#my top 3 are Shane. Seb. and Alex.
babiebom · 5 months
Sdv Bachelor/ettes as the Hatchetfield Universe Characters
A/N:STARKID STARKID STARKID I LOVE SO MUCH also another shitpost? in this economy? More likely than you think. I wanted to do ALL Starkid characters but I think that’s too many options and I will be here for fifty years. Also this is a gift because I started work today and will probably not post anything for a hot minute
Tw: maybe some spoilers for both the game and the musicals, cursing, mentions of abuse, murder, and some other stuff
Wc: idk it’s headcanons bb it’s gonna be at least 3 points though
Sdv Masterlist
Ethan Green(Black Friday)
Resident emo/badboy duo
I do think that as a teenager he would run away with someone that he thinks that he’s in love with to give them a better life even if he’s mistaken about how hard it is
Like he just seems like that type of guy
Like he would be the “yeah babe your family sucks let’s get out of here and be on our own” type of guy
I also think that he would be sweet to his partners younger sibling like just because he doesn’t get along with his own doesn’t mean that he hates kids or anything.
Also smokers lmao
Just really fits the vibe of Ethan very well
Guy that looks tough and bad boy-ish on the outside to in reality just be sweet and caring
I could also see Seb in the Ethan outfit :)
Kyle Clauger (Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
While I don’t think Sam is a bully really
I do think that as a teenager he would just go along with what his friends say because he is a sweet boy that just wants to fit in
Doesn’t wanna bully anyone at all just wants to be happy
Is popular but also not the most popular because he’s a golden retriever and isn’t really chasing popularity
Like yeah he wants to fit in but that doesn’t mean he cares about popularity really he just wants to be liked he doesn’t really care if he’s known or not
Kyle is really just a background character and we don’t really see him unless it’s like specific scenes with Max or like the aftermath.
So we don’t really know a lot other than he never really wanted to bully people but wanted to fit in with Max even to the point to where he doesn’t date anyone max tells him he can’t.
I do think that Sam would choose his friends over a significant other unless he actually genuinely loved them so I think he kinda fits this jock that’s not really mean but isn’t really helpful vibe
I would’ve chosen Ethan for Sam but Sam isn’t really a bad boy on the outside if I’m being honest.
Paul Matthews (The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals)
Mostly because I think it would be funny if he screamed at the top of his lungs for coffee
Also I think he wouldn’t enjoy watching a musical he hates the fact that everyone in them are either so happy or that they’re singing every five seconds
Would also be horrified at “What do you want Paul”
I would’ve probably chosen Paul for Harvey because of his love for coffee but I don’t think he would be this unhappy about everything
Imagine trying to get him to sign ANYTHING while he’s walking to Joja he will not
Paul is much nicer than Shane at first glance but at the same time I feel like Shane could embody him well.
Like Shane can be Paul but Paul could never be Shane.
Max Jägerman (Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
Again I don’t really see him as a bully
But I do think he could’ve been one in high school
Like Sam I think Alex just wants to fit in and be cool (especially because of his life) so as a teenager I could see him being an absolute asshole as a teen
Maybe not to Max’s level but like out of everyone I think he fits Max the most
In the whole star quarterback and liked by the cool pretty girls.
The reason they win their games
Also in the whole no one really understands them
Like I know Max is horrible he’s a LITERAL MONSTER
But like when the main characters try to bully him he literally is like “this is the nicest thing anyone has done for me”
Like yeah he’s a bully and we can see that and they didn’t really flesh out that plot line it seemed like Max didn’t really have people in his life that genuinely cared about him to set anything up for him or do things for him other than be yes men which isn’t really caring at all
I feel like Alex would be similar in that he doesn’t really have friends (Haley doesn’t really count for me because I feel like she’s using him as means to an end. As if she sees him as who she’s supposed to end up with because of their looks instead of actually caring for him)
Only people who either tell him what he wants to hear without truly caring or understanding (except for his grandparents)
Alex too would be happy if someone decided to go through the trouble of making an elaborate prank for him.
