#napoelon solo
tillthelandslide · 4 years
Hey lovely! How are you? I know you're working super hard on your WIP but I wanted to know if you could take this little request? It's my birthday today!! (October 6th) and I just want to know how Henry would celebrate it with me, I need some softy content for my little heart ♥️♥️ thanks love!!
Hi my love. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I hope you have the best day.
Henry would spoil you rotten today
He'd wake you up with a soft kiss to your head, pushing the hair out of your eyes, muttering a "morning my love. Happy birthday" as your eyes fluttered open
He'd then place a kiss against your lips, kal jumping up to kiss you too, making the both of you laugh
He'd bring you breakfast in bed. A card on the tray with a red rose siting on top
You'd open the card whilst eating reading the words "Happy birthday my love. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am the luckiest man alive to have you in my life. You ground me and you have taught me to so much about what it is to be a man and to be kind and loving. I promise I will spoil you everyday, especially today to show you the love that you give me. I love you so much and hope you have the best birthday"
He'd then run you both a warm bath, with your favourite scents and bath bombs. Littering the surface with red rose pettles and placing candles around the edge of the tub. Turning off the light and covering up the windows to add darkness to the room so that the candles would glow even in the morning dew
He'd carefully remove your close, pressing sweet kisses to every part of skin which was exposed to him, helping you get into the bath, him sitting behind you, cradling you against him
His lips would press against your shoulder as his fingers slipped between your folds, muttering sweet nothings into your ear as he drew moans from your lips
He'd then clean you, still whispering nothing but praise and I love yous into your ear
Once you were dressed he'd lead you downstairs into the living room where he had placed happy birthday banners on the walls. Your cards and presents placed neatly in front of the sofa
You'd sit down on the sofa and one muscular arm would cradle you against him whilst the other passed you your cards
You'd open your cards from family and friends, even some from previously costars of Henry's who you had befriended over the years. They were all filled with lovely messages and it made tears spring in your eyes
"one second love" he'd say, getting up to run upstairs, coming back down with a big card in his hand, passing to you to open
You'd open it and see all of the cast and crew from the witcher 2 had signed it. All writing lovely messages, the ones that stood out were, Joey's, Freyas, Anyas and Laurens who had taken to you quite a bit. You kissed Henry knowing he had organised it and muttered a thank you and an I love you to his lips making him smile
He had taken this day off from filming the witcher 2 to specifically spend time with you
He'd then pass you gifts he had bought you, some items of clothing you had wanted and some pieces of jewellery. But the ones you loved most and had you crying were the sentimental ones, like a photoframe containing a picture of the both of you and kal. A set of your favourite books which were limited edition, with unique artwork on the covers. A beautiful ring which had yours and his initials engraved on the band.
He would then pass you a fancy box and you'd open it seeing a new piece of lingerie, which would make you smirk and laugh as he'd say "it's a gift for you and for me" nerdily
"Can send me some pictures when I'm away" he'd say suggestively making you giggle and kiss him again. He'd push the box away and pull you into his lap and you'd have slow and sensual sex on the sofa
The rest of the day would be spent doing your favourite things
All before he'd surprise you with a zoom call from your parents and family
Followed by a phone call from his parents and video messages from his brothers
He'd bring out more presents that your family had sent, some more of your favourite things and things you had wanted
His family put together a Jersey care package, containing all your favourite chocolates and wines from Jersey, along with some smaller gits they had bought you
He'd then cook your favourite meal for dinner, candles lit around the room again and a glass of red wine in your hand
You'd finish and he'd lead you upstairs to your bedroom
"How about I try out the new set you bought me?" you'd say suggestively
"I'm the one who's supposed to be giving the presents. Not receiving them" he said making you chuckle. You'd run downstairs to get the lingerie, going into the bathroom to slip it on.
You'd come back into the bedroom, his eyes scanning your figure a "jesus christ" slipping from your lips as he admired you
"The most beautiful birthday girl" he said and the night would be filled with nothing but passionate and loving sex
Hope you like this darling
Have the best day, you deserve it. I love you
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ihearttmfu · 6 years
The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015) – The Glitch Scene
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tmfudaily · 7 years
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thepunisher · 7 years
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make me choose: @supervalcsi asked → napoleon solo or illya kuryakin
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wallpaper-galore · 4 years
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Napoleon Solo Wallpaper
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40 DAYS OF MY FAVORITE MFU EPISODES- DAY 20:      The Bat Cave Affair (S2 E28)
Omg poor Illya really suffers a lot in this episode (in a lot of episodes actually XD) First the bull, then the bats (and vampire?) but wait, Napoleon! Why are you holding your partner like this?? I know you two love each other very much, but can’t you wait until you’re in somewhere private??? I’m going to rec another LadyRa’s fic called The Dreams of Vampires Affair. It’s about Illya suffers some effects after his imprisonment by Count Zark. A lot of angst, hurt/comfort, but as usual, a lot of love ❤️
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hirunoka · 7 years
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starboundbane · 7 years
A fact: Established relationship Napoleon & Illya are always in a race to hold open doors for each other, fueled by spite and passive aggressive politeness
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cha-melodius · 4 years
The Definition of Madness Chapter 6
Whumptober No. 27: Power Outage
Fandom: The Man from UNCLE (2015)
Pairings: Napoleon Solo/Illya Kuryakin, Napoleon Solo & Illya Kuryakin & Gaby Teller
Summary: They say the definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
Or, Illya gets stuck in a very whumpy time loop.
Ao3 Link
Ahhh I’m late on this one, but it’s double length, so hoepfully that makes up for it.
Previous Chapter
Illya does not immediately act on his newfound knowledge. It’s both difficult and easy to convince himself to focus on the mission, because although he really wants nothing more than to take a break—he’s been running this op for nearly a month at this point, after all—and take some time to think about whatever this thing is between him and Napoelon, he knows the best way to do that is to end this. Taking ‘rest days’ at the safehouse only goes so far when they’re guaranteed to always end in disaster. Most of the loops still feature one or both of his partners’ deaths, and it never gets any easier to deal with.
So he tries to push the feelings back out of his mind and focus on what he needs to do instead of what he wants. What he needs to be doing is learning more about their targets and trying to come up with some way of finally ending all of this. After all, he is still far behind his adversary in the number of loops he’s had to figure this out. As far as he knows, there are at least twenty more traps they haven’t discovered yet. He likes to think that he won’t need that many more loops to gain the upper hand, but after a few more tries, he finally realizes what he’s missing.
The mysterious man in charge said it himself: it was their team that outsmarted him so many times. Illya is good, but the team is better, and he needs his partners if he’s going to do this. Needs them to really understand the problem at hand. Which is, to put it mildly, difficult when they forget everything each reset. He hadn’t really tried to explain the situation past his first attempt, but now he knows he’s going to have to.
It takes another three loops before he hits on the right combination of uncanny knowledge, plausible explanations, and entreaties to just trust him. Even then his partners don’t look totally convinced, but they do become more willing to play along. And then, on the fourth loop, he somewhat accidentally discovers a completely unexpected and surprisingly effective way of convincing Napoleon, at the very least.
“So wait, how many loops has it been? Twenty-five?” Napoleon asks, arms crossed over his chest as he leans back against the counter in the kitchen. He’s wearing a look that’s unmistakably skeptical but also like he’s trying to be open minded, and Illya really does appreciate the effort.
Illya nods. “Approximately.”
“And we never remember anything?” “I think the fact that you are asking that question is answer enough, no?” Illya replies, arcing an eyebrow at him.
“I guess so,” Napoleon allows. He stares at Illya for a long moment, critical and considering, and Illya has a brief uncomfortable feeling that something about his bearing has changed. Honestly he would be surprised if it hadn’t, what with all he’s been through, but now suddenly it feels like Napoleon can sense exactly what it is.
“And all the loops are pretty much the same?” Napoleon asks. Illya hesistates. In his debriefs he tends to talk only about their attempts on the compound, forgoing much information on the days they’ve stayed at the safehouse. Partly because not much of what happened during them is particularly relevant to the mission, and partly because of the can of worms it threatens to open inside him if he spends too much time thinking about them. But this is the first time Napoleon has directly asked, and something in him pushes him to talk about it.
