#national holiday tbh and i still have to go to work
lugosis · 8 months
big day for me today (béla lugosis birthday + 40th anniversary of soul mining by the the)
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brighter-by-the-daly · 3 months
Rachel Daly x Reader
Part Six: Dashed Hopes
AN: I know it’s been forever since I added to this series, tbh I thought part 5 would be the end but I kept writing for it and it’s been sitting in my drafts for ages. There’s another part after this but I just gotta figure out how to end it so idk when that will be coming (do we want them to get back together?), just wanted to get something out so I didn’t feel like I’d completely abandoned writing.
In America, off season starts a lot later than in Europe meaning all your friends from back home go off on holiday while you’re still playing competitive football. By the time it was your off season, your friends would be back to work and trying to squeeze in a vacation with them was pretty impossible. You loved visiting your parents and extended family but sometimes you wish you played in the WSL with them so you could have more time together other than international breaks. You weren’t even sure if you’d get called up again but knowing England are competing in America this break gave you a better shot seeing as you’re already here.
Since returning home to The Dash, Rachel had been hard at work trying to win you over again - staying up until the early hours in the morning to be able to call you, often paired with FaceTime. You rarely gave her the same luxury, you didn’t stay up at all hours of the night so you could speak to her and everything was on your terms; every Monday she asks when you’re available and makes sure she calls you in the allotted time frame you give her. It was obvious that she was doing everything within her power to get back with you, whether that meant long distance or you eventually going back home to England.
You looked forward to seeing your national teammates in a few weeks time when England compete in the She Believe’s Cup, it meant that for once, you wouldn’t be doing the 8 hour flight to base camp and they’d all be coming to you! Rachel had been talking about the camp nonstop and didn’t hide her excitement of being able to see you again. She was happy to take what she could get, be that as a friend or even if it just meant acquaintances, at least your were speaking again and that was enough for her. You couldn’t lie that you didn’t look forward to her evening phone calls and the attention she gave you made you feel good but you weren’t allowing her to consume your every thought like before. Propping the phone up on the kitchen counter as you cooked dinner her voice floated through the speaker from another continent, “I saw you got the call up!” she beamed, knowing your fears of Sarina forgetting you existed, “I told you after your World Cup performance, nobody could forget you!” You smiled into your saucepan of steaming pasta, pleased for yourself before sitting on the sofa to eat and stream Love Island. In America the series was being aired 2 weeks behind England and Rachel had avoided all spoilers to watch it with you, she’d often fall asleep half way through and you’d be lying if you didn’t think she looked adorable. Still, you were determined not to get sucked into the facade she played and as soon as her eyes closed you hit the red button. You hadn’t forgotten what she had done the year previous but your feelings towards her had certainly softened. 
Reaching the last few games of the season you were mostly packed and ready to fly to South Carolina for the tournament next month. Tying up your boots and trotting out for warm ups ready for your game against the Red Stars you noticed louder than usual cheering when shooting practice began. “Is today something special?” you asked Ebony as you lined up to take shots at goal, she didn’t say anything but subtly nodded upwards towards the East Stand. Looking towards the source of the noise you spotted a familiar face you’d been getting used to seeing through a 6inch screen. ‘What the fuck is she doing here?’ you thought, rolling your eyes at the sight of her hyping up the crowd from her seat. Standing in the middle of the pitch in your bright orange jersey with your hands placed on your hips and an unamused pout, you waited for her to notice you and when she did you pulled a gesture that can only be explained as “what the actual fuck?!” Rushing down the stairs in excitement you’d be cancelled in a second if anyone knew you hoped she’d trip and roll down to the bottom, chuckling to yourself at the thought. “If you wouldn’t come to me, I had to come to you didn’t I!” she shouted, her grin expanding as she neared closer to you. ‘That’s rich’, you thought! “Or an even better idea would have been to not leave in the first place” you said sarcastically, one of your eyebrows raising to display an unamused look that your ex knows all too well. “Hey, be nice. I thought you’d be pleased to see me!” she jeered, acting like she thought her appearance would be like something out of a rom-com. “Shocked more like! You’re wearing my shirt” you said, arms still folded as you spotted your number under the club badge. “Yeah! Bought it at the gift shop, they’re flying off the shelves!” bouncing around to do your signature celebration by pointing at your name on her back, you couldn’t remember the last time you’ve seen her with so much energy! Shaking your head in amusement it was time to go and get changed and as you jogged away she shouted out to you “good luck captain!” smiling and waving like a fan girl which was seriously giving you the ick. You turned and stared at her smugly while walking backwards towards the tunnel, “have you seen the league table lately? Don’t need your luck mate, we got this!” Running back up the stairs to her seat she placed herself next to your parents who had agreed to also be bought along for the journey. With everything going on you hadn’t spotted them - it was either that or the fact they were hiding behind their programs! 
If you had known your parents were in the crowd you would have celebrated your goal with them but instead you celebrated with the opposite stand, desperate not to give Rachel any more airtime than she probably already had. You tried not to pay any attention to where your ex was sitting the entire game but according to other players (particularly ones that were unfamiliar with what happened between you) she was your biggest cheerleader, barely in her seat the entire game, shouting and cheering at every possibility. You pretended after the match that you hadn’t heard her but her strong northern accent boomed around the stadium; however distracting, you can’t deny that having someone from home in the stands pushed you on. 
Shaking hands and making your way around the field to thank both teams you finally looked up to see not only the blonde but... “Mum? Dad?” you screamed, shielding the sun out of your eyes long enough to see it was undeniably your parents. Launching yourself over the barrier faster than Usain Bolt you sprinted up the steps towards the back of the stands as your dad came bounding down towards you, scooping you into one of his giant bear hugs as you met in the middle. Your mum quickly wrapped her arms around you both to stop your dad from falling over from the shear force you threw yourself at him. Rachel watched everything unfold from afar, a tear rolling down her cheek knowing bringing them along had made you so happy. Surely you’d have to forgive her now, right?!
Rachel stayed until the end of the season, spending time getting to know each other again like it was the beginning. She came to every single one of your games and this time, it was her wearing your name on her back. For so many years it was the other way around when you didn’t play on the same team; you’d go to watch her but Rachel being in a higher league barely had time to show up to your games. Your walls may have been broken down easily but the team certainly hadn’t forgotten what she did to you and how they had to rebuild you after she left. It was extremely messy, it wasn’t a secret that you two were dating and the fans very quickly realised the 6 year relationship was over when Rach abruptly announced her departure from The Dash. Conspiracies and rumours flew around the internet for months trying to guess what had happened and who was the victim - Rach being the bigger name tended to get the most sympathy. You know you shouldn’t have read the comments online but you couldn’t help yourself and it nearly drowned you, if it wasn’t for your teammates you never would have made it out the other side. Now club captain, you had made your own name for yourself, no longer riding off the back of Rachel’s multi continental fame. You are (y/f/n) - striker, captain and leader. You are so much more than Rachel Daly’s ex girlfriend. 
Since her return, the rumours had started spiralling again – ‘had they broken up?’, ‘are they back together?’, ‘is Rachel trying to take her back to England?’ – it was relentless! On the last game of the season, Rachel was invited to make a speech at half time, stating how proud of the team she was and how Houston still feels like home to her. She donned a specially made jersey and given a commemorative photo album to take home with her. You couldn’t stand it and waited in the changing room until she’d dispersed back to the stand. She did do a lot for the team when she was here but it’s your turn now, you’re sick of still being in her shadow even when she doesn’t play here anymore! The back stabby feeling stuck around for a while, bitter that the fans and club still loved her, she even handed out the medals for winning the league! Having to stand there and shake her hand, accepting the trophy from her to take to the rest of the team made you want to drop it onto her foot but you saved face and smiled politely when inside you were dying. Just when you think she’s doing everything right lately, she does everything wrong… again!
Celebrating in the changing room you’d had a little too much to drink when she burst in, keen to join in the party. ‘Oh no fucking way’ you muttered under your breath, slamming your bottle down on the table a little to hard and pushing her right back out of the door she’d just entered from. “This isn’t your party, why are you here?” you slurred, becoming a little braver with your words now your body was filled with alcohol. “I just thought-” she started before you cut her off, “no, you didn’t think! This is my first win as captain and you’re here to take over!” your voice becoming louder and louder, earning you a few stares from passing staff. Even after everything that happened, you couldn’t believe that the club had asked her to be such a huge part of todays celebrations, everyone knows what she did and half of them helped her do it. They watched you for months trying to become yourself again after the worst heartbreak you had ever endured and still thought making it all about her was a good idea! “Just leave, I want to celebrate with my friends” you ended your rant, exhausted with still having to fight with her. “Okay” she nodded solemnly, “have a good night” her head bowed as her feet swivelled and she walked off. “Right!” bursting back into the changing room, “let’s get this party started!!!” 
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sparklitive-sonya · 9 months
To anyone going to JO Finland tour who still don't have an outfit yet:
UFF vintage stores are currently having a sale, and tomorrow everything in the store is gonna be 3€. All the sensible clothes have been bought already so it's easier than ever to find the sluttiest vintage flowerprint and lace shirts that are still hanging there and sadly waiting for you. Also remember to look what ppl have abandoned on the floor, I found like three absolute bangers of shirts that instantly gave me "Jan would slay in this" reaction just laying in a pile under the racks.
