#my chem teacher remains my favorite person in the whole world
iamf0rtis · 4 months
in my first year honors chemistry course my teacher was trying to give a lecture on intermolecular forces but these two guys in the back couldnt stop talking about their relationship problems. she got their attention, looked them dead in the eye, and said "no girls, only chem! who needs relationships when you have chemistry? nobody!" i like to think thats why im aromantic
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remote learning for the teacher!au
Y’all remember my teacher!AU? Yeah, so headcanons about them trying to do remote learning:
This got LONG so now it’s under a cut!
As he would say, it is “not his preferred method of teaching”. He tries to take some comfort from students that are performing better academically since going online, but there’s also a number of students that start struggling a lot more, so it mostly balances out. 
Lots of videos of him explaining things because he knows the kids are used to his explanations and he doesn’t like most other online options.
Daily assignments that are pretty small in scope because he believes it to be a better way to encourage routine and pacing for his students rather than trying to do Big Things over a long period of time
Is usually at least a little bit frustrated with the circumstance because he is not as effective this way
and Logan likes hands-on learning as much as he can, but he can’t with remote learning and that’s super frustrating
A part of him is maybe a little bit jealous of the teachers of younger grades that can do fun at-home science stuff. High school chem and physics is harder. The experiments he was going to run with his classes can’t be done at home because of the chemicals involved. 
Logan gets a lot more lenient with deadlines because he knows that some kids have challenges at home and/or technology limitations that will impact a student’s ability to get work in on time. He still has deadlines, but if a kid gets work in late? Accepted for full credit. No questions asked. 
Generally is pretty on-top-of-it for grading because that’s what he spends most of his during-school-hours doing when he’s not responding to emails or using one-on-one video calls with students who need extra help
He doesn’t say it very often, but he misses his students so much
Has not cried, but he has gotten upset to the point of needing to literally walk it off. He goes on walks after the school day hours are over to clear his head and give himself a break. 
If Logan “Doesn’t Prefer It”, Roman just flat out hates it
Spring musical was canceled a week before it was supposed to go on, which was devastating for Roman. He keeps in contact with his theater kiddos, tho, and plans for some cast meet ups via video chat. Some end-of-the-year stuff. 
Has definitely cried multiple times. 
For teaching specifically, Roman can’t stand it. His English classrooms are very collaborative and discussion-driven and he hates that he’s had to basically resort to mostly “read this and answer questions” kinds of assignments. 
He also starts to feel wildly inadequate as a teacher, but Logan is there to remind him that this is exceptional circumstances to be teaching in and Roman is doing everything he can to be of help and continue the learning of his students, and that’s all he can be fairly expected to do right now. Cognitive distortions and all that. 
He’s done a few small things to mix it up, but he doesn’t want to become too unpredictable because he knows a lot of his kids need routine and predictability in this very uncertain time. 
He does a once-every-handful-of-weeks “check in question” assignment where students write a small (or long if they want) response to a general “how are you doing?” kind of question. Just as a way for Roman to let them know he cares and check in about his students mental and emotional well-being because like. It’s easier when you see them every day in person, and much harder when you never see them at all.
He hosts weekly optional video call meetings with his classes, and that helps. They chat and play some review games. But Roman feels a little better, being able to get eyes on his kiddos and see their faces. 
Roman misses his students and the theater kids so much and tells them so when he’s feeling especially emotional (nothing over-the-top dramatic, but once in a while on his daily online posts, he’ll add “missing you all!”)
Once a student commented “Miss you too, Mr. Prince! Have a great weekend!” on a Friday reminder post from him where he ended with “missing you all” and Roman got unexpectedly emotional about it. 
Roman gets super involved in all the senior-send-off things the school tries to do to compensate for no in-person graduation, no prom, etc. Since he teaches freshmen and seniors, he’s got a soft spot for them. 
Yeah, he’s not a fan. He recognizes that it’s necessary, but it’s so so hard to do his job as an IS teacher when he can’t be there with the kids. 
It also takes away his favorite part of his job--which is regular, daily interaction with his kiddos. 
Patton makes lots of phone calls and sets up video conferences with his kids and their families, but it’s still not the same, y’know?
He does his best though. He tries. And when he starts to feel inadequate too, Logan helps with that also.
