#nddp musical
beethovencool · 2 years
Trying this website (aidn.jp) to make hellfire scene i guess…
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(+) get thrown with a cross because he’s horny 🌚
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giuliettacapuleti · 1 year
Manifesting the Hungarian Rómeó és Júliafication of Cocciente’s Notre Dame de Paris let’s gooo.
Apparently the theater wanted to do it but they wanted to change too much and they couldn’t get the rights, so they did the disney based musical instead (and supposedly got in hot water with Disney because they went with the whole ‘religious masochism’ thing with Frollo but that’s another story).
But I mean…can you imagine ??? The song rearranging/additions, the added dialogue, the costumes, the characterization, the actingggg. It will be definitely be polarizing, but no matter what it will be Iconique™. In conclusion give them the rights Richard please please please I just want to see what will happen.
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emptymasks · 9 months
Old Web European Musical Sites
So this post started because I was looking through the waybackmachine on the Internet Archive for the old Disney Fairies site for a friend, and remembered I'd backed up some old musical related sites a couple years ago on the waybackmachine just to archive them.
Which made me remember how recently I saw someone on here, I don't remember who, asking if there were interviews either about Elisabeth das Musical or specifically with Uwe Kroger (the actor who originated the role of Der Tod/Death) in English to which someone had answered no but there are some quotes and fragments in other posts on here. Which made me remember an old website I'd found that did have interviews on and I went out to find it. After I found it, I tried to find another website I'd found that had nice old photos of Uwe on that I'd save for I'd never seen them anywhere else, but sadly can no longer find the site and I hadn't bookmarked it or archived it. But, in doing so I did find some others.
So, come along with me as I find some ye olde websites based around European Musicals and Non-English Musicals, all of which I am archiving using the waybackmachine and can be found on my archive.org account @ wennli3b3 under the 'web archives' tab on my profile.
What is old web? The aesthetics wiki describes it as "Essentially consisting of screencaps and gifs, Old Web is an aesthetic utilizing traditional web design elements combined with aspects of poetry and self-expression. This also includes GIFs, video games, and clip-art. This aesthetic expresses nostalgia for Internet culture of the early 1990s to early 2010s." Think of old GeoCities and AngelFire websites, the pre-2010s internet where it wasn't uncommon for anyone to make their own little website for anything and the internet wasn't just social media. There's just such a charm for me about these old sites and the work people put into customising and decorating their sites, often just as a fun project for themselves or a way to document things they loved. Therefore the websites we'll be looking at are from the 90s up to the late 2000s, 2010s and onwards websites don't count for this list.
What is the waybackmachine? The waybackmachine is hosted on the Internet Archive, it's a digital archive of websites that lets you visit websites as they were during the past if they've been archived there.
[Note: this post won't have clickable links because that can make Tumblr unhappy and either hide or soft-block my post, so sadly no clickable links, but I will write out the links with spaces in the hopes that won't hide the post and you will just have to type them in for yourselves, and I will link my web archive page in the replies to this post. I am also not claiming to be the first to back these sites up or discover them, some of them have already been archived in past, but doing them all under one account means you guys can have an easy list of them all in one place. Some of these sites no longer exist and are only accessible via the waybackmachine, in those cases I will save those sites to my web archive so they are all listed on one page.]
1. musicalvienna . at
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Staring with a website some of you will be familiar with and while in it's current 2023 form doesn't count as old web and is easily accessible, we're going back in time with the waybackmachine to see how the site looked and what information it had about old current productions in 2000-2008. And frankly I don't know what to do with the information that at some point in 2000 there was a 'vampire museum' inside the Raimund Theatre that had what appears to be a wax figure of Steve Barton in his original Graf von Krolock costume. I. What??
2. eljen . net / kroeger
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A fansite dedicated to Uwe Kroger, the actor, that was run seemingly from 1998-2002 that old photos, links to music that no longer work, but most important to me is the 'Press' page that has many articles and interviews with Uwe that have been translated into English! The site is also available in German eljen . net / kroeger / deutsch. A special shoutout to Uwe's own drawing of himself as Der Tod.
3. eljen . net / elisabeth
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Run by the same person as the first site, in fact it is technically the same site however if you go to the root eljen . net there is just a blank page with a link to the /kroeger site, there's no direct link to the Elisabeth site, you can only find it through googling or having the direct URL.
