#my blorbos are always in my mind even if im not creating for them in that moment
arom-antix · 1 month
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I bring to thee some quick late night Viktuuri sketches because I think we could all use some fluff
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thedeafprophet · 2 months
hewwo I was just curious about your trio because I’m love them :0 I’ve seen some of your posts before about their childhoods and where they’re from, and I was wondering what their relationship was like before the present day. like, how did they meet (since from what I gather, they’re from different places)? how old were they? how did they end up becoming so important to each other? when/why was the break up?
I was just curious, feel free to ignore! or take this as an opportunity to just talk randomly about your guys if you’re in the mood for that, no need to answer those questions if they’re a lot! :) also sorry if you’ve posted about this before/recently and I missed it!
gasp...... im always delighted to have an oppurtunity to talk about my blorbos. im sure ive posted about this before - But i will happily summarize again. I did an overview on where each of them were from Here (as well as some talk on accents), and I have the basic overview of their individual backstories in their character summaries linked in my pinned post
this is long so im gonna put it under the cut oop. hope you dont mind an essay
Meeting and School Years
The story of their dynamics really begins as many dreaded childhoods begin: at school. They all were attending the same industrial school as kids/teens, which is where they met. (if you dont know what an industrial school was, they were basically a type of charity run boarding schools created for 'vagrant' children. as a girl's school they wouldve been taught Employable Skills alongside sewing and cooking and such, alongside regular School Stuff)
Jamie was initially there before the other two were, only being around when they were 12 and Josie was 10 that the two of them met, Josie having ended up being sent there some time after her brother died. Jamie had been heavily ostracized from their peers prior to this, so kind of latched onto Josie after they started talking as they, well, didnt really have any other friends. The balancing out of the overly energetic and talkative nature from Jam was also helpful for Josie in a way, giving her the time to adjust and talk on her own accords. Jamie had a habit of sneaking out of the school to wander off into the nearby woods to play, and eventually began inviting Josephine on those 'adventures', which had its highlights and its dangerous moments- kids stuff, yknow how it is.
About a year later, Alex ended up at the same school after being 'transfered' from a reformatory school, long since having already been involved in criminal areas as a kid. (at this point the ages are 15, 13, and 11 for Alex, Jamie, and Josie respectivly)
Alex ended up becoming friends with the other two sort of on accident, when he punched out another girl for bullying Jamie - even back then, he didnt take well to bullies - and subsequently took the fall for such an action. After that Jamie basically wouldnt leave him alone, and dragged him along into the friendship and introduced him to Josie.
The trio spent another couple years at the school, where they learned to balance around and support one anoher in this place that Kind Of Sucks. Alex had plans to leave and meant to break away from the place when he was 17, but the other two insisted on coming with him.
Teen and Adult years
To what im sure is no surprise, Alex basically planned to continue being involved in crime upon his leaving. The other two were a touch involved as well, so to speak, in the matters of surviving on their own. I generally imagine Alex's plan was to return to Birmingham, so thats likely where they ended up.
The rest of this part of the timeline is less specific, a collection of key points between now and the decent to the neath. Important things include Alex's 'pretending' to be a boy for easier access into some spaces stop being pretending, and officially starts to go by Alex. The other two are pretty much okay with it . Jamie starts being involved with artsy groups and eventually gets a job at a theater - it is here they first meet their future ex. Josephine pursued further less typical education outside of the school, before her want to seek answers about personal matters overweighed that desire to just learn things.. and a whole bunch of other things, like Joise returning to Liverpool to seek answers there, Alex becoming more and more tied up in criminal activities (and arson) on the surface, Jamie playing games of copy get to try and climb higher (alongside burgeoning worsening mental health problems but thats another story).
So suffice to say - a lot of time and a lot of things occured. how did they end up becoming so important to each other? well, it was simply a matter of time and the commitment of having only a couple people you can rely on in a world that otherwise cares little for you. Build up of connection, and a support of friendship.
It was the same reason their dynamic ended up falling apart.
Ive talked before on how I don't really know how to qualify their relationship; its not romantic (especially considering the younger years), but its not entierly platonic. There's defiently familia aspects to it, but I wouldnt say they're directly siblings or such (though Jamie def has middle child syndrome lmao). Its a kind of found family relationship that doesn't quite fit within the expectations of expected dynamics.
The 'break up' so to speak wasnt neccearily because of one specific reason. When you have three young adults all in closed spaces, each dealing with their own issues, none having learned how to properly communicate..... well, when the foundation begins to crack, eventually the building is going to topple.