Patton cries sometimes. He cries for his students and for the seniors and for the state of the world. But he tries to look on the bright side as well. He reminds himself and his students that social distancing is how a community takes care of itself, so isn’t this whole thing actually kind of cool? The level of collaboration born out of care and love? And he focuses on some hobbies to keep himself busy, asks the kids what they’re doing in their free time to check in on them and will chat with them for a bit about their interests, etc. 
He misses the school and his students so much it physically hurts sometimes, but he tries to keep moving forward. 
Basically at his wits end in terms of stress.
Emotionally, Virgil fluctuates between “seething and misdirected anger” (never at students but like. Logan has had to stop him from yelling at their neighbors who had some people over once instead of social distancing) and “mental and emotional flight in the form of every distraction he can find” 
Teaching-wise... like I said. He’s stressed.
Because he’s an art teacher, right? And he does a lot of hands-on art because that’s the kind of art that he finds interesting and helpful in terms of managing his anxiety which is one reason why he went into art education in the first place.
But now he’s gotta find a way to make basically all of his art units that remain for the year some kind of digital peice
Which is fine, he guesses, because he does know how to teach digital art. It’s actually one of his classes that he teaches. But all of them have to be digital now, and some kids have more resource access than others, and... it’s a mess.
Virgil struggles with similar cognitive distortions to Roman. Logan and Patton both help him out with that when it gets bad. 
He’s almost always listening to music or watching something or making something because doing something constantly--even if its just watching something--helps him from feeling useless and/or helpless which then helps him manage his anxiety.
He adopts Roman’s “regular check in question” thing and does that with his own kids. that also eases a level of his anxiety that he hadn’t even realized he’d had--anxiety manifesting from worry about his students that he no longer got to see every day, and some of whom he knew would have a rough time not getting to come to school every day. 
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I Think We Have Chemistry
Summary: In which Logan is an indirect matchmaker and Roman uses some truly awful puns to flirt with his lab partner.
Words: 2904
Notes: This was Logince before it was Prinxiety, but eventually I realized how much I love writing platonic bantering Logince, so here we are. This is purely self-indulgent. I know only the basics of chem, so please don't murder me, although if you want to make any corrections that's cool by me.If you want some cool music to jam to after reading this try Dissolve by Absofacto. Thanks for reading!
Read on: Archive of Our Own
Roman loved lab days. If he were someone else, he would probably continue by saying that it was the last class of his day before he was allowed to return home and relax, finally freed from academic burdens. But he was him. So even though he loved science in general, the special thing about lab was it allowed him to actually do something. He enjoyed reading and studying as much as the next guy, but after a while, that could only do so much. Even though it only happened once a week, being able to physically perform an experiment, to work out conclusions for himself and see first-hand how the world worked...well, nothing could compare.
He also looked forward to lab because of his partner. Virgil was a “measure-ten-times-cut-once” kind of guy, and usually that kind of excessive paranoia would irritate Roman, but in this case, he found it almost endearing. Without his researching and proofreading skills, their lab reports wouldn’t be anywhere near the level of accuracy and thoroughness that they were. Something that could be annoying, however, was his lack of reaction to Roman’s attempts at flirting. Case in point: their current conversation.
“...and after that, I learned to always bring a change of clothes for combustion labs,” he finished with a triumphant grin. In the eighth grade, he’d damaged one of his favorite shirts, which read “NEVER TRUST AN ATOM: THEY MAKE UP EVERYTHING”, due to his lack of expertise in using lab equipment. It had been embarrassing at the time, but now it was one of his favorite stories to tell: he, a foolhardy yet earnest student, the victim of an overzealous, malignant Bunsen burner. It usually drew out a hearty guffaw from any crowd, but earned only an alarmed grimace from his lab partner. Jeez. This guy was impossible to impress! He slouched back in his chair, trying to maintain a facade of casualness. “Anyway,” he continued, “what were you saying?”
He felt his brother give him a pointed look from across the room. Roman could hear him already. Don’t waste class time, Roman! Pursue non-academic interests outside of school, Roman! He ignored him. Logan had always been a killjoy. He’d make up lost points on the final.
Virgil peered at the clock and cursed under his breath. “Well, I guess Google exists for a reason,” he quipped, dumping the remains of their half-completed lab down the sink.
Roman laughed, perhaps a little more boisterously than was necessary, and started scrubbing the beaker Virgil handed him. “Yeah, totally.”
The bell rang over the intercom just as they finished cleaning up. “I guess I’ll text you later to work on the report.”
“Sure thing!”