(I sadly don't work for them and this isn't a paid endorsement lol I just want someone to save the slutty vintage clothes and everyone be feelin their hottest on this important week that should be considered a national holiday tbh)
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beckiboos · 6 months
OC Interview
Thanks for the tag @gloryride
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Valina Dumouchel. No middle name. Mother didn't believe in them.
Mother was not fond of nicknames and wouldn't allow anyone to shorten my name. (She is SO FUSSY) Aymeric referred to me only by my last name when we were teenagers which I hated at the time but like it now. On the net I go by V01D
Cis female
Star Sign
June 3rd. Gemini. Yes my life is plagued by twins apparently
1m 75 / 5ft 9"
My mother is American and my papa is French. I was born in Paris France and lived there until I was 16 when my parents divorced, I still attended boarding school in France but mother moved to NC and I spent holidays here until I moved here permanently when I landed my job in Arasaka counter-intelligence. I now have dual nationality.
Favorite fruit
Lychees. I can never get hold of them here and they are horribly expensive if you can find them and not always fresh but I developed a taste for them when Arasaka sent me to Japan on.... lets say "conferences"
Favorite Season
I miss the seasons of France rather than California... Autumn in Paris is a regular favourite but the one year it snowed in Paris when I was 8 years old will always be special to me
Favourite Scent
Normally I would say rose but Aymeric has this aftershave that's driving me crazy at the moment... Its woody with cinnamon and notes of violet and I'm not sure what else. I need to find out what it is and make sure he doesn't run out
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate
Coffee. Do not talk to me until I had my coffee. I NEED IT
Average hours of sleep
I mean... I don't have the most regular work hours... why do you think I need the coffee? But.. I don't know maybe.. 4-5 hours. It;s fiiinnneee...
Dog or cat person
Cat. I couldn't live without my baby Babette!
Dream Trip
I have been lucky to travel as much as I have done but it was always always working and stress... I think now I just want somewhere quiet to just be still and quiet. A strange monk had a BD of a beautiful jungle full of nature... I would like to actually go to a place like that one day
Favorite fictional character
I used to love to read when I was younger... I can't remember when I last sat and enjoyed a book. When I was a teenager I was obsessed with a series about a teenage witch and her cat but I can barely remember it
Number of blankets
I have a thin duvet but I have a spare for when Aymeric stays over... the boy is like an oven he needs a separate duvet away from me, I cannot sleep with him touching me its TOO WARM
Random Fact
More like a tiny little secret... but I kinda had small virus I used to hack Arasaka intel when the twins worked at Militech and Petrochem... what? I couldn't have Arasaka targeting my favourite twins! It was kind of a relief when they quit and I scrubbed it from the system... really I should have been fired sooner
Tagging ummm I have no idea who hasn't done this already tbh... I'll tag @barbecutie because I havent seen one but honestly if you havent done one yet and want to this is your tag.
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late-cambrian · 6 months
FOR THE AO3 WRAPPED hello !!!!!
3, 6, 12, 18, 19 and 28? i'm being selfish picking tons of questions alksdfjklsjdfk
first, everyone go read kae's works rn >:( fr find me a better writer, i'll wait
3) What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)
unfortunate for my blue lock besties, but it's a naruto fic lmao. I really enjoyed writing quartz arenite, which is one of my only serious fics. It's a Gaara character study with some background world-building I feel like the show doesn't actually give us about Suna. It also has GaaLee, obviously, because it had to.
6) Favorite title you used
oh geez. I'm gonna have to pick two. for naruto, Bombing Sex-Ed because I think it's so silly. for blue lock, propbably Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn. I mean, c'mon, Pitbull.
12) How many WIPs do you have in your docs for next year?
oh DOUBLE geez, I currently have 25 drafts in my folder for blue lock alone. I'm hoping to have at least one Christmas fic for Loser Gate out before the end of the year hehehe.
18) The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
hmmm, probably a tie between Rin and Ness. I really like BachiRin, but their dynamic has been tough for me to write because I feel like Rin is difficult for me to write in character lol. Ness is just OOC, and I have a hard time capturing his, how do you say, crazy-insane Isagi-flavored hate. I just want him to be silly, and the way he simps for kaiser in canon makes me say ness bb girl get off your knees. i write him how i want to (which is correct, i know him better than the author).
19) What's one pairing you want to explore next year?
RAHHHH THIS QUESTION!!!! I really want to dip into Otoya/Karasu/Yukimiya tbh. My roots are haikyuu poly-flavored, and I loooove a throuple. I love their dynamic, and I want to write more Karasu tbfh lol. I also want to write some bachisagi and ness/kurona! I have so many ideas swimming around :)
28) Favorite work you wrote this year?
for naruto, still quartz arenite. super proud of that one <3. For Blue Lock, tbh I really enjoyed writing both Monster Mash and Smash or Pass. smash or pass came to me so fast lol. i loved that chapter, and i knew that i wanted to make it a part of loser gate. i had a blast reading kaisagi authors interpret what they'd do about it in general. big win for kaisagi nation. Monster Mash was super hard to write bc.I suck at world-building, but it was really fun to write and I got to write SaeShidou, which is always a win for me.
thank you for the ask, @kae-karo <3. i love talking about more stuff so it's not selfish, and tbh, would die for u. fr everyone do yourself a favor and check out their works!
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jyndor · 7 months
my grandparents being absolute shitheads is almost certainly a response to the generational trauma associated with my family fleeing Ireland during the famine (a product of british imperialism). there is so much anxiety, depression, adhd, ptsd, etc in my family. I know a little of the traumas that my paternal grandma and grandpa went through to survive as children in absolute poverty in manhattan during and after the depression. I know that trauma had an impact on my grandparents when they got rich.
and that's just on my dad's side.
I can respect that without condoning the shitheadery, the racism, the buy-in to us american whiteness in the name of money and safety and power, the shit they did to THEIR kids, the shit THEIR kids did to MY generation. Empathy and understanding sure, but I don't know how to forgive them. or their parents, or THEIR parents, who had to endure God knows what to bring their families here but also who hurt those families in so many ways.
I feel very deeply the lack of culture, the emptiness of white us american-ness; I always have. when I was a baby and my parents chose to move from new york to delaware for a job, I felt the lack of family every holiday when my friends got to just go over to all their families' homes, or when they'd talk about hanging out after school with their grandparents and cousins. I felt the lack of culture when I'd see my friends going through confirmation or having bar/bat mitzvahs, or when I'd go hang out with my friends from cultures that they were still connected to.
so I have mixed feelings about going to family thanksgiving celebrations - and I am not going this year, I don't go most years tbh - because to me, the idea that my family would want to celebrate a holiday based on colonial mythology and genocide is particularly vomitous to me.
this year my sister is very ill and so my parents aren't doing anything (we might get together this weekend, but idk). my birthday is on the 30th, so maybe we'll say it's for that instead.
I think the most insidious part of thanksgiving is that on its face, it's hard to argue with it as a concept - families coming together to be thankful for another year survived together. but what has thanksgiving always been to me? arguing about politics, long drives up to new york and later connecticut, a lot of food I can't eat and don't want to eat, pretending everything's okay when it's not. luckily my parents' generation is pretty good about all cooking together - none of that women in the kitchen while the men watch football shit (at least none that I saw growing up).
thanksgiving to me on a personal level is a veneer of thankfulness over deep pains and divisions that hasn't been resolved. it's kind of like that on a larger scale too - the very mythology at the heart of thanksgiving, the idea that the pilgrims invited the wampanoag people to some great feast at all is a fucking delusional façade over the actual story.
a façade that was commemorated in 1863 by president lincoln, that great emancipator. this of course after the trail of tears in 1830, and centuries of genocide against native americans. and then fdr, that progressive hero, made it a national holiday in 1941. months before interning japanese americans.
and people have the nerve to complain about the "turkey genocide" every year (as a vegetarian myself I reject and denounce those idiots) while still accepting the existence of a holiday built on the genocide of actual people. I like the turkey pardoning but it's also like... what the fuck kind of american bullshit is that, we pardon turkeys every year (good and cool) while millions of people are incarcerated.
truth and reconciliation necessitates recognizing historical and current harm done and working to repair that harm done. we cannot do that while celebrating thanksgiving.
land back now. reparations now. decolonization globally and domestically NOW. I'll thank my ancestors for their survival on a different day. my birthday sounds like as good a day as any tbh - what better way to thank them than to have been born and continue to live? the only better way may be to fight the very thing that made them refugees in the first place - imperialism.