There was no 'final deciding argument' but rather many small ones, over long periods of time. conversations becoming less easy, time together less friendly. what once brought great joy and support instead brought feelings of tension and hurt. Some bends to the foundation simply become to great to support the weight, and it was a slow crumble, day by day.
The final descion to come to the neath was still based on one another, especially as Josie planned to leave one way or another to track down her brother's killer, and by all accounts they still came together. But by then the dynamic had already become fragile, and it would never quite be what it was again.
Sometimes thats just what happens when you grow up, and the people you love and the cricumstances change. Sometimes things just dont work anymore. Perhaps they never truly did.
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spro-o · 1 month
Heey i have question that has been on my mind for some time now, this question is more what I heard not really my own opinion. But anyways is lancelot x tristan/ban x meliodas even good ship? I seen some many talk about how theos two ships are baf because for Lancelot and Tristan they have no real relationship in canon or what so ever. Coming to ban x meliodas they more like best friends. Is that true?🤔 I very cousfed if it rignt to ship or not.
hello!! okay im gonna ramble a bit cuz i love yapping about this kinda stuff and dont wanna clog up any feeds, so ill add a 'read further' here :3
i feel like its not very surprising that i do think both ships are good (especially melban). i think that for both of them- yes, they can definitely be read as just being friendships and nothing more than that, but i guess the charm of shipping and headcanons is that you can add in your own interpretations and additions which you think feel right :3
a lot of the interactions between mel and ban, for example, i read as being pretty homoerotic/gay. thats mostly because, as a gay/queer guy myself, i find myself relating a lot to the stuff they do together when comparing it to me and my bf, and also because they are my favourite characters and headcanoning them as being the same sexuality (and gender) that i am is like a little golden sticker saying "fav character" (godbless projection onto your blorbos).
in general, i think its pretty common consensus, at least in my circles, that ships dont have to stick 100% to what the canon says/shows, and you can always add in your own ideas or headcanons to create a relationship either between your favourite characters, or one which you think would be interesting to see, or just one which you think would provide a fun/interesting addition to the story. and in my case, its all of those - i really just adore the dynamic meliodas and ban have, and in addition to my gay reading of a lot of their interactions with one another, it just feels right and fun to ship them (this applies to lancetris as well, but to a slightly lesser extent/not exactly the same)
so yeah, thats my stance on it!! i really like lancetris and adore melban, and i think (considering how much reconning has happened on the fandom's part towards nakaba's,,,, decisions,,,,) it doesnt do harm to read certain friendships as having romantic or sexual under- or overtones
i also feel like i should mention that i only really ship lancetris and melban in separate circumstances, if that makes sense - like, i ship melban a lot harder than lancetris, so whenever i do make any ship art of them (lancetris), i think of meliodas' and ban's relationship like more of a qpr than a fully romantic one, just cuz i feel like it makes it better??? more likely??? less weird?? idk if im making much sense here, but yeah, so thats sm (i guess i also just wanted to state that to clear anything up, cuz i do know how having ship art of both lancetris and melban could come off as kinda weird to some, but idk, maybe im overthinking it ( ̄▽ ̄)")
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dedbuny · 11 months
hi :) im bunny and im a chronic maladaptive daydreamer :)
ive been doing it for about eight years now and im curious to see how many others do it too !
my (only moderately depressing) maladaptive daydreaming story/timeline is below the cut, if that interests u at all :) id love to hear urs as well in the notes !
my first memory of maladaptive daydreaming (aside from playing house and stuff as a kid) was in 2014 when i was in sixth grade. my friend and i would pretend to be certain characters throughout the whole school day, even writing the characters’ names on our schoolwork and calling each other by those names. the most common characters were always sam and dean, which is .. something . sometimes it was the 5sos members. then as the years went by the chosen characters changed depending on my hyperfixation at the time.
in grade eight i had moved on to kpop. this is the worst it gets i promise. mostly the same continued, except this year i realized something revolutionary: i could include myself in the daydream ! so i started pretending i was whatever kpop idol i was interested in on any given day’s friend, every day, for the next five to six years. this is where it became an addiction i guess.
grade nine was more of the same but with some drag race girls sprinkled in. grade ten was more of the same but with some video game characters sprinkled in. as those five to six years went by i continued daydreaming about myself and any chosen person or character i liked, except i realized one other extremely important thing: i could also just make up my own characters…..
so i did . technically the first original character i ever made was in eighth grade, named jacob. as much as i’m now trying to slowly distance myself from the maladaptive daydreaming and all the characters that were born from it, jacob really feels like my friend. they’ve evolved with me every step of the way — they’ve gone through a whole appearance change, their personality has changed, their gender and pronouns have changed, their world views have changed, all alongside my own, so it really does feel like i’ve found a lifelong friend who just gets me. and upon realizing that i’m purposefully creating my own blorbos from my mind to perfectly match my needs and wants and behave exactly like i want them to, i started feeling extremely self conscious about it all.