4. iukc . de
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The Uwe Kroger fanclub webite seems to have started around 2000 but it was taken offline sometime after October 2021 as going to the URL now leads to a 404 error page, but the site is still accessible using the waybackmachine. On a 2019 capture of the website it states this fanclub was dissolved on December 31st 2019 and was advertising the uwe-kroeger-community . com website as a new fanclub. Some of the pages are available in English and Japanese, but all of the pages are only available in German. The site includes information about the fanclub, as well as lists of Uwe's work, discography, and more.
5. gudrun-kauck . de
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A site that as far as I can tell is run by someone just documenting their life and things they see, and that happens to include many musicals. Down the left side of the site there are pages for The Phantom of the Opera, Tanz der Vampire, Ludwig, Concerts, Musicals and Actors. Here there is so much information, interviews, photos, screenshots, transcriptions of scripts and lyrics, articles, and more. This site is a real treasure trove. It's been updating since at least 2004 and it's most recent update was in 2023. This site is in German.
6. jimsteinman . com
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The Tanz der Vampire page on Jim Stienman's website has links to lots of articles, interviews and photos for the original 1997 Vienna production and the 2000 Stuttgart production. This site is in English.
7. carpe-jugulujm . com
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Another site that is no longer active and can only be accessed via the waybackmachine, it was online by 2006 and taken offline between late 2021 and 2023. It has information on productions of Tanz der Vampire between 1997 and 2009 and is one of the few if not the only place I've found information about the 2000 Estonia production. This site is in English.
8. geocities . ws / mymusicalworlds
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This website is all in Chinese, however parts of it are in English and German. It lists information on different musicals, actors, and has lyrics for songs, and photos. It also has midi files but, as with almost all of these old sites, the download links no longer work.
9. theatre-musical . com
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This website started around 2002 and was closed some time in 2016, if you go to the website now all you'll get is a message saying the website has been closed, however the old pages are still accessible via the waybackmachine. There's pages for many musicals with lots of information about each show and each of these musical pages has a link to a page that lists other sites, official and fanmade, that are about this musical. There's many more sites to find via
10. elisabeth-fanclub . de
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A fansite dedicated to Elisabeth das Musical, more specifically the 2001 Essen production and 2003 Vienna Revival. This site includes information and photos about these productions. It was online by 2004 and was taken offline some time after 2007 and is only now available via the waybackmachine. This site is in German.
11. sisi-net . de
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While this site is more dedicated to the actual real Empress Elisabeth, it also has a page dedicated to Elisabeth das Musical which includes several articles and interviews for the 2001 Essen production. There is also some information on here about the Ludwig musical. This site is in German. It was online by 1999, in 2008 the site was empty and "'"under construction" and after 2008 seemed to have either had it's domain sold or hacked and became used for something else, and by 2019 was offline.
12. geocities . com / broadway / 8851
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Another site that is dedicated to the real person Elisabeth, but also has information about multiple productions of Elisabeth das Musical. The site was started in 1996 and is no longer online as GeoCities no longer exists as a website hoster, but can be accessed using the waybackmachine. This site is in English.
13. elisabeth-musicpage . de
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A German fansite for the 2001 Essen production of Elisabeth das Musical that contains information about the show, merchandise, photos, etc. The site was online by 2002, went under construction in 2005 and after 2006 went offline and only accessible via the waybackmachine. This site is in German.
14. elisabeth-das-musical . de
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The old official site for the 2001 Essen production of Elisabeth das Musical. It's only accessible via the waybackamachine however all I could access is this homepage as the site seems to require flash player which no longer exists. The site was made in 2001, by 2006 it was redirecting to a different website that no longer exists, and by 2008 it was just offline.
15. sissi . nl
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The official site for the 1999 Dutch production of Elisabeth das Musical. The site went up in 1999 and is no longer online and only accessible via the waybackmachine.
16. marloes . info
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A site where someone cataloged every musical they saw between 1996 and 2004. Some of these listings link to their reviews of the musicals and pictures they took (the pictures of Elisabeth das Musical really interest me because they went on a night where Jesper Tyden was understudying for Der Tod (he usually played Rudolf) in teh 2001 Essen production).