Virgil gave him a quick salute and walked out of the classroom, bookbag draped carefree over one shoulder, gait elegantly loose. His hair was growing out. Chestnut roots emerged in stark contrast to the dye, and one aubergine lock curled like a question mark at the nape of his neck. He watched him disappear into the hallway, eventually becoming indistinguishable from the rest of the sea of students.
He hated thinking that--that Virgil was indistinguishable. Virgil was very distinct. Despite not fitting the classic cool guy mold, he was undeniably cool. Maybe not popular, or athletic, or social, or--okay, he was getting off-track now. Virgil was quiet, but never standoffish. He was true to his word and always held up his end of the work, never slacking off or making excuses. He was precise and grounded and paid attention to the little details. Paired with Roman’s knowledgeability, they were a laboratory dream team. Possibly a dream team outside of lab work as well.
“That’s my chair.” A sharp voice crashed into Roman’s daydreams.
He jerked up, face flaming. Right--the AP chemistry class. “Hello! So it is! Well, I will get out of your way, then!” He scrambled for his books and shoved them into his bookbag. He winced when, in his haste, his lab worksheet crumpled under his textbook, but slung it on his back anyway and pulled out the chair with a flourish. “Sorry about that. Have a pleasant day!” he called to his teacher. Some of the students laughed good-naturedly as he strode out, including the teacher, who turned back to his lesson with a grin on his face. As annoyed as they had been, they still liked him, or at least thought he was decent. Was he not charming, funny, all the things a potential romantic interest ought to be? What was he not getting?
“I know you like him, but this is not helping your chemistry grade,” Logan said as soon as Roman got home.
“Were you just standing at the door this whole time?”
“I arrived only a few minutes ago.”
“We take the same route!”
“I walk faster.”
“At least give me an opportunity to sit,” he grouched, but launched into a vent as soon as he dropped his bookbag on the floor, ending the soliloquy with “I’ve tried everything--everything!--and he’s still so…” He sighed, pushing hair away from his face.
"Yes, exactly! He just nods and goes right back to the class!”
“Perhaps that’s because it’s a class.”
“I know, I know, participation, pay attention, bla bla bla. Jeez, Mom.”
“I’m your brother.”
“Don’t be so literal. My point is, you’d think he’d at least laugh just a little bit. Is that not so much to ask? I told him about the Bunsen burner incident, and he just looked at me like--”
“I’m sorry, the what incident?”
Roman snapped and pointed at Logan. “Exactly like that! Just like I was an--an idiot!” He groaned, draping one arm over his forehead and fanning himself with the other. “What am I doing wrong?”
“Hm.” Logan furrowed his brow thoughtfully, trailing off into silence.
“Don’t just sit there, it’s making me nervous,” he said half-jokingly.
“Well, have you considered that he doesn’t understand?”
“I’m saying it’s very much possible that he hasn’t noticed your advances. You may need to stop beating around the bush and be more direct.”
“This is as direct as it gets!”
He raised an eyebrow. “You’ve been making normal conversation. Like how you talk to me--”
“--so are you certain?”
“Quite--” he started, affronted, then stopped. “Wait.” The inkling of an idea that had just occurred to him started to solidify. Of course! He prided himself on his charisma. Why hadn’t he thought of that before? A little miffed that his ironically aromantic brother had just suggested such an obvious solution, he proclaimed, “Logan, you’re a genius!” and grabbed his bookbag.
“What are you doing?”
“Just a little research, so to speak. Nothing too excessive, but!” He paused for dramatic effect. “Prepare to have your mind blown.”
Logan still looked surprised, but quickly settled into satisfaction. “Fantastic. I’m glad to see your spirits are raised.”
“Talk later, Pocket Bro-tector!” His mind already racing with daydreams, Roman sprinted back to his room, plopped in front of his desk, and flipped his laptop open. He could feel the electricity coursing through it when his fingers hovered over the keyboard, or maybe that was just the adrenaline. Either way, it was thrilling. He typed in a quick search and opened a new Word document to record. This was perfect. What could be more direct than a pickup line?
Roman waltzed into lab the next week and snapped up two worksheets from his teacher’s desk. He’d debated putting the plan into action through text over the weekend, but eventually decided it would be more effective in person. So here he was, in person, with a fountain of chemistry puns ready to fall from his mouth at the drop of a hat. There was no way Virgil wouldn’t notice now. Roman seated himself, fingers drumming in anticipation. He was golden.
