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Street scene in Neufchâtel, Picardy region of France
French vintage postcard, mailed to Dieppe
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Amanhã é dia 💪🏽😎 bora entrar no ritmo, então só vemmm... #gym2023 #treinoinsano #followers #treino #top #academia #pegaavisão #borabora #neufchâtel #musculation #frança #show #musculação #fluxo https://www.instagram.com/p/CnKKRCOrHPb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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venicepearl · 1 month
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Guillemette de Neufchâtel (1260–1317) was a French noblewoman, the daughter of Amadeus, Count of Neufchâtel and his wife, Jordanna of Arberg. In 1259, her great-aunt Margaret, married Richard of Neufchâtel-en-Bourgogne. As her dowry, she brought the Lordships of Blamont, Châtelot, Belmont, and Cuisance into the marriage. The Lords of Neufchâtel-en-Bourgogne placed Blamont under the protection of the Duke of Burgundy and thus detached it from Montbéliard.
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texturesvero · 6 months
La rue de Neufchâtel pendant l'occupation allemande en 1942
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Sap sago cheese was apparently very common and cheap in the USA in the 1910s. I'm not sure I could find it anywhere in my entire major city in 2023. And it would not be cheap if I could.
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spiphoto · 2 years
3ème édition de la Fête de la moto : le retour
3ème édition de la Fête de la moto : le retour
C’est le week-end du 25 et 26  juin 2022 que l’annuel rassemblement pour la Fête de la moto s’est réalisé à Neufchâtel-en-Bray. Sur place se sont réunis des artisans ainsi que des marchands de l’univers des deux roues. Mais ce n’est pas tout, pour les fans de Harley Davidson, une concession était présente afin d’exposer les derniers modèles. Pour autant, ce rassemblement n’a pas perdu de son…
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une-valse-pour-rien · 2 months
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Le Havre 2015
Projet pour Neufchâtel septembre 2024
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ghoermann · 8 months
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Église de Neufchâtel-en-Bray, Normandie
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jellogram · 11 days
Every now and then I treat myself by going to a nice restaurant just to have a glass of wine or two but really I'm there for the ambience so I'm like talking to the server like "I want something red and dry" and they're like "We have a cabernet that was hand-pressed by virgin maidens in the Neufchâtel region of France, it has top notes of blackberry with undertones of tobacco smoke and orange peels" and I'm like yeah sure that sounds cool. How much is it. And they're like "It's $8 for the glass or $780 for the bottle" and I'm like ok just a glass please. So they bring it out and do the whole big show of like, showing you the label, as if I know what it means, and they pour you just a little bit to taste it to make sure you like it so I take a sip and in my head I'm like "Yes this is red wine" but on the outside I'm like "Ahhhh, excellent. I'll take the glass please" and then I sip my wine and pretend that I'm a Fancy Person and I enjoy their balcony or whatever and then the check comes and it's like $10 which is probably the lowest check the restaurant has ever seen and I tip 50% to make up for wasting everyone's time and then I disappear into the night
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the-paintrist · 2 months
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Jacques Augustin Catherine Pajou - Louis-Alexandre Berthier, Prince de Neufchâtel et de Wagram, maréchal de France - 1808
oil on canvas, height: 215 cm (84.6 in); width: 133 cm (52.3 in)
Palace of Versailles
Louis-Alexandre Berthier (20 November 1753 – 1 June 1815), Prince of Neuchâtel and Valangin, Prince of Wagram, was a French military commander who served during the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars. He was twice Minister of War of France and was made a Marshal of the Empire in 1804. Berthier served as chief of staff to Napoleon Bonaparte from his first Italian campaign in 1796 until his first abdication in 1814. The operational efficiency of the Grande Armée owed much to his considerable administrative and organizational skills.