“Not entirely,” he says cagily. “We’ve stayed back here a couple of times, when my lingering injuries were too severe.”
“How did those days end?”
Illya frowns. “Poorly. The oven is somehow rigged to blow, as is the fireplace. Probably more places, too.”
Napoleon is silent again as he seems to absorb this information. “You really die at the end of every day?” “You do too, on most of them.”
Napoleon winces at that, but Illya knows he’s not thinking about his own deaths, not really. He’s putting himself in Illya’s shoes, imagining what it would be like. “I don’t know how you can take it, Peril.”
“No choice,” Illya mutters.
“Yeah, I get that, it’s just… watching you die, over and over again—” Napoleon’s words bite off as he looks at the ground, and it’s clear that the emotions he keeps so carefully guarded are threatening to escape again.
Illya takes a few steps forward, bringing him within arm’s reach of Napoleon, and it makes his partner look up at him with wide eyes. Eyes full of an emotion that Illya can quite easily read, now. Probably he shouldn’t say anything, but then again, why not? Napoleon won’t remember any of it tomorrow. Which is painful in its own way, but at least Illya knows that if things go poorly, he has another shot.
“The day the oven blew,” he says quietly, “you were dying in my arms. You said… you said you wanted to tell me something. Said you were too much of a coward to tell me before.”
“Did I?” Napoleon whispers, looking somewhat stricken. “Did I… tell you?” Illya shakes his head gently. “No. Didn’t get a chance.” “Oh. Good,” he says, breathing out a shaky sigh of relief. “I mean, not good, really, but I don’t know what I was going to say—”
“I know, Cowboy,” Illya interrupts.
He reaches forward to take Napoleon’s hand, lacing their fingers togther like he’s wanted to do for days now, and suddenly trying to suppress this just feels stupid. Napoleon’s palm is sweaty in his panic, but it doesn’t matter, because his hand is so right in Illya’s. He can’t quite stop a tiny smile from curling the corners of his mouth.
“Y–you do?” Napoleon stammers, his blue eyes wide with disbelief and fear and unmistakable hope.
Illya nods and leans forward to press his lips to Napoleon’s. It causes his partner to stiffen in surprise for a fleeting moment, but then he rapidly seems to melt, lips parting when Illya brings his other hand up to cup Napoleon’s jaw and slides his tongue along his bottom lip. With a slight tip of his head, Illya fits their mouths perfectly together, then smiles into the kiss when the movement elicits a tiny noise of pleasure from Napoleon.
The last few days Illya had, perhaps unsurprisingly, imagined various scenerios in which he’d lost his carefully maintained control and ended up kissing Napoleon during a loop, but most of them had been a desperate crush of lips as one of them was dying, tinged with blood and sorrow. Certainly none of them had been like this, gentle and unhurried, Napoleon almost trembling in his arms with the pure emotion of it.
When they eventually part Napoleon is flushed and breathing hard, and who would have believed that, of the two of them, he would be the one so flustered by this development? Illya gives his hand a small squeeze and receives one in return, and then Napoleon’s mouth splits into a wide grin.
“Is that—” he starts, breaking off with a huffed laugh. “Is that the first time we’ve… done that?” “Yes,” Illya answers as he brushes his thumb lightly over Napoleon’s cheek. “First time.” “So, uh, how did you know, if I— if I didn’t say anything that day…” Illya bites his lower lip against the smug smile he knows is fighting its way onto his face. “One loop, I was sick. Recovering from a concussion, actually, but you didn’t know that. You made me your grandmother’s soup.” “Oh,” Napoleon breathes, flushing red again. “I see. Told you all about it, then?” “Mmhm,” Illya hums.
Napoleon drops his eyes again, muttering under his breath. “Real smooth, Napoleon.”
“I’m glad you did,” Illya tells him. He nudges Napoleon’s chin up until his partner meets his eyes. “And not just because the soup was delicious.”
Napoleon laughs, then, and shakes his head lightly. “I gotta tell you, hearing that is almost more convincing than anything else you’ve said today, because there’s no way you could know about that or… or what it means. But you do. It’s insane, but somehow you do.”
“You really believe me now?” “Yeah, Peril,” Napoleons says sincerely. “I believe you.” Then his lips curl into a mischevious grin. “You know, just a suggestion for the future, but you could maybe lead with that—”
Illya cuts him off with another long, lingering kiss before he pulls back again. “You’re just saying that so you get kissed earlier in the day,” he accuses.
“So what if I am? I think I’m allowed to look out for my future self. Or is it past self? I have to say, this is all very confusing, Peril.”
Illya sighs. “Tell me about it.”
Napoleon might have a point, though.
Turns out, the fastest and most convincing way to introduce the concept of his looping days to his partner is to walk into the kitchen, grab Napoleon’s hand before he burns it on the hot pan, and pull him into a vigorous kiss. Every time, Napoleon freezes in pure shock for what should be a surprisingly short amount of time before he just… goes with it, opening up and chasing Illya’s mouth with no small amount of enthusiasm. It would be almost comical, especially after the whole thing has been repeated several times, if it didn’t make Illya’s heart thunder in his chest every. damn. time.
Sure, it confuses the hell out of Napoleon, but he’s far more ready to believe that Illya is actually repeating the day when Illya knows just how to kiss him in a way that makes his toes curl (his words). By the time Gaby is awake, Napoleon is already completely in his corner, which makes convincing her a lot easier too.
And hell, it’s not a bad way to start the day, especially if you’re going to have to start the same one over and over again.
Unfortunately, that is typically where the romance starts and ends for them on any given day. That’s not to say that they don’t steal kisses during the rare quiet moments, and Gaby is pretty much guaranteed to roll her eyes and throw pebbles at them on the hike up the mountain. But the days are still packed with trying to figure out how to evade the traps and take out their targets, and if Illya sometimes feels like taking a break all he has to do is picture any one of his partners’ myriad deaths.
One morning, they’re all hunched around the map of the compound, watching as Illya adds every trap that they’ve managed to trigger so far to it, as he does every day. He talks through everything he knows, and everything they’ve tried. So far the door he’d found on his solo jaunt remains unopened; even when they’ve successfully gotten there a few times, they’ve always been ambushed before Napoleon could figure out how to open it.
“What about the power?” Gaby asks as she stares pensively down the map. “Have we tried taking it out?”
Illya shakes his head. “No. The substation is hidden somewhere else on the mountain, but I’ve never been able to investigate it.”
“You say the lock on the door has some kind of electronic component?” Napoleon asks.
“Well, it might have a backup power source, but you never know,” Napoleon muses. “I think cutting the electricity should be our next move.”
It’s surprisingly not that hard to follow the electrical lines to a substation sunk into the mountainside. Which, of course, makes Illya immediately think that it is a trap, but he is surprised again. There are only two guards, and the team takes them out quickly and quietly. The real problem comes in the fact that it will take at minimum fifteen minutes to cover the ground between the substation and the main compound, which is too long. They’re going to need to have one person cut the power when the other two are already in place, so that their targets have no chance to mount a response.
They argue about the distribution of labor, but in the end there is only one option: Napoleon has to go to the compound to crack the lock on the door, and Illya needs to be there because he’s the only one who will remember anything, so that leaves Gaby to kill the power. Illya hates the idea of leaving her alone, because he’ll have no idea if she is in trouble or not, but there’s no way around it. She’ll join them as soon as she can after she does it, and he hopes that at least in some loop he’ll get some confirmation that she’s ok.
Killing the power does disable part of the door lock, but it turns out there is a combination lock underneath, and it takes four loops for Napoleon to discover each number in the combination before they’re cut down by guards.
The minute they actually step foot inside the underground facility Illya knows they are in the right place. He can practically feel it, tingling on his skin. There are cells here—this must be where he’d been held, before—and spaces that look more like medical observation rooms. They move quickly and quietly, trying to search as much of the area as they can before the guards catch up with them. When they’ve gone as far as they can they end up in a well-appointed office, and it must belong to the man in charge, but he is frustratingly not in it. Somewhat unfortunately for them, he is nearby.