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aroacerick · 1 year
fic masterlist !
feel free to request something from me! i looove writing, i mostly main connor and quackity !, but tbh if i do research i will write anyone <3
quackitys closure - quackity travels in time with karl, but something goes a little funky. he tries to go along with it but eventually sees a familiar face
am i really that bad? - the dealer and mr. mask are neck and neck villain and superhero !!! they are arch enemies !! meanwhile, quackity and dream are best friends that Love to cause chaos <3
loving is easy when everything's perfect - quackity runs a museum with his fiances (karl and sapnap), and tubbo likes to visit him and they hang out and they are just very happy
i hope we both die - There was nothing left to do. Las Nevadas had finally fallen apart. The team was gone and people fully evacuated. It didn’t matter how many times Quackity assured them it was safe, and Dream would never get them, they didn’t listen. Nobody listened. So there he sat. In his office, in his country that he tried so hard to keep together. In his country he formed out of heartbreak, and grief, and loss. In his country that was doomed from the beginning. Just like Quackity, everything was doomed for him.
i loved you then and i loved you now - connor, for the first time since they met, shares with schlatt about his gender and asks him for help
close your eyes, so afraid. hide behind that baby face - dream was given peony when he was 14 years old from a godly figure. he was given no explanation, though he was promised shed be taken back. its hard, being 14 and raising a daughter, but it gets better. thats what phil promised him.
happy times together we've been spending. i wish every kiss was never ending. - dia de los muertos. a day to celebrate the dead. to celebrate the lives of those who were once there, and enjoying that they eisted to begin with. quackity used to love the holiday season, but now it were spent alone. it was spent doing work for his nation. he didn't do anything for most part, other than dia de los mertos. a tradition taken from his mom, to show respect. what a life.
let me take this coat and this weight off of your shoulders - tubbo doesn't want to be a villain. he hates being a villain. but he's there for tommy. he's always there for his best friend. and tommy promised that he'll fix everything.
you've got my whole world in your hands, got that little blue spot - again and again, connor dies. he's finished up in a world, he's played his entire course. each time he dies, he fails, he meets xd. and has to look them in the eyes. for once, they don't look at him with anger. instead, for once, they look at him with kindness.
i need you now, i love you so much, more than you could know - the sbi throw a holiday party!! (so many people are attending ....)
i try so hard to be so happy, are you happy too? - an apocalypse caused by the revival of people! schlatt and wilbur stick together because of their history. connor eventually joins them because hes immune. connor thinks they need a little bit of holiday spirit ! :)
no, i dont care about anything at all. but i still stop and stare everytime that you call - connor and schlatt have a little talk
vvv LATEST FIC vvv
im starving, darling. let me put my lips on something - schlatt hates bad jokes, but thats all connor can do. how is he gonna get out of this one ?!
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𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐏𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 - 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞
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I’m still upset and still unwell so for comfort I’m assigning different Stranger Things characters pokemon teams that I think they’d have. I’m gonna do the main kids in this one and then the main adults/older kids in the next one so that I have room to explain all my choices without tumblr throwing a hissy fit at me 
𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐫
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Blastoise - Something about Mike gives me Squirtle vibes so I’ve given him a Blastoise that he’d have had as his starter as a kid and that grew and evolved with him as he grew as a trainer 
Pikachu - Again, he just gives me Pikachu energy. Maybe one of those Pikachu that wears a hat from Pokemon Go? It would be a Pikachu that he hasn’t evolved because he doesn’t want Pikachu to change and become something completely different because he doesn’t want to lose his pal 
Crobat - Just a little fella for a (not-so) little fella. Seriously though I do think he’d have a crobat 
Empoleon - Empoleon is a king. We stan. I also think that Mike would love having an Empoleon. He feels v much like a mainly water type trainer so having a dual type pokemon that has water as one of its types fits for me 
Lapras - Lapras is I think many people’s favourite, just like Mike seems to be a lot of people’s favourites (anyone I ask about him says they think he’s a great character that’s been done dirty by the writing) 
Poliwhirl - Again, another one he gives me the vibe of. Poliwhirl looks like he’d be a bit of a dick but is actually pretty cool 
𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫/𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧
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Espeon - El deserves an Espeon after what she’s been through tbh. I think an Espeon would be the perfect companion for her 
Gallade - I had to think about whether she would have a Gallade or Gardevoir and I’ve gone with Gallade because just like El, Gallades are fighters and I think it would fit her vibe as a psychic specialising pokemon trainer so that she has some variety in her team 
Delphox - El is fierce and has a passionate fire within her to protect those she loves and cherishes. A Delphox would be perfect for her 
Munna - A dream pokemon I think would work well with El. It would comfort her after she’s had bad dreams about the past and I think would also help her harness her own psychic powers 
Starmie - A Starmie to symbolise the moment she cherishes of her and Max in Starcourt 
Gothitelle - I absolutely had to represent her bitching, edgier style that she wore at the end of season 2 and Gothitelle is perfect for that 
𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬
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Sylveon - Now hear me out. Friendship is very important to will, and an Eevee only evolves into a Sylveon if you have a good enough friendship and bond with it. A Sylveon is absolutely PERFECT for Will 
Mismagius - Looks like a wizard and has the same colour scheme as Will the Wise. There’s no way I wasn’t adding this little guy to his team 
Gengar - This bad boy is a hard hitter and I think Will deserves a Gengar. Gengar supremacy 
Chandlure - Symbolises Will using the lights to communicate with Joyce almost as if he were a ghost using a ouija board 
Pumpkaboo - I wholeheartedly believe Will’s favourite holiday is Halloween and that he wants it to become a national holiday like Christmas and Easter because hell yeah Halloween is dope as hell 
Doublade - Will is a fighter and stronger than I think some people give him credit for. The doublade symbolises that strength within him 
𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫
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Magneton - Lucas is a highly underrated character imo. He has a magnetic sort of charm and personality to him and I don’t really know of anyone that doesn’t like Lucas. He needs more screen time and I’m so glad we got to see more of him in volume 2 
Bastiodon - A strong, sturdy pokemon just like Lucas. I really do believe he’s the backbone of the group. He holds the group up and he reaches out to Max and reassures her that he’s there for her to lean on 
Skarmory - Cool, majestic, awesome. Just like Lucas 
Mawile - Something about Lucas gives me the vibe that he would have a Mawile. It’s my favourite steel type and I think it would be Lucas’ too in a modern au 
Bisharp - People underestimate steel types, and Lucas is not one to underestimate. Much like a Bisharp, he will fight you if he has to and he will win 
Bronzong - Similar to Bastiodon, I think Lucas would have a Bronzong to represent how sturdy and reliable he is as a member of the friendship group 
𝐌𝐚𝐱 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝
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Blaziken - Fiery and ready to fight, a Blaziken works perfectly for Max. Not only that, but I think it would have a stubborn nature because Max is a little stubborn too 
Toxicroak - Packs a punch and has no mercy. I also feel like Toxicroak would work well with Max because she has the vibe of having both poison types and fighting types 
Marshadow - Much like Marshadow, Max gives me the energy that if it were a modern au she would be the cryptid friend of the friend group. Absolutely wilding and being terrifying yet not terrifying at the same time. She would be a mothman stan 
Sawk - I headcanon that Max would take up martial arts in another life and become a black belt in karate at a young age as well as skateboarding. Max is a bad bitch you can’t tell me otherwise 
Hitmonchan - Best gen 1 fighting type imo. Just like Max is the best girl out of the younger characters 
Emboar - Much like Blaziken, fiery and ready to fight just like Max 
𝐄𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫
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Venusaur - Bad bitches get the bad bitch pokemon. Venusaur is the best gen 1 starter and I will take no feedback or criticism on that. I also feel that Erica would go for poison type pokemon because of her DnD character Lady Applejack
Roserade - This pokemon looks pretty and harmless, but will not hesitate to put you in your place. This screams Erica for me 
Nidoqueen - Erica is a queen. Also, Nidoqueen is quite powerful and I think people underestimate how strong and badass Erica actually is. Let’s not forget, this girl is 11 years old and fighting shit from the upside down. 11 years old people 
Dragalge - A more elegant looking pokemon that looks like it wouldn’t hurt a fly 
Beedrill - Something about Beedrill feels like Erica’s kind of pokemon. Idk what it is but Beedrill is what I think of when I consider what pokemon Erica would have 
Tentacruel - Like I’ve said, Erica is a bad bitch and deserves bad bitch pokemon. She’d smile while Tentacruel takes care of her enemy’s team effortlessly because I just know she’d have trained hard for her team to be unstoppable 
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tiny-tigers · 10 months
Ahhhh bless his heart!!! 😭♥️ 😭♥️ (is it weird how proud I feel for a complete stranger for staying SO positive during the most difficult of times?) *mad respect for Jacky....& his cute little chubby toes* 😭💕
Third person?! Well I'm glad others have noticed it as well then...! I hope everything's okay at home with him?? Family bereavement maybe? 😢💕 He doesn't seem quite himself...
But yes to shy Fred and no to Frederico 😂 - you're completely right about the bad aura though...I can see it every time he's on the field! And then in behind the scenes stuff he's so smiley?! (maybe he's just not enjoying his rugby atm??) *don't blame him tbh*
I personally think Jack's going to come back from this injury better than ever!!! He will have learnt so much about himself and his resolve already! Also he's been under so much pressure with all the nasty comments about him that now the pressures off, he'll probably recover/thrive! ✨
I think come December he'll actually be in a better position than Fred, he'll have had time to recover and decompress - whereas Fred will be even more burnt out, having had no time to rest OR work on skills he needs to work on...😞 [also months of not sleeping in your own bed - I would actually go MAD] 😭😅🙈
He still looks very dopey dozy from up close
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but I love him so much 😭 he is a blessing to my world and I am so happy to be alive in a century he is in it. Proud to be a fan of him when he is his unproblematic charming darling self taking time for everyone only days after the sentence and sending updates to everyone keeping the smile on ♡ he looks so vulnerable and young I want to tickle his toes ngl 😂🤣 awww he is no complete stranger is he ? I guess a bit less to me 😭 ? Are we still stranger to each others if he recognizes me in a mob ? Because then I am no stranger.
Yup third person I swear to you it is beginning to be weird to hear it on repeat when I didn't wanted to believe something had change in him ?