Born into a military family, Berthier served in the American Revolutionary War and survived suspicion of monarchism during the Reign of Terror before a rapid rise in the ranks of the French Revolutionary Army. Although a key supporter of the coup against the Directory that gave Napoleon supreme power, and present for his greatest victories, Berthier strongly opposed the progressive stretching of lines of communication during the Russian campaign. Allowed to retire by the restored Bourbon regime, he died of unnatural causes shortly before the Battle of Waterloo. Berthier's reputation as a superb operational organiser remains strong among current historians.
Jacques-Augustin-Catherine Pajou (27 August 1766, Paris - 28 November 1828, Paris) was a French painter in the Classical style.
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dinobot · 4 months
swiss friend just saw that post when i linked it and said "thats not how you spell neuchâtel...wait thats the bootleg neufchâtel from france nvm" and then sent me in this in the most brazen white person cheese infighting ive ever seen in my life
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🦅 Quando a caminhada começar a ficar mais difícil e os empecilhos começarem a surgir, mantenha-se firme no propósito que a colheita é certa 🏆🎯🏜🐺 #NoPlano 🦅 Quand la marche commence à se compliquer et que les obstacles commencent à surgir, restez ferme dans le but que la récolte soit bonne 🏆🎯🏜🐺 #noplano #foconamissão #tmjsempre #treinibruto #treino #musculação #neufchatel #musculação #noz #personal #personal #Neufchâtel https://www.instagram.com/p/ClE1S_er7EC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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granstromjulius · 9 months
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Nicolas de Neufchâtel
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microcosme11 · 2 years
Description of Duroc’s character
The next morning, I was with the Duke of Frioul (Duroc); we talked about the successes at the beginning of the campaign, and we expressed great regret at the loss of Marshal Bessières. I will never forget the last words of this conversation: “This is going on too long,” he said, “We will all be killed.” A few days later he was fatally struck by a stray cannonball, as the Duke of Istria had been. He lived for a few hours, taking with him the consolation of having witnessed the deep sorrow of the Emperor, who only left him after his urgent pleading. I place among the most important losses Napoleon could have, that of the Grand Marshal, Duke of Frioul. He was barely forty years old when he perished. His figure was fine and not without elegance: his face was animated with bright and fresh colors: his countenance was grave, austere, even icy, when he listened to a person against whom he was prejudiced, but pleasant and gentle in the opposite case. In general, he was an observer because he was cold and serious. He naturally had the tact of propriety, and absolutely refused to do anything he thought would harm that. Discretion and firmness were the first elements of his character. He established the order of his service in a fixed, positive and invariable manner: reserved, due to the advantage of his position, to his personal qualities, and, to his immense credit, he never took pride in it; he lived for devotion: all other considerations disappeared. He was familiar with the smallest and most elevated details of the palace's civil and military administration: his work was always clear, always easy. Rigid observer of the regulations he had adopted for the emperor, he knew how to demand of others the same observance, and never compromised with negligence and forgetfulness. He loved the arts, he honored talent; and although he could have surrendered himself without fear to his wise and enlightened taste, he was directed only by the relation which the productions of genius could have with the glory of the emperor. Access to his apartments, always difficult, was never so for famous men who could contribute to the splendor of Napoleon's reign. Nobody has better known the tastes and character of this prince than himself, and exercised over him a more marked and sustained influence: the peculiar thing was that the emperor himself recognized this influence and did not seek to escape it. The just mind and sagacity of the Duke of Frioul always prevented him from clashing head-on with Napoleon's first actions, which were sometimes too quick and too hasty; a few hours later he would divert the effects. His aim was always to preserve useful and devoted subjects: he wished to make the emperor loved and to reinforce public opinion; but perhaps he disdained a little too much on his own account to make a title for himself recognized by those whom he obliged in return, and who often ignored him. One constant truth is that Napoleon never held a secret from him, while he kept secrets from everyone, even from the Prince of Neufchâtel [Berthier]. Duroc was the conscience of Napoleon, who explained to him his reasons for discontent like a litigant desirous of obtaining the suffrage of his judge. This arrangement did as much honor to one as to the other.