Becky Barnes(Black Friday)
Him and Maru were the most difficult for me but ultimately I settled on him being Becky
Mostly because he’s a doctor and I’m pretty sure she’s a nurse
But also because I also think Harvey is brave enough to go through an abusive relationship and come out of it still wanting to help the world
Also because I also think he would kill an abusive asshole bc he’s hot like that
I think they would have the same values like everyone matters and just because you have money or a greater status doesn’t mean you can take advantage of people or act like an asshole
I also think it would take an ancient god to make him become a man without morals
Professor Hidgens (The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals)
Both are men of the arts and it’s funny
Also writing and music are very similar/ writing a musical is literally just writing a story and adding music to it so when I say it’s similar I mean it’s SIMILAR
I could see Elliott going insane and holding people hostage like “DO YOU WANNA READ MY NEW STORY?? PLEASE READ IT AND GIVE ME FEEDBACK PLEASE!!!!”
I could literally see Elliott taking this role and killing it
Like it’s not a lot to say because I think it’s very obvious
Also they both have that air of like…..pretentiousness?
Not in a bad way at all it just like…..they seem to give off the aura of having money
I think I feel like this because it’s like they have the freedom to write and go into the arts even though Hidgens is a professor I believe
It’s just they give off the air of feeling or being better than you but not in a way that is like their doing maybe
Idk if y’all can understand what I’m trying to say? Like they don’t act like they’re better than you it’s just their vibes
Stephanie Lauter(Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
I wanted her to be “Latte Hottie” from TGWDLM(I forgot her name for now ignore it) but she doesn’t really give those vibes when you think about it
I feel like Steph and Abigail are VERY similar
They both seem like in school they’re cool but in different ways but they both have similar vibes
I think Stephanie is more grunge or skater(forgive me I don’t know clothing genres)
And Abby is more gothic but like I think they’re v similar
Like they aren’t in charge but people know them and even if they dislike them no one is fucking with them at all
Also the way their fathers are
I feel like Pierre would be VERY similar to Steph’s father
Like claims they love their child but beat them down with their words
Like imagine if Pierre was running for Mayor or something like
You already know he would be the biggest asshole
Would also fall in love with a person she doesn’t really match with on outer appearance on first look
Emma Perkins (The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals)
I think it would be funny to put Haley in this role
Like they’re both bitches but are funny/attractive to the point where it’s fine
And it’s a bitchiness that isn’t from meanness it’s literally just them being blunt
Like there is no lie about what they’re saying it’s just a rude thing to say lmao
Would be annoyed if she was working and was forced to sing for every tip
Would curse and be sarcastic to annoying people without caring and somehow manages to not be fired
Only difference is that I think that Haley wouldn’t half ass ‘Cup of Roasted Coffee’ because I thinks she wants to look good
Would tell Professor Hidgens to fuck off that she doesn’t want to hear about his musical
Hannah Foster(Black Friday)
I think in my mind(I have not watched Black Friday since the first time I saw it and it’s been a while) that Hannah knew more than the others
Like I remember while watching it that they didn’t take her as serious as they acted more like they listened to her in a “yeah okay grandpa take your meds” kind of way
When in reality she was connected and seeing things that they wouldn’t be able to understand
I think Emily is similar or fits the vibe where she understands things in a different way than the others
And they just see it as her being weird when in reality she’s just connected to the world in a deeper way.
Even though Emily is the older sibling I think she just fits this role where she could feel what is going to happen from the beginning
Lex Foster(Black Friday)
I know this looks like I ship her and Seb but I don’t
Her moms a bitch, an alcoholic
Jkjk (that’s penny)
BUT!!! I think Leah fits the whole “run away to escape my problems and follow my dreams” sort of thing
Like she literally broke off an engagement(or relationship at least) and left everything behind to move to a town in the middle of nowhere in order to follow her dreams
Literally just wants the best for herself and if she had a sibling I think she would want the best too
I also think she’s a dreamer. Like you don’t run off to become an artist without having big dreams and aspirations.