17. danceofthevampries . com
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The official site for the 2002 Broadway production of Tanz der Vampire. Whilst we all have... feelings about this production, the site's design is very of its time. It has information on the (re-written) plot, cast, downloads for the original English demo recordings (that no longer work), and more. In 2002 the cast page lists the Broadway cast, after the shows closure in 2003 these pages advertised the 2003 Hamburg cast, and by 2006 it now advertises the 2006 Berlin cast, and then even by 2012 that page was no longer being updated. This site is now only accessible via the waybackmachine, I don't know when exactly it went offline but I remember being able to acccess it back in 2020. This site is in English.
18. tanzdervampire . de
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The official site for German-lanuage productions of Tanz der Vampire from 2000 to around 2004, mostly the 2003 Hamburg production. Some pages of the site sometimes redirect to musicalwelt . de, like the 'galarie' page that links to a page of many paintings by Mike Schöbs of the original 1997 Vienna production. The site is only accessible via the waybackmachine, sometimes I have difficultly loading the pages, and sometimes the pages on later dates redirect to stagegholding . de which no longer exists or works.
19. tanz-der-vampire . de
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A fansite for the 2003 Hamburg production of Tanz der Vampire that is still online. It has info about the musical and this production. The page I found the most interesting is the info > links page. It has a list that includes screenshots of websites from around 2003 with official and fanmade sites for different actors from the musical (such as Marjan Shaki, Maike Switzer, Aris Sas, Thomas Mülner, Jens Janke, Ian Jon Bourg, Kevin Tarte and more) most if not all of these sites are on the waybackmachine (and I'm saving them to my own web archive page rather than listing them all here, Tumblr has a text limit and an image limit and we're already running close to it).
20. fuer-sarah . de
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A fansite dedicated to actors who played Sarah including understudies, alternates, swings, and dancers who played Sarah/Solo Female Dancer in the dance sequences in Tanz der Vampire. This site is in German and is only available via the waybackmachine and was active between 2001-2005.
21. musicalland . de
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A fansite dedicated to musical theatre with some more specific pages dedicated too Elisabeth das Musical, The Phantom of the Opera, 42nd Street and Mamma Mia. The site is still online and stopped updating in 2010. This site is in German. The link to the Elisabeth das Musical page no longer works, but can still be accessed using the waybackmachine.
22. old-hickory . demon . co . uk / jim
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A fan page for composer Jim Steinman that has pages about his non-musical work as well as his musicals Tanz der Vampire and Whistle Down the Wind. The Tanz der Vampire pages include lyrics in German and English, as well as the entire original 1997 Vienna libretto translated into English, as well as the 2000 Stuttgart production's programme fully translated into English that includes information and interviews. The site is in English and only accessible via the waybackmachine.
23. romeojulietmusicals . com
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A fan site for the French musical Roméo et Juliette that has pages dedicated to many different language productions with cast lists, information, lyrics and lyric translations. There are galleries on the site but the images on longer load. This site is in English and was online between 2004 to 2008. There is a 'related links' page that contains so many more links to other musical sites.
24. compat . tf1 . fr
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A fan site for Roméo et Juliette for the original 2000 Paris production containing images of the cast, and video interviews and behind the scenes with links that no longer work. This site is in French.
25. mozartbudapest . hu
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The official website for the 2003 Budapest production of Mozart das Musical. This website is only accessible via the waybackmachine, it contains the cast list, a bio of Mozart (the person), but sadly most of the image no longer work. I mention it here only because when i opened it I was surprised the original logo animation and music still played. This site is available in English and Hungarian.
26. notredameonline . com
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During 2000-2001 this URL was for the French musical Notre Dame de Paris and you can see this via the waybackmachine. The site then went offline after 2001 and the domain was sold and since 2006 has belonged to the University of Notre Dame. I really like the design of this site, sadly most of the links open pop-ups that no longer work. The site is available in French and English.
27. notredamedeparis . it
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The official site for the 2002 Italian tour of Notre Dame de Paris. It has a lot of information about the musical and this specific production. This site is in Italian and is only accessible via the waybackmachine.
28. geocities . ws / dreamcatcher182004
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A fansite dedicated to a few musicals that was last updated in 2003. It has pages for Chicago, Les Mis, Miss Saigon, The Phantom of the Opera and Tanz der Vampire.