Normally the guards in the compound tend to be of the shoot-first-ask-questions-later variety, which works in their favor since it means Illya doesn’t have to worry about not dying. Whenever Illya does something truly unexpected, though, something that has the potential to actually work, it seems to tip off the man in charge. And that? Is not a good thing.
Like this time, when the armed guards that bust into the room just stand there with their guns trained on Illya and Napoleon instead of firing, as if waiting for someone to give the order.
“Now this is a surprise,” the now-familiar tenor croons moments before the man walks through the door. “In my very own office, even.”
Illya and Napoleon trade glances and a silent understanding that it might be useful to get the man talking rather than starting to shoot blindly in the hopes of triggering a new loop. This is, as it turns out, their first mistake.
“I take it one of you is resetting the day,” the man says conversationally, looking at both of them critically. “Given that you made it here. I don’t suppose you’d be so kind as to tell me who it is?”
“‘Fraid not,” Napoleon drawls. “Guess you’ll just have to kill us both.” The man laughs at this idea, which of course everyone knows is absurd. Killing them is the last thing he’d want to do, now that he has them cornered. He stares at them both for another moment, and Illya knows that nothing shows on either of their faces to give them away, but the man nods anyway.
“Shoot the American, and bring the Russian here,” he says dismissively.
“No!” Illya shouts involuntarily, because that is the one situation that cannot happen, but even as he does he realizes he played right into the man’s game.
So, he does the only thing he can, and starts shooting anyway.
The scuffle ends relatively quickly. Illya takes down several guards before he’s overwhelmed by the sheer number of them in the small space and they force him to his knees as they tie his hands behind his back. As luck would have it, though, Napoleon’s position nearer to the door means he manages to get a gun on the man in charge. He unfortunately does not look that perturbed by this development, but he waves a hand to signal the guards anyway. Several of them have their guns still trained on Napoleon, but at least for the moment they don’t fire. “Well, you got yourselves a standoff, if that’s what you were hoping for,” the man says. “But I don't think it’s going to work out for you.”
“You think it’s going to work out for you?” Napoleon scoffs. “Your mercenaries are just that loyal, are they? By my reckoning, I take you out and we go scot free.”
“Oh, Mr. Solo, that is an optimistic viewpoint,” the man replies, grinning cruelly. “My men will, in fact, kill you no matter what. The question is, after you die, who will be here to prevent them from giving your partner the antidote and then killing him? By my reckoning… no one. Something tells me that’s not a sacrifice you’re willing to make, even if you are dead.”
Illya can see realization flicker in Napoleon’s eyes at the truth of this assessment. Gaby won’t arrive in time, and there is no way in hell that Illya will allow the final loop to end with Napoleon’s death. There is only one possible scenerio where they both get out of this.
“Cowboy,” Illya says into the tense silence that fills the room. Napoleon doesn’t look at him, but Illya knows he’s listening all the same. “You know what you have to do.”
“Yeah, right, Peril. I don’t think so. He’s bluffing.” “He’s not.”
“Listen to your partner, Mr. Solo,” the man suggests. “Though I don’t think you will.” He pauses, and turns toward Illya, seemingly ignoring the fact there’s still a gun trained on him. “Did I ever tell you how many loops I had to get to know your little team?” Illya says nothing. He’s certainly not going to give this asshole the satisfaction.
“Fifty, at least. And if there’s one thing I know, it is that your partner would rather die than see you die. So he’s certainly never going to be able to kill you himself.”
“Cowboy,” Illya says again, steadfastly ignoring the man.
Napoleon’s jaw clenches and the muscle jumps under his skin. “He’s right,” Napoleon grits out, almost a whisper.
“He’s not.”
He gives a tiny shake of his head, moving only a fraction. “I can’t.” “You can,” Illya insists. “You have to.”
And then, suddenly, the situation becomes a lot more dire, because the guards have returned with what must be the antidote. The syringe is already full of a blue liquid, ready to inject, and the sight sends a bolt of fear through Illya. He tries to struggle out of the grip of the guards and manages to knock two of them over, but there are just too many.
“Napoleon,” Illya says with more urgency as he’s pressed back down to his knees. “Do it!”
“There has to be another way,” Napoleon protests, glancing to Illya for only a moment.
“There isn’t, you know it,” Illya tells him desperately.
The guard carrying the syringe gets closer and closer, until he’s standing over Illya. They are completely out of time.
“Napoleon!” Illya yells, but his partner’s hard gaze doesn’t waver from the man in charge. “Napoleon, SHOOT ME NOW!”
Finally, Napoleon’s eyes flicker down to Illya, and the anguish in them is unbearable. Illya doesn’t look away. He can’t. Not with what he’s asking Napoleon to do. Distantly, he can hear the man laughing, but the world seems to have narrowed down to nothing more than the two of them.
Please, Illya mouths.
In the next moment, Napoleon drops his gun to Illya, squeezes his eyes shut, and fires.
Illya wakes up with a precise, circular gunshot scar exactly over his heart. It aches, and not in the way the lingering wounds usually do. He lies in bed until he hears Napoleon humming and he knows he needs to get up, but facing the day is excruciating with the memory of what happened in the previous one so fresh in his mind.
He makes it to the kitchen just in time to stop Napoleon from burning himself, and he can’t quite keep the desperation from the kiss he pulls his partner into. This time when he breaks away from the kiss he doesn’t let go of Napoleon, wraps him instead in a hug so tight that the man almost squeaks. He can feel the bewilderment in Napoleon’s rigid posture, moreso even than usual, but then his partner’s arms wrap around him, unquestioning, and he feels the ache in his heart slowly abate by small fractions.
There’s no way around telling them what happened; his partners have to know everything about the previous iterations if they’re going to stay ahead of their adversaries. Illya takes them through the power station and getting the door open, all the way up through their search of the underground facility, before he falters.
“They got the drop on us,” he forces himself to say, not looking at either of his partners. His hand goes white around the pencil as he marks out their positions and those of their opponents on the schematic of the underground level. “Managed to take me, but not you. The man in charge was here. You were nearby, with your gun on him. Bunch of guards here and here, guns on you. They were going to give me the antidote, pull me out of the loop.”
“And?” Gaby prompts, when Illya falls silent again. “Obviously they didn’t.”
Illya shakes his head and finally looks up at Napoleon, and he can tell by the uneasy look in his eyes that his partner is starting to put the pieces together. “I… I needed to die, so I told you to—”
“No,” Napoleon interrupts, shaking his head wildly. “No.”
“Cowboy, there was no other option—”
But Napoleon still doesn’t let him continue. “If I was armed, why wouldn’t I just kill the man in charge? That’s what we want, right?” “It wasn’t going to work,” Illya says, trying to keep his voice steady even as Napoleon becomes more and more agitated. “If you had shot him, the guards would have still killed you and pulled me out, and then there would be no resets. Not for us. It was the lesser of two evils.”
“Bullshit!” Napoleon yells, then turns on his heel and storms out of the house.
Illya’s shoulders sag and he leans heavily on the table as the ache in his chest returns in full force. After a moment Gaby’s small hand slides over top of his, warm and grounding.
“There was no other option,” he repeats, and his voice sounds so small and broken even to his own ears.
“I know that,” Gaby says quietly, soothingly. “And he does too, deep down. He’ll come to terms with it, he will. But right now he needs you to go to him.”
She’s right, he knows she is, as painful as the idea of talking about it is. He finds Napoleon standing on the porch of the safehouse, staring out into the forest. There is unmistakable tension in his shoulders and his hands are clenched into fists at his side. Illya steps out until he is side by side with his partner, and they stand there together, in silence, for a long moment.
“How could I do that?” Napoleon asks eventually, his tremulous voice barely more than a whisper. “I just can't see how I could possibly do it, even knowing you would ‘reset’, or whatever the fuck this is.”
“Cowboy,” Illya says, turning toward him, but Napoleon’s gaze remains fixated on the trees. “Napoleon, look at me.”
Finally, Napoleon turns, and Illya is shocked to see tears streaking his cheeks. He’s never seen Napoleon cry, not even when he was dying in the kitchen, and the sight is fairly terrifying. He reaches forward to pull Napoleon into his arms and his partner goes willingly, pressing his face into Illya’s shoulder.