Grace Chasity(Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
Argue with a wall I’m right
I see her as like a goody two shoes that puts her beliefs above anything and really wants to make her family proud
Like I could see her being deeply religious
And honestly if Pam wasn’t an alcoholic and her father was still around I think they would be similar to the chastity’s just not as bad
Like obviously holding someone’s books isn’t equivalent to sex or whatever they believe but I do think they would’ve raised her to be a good Christian gal that should wait until marriage
Also because Penny sticks around for her mother and to teach the kids gives me those vibes
Would also go crazy like absolutely bonkers this woman is
Ruth Fleming(Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
Mostly because I think it’s funny
And because I couldn’t figure out who she would be so she gets to be Ruth
Also I think they’re both socially awkward
Ruth is just an awkward person
And I think that Maru is just socially unaware
Also I think that Maru would be the friend that’s like “can y’all set me up with someone?”
And everyone would be like “lmao no”
also Maru probably never fucks because Demetrius is always on her ass
Ruth never fucks bc she’s unfuckable
Honestly the same thing no one wants to have sex with the girl who’s dad will barge in without announcement or care
Like he legit wanted to catch her in the act to yell
Like why would you walk in if you think she’s getting railed and not like slam your fists on the door if you wanna stop them
N e ways
They’re the same bc they’re nerds <3
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sdvvillagers · 3 years
Fic - Gus
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Word Count: 4,475
Summary: Gus has a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
Notes:  Thank you to @purpleandgreen13​ (purpleandgreen on AO3) for coming up with this prompt, it was such a fun and inspiring one to work with!  You’re the best! ^.^
From the moment Gus woke up, he should have known that today was going to be an awful day.  Water dripped from the ceiling of his room, plopping onto his forehead and waking him with a start.  The rainstorm forecasted for the day had begun, revealing a leak in the roof that Gus hadn’t known was there until the rain unceremoniously woke him from his slumber.  After clambering out of bed in shock and confusion, Gus wiped the sleep from his eyes and looked upward as another drop of rain landed right in his eye.
“Son of a-,” Gus mumbled, giving himself a wide berth from the bed to avoid getting wet any further.
His sheets had already soaked up some of the moisture, but the last thing he needed was a soaking wet mattress.  Gus rushed to the storage room to grab an empty bucket to collect as much rain water as he could until Robin could come by to fix his roof.  Hopefully it wouldn’t be long or else he’d be back and forth all day dumping the bucket.  It was expected to rain heavily all day long.
The next sign that Gus’ day would be terrible arrived only moments later when Gus stepped on a small puddle of water that had dripped onto the floor, causing him to lose his balance and fall backward.  He slammed his back hard against the footboard of his bed, causing him to yelp out in pain.  His already bad back was now throbbing in pain.  Wincing, Gus rose from the floor and hobbled across the room to at least change out of his wet pajamas and into something warm and dry.
Upon opening his closet, Gus reached for a plain t-shirt and his favorite orange jacket.  It wasn’t until the jacket was on and he reached down to zip it up that he noticed the huge rip in the sleeve of his jacket.  It was likely Emily could mend it for him, but it was another rough blow to his already awful morning.  Gus elected for one of his lesser preferred jackets instead.
Being awake far earlier than he was used to, Gus shuffled out of his room into the kitchen of the saloon.  Usually he wouldn’t wake up until almost lunch time due to being up late every night for his business, but with the rain waking him up so early, he figured he would at least fix himself a meal.  It wasn’t often he ate breakfast anyway, so treating himself to a complete breakfast and a glass of homemade orange juice seemed a decent enough consolation prize.  Robin’s shop wouldn’t even open for another twenty minutes anyway.
Gus stepped into the walk-in refrigerator in the kitchen and began pulling the ingredients he needed to make his breakfast.  Once he had everything in-hand, he turned to leave and heard a high-pitched squeak.  For a moment, it sounded like a mouse.  It was enough of a distraction for Gus to momentarily forget where he was or what he was doing and the armful of ingredients he was carrying fell to the floor as Gus accidentally dropped them.  The squeak, it turned out, came from a squeaky floorboard he had stepped on and wasn’t a rodent at all.  Gus almost wished it was, at least it would have justified his flustered response.  Instead, all he was left with was no ingredients for breakfast and a huge mess to clean while his back was out of sorts.