Difficult to say... Guy was with his padre today and Harry is on holiday no idea for Jane. Is it something to do with Leicester environnement tho.???.?. .... I am starting to think about it.
I do hope so but the bandage looks high for ankle treatment and it was supposed to be in few weeks surgery ??? I am starting to think he is a little pinocchio 🤥 and just too vague on purpose.
I think he had a very bad phase this year around mid season to holidays (ugh) when he was totally on jesus take the wheel phase. Around bad 6 nations but maybe even before the huge blow was for sure all blacks match and pinky 🤕but after that it went downhill rock bottom -> sale match 😖🙈 and since he was back in England he was a bit fake it until you make it but it was working ? And he was better..Even pretty solid? Until *crack* I wish him to be his 2020-2021 self again ♡.
Honestly I was starting to get worried at the underbags on Jack and he looked very smol and slim but now he looks already better with few days in Norfolk ♡ bless the sunshine over there. I think he is in very good hands and it could be a blessing in few years time when Fred is starting to lose some feathers ugh 😟😱😣😖😭
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piracytheorist · 2 years
its October 8th which means if i put it right on my calendar Shadows of Rose will be 20 days from now
I am honestly hesitant to even buy it at this point tbh. With the possible spoiler from that interview, I honestly don't want to support the game financially if that's really the path they took. Also, for starters, I don't have enough money this month to buy it in time, so even if I wanted to it would still have to wait. On the other hand, I have the official game so if I pirate the DLC I'd probably have to pirate the entire game because I doubt a pirated DLC would work with the official edition.
But I will probably have to play it ASAP because spoilers will abound and I don't want to not be in the fandom when it comes out! And the most ironic part is, the 28th is a national holiday in Greece and it's a Friday, which means I get three entire days (and a bit, considering I start work on Monday evening) to enjoy the DLC. So it will be a big miss for me to not play it then. And I do want to play this one, I don't want to depend on a gameplay video if I can find a good enough computer to play it on myself. But if I don't get the chance I will catch up asap from a gameplay video because I am so desperate for new content even if it is little compared to the entirety of the main game.
So yeah, 20 days to go! Excitement will build up and I hope to fuck it doesn't get wasted 🥲
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achilles-came-down · 2 years
Hi hi!!! I hope everything is going well for you! We had 4th of July on Monday and tbh it's probably my least favorite holiday. I could go into intense detail but to put it simply fireworks are pretty, but are loud, scary, and can hurt me. Not to mention that America is a joke at this point. But alas, doesn't matter what I think bc I worked a 10 hour shift.
I'm going camping this weekend with my family/housemates and I'm excited. I'm gonna swim so much and eat literally only smores. (I'll add some protein somewhere...) speaking of swimming I've been spending days off at the lake, it's like 15 mins away from my house.
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I also went on a shopping spree recently, I bought a tent and an air mattress for camping but the store was coincidentally next to a book store and I bought a lot of manga bc of the 4th of July sale....
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Also, I've been talking to a lot of family lately since my mom passed. My grandma on my dad's side happened to send me some photos from the 2000's. Some of them had my mom in it, but most of them were just baby pics of me.
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Here's two of my favorite ones, I'm the one in the middle in that second picture the literal babies are my sisters. (They're twins)
Sorry for the long ramble, I'm feeling chatty. How have you been?
P.S. I updated my dream island in acnh
Oh shoot Tumblr didn't send me a notification
I very much share your opinions on fireworks, our national day was on the 14th. Not a fan.
Hope you had fun camping! I went to the lake last week had the time of my life swimming (bonus for not being saltwater so not problem when it gets in your eyes or accidentally swallowing some). Also got ice cream :)
I spent 3 days at my bf's house, not sure if i already told you in another ask, but a lot of fun! We made like 40 pancakes too
The heatwave is still going, 41 degrees Celsius are planned for Tuesday. Have an appointment in Paris on Wednesday but we'll probably take the train this time, going in a car in this heat would probably end in a meltdown and a big fight. also i missy cat. He passed in June of 2020 and he was the best boy. Love him.
Yesterday i ate like 3 ice cream sundaes i bought from the store (chocolate strawberry and caramel) they were so good. Cause of the heat I'm having to reduce my time at the gym cause my mom is worried about me getting heatstroke or something but she said we could go to the swimming pool instead.
Also I'm sorry to hear about your mom's passing, my condolences (not sure if you already told me, sorry if you did and i forgot .w.")
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Wanted to have a picnic tonight so made a tuna/tomato quiche, mini sandwiches, and devilled eggs.
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Also i watch this french channel on TikTok that does live with their telescopes so here's a screenshot of the moon i took :)
Very sleeby from drinking caffeine earlier (made myself a caramel frappucino, dunno why caffeine makes me so sleepy) so imma take a nap before dinner
Also i got sad earlier because i want to make s'mores but we didn't have any marshmallows lol
Hope youre well ! 👋
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Sodor engines go on exchange trials, I LOVE it! But awe, poor Edward and Henry stayed at home? I hope they went visits some other time, if not I am FULL OF SALT! My lads deserve to be shown off too!
Heh. Well, to be fair, Gordon didn’t enjoy his exchange trials, remember? Though I suppose he got a second shot at a mainland adventure when he ‘went foreign’ in ’56 and made the national news…
… oh. Wait. He didn’t enjoy that either, did he? (x)
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… dude is your running board really supposed to be that big? huh.
It’s almost like James is the only one of this lot who knows how to really live it up…
But yeah. Gordon and James were definitely the obvious candidates to represent the N.W.R. during the Exchange Trials. Hatt knew that it was extremely unlikely that the national railway would actually take any design cues for their Standards from Sodor... but he was still going to take advantage of the moment to show off Crovan's Gate engineering. James had been improved to a remarkably versatile yet lightweight engine by their then-CME, and Gordon's rebuild had all been to Hatt's personal design. In contrast to those two unique designs, Henry was essentially just a Midland 5MT, and, to the extent that he was a brilliant adaptation of what remained of his original parts to that design, the credit was all to Stanier (who was a little peeved—that ingrate Hatt might have taken the opportunity to show off one of Stanier's masterworks! 'Course, looking for gratitude from FC1 usually was a fool's errand.) Edward was a great example of what Crovan's Gate could do, in fact he was the then-CME's proudest work, but he was also in poor condition at the time, and in any case only the heaviest classes were being examined through these trials—even James had been a bit of a stretch (albeit he proved a darkhorse triumph), but frankly Edward would have been scoffed out of any of the Big Four during this event.
Anyhow, you may be less bugged if you know that Edward doesn’t care. And, if that doesn’t help, then you will be less bugged to know that Henry is just as salty about it as you are.
Here are some more headcanons, just to assure you that both have enjoyed plenty of foreign attention:
1) Henry, I confess, has been pretty cheated out of much any off-Sodor experiences, his whole life long. He’s got his original workshop(s?) plus journey to Sodor, Crewe, several deliveries to [CONFIDENTIAL] military base in WWII, London, and Crewe II—and that’s it.
You may notice that most of these mainland experiences are associated with some sort of trauma. (Sodor heard the air raid alarms a few times during the war, but they never suffered the way that north west England did across the strait. Venturing over to those rails was not for the faint of ironheart.)
If it helps, the ‘eight famous engines’ all agree that their London visit was the most enjoyable one they’ve ever had. (James and his own exchange trial excepted.) Many an invitation for a visit has been turned down only after the engine in question asked “… can't one of the others go with me?” and been told “sorry, no can do.” Most of these sort of visits are fairly slow and dozy, really—as you can see pretty clearly in the Christopher Awdry books. But the eight engines remember how it was amazing to go on holiday as a group.
(POSTSCRIPT: Yeah, I’ve since had the headcanon that they bickered with extra fury and salt most nights of that trip? Though, tbh, while that idea is amusing, it’s also a bit depressing to imagine their trip marred like that—reading it again now, I like this original headcanon!
I suppose both could be true, though… they fought like cats and dogs, appalling some of the workmen and their controller, but hey, they always bicker; they quickly forgave and forgot those bits, and look back on their holiday fondly with rose-colored glasses.)
Nevertheless, despite his originally weak ties to the mainland, Henry (much to his own surprise) found himself gradually becoming something of a Big Name, among fellow engines, starting with his rebuild into one of the earliest Black Fives. L.M.S. locos he met in the shop found his horrific wreck and his stories from Sodor very interesting, and he was not fast forgotten.
Then the Black Fives proliferated, such that Henry found himself considered an elder of a growing clan, many representatives of which he met and saw often at the junction.
Then too, during the war, he showed up with some regularity on the Midland again, sometimes dispatched way outside his usual routes, so he met up with old faces once more.
Then the Railway Series began… obviously, over the years this gave all the ‘main cast’ something of a public profile, but on the rails at least the effect was the most immediate and notable with Henry, very much keeping his rep among the Midland engines alive.
(While Gordon and James were abroad during ’48, Sodor in turn was hosting some engines. Their Midland guest, an eager 8F, thought it was an honor to get to work with Henry the Green Engine, and adopted him as a mentor. The others would occasionally take the normal well-worn potshots at Henry, just as a matter of idle banter, only for the Midland guest to invariably defend him with exclamations of protest.
… yeah nonny, home or no, Henry freakin’ loved the Exchange Trials.)