So yeah, that was a list. I hope that was interesting or for anyone wanting to find more information about these musicals for research, essays, or just for fun, that this post was helpful or interesting in some way. There are a lot more websites than just the ones on this list, however Tumblr has both a photo and a character limit for text posts. If you want a larger catalog you can look at my Internet Archive (archive . org) page @ WennLi3b3 and go to my 'web archives' page, this lists both pages I myself have archived and pages other's have archived and I have bookmarked. Hope someone found this interesting. I just like making lists.
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afuror · 28 days
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monaluisa · 8 months
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Hugo sexy election: round 3!
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Rip la pieuvre, they couldn't handle your voluptuous power
Voting ends next Sunday night!
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cto10121 · 4 months
Tentatively doing my Notre Dame de Paris English, see how it goes. I'm about 90% satisfied with this one; a part of me laments not having a whole verse rhyme for the refrain. Also, I do miss Bohémienne, since it's more singable. But since Bohémienne is French, and Esmeralda gets called Zingara throughout the show and talks about Andalucía, I opted for Zingara.
Air of the Zingara (Bohémienne)
Phoebus Beautiful stranger, where do you dwell? Angel of heaven or of hell? Child of God or beast of man  How came you here to this land? 
Esmeralda Zingara No one country or creed is my own Zingara I’m a child of the road alone Zingara, zingara Come tomorrow, I’ll seek a new land Zingara, Zingara Read my fate in the lines of my hand
My mother told me tales of Spain Of golden days beneath its sun Its blazing mountains and terrain The plazas full of gypsy song That’s where my mother once belonged Now she and Father all are gone And Paris soon became my own But when I hear that roaring foam My wayward heart begins to roam    To my Castilian mountain home
Zingara No one country or creed is my own Zingara I’m a child of the road alone Zingara, zingara Come tomorrow, I’ll seek a new land
Zingara, zingara Read my fate in the lines of my hand
Dancing barefoot through the countryside  The hills and mountains of Provincial prides For the gypsy road is so long  The road’s so long I will follow uphill, below Where it will lead me, where e’er I’ll go For I belong to gypsy life and song The life and song 
The green of Spanish seas Runs through my veins  Runs through my daydreams
The blue of Spanish skies She tells me, “Fly,” “Return to me now”
Zingara No one country or creed is my own  Zingara I’m a child of the road alone Zingara, zingara Come tomorrow, who knows where I’ll land?
Zingara, zingara Read my fate in the lines of my hand
Read my fate in the lines of my hand…
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starlene · 2 months
Since I'm complaining about Finnish musical theatre today, here's two things that piss me off to no end:
1) The professional, publicly funded theatre that's using prerecorded tracks instead of a live orchestra in their musical.
I can kinda sorta deal with that if you're
an outdoor theatre where having a live band is logistically difficult or outright impossible
an amateur theatre
a touring French arena musical
but a professional Finnish indoor production... get outta here and take your canned music with you.
I'm continuing my one-person boycott until the end of the run and, more than anything, I wish that no other theatre follows this example in the future. If you can't afford a band you can't afford to stage a musical in a professional capacity at all, it's as simple as that.
2) Everything that's going on in the current Finnish production of Så som i himmelen.
I could write an essay about why removing the prologue turns it into a completely different show, one that I'm a lot less interested in than the original. Maybe I will, one day, unless I figure a way to evict this production from my head for good before that.