Virgil walked in a few minutes later, placing last week’s lab report on their teacher’s desk. “What’s up?” he asked.
“Oh, you know. Same soup reheated.” On the other side of the lab, Logan was giving him a questioning look. He grinned back before passing Virgil a worksheet. Their fingers brushed, barely. He swooned.
Virgil’s eyes flew back and forth at lightning speed, scanning the paper. “I’ll grab the equipment if you can get the reactants.”
“Ooh, what are they this time?”
“Copper...some other stuff.”
"Ah! Speaking of copper, are you made of it and tellurium? Because you’re C-U-T-E.”
Across the room, Logan facepalmed.
“O...kay?” he said unsurely. “I’ll just. Get that stuff now.”
Roman turned his back, partially to get the samples, partially to recover. He chewed his lip. Okay. Focus, Roman! You got this! He patted his pocket to reassure himself. He’d printed the compilation of pick-up lines at the library earlier, and it was there if he needed it. Which he wouldn’t, obviously! His natural charm would prevail.
And also, he had the entire thing memorized. He supposed there was that as well.
Roman returned with five Ziploc bags of metal samples. The scale squealed on the tabletop when Virgil slid it over. “Is this everything?” Virgil picked up the manual again.
“Indeed! Let us begin.”
Virgil read over the first page again and frowned. “Hey, you know the periodic table pretty well, right? Which one is eleven?”
See? It’s all working out! “You, because you’re sodium--”
“U?” he frowned. “Isn’t uranium, like, ninety or something?”
“Yes--well, yes, but you see--I, uh--” he stuttered before going abruptly silent.
Roman ducked his head, hoping his hair would hide his burning cheeks. “Nothing. Never mind.”
“Uh, sure.” He scratched the back of his neck before holding out a hand. “Hand me the copper?”
The bell sounded over the intercom, signifying the end of the period. They had managed to get through the procedure on time, mainly because Roman was too preoccupied with worrying to continue with the pick-up lines. If he wasn’t being as straightforward as possible before, he was now. How was it possible for someone to be so oblivious?
“Same time next week,” Virgil deadpanned, getting up to leave.
Come on, Roman, he scolded himself. The period was ending. This might be the only chance he could get. “Wait!”
“Yeah?” He looked at him expectantly.
Roman cursed the stars. His mind had gone completely blank--so much for memorization--and it wasn’t like he could just pull out the reference sheet right now. “Um.” Very eloquent. Come on, something! “If there was no gravity on Earth, I’d still fall for you,” he blurted.
Virgil stared at him blankly, and without another word, left.
What was that? How had things gotten so bad that he’d resorted to physics? He hadn't even researched that! He was paralyzed. He wanted to dissolve like salt in water, until he was part of the air. He wanted to evaporate and catapult himself out of the troposphere. He snatched up his bookbag and stalked outside to head home.
Logan appeared at his shoulder not long after. “What was that?” he hissed.
He scoffed. “I did what you said. Hypocrite much?”
“When did I say to do--” He performed a series of elaborate, meaningless gestures. “--that?”
“You said to be more direct!”
“I didn’t mean like that!”
“Then what did you mean?”
“I meant a heart-to-heart talk or something!”
“So for me to just--profess my love or something? Are you crazy?”
“Oh, so I’m the crazy one? Copper and tellurium aren’t even particularly reactive!”
“It was a creative liberty!”
“There are no creative liberties in science!”
“There are in the science of seduction!”
Logan huffed. “I’m not even going to validate that with a response.”
“Fine! I didn’t need you to rub it in anyway!”
They were so busy arguing they hadn’t even realized they were already home. Logan’s face softened. “I apologize, Roman. I shouldn’t have behaved so harshly. That was...inconsiderate of me.”
“Jeez, don’t say that. Now I have to apologize, too.”
"Did it really go so badly?”
"At least give me a chance to sit down,” he said, but didn’t even wait this time. “I think he hates me. He didn’t even say anything! Just--left.”
“I doubt that. The worse case is you made things very uncomfortable.”
“But even if that’s what happened, you should be able to patch things up and act in a professional manner. If things really aren’t working, you could always request to switch partners, but the school year will be ending soon anyway--” He cut himself off. “I’m not helping, are I.”
“Not in the slightest.”
Logan shuffled his feet. “As a gesture of goodwill and comfort,” he started. “Would you enjoy a hug?”
