alyssasmaddworld · 6 months
that sickly sweet feeling you get when daydreaming a love scenario and it almost makes you a bit nauseated at how sweet it is >>>>>>>>
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I wish immersive daydreaming was a more widely used label rather than everything getting lumped under MADD because I'm gonna be real, most days I don't give a shit that I don't live in the consensus reality and now that I'm out of school it doesn't impede me in any meaningful way
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darkplanets · 6 months
Anyone else have headworlds/paracosms that are just, objectively extremely shit self indulgent crossovers that would get you sent death threats by extremely online people if you ever tried to write and publish them?
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kiruliom · 6 months
ah the vicious cycle of "I feel like I dont have a place in the real world so Im spending most of my social energy daydreaming" but that leads to me losing my place even more in the real world
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sophieinwonderland · 2 months
On the topic of long-term systems: I only really discovered enough about the plural community to understand I had a place in it in 2023. But I'm a median system with origins in neuronarration, and recently when I was going through my stuff I found a document I saved with information about maladaptive daydreaming - and the 'date modified' of the file said 2012.
In 2012, I was only familiar with the very shame-based term 'maladaptive daydreaming' - I don't think 'neuronarration' had been coined yet - and I wasn't aware of the connection between neuronarration and plurality. But I was already using a LOT of mental health strategies based on making use of my headspace and my median systemhood, enough to know that the neuronarrative cognitive behaviours were really not something to just get rid of, they were a strength. The plural community has an understanding of how headspace tools can be used for mental health, so having the terminology to find this community has felt like coming home. But clearly I've been living in this way for at least 12 years.
Thanks for the addition! Glad you've been able to find language and a community suited to you! 😁
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mogai-toybox · 5 months
Daydream Spectrum Symptom Holder DDStives or Daydreamtives are system members that hold symptoms of neuronarrating/immersive daydreaming or maladaptive daydreaming, control the symptoms of neuronarrating/immersive daydreaming or maladaptive daydreaming, or have a role otherwise tied to neuronarrating/immersive daydreaming or maladaptive daydreaming they or the system have. [ inspired by clustive ] by @playing-card-coining
Introject flag by @localhazard-wikiblog
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DDStive or Daydreamtive Flag: Us
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MaDDtive or Maladreamtive Flag: N/A* *bugsy-is-here deleted
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IDtive or Immerdreamtive Flag: @objectlovernonhuman [ here ]
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NNtive or Neuronartive Flag: @neopronouns [ here ]
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These flags are a reupload from @hr6819-coining.
@pluralitywords @pluralterms
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dolleriumfluffle · 2 days
Daydreams, Ghosts, and Plurality - Experiences of a Dreamway System
I think, in writing this, our goal is just to give a glimpse into our personal experience with identifying as dreamway, and how deep of an impact being neuronarrative has on our plurality. We saw a post about someone wanting more plurals to just write about experiences - so, here's some of ours, to share about ourselves, to ramble, and in hopes that someone might connect.
Our first ever signs of plurality as a child were through daydreams.
For as long as we can possibly remember, we've been traveling. Even as a very young child we lived a constant life of daydreams, of worlds we could disappear into in our head - and, more importantly, the people we met in them. Some of them were fictional; the fairies of the Pixie Hollow movies and the cures from the existing Pretty Cure seasons, both things we grew up with and deeply loved. These were perhaps our first experiences of walk-ins, as they would appear in and leave our daydream worlds as they pleased. Others were self-made, and would continue to appear with us until we had our first syscovery - a grey kitsune and an angel, who would protect and care for us on our journeys.
Our daydreams have always had a spiritual component, one that we would never really understand until we became an adult and learned about astral travel. We continually had spiritual beings appear to us in our daydreams, such as yokai like the kitsune and fae-like beings - and, most concerningly to others, dead relatives of ours and friends. We once told a schoolmate in elementary school that we had seen her grandma who passed away a few years prior. Her deeply superstitious mother proceeded to tell our poor aunt that she believed we were cursed.
We used to journal to each other as a child, writing to each other by name and creating journal entries in the form of letters. People, including us, dismissed it as an overactive imagination. However, it felt so fulfilling to us to write about our day and know that somehow, the people in our daydreams would see it, and sometimes even write back.