It took over a half hour for Gus to completely clean up the spill, the cracked eggs seeped down into every crevice and cranny of the walk-in fridge.  Not to mention, it was a very chilly ordeal to clean a mess inside of such a cold space.  Gus had lost all track of time while he was cleaning the mess in the fridge and all thoughts of calling Robin to repair his roof had left his mind until the job was done.  By the time he realized it, he glanced at the clock and saw that she’d been open for fifteen minutes already.  He hoped he wasn’t too late.
“Hello there, you’ve reached the Bennetts!” Demetrius’ voice answered cheerfully when Gus finally picked up the phone to call.
“Hey Demetrius, I’m in a bit of a bind,” Gus began, getting right to his point.  There was no time for pleasantries today.  “The roof of the saloon is leaking.  Right over my bed, actually.  Any chance Robin can head out here and fix it?  I’ve got a bucket under there right now until she can make it.”
“Oh no, I wish I could say she could but she’s actually out of the house right now,” Demetrius answered apologetically.  “Her parents called her first thing this morning, her father is ill and she needed to head out to help her mother.”
“Sorry to hear that,” Gus replied sincerely.  As unfortunate as his situation was, he really was sorry to hear that there were health issues in Robin’s family.  It was a situation where Gus couldn’t in all conscience be mad at Robin for being unavailable despite his desperation.
Once he hung up with Demetrius, Gus heaved a long, heavy sigh.  Someone in town had to be able to help him, there was no way he could put it off.  There weren’t many other people in town Gus could think to ask, but he started at the top of the list and worked his way down.  Sebastian seemed like a decent possibility given that his mother was the very woman Gus needed for the job, but Seb made it quite clear that he had nothing to do with her work at all.  Shane was next on the list, he was actually quite the handyman, but the call went straight to voicemail.  Gus had to assume he was working at Joja today and had his phone silenced.  Alex at the very least was strong, but as Gus suspected he had no knowledge of how to fix a leaky roof.  Gus was even desperate enough to call Lewis who had been the town’s handyman before he was mayor, but of course his old age made him too hesitant to help Gus out.  Not that Gus could blame him, of course, but it was maddening how limited his options were.  He’d have to call a company in Grampleton or even in the city which would end up costing him at least triple what Robin would charge.
One very expensive phone call later, Gus managed to get an appointment with a roofer from Grampleton for 4:00pm , right when the dinner rush would be starting.  As anticipated, the flat fee was already more expensive, plus additional fees for travel and late notice.  Until they arrived, Gus would have to keep shuffling buckets around to catch as much water as he could.
By the time the roofer was sorted, Gus realized that there wasn’t much time left until the saloon opened at noon for lunch.  Having dropped a substantial amount of ingredients earlier in the morning, Gus knew a trip to Pierre’s was necessary.  It wasn’t far to Pierre’s store but in this rainstorm, Gus knew he’d need every protection even for such a short walk.  After another trip to his room for his raincoat, rain boots, and umbrella, Gus was ready to face the elements.  With his back still aching, Gus crossed town square slowly and carefully towards Pierre’s shop.  The last thing he needed was to try and rush to get out of the rain and fall once more.  He chuckled to himself at the thought that Doctor Harvey would commend him for choosing safety first.
The trip to Pierre’s was just as frustrating as the rest of his morning had been.  It took him quite some time just to get out of his wet rain gear and Pierre snapped at him for leaving a puddle by the entrance even though it wasn’t exactly something he could help in a rainstorm.  Pierre’s selection wasn’t great either, he was out of stock on a few ingredients that Gus needed so Gus would have to tweak his menu slightly to accommodate.  He knew he would get an earful that night when Shane couldn’t order pepper poppers.  When Gus went to checkout, he realized he’d forgotten his money at home in his rush and had to practically beg Pierre to let him pay at a later time without having to go all the way back for his money.  It wasn’t until he started to remind Pierre of his own ongoing tab at the saloon, within earshot of Caroline, that Pierre quickly shushed him and agreed that Gus could stop by the following day to pay for the groceries.
