#my touch starvation is showing isnt it /lh
Nightmare, error, dream, and ink comforting the reader after someone made a "joke" about weight loss as they're plus sized?
Jail to that person. Jail for one thousand years. Stinky person. That's just plain rude. >:(
Nightmare: That kind of behavior is like asking to be murdered. Unless you make it very clear you wish otherwise, the dumbass is going to get stabbed through the chest. Of course, you still get cuddles afterward. If you're lucky, Night might actually wash the blood out of his jacket first- He'll reassure you however you need, and probably end up in a blanket fort watching shitty kids shows while Killer saves an absurd amount of blackmail to his phone. Nightmare notices, but he can't get up without disturbing your sleep. Poor guy.
Error: He'll at least pause to ask you before trying to murder the person, but if you agree, the whole au is getting burned to the ground. Assholes. Although he can't cuddle you, he's still going to drag you to the antivoid for semi-handholding (holding pinkies) and undernovella. At some point you gain a mysterious handmade cardigan. Wonder where it came from. Definitely not your resident glitch's collection of clothing he secretly made for you, nope :)
Dream: He's still highly against murder. Unfortunately. The idiot's just going to get a very stern talking to, and then it's time for ✨hot cocoa cuddles✨. Snuggled up on the couch, two mugs of hot cocoa and a surprisingly well-produced romance playing on the TV. Blue would be saving blackmail if he wasn't busy chasing Ink in circles, in hopes he won't disturb your sweet moment.
Ink: Ink doesn't really know why you're upset, or what to do about it, but he knows whoever you were talking to is at fault. So he just flips them off and walks away. Dream discourages murder, otherwise he'd have joined Nightmare and Error in commiting homicide. He doesn't really know what to say to comfort people, so he's probably just going to end up awkwardly hugging you for a bit before dragging you to an especially pretty au to use you as an art reference. For two hours straight. The art is good, but you're sore from sitting in the same place that long. Whoops. That can be remedied by a hot bath, and cuddles.
...did I mention cuddles yet?
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