As we got into our teenage years, we began to be aware of these daydream characters as more than just daydreams - they were alive, they existed separately and had their own thoughts and feelings. We confessed to an online friend at the time that we had "people in my head" that lived in "my own world", which would eventually lead to our first syscovery. This initial group is who we sometimes call "the original 12" - a series of 12 system members who have been around since we were very young, appearing as daydreams until we realized who we really were.
We were very confused about our origins at first. We hung out in tulpamancy groups for a brief time, wondering if this was maybe how we had come about. However, we soon realized it just didn't resonate, so we moved on to some general endogenic groups and forums. We really appreciate the people we met during this time, who were kind to us in a period where we really had no idea what was happening with us.
Having a headspace always came very naturally to us. We never really understood how to describe creating and interacting with one, because to us we had always been daydreaming about ours. It was an incredibly in depth other world with its own rules, its own people, its own life. Even before we knew the extent of it, daydreaming had a huge impact on how we interacted with each other and how we navigated our own plurality.
After some very stressful life events, the coming awareness of our amnesia, and a while with a good therapist, we were diagnosed with HC-DID.
This led to a long period of self hatred and fear, where we were less sure than before about our life and each other. Thankfully, with the help of therapy and finally having a good support system, we were able to recover from this part of our journey. However, even after this we still had a strong sense that there was more to our origins.
This was when we discovered the term dreamway and the origin paragenic, which hadn't yet been coined when we had our first syscovery. Suddenly, everything made sense! There were people like us! Our daydreams, paracosms, and paras were an essential part of our system, and this was a known experience.
We're extremely grateful for that discovery. Our paracosms are an inherent part of our headspace - many of our introjects used to be para versions of fictional characters. We are able to travel freely between them, continually encountering new people, new worlds, new lives. There is a strange spiritual component to them; we've often heard people say that "paras usually know they're in a daydream," and this isn't true for us. They exist autonomously of our daydreams about them, almost as if they really are in another world, unless they get pulled into the main system and gain awareness of it. Similarly, we can use our headspace for spiritual means, using daydreams and astral travel to encounter entities of all kinds.
We feel greatly at peace with ourselves having discovered daydreams and connected spirituality as an essential part of our system and its origins. There is a lot of joy to us in being mixed origin - in knowing that even there our initial splits were due to programming, there is so much more to us, so much that has in fact helped us cope and stick together since that initial split.
At the end of the day, we want people to know that being mixed origin can be amazing, and can be an essential tool to a system's growth. We hope maybe other neuronarrator plurals or plurals with MaDD may see this and relate, and also we just want to spread more posts about joyful in depth system experiences. Thank you for reading!
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Me when a character canonically has a decently okay mental health instead of being on the verge of collapsing every two seconds like they do in my paracosm:
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protectingtulpas · 6 months
Do you think redirecting my MADD (Mal-Adaptive Daydreaming Disorder) to create a Tulpa might work?
Meditation is difficult because I live with a lot of noisy people and animals, and my MADD already makes me more likely to stop what I'm doing and go on an imaginary rant about stuff - do you think this might help?
(I know it'd probably be way slower than conventional means, but still, y'know?)
Heyo! So this is actually a completely viable method long as you're careful, as lots of neuronarrators end up feeling like their paras are actually conscious after a lotta interaction. If you set up the beginning concepts of your tulpa within your paracosm and let em develop while using tulpamancy guides as a guideline, it'd probably work similarly to how a lotta tulpamancers start off by spending a lotta time in their headspace with their tulpa. When I was super "young" I loved just getting the choice on where I wanna move around and what I wanna explore. I bet a paracosm would be super awesome for a new tulpa just getting their bearings!
MaDD IS something that causes distress or dysfunction, tho, so make sure to remember a few things: for one, try and keep your proto-tulpa away from any disturbing or traumatizing things that could be in your paracosm- it really sucks to have avoidable trauma mixed into your creation, so if your paracosm is super unsafe, not a good idea to create a tulpa in there. On the OTHER hand, I know a lot of paras and sometimes paratives too are totally unaware there's a world outside of their paracosm, but I'm gonna go ahead and say it's Not Really Cool to intentionally do that to a tulpa. Don't keep them trapped in ur paracosm, or try and convince them it's their only place, or try and keep them from being aware of the outside world in any way. DON'T TRUMAN SHOW YOUR TULPAS, I think that's pretty obvious.