As you might imagine, all of this agreed with Henry very much. His status at Barrow, at least, was a major factor in the confidence boost we see between ‘Gordon’s Whistle’ and ‘Off the Rails.’ (And the fact that he could never seem to garner quite as much respect on Sodor as he evidently had across the strait has been a source of continual irritation to him ever since! Well, ‘ever since’ meaning ‘until the end of steam’. The mainland engines since then seldom give a damn about him.)
However, since then, Henry has acquired a whole new source of notoriety: His origins are one of the most popular railfan mysteries ever.
Some post-WWI records found in a clearing-out of Doncaster Works in 1969 suggested planning and preparation for a mysterious engine that was funded, begun to be built, but then, seemingly, never accounted for. From what few hints could be gleaned in the paperwork, many felt the obvious, if tentative, conclusion that the mystery engine was an early prototype of the Gresley Pacific, probably another ‘hush-hush’ project. Perhaps even so ‘hush-hush’ that G.N.R. board had never approved it, and so the building and testing was done in extra secrecy.
Anyone who had actually been associated with Doncaster at the time objected: There hadn’t been a ‘hush-hush’ engine circa 1920. No one credible claimed to have ever even heard a rumor, whisper, or story of such a thing.
Still, the new notion of a lost or hidden Gresley Pacific was so damn memetic that the idea wouldn’t entirely die.
Then, after all this bubbled about indifferently for over a decade, a good deal of Crewe Works was cleaned out to prepare for privitasation. Bombshell discovery: Some inexpertly scrubbed records suggesting a mystery engine had been built there. So far, none too mind-bending. It was not common but not unheard-of for building to be dismantled midway or even shortly after completion, for any number of reasons.
However, the mystery engine seemed to match up all too well with the hypothetical ‘hush-hush’ early A1 prototype.
At the serious suggestion of an episode of either collusion or theft between Gresley and Fowler, British railfans were scandalized. And intrigued!
Debate raged wildly on whether they were really seeing what they thought they saw. Also, since it seemed that the mystery engine had indeed been built, with evidence that it might have been gifted elsewhere but no evidence that it had been destroyed... there were also several proposals for who the mystery engine had been. Yep, this wave of speculation was a low-key happy pastime for steam geeks.
It only got crazy in the 80s when, after the newly-launched Rail Enthusiast magazine published an article outlining the mystery, a reader wrote to the editor with a candidate that most of the audience had never considered: Couldn’t this be the N.W.R.’s number three?
It’s probably worth mentioning that, in-universe, the overlap between railfans and RWS/T&F fans is far slimmer than it is in our reality. Gordon and, to a lesser extent, James had long drawn a level of mechanical geek love due to being unique prototypes. And the end of working steam in the rest of the country certainly raised the profile of the North Western as a whole. But the railway’s tacky PR campaign was not appealing, and even a bit of a turnoff, for the “true” railfan.
So most of the reaction to this letter was “… that goofy green hydrophobic off-brand 5MT that got himself bricked in a tunnel? (if that ever happened?) (which we doubt?) you must be jok—”
“—holy shit you guys look at this he might be on to something.”
It could not be proven that Henry was the mystery engine. But, as enthusiasts followed up on this tip, the sheer wtf-ery of Henry’s early history—this time definitely featuring some juicy corporate espionage somewhere or another!—turned into its own juggernaut hobbyist puzzle.
As you might imagine, at first Henry was discomfited by all this new sort of attention from a certain vein of visitors who came to Sodor purely to research him. Uhh… no, this is not ‘really cool’… this whole old thing is, you know, the biggest shame of my entire life. And I was ‘really cool’ with the thing finally being long forgotten.
But the interest only slowly but steadily grew over the years, and Henry came ‘round to enjoying this peculiar claim to fame. There has since grown an academic rift among British industrial historians. There are two main theories, around which the discourse has become rather polarized.
This confusion may persist because Henry (while not knowing the answer, himself) could sometimes be entertaining himself by deliberately disseminating misinformation when interviewed.
I’d hate to accuse such a straightlaced, humorless, eminently truthful engine of any such shenanigans, but… oh, hell. I’m accusing him. (The history professors have started to cotton on, too.)
In addition to the mainstream debate, there is the occasional crackpot alternative that any expert just eyerolls, but which is so intriguing to know-nothings that it’s impossible to properly kill off. The most pervasive such intellectual weed is, namely, that Henry was the original Great Northern.
Which is hogwash.
That, of course, was Gordon.
ADDENDUM: In the *mumble mumble* months that I’ve been fruitlessly fussing over this ask, I have decided that Henry was brought on trial for libel in 2016.
… Whoops! 😳
Suit was brought by the estate of Fowler. A special “open-air” courthouse setup was set up in the fitters’ yard. Journalists were there covering the landmark case. Henry was freaked out of his smokebox. The other engines were horrified too. In the end, Henry was found responsible for a nominal fine, meaning of course the railway had to pay.
… only after all the dust settled did the engines start to wonder if the whole thing had been an elaborate setup by newly-installed FC4 to put the fear of God into all of them.
But there’s no way that he would ever put up such an insanely elaborate ruse just to scare them straight. Right?
2) Edward has also become kind of a big deal among ‘proper’ rail enthusiasts. And he’s pretty ambivalent about this.
As mentioned, the North Western fleet of course took on more importance to railfans during modernisation.
Which is the period that people started taking stock of what was still around and in danger of being lost. The already small club of railway engines who have logged sixty or more years of service was dwindling rapidly right in front of everyone’s eyes. So, just as in Real Life, hobbyists were taking note of particularly old engines that were still operational… most of which, sadly, were too obscure to be viable candidates for preservation.
N.W.R. number two became a discovery of some interest as this club dwindled down to the double, and then the single digits. At this point, Edward appeared to be closer to the seventy than the sixty-year mark, and neither he nor his owners seemed to think he was due to be decommissioned anytime soon. That was undeniably a little spot of hope in the world of steam. Besides, the “Old Iron” rescue proved to be just as popular in railfan circles as it is among RWS/T&F fans.
So far, so fine.
Then the preservationists came a-calling.
Precisely because they had once been so common, no one had ever thought to take much trouble to save pre-war 4-4-0s until it was pretty much too late. Even the incredibly small handful that still survived by post-1960—operational or no—had all been modified… which wasn’t good enough for a certain type of enthusiast.
Edward was oblivious to the early scouts. He took them for the usual sort of history nerd that sometimes wandered down his way and whom he had always found easy to entertain. When a particularly frequent pair of new visitors showed up in ’65, he had no idea that he was effectively being interviewed (nor that he was passing with flying colors). He just thought that his chatty new friends had a lot of time on their hands, and that questions such as “don’t you ever wish you could have your original X again?” (“no, indeed! this one is far more useful”) were hypothetical, just making conversation at station. In his defense… they regularly called him “handsome.” So, you know, his critical thinking skills had gone offline.
(What was going on was clear as day to new arrival BoCo… who sort of just looked askance at the camera with an expression that said, Wow. Passenger engines, amirite?)
So, when the two visitors finally proposed to Edward that he be restored to his original build and added to their touring preserved fleet, it was kind of a nasty shock. To Edward, to the other North Western engines (a bemused BoCo aside), and to FC2. The latter of whom had been building a relationship with this particular group precisely because he was hoping that one day they, or others like them, would prove an good final home for a few of his engines, and who was incredulous that they could have been so unprofessional and so stupid as to spring this on Edward without first coming to any agreement with him. He had known that, without his own expert handling, such a proposal would send most of his fleet into a tizzy… which it did… and therefore this faux pas effectively killed any prospect of FC2 ever finding a happy medium between “scrap” and “spend a fortune maintaining them forever.”
This experience also rather soured Edward on rail enthusiasts in general, unfortunate because as the years have gone on he’s only become a figure of more and more interest to them. To FC2’s initial surprise, he rejected all invitations to appear on various events and railtours. (Edward is not that introverted.) But, apparently, he found the notion of getting any sort of special notice due to his age was profoundly distasteful.
Most assume that this is because of all the decades taking so much crap from the other Sodor engines. And it doesn’t help that he finds it a lot easier to dismiss any inquiries or encouragement to go away for a while with this as an excuse (“And listen to Gordon’s commentary on it for the next decade? No thanks.” “Ah. I see your point. Bold of you to assume he would drop it after a mere ten years, really.”) But the real reason—not so easy to articulate—is a firm realization that he’s survived this long out of sheer luck. He remembers very well the long, helpless, drawn-out years during which virtually every engine he had ever known on the mainland was scrapped. (This was long before dieselisation.) He reckons that many of them deserved his chance on Sodor under Hatt management just as much as him, and plenty deserved it more. So, with all that baggage, the idea of celebrating his own survival strikes him as ghastly.
A few of his trusted confidantes, hearing this, pointed out that he’s wanted not only due to “surviving,” but also because of certain exploits along the way… which Edward dismissed by pointing out that most of that credit should go to his crews, or to particularly intrepid railway inspectors. (“They should ask Driver to go on tour!”)
That said, there is one rather recent invitation that Edward reluctantly accepted. And it was his least favorite kind of invite—a Furness Railway Trust event. It might be different if these represented any kind of reunion for him, but the other surviving Furness engines are in fact all a good deal older than Edward—he never knew them. Like quite a few other Sodor engines, he has definitely participated in North Western specials or events that capitalize on the “Thomas” fame to raise funds for various preservation efforts, and in particular Edward has willingly helped with these drives for other Furness engines. But he has no love or loyalty to his first railway as an institution. They never wanted him. And they only look worse and worse in retrospect.