over the last five to six years i’ve created roughly 23 different characters, all with intertwining relationships and backstories and personalities and interests and styles. it’s been really fun actually, to be able to essentially create an entirely made-up friend group and make up their relationships with each other and watch them all grow. the issue lies in the fact that i’m spending more time imagining i’m them and/or imagining i’m with them than i am actually being in reality.
because all these characters behave in the exact ways i want them to and understand me perfectly inside and out, i’ve become much more easy to irritate. i find myself having a much shorter temper with my friends and family. my ocs know what i’m thinking and always have the perfect answer, because they are me. they know what makes me uncomfortable and avoid doing so, because they are me. they never question anything i say or challenge any of my beliefs, because they are me. in other words , uh oh .
this has all made me extremely paranoid, extremely insecure, extremely anxious and extremely depressed. it’s gotten to the point where i don’t really know who i am anymore, because i don’t really feel like i’m the one who has evolved or grown over the years. i feel like a side character to all the ocs i’ve made who are living my life for me. it feels like all my decisions are made by whoever it is i’m daydreaming as in that moment. i’ve had multiple breakdowns due to remembering that none of this world i’ve built in my head is real, and none of it ever will be. but it all feels unbelievably real. and i feel like if i ever stop i’ll be punched in the face with the consequences of letting what is essentially my imaginary friends control my life for six years.
i’ve thought it might be either evolving into or had initially stemmed from schizophrenia or ocd or did or something similar but i don’t even know anymore. right now it just seems like a combination of having autism, depression, severe anxiety, an extremely vivid imagination, and being chronically lonely.
i truly feel like i’m suffering alone here. i know there are other people who maladaptive daydream but i’ve never heard of anyone who does it like me. if anyone reading this understands what im going through i’d love to hear from you !!!!!
if u got this far into reading, thank u for hearing me out :)
love, bunny (...and jay and marcus and darius and veronica and luca and hiroki and minki and advik and hannah and hanna and nayeon and shauna and joslyn and thomas and christian and jack and claire and marion and peter and frances and oskar and felix and frederick and svante and shaelynn and heather and more)
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mj-is-writing · 2 years
happy blorbo blursday! I'd love to hear some rambles about some of your disabled characters, whoever's on your mind! as a disabled writer it always makes me so happy to see disability rep :D
Let’s GO I love talking about them! Also it’s disability pride month and talking about rep is important, so this was a great ask ❤️
So, creating the character of Trevor is very different from what I normally do. Basically, I realized that I’d never written about a wheelchair user, ever, and said “oh fuck, well that has gotta change” and committed to giving the next OC I ever worked on a wheelchair. It was a few weeks after that that a friend of mine and I started working on a story concept together, and between the two of us, I was given basically free reign over characters and concept art. So I immediately did several drawings of Trevor in his chair, did some research on reasons a person may need mobility aids, and went to my friend the next day and said “here he is.” That’s the story. That’s where he came from. And since then, he’s become one of my favorites to think about. He’s so much fun and adds a lot to the comedic tone of the story by being a very upbeat and relaxed guy in complete contrast to his nervous and frantic best friend (essentially it’s one guy who is stuck in a cosmic horror story but all of his friends think it’s a chill slice of life). He does have platform crutches, but he doesn’t use them much. He has a pet cat.
A lot of my characters are ND, like. A lot. I don’t even know where to begin listing them all. I am very emotionally attached to every OC I’ve ever had, but I will pick Joshua to talk about a bit here. He has ADHD, he exclusively wears rainbow socks, and he works in a chill little magic bookstore. He’s struggling but he is so loved by his family, his boss, his friends, and he does alright. He has magic abilities that are very unique from the other characters.
I’m still working on worldbuilding for this story, so none of the characters have names yet, but I have one WIP where a good chunk of the main cast is disabled. The protagonist is a double amputee, and one of her friends designed customs prosthetics for her. One of her friends is Hard of Hearing. Another (the protag’s platonic soulmate) is, now that I think about it, probably ADHD? I didn’t have that in mind when coming up with the character, but it would be a valid interpretation of him. He also has this… supernatural thing going on that could be compared to chronic pain and fatigue; I normally dislike the chronic illness rep only being a “curse” or a spell or something, and don’t usually write that kind of thing, but I think it works here partially because this world doesn’t shy away from accommodations and disability already, and we see evidence of that in the main cast. Were he the only one in an otherwise abled group, I probably wouldn’t write this the same. That would feel like a trope to me. (That’s not to say that magic can’t be used as a good metaphor, I’m a huge fan of how The Owl House handles Eda’s curse, I just don’t trust myself not to handle it badly.)