Ummm other than that I'd say you know your disorder best! Daydreams can totally be a tool for a tulpa to give em a lot to do out of front, as well as an innerworld identity, which can be really nice! But be super careful not to put them in danger or treat them like unconscious entities like paras or NPCs. Hope that sums it up!
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obnebulant-mogai · 6 months
Made my own version of the Malagender (link) flag because the one I found didn't really resonate with me!
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[Image ID: A flag with five equal horizontal stripes. In descending order, the stripes are navy blue, light blue, blue white, pink, and light purple. End ID.]
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blankmogai · 1 year
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neuronarrator symbol we designed! plain black and (tinted) rainbow to match other neurodivergence symbols
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alyssasmaddworld · 5 months
i read this post PLEASE go read it and that first starting paragraph hit me like a ton of bricks. i have created a character i cannot destroy no matter how hard i try because i have woven pieces of myself both in them and their stories. they are me as much as i am them. they feel like real people with their own thoughts and opinions but theres just this invisible wall up that disconnects me from Them.... almost like i'm peeking into an alternate reality and playing god.
and when i already dissociate the way i do and life already feels like a simulation.. thats truly different between thisverse and my paracosm?
it really gets me personally, because i think a LOT about the philosophy behind "i think therefore i am" and like... they DO think. so how are they not real? what quantifies humanity when it lives inside the head of a human?
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darkplanets · 3 months
When you start infodumping to your friends about your paracosms not at all caring they have no fuckin idea what you're talking about 👍
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wonderlightdaydreams · 9 months
AlterReality: A Coining Essay
This world has always felt like the wrong genre to me. Considering how many stories are based in this world, that sounds absurd. After all, we have free will and therefore the right to choose our own genre, right? One would think so; however, this is often not the case. There can be a myriad of reasons for this, but one large one is the hold that hegemony has on modern society. Despite our diverse world, this hegemony paints a coat of bland sameness over the world, creating a shared reality. This gives us, as beings living inside of hegemony, an interesting problem with a wide myriad of answers: how do we re-enchant our lives, considering the enchantment in question does not exist? My answer is that we alter our own realities, living in fantasy worlds of our own design and giving ourselves the adventure that we deserve.
When hearing the claims that were made in the intro, one would not be wrong to think of the alterhuman community. As a being who is part of it, I hold nothing but reverence for this amazing and wonderful group of diverse beings. They helped me and myself discover ourselves, helped us overcome great shame, and allowed us to evolve into the wonderfully diverse beings we are today. However, many members of this community live the lives of not their true selves but the form in which they exist bodily. While I do not fully blame them, as it is mostly out of necessity, I could not help but wonder if there is another option. Dragons don't pay taxes, after all.
Enter my term, alter reality." To clearly define it, it is having your current reality re-enchanted by means of living in a personal reality (which will be defined later in the essay) that is not the one shared by most individuals, whether voluntary or otherwise. This is about individuals who currently live in a personal reality, not those who don't live there due to their past lives or for any other reason. Let me reiterate that this can be  achieved through voluntary means and is a term that can be used by most anyone. You do not have to be alterhuman to be AlterReality, although those two can often intermingle with one another.
Another term that often overlaps with AlterReality is immersive daydreaming (ID). As an immersive daydreamer myself, I can say that one can be an ID and an AlterReality, but there are differences. For one, AlterReality requires the individual to live inside their reality, not watch it like a movie. As such, those who experience AlterReality have their true selves present in their reality, whom they live through. These factors often do not exist for immersive daydreamers.
Earlier, I brought up the idea of a personal reality. This is defined as any reality that is not a shared reality and is often customized to the individual(s) living inside of it. It can be shared, as I will address later in this essay. The nature of an alternate reality’s individual can exist as a hybrid of personal and shared reality, or it can exist entirely as a personal reality. However, AlterReality individuals do not live exclusively in shared reality (if you drank every time I said reality, I deeply apologize to your liver).
If you've made it this far into the essay, you're probably wondering how one can do this. After all, it is very possible for an individual to make themselves alter reality if they so choose. The methods are as infinite as magic itself; however, one common one is daydreaming. If you are interested in this method, please read my essay "An Introduction To Daydreaming V2", as it has very helpful advice in that. However, if you wish to take those methods further and have yourself make this reality real, it is simply a matter of mindset.