The short walk home was plagued with its own difficulties.  Gus had three bags of groceries and with one hand holding his umbrella, the other had to carry three full shopping bags while trying to keep them dry under the umbrella.  By the time he arrived back at the saloon, his hand was aching from carrying the weight of the groceries which had gotten slightly wet despite his best efforts.  Even Gus himself had gotten wet, the jacket he’d put on that morning had a drenched collar and water had gotten into his rain boots and soaked his socks through.  Another change of clothes for the day.
Lunch prep went fine enough other than a small slice of a finger while chopping onions.  On any other day Gus would consider it a terrible misfortune but today, it was nothing compared to everything else that had happened so far.  It wasn’t serious enough to warrant a visit to Doctor Harvey, thank goodness.  Nothing a bandage couldn’t fix.  It did make the rest of his lunch prep awkward and it certainly hurt, but the pain at least distracted him a bit from his aching back.
Because of the rain, the lunch “rush” wasn’t exactly a rush at all, which was fine with Gus on a day like today.  Only a few people stopped by for lunch, mostly to-go orders.  Ordinarily he’d feel bored with nothing to do or worried by a lack of paying customers, but he welcomed the chance to take a break after his busy morning.  His back was still aching from his fall and his finger throbbed uncomfortably under its bandage.  The worst he could say about the lunch crowd was that any time a customer entered the saloon, it meant drying the rain puddles left behind in their wake once they left.  Of course there was also the constant back and forth from the bar to his room to switch out buckets, a task he had to do almost every thirty minutes.
At 3:30 he could hear the door of the saloon open while he was in his bedroom, switching out yet another bucket under the leaky roof.  By now his back was on fire from the constant back and forth, lifting heavy buckets, and mopping up the puddles of water in his room and at the entrance of the saloon.  When he heard the door open, he heaved a sigh of relief knowing that help was on the way.  It was no doubt Emily arriving for her evening shift.  Gus was hoping she could take on a bit of the work tonight to give him some reprieve.  If he could manage to only get away with cooking for the night, he’d be happy.  Yet when Gus reentered the saloon, he was surprised to find Haley standing near the doorway looking around for him.
“Oh, there you are!” Haley huffed, sounding incredibly impatient and irritated.  “Honestly, we thought you were dead, you haven’t answered your phone all day.”
While Haley stood in the entrance, arms folded in annoyance, Gus rushed over to his phone to see what was the matter.  He didn’t have a cell phone as he’d never really had a need for one so he relied on a landline at the bar for any of his phone calls.  Gus groaned when he noticed he hadn’t properly set the handset back down on the charging dock and it had run out of battery.
“Geez, kid, I’m sorry,” Gus sighed, setting the phone back on the dock to start charging.  Haley huffed impatiently in response.
“I had to head all the way over here in the pouring rain just to tell you that Emily can’t come in tonight, she’s sick,” Haley went on, arms still folded angrily.  “First she’s got me running over here for her, then off to Pierre’s to pick up a few things, then over to the clinic for some medicine.  Ugh, this is the worst day ever.”
Gus had to try very hard not to burst out laughing at this response, if Haley’d known the kind of day he was having, she certainly wouldn’t consider a few errands ‘the worst day ever’.  Instead Gus swallowed the urge to rant and smiled kindly in return.  Kind smiles were his specialty, after all.
“Sorry to hear Emily’s sick,” Gus remarked in concern.  “Need me to send you with any hot soup?  Ginger ale?”
“We got it covered,” Haley replied.  “I’m just gonna stock up on cans of soup at Pierre’s, it’s fine.”
Gus cringed knowing that his employee was sick at home and would be having canned soup as her meal, it was something that he would go out of his way to stop if it were any other day.  But between the roof repairs, working solo for the night, and the numerous aches and pains he was experiencing, he begrudgingly accepted that canned soup would have to do.  Maybe on another day he would have to make it up to Emily some other way.
“Tell Emily I hope she feels better soon but that she shouldn’t worry,” Gus went on, his kind smile still plastered onto his face.  “I can handle things here.”