Mémoires anecdotiques sur l'interieur de Palais de Napoléon V.2, by Bausset-Roquefort
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simbelmyneswriting · 10 months
Jours 10 - Le musicien fantôme
Roseanna relâcha la manivelle après l’avoir actionnée pendant plusieurs minutes et Orpheon s’éveilla. C’était la réalisation de son père qu’elle appréciait le plus, l’ami proche avec qui elle avait tant dansé devant les gens du beau monde, ces gens qui s’arrachaient les créations de son père à prix d’or.
Il ne restait plus rien de ces créations, elle avait vendu tout ce qu’elle avait pu et donné le resté aux musées - dons anonymes pour préserver le génie et la mémoire de son tendre père. Elle n’avait gardé qu’Orpheon, en tout cas jusqu’à maintenant, une montre portant l’effigie de son père et la seule photo existante d’eux trois - Theophilius, le Musicien Fantôme et Roseanna. Elle avait uniquement gardé la réparation des montres et automates anciens, en plus des modifications nécessaires à son état - expérience du bateau de Thésée à elle seule, était-elle toujours le Magnum Opus de Theophilius Lutz? Sa petite fille chérie, l’étoile de son ciel comme il aimait à l’appeler ? Ou bien était-elle une création toujours changeante, toujours en construction, proche du processus que les humains de chair appelaient “évoluer” ? Est-ce qu’il aurait apprécié toutes ces modifications ?
“Tu es. C’est assez.”, lui dit La Voix, autre présence constante dans sa vie depuis qu’elle avait ouvert ses yeux de nacre et de saphir sur le monde. “Je sais, je sais…”, répondit l’automate tout haut alors qu’elle observait Orpheon, au rythme du rouleau à picots dictant ses mouvements et la musique sortant de l’instrument. Cela devenait difficile de le déplacer, mais l’idée de le revendre rendait l’automate presque malade. Il serait tellement mieux dans un musée, peut-être celui de Neufchâtel ? Ou bien dans la Maison de Robert-Houdin, à Blois ? Lyon et La Rochelle pourraient aussi convenir, c’était un fait… Mais l’idée la déprimait grandement. C’était le seul automate que Theophilius et Roseline, sa femme, avaient créé ensemble. Sept mois plus tard, cette dernière décédait en tentant de donner naissance à leur enfant. Dix ans plus tard, après avoir étudié les travaux de Vaucanson, Jaquet-Droz et Merlin, Roseanna était née.
Ou plus exactement, elle avait pris vie après plusieurs tours de manivelle, tout comme Orpheon. Elle n’avait alors aucune conscience, aucune liberté, une danseuse sur son piédestal, accompagnée du Musicien Fantôme dans les grands salons et les palais luxueux de toute l’Europe. Magnifique duo que leur créateur considérait comme ses enfants, une petite excentricité bien vite pardonnée au génie qu’il était. Mais, en effet, ses premiers mois de vie avaient été vides d’âme, une mécanique complexe effectuant des tâches simples et répétitives et ce, jusqu’à ce cadeau d’un prince bavarois : un cœur de cristal tenant confortablement dans la paume de la main. Theophilius avait alors retravaillé le mécanisme interne de la jeune danseuse pour y inclure le joyau, car rien n’était trop beau pour La Danseuse Fantôme, sa belle et gracieuse enfant.
Et tout avait changé.
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hydrangea-vi · 1 year
my common foods calorie list:
Rice cake + .5oz Neufchâtel cheese 🌸 75
(add cucumber +5)
Boiled eggs 🌸 78
Rice at work 🌸 100
Pretzel sticks (25) 🌸 60
Coconut water 🌸 100
Pb&j 🌸 330 😒
Honeydew .5 c 🌸 30
Strawberry 🌸 6
Strawberry smoothie 🌸 50
Salmon packet 🌸 70
Fried tomatoes 🌸 40
Rice at home 🌸 90
Carrot salad 🌸 60
Potatoes 🌸 170
An entire burrito from work 👁👁 🌸 625
wip, will add more ^^
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