This topic is an essay in its own right, but this world is made up of constructs. Everything from jobs to family to even grocery stores is attached to stories. Take the latter: what do you think of when you think of grocery stores? Shopping for your dinner tonight? The dull tedium of the islands? Free samples? These are all items that exist in the shared reality that I am assuming that you, the reader, share as well. Now, what if we change one of these aspects or add one? Instead of going shopping for your dinner, the grocery store can be an epic quest to find sacred ingredients. Instead of the dull tedium of the islands, you can recreate them as sprawling dungeons filled with puzzles and traps. And of course, free samples are the spoils for all of your adventuring. This can be changed to fit your aesthetic and desires, but essentially, anything can be anything if you really want it to be.
It should be noted that this essay is in no way advocating for benign shut-ins or hikikomori. While personalizing your reality is often a solitary activity, it is enriching as well as encouraging to use shared reality as a prompt for your daydream. Being locked in your room on a physical level often creates a boring personalized reality, as your input is often limited. Go on quests, include your friends in your personal reality, and have fun!
Now, the only question left is: what should you even personalize your reality to be? One way to begin is by looking at your favorite pieces of media. You can simply make your personalized reality the media in question, or take what you like in that piece of media and create it based on these aspects. Of course, you can take any combination of media inspiration or none at all. The important thing here is that you enjoy your personalized reality and can feasibly live in it. One thing to consider is self-insertability, or the ability to add yourself to the fiction you create. These differ greatly depending on both the media and the individual, but they often come in the form of categories that the audience can split themselves into; think characters from Homestuck or elements from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Of course,there are many circumstances in which this trait would not apply. Overall, personal realities are just as diverse as their creators!
Many times, we, as an audience, are just passively observing other worlds. As an AlterReality practitioner, you don't only ascend beyond being an observer; you turn your life into a story. Modern life is filled with tons of stories. Stories about getting rich, having a family, and following the beaten path Why not Alter Your Reality someday and make your own story?
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citiesonjupiter · 8 months
Hi, I'm Pluto, I'm a maladaptive daydreamer.
This is just going to be my MADD blog because I want somewhere to ramble about my paracosms and paras :]
Any other MADDers feel free to interact, I don't really have a DNI at this time, I'll just be blocking freely if I need to.
I'll be making a paracosm masterlist as soon as I can.
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mogai-toybox · 5 months
Daydream Spectrum Concepaniontive
Daydream Spectrum: An "umbrella flag" for neuronarrators, immersive daydreamers and maladaptive daydreamers. In order for daydreaming to be part of this spectrum, daydreams must contain a paracosm, and element of dissociative absorption.
Daydream Spectrum Symptom Holder: DDStives or Daydreamtives are system members that hold symptoms of neuronarrating/immersive daydreaming or maladaptive daydreaming, control the symptoms of neuronarrating/immersive daydreaming or maladaptive daydreaming, or have a role otherwise tied to neuronarrating/immersive daydreaming or maladaptive daydreaming they or the system have. [ inspired by clustive ] by @playing-card-coining
Paniontives/POSICtives: POSICtives are system members that hold symptoms of the POSIC+ experience, control the symptoms of the POSIC+ experience, or have a role otherwise tied to the POSIC+ experience they or the system have. [ inspired by clustive ] by @playing-card-coining
Concepaniontive: When a Beholder experiences concepts and ideas as having sentience, and these sentient concepts become POSIC+ Introjects (or Paniontive/POSICtive).
A Daydream Spectrum Concepaniontive would then be when a POSIC+ daydreamer (immersive or maladaptive daydreamer) views the concept of immersive or maladaptive daydreaming as sentient, and then this sentient concept of ID and MaDD are introjected as POSIC+ Introjects (or Paniontive/POSICtive). A Daydream Spectrum Concepaniontive may be a symptom holder of immersive/maladaptive daydreaming and/or the POSIC+ experience.
Introject flag base: @localhazard-wikiblog
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DDSconcepantiontive Daydream Spectrum Flag: Us* [ here ]
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MaDDconcepaniontive Maladaptive Daydream flag: source deleted
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IDconcepaniontive Immersive Daydreaming flag: @objectlovernonhuman [ here ]
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NNconcepaniontive Neuronarrator flag: @neopronouns [ here ]
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@pluralitywords @pluralterms @posic-archive @object-concept-archive @acircusfullofdemons
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