So a proposal that Edward give up his life for nearly a month for a major fundraising gala for #25 at Carnforth—two weeks of publicity work, plus having to get repainted in his original livery—was a total non-starter…
… and, even when Victoria sent appeals that he not make her go alone, he remained immovable…
… until the F.R.’s “old number three” wrote to him personally and asked him to come.
The “old number three,” who, of course, has since become much better known as Old Coppernob, was one of the four original Furness engines. After nearly fifty years of service, he was turned into a static display in the middle of Barrow station where, enshrined in glass, he remained, a distant, lofty, and oddly horrifying figure, from Edward’s earliest memories until WWII, when he was damaged in an air raid and transferred to the National Railway Museum.
So this is a little like the statue in your town square of the first mayor unexpectedly coming to life and telling you, specifically, to get your arse in gear and change your R.S.V.P. to what sounds like a big to-do of a stuffy high school alumni function. You are baffled. And you still don’t want to do it. But you definitely obey.
With Edward, the final holdout, now on board, this turned into a reunion of every single surviving Furness engine. And, now that they could ride some of those sweet, sweet "Thomas" coattails, ticket sales skyrocketed and funds were raised like gangbusters. Aaaaand, it, erm, well it also basically became a locked room murder mystery...
... because one of the surviving engines turned out to secretly be a nasty piece of work, and by the end of the fortnight the others had rescued the immobile Old Coppernob from an attempt at destruction, found the guilty party, and during the subsequent confrontation even pieced together, with considerable horror, that No. 115 getting buried alive in Lindal mines 150 years ago had been no accident.
So there was that. Very relaxing sort of visit. The culprit is currently breaking new ground as the first locomotive in the U.K. ever being charged with attempted murder—of another locomotive.
Edward and Victoria travel back to Sodor much shaken… with the former trying to conceal the fact.
“Well, indeed.”
*three miles later*
“… Is it too soon to say ‘I told you so’?”
“Absolutely too soon!”
“All right.”
*half a mile later*
“ … I’ll try again when we get to the Channel.”
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
💙Fri 11 Dec ‘20◟̽◞̽
Louis' big show is TOMORROW but that may not even be all we have to look forward to from him! Producer Alex Oriet (half of the duo Saltwives, who have worked with Zayn a lot, and he got his start working with 1D) reposted Louis' “new song” tweet to his insta with a caption- “soon”. OMG. Billboard had a 'year in livestreams' feature and wrapped up with Louis', saying “the best is yet to come” and reporting that Louis' show is Veeps' bestselling of the year “in excess of $1 million” (so either over a mil so far or a mil over the next best, hard to say, but it'll be well over a million by the end for sure so either makes sense).“I can't wait for tomorrow!” Louis tweeted, SAME, and “feels so good to be back with the boys getting ready. Can't wait for you all to see what we've been working on!” He included the brand new special Live From London twiiter emoji (!), it's a really cute lil vintage TV with the xx smiley on it, and a pic-- it's him looking over the backstage prep (so many screens) and you can see his hair flowing free and long and lovely! You can also see a piece of paper in front of him with 20 lines on it-- even if it is a set list I imagine some lines say “banter with crowd” and such like (as we saw on Louis' tour set list) but that's still soooo many lovely songs :))). Charlie Lightening says “this is going to be special, can’t wait for people to see what we have planned” and LTHQoffical is hitting us hard with the hype, posting another rehearsal pic (he's holding a beer and they didn't even scribble it out! wow almost like there's nothing wrong with that), and a time zone guide showing 66 cities around the world, and a digital fan pack, and they said more merch will be out tomorrow (heeelllp), and there's a show day itinerary-- ticket sales cut off 4 hours before the stream but much more interestingly, don't reopen (for the 28 hours of rewatch) until TWO HOURS after the start time. While they could (probably should) be allowing time for technical difficulties I much prefer to believe it's because we're getting a LONG SHOW YES PLEASE! I like my Louis shows like I like his hair, as long as he can possibly manage!! So that's plenty that we DO know to be excited about at the moment but the mystery of Louis new label also remains a hot topic nonetheless, with the known high cost of a twitter emoji stirring questions of who footed the bill (not something we're ever likely to find out sadly). If his team really understood us in the least they'd set up a viral video style Q and A where every Q pulled out of the bowl was an intensely detailed bookkeeping or promo strategy type query- tbh the faces Louis (or any one of the boys) would make would be 100x more entertaining than they get from any tired trying-to-be-cheeky standard Q and the answers sure would be!
Harry's prerecorded (months ago!) Jingle Ball performance aired at last and OH MY GOSH! SO GOOD! I think we can all agree (I know right?? I can't believe it either) that the backing band, Free Nationals, were phenomenal, and Harry's performance was terrific, just simply next level versions of the songs and Harry's sound in general. What more could we ask? For me, not much. For the Jingle Bell Ball organizers, well, they might have liked something Christmassy I suppose, maybe a holiday cover song, or a “tour of his home and holiday traditions.” LOL too bad! Whatever, they DID get vocal variations all over the place and oh did they work, a little lyric change in Golden (“I'm hoping someday I'll open”?), Harry in a sunny LA backyard (whose? who knows!) and everyone in not remotely festive Gucci. There were some decorations though! Not xmassy though- they were, can you guess, yes that's right: sky blue. And there was TRUMPET! A horn section, like revenge, is best served cold apparently: all these years on we can only assume Julian Bulian is good and sorry for denying Harry his trumpets cause DAMN did that sound GOOD. Julian may not say it but I will: you were SO RIGHT Harry, trumpets on every song!! Please! In fact, if you just took that guy on tour with you... or any of those people really? He can just have a really BIG backing band how about, then we won't have to argue about whether wanting this to be his band is mean to the old band. Anyway I hope the fan who ran into him in LA this morning told him how much we liked the show-- she did take a distanced pic, Harry is in his running gear (mostly black but bright fruity shoes) and holding a beverage. Oh yeah and Fine Line is now available to stream in “3D audio” (there's a moving in a New Direction from 1D joke in here headline writers, have at it) which is something that apparently only works with an Amazon device and is strange because physicists assure me that all sound is 3D, but what do they know. Anyway I'm sure it sounds great to those who can access it but luckily for me the album sounds great in plebian unbranded sound as well.
In the wake of Liam's no-show livestream yesterday fans are full of theories about what could be going on to cause such a thing, except actually it's only one theory; everyone is quick to ascribe the glitch to management struggles. May I simply say: there are so very very many things that could be happening in a person's life, even in a 1D member's life, that could cause a missed event and reducing any of them to 1 Dimensional figures who only have work related problems does them (and rigorous theorizing) a disservice. I hope we can all agree on wanting what's best for Liam, and that that extends to supporting him even if things are going on that are less glamorous than management villainy. I will ascribe one thing to management though-- I do believe the guys do the bulk of their own tweeting etc nearly always, but @Liam's tweet that yesterday's live didn't happen due to “technical difficulties” and they are “looking to reschedule” is one that I will make the exception for, sometimes you can just feel the PR person behind the screen! Tik Tok said it was rescheduled for next Tuesday, but the tweet was after that sooo hmm. The Billboard article about Veeps of course also talked about Liam (his Halloween show had 3.7 BILLION chat messages my god) and Liam's prerecorded alarm content today is Roman teaching Liam to do a Harry impression. How come when Roman does it it sounds like Harry but when Liam does it he sounds like Roman? Tip to Liam, just call it a Roman impression and you've GOT it!
Meanwhile, Lewis Capaldi weighs in on Niall and whether he (Lewis) enjoys golf with uncharaceristic delicacy; “we have different interests,” he says, and he sympathizes with a fan who said they'd slap him to meet Harry: “I understand.”
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transguyedgeworth · 3 years
HALLO i hope all has gone well with bugs and such ur probably dealing w that as i type this but i have more headcanons >:) so! i hope these are helping deal with evil evil bugs
-maya still has a bunch of mias clothes she gave some to lana and some to pearl but sometimes she’ll wear a sweater or something that was mias
-phoenix doesn’t really like hospitals
- reminds him too much of bttt and falling
- yes i think capcom should have realized that falling off a damn bridge should give a man a good bit of upset and trauma capcom i am outside your door
- miles bottles up his feelings A LOT because there wasn’t any place for feelings in the von karma house. he’s trying to get better though
- he mostly bottles up his anger because he sees mvk in himself whenever he gets angry because mvk would be angry a lot
- fran also does the same but with any happiness or personal pride she may feel
- they both try to work on it, maya and phoenix are good influences on them
- miles has visited mvk in jail once. he won’t again
- franziska will never visit him
-miles likes to knit
-maya is sooo superstitious not like ohh if i break a mirror i’m dead but like Bigfoot Is Real and I Saw Him At Gourd Lake
-edgeworth and phoenix go often to a little coffee shop and always get a pot of tea
-sometimes phoenix brings flowers
-LMAO edgeworth asks what they are sometimes and unless they’re the two types of flowers phoenix knows he has No Idea
- the bathroom at wright and co is haunted
- maya attracts ghosts like nobodies business
-fran is afraid of spiders and maya is Violent towards spiders
- fran will shriek from the other room and maya will run in flip flop in hand, take one look around the room, and chuck her shoe at the spider. she never misses.