“You did it for me,” Illya murmurs, holding him close. “Because I asked you to. And I shouldn’t have, I know, it’s not fair. I’m sorry, Cowboy.”
Napoleon is quiet for a long moment before he speaks again, pushing his words into Illya’s shirt. “I can’t do it again.”
Yes, you can, Illya thinks sadly, but he doesn’t say it. He knows that if it came down to it, Napoleon would pull the trigger, because he is far stronger than he thinks he is. Because he would always do anything for Illya, even the unthinkable.
“You won’t have to,” he promises instead. It’s a dangerous promise to make, but Illya also knows that he couldn’t ask Napoleon to do it again. Couldn’t take more of this pain. Illya is, in the end, the one that is not strong enough.
He presses a kiss to Napoleon’s temple and buries his face in his partner’s hair, drinking the the scent of his pomade and that thing that is uniquely him. They stand there for a long while, wrapped in each others arms, until Napoleon takes a deep breath that he exhales as a shaky sigh.
“We should go plan,” he says, his voice still muffled by Illya’s shirt.
Illya pulls back slightly and lifts a hand to cup Napoleon’s face, tipping it up toward his. “In a minute,” he murmurs, and then kisses him.
Illya never could have imagined that kissing the man he loves could make his heart ache so intensely. He can taste the sorrow in it, even more than the salt of Napoleon’s tears. Their tracks are drying on his cheeks, and Illya rubs his thumb through them, knowing for certain that this loop cannot end the way the previous one did, because he can never be the cause of these tears ever again.
Gaby is waiting for them when they finally come back inside, and she has put her time to good use. The table is near covered by explosive charges, assembled and ready to go. Illya and Napoleon blink at her in surprise.
“The way I see it,” she says without preamble, “we need the antidote, and then we need to blow the whole place, preferably with that bastard inside it. Make sure any trace of the drug is destroyed. These are for the outer walls,” she says, gesturing to one pile, “and these are for placing in the basement. I’ll kill the power, and then you have 15 minutes to get underground, get the antidote, place the charges, and get out. I’ll place the ones around the outside when I get there. Agreed?”
Illya and Napoleon look at each other, then back at Gaby, and nod. How could they not?
Next Chapter
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tillthelandslide · 4 years
Jersey Love (Part 3) : Life With You is a Walk in the Park
Authors Note: Ah! Part 3 is here and I hope you all like it, I have to see part 4 and 5 are my favourite parts so far so I hope you are all as excited as I am :). I really hope you like it, I appreciate any feedback.
Tag List:  @harrysthiccthighss @thereisa8ella @magdelen69 @henrythickcavill @hc-geralt-23 @kissthatlifeaway @darkbooksarwin @august-w-princess @speakerforthedead0 @pixie1484 @constip8merm8 @tigerbroadwaybaby @agniavateira @summersong69 @aestheticallywinchester @stephartrave @al-wiisa​ @henrycavillfanpage​ @intenselikes​ @anat2507​ @ellixthea​ @aguspalazzo​ @1ookatthestars00​ @wintersoldierslut​ @michelehansel​   @cavill-sass​​
(if you would like to be added to my tag list, feel free to message me,   if you are new to my blog then I post Henry Cavill fanfics and make  Henry Cavill fake Instagram posts, my requests are open so feel free to  request anything  and I will try my best to make your vision come to  life)    
Part 1
Part 2
The next morning you woke up early, feeding your cats, making yourself a healthy breakfast all before hopping in the shower. You washed your hair with your favourite shampoo and conditioner, you then shaved and washed your body, cleaning your face with an exfoliating gel. You turned the shower off, wrapping your hair in a towel and drying your body, you walked to your bedroom, humming as you went. You chose to wear some comfortable workout clothes as you were going on a walk, before drying your hair. You put on some moisturiser before curling your long eyelashes, you were comfortable not wearing any makeup so decided against it, you brushed your hair up and put it out of your face into a high ponytail, the usual strands fell in front of your face so you decided to curl them with your tongs. You put on your shoes and packed a bag with some water, a jumper, your phone, keys and purse.
A little while later you heard your doorbell ring so you walked to the door. You opened the door seeing Henry standing there in workout shorts and a tank top, you had no idea how he wasn't cold. He was holding a lead which was attached to a gorgeous American Akitta.
"Hey handsome" you said, making him smirk at you.
"Hi, are you talking to me or Kal?" which made you laugh, he then leant forward to kiss you before speaking again. "the cats aren't here are they? Wouldn't want Kal chasing after them" he said making you chuckle.
"They left." you said, kneeling down to greet Kal. "Hey buddy. Oh my god, you're gorgeous" you said, massaging behind the big dog's ears making him pant at you.
"Seems like he likes you already" Henry said looking down at you, your eyes met briefly before you looked back at Kal.
"Are you excited?" you said, holding your palm out to him to which he placed his paw in yours. You swooned at him, he truly was the cutest dog. You stood up and smiled widely at Henry, leaning forward to kiss him again, you just couldn't help it.
"Ready?" he said, making you nod, you took your keys off the table by your front door, and grabbed your backpack from underneath it, placing it on your back. You closed the door behind the both of you, locking it securely.
"The place I'm taking you to is about a 15 minute drive from here" he said leading you to his car, he walked to your side first, opening the car door for you and sharing "my lady" which made you chuckle.
"Thank you kind sir, I think that deserves a kiss" you joked along with him, placing a peck against his cheek. You sat down in the seat as Henry opened the back door for Kal.
"Go on Kal" he said to the dog who was stubbornly not getting in.
"Sorry, he usually sits at the front with me" he said, making you chuckle.
"Let him sit here then" you said, opening your door and calling Kal, who came and sat on your lap straight away. You closed the door and Henry walked to the driver's seat.
"Are you sure that's okay? He's a big dog" he said making you pet Kal.
"He's fine." you said, making Henry shrug as he turned the engine on. 
His hands rested against the steering wheel, running along it making you gulp. He looked over at you.
“Like what you did here” he said gesturing to the pieces of hair you left in front of your face.
“Couldn’t get them in the ponytail, they’re stubborn” you said, tucking one behind your ear making Henry pout, he wanted to do it.
“You look beautiful as always darling” he said, beginning to drive.
“You’re too kind” you said, blushing a deep red.
“Just telling the truth,” he said, shrugging. You thought back to when you first met, he was a nervous wreck and you were the confident one, well now that had changed, every word he said made you blush, sure you had your moments and they surprise him but for the most part you were the nervous wreck. He still had a confident demeanor, even when you complimented him. The drive was quite short and the nearer you got the more excited Kal got in your lap. He was fidgeting loads and kicking your face excitedly making you giggle which made Henry's face ache with how much he was smiling.
"Kal calm down" you said, to which he listened straight away, much to Henry's surprise.
"Surprised that worked" he said, his eyebrows furrowing as the corners of his lips folded downwards.
"Just need to be dominant, you know? Assertive" you said making Henry gulp.
"You know a lot about being dominant then?" he said jokingly.
"You'll have to wait and find out" you teased, making him cough to clear his throat. You looked out of the window smirking to yourself, Henry looked at you and shook his head. You really were full of surprises he thought. 
A little while later, Henry pulled up next to another car in a small parking lot. He undid his seat belt and got out, running to your side of the car to open your door for you, Kal instantly jumped out and up at him, Henry quickly grabbing his lead, knowing the dog well and knowing he would run away out of excitement. He held his hand out for you to take, which you did, getting helped out of the car. You looked in front of you at the beautiful site, beautiful shades of green as far as the eye could see, the sky a bright shade of blue. You took your backpack from the car, closing the door behind you.
Henry grabbed Kal's lead before holding your hand again, beginning to walk with you.
"What was it like growing up being the only girl? And the youngest" he said, looking at you as you walked.
"I actually enjoyed having 3 brothers, felt like it made me who I am today. I wasn’t afraid to do things that were seen to be boyish, I really didn't care, I grew up doing the girly stuff but joining in with my brothers too, it was nice. Felt like I had the best of both worlds" you said, making him nod.
"How was it for you? 4 brothers is a lot" you said, to which he chuckled.
"We joked around a lot. Still do. They're my role models honestly, they really are the true superheroes. We still mess around and tease each other which is nice" he said, glad you were both opening up to one another.