“Whoa, what? Human contact? From Logan Browne?”
“Well, scientifically speaking, it does release dopamine--”
“C’mere,” he said, throwing his arms around his brother’s shoulders before realizing he had no idea how to hug him. The material of his button-down shirt scratched his neck unpleasantly. He patted Logan on the back stiffly before peeling away.
Logan wrinkled his nose. “That was rather awkward.”
“Only if you make it.”
“Do you feel better?”
Roman paused. “You know what? I think I do.”
“I’m just glad I won’t have to see him for another week.”
"You can’t avoid him forever,” Logan warned.
“I know,” he muttered.
“Well, when you do have to confront him...I’m more than happy to act as moral support.”
Roman laughed. “That may be the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me, Isaac Nerd-ton.”
He squinted. “How am I more of a nerd than you?”
“The glasses.”
“You have glasses, too--”
“Not anymore!” he declared, pointing to the corner of one eye. “Contacts now. And my eyes have always been better than yours.”
“We have the same prescription!”
“We do not!” he countered, before both of them collapsed in a fit of giggles.
“And that’s a wrap, folks! Great job!” Roman’s teacher clapped his hands. “You’re dismissed.”
Thank the stars. Roman had been filled with dread the entirety of lab and the preceding twenty or so hours. It had both relieved and heightened his anxiety when Virgil barely spoke or made eye contact, flushing red and looking away whenever Roman caught his eye. On one hand, he didn’t have to talk about the previous week’s antics, but on the other, the air felt too tense to so much as look at him. Glad that the period was over, he grabbed his bookbag and started towards the door.
He glanced over his shoulder to see where Logan was--he wanted intensely to beat him home for once--only to see Virgil talking to a taller boy who had a wide grin on his face. Roman recognized him as a Patton something-or-other who’d been in his class in eighth grade. They didn’t talk much, but he seemed nice enough. He hadn’t known he and Virgil were friends.
The two of them looked directly at him, Virgil swallowing nervously. Roman wheeled back around, more intent on leaving this time, as Patton laughed brightly. Apparently, he wasn’t so kind. Humiliation boiled in his gut. FIne. Let them laugh at him. He didn’t care. Or, at least, he could pretend he didn’t.
Logan sidled over to him. “He’s coming this way,” he muttered.
“He’s walking over,” he repeated.
“I heard you the first time,” he said between gritted teeth, “but what?”
“I don’t know, I just-- Oh, hello. Virgil, is it?” he said coolly.
Roman’s head snapped up. He immediately wished he’d kept looking down.
Virgil stiffened. “Hey.” Behind him, Roman could see Patton giving a thumbs-up so enthusiastic he feared for his hand bones. What was going on?
“How may I help you?” Logan said.
“I, uh. Wanted to talk to Roman, actually.”
“Go ahead.”
“Whatever you can say in front of Roman, you can say in front of me.”
Virgil scratched the back of his neck, sighed, and faced Roman. “Look, we have lab together, right?”
“Well, yes. We’re here right now.”
“So…” He groaned, burying his face in one hand and muttering something incomprehensible.
Roman frowned. “Pardon?”
“So,” he said, voice still slightly muffled, “I think we…” He sighed. “We have chemistry.”
Roman blinked. His stomach swooped. Was this a joke?
Virgil groaned again. “Sorry, that was just--absolutely terrible. I’m going to--” He pointed at the door.
“No, wait!” Roman grabbed his elbow before he could turn away. “That was.” He searched his brain for a word. “Uh. Thank you,” he finished lamely.
“Oh,” Virgil said. He stood up a little straighter. As if anything about that was remotely straight, Roman thought to himself with a snort. “Uh. I guess I’ll, uh.” He did a quick finger-guns motion.
“Cool.” He saluted him and started walking past them.
“Cool,” Roman echoed.
Virgil turned back and gave a hesitant smile. If it weren’t for Logan standing behind to catch him, he would have face-planted on the floor.
Logan waved a hand in front of his face. “Well?”
“Are you all set?”
Roman felt dizzy and a little lightheaded, like someone had filled him with helium and released him into an infinite expanse of blue, blue sky. A slow smile spread across his face. “Yeah. I think so.”
Virgil did text him, a few hours later.
Virgil (Science) After next lab? Maybe the park or smth
Me See you then
Roman loved lab days.