Haley left with a brief wave leaving Gus to sigh heavily the moment she was gone.  He didn’t entirely believe that he could handle things on his own, but there wasn’t much of a choice.  Business still had to continue with or without help.
4:00 came and went with no sign of the roofers.  Gus was getting anxious awaiting their arrival, hoping they wouldn’t cancel on him.  The buckets were filling up quickly as the rain poured down and now he was emptying full, heavy buckets every twenty minutes.  It didn’t help that by 4:00, customers were already starting to pile in.  While the lunch rush was light from people wanting to avoid being out in the rain, it seemed there was the opposite sentiment at dinnertime.  Maybe everyone was sick of being cooped up at home, maybe they didn’t feel like cooking, maybe they liked the ambience of dining in a cozy saloon during a rainstorm.  Either way, business started to pick up quickly and Gus had to strategize every minute to make sure no time, energy, or effort was wasted.  He’d find himself taking orders one minute, slicing vegetables another, running to the back to empty and replace a bucket, then back to refill a drink, then off to the burners to cook a meal, all while coping with a bandaged finger and injured back.  It was chaos.  He’d long since stopped trying to squeeze drying the floor into the mix, instead he setup his wet floor sign and hoped for the best.
Just before 6:30, Gus could hear a clang outside followed by the sound of loud thuds overhead.  The roofers must have arrived and already set to work.  The activity on the roof caused many of the patrons to stare up at the ceiling in annoyance, it certainly wasn’t the most pleasant sound and a lot of the louder thuds and clangs were drowning out the jukebox.  Gus could already see on the faces of his patrons that they were irritated and for that matter, he was irritated as well.  Of course the work had to be done, but it was hard to focus with so many distractions.  He found himself getting side-tracked in the middle of what he was doing and as a result, the orders were coming out more slowly.  This was only causing further irritation among the bar patrons.  Thankfully everyone seemed to realize many of the disadvantages Gus was working with between a bandaged finger, no extra employee to help, and a loud series of bangs outside beyond his control so no one ever complained to him.  Still, he could sense the overall tension in the room and it only added pressure to an already stressful day.  Luckily when Gus broke the news to Shane that pepper poppers weren’t an option, Shane opened his mouth to whine but stopped upon seeing the look on Gus’ face.  Though Gus was ordinarily relaxed and downright jolly, he was sure that today his bad day was reflected in his mood.
It was only a half hour or so later that the doors of the saloon opened and in walked two men Gus had never seen before, absolutely drenched.  It must be the roofers.  Their entrance alone brought a massive puddle at the doorstep of the saloon and as they walked across the room, they left a trail of rainwater in their wake.  Gus would be lucky if no one slipped and fell and slapped him with a lawsuit.
“Well we did a temporary fix for now to stop the leaking, but we’ll have to come back when it’s dry to fix it properly,” one of the men explained.  “Though truth be told, that roof’s definitely seen better days.  How old is it?”
“32 years?” Gus answered uncertainly, screwing up his face in thought to try and recall how old the roof could be.
“I guessed as much,” the other man replied.  “We can fix your roof, but your best bet will just be to replace it.”
Gus’ stomach clenched at this news.  Of course.  Of course on one of the worst days he’s had, he now had to face the prospect of replacing the roof of the saloon.  Even at Robin’s rate it would still be a costly project.  Gus shook his head wearily and looked up to the roofers, not even trying to attempt his usual smile any longer.
“Well thanks for patching it up for the time being,” Gus sighed.  “How much do I owe ya?”
“We’ll mail you the bill in three to five business days,” the first man answered.  A bill that would no doubt include the travel surcharge as well as a late notice surcharge all to do a very temporary patch job.
When the roofers left, Gus stared down at the massive puddle of water in the middle of the saloon and spaced out for a moment, disconnecting entirely from everything going on around him.  The day started poorly enough, but it never let up.  It was the kind of day that beats you down until you just want to call it quits and crawl back into bed to start fresh in the morning.  Gus didn’t often have bad days and when he did, his general optimism was enough to make the best of it.  Today, there was nothing at all to make the best of, no silver lining he could find and no positive twist he could spin.  Today was horrible.  It only got worse when he snapped out of his brief moment of calm to the smell of smoke.  The arrival of the roofers had snatched Gus’ attention from the fish he was cooking on the stove and now the filet was smoking in the pan, most definitely burnt by this point.  Gus rushed to turn the burner off and removed the fish from the heat in a panic.  Just when he felt seconds away from a total breakdown, he could hear a soft, gentle voice to his right.