"Was your parents split hard on you?" he asked.
"Um, I was very young so I don't think I fully understood what was going on. The split itself wasn't too hard, what was hard was my eldest brother tried taking my dad's role and I didn't really like that. I always felt like a martian in my family, I was the only girl so got treated differently because of that, and I was the youngest. We got closer as we grew up, we all found our place within the family. The two brothers who are closest  to my age, are my best friends. And my oldest brother, I love him a lot, sure we never used to get along but I now see the position he was in must have been so hard so I really respect him for that" you said, Henry's fingers were absent-mindedly running against the back of your hand making you smile to yourself.
"What made you want to become an actor?" you said, the both of you stopping for a minute because Kal was sniffing around.
"When I was at boarding school I got teased and bullied by the other kids. But then I started acting in the school plays and I just felt comfortable, felt like they couldn't bully me because I wasn't me, I was playing someone else, embodying someone else" he said making you frown at the fact he was bullied.
"They used to call me fat Cavill." he said laughing."That's so nasty" you replied, making him shrug.
"It was an accurate term, I was indeed a Cavill and I was kind of fat, it's just sad because they were probably getting bullied too, and by someone far more malicious then a school kid. I just find it funny now" he said.
"Yeah, because you've come so far. Look at you now, I mean c'mon. You're this amazing, kind and talented guy, everybody knows, wants to know you or wants to be you. And you're good looking so that helps. And on top of all of that, you’re so humble about all of it" you said, nudging your shoulder against his. He thought it was sweet how you were trying to cover up the fact you were being serious, trying to lighten the situation.
"Thank you" he said, offering you a sweet smile as he brought your hand up to his lips.
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"This is lovely" you said looking out at the skyline.
"So, I know it's your birthday party next week but when's your actual birthday?" he asked.
“The 21st of November” you replied, making him smile.
“Do you have any plans?” he asked politely.
“My mum has organised this family thing at her and her partners house, my brothers will be visiting for the day” you said, excitedly, you hadn’t seen them in a while and was beyond excited.
“That sounds amazing, I’m sure you’re looking forward to seeing them.” he said, making you nod in reply.
“I really am, I haven’t seen them in what seems like forever, they’re my best friends” you said, smiling at all the great memories that came into your mind. Henry smiled back at you, wow this girl...she’s so cute he thought, pulling you tightly into his chest for a hug. You wrapped your arms around his waist as he rested around your shoulders, you chuckled when you heard Kal huff and soon after you felt his head nudging the back of your legs. You looked up to Henry whose hand came to rest against your jaw as he placed a sweet kiss against your lips.
You really wanted to invite Henry to your birthday celebrations with your family but were scared it was too soon.
“You really don’t have to come to my birthday bash if you don’t want to. I would understand, I know it might be a little overwhelming, with all my friends there. Wow I’m really not selling this am I?” you said, physically cringing that you called it that again.
“It’s okay, I want to be there”
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“I told you yesterday, I want to be a part of your life, your world… So I want to meet your friends… Besides we have to celebrate your birthday” he said, holding your hand as he spoke.“Okay, but be warned my friends can be really crazy and they like to go all out, like suits, dresses, champagne all out” you smiled.
“Sounds amazing, I’ll be sure to wear a suit” he said.
“I’m sure you’ll look dashing” you said, continuing walking hand in hand with Henry, Kal walking ahead of you.
“Do you get along with everyone at work?” Henry asks politely.
“Yeah, I do. I’ve made my closest friends through work, the guys you saw at the pub, they’re the best” you said, making Henry smile.
“They all seemed nice. You’re quite close with Lewis right?” Henry said.
“Yeah, he’s my best friend, him and Amy. You should know that when I first joined Durrell he asked me out on a date” you said, slightly laughing, looking at Henry who nodded.
“I don’t blame him, you’re amazing. What happened there then, he’s an attractive guy, no?” Henry asked. You appreciated that he wasn’t protective and it didn’t bother him. Henry did get a little bit jealous at the thought of this but then reminded himself that you were just friends so there was nothing to worry about, something must have happened.
“We went on one date and there was no spark there, we got along really well, but I dunno… it felt like he was just another one of my brothers” you said laughing “he still is affectionate but he’s honestly like that with everyone” you said hoping to ease any doubts Henry may have had, even he didn’t show it.
“That’s nice though, nice you have someone like that in your life” Henry said making you smile widely at how understanding he was. You started to slow down and Kal began to tug on the lead making you laugh, he looked back at the both of you, huffing and tugging the lead.
“Pass me the lead for a second” you said, making Henry furrow his eyebrows before handing it over. You held it in your hand and began running, Kal getting very excited and running with you, you laughed as you did so making Henry jog after you, laughing at how cute the both of you were. If Kal likes her then that must be a good sign he thought.
You caught up to Kal and he jumped up at you excitedly.
“Yeah, you’re excited aren’t you big boy?” you said, ruffling the fur on his head making him look up at you, his mouth moving into a big smile.
“You’re really good with him.” Henry said, catching up to the both of you, his hand landing on your lower back as he stood over Kal.
“You like her huh?” Henry said, petting his head and he swore he nodded at him, making the both of you laugh again.
“Me too buddy” Henry replied, looking at you, making you smile and lean forward into him slightly. He kissed your head and took your hand in his again, walking again, the lead now in your hand, Kal walking by your side which made Henry smile widely.
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“Do you take him everywhere with you?” you asked, making Henry nod.
“Yeah… he’s my best friend, my companion” he replied looking down at Kal and shaking his head, a smile on his face.
“How does he cope with travelling?”  you asked, petting Kal’s head. Henry began absent-mindedly swinging your hands back and forth, making you want to giggle at how cute it was, you were shocked that such a simple gesture had you wanting to smother him in kisses. 
“He’s okay with it, mostly just sleeps on me the whole time” he said, chuckling. You walked for a while longer, talking about lots of things, stopping when Kal wanted to rest. About an hour later you decided to sit down together to eat some food.
“What do you brothers do for a living?” Henry asked, eating a sandwich, Kal resting on his thigh, his big eyes flicking up to Henry, hoping to get some of his food.
“My eldest brother Shaun, he owns his own plumbing business, then Glenn works for Mind, the mental health charity, is the head of the digital team and then Harry manages a history museum” you said, running through your brothers by age.
“Wow, impressive family” he said, smiling.
“Yours?” you asked.
“Piers is a former army officer, Nick is a major in the Royal Marines, Simon works in financial services and Charlie works in marketing” he said proudly.
“Now that’s impressive, and your parents?” you said, wanting to get to know everything about him.
“My Dad served in the Navy and then a stockbroker, and my mum… she was amazing, is amazing, she took care of us for years and then worked as a secretary in a bank” he said, you loved hearing him talk about his family, you could tell how proud he was of them and how much he loved them.
“How about yours? You said your mum is retired now?” he asked.
“Yeah, she looked after us for years, in between jobs in childcare for years and then started working for the MET police in London. Then she met her partner and a few years later they retired here. My dad is retired too now, he owned the business my brother now owns” you said making Henry smile, he too could tell how important your family was to you.
You then spoke about what it was like to become an actor when his brothers had done something so different, his favourite things (including Salted Caramel cake, red velvet cake, rugby, Guinness, gaming and fantasy books).
“I appreciate this. Haven’t really spoken to people about this kind of stuff” he said, holding your hand.
“I just want to know everything there is to know about you” you said, you had both finished eating and Henry pulled you into his lap making you giggle, leaning into him, his hand grasping your waist making you sigh, the smallest amount of attention had you responding to him and he loved it.
“Then you should probably know I’m crazy about you” he said, it seemed like madness to you, you hadn’t known him that long but fel exactly the same way.
“I know” you said, making him laugh and kiss you gently.
“I’m crazy about you too Hen, it's scary” you mumbled against his lips.
“What are you scared of?” he asked, his lips moving against yours again.
“Falling” you answered honestly. He pulled away from you, smiling sweetly at you, his forehead resting against yours for a few seconds before he placed a kiss to it.
“I think that’s the point love” he said, laughing at you, making you pout for jokingly teasing you.