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lil-loucifer · 7 years
All greek myths you fool
Why are you like dis
GODS: Life
Zeus: What’s your name or nickname?
I go by “Lou,” but I have plenty of nicknames. You, for instance, call me “Lulu”
Hera: Where are you from?
Athena: How old are you?
Just turned eighteen B)
Hephaestus: When is your birthday?
July 19.
Aphrodite: What’s your relationship status?
Single af
Poseidon: What are your pronouns?
Dionysus: Are you and extrovert or an introvert?
I am very much an introvert.
Demeter: Do you have any pets?
Two asshole dogs.
Apollo: What kind of music are you into?
All kinds of shit, honestly!
Artemis: What do you first notice about new people?
Whether or not they annoy me?
Hades: What’s a big fear of yours?
Being alone and unwanted and worthless!! :D
Ares: What’s a big pet peeve of yours?
They kinda come and go depending on the situation.
Hestia: Where do you consider home?
Uh... Probably my house, I guess? 
Pegasus: Last movie you watched?
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (It just got released on Netflix so I finally got to watch it ewe)
Mermaid: Last tv show you finished?
Uhhhh fuckin Young Justice, probably
Centaur: Last book you read?
The Dark Prophecy. 
Siren: Last song you listened to?
Almost Human, by Voltaire
Gorgon: Last thing you ate?
Some pop-tarts?
Cyclops: Last time you cried?
I dunno, honestly, but I can tell you it as within this month >:D
Minotaur: Last time you were truly happy?
I don’t really know tbh
Sphynx: Last text you sent?
A good night text to a friend :P
Chimera: Last call you made?
Probably to my aunt to tell her I finished an errand -_-
Griffin: Last thing you did before going to sleep last night?
Uhhh, things. 
Nymph: Last dream you remember?
I always default to the Naked Chris Evans dream.
Satyr: Last time you couldn’t stop laughing?
My sister fuckin told me about the time my dad asked my mom out, it was hilarious
HEROES: Experiences
Heracles: Have you ever had a dream come true?
Not really, I don’t really have dreams.
Theseus: What is your worst regret?
Repressed ._.
Perseus: Have you ever been arrested?
Almost! :D
Cadmus: Have you ever had your heart broken?
Hell yeah I have! >:D
Achilles: Have you ever had to be hospitalized?
Nah, I’m a lucky boy
Actaeon: Tell about a memory you wish to forget.
A web of lies and deceits he weaved around his friends, his loved ones, all to preserve his own pride. That fucking piece of shit. 
Bellerophon: Have you ever passed out?
Agamemnon: What is an achievement you’re proud of?
I have literally just been wasting oxygen my entire life~
Oedipus: Have you ever been in love?
Jason: Have you ever travelled abroad? Where?
I’ve travelled to the Philippines with my mom when I was like, five or six. I spent have the trip in a fever haze :P
Atlanta: Have you ever stood up for someone else?
Yeah, I think? We never spoke again after that, so...
Hippolytus: Tell an experience you will never forget.
Alright, soo, in senior year of high school, I signed up for an elective science class right? It was fuckin’ forensic science, so yeah, I know a few CSI techniques, like, you ask me to dust somewhere for prints, I’ma fuck it up, but I know how it works.  But that year, the higher-level science classes had to do a fuckin presentation to the sophomores and shit, to encourage them to sign up for science classes even after they’d fulfilled their graduation reqs for science. 
Anyways, one of the courses the presentation would involve was Forensic Science. I signed up to be in the presentation group so I could ditch classes the whole day, and it was pretty hype. 
So, there were a bunch of science kids backstage, preparing little experiments and showcases to show to the audience; like, the chemistry kids had a small smokescreen, the AP Physics kids had something involving wind socks? And the fuckin Marine Bio kids had a fucking skull from a shark. I shit you not. 
And then there was us. Forensic fucking Science. So, our teacher, Ms. P., she was in charge of hosting the damn show. So, I guess she was so caught up in the planning for it that she forgot to suggest a showcasing for us. So when the presentation team for Forensic Science, by far the largest group of six, compared to the other’s average of two or four, talked to our teacher to ask what we should say and/or do, she replied “I don’t know, improvise?” 
So we improvise. Our routine got better throughout the day, but it would normally start like this: I say in my best creepy tone of voice “Hello everybody, we’re here to talk to you about murder,” and briefly go over what the rest of the people in my team would do, then they talk about the technical aspects and the activities, a little bit of what we learn, one guy makes a reference to pop culture, and then we finish it off with a shitty pun. Then we’d go backstage again and wait until the last presentation, Marine Bio, finished up their part, and go back onstage to answer any questions the audience might have about the classes. 