“Gus… are you okay?”
Doctor Harvey tilted his head with an expression of concern, clearly noticing Gus’ flustered state.  As usual whenever Gus was going through personal problems or having a rough day, he attempted to suck it up and put on a warm, welcoming face for his patrons.  Many of them came to the saloon for an escape from their own problems, they certainly didn’t need to contend with his.  But the moment Gus even tried to plaster a smile onto his face, he could feel his shoulders shaking as a swell of emotion took over.  He was moments away from bursting into tears.
“I…” Gus began in a shaky voice, still grasping at the chance that he could play it off but ultimately failing.  “No… no, I’m not.”
Harvey very suddenly looked on high alert and his friendly concern became far more serious.
“Are you in need of immediate medical attention?” Harvey asked suddenly, already rising from his barstool.  As awful as his day had been, Gus couldn’t help but chuckle at Harvey’s reaction.  He couldn’t explain why, but it was amusing how quickly Harvey was ready to jump into action if needed.
“No, no, nothing like that, Doctor H,” Gus replied, shaking his head.  “Just a bad day.  I won’t bend your ear, I’ll… I’ll handle it.  Sorry for burning your fish, I’ll get started on another one right away.”
Before Gus could even turn around, however, he noticed Harvey shake his head vigorously and pull out the barstool next to him.  Though Harvey was often quiet and reserved, preferring to keep to himself whenever he was at the saloon, in this moment he smiled a kind and welcoming smile as he patted the seat next to him.
“That won’t be necessary,” Harvey replied.  “I can’t in good conscience contribute to your hectic night tonight.  If you’d like to join me and talk about it you’re more than welcome to or you can take a seat behind the bar to unwind for a bit.  Either way, you need a break.  Doctor’s orders.”
It was strange how quickly all eyes in the saloon were on Gus the moment he stepped away from the bar, walked around the counter, and took a seat on the barstool beside Harvey.  Everyone had only ever seen him behind the bar taking orders, filling drinks, or preparing food.  Gus couldn’t recall a time he sat on the customer’s side of the bar during business hours and clearly no one else could either.  A collective silence filled the room and no one even tried to hide their stares.  Once Gus was seated next to Harvey, it was surprisingly Shane who spoke up first.
“You doin’ alright there, Gus?” Shane asked, raising a curious eyebrow.
“Just need a breather,” Gus replied as calmly as he was capable of.  Clearly it wasn’t that calmly, though, because now all the patrons in the saloon looked just as concerned as Harvey had moments earlier.
“Is everything okay?” Marnie asked from the back of the saloon.
“Gus, what’s wrong?” Leah asked, dropping the sketch she was working on to step closer to the bar.
“Lookin’ a little pale there, Gussy, you’re scarin’ me,” Pam remarked, worry lining her face as she stared at Gus.
It seemed all of the attention in the saloon was on Gus at the moment and he wasn’t sure whether that was making this whole ordeal better or worse than it had been.  Gus wasn’t used to the spotlight on him, he was used to being the one shining the spotlight on others, encouraging them to open up and talk about whatever they needed to talk about.  Whether it was gushing over good news, venting over a rough day, or asking for advice from a friend, Gus was always there to support his patrons.  It was odd to have the tables flipped and be the one in need of support.
“Nothin’, nothin’, it’s just… it’s just a rough day,” Gus tried to explain, but no one was buying it.
“Take a load off, Gus,” Marnie offered, pulling her chair out to give Gus a more comfortable seat than a barstool.
“I’ll grab some ice water, you should stay hydrated,” Harvey remarked, already heading to the back of the bar to prepare a glass.
“Want something to eat?” Pierre offered, bringing his plate of fried calamari over.  “I’ve only had a few, you can take the rest.”