“I promise I’ll catch you” he said and you could tell he cringed at his words “sorry that was cringy” he said making you shake your head ‘no’ and place a firm kiss to his lips.
“It was perfect, tad cringe but it's fine” you said, laughing. You stood up from his lap, sticking your hand up for him to take, you pulled him up easily making his eyebrows raise.
“Ooo look at you, very strong” he jested, making him shove him lightly
“Haha, come on love” he said, the both of you began walking, Kal following behind you, his lead in Henry’s hand. 
“Back to work tomorrow?” he asked, making you sigh.
“Yeah” you said, you thoroughly enjoyed your job but it was tiring.
“Then off for the weekend, got a movie night tomorrow evening with Jess and then my friends are dragging me to a karaoke night on Saturday” you said, making Henry smile.
“Would you like to join us?” you said, he looked at you and nodded, he wanted to spend as much time with you as possible.
“For both?” he said, making you nod.
“Of course, you can properly get to know my friends before my birthday and Jess would love to have you there for the movie night, I’ll ask her first, don't want her hyperventilating on us” you said, the both of you laughing.
“Good idea”
“Be warned though, she’ll probably want to watch one of your films. Well maybe not if you were there” you said laughing.
“I don’t mind that, I’m up for anything” he said, making you smirk .
“Anything aye?” you joked, poking him the ribs making him laugh and squirm away from you. 
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“Her favourite film is Man of Steel but I doubt she'll want to watch it again, she texted me after she finished work yesterday saying she went home and watched it” you said, Henry smiling at you.
You carried on walking, nearly back at the carpark when you heard a rumble above you, suddenly rain started falling rapidly making you and Henry gasp and run to the car. You finally made it, all three of you totally soaked. Henry paused just before the car, pulling you flush against him.
“I’ve always wanted to kiss someone in the rain, would you do me the honor?” he said, making you nod, you both leant in slowly, you didn’t care that you were getting soaked, or that you would both probably feel a bit ill tomorrow, all that mattered was Henry, his lips moving closer and closer to yours until they merged with yours. You never believed in fireworks before, but in that moment, you swore they existed, maybe it was that you were truly falling for this man, maybe that it was the perfect moment, something from a movie screen. You didn’t know what it was but you knew you loved it.
“Wow, that is different from the movies” he joked “much better than the movies actually, cold though” he said making you nod and run into the car.
“Where the hell did that come from?” he said as you both got into the car, making the both of you laugh.
“Typical of the UK” you said, making him nod. The only positive was that because it was a clear day, a rainbow appeared. Kal was now sitting in the back, shaking himself to try to get dry which in the process managed to get you and Henry more wet.
“I’ll drive you home.” he said, nodding to himself and turning on the engine.
“Sorry our day got cut short” you said, making him reach out and hold your hand.
“Ended it perfectly though yeah?” he said, glancing at him.
Part 4
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sushigirlali · 7 years
Quick Rant: Henry Cavill
With Justice League around the corner, I've been thinking about Henry Cavill a lot. How can he be the charismatic and stylish master spy Napoelon Solo from The Man from U.N.C.L.E., and also be boring, dull doorknob Superman in the DC franchise?! I can't wrap my head around this at all. Is he a pod person? Does he have an evil twin? Is Zack Snyder that bad of a director? I don't know!! 🤔🤔
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Napoleon: Where’s Illya?
Mark: Don’t worry about Illya.
Napoleon: Oh I’m sorry, have you met me?
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40 DAYS OF MY FAVORITE MFU EPISODES- DAY 3:         The Deadly Decoy Affair (S1 E15)
I remember enjoying this episode, though I’m not exactly sure by now because Illya doesn’t appear in it long. However, it’s an absolute delight to see Napoleon and Illya live in the same apartment (and we all know they move in together later on ❤️) And Napoleon says sorry to Illya after leaving him on the train to fight Thrush, just aww, they love each other so much, even though their missions might separate them sometimes, they always care a lot about each other ❤️
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myriadimagines · 7 years
66, 90 and 94 for Illya (tmfu)? :) Something fluff where Illya protects the reader?
Characters: Reader x Illya Kuryakin + Napoleon Solo
Warnings: torture, mild swearing
Prompts: 66: “I won’t let you get hurt.” 90: “Trust me.” 94: “Did they hurt you?”
Word Count: 474
A/N: I think the is the first Man From U.N.C.L.E. drabble, enjoy !!
Want to request a drabble? Read this post [x]
“They don’t know anything.” Illya coughed out as the interrogator circled him. You struggled against your handcuffs, tears streaming down your face. “Leave them alone.”
“Don’t listen to him!” you yelled. The two of you were chained to two separate poles and being interrogated about your mission. Illya was beaten up pretty badly, but the interrogators hadn’t touched you, because Illya had convinced them that you were just a random civilian he had accidentally strung along. 
The interrogator ignored you, casually strolling back to a small metal table where he had various knives laid out. Illya turned to look at you, blood dripping out of his nose. 
“Trust me.” Illya mouthed, but you shook your head and ignored him, tears brimming your eyes.  
“Please don’t hurt him anymore.” you sobbed as the interrogator turned around with a knife. “Please.”
“I’m giving you one more chance, Kuryakin.” the man continued, tracing Illya’s jaw with the knife. “Tell me what your mission is, or I’ll carve your face right off. And for the hell of it, I’ll slice open the civilian’s face too.” 
“Don’t touch them!” Illya roared, jerking forward as the man chuckled.
“Then tell me about your mission!” 
Both you and Illya heard it before the man did, a faint beeping sound. Your eyes widened as you looked at the door, and Illya spat in the man’s face. 
“Go to hell.” Illya hissed as the door exploded and Napoleon rushed in, shooting the man. Napoleon rushed over to body and snatched the keys off the belt before releasing you and Illya. Illya staggered over to you as Napoleon reached for his radio. 
“I have them.” he mumbled, before turning back to the two of you. “You’re slipping, Peril. I’m surprised you got caught.”
“Shut up, Cowboy.” Illya shot back, before cupping your face in his hands. “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”
“Did they hurt me?” you laughed, crying with relief as you reached out and touched Illya face. “Illya, he could’ve killed you!”
“As long as you’re okay, I wouldn’t have care.” Illya responded, brushing your hair out of your face. “I love you, and I won’t let you get hurt. Ever.”
“Oh, Illya.” you whispered, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I love you too.” 
Illya leaned closer to kiss you, but Napoleon coughed. Rolling his eyes, Illya turned around and glared at him as Napoleon smirked at the two of you.
“As adorable as this is, we do have to get a move on.” Napoelon looked at his watch. “I estimate we have approximately 7 minutes to get out of the building. Can you wait 7 minutes before making out?” 
“No.” you interrupted, grabbing the collar of Illya shirt and crashing your lips against his. Napoleon sighed loudly, but the two of you ignored him as Illya pulled you closer. 
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tillthelandslide · 4 years
Jersey Love (Part 5) : I Lost a Friend
Warning: this chapter includes references of suicide so please do not read if it will trigger you. Here for anyone who needs to talk <3
Author’s Note: Hope you enjoy it, I’m struggling with part 6 atm so please be patient with me :) love you all so much and I know I saw it all the god dam time but your support truly does mean the world to me
Tag List: @harrysthiccthighss​ @thereisa8ella​ @magdelen69​ @henrythickcavill​ @hc-geralt-23​ @kissthatlifeaway​ @darkbooksarwin​ @august-w-princess​ @speakerforthedead0​ @pixie1484​ @constip8merm8​ @tigerbroadwaybaby​ @agniavateira​ @summersong69​ @aestheticallywinchester​ @stephartrave​ @al-wiisa​ @henrycavillfanpage​ @intenselikes​ @anat2507​ @ellixthea​ @aguspalazzo​ @1ookatthestars00​ @wintersoldierslut​ @michelehansel​ @cavill-sass​ @thecavillstache​ @xelizabethvalentinex​ @sesamepancakes​ @tumblnewby​ @thefangirlsblog​ @sugarmelonwater​
(if you would like to be added to my tag list, feel free to message me,   if you are new to my blog then I post Henry Cavill fanfics and make   Henry Cavill fake Instagram posts, my requests are open so feel free to   request anything  and I will try my best to make your vision come to life. Edit: requests are still open but there might be a delay as I am working my way through the current ones and all other stories I am writing)  
Part 1: Durrell Challenge
Part 2: Coffee Date
Part 3: Life With You is a Walk in the Park
Part 4: Movie Night
It was Saturday night and you had been invited to a karaoke night with your friends, you had invited Henry so he could get to know your friends better. You were getting ready, you had decided to curl your hair and apply a little bit more makeup than usual, not too much, it still looked natural but you had darker eyeshadow on than usual. You opted to wear black skinny jeans, a striped deep-neck blouse and toeless heels. You couldn’t stop thinking about last night and the events that occurred, you wondered if Henry was thinking about it as much as you were.