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eggmeralda · 1 month
I wish there was a way you could put like. every song in the world on shuffle
#spotify playlists made for you are not enough#bc they're based on music i already like and i don't Wanna Hear Music I Already Like#god i need a hyperfixation that is Stable and also New (not a revival of one I've had since I was 16)#bc they introduce me to music i wouldn't have even thought of ever going near#not to compare everything to the highs of my tflu obsession but like?#that introduced me to So Much Music (some related. some not)#i probably listened to more genres in 2022 than i have ever listened to in my life#but idk. i could just listen to some random genre i have no interest in but what would be the point?#there needs to be a sort of 'hilda would've liked this in the 40s' 'this reminds me of swagtre' 'this is literally the plot of nddp' etc#sort of connection#but all i have right now is the endless cycling continuation of the south park obsession i had in 2016. which makes it very easy to just#listened to the music i listened to back then#also it's like. I've seen everything in that fandom there's nothing new i can really get out of it?#it's more just a mix of nostalgia and it's like. easy to get into bc idk. a lot of characters and storylines so you don't get bored in one#place for so long. almost the perfect obsession if it wasn't literally South Park#but surely i can just type in a character's name on spotify and find new music that way?#hahaha No#bc every single sp playlist I've looked through only seems to use like the same 10 songs. and i don't really like any of them#also 'he would not fucking say that' except it's 'he would not fucking listen to that'#most of the time. idk#i need new Vibes that's the problem#there's always a new vibe going on at all times but it seems to have stopped around the start of this year#maybe i just need a job. once i have a job there'll be a location i go to regularly. and I'll have to travel there in some way. and that#will be a new experience. and there'll be new vibes#I'll probably stumble across a new hyperfixation in the process. and then find new music from it#but for now everything is so stagnant and all i really listen to is 80s/90s indie pop and then just music i've listened to since I was 14#i can't even ask for recommendations bc even if i like a song it has nothing to stick to in my brain#i'll be like ''this is a cool song i like it'' and listen to it on repeat and then go off it like a day later#oh fuck tag limit#ramble
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arte-mis-t · 1 year
Two days ago I became 11 yo again and it was this man's fault
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spghtrbry · 2 years
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notredamearchives · 2 years
Bruno Pelletier, reprising his role as Pierre Gringoire, performs "Le Temps des Cathédrales" at the Amphithéâtre Cogeco in Trois-Rivières, Québec, on September 12, 2022. Recorded by me.
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afuror · 3 months
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giuliettacapuleti · 1 year
The musical Notre-Dame De Paris is one of my faves (esp the Italian version) BUT imo it could be SO much better than it is, and I don’t know why they insist on never changing anything but the costumes (and they didn’t even change those that much). It’s so late 90s/early 2000s, and not in the good way. Here are my issues: (Obvs this is just my personal opinion)
The sets. Let me be clear: I totally understand what they’re doing with the modern/brutalist style. But it’s ugly. Esmeralda is singing about how beautiful the cathedral is and it’s literally a few concrete-looking columns. I get that it’d be pretty difficult to actively try to make the set look like one of the most beautiful cathedrals ever, but still. It’s depressing.
The costumes. Update them. God please. The only Esmeralda dress I can abide is the Italian, because of the lace and fact that it is easier to dance in. Other versions are a) boring and b) difficult to move in. Even though it’s only really shown in the scene right before Bohemienne, it’s established that Esmeralda is a dancer. I even think it’s possible to go with the same ragged, borderline-apocalyptic style, but have it be more interesting and make sense for the characters. The update had the opportunity to go with a totally different look, but they kept it virtually the same. They changed Esmeralda’s dress so that it’s easier to dance in, but the material is still boring and the color is (imo) not aesthetically pleasing.The chainmail on Phoebus’ costume looks fake and weird (why doesn’t he have anything under it???). According to an actor who played Phoebus, the chainmail is actually real, and really difficult to perform with on. Essentially, the actor suffers for absolutely no reason, because despite being real it looks hella fake. I will say that additional costume Frollo wears is interesting because I think it’s a nod to the Requiem Mass vestments he wears at one point in the book, but it looks cheap.
I do like Gringoire’s pants and coat though, I must say that.
THE WHISTLE SONG. It makes no sense. In the book, Quasimodo gives Esmeralda a whistle in case she needs help. She later uses this whistle to call him to her aid when Frollo sneaks into her room and tries to assault her. But this scene never happens, and she doesn’t use it.
Where the Hell is Quasimodo during the police/refugee altercation? Just chilling in the bell tower? No seriously where is he.
Despite the fact that Frollo’s obsession with Esmeralda is what drives the whole story, they only have one (roughly three minute) scene together. In the book, they have three major interactions (not counting when he stabs Phoebus): the prison scene in which he declares her love and she rejects him, another scene that occurs after Quasimodo rescues her, in which she is in the tower and Frollo declares his love again and tries to sexually assault her, and a final scene where he declares his love for the final time and threatens to give her up to the authorities if she doesn’t go with him. These three scenes are condensed to a single scene and it’s so rushed and weird.