-maya LOVES that bakery they investigated in that one case i cannot remember the name of the one with the like. french dude? and tigre?
-pearls and maya make a scrap book for wright and co
-phoenix still draws (he was an art student and i am projecting onto him) sometimes but always drags edgeworth to art museums and talks about the art
-building on game night with the wrights they also have video game nights. phoenix is so bad and maya is still competitive but fran and edgeworth when paired against each other are Scary
-fran also sometimes lets her little brother win and gets dramatic about losing but it makes her happy to see edgeworth excited
- edgeworth has a journal bc someone once suggested it and he writes in it so often
- he also carries a certain picture of him larry and phoenix when they were kids and his signal samurai keychain in his inner pocket and fiddles with the keychain
-maya loves decorating the office for holidays
-the only thing phoenix can make well is soup and hot chocolate and he makes them at least twice a month when it’s cold
-edgeworth won’t admit it but he’d rather eat phoenixs almost burnt soup and melted bar hot chocolate than the stuff from the fanciest restaurants
- when edgeworth and phoenix propose they both propose at the same time and it’s so awkward but so so funny they both say yes of course but phoenix will tell that story to anyone who listens
ok that’s all for now! idk if i have any more (that’s a lie i have so many thoughts about them but idk how many of them are coherent) anyway i wish you best of luck with all the hubbub!!!
everything is going well thank you for the concern!! housing sent someone out to fix up the hole in my wall that they were coming through and the pest control guy just left and is now treating the outside of the building. these are absolutely helping me deal with the stress so thank you for sending them in! 
starting strong with the clothing thing, i love love LOVE your interpretation of the fey clan so much. it is canon in my brain now. capcom wishes they could think of this shit. also giving some to lana? precious, sentimental, amazing. lanamia nation rise up. thank you for my life. the detail about maya believing in cryptids and the bathroom being haunted? accurate and hilarious. and yes big agree that she still likes tres bien (i’m pretty sure that’s the name), she worked there briefly so of course she’d have a soft spot for it. i literally adore the idea of maya being hella Into Stuff, like cryptids and holiday decorations and winning at game night, and the scrapbook idea slayed me on sight. i am in tears.
LITERALLY WHY DOES CAPCOM IGNORE THAT PHOENIX HAS BEEN THROUGH SOME SHIT??? like what the hell. man almost died and then like two days later he’s like “lol i’m Completely Fine :)”. unrealistic. capcom let him be Affected by experiences please. 
kinda building off of that, AGAIN WITH THE WRIGHTWORTH STUFF MAKING ME TENDER??? i love them goin on little dates and being domestic... art museums and coffee shops and phoenix being Dumb about flower breeds and miles loving his cooking.... i am Soft i am Yearning. AND THE PROPOSAL THING!!!!! I HAD THIS SAME FUCKING IDEA GET OUT OF MY BRAIN!!!!! IT’S JUST SUCH A THEM THING TO DO...
and oooh edgeworth. good for you king, journaling and knitting and stimming and learning healthy ways to cope with your emotions. also the anger thing i totally get. like not to Overshare or anything but i used to have a lot of issues expressing my anger because when i did it reminded me too much of my dad so i feel that. 
the vk sibling stuff also spot-on tbh. good that they didn’t visit manfred except for miles’ one time. fuck that guy. let him rot. they are Learning and Growing together.... fran letting miles win at a game also perfect. she cares about her little brother even if she has trouble showing it sometimes. also love that her one weakness is spiders. that seems very fitting to me and i LOVE the image of maya just. chuckin a shoe across the room to defend her Wife from the eight-legged terror.
also you are free to send me incoherent thoughts if you want that’s the form most of my thoughts take anyway fjnfjsf i’d still love to hear them if you’re willing to share!
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cherriesradio · 3 years
Poly! SFW alphabet Sero + Denki !!
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Credit for the template to @the-coldest-goodbye !!
Warnings: slight angst
Word Count: 1.7k
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A = Affection
Sero isn’t TOO affectionate, he like giving you + Denki affection but doesn’t really love getting it himself :/ which is fine, but both of you wanna spoil him SO BAD
Denki is VERY affectionate!!! Whenever he’s walking by he’ll kiss the others cheek/shoulder, and he’ll hug them from behind when their cooking, hold both of your hands in public, unless one of you ask him not too
B = Best Friend
Sero was first friends with Denki but eventually you got into their friendship, and he adored you since the beginning. You were so funny and cute and even if you aren’t smart he doesn’t really care, he’s friends with Denki after all.
Denki was friends with you since you were kids but you transferred to UA in the middle of first year. He introduced you to Sero :) he loves doing “favors” as he puts them, like buy you snacks and will get anything you need from the store if he can afford it (will likely use his whole allowance on you two)
C = Cuddles
Again, Sero isn’t to into getting affection. He’s mostly the big spoon but if he’s feeling bad that day/night/afternoon he’ll ask if he can lay his head on you or Denki’s chest
Denki loves cuddles, at first he would accidentally shock you two because he got to excited. Is often in the middle of all three of you are cuddling. All three of you mostly cuddle at night, most other times it’s just you and Denki, sometimes while Sero does work and play music in the background :)
D = Domestic
Sero cooks the most cause he’s the only one who wasn’t scared to cook with Bakugo. He’s not near as good as him but he can still cook. He hates cleaning but will remind you and Denki when you clean the apartment.
Denki doesn’t mind clean but HATES washing the dishes. If it’s his turn he just shoved everything in the dishwasher that barely works because he broke it ten times and tried (his best) to fix it.
E = Ending
Sero, if he broke it off, would break it off really gently. He would be really nervous and you both would try to hold his hand but he would shake them off, softly mutter “I’m not happy like this anymore.”
Denki would be overwhelmed. He would be fidgety most of the day, he’s the type who gets so comfortable he can’t imagine leaving. So he just keeps it in till you two start noticing that he’s fidgety and nervous a lot and then finally tells you two.
F = Fiancé’s
Sero isn’t very sure. He’s scared of commitment but in the end realizes that he wants to be with you two for his whole life, and that he is a better person because of you both.
Since the start Denki wanted to marry you both, but he thought of it as teenage bliss. But once you were out of college and hero’s, and you were still together, he brought up marriage.
G = Gentle
Sero is often gentle. He can play around really wild but at home when it’s chill he’s really soft and sleepy often times. But he does admit that he once gave Denki a bruise from playing to hard-
Denki is capable of being gentle. If he’s cuddling or comforting one of you, he’s really gentle and soft spoken. But other times he’ll poke your sides and zap you, or play wrestle.
H = Hugs
Even if he’s not too into affection, he’s really good at it. He does that thing where he wraps his arm around your middle and then the other is sat on your head, probably accidentally pushing you into his neck.
Denki loves to pick you two up and spin you around when he’s excited!!! When he’s a little more ~chillax~ he’ll pick you up wrap your legs around his waist and wzhrdkkeasjpifvfwqwonf
I = “I love you two.”
Tbh Sero said dropped L-bombs even when you were just friends. A lot of the time when you made him laugh is would get out and a few years into the relationship he admits that he meant it almost everytime
Denki says it pretty early into the relationship. Not like “we’ve gone on three dates and I’m in love with you” kinda thing but a about two months in he says he thinks he’s in love. You and Sero say that your not sure if your ready to sya it yet, and he’s completely okay with it.
J = Jealous
Neither of them get jealous of each other. There have been times before you all got together when they would get a little mad at other people for checking you out (and you would too lol) and start getting extra clingy but besides that their chill.
K = Kisses
Sero is the one more into on-the-mouth kisses. By that I’m not saying he needs them constantly, I’m saying he likes them more then Denki. He often uses quick pecks as hellos and longing, “you probably lay in bed tonight TJ knowing of it” kisses. If he’s bored he does those Spider-Man kisses, and if your a little to far he’ll use his tape to pull you over.
Denki isn’t as into on-the-mouth kisses. When you were only friends you had a inside joke where he would kiss both of your hands when greeting you both. As I said before he likes kissing your cheeks and foreheads, ADORES the “getting both cheek kissed at the same time” kisses!!!
L = Little Ones
They both LOVE Gravity Falls. There are way to many times they babysat Eri and either played Gravity Falls or sung the karaoke song. Basically their only experiences with kids is Eri???
M = Mornings
Denki and Sero and total bed heads and refuse to get out of bed before like, 9:59. You usually get up before them and make them both coffee, and I love the idea of getting sticky notes and labeling their mugs, a doodling on them. Like with Denki it would be little lightning bolts and with Sero it would be flex tape.
N = Nights
All of you go to bed at a pretty normal time, around 10 or 11, but… Denki. Denki is for sure the type who will not fall asleep in like ten minutes and then would get on his phones cause he “can’t sleep” and wake you and Sero up.
O = Opening up
When you were just friends you all got pretty close. You and Sero knew about Denkis ADHD, you and Denki knew about Sero’s insecurities about his quirk, they knew your past.
But when it turned romantic and even closer is when they really got how every felt, starts ranting for hours about how they felt and how it affects them now.
P = Patience
Neither of them get angry that easy, even if you do something that would upset them they end up thinking it’s a joke :/
Which does become a problem, but you all put effort into talking to each other about problems.