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You had text Henry to meet you at the pub, planning to get there earlier than your friends, you ordered a cab whilst you got your things ready, ensuring your cats had everything they needed. The cab arrived shortly after and took you to the pub. You walked inside, greeting the staff as you entered, you sat down at a booth big enough for all of you. Henry arrived shortly after, dressed in black jeans and a grey cotton shirt, his chest hair on display which made you have to take a deep breath trying to compose your thoughts.
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He waved at you a huge smile on his face, he came over to you sliding in next to you and hugging you tightly.
“Hello gorgeous” he says, pecking your lips making you blush.
“You look hot Henry” you said, which got the reply of a deep cough and chuckle.
“So do you” he said, his eyes flicking down to your chest making you and him smirk.
“Keep your eyes up here Hen” you joked, making him smile.
“Want a drink?” you asked “yes please” he said. “Guinness?” you asked, making him say yes please again. You left the booth and Henry couldn’t help but check out your bottom as you walked, he thought about last night as he did. You caught him as you turned your head round slightly, making him look into your eyes and shrug as if to say “I don't regret it”.
You ordered a Guinness and a pint for yourself, carrying them over to the table. Sitting down next to Henry his hand immediately panting itself on your thigh as the other arms hooked around your shoulders on the headrest of the chair.
“How are you?” you said, your own hand resting on his thigh, which somehow looked bigger in his tight jeans.
“I’m very good, how are you my love?” he smirked, placing a kiss to your neck where he could see the bruise he planted yesterday.
“I also happen to be very good. Coincidence?” you said making him chuckle.
“Hmm, maybe” he said his lips still moving against your lips.
“Henry people are looking” you said, your hand threading through his hair at his neck as your eyes fluttered closed.
“Let them look” he said, beginning to suck against your neck when you heard someone across the room cough awkwardly, making him pull away. 
His timing was impeccable as you heard the door of the pub opened and in walked Lewis.
“Hi guys.” he said nicely, shrugging his jacket off when he made it to you. 
“Hi Lew. This is Henry” you said, standing up to hug him before gesturing to Henry, he stood up and shook Lewis' hand.
“Nice to meet you mate. Yn has told me a lot about you” Henry said, smiling and sitting back down. Lewis sat on the opposite side of the booth.
“You too mate” he replied before the both of them said “good things I hope” at the same time making them laugh.
“No I bitched about both of you” you said, all of you laughing, the pub door opened and Amy walked in with James and Liam.
“Oh shit, I forgot to tell you that Emily can’t make it, she had to look after her sister's kids for the night” Lewis said, all of you standing up as they walked up.
“Hello gorgeous girl” Amy said, hugging you tightly, squeezing her as she did, placing a friendly kiss on her cheek, her eyes flicked down to your exposed neck and she wiggled her eyebrows at you, making you chuckle and flick your hair in front of your neck to cover it..
“Nice to see you again” she said, leaning over to hug Henry too.
“You too.” Henry replied.
“This is Henry” you said, introducing him to Liam and James who both shook his hand. They all sat down but you remained standing.
“Drinks?” you said, to which they all replied quickly with what they wanted.
“I’ll get it” Henry offered, making you shake your head and place a kiss against his cheek making him blush in front of your friends. You walked over to the bar ordering everyone else's' drinks, you leant against the bar, turning your head back to the table, Henry was laughing with your friends which was a good sign, he was sat next to Lewis with Amy, Liam and James on the other side of the booth, a space next to Henry for you to sit. The barman came back a short while after with all of the drinks.
“Cheers mate” you said smiling to him as he placed the drinks on a tray.
“Need a hand?” he said, being friendly.
“That’s okay, I’ve got it” you said, carrying the tray effortlessly to the table. You placed it down and sat next to Henry a round of “thanks” and “cheers” being heard.
“For someone as clumsy as you I’m surprised you managed to carry this back without getting it all down you” James said making everyone including Henry laugh.
“Ha Ha” you said sarcastically, taking a sip from your drink.
You all then began talking between yourself, your friends asking kind and interesting questions about Henry and his career, helping him to be comfortable around them which you appreciated.
“How long have you been together?” Henry asked James who was holding hands with Liam.
“4 years” he replied, smiling at each other which made you and Henry smile.
“They are so cute. They got moved to different sections at work because they couldn’t keep their hands off each other” Amy said, making everybody laugh.
Little to your knowledge, your friends had put your name into the hat that was being passed around the pub, you hadn’t known this as you were getting another round, so when your name was called you were shocked.
“I hate you guys so much” you said, putting your middle finger up to them as you were prompted to go on stage. This karaoke night had a machine but also had a guitar and a piano which you could play.  You walked on stage, still hating your friends, Henry smiled at you as he was laughing along with your friends.
“May I?” you gestured to the piano making the karaoke man nod.
“Introduce yourself and the song” the man said, making you smile.
“Hi everyone. This is super awkward, my friends put me up to this and I hate them for it. But um, my name is Yn, this is I Lost a Friend by Fineas” you said, making your friends and Henry cheer at you.
“She plays piano? Is she any good?” Henry asked Lewis.
“You didn’t know. Oof sit back and enjoy Henry” Lewis said making Henry confused. You began playing the first chords of the song and soon after your voice filled the room. Henry was instantly blown away by your voice, it was beautiful and he looked to your friends who were smiling at you.
I lost a friend Like keys in a sofa Like a wallet in the backseat Like ice in the summer heat I lost a friend Like sleep on a red-eye Like money on a bad bet Like time worrying about Every bad thing that hasn't happened yet
You sang, your fingers easily drifting over the keys, your eyes closing as you got into the song.
I know I'll be alright, but I'm not tonight I'll be lying awake counting all the mistakes I've made Replaying fights I know I'll be alright, but I'm not tonight I lost a friend, I lost a friend, I lost my mind, and nobody believes me Say, "I know that he don't need me 'Cause he made a little too much money to be 20 and sad" And I'll be fine without 'em But all I do is write about 'em How the hell did I lose a friend I never had? Never had
You continued singing. Henry leant forward in his chair, everything around him seemed like it disappeared as he heard you sing, every new piece of infomation he learnt about you he loved but he thinks this might be his favourite. Why doesn’t she do this for a living? he thought to himself she’s truly amazing. This song was sad and you sung it with so much emotion, the room went completly quiet, everyone on the edge of their seats, listening carefully to every word that fell perfectly from your mouth.
I'm on the mend Like I'm wearing a neck brace Like I'm sleeping in my own place Like I'm pulling all the stitches out of my own face I'm on the mend Like I'm icing a new sprain Like I'm walking on a new cane Like it's been a couple days Since I slipped and said something sorta like your name, I know I'll be alright, but I'm not tonight I'll be lying awake counting all the mistakes I've made Replaying fights
You sung, swaying slightly in your chair, really getting into the song. Your friends started swaying too which made you smile.
I know I'll be alright, but I'm not tonight I'm on the mend, but I lost a friend, I lost my mind, and nobody believes me Say, "I know that he don't need me“
Cause he made a little too much money to be 20 and sad
And I'll be fine without 'em But all I do is write about 'em How the hell did I lose a friend I never had? I'd apologize if I thought it might make a difference Or make you listen I'd apologise if it was black and white But life is different Just try to listen to me now, I know I'll be alright, but I'm not tonight I lost a friend, I lost a friend, I lost my mind, and nobody believes me Say, "I know that he don't need me 'Cause he made a little too much money to be 20 and sad" And I'll be fine without 'em But all I do is write about 'em How the hell did I lose a friend I never had? Never had 
You continued to sing the song until the end and everyone applauded you when you had finished, making you blush deeply.