Fleur’s scenes. We only get two main female characters compared to, what, five main male characters? Her role is limited to Esmeralda’s rival and that’s it. It eliminates the sub-plot of Esmeralda’s long lost mother (which they do omit in most adaptions, and this musical is already two hours long, not to mention the problematic Romani child abduction element), but this means that this adaption does not even pass the Bechdel test and is limited to two female main characters.
compared to the male characters who have songs like “Belle” and “Tu vas me détruire”, Esmeralda’s songs are pretty lackluster. But this is a personal opinion.
The sung-through element. This one is definitely just a personal preference. The original Notre-Dame de Paris musical is French, and the French seem to prefer what are essentially concerts, with minimal costumes and sets. There is an emphasis on the vocals and not acting, which you can see in the French vs Italian and Hungarian versions of Romeo et Juliette. And this is totally fine if that’s what you prefer. But personally, if I’m watching a musical I want to watch the actors act as well as sing, and I don’t mind act-singing even at the expense of less than perfect vocals. I also prefer some speaking, as it makes the story more ‘real’. But again, total personal preference. I didn’t think much of the original French version when I first saw it. It wasn’t until I saw the Italian version and realized how passionate the actors were that I really fell in love with the musical.
Gosh, this sounds really negative. But I can’t stress enough that do really love this musical, it’s my favorite adaption of the novel (and weirdly one of the most accurate despite the fact it isn’t all that accurate), I just think it has to potential to be so much better.
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yo it's me not sure how that last message got sent as anon. here's the link so you can suffer all over again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63mQ5zSPzPY
lololol i was like 95% sure it was you but i wasn't gonna @ you just in case
oh my god, YEAH, THIS
edit: ✨🎶 PHOOŒEEBUUUUUUS 🎶✨ is sending me into the stratosphere
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cto10121 · 4 months
Finally did Belle!!! I was concerned that the recording level was too low, but I guess it's the effect of the low-ish karaoke and the three tracks. Curiously enough the sheet music only lists two parts for the last verse harmony, one the main melody and the other the higher harmony. I assume Quasimodo sings the melody and Phoebus the higher (and weirdly sweet) harmony, so what does Frollo sing???? Same as Quasimodo???? I just had Frollo sing the main melody, lol. I'm 99% sure I’m singing way too low for all these key changes, but otherwise I'd go into my dying cat range and trust me. No one wants that.
Belle (Belle)
Quasimodo Belle She becomes the word incarnate when she sings Like the herald of the dawn, her song takes wing I hear her call and on this earth at last I’m free I see her dance and glimpse the hell inside of me What golden treasure lies beneath her gypsy skin! Won’t Notre Dame attend my prayer and purge my sin? Tell If there’s a man who would refuse to leave her be Not even God could save him now from infamy  Oh, Lucifer! To you I call, attend my prayer To run my hand through Esmeralda’s raven hair
Frollo Belle She’s a hellish kite, a kin of Jezebel Who’d make me forsake my virtue for her fell She weaves a web of lies and casts her witch’s spell To turn my gaze from God and damn me in her hell Like Eve, she bears the ancient curse beneath her skin Temptress of old who traps me in her mire of sin Fell! This whore Delilah, is she Mary actualized The promised coming of our Savior realized? Oh, Notre Dame! Protect me, shield me from this fate Or let me through this Eden, Esmeralda’s gate
Phoebus Belle Even past those ‘witching eyes, can I be sure Is she still untouched, a heathen soul still pure? A single glance and all my reason melts to clay Before the fire of her dance, her Venus sway Beloved heart, for just this once, I’ll be forsworn Before I plight to you my troth the wedding morn Tell The kind of man who’d turn from her, a man of stone To spurn the promise of a wonder yet unknown? Oh, Fleur-de-Lys! Forgive me, give me leave, my dove To go and pluck sweet Esmeralda’s rose of love
All What golden treasure lies beneath her gypsy dress! Won’t Notre Dame attend my prayer, my will profess? Yes! And he, the man who’d lock her up and claim her bed Not even God can save him now, that man is dead Oh, Lucifer! To you I call, attend my prayer To run my hand through Esmeralda’s raven hair Esmeralda…
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