Now, we didn’t really have much visual aid, compared to the other sciences. The AP Chem kids wowed people with their home made smokescreen, the Physics kids did some kind of breathplay shit, and the Marine Bio guy let the audience pass the shark head around so they could get a better look at it.
The most riveting thing my group had was, apparently, me. Like, really. Standing next to the other forensic science kids, I was basically Abby from NCIS, meaning I stood the fuck out my dyed hair and actual Forensic Science class shirt I wore just for the occasion, and I behaved in the most weird/interesting manner I could manage. So naturally when we go back up on stage for the Q&A session, the one person who had questions about Forensic Science, directed his questions towards me. Now, that shouldn’t be a problem for someone who knew shit about the class.
The thing is, it was fuckin me. I didn’t know JACK SHIT. So I had to fuckin improvise. 
“What kind of cases do you get in Forensic Science?”
Fuck. Shit. We haven’t done any mock crime scenes yet. Fuck.
“Well, we uh... We get a huge variety of cases, scenarios, situations and the like, Ms.P. changes it up all the time. ...Uh, you feel me?”
Then someone else stepped in to save my dumb ass, and I hung my head and moped back to the group. Everyone finished up asking their questions, and we had to remain on stage while the audience filed out to leave. 
But then, the Marine Bio guy dashed up to the mic podium and worriedly said, “Yo wait, guys, where’s the shark head?” 
He never got the shark head back. 
So the Marine Bio guy’s freaking out, he jumps off the stage to look for the shark head, and the Ms. P. turns to me and says, in the most serious tone of voice, the funniest thing anyone hasever said to me: 
“Find the head.”
And after a few objections, I left to lead the Forensic Science team to find the head.
Since I’m a shitty leader, they didn’t listen to me, so I tried to profile the crowd on my own. 
So after several disastrous attempts at finding the shark head, a guy from the Forensic Science team, Don, says “Guys, I found the head.” 
Turns out one of the guy’s friends was the last one to hold the head, so he just snuck backstage and left it on the Marine Bio guy’s bag. 
MAGICAL ITEMS: Favorites  
Trident: Who are your favorite people?
My close-ass friends, like you
Lightning Bolt: What are your top three favorite movies?
NOT “The Lightning Thief.” 
1: Wreck-It Ralph
2: The Kingsman movies
3: Patch Adams
Sun Chariot: What is your favorite mythological creature?
I got nothing, sorry
Lyre: What are your top three favorite songs?
Caduceus: What is your favorite color?
Blue or black!!
Aegis: What is your favorite book or series?
Percy Jackson holds a special place in my heart.
Scythe: What is your favorite tv show?
Lucifer, on Fox
Bident: What is your favorite way to spend free time?
Video games, probably
Harpe: What are your top 3 favorite places?
1: Borders Barns & Noble Whatever fuckin bookstores we’ve got left
2: Somewhere quiet and dark and lonely. 
3: Where the food is
Cornucopia: What is your favorite place to eat?
...In my room?
Winged Sandals: What is your favorite thing to do when you hangout with your friends?
I dunno, I don’t really have friends to hang out with :P
Golden Fleece: What is your favorite animal?
Cats and dogs!!
PLACES: Goals and Wishes
Olympus: Describe your dream job.
Just fuckin chilling? I dunno. Something quiet, but not too boring. 
Tartarus: What’s a short term goal you hope to achieve?
Graduate college?
Underworld: Describe your dream vacation.
Styx: How would you like your life to look like in 10 years?
Stable job, reliable income, close friends and confidants. I hope to be able to properly comprehend and acknowledge my own emotions one day.
Athuna: If you could live anywhere in the world for the rest of your life, where would it be?
I think I’m good where I am.
Sparta: Do you have a bucket list? If so, what’s on it?
Not really.
Elysium: If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
Mimicry of skills, abilities and powers.
Ogygia: Describe your dream husband/wife/life partner?
Top trait: Low standards
Troja: What is the craziest thing you wanna do before you die?
The Labyrinth: Have you ever died and came back to life as a vampire?
Yeah, totally.
Delphi: Are you currently doing anything to pursue your dreams?
I don’t have dreams -w-
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