“I wasn’t expecting that, that was amazing” the karaoke man said as you stood up making you laugh.
“Thank you” you said, smiling at him before walking back to your friends, sliding in next to Henry.
“I really hate you guys” you said laughing, you felt Henry staring at you so you looked to him as his hand rested against your thigh.
“Oh shut up, you were amazing” Amy said, making everyone nod.
“What?” you said, tucking your hair behind your ear, he leant in and kissed you firmly making your friends coo which made you blush.
“You never told me you could sing or play the piano. That was amazing Yn” Henry said making you kiss him again.
“What can I say? I’m full of surprises” you said, using the phrase you and him always said as a joke, your elbows on the table, leaning against the palm of your hand.
“You truly are” he said, leaning forward to place a kiss against your forehead as his arm rested over your shoulders.
You looked to your friends who were smiling at the both of you.
The night carried on like that, all of you laughing, singing along to the songs people went up to sing, drinking and having fun. Henry fit in well with you friends, there was never any moments of awkwardness, his hand rested constantly on your knee or on your thigh, occasionally wondering up (whether intentional you don't know) and every now and then he'd turn and smile at you, placing a kiss against your cheek or lips.
It was now later on that night and you had invited Henry back to yours, you entered your house, your cats nowhere to be seen, probably on your bed. You threw you keys in the bowl next to your door, hanging your jacket up, Henry doing the same. Little to no words were exchanged but it was a comfortable silence. Henry looked around again, he really did love your house, he had only been in your living room and kitchen but still.
“Bare with me while I go get changed okay?” you said, making Henry nod and walk to your living room. You got changed into a black pair of sweats and a loose top, cleaning your face of all makeup. You walked back downstairs into the living room seeing Henry stroking one of your cats.
“Ooo, you like nice and cozy, how are you still so pretty without makeup?” he said, making you smile, he sat back against your sofa, pulling you into his lap, his hand running across the soft fabric of your sweats which covered your legs.
“How do we always end up in this same position?” he said making you chuckle
“Hmm think yesterday looked a little like this” you said, swinging your leg over his thighs so you were straddling him again, you both laughed this time though, liking how this position didn’t always have to be sexual.
“You were truly amazing this evening Yn, that song... so good, very emotional, almost cried, I can’t lie” he said, you smiling at how sweet he always was.
“Thank you” you replied, pecking his cheek.
“I want to hear you sing more now” he said “You’re so talented, you know you could do it as a career right? I know you love conservation but it's true” he said, a crimson blush arising on your cheeks as he spoke
"Can I show you something?" you said as if reading his mind, your voice came out in a whisper and he nodded. He stood and you jokingly wrapped yourself around him like a koala, slowly dropping yours legs to the floor, taking his hand in yours leading him upstairs into a large room, you turned the lights on and Henry smiled at the sight. It was a studio, guitars were framed on the wall and an old standard size piano was placed at the back. Across one of the walls was a glass panel and a door which led to what looked like a recording booth. Brown leather sofas furnished the room and a coffee table was placed in front of them, sheets of paper lying across it, Henry picked one up and saw song lyrics.
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"Wow" was all he said, sitting down on the sofa.
"Spent my first three paychecks on this room” you laughed “I don't really come in here anymore" you said, wiping some dust off your piano before coming to sit next to him. Henry didn't say anything, he knew it wasn't the time, it was the time to let you talk and for him to listen.
"There's something I haven't told you Hen, I was really scared too. I hadn't really told many people, only my family knows and Amy and Lewis" you said making him not.
"It's okay, take your time" he said kindly, you nodded and took a breath before talking again.
"Back in London, I was engaged" you said, he didn't gasp, he didn't get angry, he just nodded, trying to be as understanding as he possibly could.
"We met at University, he was studying to become a Marine Biologist, we became friends pretty quickly and we both loved music. Us and a few of our friends made a band" you said smiling at the memory which made Henry smile.
"We weren't huge, but we were quite popular around campus" you laughed "we performed in local pubs and clubs and at uni events."
"His name was Adam, he was the lead guitarist in the band. We left university, we moved in together, he proposed and I said yes. We were so happy" you said, a tear running down your face.
"Umm... One day, I um... I came home and Adam had taken his own life" you said, as you began crying. Henry didn't know what to do but he pulled you close to him, wrapping his arms around you, it was just what you needed.
"So the band broke up... And I began travelling the world, doing conservation, occupying myself with work. But every time I would go back home to London I hated it, I was reminded of everything about him. It got easier as time went on but I was hardly ever in London, always on the road, working for different conservation projects. I finally started to be happy again, I loved Adam and part of me always will... But I couldn't let it stop my life, he wouldn't have wanted that, he always said to me “we’re here for a good time baby, not a long time, you’ve got to make the most of your life”. I realised that I couldn’t spend all my time thinking about him and what happened, I had to accept that I loved him but he’s not around to love me anymore. I have to make a new life for myself. So when I got the job here, it was a blessing, I had my dream job, somewhere I could start a new... I made amazing friends and now... Now I have you" you said, now crying happy tears. Henry's hands resting against your face.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner" you said, making him shake his head and place a sweet, gentle kiss on your lips.
"It's okay. It's okay. I'm glad you told me now. I'm so sorry that happened Yn, I really am" he said, kissing you again.
"I'm happy now though" you said smiling.
"I'm glad. Me too. Me too" he said, pulling you into his chest.
You got up, staking a guitar off the wall, walking over to Henry, sitting down next to him.
“This was Adam’s” you said, your fingers hovering over an engraving on the guitar which said “Those we love never truly leave us” which you got engraved.
“Tell me about him” he said, making you smile, you placed the guitar back on the wall before joining Henry, he moved you so your legs were draped over his, his hand holding you against him, beginning to play with your hair as your own hands landed on his chest, your head rested against his shoulder.
“He was a really nice guy, a good guy. He wanted to change the world. He always told me that I was too kind for my own good, but he was the king one” you smiled, making Henry smile too.
“He was an awesome guitar player, really good at singing too and writing songs” you continued.
“What did you do in the band?” he asked kindly.
“I was the lead singer, played keys and sometimes played guitar” you said, making Henry smile.
“What happened to everyone else?” Henry asked.
“After everything happened, the band broke up, we all went our separate ways for a while, just trying to move on from what happened, heal y’know” you said, making Henry nod.
“Just before I moved here, we all met up again, and it was like it was before, we all spoke about Adam, with nothing but love, we were no longer sad. I know that sounds bad, but why ruin his image with negativity?” you asked Henry who sighed and kissed you.
“You’re perfect” he whispered against your lips. 
“What’s everyone up to now?” he asked.
“Louie was our drummer, he’s a musical teacher, Ollie played guitar too, he’s got his own band now and Gemma, she played bass, she’s a full time mum now” you smiled.
“They’re coming to my birthday party, Amy has organised Ollie’s band to play, they live in London but are going to come for it which is really nice” you said, making Henry nod.
“It will be nice to meet them.” he said, making you smile.
“Thank you for being so supportive Henry, you’re the best” you said, resting your head against his warm chest. He held you in his arms, placing kisses against your head, his warmth radiating off him, into you, sending you into a gentle slumber. Henry picked you up bridal style, carrying you to what he assumed was your bedroom, he placed you down on the bed, tucking you in and placing a sweet kiss against your forehead.
He didn't look around your bedroom, he didn't feel comfortable doing that whilst you were sleeping. Instead he walked downstairs, grabbing a piece of paper and pen from your kitchen writing you a note.
“Good morning my sweet love. I hope you slept well and had wonderful dreams. I didn’t want to overstay my welcome, I tucked you into bed and went home. Thank you for sharing that with me last night, it means more to me than you will ever know that you trust me like that. It makes me sad that you went through that but I understand now how you are the strongest, most amazing person I know. I realise it more and more everyday, the more I learn about you, the more I realise I need you in my life - Your Henry” he put the pen down, grabbing his jacket, walking to the door and slowly closing the door to your home behind him.
Part 6
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