Leah hadn’t said another word, she had already started drying the large puddle in the middle of the saloon with towels she had found behind the bar.  Within minutes, Gus was seated in one chair with his feet propped up on another, ice water and food on the table next to him, in the middle of a newly dried saloon.  His patrons surrounded him, close enough to show their support but not so close that it was suffocating, and all looked at him expectantly.
“What else do you need?” Pam asked, rolling up her sleeves as though prepared to get to work on something, she just didn’t know what.
“I’d like to take a look at that bandaged finger,” Harvey pointed out, glancing at Gus’ injured hand.
“Who were those men that showed up outta nowhere?” Shane asked, glancing towards the door.  “Did they say or do anything to you?  I swear to Yoba if they did, I’ll…” Shane trailed off when he caught sight of a disapproving look from Marnie, but Gus caught Shane’s hands ball up aggressively into fists.
“I’m fine, really, I already feel so much better just to have all of your support,” Gus answered honestly.  “Those were just roofers here to look at a leak in the roof, it’s fine.  Really.  It was just one of those days where everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong but putting it all into perspective, it’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.”
It was true, Gus was already feeling better just in the few short minutes that had passed.  Moments earlier he had been on the verge of a breakdown but it was incredible how quickly that changed just from receiving the love and support of his community.  It was always Gus who was the one providing support, providing help, providing a shoulder to cry on.  He’d never needed the same in return until now but seeing how his patrons responded in his moment of need was overwhelming.  It warmed his heart to know that if he ever truly needed anyone, they would all be there for him, ready to help and support him.  They proved it tonight.  Today may have been one of the worst days Gus had had in quite some time, but tonight somehow proved in an odd and unexpected way to be one of the best.
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shanedew-valley · 3 years
hi um your blog makes me so very happy!!! umm i would like 2 ask your height hcs for the bachelors/bachelorettes! have a nice rest of your life as i continue scrolling!!
Oh, this is a really neat question! I have some more well thought out than others, but I definitely have Shane’s figured out for sure. ;) We’ll get to him last, so it’s like a dramatic reveal.
Alright, so. I guess starting at the top, Harvey is the tallest around at 6′3″. I really love the idea of him wandering the valley like a gangly giraffe, overworked and underpaid.
On the other end of the spectrum is sweet and petite Penny, clocking in at a whopping 5′2″. It makes her very easy to pick up, and you know what they say. Fine a Penny, pick it up, and all day long you’ll have good luck.
Sebastian and Maru are both 5′9″. This is one part because I think it would annoy Sebastian, and one part because I always picture Demetrius as a tree, so Maru got them good, good tall genes from him.
Absolute glamazons Emily and Haley are 5′11″ and 6′0″ respectively because hot damn, okay. I always picture Emily as all and willowy, and Haley definitely strikes me as the kind of girl who doesn’t need heels, but wears them anyway. I like tall girls, I’m not sorry.
Speaking of tall, Elliot and Alex round out the Tall People Club at 6′2″ and 6′1″. I think those are pretty common headcanons, and they work pretty well, IMO. Don’t need to mess with that much.
Sam is 5′10″ but most of that height is hair, if you ask Sebastian, and Abigail’s a cool 5′5″. Not too tall, not too short, she’s Just Right.
Lumberjane Leah has a bit of beef to her, and at 5′7, she’s nothing to sneeze at. Leah could kick my butt, and I would thank her, actually.
Finally, we have - a drum roll please....
Shane, at 5′3″, is a tiny, angry bastard, and he might be 5′4″ if he didn’t slouch so much. I love the thought of scooping him up and carrying him off. So smol, so cute! An absolute menace because he’ll take your kneecaps right off in a fight, but the perfect size to be a giant teddy bear. Snug him and give him kisses.
Plus, adding six inches to him would put him at Seb’s height, which is just a smidge over average, which, I imagine, would be just enough to not feel bad about his height. He doesn’t want much, he’s not greedy. 
(No one asked, but Pepper Mod here is 5′7″ and my boyfriend is 6′1″. I am eternally trying to convince him to do a McHanzo couple cosplay, tbh)
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