Q = Quizzes
Sero remembers really little things - like what your favorite emoji is and your favorite pop tart flavors - but it’s hard for him to remember bigger stuff like… your parents names :-/
Denki is the opposite. He’ll remember if you like the same thing, but it’s easier for him to remember stuff if you mention it more. Like, around you birthday Sero would remind him every day “hey Y/n’s birthday is in a few days.” So he would remember.
R = Remember
One of your favorite memories is going to this ice cream shop. It’s not like it was the specialist place or gloriously beautiful, but it shows your dynamic well. Denki kept poking you and zapping, and Sero pulled so many jokes and puns. You giggled and then showered them in attention as soon as you got home.
S = Security
Sero is pretty good at protecting you. If he feels a threat, he’ll just wrap his arm around your waist and hold his other arm to where you can clearly recognize him as a hero.
Denki is VERY protective. Because of his ADHD (a headcanon), he once hyper-fixated on how many people get robbed and how many girls get raped and how many poc get killed out on the streets. He used to be more worried about himself but now he gets really scared for you and Sero.
T = Try
Sero usually makes casual dates. Like quick walk before work, or a home cooked dinner. But sometimes he’ll plan out big dates for holidays and anniversaries.
He makes the weirdest excuses for planning big dates. “Its national national cream puff day we need to go to the fancy restaurant down the road and get some.”
U = Ugly
Sero always does his errands at rush hour???
They both where the ugliest shoes JUST to annoy you.
V = Vanity
Sero does not care to much for his looks. He used to be insecure about his looks as a teen but since then you and Denki shower him in compliments so all of the insecurities died away after a bit.
W = Whole
Sero wouldn’t. He’s become a better persona FB happier because of both of you. He can’t imagine losing you both. He has nightmares sometimes about you two dying or breaking up with him, and it’s breaks him.
Denki wouldn’t either. He thinks he would barely be able to function by himself without you two. He associates you both with his growth and how much you all have improved over the years.
X = Xtra
They randomly get obsessed with random things. One day you’ll come home to them trying to teach themselves the ukulele, or trying to bake but making a huge mess, or trying to code.
Y = Yuck
Sero hates pda. At least involving him. He doesn’t care if you and Denki heckin make out in public, just don’t do it in front of him.
Denki doesn’t like how much work you both have. He can make big hits and break off up to hundreds of people at once, so he didn’t have to stay at work to long. But you and Sero care a bit more than him (he still cares tho) and he hates just sitting at home alone.
Z = Zzzz
Denki stays up late a lot from staying on his phone, but if you and Sero really commit to ~cuddles~ than he’s willing.
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Reblogs appreciated!!
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kailedger · 4 years
for all the YOI fanfic authors
I’ve been reading a lot of fanfics in this particular fandom and, as a Russian, there’s like... little things that constantly bother me. Don’t get me wrong, the works are amazing, but every time I see this little innacurate details in a really good piece I’m like... slightly dissapointed lol
So here’s a couple things from a native speaker and someone who actually lives in Russia. (Also pardon my grammar, since English is not my first language).
NAMES. I couldn't stress it more, honestly. Here's the thing: most of Russian names have a full version and a short version. For example Victor (or Viktor, whichever you prefer) is the full version and Vitya is the short version. Sometimes I see authors using the short version, but most of the time it's described as something unusual (like Victor gets TOO excited to hear it from Yuuri). But in real life everyone in Russia will call him Vitya. It's not a big deal, the closest equivalent I can think of is this: if you wanna adress someone as Ms. or Mr., you can use the full name, but if two people are on the first name basis, in Russia they most likely will use the short version. So, like, Yakov, Yurio, Mila, Georgi will definitely call him Vitya (as I recall, in anime Yakov actually does? Or have I been reading too much fanfiction?). 
If it's an official kind of thing (for example, press meetings etc.) Victor can be adressed by his full name, sometimes even with his paternal name. (Paternal names in Russia is a whole other thing, pretty close to second names, but a little bit different. We always adress elder people like teachers with both full name and paternal name). I actually think Victor would adress Yakov with his paternal name, but that heavely depends in their relationship (honestly, Victor has like zero chill, so I wouldn't put it past behind him to have no respect in this matter lol). 
Oh, and Yurio's name is a mess in most fanfics. The full name would be Yuri, the short version is Yura. Since Otabek is from Kazakzstan, there's a very high chance he's actually fluent in Russian, so he would definitely use "Yura". The cutesy dimunitive would be Yurochka (not Yuratchka as it's stated in the anime subtitles), but it's only appropriate to use with a big age difference (like Yurio's granpa calling him that) or in a really sweet manner, to a point of being almost nauseating. (BTW, dimunitive from Vitya is Viten'ka). 
Mila's full name doesn't actually have a short version, but if you're looking for a dimunitive it's Milochka (which is also the same word for "darling" in Russian, and this version can be kind of sarcastic, so be careful with it). 
Georgi... Oh my God, where do I start lol. There's like two common short versions: Zhora or Gosha (sometimes even Goga, we have a very popular movie quote with this name, it's like a well-known joke for Russians).
Pet names. That's a whole other different level of hell. I often see people writing Victor using pet names, sometimes it's good, most of the times it makes me go "He would never use that, please, stop". 
"Zolotse" as in "gold" is actually a pretty good one - altough it's a little conservative and not often used, it has a personal meaning for Victor and Yuuri and isn't, you know... cringy. But for the love of God, don't use "krasavchik" (handsome guy) or "detka" (baby), it's just... no. Miliy (darling), lyubov moya or lyubimiy (my love) are pretty good. A little too sweet for my taste, but I actually think it's appropriate for Victor since he's clingy lol.
Accents. So here's the thing. I lived my whole life in Russia, I learned English through some additional courses (not very advanced) and watching a lot of american/english tv-shows and movies and reading literature in english. When I had the chance to talk to native speakers (one was from Boston, I believe, and also a bunch of people in England when I went on a vacation there), most of them said that I barely had any accent at all. 
Victor presumably has been participating in international events from a very young age. My point is - sure, he can have an accent, but in my opinion it's not gonna be very distinctive. Unless he's specifically speaking in a broken English, but, like, why would he do that? On the other hand, Yurio and Mila are both pretty young, so it would actually make sense for them to have an accent or even have trouble speaking English.
Customs and traditions. Pretty sure most people know it already, but in Russia we do wear our wedding rings on the right hand. Has something to do with our main religion being eastern orthodox church. 
We don't usually celebrate Christmas. Our Christmas is on 7th of January and it's a pretty religious holiday, most of us barely acknowledge it. So 25th of December is not a holiday in Russia. But! New Year is the biggest holiday for the whole country. We celebrate it starting from 31st of December, and the celebration itself usually involves the New Year tree, champange, tangerines and a whole bunch of salads. We have official holidays from 31st of December all the way to 7th on January (some years even 8th or 9th). So it's a whole week of celebration where people usually get drunk a lot lol. 
The stereotype about russians drinking a lot is not exactly a sterotype tbh. We DO drink a lot, not all of us, of course, but still. And yeah - vodka is pretty common since you can find it really cheap and it doesn't have a particular taste or smell (if you don't count the smell and taste of alcohol itself). But I, for example, prefer rum in my cocktails, so it's like a preference thing. 
Not exactly a tradition or custom, but still fits here. Yeah, it can get pretty cold in Russia, especially in winter or late fall. But this winter (of 2019-2020) was pretty mild honestly, not a lot of snow and the temperature was rarely below -10 degrees celcium. And our summers can get unbearebly hot. Since the humidity in St. Petersburg is very high, it makes the hot weather even worse. Oh, yeah, and in St. P it rains A LOT. The city itself is pretty gloomy and dark, but that's kind of part of it's charm if you're into this kind of thing (some people are not, I've got a lot of friends from Moscow who hate St. P for being so moody). 
Russia is also pretty big. The travel from St. P to Moscow is from 4 to 12 hours on train (depends on what train you're on) or 1.5 hour on plane. But both of those cities are in the western part of the country. Vladivostok (the city on the eastern coast) is actually closer to Japan than it's to St. P or Moscow (2 hour flight to Japan, 45 hour flight to St. P, crazy, right?)
Homophobia. Kinda heavy topic, beware. Russia is a homophobic country. Not to the point of same-sex relationship being a criminal offence, but propaganda, as our authorities would call it, is an administrative offence. And the court can judge A LOT of your actions as a propaganda, especially if you’re a public person. I mostly prefer to not dwell on this topic in fanfiction, I think even the creators of anime itself stated that there’s no homophobia in YOI world, so best stick to it, I guess? But if you wanna go for something realistic, here’s how it would have been in Russia. If Victor EVER publicly acknolewged being in a relationship with another man (like... kissing one on a national televion, ya know), he would be heavely criticized. There would still be supporters, people who would say that it doesn’t matter, what his personal life is like, but there would be a lot of backlash, especially on official level. Which would make his life in Russia pretty miserable tbh. He would most likely lose a majority of his sponsorships in Russia, there’s even a high chance of administrative penalty (since he’s a public person). That’s really sad and makes me very, very angry, but, unfortunatly, that’s the reality. Oh, and same-sex marriage is illegal in Russia, in case that wasn’t clear. 
Phew, that was a lot, and I think I haven’t covered all that I wanted to lol. But in case you have any question, feel free to ask!
p.s.: part two, if you’re interested: https://kailedger.tumblr.com/post/621623611041759232/for-all-the-yoi-fanfic-author-p2
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