , , , i can laugh only at his plesetan/? He is pervert 🙈 okaaaaay— if you know who am i , don’t labrak saya oyaaaaay !
1. JO. CRAZY AF. STOOPID HOOMAN BEING. IDK AH. LOUD AF. 2. I’M KINDA AWARE WHEN YOUR'E STILL ON TIMELINE AROUND 10-12pm. MY TIMELINE BEING SO NOT SAFE. YOU’RE SO PERVERT. HOW COULD IT BE? I’m looking forward to our interactions much in the future. Keep up the good work! 3. Happy new year! Santa claus is coming to town~ *chuckles* You should take a good care of yourself, keep smiling widely, and be happy as always.
1. Funny, Receh, lawak, lawak, lawak lol ; 2. Please reply to my greeting ; 3. You’re such a funny person. I want to get closer with you as a same-age friend
1. quiet, unpredictable, sometimes weird (very very weird), sometimes awkward and definitely a cold saram in weast :|. 2. - Don’t too often delete your tweet bcs it’s not good - Don’t do something stupid - Talk with me (i mean more than before) - I know you like me but we have no chemistry (HAAHAHAA). 3. Hey bro. Don’t get me wrong when I said "You like me”. I mean I think you like me as weast member but we have no chemistry till we never had proper conversation. well, I know you are a good person and very fun. but tbh I dont know how to get close with crazy saram like you. I hope you always stay healthy and be better person. good luck!
1. Kinda cold, hard to approach, funny, bigos aka biang gosip, talk nonsense 24/7 2. You can make a warta wst acc or maybe lamtur wst 3. -
1. Low sense of humor, ngeselin, nyebelin, lemot, suka telat bales 2. fast rep juseyo. 3. I don’t even remember the last time we talk. And I also wonder why you thought I’m someone else- but, looking forward to talk more with you.
1. Mesum 2. Seram 3. Perverted 4. Also kind 5. And full of attention Jongin hyung, hello. I wish you’d appear more like a setan timeline because one thing, I enjoy talking to you. It’s the New Year’s soon and we’re gonna pass the 2018 together I hope. With this sentence I hope we can be more closer in the future! Lessen up the kemesuman, it gets scarier by time.
0 notes
1: Is there a boy/girl in your life? Yah, boy 2: Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them? Yeah 3: What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?” Purr 4: What’s something you really want right now? Pills 5: Are you afraid of falling in love? No 6: Do you like the beach? Sometimes 7: Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else? Yeah 8: What’s the background on your cell? Me and my bae 9: Name the last four beds you were sat on? Sisters bed parents bed doggies bed and my bed 10: Do you like your phone? Yeah 11: Honestly, are things going the way you planned? No way 12: Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts? Jack from Kalihari (long story) 13: Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler? Rottweiler duh 14: Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? Hard one to pick but probably emotional 15: Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? Art museum plz 16: Are you tired? Yeah of life 17: How long have you known your 1st phone contact? My whole life since it's my parents 18: Are they a relative? They birthed me so yeah 19: Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes? Eh 20: When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with? A few hours ago 21: If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? I have the right person and I'll marry them someday 22: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Hell yeah 23: How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? Two 24: Is there a certain quote you live by? Fuck it 25: What’s on your mind? Everyone and everything 26: Do you have any tattoos? Not yet 27: What is your favorite color? Royal blue 28: Next time you will kiss someone on the lips? Tomorrow 29: Who are you texting? No one 30: Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch? Yes 31: Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right? Yeah 32: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? Kinda 33: Do you think anyone has feelings for you? No way 34: Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? Yeah but they aren't that pretty 35: Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you? I'd understand why and die inside 36: Were you single on Valentines Day? I have never been single on V Day 37: Are you friends with the last person you kissed? Uh yeah a lot more than friends 38: What do your friends call you? My name duh 39: Has anyone upset you in the last week? Mhm 40: Have you ever cried over a text? All the goddam time 41: Where’s your last bruise located? Don't remember 42: What is it from? Don't remember 43: Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad? A few days ago 44: Who was the last person you were on the phone with? My bae 45: Do you have a favourite pair of shoes? Neon converse 46: Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day? Nope cause it makes it worse 47: Would you ever go bald if it was the style? Nah 48: Do you make supper for your family? No way 49: Does your bedroom have a door? Yup 50: Top 3 web-pages? YouTube Netflix and Doulingo 51: Do you know anyone who hates shopping? Yes me 52: Does anything on your body hurt? My knee I guess 53: Are goodbyes hard for you? Depends 54: What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself? Water 55: How is your hair? Messy 56: What do you usually do first in the morning? Stretch a lil 57: Do you think two people can last forever? Yussss 58: Think back to January 2007, were you single? Nope 59: Green or purple grapes? Purple 60: When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug? Tomorrow 61: Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? Yeah bae's house 62: When will be the next time you text someone? In the morning 63: Where will you be 5 hours from now? Sleeping 64: What were you doing at 8 this morning. Sleeping 65: This time last year, can you remember who you liked? My friend E, J and my current bae 66: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? Yes bae 67: Did you kiss or hug anyone today? Kissed and hugged bae 68: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? Me and bae's future 69: Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? Yes 70: How many windows are open on your computer? My computer is off 71: How many fingers do you have? Ten I think 72: What is your ringtone? I dunno 73: How old will you be in 5 months? Fourteen and ten months 74: Where is your Mum right now? Upstairs sleeping 75: Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love? Cause he was moving and we just didn't click 76: Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? Yes with bae 77: Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago? Kinda 78: Do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7? When I was 7 years old, yeah I was dating and had a crush on some kid who's now my bae lmao 79: Is there anyone you know with the name Mike? Mike from monsters ink 80: Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms? Almost 81: How many people have you liked in the past three months? only bae 82: Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days? Yes this morning @bae 83: Will you talk to the person you like tonight? I already did 84: You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? Bestfriend giiii 85: If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care? Hell yeah kick his ass and then get him help 86: What was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie? Idk when I last saw a movie 87: Who was your last received call from? Bae 88: If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you? Yeah I'm heartless 89: What is something you wish you had more of? Cuts honestly and maybe money I'm broke 90: Have you ever trusted someone too much? Yeah.. 91: Do you sleep with your window open? Not usually I get anxiety when it's open at night 92: Do you get along with girls? Yeah but most girls are annoying 93: Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? Kinda 94: Does sex mean love? Yeah love is a whole ton of shit but sex is under that topic 95: You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? No way we'd probably fuck lmao 96: Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring? Nope 97: Did you sleep alone this week? I slept with my puppies that's about it 98: Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you? Yeah my bae and best friends I guess 99: Do you believe in love at first sight? Eh 100: Who was the last person that you pinky promise? Bae
I'm bored 😂
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