I mentioned for another Blorbo Blursday an unnamed character who I think I referred to as Francis for that post? He belongs here as well, being non-speaking autistic. Just thinking about the magical AAC devices that he has access to make me happy. I’m not the kind of person who wants to write a ton about hardships and struggles; disability is hard, it’s disabling (duh), but that doesn’t mean that all disabled people are living in straight up misery 24/7, and I want to include representation of people who do get the accommodations they need, who are loved and supported, who get to be heroes in both big and small ways. Francis struggles a lot. He has a lot of support needs. But he also has joy. I want the reader to always remember that he has joy.
I don’t always do the best job when it comes to representing groups I’m not a part of. I know this, because it will always be true that im not perfect. But im trying really hard, and I really care about these characters. And I hope that someday, other people will care about them too. ❤️
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mostlymaudlin · 2 years
self-recs 💫
prompt was: post your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. thank you @urban-sith @nightimedreamersworld @you-remind-me-of-the-babe for tagging me! i feel like im late so idk who has done this already but i tag @starwarned @seducing-a-vampire @otherpeoplesheartachept-2 @prettylightsbigcity @sillyunicorn
i'm only gonna do snowbaz, and also these are just in order of how recent they are bc i dont know how to rank them lol
1. Something's Gotta Give Now (T), 7k
this is my most recent snowbaz fic and i really really liked writing it. it's an au, and i don't really want to give too much away because part of what i like about this fic is the way the backstory unravels. but the gist is: baz plays a sexy, angsty vampire on a popular tv show, and simon is very bitter and very funny about it.
i did this after not writing snowbaz for a while, so i feel like i was able to return to the characters with fresh eyes and some broken bad habits. the third person is nice too -- i definitely write more cleanly in third. it's definitely not crack (which was my original intention lmfao, it's technically my crackfest entry), but im not really mad about it. i gave up on my ability to not to take it seriously about 500 words in. also, there's a second chapter that it just unhinged shit lmfao.
2. The Places We Build (T), 4k
this fic plays with the idea of: what if simon and baz decided in their first year at watford that they didn't want to hate each other? what if everything was the same, except nothing was the same, because they were friends? i like it because i feel like it has a strong heartbeat. i love to see how much of a world i can create in the least amount of words, and there's a looooot of history packed into these 4k words. very tender. very cuddly :)
3. love means slowly using losing your mind (E), 8k
this one was so fun to write. another au -- baz is a wedding planner, simon is penny/sheps best man (yes, both of them). it's loosely based on THAT scene from the movie 27 Dresses (iykyk) but it stands on its own. i like how i leaned into the setting here -- it feels like a very accessible world to me, like you could close your eyes and see the pub. and also i really just like to put my blorbos in a situation where they get drunk and have fun hahaha. as always, shit gets kind of real and snowbaz are their usual intense selves. also there's awkward car sex, which was hilarious to write.
4. Jump Up, Chosen One! (T), 8k
dude. what the FUCK was i on here..... this is perhaps the most plot-driven thing i've ever written, while also being one of the WEIRDEST things ive ever written. the premise is: simon goes off, trapping him, niall, dev, and baz in a Super Mario Bros game. and like. it's silly, yeah. but when i read back through im always like -- oh, ok, there's a lot of heart in this! good job rory! more reasons to love: lots of fun niall & dev screen time, simon solving problems thru the power of Being Determined, a tender moment that i interrupt several times by reminding you that simon and baz do indeed look like mario characters, penny solving problems thru the power of Being Clever, and a surprise tonal shift at the end lmfao. idk man. there's a lot going on here and i think it's p sweet.
5. In black ink my love may still shine bright (M), 5k
even though i hate that i used a fuckin long ass shakespeare quote as a title (lmao. like it fits and i love that sonnet but still. tacky !), this fic is great. @starwarned and i talk a lot about the power of The Slutty M-Rated Fic, and this is my best work in that regard. post-awtwb, date night -- they get ice cream and go to a bar and... shenanigans ensue. it's sweet and happy and nothing bad happens. NICE. the e-rated sequel is the first smut i ever wrote. i was so nervous about it. look at me now.... our resident blood slut LMAO.
honorable mentions, because im a dirty cheater. these probably belong in top 5 but ive been talking about them already recently so i didnt want to be repetitive.
closer to the sun (E), 6k: simpard taken seriously. investigations and road trips and finding purpose and... dragon-fucking.
Nothing Equals The Splendor (T), 52k: my longest fic! gbbo au. a labor of love.
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